June 2020


LEO RALPH CHAVEZ, II, Professor of Anthropology

Work Address: Department of Anthropology UC Irvine Irvine, CA 92697 (949) 824-4054 email: [email protected]


B.A. University of California, Santa Cruz, (1974), Anthropology Ph.D. (1982), Anthropology


9/77-10/78 Affiliated with the Instituto de Antropologia de Otavalo, Ecuador. Spring 1979 Stanford University, class co-taught with Juan Garcia for the Chicano Fellows Program Spring 1980 Visiting Assistant Professor, Anthropology Department, University of California, San Diego. 9/80-6/83 Field Research Coordinator, Center for U.S.-Mexican Studies, University of California, San Diego. 7/83-6/86 Post-doctoral research with El Colegio de la Frontera Norte, Tijuana, Mexico. 7/83-6/87 Post-doctoral Research Fellow, Center for U.S.-Mexican Studies, University of California, San Diego. 9/86-6/87 Visiting Professor, Department of Mexican American Studies, San Diego State University. 7/87-6/91 Assistant Professor, Department of Anthropology, University of California, Irvine 7/91-6/96 Associate Professor, Department of Anthropology, University of California, Irvine (1991-1993, Chair, Social Relations Programs) 7/94-6/99 Chair, Department of Anthropology 7/96-present Professor, Department of Anthropology, University of California, Irvine 9/99-12/99 Acting Director, Chicano/Latino Studies Program, UC Irvine 9/2000-6/06 Director/Chair, Chicano/Latino Studies Program, UC Irvine 9/98-2006 Director, Center for Research on Latinos in a Global Society 6/2019 Distinguished Professor, Anthropology, so named by the University of California July 2020- Chair, Department of Anthropology


1974 University of California, Santa Cruz, Honors in Anthropology 1974 University of California, Santa Cruz, Honors Thesis 1977 National Science Foundation, Honorable Mention 1978 (offered but refused) Organization of American States Fellowship 1974-77 Stanford University Fellowship 1977-79 Graduate Fellowship for Mexican Americans 1983 Rockefeller Foundation Minority Research Fellowship 1984 National Science Foundation Research Grant Leo R. Chavez 2 1986 Social Science Research Council, Committee for Public Policy Research on Contemporary Hispanic Issues Research Grant; Principal Investigator, Project: The Social Integration of Undocumented Mexicans and Central American Refugees. 1986-87 Corporation for Public Broadcasting Media Grant 1987 Ford Foundation Grant to study the effects of the Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986. Co-Principal Investigator with Wayne Cornelius, UC San Diego. 1/1/89 Picked by Los Angeles Times Magazine as one of 89 people to watch in 1989. 3/30/89 UCI Faculty Career Development Award. 5/30/89 UCI Cultural Diversity Fund Grant for Instructional Development. 7/21/89 Documentary "In the Shadow of the Law" nominated for a National Emmy Award. Award went to another documentary. 7/31/89 Profiled in Newsweek as an important problem-solver for California's future. 4/89- 1997 Member of the Editorial Board of Human Organization. 1991 UC Mexus Chicana/Chicano Studies Grant ($10,000) 1991 Latino-Related Organized Research Program Research Grant, UC Irvine Committee on Research 1991 Irvine Faculty Research Fellowship 1991 California Policy Seminar Research Grant ($36,000) 1991 National Cancer Institute Research Grant, Co-Principal Investigator ($1.2 million) Spring 1992 Received the UCI Lauds and Laurels Award for Distinguished Teacher, 1991-1992. April 1993 Received the Margaret Mead Award from the American Anthropological Association And the Society for Applied Anthropology 1993-present Principal Investigator and administrator of SCR-43 funded projects. (Approximately $45,000 a year). 1993-present Director of the Center for Research on Latinos in a Global Society. 5/1993-1996 Editorial Board Member of Medical Anthropology Quarterly. July 1993- Elected to the Executive Board of the Society for Medical Anthropology. June 1995 Jan. 1994- Resident Fellow, UC Humanities Research Institute's Minority Discourse Initiative, UC June 1994 Irvine. 1996-97 Principal Investigator, California Alliance for Minority Participation (CAMP) - Social and Behavioral Sciences ($100,000 from NSF). 1997-1998 - Elected Secretary-Treasurer, for the Association of Latino/Latina Anthropologists. 1998-1999 Jan. 1998- Resident Fellow, UC Humanities Research Institute; Seminar on Narratives of the June 1998 Americas. October 2001 School of American Research, Santa Fe, New Mexico, one-week seminar on “Anthropology and Contemporary Immigration.” 1/01 – present Member of the Editorial Advisory Board, Journal of Latinos and Education 1-02 – 6-07 Member of the Editorial Board, LATINO STUDIES. 2002-2003 Co-PI Russell Sage Pre-Proposal Grant, “The New Second Generation.” $130,000. 2002-2004 Advisory group member, California Program on Access to Care, California Policy Research Center, University of California. Advise on program initiatives and funding of research grants, $1,000,000 year budget. Feb. 12, 2003 Horizons of Knowledge Lecture, University of Indiana, Bloomington. April 7, 2003 George and Mary Foster Distinguished Lecturer in Anthropology, "Cultural beliefs and Cancer Risk Factors: A Study of the Perceptions of Hispanic and Anglo Women and Physicians.” Department of Anthropology, Southern Methodist University 2003-2004 Distinguished Faculty Visitor, The Center for Ideas and Society, University of California, Riverside. (Winter and Spring Quarters) 2004-2007 Co-PI Russell Sage Pre-Proposal Grant, “The New Second Generation.” $1.7 million. Leo R. Chavez 3 June 2005 Mesa Court Faculty Member of the Month for June 2005. Awarded by UCI students residing in Mesa Court residential dorms. May 2006 School of American Research, Santa Fe, New Mexico, one-week seminar on “The Anthropology of Cancer.” July 2006 to UC Press Editorial Committee. June 2011 Sept 19-23, Conference on the Immigrant Second Generation in Europe and the . 2007 Bellagio Conference Center, Rockefeller Foundation. Bellagio, Italy. April 2007 – Name: Cultural Models of Supervision: An Interdisciplinary Study (R01 HD050637- January 2011 01A2) Funding Agency: National Institute of Child Health and Human Development. Role: Co-Investigator: Leo Chavez; Principal Investigator, Juliet McMullin. July 2008 Russell Sage Foundation grant, $70,610, to examine politics, culture, and citizenship status among the adult children of immigrants in the greater Los Angeles area. 2009 Distinguished Achievement in the Critical Study of North America. Awarded by the Society for the Anthropology of North America, a section of the American Anthropological Association. 2009 Book Award for The Latino Threat: Constructing Immigrants, Citizens, and the Nation (Stanford University Press, 2008), received from the Association of Latina and Latino Anthropologists, a section of the American Anthropological Association. March 18-22, Scholar-in-Residence, Comparative Border Studies, School of Transborder 2013 Studies, Institute for Humanities Research, College of Liberal Arts & Sciences, Arizona State University. Jan. 1 2013- Treasurer – Association of Latino and Latina Anthropologists, AAA. Ded. 2014

