HARANDE FY17 Annual Result Report

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HARANDE FY17 Annual Result Report HARANDE FY17 Annual Result Report Awardee Name: CARE Country: MALI Award Name: The Harande Program Award Number: AID-FFP-A-15-00013 Start Date: 09 / 30 / 2015 End Date: 09 / 29 / 2020 Reporting Period: FY17 (Oct 1, 2016 – September 30, 2017) Submission Date: November 6th, 2017 Awardee HQ Contact Name and Title: Mara Russell, Director, Food Security, CARE USA Awardee HQ Contact Address: 1899 L Street, NW, Suite 500 Washington, DC 20036 USA Awardee HQ Contact Telephone Number: +001 202 595 2827 Awardee HQ Contact Email Address: [email protected] Moustapha Gaye, Chief of Party, CARE Mali Host Country Office Contact Name and Title Rue 110, Porte 368 Korofina Nord Host Country Office Contact Address BP 1755, Bamako, Mali Host Country Office Contact Telephone Number +223 20 24 22 62/20 24 91 37 Host Country Office Contact Email Address [email protected] Table of Contents 1. Program Overview Table 4 II. Overview & Context 6 III. Performance updates for FY17 7 Purpose 1: The nutritional status of 56 804 women of childbearing age and 52 451 children under 5 is improved in 290 project target communities 7 Purpose 2: Livelihoods among 62,000 Targeted Participants (including 70% women and 40% youth) diversified and improved 14 CARE Mali Harande: AID-FFP- Award Agreement Number A-15-00013 FY 2017 – Annual Result Report; 2017.11.6 1 Purpose 3: Climate change resilience among 270,000 producers in the target communities is increased. 19 Purpose 4: Conflicts Limiting Food, Nutrition and Income Security within the 290 targeted communities (270,000 targeted participants) reduced. 22 Purpose 5: Governance around food and nutrition security and income is improved. 26 IV. M&E /Knowledge and Lessons/Learning highlights 27 V. Challenges, Successes, and Lessons Learned 29 List of Acronyms ARR Annual Results Report ASC Community Health Agent BCC Behavior Change Communication BEO Bureau Environmental Officer CAF Functional Literacy Centers CARE Cooperative for Assistance and Relief Everywhere CARE UK Cooperative for Assistance and Relief Everywhere United of Kingdom CDC Community Development Committee CED Center for Development Education CFW Cash For Work CLTS Community - Led Total Sanitation CMA Community Mobilization Agent COFO Land Tenure Management Committee CSCOM Community Health Center CSRef Reference Health Center CVC Cereal Value Chain DAO Dossier d’Appels d’Offres (Request for Tenders) DCoP Deputy Chief Of Party DIP Detailed Implementation Plan DRACPN Regional Director of Sanitation and pollution control Regional Direction of Planning, Statistics, Information, Territory DRPSIAP Management and Population DRR Disaster Risk Reduction DTC Technical Director Center EHA Essential Hygiene Actions EMMP Environmental Mitigation & Monitoring Plan EHA Essential Hygiene Actions ENA Essential Nutrition Actions FAO Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations CARE Mali Harande: AID-FFP- Award Agreement Number A-15-00013 FY 2017 – Annual Result Report; 2017.11.6 2 FFP Food For Peace FFPMIS Food for Peace Management Information System FY Fiscal Year GBV Gender - Based Violence GIS Geographic Information Systems GoM Government of Mali GPS Global Positioning System GRAD Groupe de Recherche et d’Actions pour le Développement GRAT Groupe de Recherche et d’Applications Techniques HKI Helen Keller International IEE Initial Environmental Examination IGA Income Generating Activity IPTT Indicator Performance Tracking Table KJK Keneya Jemu Kan LogFrame Logical Framework LYEA Local Youth Entrepreneurship Center MAF Master Artisan Trainer MEAL Monitoring, Evaluation, Accountability and Learning M&E Monitoring and Evaluation MFI Micro-Finance Institution MJT Musow Ka Jigiya Ton MoH Malian Ministry of Health NGO Non-Governmental Organization NRM Natural Resource Management PACEN Programme d'Appui à la Consolidation de l'Education au Nord (Support Program for the Consolidation of Education in the North) PAJE Nieta Projet d'Appui aux Jeunes Entrepreneurs (Youth Entrepreneur Support Program) PDESC Plan de Développement Economique, Social et Culturel (Economic, Social and Cultural Plan) PEA Program Environmental Assessment PIRS Performance Indicator Reference Sheet PSP Participatory Scenario Planning PREP Pipeline and Resource Estimate Proposal SAHEL ECO NGO Sahel Eco SAPQ Standardized Annual Performance Questionnaire SC Save the Children SCAP - RU Community Based Early Warning System SEIDAR Saluer, Ecouter, Identifier, Discuter, Recommander, Accepter and Rendez- vous (Greeting, Listening, Identifying, Discussion, Recommendations, Acceptance and Appointment-setting) SIM Market Information System SPIA Government Livestock Extension service CARE Mali Harande: AID-FFP- Award Agreement Number A-15-00013 FY 2017 – Annual