A.P.R.I.L. Effects of Nox and NH3 on Lichen Communities and Urban
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Effects of NOx and NH3 on lichen communities and urban ecosystems A Pilot Study A report produced by Imperial College & The Natural History Museum, as partners in the A.P.R.I.L. Network for the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs March 2002 AA..PP..RR..II..LL.. AIR POLLUTION RESEARCH IN LONDON A research network supported by EPSRC, DEFRA & EA APRIL is a multidisciplinary research network that aims to deliver research projects identified by academics, local and national government and other stakeholders working in urban environments. Through regular seminars, workshops and meetings a large research programme has arisen covering the following major topics: Modelling, Measurements, Meteorology, Natural Environment, Health, Planning, Economic & Social Issues, Transport and Indoor Air Quality. A key element of the research programme is collaboration between many different disciplines and organisations in London and other parts of the UK. By combining elements of each specialist group’s research programme two large consortium proposals have arisen and several more are in preparation. The first, Meteorology and Air Pollution in London’s Environment (MAPLE, measures meteorological and pollution parameters of the air mass coming into London, in and above the city itself and the air mass leaving the city. It involved climatic and pollutant measurements at three sites, Cliffe on the southeastern perimeter of the city, Regents Park in the centre of London and Silwood Park to the West. Campaigns to assess pollution at ground level and in the vertical profile are proposed to provide a greater understanding of the sources of particulates and oxides and nitrogen and their chemistry and dispersion over a large city to specifically inform decisions on the most appropriate abatement strategies to meet London’s air quality objectives and generally to improve scientific understanding of the urban environment. Funding is required. The second consortium proposal, Dispersion of Air Pollution & Penetration into the Local Environment (DAPPLE), funded by EPSRC, investigates the finer scale pollution problems at street corners and junctions where the highest concentrations from traffic emissions arise and where human exposure is potentially greatest. This study is located in the Marylebone Road, Westminster and combines expertise from five universities. It will provide much needed measurements and lead to improvements in the modelling tools used to assess the impact of pollutants on health, including the accidental or terrorist releases of toxic or flammable gases, spatial design and the location of buildings. Other funded projects are studying the impact of pollution on plants and birds in the city and a major health study is currently in preparation. APRIL host seminars and conferences, specialist workshops and meetings, and members participate at a national and international level at air quality events. The Network, established in 1999, is led by a steering committee chaired by Professor Helen ApSimon of Imperial College, London, supported by: Professor Mike Batty, UCL, Professor Bernard Fisher (Environment Agency), Professor Frank Kelly (King’s College), Professor Alan Robins (Surrey), Professor Lord Julian Hunt (UCL), Dr. Roy Colvile (Imperial), Dr. Steve Smith (King’s), Dr. Claire Burton (EPSRC), Dr. Janet Dixon (DEFRA), Jim Storey (Environment Agency (EA), David Hutchinson (GLA), Chris Lee (ALG), Steve Hedley (King’s College), Linda Davies (Network Co-ordinator, Imperial College). http://www.airpollution.org.uk [email protected] Prof. Helen ApSimon: 0207 594 9292 Linda Davies: 0207 594 9295/07771 656509 2 Background and Executive Summary The increase of oxidised nitrogen in urban areas and reduced nitrogen in rural areas has been widely recognised in Europe. This pilot study investigates the impact of reduced and oxidised nitrogen on sensitive vegetation at selected sites in England. The Review and Assessment of Air Quality (DETR, 2000) resulted in Air Quality Management Areas (DEFRA, 2000) being declared by twenty-nine of the thirty-three local authorities in London making it the largest urban area in the UK in breach of the Health Objectives for nitrogen dioxide of 21 ppb (annual mean). Objectives for total oxides of nitrogen (16 ppb) and sulphur dioxide (8 ppb) have been determined to protect sensitive vegetation and ecosystems from harm and although not applicable in urban environments, nevertheless are relevant. Both sites of conservation interest (e.g. SSSIs, cSACs and NNRs) and priority Biodiversity Action Plan (BAP) species require special protection from nutrient (especially NH3) nitrogen deposition and it is therefore essential to develop sensitive