
What is The Difference BetweenWhat a is the difference between a and a ? Shark and a Dolphin?

Blowhole to Horizontal tail fluke creates are and give breathe air. up and down propulsion to to live young. They nurse their swim. with milk that is very rich in fat. are . Most lay eggs and do not care for their young.

Gills to extract oxygen from water. Mammary glands Flippers to produce milk for containing calves. similar to hand bones. Vertical tail creates side Additional , Fin made of strong, to side propulsion to swim. second dorsal, flexible tissue pelvic and anal. called cartilage. What is The Difference BetweenWhat a is the difference between a and a dolphin? Shark and a Dolphin?

Two blowholes Whale Baleen is the bristle like structure to breathe air. in a whale’s upper jaw which it uses to filter small fish from the water.

Single to Many we call breathe air. are more closely related to Throat pleats in some baleen dolphins. Generally scientists whales expand to fill with water Dolphin talk about baleen whales and small fish or crustaceans and and toothed then contract, pushing the water whales. Toothed whales back through the baleen. include sperm whales, beaked whales, and all Teeth on the upper and lower and dolphins. to grab fish, or other Killer whales and pilot prey. They use echolocation to whales are actually dolphins. find their food. What is The Difference BetweenEcholocation a Shark and a Dolphin?

Toothed whales (dolphins, porpoises and species like pilot processes Nasal passage whales and killer whales) use echolocation to navigate and find signals to form an contains their food. They emit a series of soundwaves in the form of clicks image. organs that (a fat filled and detect their reflections or echoes. produce clicks. organ) focuses outgoing soundwaves. Prey reflects soundwaves.

Fat filled cavity in lower jaw receives reflected soundwaves. What is The Difference BetweenBaleen a Whale Filter Feeding Shark and a Dolphin?

Baleen is the bristle like structure in a whale’s upper jaw which it uses to filter prey from the water.

Small fish or crustaceans such Baleen whales feed on small as . fish and crustaceans such as krill. They take in prey with water, trapping their food on the inside of baleen plates, which are like bristles of a Throat pleats expand to fill with broom. Some species of baleen water and small fish or crustaceans whale don’t have throat pleats and then contract, pushing the 1 cm but still filter feed. water back through the baleen. What is The Difference BetweenMarine a Food Web Shark and a Dolphin?

Top Predators



Detritivores (Feed on dead Herbivores organic matter)


Pelvic and leg Vertebrae (an evolutionary Scapula (similar to remnant from human shoulder ancestors that had blade) legs)



Trachea Bladder Reproductive tract Bones Kidney (similar to human hand bones) What is The Difference BetweenDolphin a Anatomy Shark and a Dolphin?

Vertebrae Lungs Kidney Trachea Intestine Scapula (similar Bladder to human shoulder blade) Pelvic bone (an evolutionary remnant from ancestors that had legs)

Anus Stomach Flipper Bones Heart Reproductive tract (similar to human hand bones) Liver Cetacean Habitats

Many species have clear habitat preferences, determined by their feeding strategies. For example, sperm whales dive to great depths to Shore catch squid, while other Coastal species feed on fish and crustaceans in shallow, Species include: coastal waters. Other - Bottlenose Dolphin species target large - schools of fish or - Atlantic Spotted Continental Shelf crustaceans on the Dolphin continental shelf. However, - Species include: some cetaceans, like - Humpback Whale Deep bottlenose dolphins - Water Some cetaceans also live in freshwater, - Including: and killer whales, can be such as river dolphins, - - Risso’s found in almost any river dolphins and Irrawaddy dolphins. - Dolphin marine environment. - Sperm Whale What is The Difference BetweenSome a threats to whales and dolphins Shark and a Dolphin?

CLIMATE CHANGE causes the to warm which can result in shifts and changes in food resources for whales and dolphins. SHIP STRIKES kill or injure large whales and sometimes smaller whales or dolphins.

ENTANGLEMENT UNDER in fishing gear leads to immediate WATER from asphyxiation or long- term injuries and inability to feed NOISE or reproduce. can damage , mask POLLUTION communication and harmful and contaminants build up in echolocation, the reaching and cause , high levels in top driving predators like dolphins cetaceans away and killer whales. MARINE from feeding or DEBRIS resting habitats. such as plastic is often found in stomachs of stranded cetaceans.