Buy·Sell·Trade Birds Bird Supplies and Equipment

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Buy·Sell·Trade Birds Bird Supplies and Equipment The following list of eandangered species of birds is complete as of October 27, 1976. Only thoe birds listed are recognized by the U.S. Government as endangered and conse­ quently subject to regulation in interstate and foreign commerce. The list is published for the information of AFA members and may be used as a handy reference guide. It should be noted that species may be added to or deleted from the list in the future. Notice of such action will be published in the Watchbird. Akepa, Hawaii Loxops coccinea coccin ea peregrine (honeycreeper) Falcon, peregrine Falco peregrinus Akepa, Maui Loxops coccinea ochracea peregrinus (honeycrecper ( akepu ie)) Finches, Laysan Psi/ rirostra cantons Akialoa, Kauai Hemignathus procerus and ih oa (honeycreeper) (honeycreepers) Akiapolaau Hemignathus wilsoni Flycatcher, Petroica tra versi ultima (honeycreeper) Chatham Island Albatross, Diomedea albatrus robin hon-tailed Flycatcher, Euler's Empidonax eu/eri Bobwhite, masked Colinus virginianus (tyrant) jolmstonei (quail) ridg-.vayi Flycatcher. Grey­ Pica thartes areas Booby. Abbott's Sula abbotti neck rock-fowl Bristlebird. we tern Dasyomis brachypterus Flycatcher. Palau Rlripidura lepida (flycatcher) longirostris fantail Bristlebird, western Dasyornis broadbenti Flycatcher, Pecroica multico/or rufous (flycatcher) litwralis carlet-breasted multicolor Bulbul, Mauritius Hypsipetes borbonicus robin (tyrant) olivaceou olivaceus Flycatcher, Terpsiphone corvina Bullfinch , Sao Pyrrhula pyrrhula muria Seychelles black Miguel (finch) riycatcher, Tahiti Pomerea nigra nigra Cahow (Bermuda Chorioll·s nigriceps Flycatcher Pica thartes gymnocephalus Petrel) white-necked rock Condor. Andean Vultur gryphus fowl Condor. California Cymnogyps californian us Fody. Seychelle Foudia sechellaru m Coot. Hawaiian Fulica americana alai (Weaver-finch) BUY·SELL·TRADE Cotinga, banded Cotinga macula/a Frigate bird. Frega/a andrewsi BIRDS Cotinga, white-winged Xipholena atropurpurea Andrew's Crane. black-necked Crus nigricollis Gallinule, Callbwla chloropus BIRD SUPPLIES Crane, Cuba sandhill Crus canadensis nesiotes Hawaiian sand1•icensis AND EQUIPMENT Crane, hooded Crus monacha Goose. Aleutian Branta canadensis Crane, Japanese Crus japonensis Canada leucopareia SEED, FEED Crane. Mississippi Crus canadensis pulla Goose, Hawaiian Bran/a sandvicensis sandhill (Nene) Halfmoons Crane, Siberian white Crus leucogeranus Goshawk, Christmas Accipiter fascia/lis Crane, white-naped Crus vipio Island nata/is Cockatiels Crane. whooping Crus americana Grackle. lende r­ CaSSidix pa/ustris Lovebirds Creeper. Hawaii Loxops macula/a mana billed Grass-wren. A mytomis goyderi Parrakeets (honeycreeper) Creeper, Molokai Loxops macultaa flamm ea Eyre an (flycatcher) White Headed Nuns (Kakawahie) Grebe. titian Podilymbus gigas Green S ingers (honeycreeper) G reenshan k. Tringa gu ttifer Creeper, Oahu Loxops macula/a ordmann's Golden Breasted Waxbills (A lauwahio) ml!culata Guan, horned Oreophasis derbianus Cordon Bleu (honeycreeper) Gull, A udouin 's Larus audouinii AND MANY OTHER TYPES Crow, Hawaiian Corvus rropicus Hawk, Anjouan