
A Comparative Study of Online and Offline

Jukka Ruohonena,∗

aDepartment of Computing, University of Turku, FI-20014 Turun yliopisto,

Abstract In early 2021 the Capitol in Washington was stormed during a and violent attack. Although the storming was merely an instance in a long sequence of events, it provided a testimony for many observers who had claimed that online actions, including the propagation of disinformation, have offline consequences. Soon after, a number of papers have been published about the relation between online disinformation and offline violence, among other related relations. Hitherto, the effects upon political protests have been unexplored. This paper thus evaluates such effects with a time series cross-sectional sample of 125 countries in a period between 2000 and 2019. The results are mixed. Based on Bayesian multi-level regression modeling, (i) there indeed is an effect between online disinformation and offline protests, but the effect is partially meditated by . The results are clearer in a sample of countries belonging to the European Economic Area. With this sample, (ii) offline counts increase from online disinformation disseminated by domestic governments, political parties, and politicians as well as by foreign governments. Furthermore, (iii) shutdowns and governmental monitoring of social tend to decrease the counts. With these results, the paper contributes to the blossoming disinformation research by modeling the impact of disinformation upon offline phenomenon. The contribution is important due to the various policy measures planned or already enacted. Keywords: , , fake , Internet filtering, multi-level regression, comparative research

1. Introduction It has been widely observed that the Internet and increase political activity due to the ease of exchang- Recently, Piazza(2021) published an intriguing study ing information and recruiting new members for a common on the relationship between online disinformation and do- cause, emotional and motivational appeals, strengthen- mestic . According to his result, disinformation ing of group identities, agenda-setting and empowerment, spread by governmental actors and political parties con- and related factors (Bernnan 2018; Brunsting and Postmes tributes to domestic terrorism but the effect is mediated 2002; Jost et al. 2018; Schumann 2015, pp. 22–36; Willnat by political polarization and tribalism within countries. et al. 2013). The perhaps most often cited example is the Rather similar results were recently obtained also by Gal- in the during which social media was lacher et al.(2021) according to whom discussions in social successfully exploited for uprisings and other political pur- media between opposing groups are associated with offline poses. According to empirical results, indeed, coordinated physical violence. A relation has been also found between posts in social media increased the volume of protests the online hate speech and offline hate crimes (Williams et al. next day (Steinert-Threlkeld et al. 2015). Though, para- 2020). Closer to the present study, Kirkizh and Koltsova doxically, despite all the bells and whistles, there are also (2021) further found that exposure to online news is pos- studies indicating that maintaining social media presence itively associated with participation in political demon- may decrease political participation (Theocharis and Lowe arXiv:2106.11000v2 [cs.CY] 29 Jun 2021 strations, including particularly in authoritarian countries. 2016). In terms of social movements, keeping an online Even closer to the present paper, Arayankalam and Kr- movement alive for offline action is always a challenge (Bu ishna(2021) showed that disinformation spread by foreign 2017). According to skeptical viewpoints, the weak ties actors is associated with physical violence. While there is of online engagement lack power and seldom lead to new thus a solid foundation for the present work, thus far, the political possibilities (Unver 2017). If nothing else, these relation between online disinformation and offline politi- critical results and skeptical viewpoints serve to underline cal protests has not been explored. This gap in existing that much still remains unknown about online and research is surprising already due to the studies exploring their relation to offline activities. the relation of online phenomena to violence, which is a The same applies to disinformation research (Guess and much stronger presumption than a mere political protest. Lyons 2020). Here, too, again, the Arab Spring serves as an important but sombre historical milestone. The early ∗Corresponding author. enthusiasm about the Internet’s democratizing power soon Email address: [email protected] (Jukka Ruohonen) after changed into a disillusionment. First came ISIS, then

