Full name Delia Bentley.


Oct. 1993-June 1997 PhD in Linguistics . Department of Linguistics, The . Oct 1991-Sept 1993 MA in Linguistics. Department of Linguistics, The University of Manchester. 1985-86 to 1989-90 Degree in Modern Languages and Literatures. Università degli Studi di Palermo, Facoltà di Lettere e Filosofia.

Academic qualifications

December 1997 PhD in Linguistics. December 1993 MA in Linguistics. July 1990 Degree in Modern Languages and Literatures (110-110 e la lode).

Previous employment and appointments held

April 2012-August 2014 Head of the Division of Linguistics and English Language, School of Arts, Languages and Cultures, The University of Manchester. Sept. 2011-August 2012 Head of Russian and East European Studies, School of Languages, Linguistics and Cultures, The University of Manchester. Sept. 2010-August 2012 Head of Italian Studies, School of Languages, Linguistics and Cultures, The University of Manchester. Oct. 2007 to July 2015 Senior Lecturer, The University of Manchester.

Feb. 2004- Sept. 2007 Lecturer, Italian Studies, School of Languages, Linguistics and Cultures, The University of Manchester. Sept. 2002-Jan. 2004 Lecturer in Italian (grade B). School of Languages, Salford University. Sept. 1997-Aug. 2002 Research Associate on the partly AHRC-funded project Archaism and Innovation in the Linguistic History of Europe , Department of Linguistics, The University of Manchester (Principal Investigators: Nigel B. Vincent and Richard Hogg). Oct. 1991-June 1995 Language assistant. Department of Italian Studies, The University of Manchester. Sept. 1990-May 1991 assistant. St. Ninian's High School, Rouken Glen Road, Giffnock, Glasgow.

Present appointment

August 2015 to present Professor of Romance Linguistics, Division of Linguistics and English language, School of Arts, Languages, and Cultures, The University of Manchester.

1 of 19

Visiting appointments/secondments

Michaelmas term 2000-01 Lecturer in Romance and Italian Linguistics. Faculty of Modern and Medieval Languages, .

Membership of bodies

Member of the Linguistics Association of Great Britain. Member of the Linguistic Society of America. Member of the Philological Society (honorary member of Council between 2006 and 2012). Member of the Centro di Studi Filologici e Linguistici Siciliani.

Career Breaks

On maternity leave from 4 April to 20 September 2004 and from 3 November 2007 to 1 August 2008.


A.1. Publications

Authored books

1. Bentley, D., Ciconte, F. M., and Cruschina, S. (2015). Existentials and locatives in Romance dialects of Italy . Oxford: Oxford University Press, xxiv + 306pp, ISBN: 9780198745266.

2. Bentley, D. (2006) Split intransitivity in Italian . Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter, EALT 30, xiv + 452pp., ISBN: 3-11-017997-0.

Edited Books and Thematic Issues of Journals

1. Bentley, D., Ciconte, F. M., Cruschina, S. (eds) (2013) Existential Constructions in Cross-Linguistic Perspective . Thematic Issue of Italian Journal of Linguistics (including an authored Introduction, pp. 1- 13, and an authored article, see item 3 under Refereed Academic Journal Articles), 173 pp., ISSN 1120- 2726. 2. Bentley, D. and Ledgeway, A. (eds) (2007) Sui dialetti italo-romanzi. Saggi in onore di Nigel B. Vincent (Special supplement number 1 to The Italianist 27). King’s Lynn, Norfolk: Biddles Ltd, 316 pp., ISSN 0261-4340. 3. Smith, J. C. and D. Bentley (eds) (2000) Historical Linguistics 1995. Volume I: General issues and non-Germanic Languages. Selected papers from the 12th International Conference on Historical Linguistics , Manchester, August 1995. Amsterdam: Benjamins, xi + 438 pp., ISBN 90-272-3666-6.

Refereed Academic Journal Articles

1. Bentley, D. and Ledgeway, A. (2014) Manciati siti? Les constructions moyennes avec les participes résultatifs statifs dans l’italien et les variétés italo-romanes méridionales. Langages 194: 63-80. 2. Bentley, D. (2013) Subject canonicality and definiteness effects in Romance there sentences. Language 89 (4): 675-712. (SCImago Journal Rank indicator : 1,575). 3. Bentley, D., Ciconte, F. M., Cruschina, S. (2013) Micro-variation in subject agreement: The case of existential pivots with split focus in Italo-Romance. Italian Journal of Linguistics 25 (1): 15-43. 4. Bentley, D. (2011) Sui costrutti esistenziali sardi. Effetti di definitezza, deissi, evidenzialità. Zeitschrift für romanische Philologie 127 (1): 111-140. 5. Bentley, D. (2010) Principles of subject markedness in Romance. Archivio Glottologico Italiano XCV (II): 152-189. 6. Bentley, D. (2004) Ne -cliticisation and split intransitivity. Journal of Linguistics 40: 219-262. 7. Bentley, D. (2004) Definiteness effects: evidence from Sardinian. Transactions of the Philological Society 102 (1): 57-101.

2 of 15 8. Bentley, D. and Þ. Eyþórsson (2003) Auxiliary selection and the semantics of unaccusativity. Lingua 114: 447-471. 9. Bentley, D. (2001) Proprietà sintattiche dell’oggetto diretto in siciliano antico: la distribuzione della particella partitiva (in)di . Bollettino del Centro di Studi Filologici e Linguistici Siciliani 19: 101-119. 10. Bentley, D. (2000a) Metonymy and metaphor in the evolution of modal verbs: evidence from Italo- Romance. Belgian Journal of Linguistics 14: 1-22. 11. Bentley, D. (2000b) I costrutti condizionali in siciliano: un’analisi diacronica. Revue Romane 35 (1): 3- 20. 12. Bentley, D. (2000c) Semantica e sintassi nello sviluppo dei costrutti condizionali: il caso del siciliano. Revue Romane 35 (2): 163-176. 13. Bentley, D. (1999) On the origin of Sardinian àere a plus infinitive. Medioevo Romanzo XXIII (III): 321-358. 14. Bentley, D. (1998) Modalità e tempo in siciliano: un'analisi diacronica dell’espressione del futuro. Vox Romanica 57: 117-137. 15. Bentley, D. (1997) Language and dialect in Modern . The Italianist 17: 204-230.

Journal articles in preparation

1. Agreement impoverishment and the logical structure of VS constructions. 2. Italo-Romance result-state participles and the Monotonicity Hypothesis..