Accipiter francesii (A laJa) Island sparrow pusillus OF FINCHES Cuckoo-shrike, Coquus rypicus Hawk, Galapagos Buteo galapagoensis AND HOO KBI LLS Mauritius Hawk, Hawa ii an (lo) Buteo solitarius Cuckoo-shrike Coquus new toni Hermit, hook-billed Ramplroden dohmii Reunion (hummingbird) Curassow. red Crax blumenbachii H oneycreepcr, ?almeria dolei billed crested )A kohekohe) Curassow, Trinidad Pipile pipile pipile Honeyeate r, Meliphaga cassidix white-headed helmeted Curlew, Eskimo Nwnenius borealis Hornbill. he lm e ted Rlrinoplax 1·igil Dove, cloven- Drepanoptila holosericea Ibis, Japane e Nipponia nippon feathered rested Dove. Grenada Leptot ita we/lsi Kagu (rail) Rhynoclr etos jubatus Dove, Palau ground Callicolumba canifrons crested Duck, Hawaiian A nos wyvilliana Kakapo (owl parrot) Strigops habroptilus (Koloa) Kestrel, Mauritiu. Falco punctatus Duck, Lay san A nos laysanensis Kestre l, Seychelles Falco araea Duck, Mexican Anas diazi Kite. Cuba hook- Clrondrolrierax wilsonii Duck. pink-headed Rhodonessa carophyllacea billed Duck, white-winged Cairina scwulata Kite, Grenada Chondrolrierax uncina/LIS wood - hook-billed mirus Eagle. Greenland 1-faliaeetus albicilla Kite, Florida Rostrlramus sociabilis white-tailed greenlandicus Everglade (snail plumbeus Eagle, harpy Harpia harpyja kite) Eagle. money­ Pithecophaga jefferyi Kokako (Wattlebird) Callaeas cinerea 18247 East Valley Blvd. eating Macaw, glaucous A nodorlrynclws glaucus Macaw, indigo Anodorlrvnclws leari (at Y orb ita Rd.) l:.agle, Southern /Jaliaeetus leucocepha/us bald leucocephalus Macaw, Ii ttle blue Cyanopsitra spixii La Puente, CA. 91744 Eagle. Span i'h Aquila heliaca adalberti Magpie-robin, Copsyclrus sechellamm imperial Seychelles ( thru;h) 213/964-8473 Egret. Chinc~c Egrerra eulophotes ~lalkoha, red-faced Phaenicophaeus Falcon, american Falco peregrinus ana tum pyrrhocephalus peregrine Phcasan t, Palawan Poly plectron emphanum falcon, arctic ralco peregrinus /UIIdrius peacock 34 ENDANGERED SPECIES LIST Megapode, La Megapodius laperouse Pheasant, Mikado Symaticus mikado Martinique brown gutturalis Perouse's Pheasant, Sclater's Lophophorus sclateri (thrasher) Megapodc, Maleo Macrocephalon maleo mona! Tsakhlai, Khar Larus relictus Millerbird , Nihoa Acrocephalus kingi Pheasant, Swinhoe's Lophura swinhoii Turuu t (gull) (warbler) Pheasant, western Tragopan melanocephalus Wanderer, plain Pedionomus wrquatus Mitu Mitu mitu mitu tragopan Warbler (wood), Vermivora bachmanii Monarch, Tinian Monarcha takatsukasae Pheasant. white- Crossoptilon crossoptilon Bachman's tyrant (tlycatcher) eared Warbler (wood), Dendroica petechia Nukupuus, Kauai & Hemignathus lucid us Pigeon, Azores Columba palumbus azorica Barbados yellow petechia M aui (honeycreeper) wood Warlber (wood), Dendroica kirtlandii Oo, Kauai (Oo A a) Moho braceatus Pigeon, Chatham Hemiphaga novaeseelandiae Kirtland's (honeyea tcr) Island chathamensis Warble r. reed A crocephalus luscinia Ostrich, Arabian Struthio came/us Pigeon, Mindoro Ducula mindorensis Warbler, Rodrigues Bebrornis rodericanus syriacus zone-tailed Warbler, Semper's Leucopeza semperi Ostri ch, West Struthio came/us spatzi Pigeon, Puerto Columba inornata Warble r, Seychell es Bebrornis sechel/ensis African Rican plain wetmorei