Preprint submitted to Elsevier June 30, 2021 came , and later came the 2016 and 2020 presidential to involve intentional propagation of information that is elections in the United States.1 All four examples are also known to be false or misleading in order to reach specific important landmarks of disinformation and its research. goals. Here, intention is the keyword; disinformation is a As is soon further discussed in Section2, the examples weapon particularly in the hands of governmental bodies also underline a state-centric viewpoint to disinformation; and political actors. But, then, so is propaganda, which, ISIS was skillful with propaganda, as was with its however, can be conceptually separated from disinforma- alleged foreign election interference in the United States tion because propaganda may also deliver information that and elsewhere. Also other actors—from political parties is true. While keeping these points in mind, the dataset to charlatans—quickly learned how the online disinforma- used defines disinformation simply as “misleading view- tion game is played in the current algorithmically curated points or false information.” Given that this simple char- and platform-dominated information ecosystems (Brad- acterization may also refer to misinformation, propaganda, shaw 2020). Given this brief motivating introduction, the or something else, the choice to prefer the term disinfor- paper examines the following hypothesis: mation is somewhat misleading but can be justified on the grounds that the theoretical hypothesis presumes an inten- A hypothesis: online disinformation dissem- tion to provoke offline political protests. For any empirical inated by governments, political parties, and purposes, the choice of a term does not matter, however. politicians, whether to domestic or foreign audi- Furthermore, the term disinformation should be, in ences, is associated with offline political protests, the present context, prefixed with the term state-centric. either decreasing or increasing the frequency of There are three reasons for this additional qualifying term, these, possibly via mediation with other political which generally refers to actions and policies of states in a phenomena such as political polarization. contrast to actions and policies of other actors, including private sector actors, international but not multilateral or- For examining the hypothesis, the paper proceeds in a ganizations, non-governmental organizations, and related straightforward manner. To further sharpen the hypothe- actors operating in the online environment. The first rea- sis, the paper’s framing is first elaborated in more detail in son is practical; the dataset used specifically includes only Section2. Thereafter, the research design is discussed in variables on disinformation that is disseminated by ac- Section3, the empirical results are presented in Section4, tors explicitly tied to countries’ political systems. This and the conclusion follow in the final Section5. framing aligns with other recent studies that have exam- ined counter-propaganda efforts by state-affiliated organi- 2. Framing zations (Ruohonen 2021a). The second reason originates from the comparative research approach pursued; here, the The online and offline realms increasingly intervene, term state-centric is often used to distinguish research op- and this poses major challenges to democracy and civil erating with inter-state relations in a contrast to multi- rights (Ruohonen 2021b; Unver 2017). Disinformation is level or global perspectives (Ebbinghaus 1998). The third among these challenges. In the past—not so long ago, a and final reason relates to the dependent variable. As is propagandist eager to spread disinformation had to have soon clarified in Section 3.2, the disinformation variables a to publish books containing false informa- are regressed against a variable that measures protests tion, an airplane from which to drop leaflets, or a televi- against a state or its policies. Together, these terminolog- sion channel via which disinformation could be broadcast ical clarifications also sharpen the underlying hypothesis. to masses. But those days are long gone. The Internet and The disinformation and propaganda disseminated by its make propagation of disinformation easy. ISIS and Russia have had one thing common; the primary A few words must be written about terminology, which (but not the only) target has been Western democracies, is still debated in academia and elsewhere (Chora´saet al. and the intention has been to deepen the existing soci- 2021; Guess and Lyons 2020; Horne 2021). There is a etal cleavages and sabotage the internal cohesion within good reason for these debates; it is difficult to make de- Western countries by exploiting weaknesses in the cur- marcations between disinformation, misinformation, pro- rent engagement economy and conducting violent offline paganda, , , conspiracy theories, , attacks, whether via terrorism or assassinations (Rosen- memes, deep fakes, and whatever else the Internet and blatt et al. 2019; Sultan 2019; Hamilton 2019; Kalniete its subcultures continuously invent—together with intelli- and Pildegovi˘cs 2021; Zhang et al. 2021). Hate is a pow- gence agencies and other governmental bodies. Neverthe- erful method, whether in the hands of Muslim minorities less, to make at least some sense out of the terminological or right-wing extremists. confusion, misinformation can be defined as an uninten- To reach the goals, which, as said, are a distinct trait of tional adaption or dissemination of false or inaccurate in- disinformation, time and sufficient resources are needed. formation; conspiracy theories and related phenomena be- In a sense, one still metaphorically needs the printing long to this category. Disinformation, in turn, can be seen press, the airplane, or the channel; to exploit societal weaknesses, one needs to be well-educated. The 1 Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIS). same applies when the goal of the exploitation is to pro- 2 voke political protests in foreign countries. Education, outdoors for a state-level labor policy instead of protest- staffing, and resources are thus