Jan. 2012- Co-Chair, American Anthropological Association’s Public Education Initiative on Dec. 2014 Mobility, Migration and Displacement, “World on the Move.” Description: http://www.anthropology-news.org/index.php/2014/07/07/mobilities-migration-and- displacement/

2014-present Advisory Board, American Anthropological Association’s Public Education Initiative on Mobility, Migration and Displacement, “World on the Move.” Description: http://www.anthropology-news.org/index.php/2014/07/07/mobilities-migration-and- displacement/

2015-16 NSF Dissertation Grant, with Daina Sanchez. $25,200.

11/27/18 Elected Fellow, American Association for the Advancement of Science.

12/2019 The Association of Latina and Latino Anthropologists (ALLA) award: ALLA Distinguished Career Award for 2019.

2021 Bronislaw Malinowski Award, 2021, presented by the Society for Applied Anthropology.

2021 Elected President-Elect of the Association for Latino and Latina Anthropologists.



Leo R. Chavez 4 (A1a) Shadowed Lives: Undocumented Immigrants in American Society. 1st Edition, Harcourt, Brace, Jovanovich College Publishers, 1992.

(A1b) Shadowed Lives: Undocumented Immigrants in American Society. 2nd Edition, Wadsworth/Thomson Learning, 1998.

(A1c) Shadowed Lives: Undocumented Immigrants in American Society. 3rd Edition, Wadsworth/Cengage Learning, 2012.

(A2) Covering Immigration: Popular Images and the Politics of the Nation. University of California Press, 2001.

(A3a) The Latino Threat: Constructing Immigrants, Citizens, and the Nation. Stanford University Press, 2008.

(A3b) The Latino Threat: Constructing Immigrants, Citizens, and the Nation. 2nd Edition. Stanford University Press, 2013.

(A4) Anchor Babies and the Challenge of Birthright Citizenship. Stanford University Press, 2017.

(A5) La Amenanza Latina: Construccion de inmigrantes, ciudadanos y la nacion.[Spanish translation of The Latino Threat, 2nd edition]. El Colegio de la Frontera Norte, Tijuana. 2017

Refereed Journal Articles

(RJ1) Chavez, Leo R., "The Entrepreneurial Ethic among Commercial Weavers in Otavalo, Ecuador," The Journal of Anthropology 3:3-24, 1983 (refereed).

(RJ2) Chavez, Leo R. "Inmigrantes Indocumentados y el Acceso a los Servicios de Salud," Resena Documental de la Seguridad Social: Seguridad de los Trabadores Migratorios, Vol. 16: 119-125, 1984.

(RJ3) Chavez, Leo R. "Doctors, Curanderos and Brujas: Health Care Delivery and Mexican Immigrants in San Diego," Medical Anthropology Quarterly, Vol. 15:31-37, 1984 (refereed).

(RJ4) Chavez, Leo R. "'To Get Ahead': The Entrepreneurial Ethic and Political Behavior Among Commercial Weavers in Otavalo." In Jeffrey Ehrenreich (Ed.), Political Process and Change: The Ecuadorian Example, 1985 (refereed). [reprinted in Spanish in Quito, Ecuador by Abya- Yala, 1991]

(RJ5) Chavez, Leo R., Wayne A. Cornelius and O.W. Jones. "Mexican Immigrants and the Utilization of Health Services: The Case of San Diego," Social Science and Medicine, Vol. 21, No. 1:93-102, 1985 (refereed).

(RJ6) Chavez, Leo R., Wayne A. Cornelius and O.W. Jones. "Perinatal Care Among Mexican Women in the United States," Border Health-Salud Frontera, Vol. 21, No. 1:93-102, 1985 (refereed).

Leo R. Chavez 5 (RJ7) Chavez, Leo R. "Households, Migration and Labor Market Participation: The Adaptation of Mexicans to Life in the United States," Urban Anthropology, Vol. 14, No. 4, 301-346, 1985 (refereed).

(RJ8) Chavez, Leo R. "Mexican Immigration and Health Care: A Political Economy Perspective," Human Organization, Vol. 45, No. 4, winter: 344-352, 1986, (refereed).

(RJ9) Chavez, Leo R., Wayne A. Cornelius and O.W. Jones. "Utilization of Health Services by Mexican Women in San Diego," Women and Health, Vol. 11, No. 2:3-20, 1986 (refereed).

