1 Bibliography of First-Person Narratives of Madness in English (5th edition) This Bibliography is in four sections: (1) personal accounts of madness written by survivors themselves; (2) narratives written by family members; (3) anthologies and critical analyses of the madness narrative genre; and (4) websites featuring oral histories and other first- person perspectives on madness. Last revised in December 2011 with assistance from Jenna Medaris, Mona Haddad, and Cheryl McGraw. Please send corrections, comments or inquiries to: Gail A. Hornstein Professor of Psychology Mount Holyoke College South Hadley, MA 01075 USA
[email protected] Please send suggested additions for the next revision to
[email protected] Personal Accounts of Madness by Survivors Themselves A Late Inmate of the Glasgow Royal Asylum for Lunatics at Gartnavel [James Frame]. The Philosophy of Insanity. London: Fireside Press, 1947 (orig. pub. 1860). Abrams, Albert. Transactions of the Antiseptic Club. New York: E.B. Treat, 1895. Adams, Brian. The Pits and the Pendulum: A Life with Bipolar Disorder. London: Jessica Kingsley, 2003. Adams, J. K. Secrets of the Trade: Notes on Madness, Creativity and Ideology. New York: Viking, 1971. Adams, Keith. Broken Whole: A California Tale of Craziness, Creativity and Chaos. London: Chipmunka Publishing, 2010. Adler, George J. Letters of a Lunatic: A Brief Exposition of My University Life during the Years 1853-1854. New York: The Author, 1854. Agnew, Anna. From Under a Cloud; or, Personal Reminiscences of Insanity. Cincinnati: Robert Clarke, 1886. Aldrin, Edwin E. “Buzz,” Jr. (with Wayne Warga). Back to Earth. New York: Random House, 1973. ----- (with Ken Anderson).