biomonitoring methods appropriate for such habitats and species groups. Data collected by Clapp (Clapp & Jenkin 2001*) of measurements of total NOx at the roadside in the centre of Westminster averaged 210 ppb NOx, falling to 73 and 23 ppb respectively at the outer London background sites of Hillingdon and Teddington. There are huge diurnal and seasonal variations in values. The modelling of nitrogen dioxide concentrations by the Greater London Authority (GLA, 2001) reproduced in Section 1, Figure 1.1 clearly demonstrates the gradient in nitrogen dioxide concentrations across London and was used to select three inner London sites and three outer London sites where the diversity, frequency and vitality of lichens and bryophytes were recorded on a single phorophyte, ash (Fraxinus excelsior). Lichen diversity on oak (Quercus spp) at one central location was also recorded. Background concentrations of nitrogen dioxide decline along a transect from central London through the suburbs and into Surrey where only three local authorities needed to declare Air Quality Management Areas. Heathland communities are particularly sensitive to nitrogen input and formed the basis of a second study looking at nitrogen accumulation in Calluna vulgaris and the use of isotopic signatures as an index of traffic-derived pollution in this species. The primary emission sources of nitrogen in London are transport and heating, contrasting sharply with rural areas where reduced nitrogen from farming activities is frequently the most common form of atmospheric pollution. Intensive agricultural activity in the form of a poultry unit in Norfolk and a dairy farm in Devon provide the third study area where the influence of ammonia on bark pH and lichen communities as determined by van Herk (1999, 2001) was assessed. Protocols using lichens have been developed to monitor ammonia pollution in The Netherlands that have defined ‘nitrophyte’ and ‘acidophyte’ indicator species (van Herk) as well as an EU recording method to detect environmental changes. Part of this pilot study tests the application of these protocols in the UK in selected urban and rural sites. More detailed investigations at the microscale level were carried out using lichens transplanted from a rural site to the centre of London at the Natural History Museum wildlife garden (Cromwell Road) to assess eco-physiological changes in selected species. In addition, the impact of urban NOx emissions on higher plants was studied, along a transect of decreasing concentrations away from the city centre. The following methods were tested:- 3 • The EU Directional Quantitative Lichen Monitoring protocol was used to detect changes in epiphytic lichen diversity on trunks of ash trees between sites in inner and outer London. • Twigs with a healthy lichen community were transplanted within a clean air site in Somerset and to the wildlife garden at the Natural History Museum adjacent to Cromwell Rd in the vicinity of NOx monitoring gauges. The health of individual thalli of selected species was assessed using chlorophyll fluorescence. • A transect study was carried out during winter 2001/2, to assess changes in shoot chemistry of Calluna (heather) along a gradient of decreasing NOx pollution from central London to rural Surrey. Shoots were analysed for concentrations of nitrogen, carbon, phosphorus, lead, zinc and stable isotopes of nitrogen. • The van Herk method was tested on oak trees in rural localities in different climatic regions in SW (North Wyke, Devon) and E England (Thetford) in the vicinity of ammonia monitoring networks and Sites of Special Scientific Interest. The pilot survey in London showed differences in lichen diversity on ash trees between inner and outer London sites correlating with concentrations of transport emissions. Foliar nitrogen concentrations in Calluna were positively related to NO2 concentrations and also decreased significantly with increasing distance from central London. Carbon:nitrogen ratios showed the opposite relationship with both NO2 and distance, with linear regressions again statistically significant. High phosphorus concentrations in central London were responsible for a significant increase in foliar N:P ratios with distance from the city centre and suggested that phosphorus availability would not limit plant response to nitrogen at any of the study sites. Unlike studies elsewhere using mosses, foliar lead and zinc concentrations do not appear to be a useful index of exposure to traffic-derived pollution in Calluna. This may be because the sites used in this study were typically located at distances of more than 150 m from major roads, or because higher plants are more effective at excluding heavy 15 metals than mosses or lichens. Delta N measurements in Calluna were positively related to NO2 concentrations and