(RJ10) Rumbaut, Ruben, Leo R. Chavez, Robert Moser, Sheila Pickwell and Sam Wishik. "The Politics of Migrant Health Care: A Comparative Study of Mexican Immigrants and Indochinese Refugees," Research in the Sociology of Health Care, Vol. 7: 143-202,1988 (refereed).

(RJ11) Chavez, Leo R. "Settlers and Sojourners: The Case of Mexicans in the United States." Human Organization, Vol. 47, No. 2:95-108, 1988 (refereed). Reprinted in En Aquel Entonces: Readings in Mexican-American History, edited by Manuel G. Gonzales and Cynthia M. Gonzales. Bloomington and Indianapolis: Indiana University Press, pp. 261-269. 2000.

(RJ12) Chavez, Leo R., Estevan T. Flores, and Marta Lopez-Garza. "Migrants and Settlers: A Comparison of Undocumented Mexicans and Central Americans in the United States." Frontera Norte, Vol. 1: 49-75, 1989 (refereed). [New journal of El Colegio de la Frontera Norte, located in Tijuana, Mexico.]

(RJ13) Chavez, Leo R., Estevan T. Flores and Marta Lopez-Garza. "Here Today, Gone Tomorrow? Undocumented Settlers and Immigration Reform." Human Organization 49:193-205, 1990 (refereed).

(RJ14) Chavez, Leo R. "Immigrants in U. S. Cities: An Introduction." Urban Anthropology 19: 1-7, 1990.

(RJ15) Chavez, Leo R. "Coresidence and Resistance: Strategies for Survival Among Undocumented Mexicans and Central Americans in the United States." Urban Anthropology 19: 31-61, 1990 (refereed).

(RJ16) Chavez, Leo R. "Outside the Imagined Community: Undocumented Settlers and Experiences of Incorporation." American Ethnologist 18(2):257-278, 1991 (refereed).

(RJ17) Hubbell, F. Allan, Howard Waitzkin, Shiraz I. Mishra, John Dombrink, and Leo R. Chavez. "Access to Medical Care for Undocumented Latinos in a Southern California County." The Western Journal of Medicine 154(4):414-417, 1991 (refereed).

(RJ18) Chavez, Leo R., Estevan T. Flores, and Marta Lopez-Garza. "Undocumented Latin American Immigrants and U.S. Health Services: An Approach to a Political Economy of Utilization." Medical Anthropology Quarterly 6:6-26, 1992 (refereed).

(RJ19) Chavez, Leo R. "The Power of the Imagined Community: The Settlement of Undocumented Mexicans and Central Americans in the United States." American Anthropologist 96:52-73, 1994 (refereed). [Reprinted in: Academic Reading: Reading and Writing Across the Disciplines, Janet Giltrow (ed.). Orchard Park, NY: Broadview Press, 1995]

Leo R. Chavez 6 (RJ20) Chavez, Leo R., F. Allan Hubbell, Juliet M. McMullin, Rebecca G. Martinez, and Shiraz I. Mishra. "Understanding Knowledge and Attitudes About Breast Cancer: A Cultural Analysis." Archives of Family Medicine 4:145-152, 1995 (refereed). [Reprinted “Compreendendo o Conhecimento e as Atitudes Relativas ao Cancer de Mama: Uma Analise Cultural” in JAMA/GO, an international journal of selected articles from the American Medical Association journals, Vol. 3:1714-1732, 1995.]

(RJ21) Chavez, Leo R., F. Allan Hubbell, Juliet M. McMullin, Rebecca G. Martinez, and Shiraz I. Mishra. "Structure and Meaning in Models of Breast and Cervical Cancer Risk Factors: A Comparison of Perceptions Among Latinas, Anglo Women, and Physicians." Medical Anthropology Quarterly 9(1):40-74, 1995 (refereed).

(RJ22) Hubbell, F. Allan, Leo R. Chavez, Shiraz I. Mishra, J. Raul Magana, R. Burciaga Valdez. “From Ethnography to Intervention: Developing a Breast Cancer Control Program for Latinas.” Journal of the National Cancer Institute Monographs No. 18:109-115, 1995 (refereed).

(RJ23) McMullin, Juliet M., Leo R. Chavez, and F. Allan Hubbell. “Knowledge, Power and Experience: Variation in Physicians’ Perceptions of Breast Cancer Risk Factors.” Medical Anthropology 16:295-317, 1996 (refereed).

(RJ24) F. Allan Hubbell, Leo R. Chavez, Shiraz I. Mishra, and R. Burciaga Valdez. “Beliefs About Sexual Behavior and other Predictors of Pap Smear Screening Among Latinas and Anglo Women.” Archives of Internal Medicine 156:2353-2358, 1996 (refereed).

(RJ25) F. Allan Hubbell, Leo R. Chavez, Shiraz I. Mishra, and R. Burciaga Valdez. “Differing Beliefs About Breast Cancer Among Latinas and Anglo Women. The Western Journal of Medicine 164:405-409, 1996 (refereed).

(RJ26) Rebecca G. Martinez, Leo R. Chavez, and F. Allan Hubbell. “Purity and Passion: Risk and Morality in Latina Immigrants' and Physicians' Beliefs About Cervical Cancer.” Medical Anthropology 17:337-362, 1997 (refereed).

(RJ27) Leo R. Chavez, F. Allan Hubbell, Shiraz I. Mishra, and R. Burciaga Valdez. “Undocumented Latina Immigrants in Orange County, California: A Comparative Analysis.” International Migration Review 31(1):88-107, 1997 (refereed).

