
Paediatrics and Child Health, East Africa Medical College, East Africa


Scientific ationaler for study design of community-based simplified antibiotic therapy trials in newborns and young infants with clinically diagnosed severe or fast breathing in South Asia and sub-Saharan Africa.

Anita K. M. Zaidi Aga Khan University

Abdullah H. Baqui Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health

Shamim Ahmad Qazi World Health Organization

Rajiv Bahl World Health Organization

Samir Saha Kinshasa School of Public Health

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Recommended Citation Zaidi, A. K., Baqui, A. H., Qazi, S. A., Bahl, R., Saha, S., Ayede, A. I., Adejuyigbe, E. A., Engmann, C., Esamai, F., Tshefu, A. K., Wammanda, R. D., Falade, A. G., Odebiyi, A., Gisore, P., Longombe, A. L., Ogala, W. N., Tikmani, S. S., Uddin Ahmed, A. N., Wall, S., Brandes, N., Roth, D. E., Darmstadt, G. L. (2013). Scientific rationale for study design of community-based simplified antibiotic therapy trials in newborns and young infants with clinically diagnosed severe infections or fast breathing in South Asia and sub-Saharan Africa.. The Pediatric Infectious Disease Journal, 32(9), s7-s11. Available at: Authors Anita K. M. Zaidi, Abdullah H. Baqui, Shamim Ahmad Qazi, Rajiv Bahl, Samir Saha, Adejumoke I. Ayede, Ebunoluwa A. Adejuyigbe, Cyril Engmann, Fabian Esamai, Antoinette Kitoto Tshefu, Robinson D. Wammanda, Adegoke G. Falade, Adetanwa Odebiyi, Peter Gisore, Adrien Lokangaka Longombe, William N. Ogala, Shiyam Sundar Tikmani, A. S. M. Nawshad Uddin Ahmed, Steve Wall, Neal Brandes, Daniel E. Roth, and Gary L. Darmstadt

This article is available at eCommons@AKU: Supplement

Scientific Rationale for Study Design of Community-based Simplified Antibiotic Therapy Trials in Newborns and Young Infants With Clinically Diagnosed Severe Infections or Fast Breathing in South Asia and sub-Saharan Africa

Anita K. M. Zaidi, MB BS, SM,* Abdullah H. Baqui, MB BS, DrPH,† Shamim Ahmad Qazi, MB BS, DCH, MSc, MD,‡ Rajiv Bahl, MB BS, MD, PhD,‡ Samir Saha, PhD,§ Adejumoke I. Ayede, MB BS, MSc, FMCPaed,¶ Ebunoluwa A. Adejuyigbe, MB ChB, FMCPaed,|| Cyril Engmann, MD, FAAP,**†† Fabian Esamai, MB ChB, MMed, MPH, PhD,‡‡ Antoinette Kitoto Tshefu, MD, PhD, MPH,§§ Robinson D. Wammanda, MB BS, FWACP Paed,¶¶ Adegoke G. Falade, MB BS, FMCPaed, MD, FRCP,§ Adetanwa Odebiyi, MSc,|||| Peter Gisore, MB ChB,†† Adrien Lokangaka Longombe, MD,§§ William N. Ogala, MB BS, FMCPaed, FWACP Paed,¶¶ Shiyam Sundar Tikmani, MB BS,* A. S. M. Nawshad Uddin Ahmed, FCPS,§ Steve Wall, MD,*** Neal Brandes, MHS,††† Daniel E. Roth, PhD,‡‡‡ and Gary L. Darmstadt, MD, MS††