another factor separating ing against a company or an employer association. Finally, state-centric disinformation from other false information (e) armed resistance and rebel groups are excluded. All in propagated by laymen. Though: if the online and offline all, the dependent variable thus measures conventional po- realms intervene, so do the old logic and the new logic litical protests against a state or the policies it has enacted of media; many national disinformation outlets, some of or is about to enact. As for operationalization, the indi- which are linked to foreign disinformation organizations, vidual protests reported in the dataset were aggregated rely on national media for their criticism and distortion of into annual counts. As can be seen from the outer bean- narratives (Toivanen et al. 2021). For building such disin- plot in Fig.1, and the inner histogram and density plot, formation outlets, nevertheless, time is needed even when the result is a typical count data variable; there are many the result would be amateurish due to lack of education. country-year pairs with no protests but the distribution Time is important also methodologically; many of the has a long right tail. studies exploring the online-offline nexus have relied on cross-sectional data or survey snapshots, although a longi- 140 t = 20 Mean = 3.6 tudinal focus too is necessary. Finally, time, resources, and n = 125 Median = 1 skill are needed also by political parties and politicians who 120 Zeros = 34% 0.10 rely on false information in order to reach political goals 2000 100 0.08 via the emotionally driven information ecosystems (Ruo- 1500 0.06 80 honen 2020). To conclude: the framing described aligns 1000 0.04 Density Frequency with the longitudinal cross-country analysis pursued. The Protests 60 500 0.02 design for the analysis is thus subsequently elaborated. 0 0.00 40 0 50 100 150 0 50 100 150 20 Protests Protests 3. Research Design 0 3.1. Data Three datasets are used for the empirical analysis. Figure 1: The Dependent Variable: Protest Counts The first is the mass protest dataset assembled by Clark and Regan(2016b). It provides the dependent vari- able for the analysis. The primary independent variables 3.3. Independent Variables for disinformation are based on the celebrated V-Dem The primary independent variables are obviously related dataset (Coppedge et al. 2021b). Also the secondary in- to disinformation. There are five variables in the V-Dem dependent variables come from the same dataset. Finally, dataset for disinformation.2 All of these have been used two control variables were retrieved from ’s in recent research (Arayankalam and Krishna 2021; Piazza (2021a; 2021b) online data portal. The datasets were 2021), and all of these are used also in the present work. merged by including only those countries that were present The first two measure whether and how often a govern- in all datasets with no missing values. Although merging ment, its agencies, and agents working on its behalf dis- reduced the number of countries—from 162 in the protest seminate disinformation on social media for domestic and dataset to n = 125 in the sample used, the absence of foreign audiences. These two variables on governmental missing values outweigh the reduction and the use of in- disinformation dissemination are ideal for examining the terpolation techniques. It is also worth noting that, for a state-centric viewpoint. Although neither variable consid- reason or another, the protest dataset misses the United ers the context and content of the disinformation spread, States, which is a clear limitation in the present disinfor- the distinction between domestic and foreign audiences mation context. Given that there are t = 20 years for each aligns with war propaganda, which is often exported to for- country, covering a period from 2000 to 2019, the sample eign consumption and designed for domestic audiences in size is still more than sufficient for statistical analysis. order to counter war weariness and related concerns (Ruo- honen 2021a). Certainly, disinformation is propagated on- 3.2. Dependent Variable line also by numerous other non-governmental entities; for- The protest variable measures a gathering of at least tunately, therefore, V-Dem provides also analogous two fifty people who oppose a state or its policy in a given variables regarding the frequency of disinformation dis- country. As clarified by Clark and Regan(2016a), the tributed to domestic and foreign audiences by major polit- variable excludes (a) protests opposing a foreign state or ical parties and political candidates. Again, the distinction a group of states as well as (b) demonstrations with non- between domestic and foreign audiences is important be- state targets, including socioeconomic, religious, or other cause political parties in one country may disseminate false groups protesting rival groups—even when these have re- quired intervention from police forces. Moreover, (d) in- 2 The names of the original variables are: v2smgovdom, v2smgovab, dustrial action only counts as a protest if people protest v2smpardom, v2smparab, and v2smfordom. 3 information to another country (Ruohonen 2020). The In- 2021a, p. 224).3 Although the United States is not present ternet makes such dissemination easy. The fifth variable is in the sample used, the country is currently the best known about imported disinformation; whether a foreign govern- example of such society-wide political polarization. ment and its lackeys have targeted a given country with their exported disinformation. Needless to say, the alleged 3.4. Control variables election interference by Russia and other countries pro- Four control variables are used: a change in a country’s vides a solid rationale also for this variable. governing regime type, the presence and consumption of national online media, a country’s gross domestic product (GDP) in current prices (World Bank 2021a), and the total Six independent variables are included for capturing the population in a country (World Bank 2021b). The last two policy-side. A few examples are in order to contextual- control variables were used also by Piazza(2021). ize this