Book chapters

1. Bentley, D., Ciconte, F. M., Cruschina, S., Ramsammy, M. (2016) Micro-variation in information structure: Existential constructions in Italo-Romance. In M. M. Jocelyne Fernandez-Vest and Robert Van Valin Jr (eds), Information Structure and Spoken Language in a Cross-linguistic Perspective . Amsterdam / Philadelphia: Benjamins, pp. 95-120. 2. Bentley, Delia and Ledgeway, Adam (2015) Autour de la question des participes résultatifs statifs dans les variétés romanes. In I. Mirto (ed.) Le relazioni irresistibili. Pisa: Edizioni ETS, pp. 61-91. 2. Bentley, D. (2014) On the personal infinitive in Sicilian. In P. Benincà, A. Ledgeway and N. Vincent (eds), Dialects and Diachrony . Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 96-115. 3. Bentley, D. (2012) Una explicación unificada de las construcciones con si en italiano. In R. Mairal, L. Guerrero and C. González (eds), El funcionalismo en la teoría lingüística. La Gramática del Papel y la Referencia. Avances y aplicaciones . Madrid: Ediciones Akal, pp. 152-170. 4. Bentley, D. (2008) The interplay of focus structure and syntax: evidence from two sister languages. In R. Van Valin Jr. (ed.), Investigations of the Syntax-Semantics-Pragmatics Interface . Amsterdam: Philadelphia: Benjamins, pp. 263-284. 5. Bentley, D. (2007) Relazioni grammaticali e ruoli pragmatici: siciliano e italiano a confronto. In Bentley, D. and A. Ledgeway (eds), Sui dialetti italo-romanzi. Saggi in onore di Nigel B. Vincent (Special supplement number 1 to The Italianist 27). King’s Lynn, Norfolk: Biddles Ltd, pp. 48-62. 6. Bentley, D. (2002) New Linguistic Research into Italo-Romance Dialects. In A. L. Lepschy and A. Tosi (eds), Multilingualism in Italy: Past and Present . European Humanities Research Centre, Oxford: LEGENDA, pp. 82-107. 7. Bentley, D. (1997) Modalità e futuro nel siciliano antico e moderno. In M. D'Agostino (ed.), Aspetti della variabilità. Ricerche linguistiche siciliane . Palermo: Centro di Studi Filologici e Linguistici Siciliani, pp. 49-66. 8. Bentley, D. (1996) Alcune osservazioni sui costrutti condizionali nell'area di Palermo. In R. Hastings (ed.) Quaderni di ricerca . Centro di Dialettologia e Linguistica Italiana di Manchester, pp. 1-20.

Book chapters to appear

1. Bentley, D. (in press, 2016) Split Intransitivity. In A. Ledgeway and M. Maiden (eds). Oxford Guide to the Romance Languages . Oxford: Oxford University Press. 2. Bentley, D. and Ciconte, F. M. (in press, 2016) Copular and Existential Constructions. In A. Ledgeway and M. Maiden (eds), Oxford Guide to the Romance Languages . Oxford: Oxford University Press.

3 of 15 3. Bentley, D. and Cruschina, S. (forthcoming 2017) Existential Constructions. In S. Fischer and C. Gabriel (eds), Manuals of Romance Linguistics (MRL): Grammatical Interfaces . Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter. 4. Bentley, D. (forthcoming 2017) Information structure. In R. Van Valin Jr. (ed.) Handbook of Role and Reference Grammar . Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 5. Bentley, D. (forthcoming 2017) Copular and existential constructions. In E. Stark and A. Dufter (eds) Manuals of Romance Linguistics (MRL): Morphosyntax and Syntax . Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter.

Invited foreword in research monograph

1 Bentley, D. (2009) Prefazione. In E. Mocciaro. Sull’espressione non prototipica dell’agentività nei testi siciliani del XIV secolo (Quaderni di Artesia, Archivio Testuale del Siciliano Antico, 4). Catania:, pp. 9-11.

Publications in conference proceedings

1. Bentley, D. (2010) Focus fronting in the layered structure of the clause. In Nakamura, W. (ed.), Online Proceedings of RRG 2009 , pp. 3-27 ( 2. Bentley, D. (2004) Il partitivo INDE nel siciliano e nel sardo delle origini. In M. Dardano and G. Frenguelli (eds), SintAnt. La sintassi dell’italiano antico. Atti del Convegno Internazionale di Studi . Università “Roma Tre”, Roma, 18-21 settembre 2002. Roma: Aracne, pp. 529-551. 3. Bentley, D. (2003) Sur la force d’une approche non-dérivationnelle de l’analyse linguistique: quelques données de l’italo-roman. In J. François (ed.), Aspects de la Role and Reference Grammar. Cahiers du Centre de Recherches Interlangues sur la Signification en Contexte 13 . Université de Caen (France): CRISCO, pp. 51-73. 4. Bentley, D. and Þ. Eyþórsson (2001) Alternation according to person in Italo-Romance. In L. Brinton (ed.), Historical Linguistics 1999. Proceedings of the XIV International Conference on Historical Linguistics , University of British Columbia, Vancouver, 9-13 August 1999. Amsterdam: Benjamins, pp. 63-74. 5. Bentley, D. (2001) Standard e dialetto nella Sicilia odierna. In M. Lamberti and F. Bizzoni (eds), La Italia del siglo XX. IV jornadas internacionales de estudios italianos . Cátedra Extraordinaria Italo Calvino , Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, pp. 347-363. 6. Vincent, N.B. and D. Bentley (2001) On the demise of the Latin future periphrasis in -urus + esse . In C. Moussy (ed.), De Lingva Latina Novae Quaestiones . Actes du Xe Colloque International de Linguistique Latine , Paris, Université Paris IV, 19-23 April 1999. Bibliothèque d’Etudes Classiques. Paris: Editions Peeters, pp. 145-158. 7. Bentley, D. (1998) Modalità perifrastica e sintetica in siciliano: un caso di grammaticalizzazione? In P. Ramat and E. Roma (eds), Sintassi Storica. Atti del XXX Congresso Internazionale della Società di Linguistica Italiana , Pavia, 26-28 settembre 1996. Roma: Bulzoni, pp. 369-383. 8. Bentley, D. (1998) Alcune osservazioni sulla modalità nell'area di Palermo. In G. Ruffino (ed.), Atti del XXI Congresso Internazionale di Linguistica e Filologia Romanza . Vol V: Dialettologia, geolinguistica, sociolinguistica . Tübingen: Max Niemeyer, pp. 47-58. 9. Vincent, N. B. and D. Bentley (1995) Conditional and subjunctive in Italian and Sicilian. A case-study in the province of Palermo. In A. Giacalone Ramat and G. Rocco Galeas (eds), From Pragmatics to Syntax. Modality in Second Language Acquisition . Tübingen: Gunter Narr, pp. 11-33.