(RJ28) F. Allan Hubbell, Shiraz I. Mishra, Leo R. Chavez, and R. Burciaga Valdez. “The Influence of Knowledge and Attitudes about Breast Cancer on Mammography Use among Latinas and Anglo Women.” Brief Report. Journal of General Internal Medicine 12:505-508; 1997 (refereed).

(RJ29) Leo R. Chavez, F. Allan Hubbell, Shiraz I. Mishra, and R. Burciaga Valdez. “The Influence of Fatalism in Self-Reported use of Papanicolaou Smears.” American Journal of Preventive Medicine 13(6):418-424. 1997 (refereed).

(RJ30) Mishra SI, Hubbell FA, Chavez LR, Magana JR, Nava P, Valdez RB. “Improving Breast Cancer Control Among Latinas: Evaluation of a Theory-Based Educational Program.” Health Education & Behavior 25:653-670. 1998. (refereed).

(RJ31) Marc L. Berk, Claudia L. Schur, Leo R. Chavez, Martin Frankel. “Health Care Use Among Undocumented Latino Immigrants: Is free health care the main reason why Latinos come to the United States? A unique look at the facts.” Health Affairs 19(4):51-64. 2000 (refereed). Leo R. Chavez 7

(RJ32) Chavez, Leo R., Juliet M. McMullin, Shiraz I. Mishra, and F. Allan Hubbell. “Beliefs Matter: Cultural Beliefs and the Use of Cervical-Cancer Screening Tests.” American Anthropologist 103(4)1114-1129, 2001 (refereed).

(RJ33) Chavez, Leo R. “Public Discourse, Immigration, and Control of the U.S.-Mexico Border: Reflections on Jorge Durand and Douglas S. Massey’s, ‘The Costs of Contradiction: U.S. Border Policy 1986-2000.’” Latino Studies 1: 253-263, 2003.

(RJ34) Chavez, Leo R. “A Glass Half Empty: Latina Reproduction and Public Discourse.” Human Organization 63(2):173-188, 2004 (refereed).

(RJ35) Smith, C. Scott, Magdalena Morris, William Hill, Chris Francovich, Juliet McMullin, Leo Chavez, and Caroline Rhoads. “Cultural Consensus Analysis as a Tool for Clinic Improvements.” Journal of General Internal Medicine 19:512-516, 2004 (refereed).

(RJ36) McMullin, Juliet M., Israel De Alba, Leo R. Chavez, F. Allan Hubbell, “Influence of Beliefs about Cervical Cancer Etiology on Pap Smear Use among Latina Immigrants. Ethnicity and Health 10 (1):3-18, 2005 (refereed).

(RJ7) Smith, C. Scott, Magdalena Morris, William Hill, Chris Francovich, Juliet McMullin, Jennifer Christiano, Leo Chavez, Craig Roth, Anthony Vo, Stephanie Wheeler, Caroline Milne. Testing the Exportability of a Tool for Detecting Operational Problems in VA Teaching Clinics. Journal of General Internal Medicine 21:152-157, 2006 (refereed).

(RJ38) Chavez, Leo R., COMMENT on Nathalie M. Peutz, “Embarking on an Anthropology of Removal.” Current Anthropology 47(2):231, 2006.

(RJ39) Chavez, Leo R. “Commentary: The Condition of Illegality.” International Migration 45(3):192- 196, 2007 (Peer Reviewed).

(RJ40) Chavez, Leo R., Undocumented Immigrants and their Use of Medical Services in Orange County, California. Social Science & Medicine 74 (6): 887-893, 2012 [Refereed].

(RJ41) Roberto G. Gonzales and Leo R. Chavez, “’Awakening to a Nightmare’: Abjectivity and Illegality in the Lives of Undocumented 1.5 Generation Latino Immigrants in the United States.” Current Anthropology 53(3): 255-281, 2012 [Refereed]

(RJ42) Bristow, Robert E., Jenny Chang, Argyrios Ziogas, Belinda Campos, Leo Chavez, Hoda Anton- Culver. Sociodemographic Disparities in Advanced Ovarian Cancer Survival and Adherence Treatment Guidelines. Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 125(4): 833-42, 2015.

(RJ43) Bristow, Robert E., Jenny Chang, Argyrios Ziogas, Belinda Campos, Leo Chavez, Hoda Anton- Culver. Impact of National Cancer Institute Comprehensive Cancer Centers on Ovarian Cancer Treatment and Survival. Journal of The American College of Surgeons 220(5): 940-950, 2015.

(RJ44) Chavez, Leo R., Belinda Campos, Karina Corona, Daina Sanchez, and Catherine Belyeu Ruiz. “Words Hurt: Political Rhetoric, Emotions/Affect, and Psychological Well-being Among Mexican-Origin Youth.” Social Science & Medicine 228: 240-251, 2019.

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Peer-Reviewed Book Chapters

(B1) Chavez, Leo R. and Estevan T. Flores. "Undocumented Mexicans and Central Americans and the Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986: A Reflection Based on Empirical Data." In Lydio F. Tomasi (Ed.), In Defense of the Alien, New York: Center for Migration Studies, Vol. 10: 137-156, 1988.

(B2) Chavez, Leo R. "Defining and Characterizing the Southern Border of the U.S." In, Demographic Dynamics Along the U.S.-Mexico Border. John R. Weeks and Roberto Ham-Chande, eds. Chapter 3, Pp. 43-60. El Paso: Texas Western Press [University of Texas, El Paso] 1992

(B3) Chavez, Leo R. "Paradise at a Cost: The Incorporation of Mexican Immigrants into a Local Level Labor Market." In, U.S.-Mexico Relations: Labor Market Interdependence. Jorge A. Bustamante, Clark W. Reynolds, and Raul A. Hinojosa Ojeda (eds.). Pp. 271-301. Stanford: Stanford University Press 1992.