side. Although heavily criticized (Schulz 2020), The first control variable is a re-coded dummy variable the (NetzDG) in is a indicating whether a country’s past regime changed for good example of legislative attempts to filter online hate any reason in a given year, whether due to a loss in a war, speech. Likewise, in 2018, a comparable law was passed in a coup d’´etat, an assassination, a popular uprising, a civil France; it allows public authorities to remove fake infor- war, a process, a foreign interference, or mation or even block sites that publish such content (Na- something analogous (Coppedge et al. 2021a, p. 134). If gasako 2020). In addition to these national laws, the Eu- the current regime is still in place, the dummy variable ropean Union has been actively enacting different legisla- takes a value zero. Although the dummy variable is in- tive measures and informal codes of conduct, including cluded only as a control variable, such that no theoretical for disinformation and hate speech (for a good summary interpretation is provided for its potential statistical effect, see Buiten et al. 2020; for up-to-date briefing see (Pataki there is still a rationale for its inclusion; it is highly prob- et al. 2021)). On the side of even more drastic measures, able that a regime change leads to protests and increased particularly authoritarian countries in conflict zones have political activity both online and offline. The final control increasingly resorted to Internet shutdowns; among the variable is the existence of national online media and its 4 memorable historical examples was the 2011 shutdown of consumption by domestic audiences. the Internet in in the face of the Arab Spring up- risings (Arnaudo et al. 2013). Thus, there is well-founded 3.5. Methods rationale to consider also the policy-side variables. The dependent variable represents the count of protests in a given country in a given year. Given that no protests occurred in about one-third of the country-year pairs, a conventional zero-inflated Poisson model is used for sta- The six variables are: (1) the capacity of a government tistical estimation of the protest counts. In general, the to filter online content; (2) governmental filtering of online model is a standard Poisson regression that additionally content in practice; (3) the capacity of a government to takes into account the overdispersion caused by the zeros. shutdown national parts of the Internet; (4) governmental Unlike Arayankalam and Krishna(2021), who only con- alternatives to global social media platforms; (5) govern- sider cross-sectional estimates in a single year, the estima- mental monitoring of social media; and (6) regulation of tion is carried in a time series cross-sectional (TSCS) con- online content (Coppedge et al. 2021a, pp. 317–320). All text, which is a natural choice due to the underlying panel variables are standardized akin to z-values; a value zero data. The TSCS context offers some clear benefits. Among approximates the mean of all country-year pairs in the these is the sample size; in total, n × t = 20 × 125 = 2500 V-Dem dataset. The higher a value, the higher the capac- observations are present. Another benefit is the possi- ity or the measures taken. Therefore, the expectation is bility to evaluate and control the longitudinal dynamics that the coefficients for these variables have negative signs, together with the cross-sectional dimension. There are decreasing the amount of offline protests in a given coun- also specific statistical estimators that take the longitu- try in a given year. Finally, to align the present work with dinal dimensions into account (Arellano and Bond 1991). Piazza’s (2021) paper, an independent variable is included Instead of considering such dynamic estimators, however, for political polarization. Unlike measures and conceptu- the model specifications are kept as simple as possible due alizations based on political parties and national party sys- to the large number of variables; the estimation is car- tems (Lauka et al. 2018; Sartori 1976), the political polar- ried out with so-called random effects models in which ization variable in the V-Dem dataset is a composite vari- able measuring “the extent to which political differences affect social relationships beyond political discussions,” 3 The names of variables in the V-Dem such that in polarized societies “supporters of opposing dataset are: v2smgovfilcap, v2smgovfilprc, v2smgovshutcap, political camps are reluctant to engage in friendly interac- v2smgovsmalt, v2smgovsmmon, v2smregcon, and v2cacamps, in the or- der of listing. tions, for example, in family functions, civic associations, 4 The two control variables are named v2smonex and their free time activities and workplaces” (Coppedge et al. v2regendtype in the V-Dem dataset, respectively. 4 the cross-sectional and annual effects are modeled with 2020; Ruohonen 2021a). The coefficients are also relatively varying intercepts. In other words, there are intercepts large in magnitude for all disinformation variables in the for both countries and years, and these are modeled as third model for the EEC sample. The discrepancy between random variables. This simple specification is well-known the two samples becomes more evident when looking at the and well-documented (Wooldridge 2010). As the interest conditional effects shown in Figs.2 and3. As can be seen, is only to control and not interpret the annual and cross- the effects in the EEC sample are indeed forceful. sectional effects, the random effects model is preferable— Second, similar mixed results are present for the policy insofar as the effects are statistically relevant (Antonakis variables. In the full sample the coefficients have negative et al. 2019). As for computation, Bayesian estimation is signs for the variables on the government Internet shut- used with the brms package (B¨urkner 2017), which pro- down capacity. The negative effects are also large when vides a user friendly R interface for the Stan machinery. compared to rest of the policy variables (see Fig.2). These Three models are estimated. The first includes the five observations can be tentatively interpreted to