Reviews and review articles

1. From 2004 to 2008 inclusive I provided two sections annually to the chapter on Italian Language of The Year’s Work in Modern Language Studies , a critical bibliography of the Modern Humanities Association. The sections were called Dialectology and Sardinian . (Approx. 5,000 words per year). 2. Bentley, D. (2014) Review of van Gelderen, E., Cennamo, M. and Barðdal, J. Argument structure in Flux. The Naples-Capri Papers . Amsterdam / Philadelphia: Benjamins, 2013, viii + 578 pp. Journal of Linguistics 50 (2): 527-532. 3. Bentley, D. (2013) Review of Ledgeway, A. From Latin to Romance. Morphosyntactic Typology and Change . OUP, 2012, xxvii + 334 pp. Italian Studies 68 (3): 461-462.

4 of 15 4. Bentley, D. (2011) Review of D’Alessandro, R., Ledgeway, A. and Roberts, I. (eds). Syntactic Variation. The Dialects of Italy . Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2010, 351 pp. Language 87 (3): 634-637. 5. Bentley, D. (2007) Review of Parry, M. Sociolinguistica e grammatica del dialetto di Cairo Montenotte. Parluma ‘D Còiri . Savona: Società Savonese di Storia Patria, 2005. 377 pp. Italian Studies 62 (1): 154-155. 6. Bentley, D. (2004) Review of Lepschy, G. Mother tongues and other reflections on the Italian language . Toronto: Press, 2002. 148 pp. Modern Language Review 99 (4): 1068- 1069. 7. Bentley, D. (2002) Review of Skytte, G. and F. Sabatini (eds) Linguistica testuale comparativa . Etudes Romanes 42. Copenhagen: Museum Tusculanum Press, 1999. 388 pp. Journal of Pragmatics 34: 1895- 1902. 8. Bentley, D. (2002) Review of Schneider, S. Il congiuntivo tra modalità e subordinazione. Roma: Carocci, 1999. 207 pp. Italian Studies 57: 203-205.


• Honorary Secretary for Publications of the Philological Society (2006-2012, see section D.4). • Member of the International Advisory Board of Italian Journal of Linguistics . • Member of the Editorial Board of L’isola di Ferdinando . Book series. Pisa: ETS. Editor in chief: Nunzio La Fauci, Romanisches Seminar, Universität Zürich. • Member of the International Editorial Board of Studi linguistici e di storia della lingua italiana. Book series. Roma: Aracne. Editor in chief: Maurizio Dardano. Emeritus, Università di Roma Tre.

A.2. Research grant awards / bids

1. Co-Investigator in bid to HERA Joint Research Programme (PI in Leiden, The Netherlands), March 2015. This bid was unsuccessful. 2. In September 2014 I was made a £1.8K award under the competitive Research Support Fund scheme of the School of Arts, Languages and Cultures. This award allowed me to conduct fieldwork in Italy in preparation for a large grant bid. 3. AHRC award (Standard Route scheme, £535,927, AH/H032509/1), November 2010 to June 2014, for a research project entitled Existential Constructions: An Investigation into the Italo-Romance dialects . The project involved myself as PI, two RAs, and the collaboration of top dialectologists worldwide (for a full list, visit the website:

Key outputs of which I am a single or joint author:

• One monograph with Oxford University Press. I am the author of chapters 1, 3, 4 and 6. The Research Associates on the project authored chapters 2 and 5. • Two refereed academic journal articles: one in Language (of which I am the single author) and one in Italian Journal of Linguistics (jointly authored with the RAs). • Five book contributions: two in Oxford Guide to the Romance Languages (of which I am a single and a joint author, respectively), two in Manuals of Romance Linguistics (one jointly authored with Cruschina), one in Information Structure and Spoken Language in a Cross- linguistic Perspective (jointly authored). • One edited thematic issue of Italian Journal of Linguistics (including an authored article and Introduction). • One collection of dialect fairy tales on booklet + DVD (Bentley, Ciconte and Cruschina. I dialetti d’Italia: fiabe, favole, racconti ). • One online dialect dataset, which can be downloaded freely by dialectologists worldwide from the project’s webpage. • One symposium.

The most prestigious publications of the project, the article in Language and the OUP book, are Gold Open Access publications, also published in print (note that these have been subject to most rigorous refereeing, 5 of 15 in accordance with the standard procedures of the Linguistic Society of America and of Oxford University Press). Following an increasingly recognized need for transparency in linguistic research and for the sharing of data, the dataset upon which the project’s work is based is freely downloadable from the web pages of the project.

4. AHRC award (Research Leave scheme, £23,268, AH/E506011/1), February to July 2009. Key outputs: two refereed academic journal articles (items 4 and 5 under Refereed Academic Journal Articles); one successful grant application (item 1 in this section).

A.3. Supervision of research students

1. De Cia, Simone, full-time PhD, funded by SALC, started in January 2015, At the Edge of Ladin, Venetian, and Friulian: the Dialect Continuum in the Southern Part of the Province of Belluno. A Documentation Project. I am the main supervisor. 2. Stampone, Victoria, full-time PhD, September 2013 to present, The microvariation in passive and impersonal constructions in Italo-Romance dialects of Italy. I am the main supervisor. 3. Heidi Reid, part-time PhD, partly funded by LLC/SALC, joint supervision with Eva Schultze-Berndt, September 2011 to present, Tense-Aspect-Mood Systems in Providence Island Creole English . 4. Francesco Casti, full-time PhD, funded by the Sardinian Regional Council, September 2008 to November 2012, Testing the Interclausal Relations Hierarchy: Aspectual and Modal Periphrases in Modern Sardinian . I was the main supervisor. 5. Francesco Maria Ciconte, full-time PhD, AHRC funded, September 2006 to March 2010, Existentials in Early Narratives of the Vernaculars of Italy . I was the main supervisor. 6. Stefania Tufi, part-time PhD, joint supervision with Nigel B. Vincent, 1998 to 2004, Transitivity in Non- Standard Italian: Three Case-Studies .

Advisory / independent reviewer roles.

