The Kentucky High School Athlete, April 1954 Kentucky High School Athletic Association
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Eastern Kentucky University Encompass The Athlete Kentucky High School Athletic Association 4-1-1954 The Kentucky High School Athlete, April 1954 Kentucky High School Athletic Association Follow this and additional works at: Recommended Citation Kentucky High School Athletic Association, "The Kentucky High School Athlete, April 1954" (1954). The Athlete. Book 554. This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Kentucky High School Athletic Association at Encompass. It has been accepted for inclusion in The Athlete by an authorized administrator of Encompass. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Hiqh Ichool Athleft Inez High School Basketball Team K. H. S. A. A. Champion ~ ~ 1954 (Left to Ri;:rht) Front Row: Everett Horn, J. C. Blankenship, Wade Perry, Ward, Ira Crum. Second Row: Charles Davis, Herby Triplett, Donald Ray, Bobby MiJls, Carroll Justice. Third Row : Coach Claude Mills, Clifton Perry, Billy Cassady, Omar Fannin, Bobby Williamson, Orville Blankenship, Mg-r. Sublett. District Tournament Games Won Regional Tournament Games Won Inez _______________ 89- 68 __ _ Meade Memorial Inez ________ ______ _7 8 - 66 _________ _ Garrett Inez ______________ _7 7- 56 _________ Warfield Inez _______________ _82 - 69 _______ Salyersville Inez ______________. _66 - 58 ________ Paintsville Inez _______________ 82 - 80 __________ Pikeville Official Organ of the KENTUCKY HIGH SCHOOL ATHLETIC ASSN. APRIL - Activity At The State Tournament - Lexington Herald-Leader Photo The Kentucky High School Athlete Official Organ of the Kentucky High School Athletic Association Vol. XVI-No. 9 APRIL, 1954 $1.00 Per Year THE 1954 ANNUAL MEETING The business meeting of the Kentucky ficials for the regional basketball tourna High School Athletic Association will be held ments. on Friday, April 23, at 2:00 P. M. The place PROPOSAL V will be the Terrace Room at the Kentucky Principal Joe Ohr (Irvine) proposes that Hotel, Louisville. The dinner meeting will be the rules be amended to provide "that no held in the Crystal Ballroom of the Brown member school of the K.H.S.A.A. be per Hotel, the hour being 6:00 P . M. mitted to play a football game until the first The principal speaker at the dinner meet Friday following Labor Day in September," ing will be head football coach Blanton Col this rule not to apply to teams having con lier of the University of Kentucky. The pre tracts covering 1954 and 1955. sentation of the Game Guy Award will be PROPOSAL VI made during the meeting, and the program Coach Edwin Burton (Newport) proposes will also include entertainment features. that the Track Rules be amended to pro As provided in Article IX, Section 1, of vide that "in the State Track Meet, the 440 the K.H.S.A.A. Constitution, the following Yard Dash and the first leg of the Mile Re changes in the Constitution, By-Laws and lay must be 'staggered' at the start in lanes Tournament Rules, to be acted upon by the for the first curve only." Delegate Assembly, are hereby submitted to PROPOSAL VII all members of the K.H.S.A.A. for their in Supt. Tom L. Gabbard (:Silver Grove) pro formation: poses a new system of classifying high PROPOSAL I schools for basketball, track and baseball The Board of Control nroposes that the tournaments, to be set up as follows: first sentence of By-Law 6, Section 1, be re 1. High Schools with enrollments of 200 written, to read as follows: "Any student students or more, as of October 10 each year, who has represented a secondary school in a shall be classified as Class A high schools. first team game in any sport and who 2. High Schools with enrollments of less changes schools without a corresponding than 200 students, as of October 10 each change in the residence of his parents shall year, shall be classified as Class B high be ineligible for thirty-six school weeks." schools. PROPOSAL II 3. A system of districts shall be set up by The Board of Control proposes that "20" the Commissioner and the Board of Control. and "26" be substituted respectively for "24" The winner and runner-up in each district and "30" in the second sentence of By-Law shall be advanced to the regional tourna 21. ment. The number of districts shall be es PROPOSAL III tablished and determined by the Commis Prin. H. L. Ellis (Ashland) proposes that sioner and the Board of Control. Tournament Rules III-A and III-B be elimi 4. The Commissioner, in conjunction with nated entirelv, and that Rule III~C be changed the Board of Control, shall establis·h eight to read: "The district ~ nd r egional tourna regions in the state for both Class A and ment sites shall be determined bv the Com Class B high schools. The geographical lines missioner;" and that Rules III-C and III-D for the two types of regions need not be be designated as III-A and III-B with the the same. The winner in each region in both appropriate change in headings if the amend Class A and Class B shall advance