imply that governmental disinformation variables; the second the two such measures are effective in decreasing offline protests. party disinformation variables; and the third all of the vari- Note, however, that the scale in the V-dem dataset is re- ables. The four control variables are included in all models. versed for the governmental filtering capacity and practice; Following the arguments that comparative research should for the latter, higher scores imply almost the absence of fil- focus on different regimes, alliances, and unions of coun- tering. The same applies for the social media monitoring; tries (Ebbinghaus 1998), the models are further recom- higher values imply less of online political con- puted with a subset of 26 countries belonging to the Euro- tent Similar observations can be made from the EEC es- pean Economic Area (EEC). This additional computation timates, although with this sample the conditional effects provides a good re-check of the results because the EEC are small (see Fig.3). Nevertheless—given the somewhat region is well-defined instead of being a pseudo-random mixed results, a possible interpretation again is that Net- sample of countries in the world. Finally, interactions be- zDG and related measures may also reduce offline protests. tween the variables are briefly considered, as in previous As such, monitoring of social media is also the least intru- research (Piazza 2021; Arayankalam and Krishna 2021), sive measure from the six variables considered; it may be but these are described later alongside the analysis. that a certain deterrence effect is present. Last but not least, there is a substantial positive effect of 4. Results political polarization upon the protest counts. The result is hardly surprising as such; the more there is polarization, The multi-level regression results are summarized Ta- the more there are protests—the logic is sound. But what bles1 and2. These can be disseminated with three points. remains unclear is whether polarization further mediates Before proceeding, it is worth remarking that the standard the effects of the disinformation variables particularly in deviations are fairly large for both the annual and the the full sample. This is the argument recently put forward cross-sectional random effects. The model specification by Piazza(2021) with respect to offline violence. To exam- thus seems adequate in this regard. The cross-sectional ine such meditation, explicit interactions are cumbersome variances are also larger than the annual variances. The to implement because there are five disinformation vari- overdispersion parameters too are clearly non-zero. ables. Thus, a simple computational experiment was car- First, a surprise is immediately present; in all three mod- ried out instead by estimating the third model (excluding els, all of the coefficients for the governmental disinforma- the regime change dummy variable) in subsamples divided tion variables have negative signs in the full sample con- by the median of the polarization variable. taining all n = 125 countries. The same applies for the The results from the sample split are shown in Ta- two party disinformation variables, which, however, have ble3. When looking at the coefficients and their signs, coefficients with positive signs in the third model. The there indeed exist differences in terms of the disinforma- magnitudes of the coefficients for the disinformation vari- tion variables. In the split full sample relatively large co- ables are also relatively modest. In contrast, in the EEC efficient magnitudes are present in the low polarization sample all of the disinformation variables align with prior regime within which governmental disinformation to do- expectations; in the third full model, for instance, positive mestic audiences and foreign government disinformation signs are present for coefficients measuring governmental have coefficients with positive signs. The opposite holds propagation of disinformation to domestic audiences, dis- in the high polarization regime. Thus, the results are still information spread by foreign governments, and domestic difficult to interpret for the full sample. In the EEC sam- disinformation disseminated by political parties and ma- ple, however, the previously noted results seem to refer to jor political figures. Negative signs, in turn, are present countries in the high polarization regime.5 For these coun- for disinformation exported to foreign audiences, whether done by governmental bodies or political parties. While 5 it is difficult to interpret these negative effects upon the High polarization countries in the EEC sample include , France, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Spain, Bulgaria, Croatia, protest counts, counter-disinformation by national security Cyprus, Estonia, Finland, Greece, Luxembourg, , Slovenia, organizations may offer a partial explanation (cf. Nakissa and Hungary. 5 Table 1: Regression Results: Full Sample (20 year, 125 countries) Model 1. Model 2. Model 3. 95% CI 95% CI 95% CI Coef. lower upper Coef. lower upper Coef. lower upper Intercept −2.59 −4.69 −0.43 −2.69 −4.83 −0.53 −2.91 −4.92 −0.88 Gov. disinformation: domestic −0.17 −0.26 −0.09 −0.10 −0.19 0.00 Gov. disinformation: abroad −0.11 −0.21 −0.01 −0.10 −0.21 0.02 Foreign gov. disinformation −0.07 −0.16 0.02 −0.07 −0.16 0.02 Party disinformation: domestic −0.13 −0.21 −0.05 0.02 −0.07 0.10 Party disinformation: abroad −0.10 −0.18 0.00 0.06 −0.05 0.16 Gov. filtering capacity 0.10 0.00 0.20 Gov. filtering practice 0.05 −0.05 0.15 Gov. shutdown capacity −0.18 −0.28 −0.07 Gov. social media alternatives 0.03 −0.10 0.16 Gov. social media monitoring −0.20 −0.29 −0.10 Regulation of online content 0.09 −0.01 0.19 Political polarization 0.16 0.11 0.21 National online media 0.01 −0.05 0.07 0.01 −0.05 0.07 −0.02 −0.08 0.05 Regime change −0.03 −0.13 0.06 −0.01 −0.11 0.08 0.01 −0.09 0.11 ln(population) 0.35 0.23 0.48 0.35 0.23 0.47 0.36 0.24 0.48 ln(GDP per capita) −0.25 −0.33 −0.16 −0.24 −0.32 −0.16 −0.23 −0.31 −0.14 Std. dev. years (intercepts) 0.29 0.20 0.42 0.29 0.20 0.43 0.27 0.18 0.39 Std. dev. countries (intercepts) 1.07 0.91 1.24 1.00 0.86 1.16 0.99 0.84 1.17

