Penhow Council [email protected]

Minutes of meeting held on Wednesday, 14th August 2019

Present at the meeting on Wednesday, 14th August 2019 were: Chair: John Wagstaff Councillors: Viv Batchelor Keith Jones Graham Pollard Anne Underwood Michael Weekes

Clerk: Nicola Sutherland [email protected]

1. Apologies – Beryl Morgan, Bob Shepherd

2. Previous Minutes – To approve the minutes from meeting held on the 3rd July 2019. Proposed by Michael Weekes and seconded by Graham Pollard

3. Matters Arising • Cold calling posters have been printed. Initially 50 printed. 150 further posters printed. Total cost of £95.00. These have been distributed by Councillors and are also available in the village shop. • Noticeboards. Chair will identify potential designs and send options out to councillors for decisions to be made. • NCC cleaned the road gutters at the end of July. They were unable to clean where cars were parked on the highway. Query raised about responsibility of NCC and PCC with regards to road and hedge maintenance. Clerk to seek clarification. Clerk to raise concerns about maintenance with NCC using the online query raising system. • Signs for the park have been purchased and are ready for installation. • No parking signs for the area outside St John’s Hall – planning permission and agreement with Hall Committee clarification to be sought by clerk. • Sycamore tree in the park. No action required for the tree. Note to be sent to the resident with regards to this. • Maintenance of play equipment contract. Chair to seek quotes for this contract. • Request for support for churchyard maintenance from St John’s Church. Agreement to provide £250.00 grant. • Thank you letters have been sent as agreed. • Declaration of interest procedure clarified.

4. Public Participation • Layby on Arcade Road. PCC will continue to push this issue with NCC. • Garden waste bin was not emptied for a resident of Meadowlands Close. Clarification of ‘contaminated material’ from NCC to be sought. • Police to be contacted about concerns raised by residents about lights and groups of people using the field in the dark throughout the night.

5. Ward Councillor Matters No ward councillors present. PCC would like to see a ward councillor at a meeting.

6. Councillor Areas of Responsibility Matters Updates (i) Community Liaison - Bob Shepherd • Hall – Quiz was held in July. Hall bookings are at a good level with some use of the hall every day. Weekends often have availability so, if an idea for an event comes up please suggest the hall. • Community First – Always looking for more people to help out with the running of the magazine. (ii) Green Spaces – Michael Weekes • Wild flower area – this area has been thoroughly enjoyed by all. PCC and NCC worked together to provide this area. This area will be managed throughout the whole growing cycle. As the area dies back it will be managed appropriately. • Japanese Knotweed – this area is being managed and the knotweed is now under control. (iii) Highways, Bye-ways, Public Rights of Way and Access to the Forest- Anne Underwood • Layby on Arcade Road. Once the query PCC have raised reaches 12 months (following Sept meeting), a follow up will be sent to the Chief Exec. (iv) Mentor – Beryl Morgan (v) Penhow Guide – Community Council • Councillors to edit this document. A new guide will then be created. (vi) Recreation Grounds and Street Furnishings -John Wagstaff, Keith Jones, Graham Pollard • Replacement of noticeboards – see item 3. • Maintenance contract for children’s play area – see item 3. • Replacement bins – two for the park and two for the play area to be ordered and installed.

7. Village Matters (i) PCC annual donation for St John’s Church – see item 3. (ii) No cold calling posters – see item 3.

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8. Planning Applications (New) No new applications

9. Planning Application (Updates) (i) 1 Greenmeadow Drive – refused by NCC (ii) Councillors note that application for an agricultural building at Parc Cottage has been submitted.

10. Accounts & Financial Matters (i) Balances - £19391.10 (ii) Confirm payments made: • £55.00 wasp nest removal • £40.00 printing of No Cold Calling flyers • £172.80 RoSPA play safety check • £55.00 printing of No Cold Calling flyers (2nd batch) • £117.60 signs for park (iii) Agree payments: • Planter and Tidy Team resources £32.23 ~ Viv Batchelor

(iv) Budget plan 2019-20 – spending for 2019-20 development of park to include play area, new bins and a walking track. V Batchelor will audit bins. Wild flower seeds £200 to be included in plan. (v) Payroll services will be employed for salary commitments.

11. A.O.B • NCC notices requesting resident improvements – several notices have been sent by NCC to residents. PCC will continue to work with residents with regards to hedges. A letter will be sent to NCC highlighting PCC concerns. • Joint Party in the Park with Langstone and Community Council. Councillors asked to send their views to Chair by 21st August. Decision will be made following this. • Pride in our community judging. Arrangements agreed. • Five Lanes Recycling facility. Contacts at County Council to send queries to are: [email protected] and [email protected] • RJS Road Safety Conference. M Weeks and A Underwood to attend.

12. Next Meeting – normally September 4th 2019 at 7.15pm

13. Correspondence – • Draft minutes of Liaison Meeting Community Councils June 2019 • Consultation – National Strategy for coastal erosion • One Voice bulletin

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• Invitation for conference – Older People Living in the City of Newport – A Underwood to attend • St John’s Church donation request • Three emails commenting on the beautiful wild flower area • RJS Roadsafety Conference invitation • One Voice Wales training calendar • Hedgerow recording app • Planning, National Development Framework

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