(B4) Chavez, Leo R., and Victor M. Torres. The Political Economy of Latino Health. In, The Anthropology of Hispanic Groups in the United States, Tomas Weaver (ed.). Houston: Arte Publico Press 1994.

(B5) Chavez, Leo R. and Rebecca G. Martinez. "Mexican Immigration in the 1980s and beyond: Implications for Chicanos." In, Chicanas and Chicanos At The Crossroads: Social, Economic and Political Change, Isidro Ortiz and David Maciel (eds.). Tucson, University of Arizona Press. 1996.

(B6) Chavez, Leo R. “Borders and Bridges: Undocumented Immigrants from Mexico and Central America.” In, Origins and Destinies: Immigration, Race, and Ethnicity in America, Silvia Pedraza and Ruben Rumbaut, (eds.). Pp. 250-262. Belmont, CA: Wadsworth. 1996.

(B7) Chavez, Leo R. “Immigration Reform and Nativism: The Nationalist Response to the Transnationalist Challenge.” In, Immigrants Out!: The New Nativism and the Anti-Immigrant Impulse in the United States, Juan Perea (ed.). Pp. 61-77. New York: New York University Press, 1997. [Reprinted in: Perspectives on Las Americans: A Reader in Culture, History, and Representation. Matthew C. Guttman, Felix V. Matos-Rodriguez, Lynn Stephen and Patricia Zavella, editors. Pp. 418-419. Oxford: Blackwell Publishers, 2003.] [Reprinted in The American Ethnic Mosaic. Grace Delgado and Troy Johnson, editors. Kendall/Hunt Publishing Company. 2005]

(B8) Chavez, Leo R. “Mexicans.” American Immigrant Cultures: Builders of a Nation. David Levinson and Melvin Ember, Editors. New York: Macmillan Reference USA (Thomson-Gale). Pp. 617-625, 1997.

(B9) Leo R. Chavez, F. Allan Hubbell, Shiraz I. Mishra. “Ethnography and Breast Cancer Control among Latinas and Anglo Women in Southern California.” In Anthropology in Public Health: Bridging Differences in Culture and Society. Robert A. Hahn (ed.). Pp. 117-141. New York and Oxford: Oxford University Press. 1999.

(B10) Chavez, Leo R. “La integración social y cultural de los inmigrantes de América Latina en el Condado de Orange, California.” In, La integración social de los inmigrados: Modelos y Leo R. Chavez 9 experiencias. Pp. 27-38. Francisco Checa, Angeles Arjona, and Juan Carlos Checa, editors. Barcelona, Spain: Icaria Editorial, s.a. 2003.

(B11) Chavez, Leo R. “Immigration and Medical Anthropology.” In American Arrivals: Anthropology Engages the New Immigration. Nancy Foner, editor. Pp. 197-227. Santa Fe: School of American Research, Advanced Seminar Series. (peer reviewed) 2003.

(B12) Chavez, Leo R. “Public Discourse, Immigration, and Control of the U.S.-Mexico Border: Reflections on Jorge Durand and Douglas S. Massey’s ‘The Costs of Contradiction US Border Policy 1986-2000.’” Latino Studies 1: 253-263.

(B13) Chavez, Leo R., “Culture Change and Cultural Reproduction: Lessons from Research on Transnational Migration.” In, Globalization and Change in Fifteen Cultures: Born in one World and Living in Another. Janice Stockard and George Spindler, editors. Pp. 283-303. Belmont, CA: Thomson-Wadsworth, 2006 ) (peer reviewed).

(B14) Chavez, Leo R., “Imagining the Nation, Imagining Donor Recipients: Jesica Santillan and the Public Discourse of Belonging.” In, A Death Retold: Jesica Santillan, The Bungled Transplant, and Paradoxes of Medical Citizenship. Keith Wailoo, Julie Livingston, and Peter Guarnaccia, editors. Pp. 276-296. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 2006 (reviewed).

(B56) Chavez, Leo R. “The Spectacle in the Desert: The Minuteman Project on the U.S-Mexico Border.” In, Global Vigilantes. David Pratten and Atreyee Sen, editors. Pp. 25-46. London: Hurst 2007; New York: Columbia University Press, 2008 (refereed).

(B15) Chavez, Leo R. Latina Gender, Reproduction, and Race. In, Encyclopedia of Race and Racism, Volume 2, pp. 245-249, John H. Moore, Editor. Detroit: Macmillan Reference USA. 2008.

(B16) Chavez, Leo R., “Wasting Away in Neoliberal-Ville: Mexican Immigrant Women’s Views of Cervical Cancer, Social Inequality, and Gender Relations.” In, Confronting Cancer: Metaphors, Advocacy, and Anthropology. Juliet McMullin and Diane Weiner, editors. Pp. 147-164. Santa Fe: School of American Research, 2009. [Peer Reviewed]

(B17) Chavez, Leo R., “The Quebec Metaphor, Invasion, and Reconquest in Public Discourse on Mexican Immigration.” In, Mexicans in California: Transformations and Challenges. Ramón Gutiérrez and Patricia Zavella. Pp. 133-154. Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 2009 (Peer Reviewed).

(B18) Chavez, Leo R., “Mexicans of Mass Destruction.” In, International Migration and Human Rights: The Global Repercussions of U.S. Policy. Pp. 82-97. Samuel Martinez, editor. UC Press, University of California International and Area Studies (UCIAS) program, 2009 (Peer Reviewed).

(B19) Chavez, Leo R., “Migration, National Identity, and Citizenship in a Transnational World.” Conflict Studies in the Humanities, special issue: Migration and Identities: Conflict and the New Horizon. Pp. 3-22. Hidefuji Someda and Mitsuharu Akao, Editors. Hokkaido University, Japan. 2011 [Peer Reviewed].