Table 2: Regression Results: EEC Sample (20 year, 26 countries) Model 1. Model 2. Model 3. 95% CI 95% CI 95% CI Coef. lower upper Coef. lower upper Coef. lower upper Intercept −4.87 −14.05 3.25 −4.33 −12.22 2.87 −2.55 −14.12 7.75 Gov. disinformation: domestic 0.13 −0.06 0.32 0.47 0.17 0.76 Gov. disinformation: abroad −0.74 −1.04 −0.43 −0.61 −0.99 −0.21 Foreign gov. disinformation 0.38 0.18 0.59 0.61 0.34 0.88 Party disinformation: domestic 0.07 −0.11 0.25 0.61 0.34 0.88 Party disinformation: abroad −0.80 −1.06 −0.56 −0.62 −0.96 −0.28 Gov. filtering capacity 0.12 −0.34 0.59 Gov. filtering practice −0.51 −0.94 −0.06 Gov. shutdown capacity −0.05 −0.56 0.48 Gov. social media alternatives 0.69 0.19 1.22 Gov. social media monitoring −0.38 −0.65 −0.10 Regulation of online content −0.38 −0.65 −0.10 Political polarization 0.49 0.28 0.71 National online media 0.48 0.30 0.65 0.35 0.17 0.52 0.33 0.12 0.53 Regime change −0.28 −3.65 3.10 −1.08 −3.94 1.79 −2.15 −6.52 2.15 ln(population) 0.47 0.00 1.00 0.59 0.19 1.05 0.45 −0.16 1.14 ln(GDP per capita) −0.15 −0.45 0.15 −0.36 −0.66 −0.07 −0.28 −0.60 0.03 Std. dev. years (intercepts) 0.34 0.23 0.50 0.35 0.23 0.51 0.27 0.18 0.40 Std. dev. countries (intercepts) 1.63 1.15 2.28 0.35 0.23 0.51 2.07 1.42 3.06