Result Report; 2017.11.6 3 ToC Theory of Change USAID United States Agency for International Development VSLA Village Saving and Loans Associations WASH Water, Sanitation and Hygiene YA-G-TU NGO partner YELI Youth Empowerment and Leadership Initiative YiA Youth in Action 1. Program Overview Table Geographic Focus: The project operates in 290 communities located in 16 villages in Youwarou, Tenenkou, Bandiagara and Douentza Districts of the Mopti Region of Mali. Project Name: Harande Project Goal: Sustainable food, nutrition and income security improved for 270,000 vulnerable household members in 290 communities of Youwarou, Tenenkou, Bandiagara and Douentza Districts by 2020. Purpose 1: The nutritional status of 58,590 women of childbearing age and 56,592 children under 5 is improved in 290 project target communities. Sub-Purpose 1.1: Household level nutritional practices are improved. Sub-Purpose 1.2: Households use WASH services sustainably. Purpose 2: Livelihoods Among 62,000 Targeted Participants (including 70% women and 40% youth) diversified and improved. Sub-Purpose 2.1: On farm agricultural livelihoods among 55,800 targeted participants (including 70% women and 40% youth) improved and expanded. Sub-Purpose 2.2: Non-farm livelihoods among 6,200 youth (45% female) improved. Sub-Purpose 2.3: Access to suitable financial services for 25,000 targeted participants including 65% women and 15% youth) increased. Sub purpose 2.4. Functional literacy and numeracy enhancing food, nutrition and income security among 20,300 participants in targeted communities improved. Purpose 3: Climate change resilience among 270,000 producers in the target communities is increased. Sub-Purpose 3.1: Livelihood and production decisions are improved using climate, weather, hydrological, and DRR information among 18,850 targeted producers (among which are 30% women and 50% youth) Sub-Purpose 3.2: The climate change resilience of participants in 16 communes that have executed climate change adaptation plans is improved. Purpose 4: Conflicts limiting Food, Nutrition and Income Security within the 290 targeted communities (270,000 targeted participants) reduced. Sub-Purpose 4.1: Understanding about current and potential conflict by target participants improved. Sub-Purpose 4.2: Use of effective conflict and mitigation mechanisms among targeted participants improved. CARE Mali Harande: AID-FFP- Award Agreement Number A-15-00013 FY 2017 – Annual Result Report; 2017.11.6 4 Sub-Purpose 4.3: Use of effective conflict Gender-based violence in all 290 communities reduced. Purpose 5: Governance around food and nutrition security and income is improved. Sub-Purpose 5.1: Use of services essentials to food, nutrition and income security among the 270,000 targeted participants improved. Sub-Purpose 5.2: Governance of natural resources is improved and accountable at the local level for women, men, youth, vulnerable, and marginalized communities. Sub-Purpose 5.3. Communities take increased ownership of project interventions. Direct Participants reached during FY2017: 17,688 1. Program Element- Maternal Child Health: 3,741 2. Program Element- Nutrition: 3,7415 3. Program Element- Basic Education: 0 4. Program Element- Agriculture Sector Capacity: 600 5. Program Element- Inclusive Financial Markets: 1,993 6. Program Element- Natural Resources and Biodiversity: 2,633 7. Program Element- Capacity Building and Preparedness: 4,026 8. Program Element- Protection and Solutions: 0 Roles and Responsibilities: Technical Partners: Provide technical leadership and guidance including development of technical tools and guidance, training, supervision, monitoring and quality control. CARE Mali is the lead of the consortium, and will be accountable for overall program coordination and accomplishment of all target objectives. CARE’s role also extends into financial management; management of vouchers and cash transfers; monitoring, evaluation and learning; sub-recipient management; compliance with donor procedures and U.S. Government regulations; and maintenance of the relationships with USAID/FFP. CARE will be the technical lead for Purpose 2: Livelihoods; Purpose 3: Climate Change Resilience; Purpose 4: Conflict Prevention and Purpose 5: Social Accountability and Governance. CARE will also lead WASH interventions of Purpose 1: Human Capital. CARE will also provide leadership in ensuring that gender equity considerations are integrated into all aspects of the program. HKI Mali will serve as the overall technical lead for Purpose 1: Human Capital, where they will be responsible for the technical quality control of all integrated nutrition, MCH, and FP/RH interventions. HKI will leverage their strength in Social and Behavior Change as well as facilitate adoption of practices that enhance participants’ nutrition,
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