(B20) Leo R. Chavez, “Narratives of the Nation and Anti-Nation: The Media and Construction of Latinos as a Threat to the United States.” In, Narrating Peoplehood Amidst Diversity: Historical Leo R. Chavez 10 and Theoretical Perspectives, Pp. 183-206. Michael Boss, Editor. Aarhus University Press. Denmark. 2011 [Peer Reviewed] 2011]

(B21) Jens Schneider, Leo Chavez, Louis DeSipio, and Mary Waters. “Belonging.” In, The Changing Face of World Cities: Young Adult Children in Europe and the United States, pp. 206-234. Maurice Crul and John Mollenkopf, Editors. New York: Russell Sage Foundation Press, 2012 [Peer Reviewed].

(B22) Chavez, Leo R. “Illegality Across Generations: Public Discourse and the Children of Undocumented Immigrants.” In Constructing “Illegality”: Critiques, Immigrants’ Experiences, and Responses, pp. 84-110. Cecilia Menjivar and Dan Kanstroom, Editors. Cambridge University Press, 2013 [Peer Reviewed].

(B23) Chavez, Leo R., “Spectacles of Citizenship and the 2006 Immigrant Marches in the United States.” In, New World Colors: Ethnicity, Belonging, and Difference in the Americas, pp. 37-49. Josef Raab, Editor. Bilingual Review Press in the U.S. and Wissenschaftlicher Verlag Trier in Europe, 2013. [Peer Reviewed]

(B24) Chavez, Leo R. La integración cultural y social de los hijos de inmigrantes mejicanos en situación irregular en el área metropolitana de Los Angeles, California. En Desigualidades, diferencias y experiencias de (no) pertenencia en educación, editado por Ana Bravo, Universidad de Granada. Peter Lang Academic Publishers. Pp. 29-51; 2015 (peer reviewed). [The Social and Cultural integration of the Children of Undocumented Mexican Immigrants in the Greater Los Angeles, California Area. In, Inequalities, differences and experiences of (non) membership in education, Ana Bravo editor. Peter Lang Academic Publishers. Pp. 29-51; 2015]

(B25) Chavez, Leo R. Uncertain Futures: Educational Attainment and the Children of Undocumented Mexican Immigrants in the Greater Los Angeles Area. In, Gilberto Q. Conchas, (with Briana Hinga) (Ed). Cracks in the Schoolyard: Narratives of Inequality and School Success. New York: Teachers College Press, Columbia University. Pp. 144-160; 2015.

(B26) Chavez, Leo R., Immigration, Latinos, and the Media. In, Routledge Handbook on Chicana/o Studies. Francisco A. Lomeli, Denise Segura, and Elyette Benhamini-Labarthe, Editors. New York: Routledge. Pp.,115-125, 2018.

(B27) Chavez, Leo R., Challenges to Integration: The Children of Immigrants and Direct and Indirect Experiences with the Law. In, Immigration and the Law: From Conquest to the War on Terrorism. Martin Guevara Urbina and Sofia Espinoza Alvarez, Editors. Tucson: The University of Arizona Press, pp. 169-202; 2018.

(B28) Chavez, Leo R., Birthright Citizenship and “Anchor Babies.” In, Voting and Political Representation in America: Issues and Trends, Volume 1. Mark P. Jones, Editor. ABC-CLIO, pp. 51-53, 2020.

(B29) Chavez, Leo R. Fear of White Replacement: Latina Fertility, White Demographic Decline, and Immigration Reform. In, Field Guide to the History of Hate. Ramon Gutierrez and Kathleen Belew, editors. University of California Press, Forthcoming 2021.

Other Book Chapters

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Reports, OP-EDs, Magazine Articles, Other Publications

(E1) Cornelius, Wayne A., Leo R. Chavez, and O.W. Jones. "Health Problems and Health Service Utilization Among Mexican Immigrants: The Case of San Diego." Preliminary Report to the California Policy Seminar, La Jolla, Ca.: Center for U.S.-Mexican Studies, University of California, San Diego, September 1982. (E2) Cornelius, Wayne A., Leo R. Chavez and Jorge G. Castro. Mexican Immigrants and Southern California: A Summary of Current Knowledge, La Jolla, California: Center for U.S.-Mexican Studies, University of California, San Diego, Research Report Series, No. 36, 1982.

(E3) Cornelius, Wayne A., Richard Mines, Leo R. Chavez, and Jorge G. Castro. Mexican Immigrants in the San Francisco Bay Area: A Summary of Current Knowledge, La Jolla, California: Center for U.S.-Mexican Studies, University of California, San Diego, Research Report Series, No. 40, 1982.

(E4) Chavez, Leo R. (with Jorge Castro). "Immigration and Aid: U.S. Decisions Will Have Telling Impacts on Mexico," The San Diego Union (Opinion Section, p. 1), December 12, 1982.

(E5) Chavez, Leo R. "U.S. Hispanics Must Be Coming of Age," The San Diego Union (Opinion Section, C-9), November 9, 1983.

(E6) Chavez, Leo R. "The Simpson-Mazzoli Bill and Hispanics," Distributed by the Hispanic Link News Service, November 27, 1983.

(E7) Chavez, Leo R. "Undocumented Immigrants and Access to Health Services: A Game of Pass the Buck," Migration Today, Vol. 11:15-19, 1983. Reprinted in revised form in Migration Today, Vol. 12:20-24, 1984.

(E8) Cornelius, Wayne A., Leo R. Chavez, and O.W. Jones. Mexican Immigration and Access to Health Services, La Jolla, California: Center for U.S.-Mexican Studies, University of California, San Diego, Public Education Series, 1984.