6 (1) (2) (3) (4) 6 6 6 6

5 5 5 5

4 4 4 4

3 3 3 3 Protests Protests Protests Protests 2 2 2 2

1 1 1 1

0 0 0 0

−3 −2 −1 0 1 2 3 −3 −2 −1 0 1 2 −3 −2 −1 0 1 2 3 −3 −2 −1 0 1 2 3

Gov. disinformation: domestic Gov. disinformation: abroad Foreign gov. disinformation Party disinformation: domestic

(5) (6) (7) (8) 6 6 6 6

5 5 5 5

4 4 4 4

3 3 3 3 Protests Protests Protests Protests 2 2 2 2

1 1 1 1

0 0 0 0

−3 −2 −1 0 1 2 3 −3 −2 −1 0 1 2 3 −4 −3 −2 −1 0 1 2 −3 −2 −1 0 1 2

Party disinformation: abroad Gov. filtering capacity Gov. filtering practice Gov. shutdown capacity

(9) (10) (11) (12) 6 6 6 6

5 5 5 5

4 4 4 4

3 3 3 3 Protests Protests Protests Protests 2 2 2 2

1 1 1 1

0 0 0 0

−3 −2 −1 0 1 2 −3 −2 −1 0 1 2 −3 −2 −1 0 1 2 −2 0 2 4

Gov. social media alternatives Gov. social media monitoring Regulation of online content Political polarization

Figure 2: Conditional Effects: full sample (Model 3, excluding control variables and random effects, 95% CIs)

7 (1) (2) (3) (4) 10 10 10 10

8 8 8 8

6 6 6 6

Protests 4 Protests 4 Protests 4 Protests 4

2 2 2 2

0 0 0 0

−1 0 1 2 3 −1 0 1 2 −3 −2 −1 0 1 2 3 −1 0 1 2 3

Gov. disinformation: domestic Gov. disinformation: abroad Foreign gov. disinformation Party disinformation: domestic

(5) (6) (7) (8) 10 10 10 10

8 8 8 8

6 6 6 6

Protests 4 Protests 4 Protests 4 Protests 4

2 2 2 2

0 0 0 0

−1 0 1 2 3 −2.0 −1.0 0.0 1.0 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 −3 −2 −1 0 1 2

Party disinformation: abroad Gov. filtering capacity Gov. filtering practice Gov. shutdown capacity