7. Allan Callister, full-time PhD, ESRC funded, January 2014 to present, A Survey of Tense, Aspect and Mood in Gambian Mandinka. 8. Laura Arman, full-time PhD, ESRC funded, September 2011 to 2015, The Interaction of Welsh Impersonal and Passive Constructions . 9. Fatemah Mahsain, part-time PhD, October 2010 to 2014, The Status of Single Foreign Origin Words in Kuwaiti Arabic . 10. At Salford University I was an advisor on six PhD panels. 11. In the academic year 2001-02, I contributed to the specialist training of two PhD students who conducted doctoral research as part of the AHRC-funded project entitled Sintassi degli Antichi Volgari Italiani (University of Manchester and , see section A.5).

External examining of PhD theses

1. Contacts de langues (Italien, Sicilien, Arabe) : Le case du journal italien Simpaticuni (Tunis, 1911-1933). Université de Paris Nanterre, November 2015. 2. Forme verbali flesse e non-finite: diacronia e sincronia dell'infinito portoghese . Università di Roma Tre, 2013. 4. Language Standardization in the History of Italian : Typology and Effects , PhD Thesis, Faculty of Linguistics, Philology and Phonetics, Oxford, 2009. 5. One MPhil Thesis, Department of Italian, University of Manchester, 2003 (please note that at the time I was a lecturer at the University of Salford).

Internal examining of PhD theses

1. Serial verb constructions in Mandarin Chinese and Jinjiang Southern Min , Linguistics and English Language, The University of Manchester, March 2016.

6 of 15 A.5. Professional advisory or consultancy work

2012-13: Assessor for general and Italian linguistics in the Italian equivalent of the REF (VQR 2004-2010), run by the ANVUR, Agenzia di Valutazione del Sistema Universitario e della Ricerca ‘Agency for the Evaluation of the University System and of Research’. 2012-13: Assessor in the ranking of linguistics journals in Italy, an exercise run by the ANVUR, Agenzia di Valutazione del Sistema Universitario e della Ricerca ‘Agency for the Evaluation of the University System and of Research’. 2013 to present: International consultant on the research project Atlante Sintattico d’Italia (ASIt, see This is a major research project on the dialects of Italy, which, similarly to my project on existentials, has both documentation objectives and theoretical objectives. The collaboration with this project has involved liaising over the preparation of field research, the sharing of data, the refereeing of project’s publications. I also delivered a keynote address at the dialectology conference organized by the ASIt in Padua in June 2014 (see A6). 2007 to present: Peer assessor for the AHRC Research Grants (Standard) Scheme, the Leverhulme Fellowship scheme, the Swiss National Science Foundation, the Icelandic Research Fund, and the Flanders Research Council. 2000 to present: Regular reviewer of articles submitted to Natural Language and Linguistic Theory , Journal of Linguistics , Transactions of the Philological Society , Italian Journal of Linguistics, Glossa , Isogloss , Folia Linguistica, Probus, Italian Studies, The Italianist, Suvremena lingvistika, Milli mála and of monographs for various publishers. One review by invitation in Language (2011). 2000 to 2005: Consultant on the partly AHRC-funded research project entitled Sintassi degli Antichi Volgari Italiani (University of Manchester and University of Bristol, PI: Nigel Vincent, Co-directors: Robert Hastings and Mair Parry). • Member of the Scientific Committees of the Cambridge Italian Dialects Syntax Meeting (Vienna, July 2016), the International Role and Reference Grammar Conference (Leipzig, September 2006, Berkeley, August 2009, Santiago de Chile, August 2011), of the International Conference of the Societas Linguistica Europaea (Logroño, September 2011).

A.6. Invited external lectures and keynote addresses at conferences and workshops (fully funded)

1. Keynote speaker at the 49 th Annual Meeting of the Societas Linguistica Europaea, Naples, 31 August-3 September 2016. 2. Keynote address at the CIDSM 8, Italian Dialects Syntax Conference, Department of Linguistics, Università degli Studi di Padova, 20-22 June 2014. 3. ‘Esistenziali in sardo: tipologia e implicazioni teoriche’, invited external lecture, Centre for Interdisciplinary Research, Universität Tübingen, 4 December 2013. 4. Keynote address at the 2013 Role and Reference Grammar Conference. Department of Romance Languages, Albert-Ludwigs Universität Freiburg, August 2013. 5. ‘Manciati siti? Les constructions moyennes avec les participes resultatifs statifs dans l’italiens et les variétés italo-romanes méridionales’, invited external lecture, with Adam Ledgeway, Paris Ouest Nanterre, 16 Novembre 2012. 6. ‘Costrutti esistenziali in sardo’, invited external lecture, Sardinian Network Meeting, University of Konstanz, 3-4 September 2012. 7. Keynote address at Seminario di Studio ‘Il condizionale. Teoria e problemi didattici ’. Università degli Studi di Palermo, 29 March 2012. 8. ‘L’interfaccia semantica – morfosintassi nelle costruzioni con SE in alcune varietà romanze’, invited external lecture, Universität Zürich, 2 November 2011. 9. ‘Pro drop fra relazioni grammaticali e ruoli pragmatici’, invited external lecture, Universität Zürich, 3 November 2011. 10. ‘Principi di marcatezza del soggetto nelle lingue romanze’, invited external lecture, Università per Stranieri di Siena, 13 April 2011. 11. Keynote address at CIDSM 4, Italian Dialect Syntax Conference, Freie Universität Berlin, 2-3 July 2010. 12. ‘Unaccusativity mismatches in Italo-Romance’, invited external lecture, Department of Linguistics, , 20 January 2006.

7 of 15 13. ‘Existentials and locatives in Italo-Romance’, invited external lecture, Existentials Fest, Department of Linguistics, Stanford University, 21 January 2006. 14. ‘Unaccusativity mismatches and split intransitivity’, invited external lecture, The Philological Society, St John’s College, Cambridge, 18 March 2006. 15. ‘Unexpressed arguments: si -constructions in Italian’, invited external lecture, Symposium on Role and Reference Grammar and the Romance Languages, University of Aachen, Germany, 26 June 2004. 16. ‘On some strengths of a non-derivational approach to linguistic analysis: evidence from Italo- Romance’, invited external lecture, Workshop on Role and Reference Grammar, Centre de Recherches Interlangues sur la Signification en Contexte , Université de Caen (France), 14 March 2003. 17. ‘Language and dialect in modern Italy: Sicily’, invited external lecture, Symposium of the Society for Italian Studies, London, 6 January 1996. 18. ‘Teorie semantiche e descrizioni dialettali. Forme e funzioni della modalità’, invited external lecture, Facoltà di Magistero, Università degli Studi di Palermo, 12 December 1995.

