Annual Report 2016 – 2017 City Club Mission: To inform its members and the community in public matters and to arouse in them a realization of the obligations of citizenship. 2016–2017 BOARD OF GOVERNORS Kourtney Nelson, President Sel Nutor, President-Elect David Thompson, Treasurer Felisa Hagins, Secretary Greg Macpherson, Immediate Past President Karol Collymore, Governor to 2017 Leslie Johnson, Governor to 2018 Colin Jones, Governor to 2019 Antonio Lara, Governor to 2018 Mary Macpherson, Governor to 2019 Nichole Maher, Governor to 2019 Juan Martinez, Governor to 2018 Elana Pirtle-Guiney, Governor to 2017 Allison Tivnon, Governor to 2018 Sharon VanSickle Robbins, Governor to 2017 Eli Wall, Governor to 2017 Lisa Watson, Governor to 2019 901 SW Washington St. Portland OR 97205 503-228-7231
[email protected] Tax ID # 93-0140220 2 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. From the President and the Executive Director 2. Purpose, Principles, & Objectives 3. Key Numbers 4. Research 5. Advocacy & Awareness 6. Programs a. Friday Forums b. Issue Forums c. New Leaders Collective d. Civic Drinks e. Civic Scholars 7. Membership 8. Member Recognition 9. Donor Recognition a. Endowments b. Legacy Society c. 2016–2017 Leadership Circle d. 2016–2017 Annual Fund Donors 10. Corporate & Foundation Sponsors 11. Financial Reports 12. Staff, Interns, and Volunteers 13. Members 3 1. FROM THE PRESIDENT Dear Fellow Club Members, What a year! I knew that my year serving as your president would be eventful, but I couldn’t have guessed we’d have so much excitement—from Ballotpalooza to unexpected local and national election results to our new executive director.