(9) (10) (11) (12) 10 10 10 10

8 8 8 8

6 6 6 6

Protests 4 Protests 4 Protests 4 Protests 4

2 2 2 2

0 0 0 0

0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 1.0 1.4 1.8 2.2 −3 −2 −1 0 1 2 3

Gov. social media alternatives Gov. social media monitoring Regulation of online content Political polarization

Figure 3: Conditional Effects: EEC sample (Model 3, excluding control variables and random effects, 95% CIs)

8 Table 3: Regression Results in Two Polarization Regimes (coefficients) Full Sample EEC Sample Low polar. High polar. Low polar. High polar. Intercept −0.98 −4.84 1.79 −18.46 Gov. disinformation: domestic 0.41 −0.35 −0.14 0.24 Gov. disinformation: abroad −0.47 0.04 0.58 −0.48 Foreign gov. disinformation 0.53 −0.28 < 0.01 0.53 Party disinformation: domestic −0.47 0.16 −1.25 0.48 Party disinformation: abroad 0.51 −0.29 −1.06 −0.98 Gov. filtering capacity −0.06 0.15 0.15 −0.69 Gov. filtering practice −0.18 0.17 0.68 0.07 Gov. shutdown capacity −0.95 −0.03 0.32 0.82 Gov. social media alternatives 0.29 −0.04 −0.65 0.55 Gov. social media monitoring −0.60 −0.07 −0.21 −0.38 Regulation of online content −0.71 0.36 −0.25 −0.45 National online media 0.16 −0.03 −0.11 −0.01 ln(population) 0.26 0.46 0.57 0.88 ln(GDP per capita) −0.23 −0.20 −0.59 0.67 Std. dev. years (intercepts) 0.21 0.26 0.57 0.47 Std. dev. countries (intercepts) 1.83 0.99 2.40 2.10 tries, disinformation disseminated to domestic audiences, shutting down the Internet obviously decreases protests. whether by governments, political parties, or politicians, Social media monitoring, on the other hand, may have a tends to increase the protest counts. All in all, it can be deterrence effect upon the planning and coordination ac- concluded that polarization indeed seem to meditate the tivities. The effects are mixed in this regard, however. In effects of disinformation on protests, although this proxy the full sample there is a large negative effect upon the effect is neither straightforward to model nor to interpret. protest counts, but due to the scale of the variable, the result means that less social media monitoring decreases protest counts. In the EEC sample a similar strong ef- 5. Conclusion fect is absent. Also previous results have been rather This paper evaluated the effect of online disinformation mixed (Mercea 2011). In other words, online surveillance and other digital phenomena upon offline political protests may either increase or decrease participation particularly in a time-series cross-sectional sample of 125 countries be- in high-risk offline protests. More generally, according to tween 2000 and 2019. Based Bayesian multi-level regres- Fuchs(2018), disinformation, hate speech, , surveil- sion analysis, the hypothesis contested holds; there is a lance, and related online phenomena also constitute one statistical relation between disinformation and protests. dimension that is shaping the current political activity However, in the full sample this relation only becomes vis- on the traditional left-right dictum. Protesting against ible once political polarization is taken into account; po- surveillance is protesting like any other protesting. larization itself has a strong tendency to increase protests A potential factor explaining the diverging results be- no matter the sample used. In contrast, the results are tween the two samples is rooted in the so-called digital clearer, aligning with prior expectations in the sample of divide, which has long been used to describe societal as- EEC countries; disinformation propagated by local govern- pects of information technology between developing and ments and foreign governments tends to increase protests. developed countries (Rogers 2001). There are no partic- Though, a proxy effect with political polarization seems to ular reasons to suspect that disinformation and its tenets be again present; these effects apply particularly to coun- would be different in this regard. Indeed, the mixed re- tries experiencing high levels of polarization. While the sults can be interpreted also to reflect the existing Western hypothesis holds, the interpretation is not straightforward. and English language biases in disinformation and related As for the other independent variables, a government’s “fake news research” (Righetti 2021). 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