A.7. Invited departmental seminars (fully funded)

1. ‘Manciati siti? On result-state participles in Italian and Southern Italo-Romance’, Institute for Linguistics and Language Studies, School of Languages, Linguistics and Cultures, University of Manchester, 23 April 2013. 2. ‘Subject markedness and pivot encoding in Romance and beyond’, Institute for Linguistics and Language Studies, School of Languages, Linguistics and Cultures, University of Manchester, 2 February 2010. 3. ‘Existential constructions in Sardinian: definiteness effects, deixis, evidentiality’, Romance Linguistics Seminar, University of Liverpool, 22 February 2010. 4. ‘Existential and locative constructions: evidence from Romance’, Romance Linguistics Seminar, Taylor Institution, Oxford, 1 February 2007. 5. ‘Formal and functional analyses of the grammaticalisation of HABERE : evidence from Sicilian’, Romance Linguistics Seminar, , 12 February 1998.

A.8. Presentation of conference papers (competitive abstract selection)

1. ‘Agreement impoverishment and the logical structure of VS constructions’, Annual conference of the Linguistics Association of Great Britain, UCL, London, September 2015. 2. ‘The logical structure of result states in RRG and the Principle of Monotonic Composition’. International Role and reference Grammar Conference, Düsseldorf, July 2015. 3. ‘Subtypes of thetic expressions: a cross-dialectal survey’ (with F. M. Ciconte and S. Cruschina). Workshop on Thetic Expressions. Annual Conference of the Linguistics Association of Great Britain. 30 August 2013. 4. ‘Argument structure and predication in Italo-Romance and Sardinian existentials’ (with F. M. Ciconte and S. Cruschina), 2013 Cambridge Italian Dialects Syntax Meeting, Cambridge University, 24-25 June 2013. 5. ‘Micro-variation in subject agreement. The case of existential pivots with split focus’ (with F. M. Ciconte and S. Cruschina), Manchester Symposium on Existentials, Manchester 28 June 2012. 6. ‘Definiteness Effects: A crosslinguistic perspective’, Workshop on Definiteness Effects, Conference of the Deutsche Gesellschft für Sprachwissenschaft , Frankfurt, March 2012. 7. ‘On Focus in Sicilian and Sardinian’, 2011 Cambridge Italian Dialects Syntax Meeting, Cambridge University, June 2011. 8. ‘Focus fronting in the Layered Structure of the clause’, 2009 International Role and Reference Grammar Conference, University of California, Berkeley, August 2009. 9. ‘Subject markedness and pivot choice: a crossdialectal survey’, 2009 Cambridge Italian Dialect Syntax Meeting, Cambridge University, June 2009. 10. ‘Beyond definiteness: more on Sardinian existentials’, IX Italian Dialectology Meeting, Department of Italian, University of Bristol, 6-7 March 2009. 11. ‘Pivot canonicality: evidence from Romance’, Meeting of the Linguistics Association of Great Britain, University College London, 29 August – 1 September 2007. 12. ‘Syntactic and pragmatic principles of word order: Italian and Sicilian’, International Conference on Role and Reference Grammar, Universität Leipzig, 30 September 2006.

8 of 15 13. ‘The syntax of the complementizer de in Old Sardinian’ (with Nigel Vincent and Borbala Samu), Romance Linguistics Seminar, Cambridge, Trinity Hall, 5-6 January 2004. 14. ‘Aspectual and modal constructions in Italo-Romance: an RRG approach’, 2003 International Course and Conference on Role and Reference Grammar, São Paulo State University at São José do Rio Preto, Brazil, 14-20 July 2003. 15. ‘Definiteness effects: evidence from Sardinian’, 2002 International Course and Conference on Role and Reference Grammar, Universidad de La Rioja, Logroño, Spain, 22-28 July 2002. 16. ‘Il partitivo INDE nel siciliano e nel sardo delle origini’, Convegno Internazionale “La sintassi dell’italiano antico” , Università degli Studi Roma Tre, Roma, Italy, 18-21 September 2002. 17. ‘On ' ne ' cliticisation’, Spring Meeting of the Linguistics Association of Great Britain, April 2002. 18. ‘Il sardo nell’italo-romanzo’, V jornadas internacionales de estudios italianos . Cátedra Extraordinaria Italo Calvino , Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, México D.F., 5-9 November 2001. 19. ‘On ' ne ' cliticisation’, Role and Reference Grammar Workshop, LSA Summer School, Santa Barbara, California, 26-28 July 2001. 20. ‘The history of ‘ da ’ in Italo-Romance: evidence from Old Sardinian’, Romance Linguistics Seminar, Cambridge, Trinity Hall, 4-5 January 2001. 21. ‘Dimensioni tipologiche dell’Italia linguistica dell’anno 1000’ (with Nigel Vincent), XXXIV Congresso Internazionale della Società di Linguistica Italiana, Firenze 19-21 October 2000. 22. ‘The development of Sicilian (in)di/nni and the theory of partitive ‘ne’’, Secondo Incontro di Dialettologia, Department of Italian, University of Bristol, 14-15 September 2000. 23. ‘Perfective auxiliary selection and the semantics of unaccusatives’ (with Thórhallur Eythórsson), Spring Meeting of the Linguistics Association of Great Britain, April 2000. 24. ‘Alternation according to person and the evolution of perfective auxiliaries in Italo-Romance’, Primo Incontro di Dialettologia, Department of Italian, University of Bristol, September 1999. 25. ‘The Romance future: change or stability?’, Conference of the Society for Italian Studies, Bristol, 9-11 April 1999. 26. ‘‘Have’ is not BE’ (with Thórhallur Eythórsson), Autumn Meeting of the Linguistics Association of Great Britain, Luton, September 1998. 27. ‘Aviri a + infinitive in Sicilian: grammaticalisation across semantics and pragmatics’, XIII International Conference on Historical Linguistics, Düsseldorf, August 1997. 28. ‘Dovere in the regional Italian of the Palermo area’, Romance Linguistics Seminar, Cambridge, Trinity Hall, 4-5 January 1995. 29. ‘Conditional and subjunctive: a case-study in the province of Palermo’, Third Manchester Postgraduate Conference, 12 March 1994.