(E9) Chavez, Leo R. (with Jorge Carrillo V). "Mexicans View U.S. as Playing With a Stacked Immigration Deck," The San Diego Union (Sunday Opinion Section, C-5), April 15, 1984.

(E10) Chavez, Leo R. "Supreme Court 'Raids' Decision Creates New Set of Problems," distributed by Hispanic Link News Service, May 20, 1984.

(E11) Chavez, Leo R. (with Jorge Carrillo V). "Simpson-Mazzoli Forces Mexico to Look at Who is Leaving, “ The San Diego Union (Opinion Section, C-5), September 23, 1984.

(E12) Chavez, Leo R. “Why are We Picking on Sonia V.?” distributed by the Hispanic Link News Service, October 7, 1984.

(E13) Chavez, Leo R. “The Binational Family,” distributed by the Pacific News Service to newspapers throughout the United States, November 20, 1984.

(E14) Chavez, Leo R. "Roybal Jumps Ship on Immigration Bill," The San Diego Union (Opinion Section, C-6), January 20, 1985.

Leo R. Chavez 12 (E15) Chavez, Leo R. "Roybal's Bill Invites Chaos," distributed by Hispanic Link News Service, January 24, 1985.

(E16) Chavez, Leo R. "Laws' Twists Bring Binationalism Hazards," The San Diego Union (Opinion Section, C-1), February 10, 1985.

(E17) Chavez, Leo R. "What's Going to Happen to the Other Illegal Immigrants?" distributed by the Hispanic Link News Service, May 29, 1988.

(E18) Chavez, Leo R. "IRCA Success or Failure? Implications of Research." In, Impact of IRCA: Immigration Reform and Control Act, The Orange County Experience. Hispanic Development Council of United Way and Orange County Human Relations Commission. July 1989. Pp. 26-28.

(E19) Chavez, Leo R. "Border Reality." In, Between Two Worlds: The People of the Border. Special Exhibition Catalogue Published by the Oakland Museum. 1992.

(E20) Garcia y Griego, Manuel and Leo R. Chavez. The Auditor General's Estimates of the Fiscal Impact of Undocumented Immigrants Residing in San Diego County: A Critique. Presented to the Assembly Select Committee on California-Mexico Affairs, California State Legislature, Sacramento, California, February 23, 1993. (mimeo)

(E21) Chavez, Leo R. “Proposition 187: The Nationalist Response to the Transnationalist Challenge.” Anthropology Newsletter 36 (4): 21-22; April 1995.

(E22) Leo R. Chavez, et al., Comparative Views of Breast and Cervical Cancer Risk Factors Among Latinas, Anglo Women, and Physicians. CPS Brief 7 (2): 3-5, January 1995. Berkeley: A publication of the California Policy Seminar.

(E23) Chavez, Leo R. “Immigration: Proposition 187, Five Years Later.” Bulletin (of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences) May/June 2000, Vol. LIII, No. 5, pp. 34-38.

(E24) Chavez, Leo R., “U.S. Citizenship: Americans by Birth.” The Miami Herald, Monday, March 14, 2005. Opinion-Commentary.

(E25) Chavez, Leo R., “Legalization leads to assimilation.” The Orange County Register, Opinion- Editorial Section, September 12, 2006: Local 8.

(E26) Frank D. Bean, Susan K. Brown, Mark Leach, Jim Bachmeier, Leo R. Chavez, Louis DeSipio, Ruben G. Rumbaut, Jennifer Lee, and Min Zhou. “How Pathways to Legal Status and Citizenship Relate to Economic Attainment Among the Children of Mexican Immigrants.” Report to the Pew Hispanic Center. Washington, D.C.: Pew Hispanic Center, 2006.

(E27) Chavez, Leo R., “Immigrants come for jobs which our aging population won’t be able to fill.” Zocalo Public Square, April 30, 2013. Online format, http://www.zocalopublicsquare.org/2013/04/30/fixing-immigration-again/ideas/up-for- discussion/

(E28) Chavez, Leo R. “Anchor Babies: Making Citizens ‘Illegal.’” In, Vital Topics Forum: Latin@s and the Immigration Debate. Arlene Davila, Guest Editor. American Anthropologist 116(1):4- 6. March 2014. [Editorial Review] Leo R. Chavez 13

(E29) Campos, Belinda and Leo R. Chavez, “How Anti-Latino Rhetoric Hurts All Americans.” Greater9Good Magazine: Science-Based Insights for a Meaningful Life. 2017

(E30) Chavez, Leo R. The Legal Limbo of DACA. Stanford University Press Blog. September 11, 2017.

(E31) Chavez, Leo R. We’ve weaponized immigration rhetoric, from chain Migration to Dreamers. Los Angeles Times, January 31, 2018.


(C1) Chavez, Leo R. "From Labor Camps to Chicana Feminism: Recent Research on Chicanos." Review essay of Stanley A. West and June Macklin (Eds.) The Chicano Experience (Boulder, Co.: Westview Press, 1979); and Alfredo Mirande and Evangelina Enriquez, La Chicana: The Mexican-American Woman (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1979). In Contemporary Sociology, Vol. 10, No. 6, November 1981.

(C2) Chavez, Leo R. Review of Still the Golden Door: The Third World Comes to America, by David M. Reimers, The Los Angeles Times, December 1985.

(C3) Chavez, Leo R. Review of La Familia, by Robert Alvarez. American Anthropologist, Vol. 90:193-194, 1988.

(C4) Chavez, Leo R. "Recent Research on Mexican Immigration: A Review Article." Mexican Studies/Estudios Mexicanos, Vol.5, No.1: 113-125, 1989.

