
Tip Sheet: Web Chatting

Goal: To successfully execute signing into Skype and initiate a with OSU’s College of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources (CASNR) Prospective Students Coordinator.

Background: Skype allows counselors, teachers and students to engage with the CASNR Prospective Students Coordinator during designated or prearranged times. Skype is another tool for students to ask questions and establish a relationship with the CASNR Prospective Students Coordinator so they can complete the application process and transition to Oklahoma State as smoothly as possible.

Request a Skype session with the CASNR Prospective Students Coordinator at http://casnr.okstate.edu/students/future/schedule-a-skype-session.


• Required equipment: Skype account, webcam, and speakers (be sure you have the correct software and drivers for your devices if they are not functioning properly).

• A cell phone app is also available for iOS here and Android here.

• If your devices are functioning properly, Skype should recognize your devices automatically and prompt them to operate when you open the program. Skype should then automatically direct you through a short tutorial to test out your webcam’s functionality and audio levels.

Signing In/Signing Up:

• If you have not yet signed up for Skype, please do so by going to http://www.skype.com and sign up for a free account. With a free Skype account, you have access to plenty of features you can read about here: http://www.skype.com/en/features/.

Navigating Skype

Desktop :

After signing in, you will see a ‘Home’ tab (that connects you with your Skype home screen) and a ‘Contacts’ tab. You can click your name in the top left corner to update your profile, add a picture, etc.

Mobile Client:

After signing in, you’ll see ‘Contacts’ and ‘My Info’ at the bottom. You can also update your profile, add a picture and more here, too.

Starting the Web Chat:

In order to begin a web chat session with the CASNR Prospective Students Coordinator, you will need to know the OSU CASNR Skype username. It is casnr.pete You can search for this name and add it to your contacts. Once you’re ready to chat, just click or tap on our name and choose to call us. We’ll be ready to answer all your questions!

For extensive help or troubleshooting, please refer to the Help section of Skype.