Skt Sigma Kappa Triangle Vol 2
Sigma Kappa Triangle Official Publication of Sigma K appa Sorority VoLUME XXI V M ARCH, 1930 NuMBER 2 Editor-in-Chief-MRs. F RANCES WARREN BAKER .... .. ... 7114 Ridgeland ave., Chicago Chapter Editor- Miss FRANCEs KIRKPATRICK ....... 108 W . Weber rd., Columbus, Ohio AlumnlE Editor- MRs . RUBY CARVER EMERSON . ... 72 Fayerweather st., Cambridge, Mass. Exchange E ditor-MRs. Lois WINE CuRTIS . ........ .45 Roxbury st., Worcester, Mass Contributing Editor- MRS. GRACE CoBURN SMITH, 2137 Bancroft st., Washington, D.C. Philanthropy Editor-Miss MYRTICE D. CHENEY . .. .. 655 Congress st., P ortland, Me. Executive Secretary- Miss HATTIE MAY BAKER ... .. ... ... 94 Oak st., Reading, Mass. Chapters, College and Altmwm must send manuscript in time to reach their respective editors before the first of November, February, May, and August. S IGMA KAPPA TRIANGLE is published in December, March, June, and September at 450 Ahnaip St., Menasha, Wis., and entered as second-class matter October 15, 1910, at the post office at Menasha, Wis., under the act of March 3, 1879. Acceptance for mailing at special rates of postage provided for in section 1103, act of October 3, 1917, authorized July 31, 1918. P rice $2.00 per annum.. Single copies 50 cents. Life subscription $15.00. Ilca<.'Cn's Peak-!11 Glacier Par/( cJigma ~ppa rriangle ~------------------~-----------------------------------------+- VoLUME XXIV MARCH, 1930 NuMBER 2 -+----------------------------------------------------------------+- ~eaitle Convention Wtll J:gre ~igma l(gppas West in July By MAYTIELLE . GH'rcLIONE, Mu ESIDES the lure of convention salt water, picnic, canoe, fish, play tennis itself, there are countless attrac or golf, ride horseback for miles through B tions that should tempt every real woods, drive through formal land Sigma to come to Seattle this June; to .
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