(C5) Chavez, Leo R. Review of “In The Land of Plenty.” A one-hour documentary by Susana Aiken and Carlos Aparicio. American Anthropologist 103(4):1157, 2001.

(C6) Chavez, Leo R. Review of Medicalizing Ethnicity: The Construction of Latino Identity in a Psychiatric Setting. Vilma Santiago-Irizarry. Ithaca: Cornell University Press. American Anthropologist 105(2):459-461, 2003.

(C7) Chavez, Leo R. Review of Becoming Neighbors in a Mexican American Community: Power, Conflict, and Solidarity. Gilda L. Ochoa. Austin: University of Texas Press, 2004. In, The Americas: A Quarterly Review of Inter-American Cultural History 62(4): 671-672, 2006.

(C8) Chavez, Leo R., Review Article, Impossible Subjects: Illegal Aliens and the Making of Modern America. Mae M. Ngai. Princeton University Press, 2004. In, History Workshop Journal 63:353-359; 2007.

(C9) Chavez, Leo R., Review of Becoming A Citizen: Incorporating Immigrants and Refugees in the United States and Canada. Irene Bloemraad. Berkeley: University of California Press. In, Journal of Anthropological Research 64:560-561, 2008.

(C10) Leo R. Chavez, Review of Latino Spin: Public Image and the Whitewashing of Race. Arlene Dávila. New York: New York University Press, 2008. In Journal of American Ethnic History, 29(4):146-147, 2010. Leo R. Chavez 14


(D1) Chavez, Leo R. and Paul Espinosa. In the Shadow of the Law. Co-Producer and co-author of script for one hour documentary shown nationally on the Public Broadcasting System, Fall 1987.

(D2) Chavez, Leo R. and Paul Espinosa. Uneasy Neighbors. Co-authored script for a one-half hour documentary shown locally in San Diego aired nationally on the Public Broadcasting System, 1989-90.

Reprinted Publications:

(F1) Chavez, Leo R. "'To Get Ahead': The Entrepreneurial Ethic and Political Behavior Among Commercial Weavers in Otavalo. Reprinted in Spanish in Quito, Ecuador by Abya-Yala, 1991.

(F2) Chavez, Leo R. “The Valenzuela Family.” Excerpts from Shadowed Lives. Reprinted in: Understanding Race, Class, Gender, and Sexuality. Lynn Weber and Heather Dillaway (eds.). Boston: McGraw-Hill, 2002.

(F3) Chavez, Leo R. "The Power of the Imagined Community: The Settlement of Undocumented Mexicans and Central Americans in the United States." Reprinted in: Academic Reading: Reading and Writing Across the Disciplines, Janet Giltrow (ed.). Orchard Park, NY: Broadview Press, 1995.

(F4) Chavez, Leo R., F. Allan Hubbell, Juliet M. McMullin, Rebecca G. Martinez, and Shiraz I. Mishra. "Understanding Knowledge and Attitudes About Breast Cancer: A Cultural Analysis." Reprinted “Compreendendo o Conhecimento e as Atitudes Relativas ao Cancer de Mama: Uma Analise Cultural” in JAMA/GO, an international journal of selected articles from the American Medical Association journals, Vol. 3:1714-1732, 1995.

(F5) Chavez, Leo R. "Settlers and Sojourners: The Case of Mexicans in the United States." Reprinted in En Aquel Entonces: Readings in Mexican-American History, edited by Manuel G. Gonzales and Cynthia M. Gonzales. Bloomington and Indianapolis: Indiana University Press, pp. 261-269. 2000.

(F6) Chavez, Leo R. “Immigration Reform and Nativism: The Nationalist Response to the Transnationalist Challenge.” Reprinted in: Perspectives on Las Americans: A Reader in Culture, History, and Representation. Matthew C. Guttman, Felix V. Matos-Rodriguez, Lynn Stephen and Patricia Zavella, editors. Pp. 418-419. Oxford: Blackwell Publishers, 2003.

(F7) Chavez, Leo R. “Immigration Reform and Nativism: The Nationalist Response to the Transnationalist Challenge.” Reprinted in The Ethnic Experience in the United States. Grace Pena Delgado and Troy R. Johnson, editors. Pp. 281-298. Kendall/Hunt Publishing Company. 2005.

(F8) Leo R. Chavez, Covering Immigration: Popular Images and the Politics of the Nation., pages 1- 8 reprinted in Race and Ethnicity in Society: The Changing Landscape. Elizabeth Leo R. Chavez 15 Higginbotham and Margaret L. Andersen, editors. Pp. 213-218. Belmont, CA: Thomson- Wadsworth. 2006.

(F9) Chavez, Leo R. “A Glass Half Empty: Latina Reproduction and Public Discourse.” Reprinted in Women and Migration in the U.S.-Mexico Borderlands: A Reader. Denise A. Segura and Patricia Zavella, Editors. Pp. 67-91. Duke University Press. 2007.

(F10) Chavez, Leo R. “Latina Sexuality, Reproduction, and Fertility as Threats to the Nation” [Selected pages reprinted from Chapter 3, The Latino Threat: Constructing Immigrants, Citizens, and the Nation, Leo R. Chavez. Stanford University Press, 2008]. Reprinted in The Latino Condition: A Critical Reader, Second Edition. Richard Delgado and Jean Stefanic, Editors. Pp. 531-540. New York University Press, 2010.

(F11) Leo R. Chavez, “The Spectacle in the Desert: The Minuteman Project on the U.S-Mexico Border.” Reprinted in Governing Immigration Through Crime: A Reader. Julie A. Dowling and Jonathan Xavier Inda, Editors. Pp. 115-127. Stanford University Press, 2013. [peer reviewed]