Romans #16 - Life in the Spirit New Father
Romans #16 - Life in the Spirit New Father - All right. If you've got your Bible, go to Romans 8. We're gonna spend a number of months going through Romans 8, starting with a seven hour sermon today in Romans 8:1-17. If you're laughing, that means you're new. If you're not laughing, it means you're one of our regular attenders. You know that's a prophecy predicting the future. All right. So here's where we find ourselves in this great book of Romans. And by the way, grab a free study guide on the way out or online at Wanna help you learn God's Word. And you're at the Trinity Church. And this is the central conviction for the Christian of who God is. Some will say that there is one God, others will say that there are many gods, only Christians believe that there's one God; three persons, Father, Son, and Spirit. They do relationship and love and communication. They care for, they look out for, they serve one another. And that ultimately, to become a Christian is to enter into relationship with God the Father, God the Son, God the Spirit. Each of them loves and serves us in a particular and a unique way. We're gonna look at all three today. We're gonna look at how Jesus lives for you, how the Holy Spirit lives in you, and how God the Father lives with you. So we'll just jump right in, Jesus lives for you, Romans 8:1-4.
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