A.9. Organisation of conferences

• Organizer of the Manchester Symposium on Existentials (with F. M. Ciconte and S. Cruschina), The University of Manchester, 28-29 June 2012. • Member of the organising committee of the 2009 International Role and Reference Grammar Conference, University of California, Berkeley, 7-9 August 2009. • Organiser of the Workshop on Predicative Morphosyntax: Parameters of Variation in Romance (with Ignazio Mirto), Università degli Studi di Palermo, 22-24 November 2001. • Organiser of the Workshop on Perfective Auxiliaries (with Thórhallur Eythórsson), Department of Linguistics, The University of Manchester, 2-4 June 2000. • Member of the organising committee of the Twelth International Conference on Historical Linguistics (University of Manchester, August 1995).

A.10. Major academic visits and collaborations

I have accepted invitations to present my work to colleagues and doctoral students in Europe and further afield (Bergamo, Berlin, Caen, Cambridge, Dublin, Freiburg, Konstanz, Naples, Oxford, Padua, Palermo, Paris, Stanford, Siena, Tübingen, Turin, Zurich). While a postdoctoral researcher in Manchester, I was seconded to Cambridge for one semester, where I replaced a colleague in the Faculty of Modern and Medieval Languages. I have also participated in an Erasmus staff exchange with the Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II, Italy. See sections A.6 and B.3 for more detail.


Degree programmes on which teaching has been conducted M.A. Linguistics (SALC, SLLC, Manchester) M.A. Languages and Linguistics (SALC, SLLC, Manchester) M.A. European Languages and Cultures (SLLC, Manchester) M.A. Translation (both at Manchester and at Salford) B.A. Linguistics (both at Manchester and at Salford) B.A. English Language (SALC, Manchester) Join Honours degrees offered by Linguistics and English Language (SALC, SLLC, Manchester) B.A. Italian (at Cambridge, Manchester and Salford) Joint Honours degrees with a language named in the degree (at Cambridge, Manchester and Salford) B.A Business and a Modern Language (at Manchester and at Salford)

See B.3 for invitations to teach at foreign institutions.

B.1. School teaching duties

Graduate: • Supervisor of M.A. dissertations (M.A. in Linguistics (2012-13), M.A. in European Languages and Cultures (2004 to 2011), M.A. in Translation and Interpreting (2004 to 2011)).

• Directed Reading course units: (i) Role and Reference Grammar (15-credit option offered as part of the M.A. in Linguistics) (2004 to 2013). (ii) Topics in Italian Dialectology (15-credit option offered as part of the M.A. in Linguistics) (2012- 13). (iii) Italian Sociolinguistics (15-credit option offered as part of the M.A. in Linguistics) (2012-13). (iv) Mood and Modality in Romance (15-credit directed-reading option offered as part of the M.A. in Linguistics) (2000-01 and 2012-13). (v) Topics in the linguistic up to the 15 th century (15-credit option offered as part of the M.A. in European Languages and Cultures) (2004 to 2007). (vi) Translation tutorials to students of the M.A. in Translation and Interpreting (2004 to 2007).

• ‘Microvariation at the syntax-semantics interface’. Training Session at the Teaching Field Linguistics Training Event organised by the Institute for Linguistics and Language Studies and the Subject Centre for Languages, Linguistics and Area Studies, 20 May 2010, University of Manchester.

• In 2014-15 I am offering a session to Artsmethods in SALC entitled “Using data to test theories”.

Undergraduate: • 20 and 40 credit final-year dissertations (8,000 or 20,000 words). I supervise1 to 5 dissertations per year. • LELA10021 (2015-16) – Principles of Linguistics; course convenor and sole lecturer; ca. 180 students; semester 1, level 1, 10 credits, 11 lectures six 1-hour tutorial sessions (taught with the assistance of a GTA (Graduate Teaching Assistant)), and some degree of on-line tuition; assessed by essay and exam. • LELA10122 (2012-13, 2013- 2014, 2015-16) - Investigating Grammar; course convenor and sole lecturer; ca. 135 students; semester 2, level 1, 10 credits, 11 lectures, six 1-hour tutorial sessions (taught with the assistance of a GTA (Graduate Teaching Assistant)), and some degree of on-line tuition; assessed by essay and exam. • ITAL20352 and ITAL30352 (2004 to 2011, 2015-16) - Italian Sociolinguistics; course convenor and sole tutor; ca. 30 students; semester 2, level 2 and then level 3, 20 credits, 15 lectures, 15 seminars, one 2-hour feedback session, one 2-hour assessment preparation session, and some degree of on-line tuition; assessed by coursework. • ITAL30241 (2004 to 2010) - Italian Stylistics; course convenor and sole tutor; between 20 and 4 students; semester 1, level 3, 20 credits, 11 lectures and 11 seminars; assessed by coursework and examination.

10 of 15 • ITAL20341 (2004 to 2011) - Structures of Modern Italian; course convenor and sole tutor; ca. 25 students; semester 1, level 2, 20 credits; 15 lectures, 11 seminars, one 2-hour feedback session, one 2- hour assessment preparation session, and some degree of on-line tuition; assessed by coursework. • ITAL10701 (2008 to 2010) - Introduction to Italian linguistics; course convenor and sole tutor; approximately 25 students; semester 1, level 1, 10 credits, 11 lectures; assessed by examination. • ITAL10200-10210 (2004 to 2012) - Language Lecture; ca. 60 students; semesters 1 and 2, level 1, part of a 40-credit unit; 22 lectures and some degree of on-line tuition; assessed by coursework. • SL3022 (2001-02) - Romance Linguistics; course convenor and sole tutor; approximately 65 students; 22 lectures, level 3, 20 credits, assessed by coursework and examination. • LALC10221C (2010 to 2012) - Introduction to Phonetics and Phonology: semester 1, level 1, part of a 10 credit unit, approximately 10 students for Italian (convenor: Dr Brockhaus–Grand), 5 seminars for Italian; assessed by examination. • ITAL20200 / 20210 (2004 to 2007) (written language and grammar); semesters 1 and 2, level 2, part of one 40-credit core language course unit and one 20-credit such unit, approximately 40 students; assessed by coursework and examination. • Historical Linguistics (2001/02 and 2002/03); course convenor and sole tutor; approximately 60 students; 12 lectures and 3 weekly seminars, level 3, 20 credits, assessed by examination.

At the University of Salford (Sept. 2002-Jan. 2004), I taught various course units in Italian language, Italian stylistics, historical linguistics, English grammar (an introduction to English syntax), and, at graduate level, translation into Italian. I also supervised final year dissertations and extended translations.