Whipbird, Western Psophodes nigrogularis Ou (honeycreeper) Psittirostra psittacea Piopio (Wattlebird) Turnagra capensis (thrush) Owl, A njouan scops Orus rutilus capnodes Piping-guan, black- Pipile jacutinga Whip-poor-will Caprimulgus noctitherus Pw?. go am scp J s Otus gurneyi fronted Puerto Ri can Owl, Palau Otus podargina Pitta, Koch's Pitta kochi White-eye, Ponape Rukia sanfordi Owl, Seychelles Otus insularis Prairie chicken Tympanuchus cupido great Owlet, Mrs. Otus ireneae A ttwater's greater attwateri White-eye, Seychelles Zosterops modestus Morden's Pl over, New Zealand Thinornis novaeseelandiae Woodpecker, Imperial Campephilus imperialis Palila (honey- Psittirostra bailleui Shore Woodpecker, ivory- Campephilus principalis creeper) Poo-uli Melamprosops phaeosoma billed Parakee t. Forbes' Cyanoramphus auriceps Quail, Mon tez uma Cyrtonyx montezumae Woodpecker, red- Dondrocopos borealis forbesi merriami cockaded Parakeet, gold en Aratinga guaruba Quetzel, Pharomaclrrus mocinno Woodpecker, Dryocopus jarensis Parakeet, gold en- Psephotus chrysopterygius resplendent mocinno Tristaan 's richardsi shouldered QuetzeL Pharomachrus mocinno Wren, Guadeloupe Troglodytes aedon Parakeet, Mauritius Psittacula krameri echo resplendent costaricensis house guadeloupensis ring-neck.. Rail, A ukland Rallus pecwralis Wren, New Zealand Xenicus longipes Parakeet. ochre- Pyrrhura cru entata Island muelleri bush marked Rail, California Rallus longirostris Wren. St. Lucia Troglodytes aedon Parakee t, orange- Neoplrema chrysogaster clapper obsoletus meso/eucus bellied Rail, light-footed Ra/lus longirostris Parakee t. paradise Psephotus pulcherrimus clapper /evipes Parakee t, scarlet- .Veophema splendida Never before has such a comprehensive Rail. Lord Howe Tricholimnas sy!Pestris encyclopedia been offered, chested wood Parakeet, both for the specialist Neophema pulchella Rail, Yuma clapper Rat/us longirostris and hobbyist. turquoise yumanensis Parrot. Bahaman YOUR LIBRARY IS NOT COMPLETE Amazona leucocephala Rhea. Darwin 's Pterocnemia pennata WITHOUT THIS BOOK. or Cuban Roller. long-tailed Uratelomis chimaera Parrot, ground Pezoporus wallicus ground Parrot, imperial Amazona imperialis Scrub-bird. noisy A trichornis clamosus FINCHES and Parrot. Australian Geopsittacus occidentalis Sham a, Cebu black Copsyclrus 11iger cebuensis night (thrush) Parrot, Puerto Amazona vittata Shearwater, Puffin us puffin us SOFT-BILLED Ri can Newell's Manx newel/i Parra t, red- Amazon rhodocorytha Silve reye, white- Zosterops albogularis BIRDS browrd breasted (revised edition) Parro t. red- Pionopsitta pilea ta Siskin. red Spinus cucullatus by Henry J. Bates and Robert L. Busenbark capped Sparrow, Cape A mmospiza maritima Parrot, red- Amazona pretrei pretrei Sable mirabilis spectacled Sparrow, dusky Ammospize maritima Parrot, St. Lu cia Amazona versicolor seaside nigrescens Parrot, St. Yincen t A mazorra guildingii Sparrow. Santa Meolspiza melodia Parrot, thick- Rhynchopsitta Barbara son!! grammea billed pachyrhyncha Starling, pona~pe A pion is pelzelni Parrot. vinaceous- A rna zona 11irwcea mountain breasted Starling, Leucopsar rothschildi Parrotbill, Maui Pseudorzestor xanthophrys Rothsc hild's
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