Accepted for publication June 5, 2013. Background: Newborns and young infants suffer high rates of infections From the *Aga Khan University, Karachi, Pakistan; †Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, Baltimore, MD; ‡Department of Maternal, New- in South Asia and sub-Saharan Africa. Timely access to appropriate anti- born, Child and Adolescent Health, World Health Organization, Geneva, biotic therapy is essential for reducing mortality. In an effort to develop Switzerland; ¶Department of Pediatrics, College of Medicine, University of community case management guidelines for young infants, 0–59 days old, Ibadan, Ibadan, Nigeria; ||Department of Paediatrics and Child Health, Oba- with clinically diagnosed severe infections, or with fast breathing, 4 trials femi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife, Nigeria; **Departments of Pediatrics and Maternal Child Health, Schools of Medicine and Public Health, University of simplified antibiotic therapy delivered in primary care clinics (Pakistan, of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, North Carolina; ††Bill and Melinda Gates Democratic Republic of Congo, Kenya and Nigeria) or at home (Bangla- Foundation, Seattle, Washington; ‡‡Department of Child Health and Paedi- desh and Nigeria) are being conducted. atrics, School of Medicine, Moi University, Eldoret, Kenya; §§Department Methods: This article describes the scientific rationale for these trials, of Community Health, Kinshasa School of Public Health, Kinshasa, Demo- graphic Republic of Congo; ¶¶Department of Paediatrics, Ahmadu Bello which share major elements of trial design. All the trials are in settings of University Teaching Hospital, Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria, Nigeria; and high neonatal mortality, where hospitalization is not feasible or frequently ||||Department of Sociology, Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife, Nigeria; refused. All use procaine penicillin and gentamicin intramuscular injections ***Save the Children/Saving Newborn Lives; †††United States Agency for for 7 days as reference therapy and compare this to various experimental International Development, Washington DC; and ‡‡‡Hospital for SickKids, Toronto, Canada. arms utilizing comparatively simpler combination regimens with fewer The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the author(s) and not injections and oral amoxicillin. necessarily the views and opinions of the United States Agency for Interna- Conclusion: The results of these trials will inform World Health Organiza- tional Development or World Health Organization. tion policy regarding community case management of young infants with This journal article was supported with funds provided by Save the Children’s Saving Newborn Lives Program through a grant from the Bill and Melinda clinical severe infections or with fast breathing. Gates Foundation. Its contents are solely the responsibility of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of Save the Children or the Bill and Key Words: newborn, young infant, sepsis, , , clini- Melinda Gates Foundation. cally severe infections, fast breathing, community management, community The Pakistan study was funded by the Saving Newborn Lives program of Save case management, antibiotic, gentamicin, amoxicillin, procaine penicillin, the Children Federation, Inc, through a grant from the Bill and Melinda South Asia, sub-Saharan Africa Gates Foundation and the World Health Organization. S.S.T. received train- ing support from the Fogarty International Center, National Institute of (Pediatr Infect Dis J 2013;32:S7–S11) Health, grant D43TW007585. The Bangladesh study was funded by the United States Agency for Interna- tional Development, through a cooperative agreement (GHS-A-00-09- 00004-00) with the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, World Health Organization and by the Saving Newborn Lives program nfections in the neonatal period are responsible for an estimated of Save the Children Federation, Inc, through a grant from the Bill and I12% of under-5 child mortality.1 Most newborns with severe infec- Melinda Gates Foundation. The authors have no other funding or conflicts tions (sepsis, pneumonia, meningitis) in South Asia and sub-Saharan of interest to disclose. 2–6 The African study was funded by the World Health Organization through a grant Africa die without access to hospitalization and appropriate therapy, from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. prompting the need for alternative strategies for home or first-level Address for correspondence: Anita K. M. Zaidi, MB BS, SM, Professor and facility-based management in countries with a high burden of neo- Chair, Department of Paediatrics and Child Health, Aga Khan University, Sta- natal deaths.3–5,7 This article describes the scientific rationale for the dium Road, PO Box 3500, Karachi, Pakistan. E-mail: [email protected]. study design of 3 randomized controlled equivalence trials evaluating Copyright © 2013 by World Health Organization, United States Agency for Inter- national Development and Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation (WHO, USAID, simplified antibiotic regimens for management of clinically diagnosed and BMGF). This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the severe infections in newborns and young infants in community settings Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 3.0 License, in Bangladesh, Pakistan and a multicountry study in Africa (Demo- where it is permissible to download and share the work provided it is properly cratic Republic of Congo, Kenya and Nigeria). Additionally, the sci- cited. The work cannot be changed in any way or used commercially. ISSN: 0891-3668/13/3209-00S7 entific reasoning underlying a trial of simplified antibiotic therapy for DOI: 10.1097/INF.0b013e31829ff5fc management of young infants who present with fast breathing alone