B.3. External teaching (fully funded)

Teaching in the following linguistics graduate programmes (by invitation – all expenses paid). • Università degli Studi di Torino, December 2014. • Università degli Studi di Bergamo, November 2014. (I was invited to deliver a three-hour lecture and seminar and thereby to inaugurate with my teaching the new Doctoral Programme in Linguistics of the University.) • Romanisches Seminar, Universität Tübingen, December 2013. • Università degli Studi di Palermo, March 2012. • Universität Zürich, November 2011. • Università per Stranieri di Siena, April 2011. • Ireland Institute of Technology Blanchardstown, Dublin, July 2004. • Postgraduate Research Training Programme of the North West Centre of Linguistics, Manchester- Salford, September 2003.

Undergraduate external teaching • Romanisches Seminar, Universität Zürich, November 2011. • Secondment to the Faculty of Modern and Medieval Languages, University of Cambridge, Michaelmas Term, Academic Year 2000-2001. I taught three course units, involving 1-hour weekly lectures and 1- hour fortnightly seminars: (i) History of the Italian language, (ii) Italian Linguistics, (iii) Romance Languages. My duties at Cambridge also involved the supervision of dissertations of final year students. • Dipartimento di Filologia Moderna, Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II, Italy, April 2000. Socrates scheme visit to teach lectures on the history of the Italian language and on Italian linguistics. • Department of Italian Studies, University of Bristol, 9 March 1998, invited undergraduate lecture on the Sicilian dialect.

B.4. Results of assessment of teaching ability

Results obtained on standard UoM questionnaires for the course units of which I was the sole convenor and lecturer/tutor. In 2009-10 these were paper questionnaires, since 2010-11 they are electronic questionnaires. Unit code / year credits number of takers response rate average score (all questions) ITAL10701-09-10 10 27 63% 1.37 out of 2 ITAL30241-09-10 20 4 100% 1.85 out of 2

11 of 15 ITAL20341-09-10 20 21 91% 1.56 out of 2 ITAL20352-09-10 20 17 76% 1.84 out of 2 ITAL20341-10-11 20 26 64.17% 1.65 out of 2 ITAL30352-10-11 20 29 53.57% 1.61 out of 2 LELA10122-12-13 10 141 21.28% 4.06 out of 5 LELA10122-13-14 10 129 32.5% Not available (but see below )

• In 2013-14 I was nominated by students on LELA10122 for a University of Manchester teaching award as ‘Most Innovative Lecturer’. In the nomination, the students note my “ complete devotion to teaching ”. I report here the entire set of scores for this unit: Q1: 4.12/5; Q2: 4.26/5; Q.3: 4.67/5; Q4: 4.57/5; Q5: 4.67/5; Q6: 4.45/5; Q7: 4.05/5; Q8: 4.26/5; Q9: 4.55/5; Q10: 4.07/5; Q11: 4.12/5; Q12 (Dr Bentley’s teaching was excellent): 4.50/5.

Other achievements:

• The scores of ITAL30241 in 2004-05 (15 students) and ITAL20352 in 2009-10 (17 students) were in the highest 10% scores of the Faculty of Humanities. I received a letter of congratulations from the Vice President for Teaching and Learning for the exceptionally good results of the evaluation of the former unit.

Peer review of teaching:

• My teaching in the posts held at the University of Manchester and at the University of Salford has been subject to peer review and I have also served as a reviewer. I report here the entire set of comments provided by the two colleagues who reviewed my teaching in Italian Studies in 2005-06 : “Lesson well structured, clear and careful exposition, good and fluent delivery, easy and informal manner, conveyed enthusiasm for the subject, effective involvement of students, patience and understanding.” Under ‘suggestions made’ they wrote: “Some minor, incidental points were covered in our discussion: no point in including them here.” My teaching in Linguistics was reviewed in 2013-14 . No areas for improvement were identified. These are the closing comments in the review report: “Delia is a very experienced and effective lecturer. The lecture was well planned and very engaging. The material was perfectly designed for the learning objectives associated with the lecture. Clear links were made between the content of the current lecture and previous sessions, and Delia successfully achieved an interactive learning environment despite the number of students and size of room. The students were engaged and active throughout the session.”

B.5. Publications related to teaching

1. Bentley, D., F. M. Ciconte, and S. Cruschina (eds) (2013) I dialetti d’Italia: fiabe, favole e racconti . A collection of 20 fairy tales / riddles in Italo-Romance and Sardinian dialects, on booklet, with audio on DVD.

2. Bentley, D. (2008) L’italiano regionale e l’insegnamento dell’italiano oggi. In A. Ledgeway and A. L. Lepschy (eds) Proceedings of Convegno sull’insegnamento della lingua italiana: testo e contesto , Downing College, Cambridge, 24-25 November 2006. Perugia: GUERRA EDIZIONI, pp. 85-97. (Regional Italian and the teaching of the Italian language today. In Proceedings of the Conference on the teaching of the Italian language: text and context ).

3. Bentley, D. and M. A. Chu (1994) Selling Language. In A. M. T. Ryan (ed.) Active Language Teaching Methods for Adult and Third-Level Students . School of Languages and Literature, University College Cork, pp.42-49.

B.6. Innovative work and contributions to curriculum reform and development

When I took up my position at the University of Manchester in February 2004, I developed a linguistics pathway through the Italian Studies programme. This consisted of the following components:

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(i) a series of language lectures which was part of the level-1 compulsory core course units in Italian language. (ii) a level-1 10-credit Introduction to Italian Linguistics which was compulsory for Single-Honours and Post-A-level students; (iii) two level-2 20-credit course unit options ( Structures of Modern Italian and Italian Sociolinguistics ), which consolidated and enhanced the provision of the grammar classes ( Structures ) and prepared the students for the year abroad (Sociolinguistics ); (iv) a level-3 20-credit course unit option which built upon the students’ improved competence in Italian after their return from the year abroad and sought to provide students with skills which are essential for critical in-depth reading and for competent writing ( Italian Stylistics ).

As part of a process of streamlining of discipline area specific teaching, this syllabus was then reduced to 22 language lectures at level 1 and one 20-credit course unit at level 2 ( Italian Sociolinguistics ).

When I joined Linguistics and English Language as Head in April 2012, I took an active role in developing new components of the programmes taught in the Division, in concomitance with the arrival of 5 new members of staff, as well as members of staff from Modern Languages. With the collaboration of the Programme Director, and in consultation with all staff, we revised our offer as follows:

The results of the NSS (National Student Survey ) in 2014 suggested that these innovations to the curriculum were well received among students.