to their ment is adonted. respective state tournaments, which shall be - PROPOSAL IV held in the same city during the same time. Coaches of the Second District (Atkinson, The winner of the State Tournament in Carter, S•tevenson, Paul, Kenny, Dinning) Class A shall be established as the Class A propose that the rules be amended to pro Hi·gh School Champion for the sport in- vide that the Commissioner shall assign of- (Continued on Page Twelve) Page Two THE KENTUCKY HIGH SCHOO'L ATHLETE FOR APRIL, 1954 APRIL, 1954 VOL. XVI-NO. 9 Blind, Oldham County, Ormsby Village, Published monthly, except June and July, by the Kentuckl Pleasureville, Southern, Valley. High School Athletic Association. Louisville (Shawnee)-Ahrens Trade, du Office of Publication, Henderson, Ky. Entered as seeond·class matter in the post office a t Henderson Pont Manual, Flaget, J. M. Atherton, Louis Kentucky under the act of March 3, 1879. ville Male and Girls, St. Xavier, Shawnee. Editor----------------------------------THEO. A. SANFORD Assistant Editor __________ __ ______________ J . B. MANSFIELD Bellevue Region-Bellevue, Dayton, Dixie Henderson, Ky. Heights, Holmes, Lloyd, Ludlow, Silver BOARD OF CONTROL Grove, Simon Kenton. President_ _______________ Carlos Oakley (1951-55). Morganfielo Vice-President_ ___ ___ ____ __ Russell Williamson (1952-56), Inez Newport Region-Burlington, Campbell Directors-William E. Kingsolver (1950-54) , Fort Knox ; Jack County, Florence, Hebron, Highlands, New Dawson (1953-54). Middletown; .Tames L. Cobb (1951-55), Newport ; Roy G. Eversole (1952-56), Hazard; W. B. Jones, Haven, Newport, Walton-Verona. (1953-57), Somerset; Louis Lit chfield (1953-57), Marion. Lexington Region-Camargo, Central, Elk Subscription Rates ________________ $1.00 Per Year horn, Garth, Henry Clay, Lafayette, Midway, Millersburg Military Institute, Oxford, grom the Commissione'l's B//ice Nicholasville, Sadieville, University, Ver sailles, Winchester. Barbourville Region-Bell County, Leslie REPOR~S PAST DUE County, London, Middlesboro, Monticello, 1. 1953-54 Basketball Participation List Red Bird, Somerset. Knox Central. (Eligibility) Elkhorn City ReQ'ion-Belfry, Elkhorn 2. School's Report on Basketball Officials City, Ezel, Fleming-Neon, Hazard, Jenkins, Martin, M. C. Napier, Paintsville, Pikeville, 3. Official's Report on Schools - Basketball Prestonsburg, Wayland. Whitesburg. Ashland Region-Ashland, Catlettsburg, Regional Track Meets Morgan Conty, Prichard, Raceland, Russell, Wurtland. Under new regulations, the Board of Con Golf Tournaments trol has established twelve track regions for The Commissioner has been authorized to 1954. The scheduled date for the regional set up regional tournaments in golf. These meets is May 7. Only first and second place tournaments will be held on May 26, and the winners in the regions will qualify for the dates of the State Tournament have been State Meet this year. Sites of the meets are changed from May 31-June 1 to June 1-2. Murray, Henderson. Bowling Green, Dan Fort Knox has been named the site of the ville, Louisville (Bellarmine College), Louis State Golf Tournament. The six regional ville (Shawnee), Covington, Newport. Lex tournaments will be held at Madisonville, ington, Barbourville, Elkhorn City, and Ash Bowling Green. LoniRville, Dixie Heights, land. Lexington, and Middlesboro. The assign The assignment of schools by regions is ment of schools by regions is aR follows: as follows: Madisonville Region-Greenville, Hopkins Murray Region-Fulton. Hopkinsville, ville, Lacy, Madisonville, Owensboro. Lone Oak, Murray, Murray Training, Tilgh Bowling Green Region-Bardstown, Bowl man. ing Green, ColleP'e. Eliz::1hethtown. Fort Henderson Region-Barret, Clav, Daviess Knox. Franklin-SimnRon. Glasgow, Russell County, Madisonville, Marion, Owensboro, ville, St. Aug"ustine, St. Joseph. Owensboro Catholic, Providence, Sturgis, Louisville Region-Ahrens Trade, duPont West Louisville. Manual, Eastern. Fern Creek, Flag-et, J. M. Bowling Green Region-Alban:v, Austin Atherton, Kentuckv Militarv Institute, Tracy, Bowling Green. Central Park, College, Louisville Male and Girls. Oldham County, Edmonton, Franklin-Simpson, Glasgow, Hise St. Xavier, Shawnee, Shelbyville, Southern, ville, Hodgenville, Park City, Temple Hill, V:alley. Tompkinsville, Warren County. Dixie Heights Region-Beechwood, Cov Danville Region-Adair County, Bards ington Catholic, Dixie Heights, Holmes. Holy town, Berea Foundation, Campbellsville, Cross. Newport, Newport Catholic, St. Henry, Camp Dick Robinson. Danville, Kingston, St. Thomas. Old Kentucky Home, St. Joseph, Springfield, Lexington Region-Berea, Central, Clark Stanford. County, Danville, Lafayette, Madison, Uni Louisville (Bellarmine)-Eastern. Emin versity. ence, Fern Creek, Henry Central, Kentucky Middlesboro Region-Hazard, Jenkins, Military Institute1 Kentt1cky School for the London, Middlesboro. THE KENTUCKY HIGH SCHOOL ATHLETE FOR APRIL, 1954 Page Three Tennis Tournaments Mr. Dawson Repeats Four regional tournaments in tennis have been scheduled for May 17.