The Pediatric Infectious Disease Journal • Volume 32, Number 9, Supplement, September 2013 | S7 Zaidi et al The Pediatric Infectious Disease Journal • Volume 32, Number 9, Supplement, September 2013

is also described. Although the individual study designs are adapted this algorithm influence specificity for the diagnosis of , to site and country needs and are detailed in the site-specific meth- considerations that are important in equivalence trial settings where ods articles,8–11 here we focus on the overarching scientific approach to a nonspecific definition of infection could dilute out important dif- case definitions, selection of trial sites, participant inclusion/exclusion ferences in therapeutic options among a smaller group of infants criteria, choice of antibiotics and regimens and outcomes. The com- who truly had severe bacterial infections included within a larger mon design elements were made possible by extensive collaboration group of mildly ill infants who would recover without antibiotic between the study sponsors12 and investigators and will enhance the therapy. In order to increase specificity of diagnosis of clinically interpretation and application of the studies’ results, in part by enabling diagnosed severe infection, the following modifications have been future pooled analyses for outcomes of subgroups of interest (eg, treat- made: the fast respiratory rate sign has been dropped from our case ment failure in newborns with early-onset infections, newborns with definition as accumulating evidence indicates that it substantively multiple clinical signs of illness vs. single signs, etc.). reduces specificity of the case definition (see discussion below), the upper temperature cutoff (for fever) has been increased to 38°C STUDY AGE GROUP (instead of 37.5°C) and history of difficulty feeding requires confir- Newborns have increased vulnerability to infection-related mation by observation of infant feeding (African sites) or determi- morbidity and mortality because of their immature immune systems nation of poor suck through digital examination if feeding cannot and underdeveloped skin barrier.13 However, a decision to include be observed (Asian sites). Presence of convulsions is considered to infants beyond the newborn period, that is, in the second month of indicate critical illness, and infants with convulsions are excluded. life, was made for 2 reasons. First, the newborn immune response Table 1 presents the case definition used for diagnosis of clinical matures on a gradient with age14 with increased susceptibility to severe infections in these trials. infection persisting into the second month of life, and second, the Fast breathing (respiratory rate >60 per minutes) is frequently current World Health Organization (WHO)/United Nations Inter- present as an isolated sign in young infants who do not otherwise appear national Children’s Emergency Fund Integrated Management of ill.19 Fast breathing did not predict mortality in young infants in studies Childhood Illness addresses children aged 0–59 days as a separate from Bangladesh and India.20–22 However, fast breathing even as a single group (“young infants”) from children 2–59 months old.15 There- sign is part of the WHO Integrated Management of Childhood Illness fore, any new case management strategy for use in developing coun- clinical algorithm and indicates very severe disease and need for hospi- tries needs to be applicable to infants who are 0–59 days old. tal referral and parenteral antibiotics.23 This has created a management dilemma, whether to treat young infants with fast breathing alone as DIAGNOSTIC ALGORITHM TO STANDARDIZE a mild illness or as a severe illness. In some settings from South Asia, neonates and young infants with fast breathing have been successfully DEFINITION OF CLINICALLY DIAGNOSED SEVERE 6,24,25 INFECTIONS IN NEWBORNS AND YOUNG treated by oral antibiotics. There are no studies from Africa, and none have compared oral antibiotics with injectable therapy for man- INFANTS ACROSS THE TRIAL SITES agement of infants with fast breathing as the only sign of illness. Thus, Infections in the newborn and young infant present with there is a need to inform policy by providing evidence whether young nonspecific signs and symptoms and can be difficult to diagnose infants with fast breathing alone can be treated with oral antibiotics. even by experienced health professionals.13 A high index of sus- Such a study is being undertaken in the multicenter African sites. picion and prompt initiation of antibiotic therapy are required to save lives because of the often rapidly fulminant course of invasive bacterial infections in young infants. This practice is followed in TABLE 1. Comparison of WHO Integrated industrialized countries where clinically ill-appearing newborns and young infants are treated with parenteral antibiotics on the Management of Neonatal Child Illness Algorithm and basis of a diagnosis of “presumed sepsis,” although blood cultures Case Definition of Clinically Diagnosed Infection Used in eventually are found to yield no growth in the vast majority.8,16–18 the Young Infant Simplified Antibiotic Therapy Trials In an effort to promote the early detection and appropri- ate referral of sick young infants by frontline health workers in Diagnostic Algorithm Used in Simplified Antibiotic WHO Integrated Management of resource-limited settings, WHO, United States Agency for Inter- Therapy Trials Neonatal Child Illness Algorithm national Development and the Saving Newborn Lives Initiative of Case Definition of Clinically Save the Children (funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Founda- Severe Infections (CSIs) tion) sponsored a multicountry study to evaluate several clinical History of convulsions or convulsions — signs for their utility in making referral decisions compared with Respiratory rate ≥60/min — the judgment of an experienced clinician.19 Participating coun- Severe chest indrawing Severe chest indrawing tries included Bangladesh, Bolivia, Ghana, India, Pakistan and Axillary temperature 37.5°C or Axillary temperature above (>99.5°F or above) ≥100.4°F (≥38.0°C) South Africa. The Young Infant Clinical Signs Study resulted in Axillary temperature <95.9°F Axillary temperature the development of a simple clinical algorithm based on 7 signs (<35.5°C) ≤95.9°F (≤35.5°C) and symptoms for predicting severe illness in the young infant Movement only when stimulated Movement only with with high sensitivity and moderate specificity for use in first-level or no movement at all stimulation health facilities.19 The 7 clinical signs and symptoms are history Not feeding well Feeding difficulty, confirmed by feeding observation or of difficulty feeding, history of convulsions, movement only when documentation of poor suck stimulated, respiratory rate of 60 breaths per minute or more, severe on examination if mother chest indrawing, temperature of 37.5°C or more or less than 35.5°C. unavailable (Asian sites) The presence of any one triggers a decision to refer the infant. The Stopped feeding well/feed- ing problems confirmed by availability of the validated Young Infant Clinical Signs of Severe observation of infant feed- Illness algorithm presented an evidence-based starting point for the ing (African sites) development of a clinical definition of severe infection in the young – indicates convulsions and fast respiratory rate are not included in the case defini- infant for use in the proposed trials. However, certain limitations of tion of severe infection used in these trials.