B.8 Appointments as Course Director or Tutor

• In my capacity as head of discipline area and head of Division (see D.1) I had general oversight and responsibility for the design and delivery of the programme in my discipline areas, over which I liaised as appropriate with the LEL Programme Director and with the School Programmes Manager and Programmes Director. In LEL this has involved the coordination and supervision of the course units offered by 5 probationary members of staff. • I am the convenor of all the linguistics units offered as part of the Italian Studies programme. • In 2009-10 I served as PGT Coordinator and Recruitment officer for Italian Studies. • In 2005-06 and 2006-07 I served as the Programme Director for Italian Studies (see D.1).


My knowledge transfer activities to date have been of two kinds: (i) the documentation of the Romance dialects of Italy and the fostering of dialect culture in Italy; (ii) the fostering of the profile of linguistics and modern languages in the UK.

The Romance dialects of Italy are Romance languages in their own right ( not varieties of Italian), which, with very few exceptions, have next to no prestige or official recognition. Since I started my PhD research, I have contributed to the documentation of these dialects. Although most of the data that I have collected has only been disseminated in research publications, with my AHRC-funded three-year research project I set up a publicly accessible dialect dataset, which can be expanded in future years. The project also produced a collection of dialect fairy tales and riddles (Bentley, Ciconte, Cruschina, I dialetti d’Italia. Fiabe, favole e racconti ), which has had wide distribution among cultural institutions all over Italy, and among colleagues in Italy, the UK, and abroad. I am also a member of the Sardinian network group (led by Eva-Maria Remberger, Romance Linguistics, Vienna) which met in Konstanz in September 2012 to discuss the sharing of Sardinian data and the documentation of Sardinian dialects.

As for point (ii), in my capacity as a member of the Council of the Philological Society (April 2006 to June 2012, see section D.4), I took an active part in discussions and decisions concerning the charitable activities of the Society, which aim to foster the study and the profile of linguistics and philology in the UK, as well as abroad: the organisation and funding of linguistics conferences and summer courses (including summer schools for secondary school pupils, organised in collaboration with the Villiers Park Educational Trust),

13 of 15 the representation of linguistics in discussions with HEFCE and with various funding bodies, and the funding of postgraduate studies. At the time, we instituted a Philological Society scholarship for the funding of an MA in linguistics in the UK. I was among those who promoted the institution of this source of MA grant, since many talented linguists in the UK do not proceed to postgraduate study due to the lack of MA funding.

Public lectures and events

• Il paese delle vocali. Italy’s Dialects . Public lecture delivered as part of a one-day celebration of 50 years of linguistics at Manchester, 10 May 2014. I was one of the organisers of this event. • Language in Italy: unity and unification . Public lecture organised by the Dante Alighieri Society under the auspices of the Presidency of the Italian Republic to celebrate the Settimana della lingua italiana nel mondo (world-wide Italian language week) in conjunction with the 150 th anniversary of the unification of Italy, Manchester, 20 October 2011. The audience included members of the Dante Alighieri Society and Italian nationals who are resident in Manchester. • L’italiano regionale e l’insegnamento della lingua italiana oggi . Invited public lecture at the Convegno sull’insegnamento della lingua italiana: testo e contesto , Downing College, Cambridge, 24-25 November 2006. The audience of this event was formed by school teachers and the general public. • Language, dialects and linguistic research (with Adam Ledgeway, University of Cambridge). Invited lecture at the symposium The languages of Italy: past, present and future , Italian Cultural Institute, London, 20 October 2001.

Press contribution When did Italian replace Latin as the language of Italy? BBC History Magazine, May 2013.


D.1 General responsibility for an area of Discipline, School or Faculty academic activity

• Admissions Tutor for Linguistics and English language (2015-16)

• Head of the Division of Linguistics and English Language (April 2012 to August 2014)

• Head of Italian Studies (September 2010 to August 2012)

• Head of Russian and East European Studies (REES) (academic year 2011-12)

• SALC Graduate Teaching Assistant working party (academic year 2013-14)

• Research co-ordinator for Italian Studies (September 2010 to 2012)

• Research Profiling Exercise assessor for Linguistics (spring 2011).

• REFPE and RRE reader for Linguistics and English Language (2012-13, 2015-16)

• PGT/R Director and Recruitment Officer for Italian Studies (2009-10).

• Mentor of a probationary colleague in German Studies (September 2009 to December 2011) and one in Linguistics and English Language (September 2015 onwards)

• Director of the Institute for Linguistics and Language Studies of the School of Languages, Linguistics and Cultures (September 2008 to October 2010)

As the first director of the Institute my highest priority was to facilitate collaboration in research and postgraduate training across linguistics departments in the North West, enhancing the profile of linguistics at the University of Manchester. I thus created a network of staff and student linguists in the North West

14 of 15 (Manchester, MMU, Salford, Lancaster, Liverpool, Edge Hill). I gathered the organising committee of the 2011 conference of the Linguistics Association of Great Britain (held in Manchester). I established a collaborative PGT/R training programme with the University of Salford, with shared training sessions, workshops, and masterclasses (Lancaster joined in 2010-11). I also organized the annual events of the Institute in 2009 and 2010.

• Programme Director for Italian Studies (September 2005 – August 2007)

• Examinations Officer for Italian Studies (Salford 2002-2004; Manchester 2004-05, 2006-07).

• Academic Advisor Over the years I have been responsible for the pastoral care of 30 to 50 students per year.

• Web officer (2004-2005)

D.4 The holding of an office in, or the discharge of major responsibilities for, a learned society or professional body From April 2006 to June 2012 I was the Honorary Secretary for Publications of the Philological Society, the senior learned society in the field in the UK ( In this capacity I had sole responsibility for the editing of its monograph series . The aim of this series is to publish original research of the highest quality which, due to its subject matter, might not be taken up by a commercial publisher. My duties as editor involved: (i) evaluating whether the proposals which we received were suitable for commercial publishing; (ii) managing the refereeing process of monograph proposals and manuscripts which were suitable to the Philological Society series; (iii) liaising with the publishers (Wiley- Blackwell), and (iv) reporting to Council at its seven or eight yearly meetings. During my service we evaluated approximately twenty proposals, and we published six monographs. In addition, I looked after a special joint publication with the Accademia dei Lincei , the highest cultural institution in Italy. In 2008, I initiated a dialogue with Wiley-Blackwell regarding a revised monograph author contract . This initiative was successful: the new contract has been in use since 2009.

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