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CHOICE OF ANTIBIOTICS, REGIMENS, DOSAGE, TABLE 3. Number of of Intramuscular (IM) Injections in DURATION AND DELIVERY STRATEGIES Each Therapeutic Arm Ideally, the selection of an appropriate antimicrobial agent is based on its ability to kill that are responsible for the infection Arm A Arm B Arm C Arm D Arm E in the majority of cases, based on efficacy and safety data, and phar- macokinetic information from relevant pediatric age groups.26 For the 14 7 4 2 0 simplified antibiotic therapy trials, additional considerations include Arm A: IM procaine penicillin and IM gentamicin for 7 days; Arm B: oral amoxicil- ease of delivery in community settings and cost—both factors with lin and IM gentamicin for 7 days; Arm C: IM procaine penicillin and IM gentamicin for 2 days followed by oral amoxicillin; Arm D: oral amoxicillin and IM gentamicin for significant implications for future scale-up.T he experimental arms, 2 days followed by oral amoxicillin; Arm E: oral amoxicillin alone in infants with only therefore, comprise combinations of injectable and oral antibiotics or fast breathing. switch therapy from injectable to oral antibiotics (Tables 2 and 3). Penicillin and gentamicin are used globally for treating sep- and Bangladesh within the funding period. The study comparing ref- sis and presumed sepsis in the neonatal age group and the second erence therapy with oral amoxicillin alone in infants who have only 15,27,28 month of life. Extended-interval (24-hourly) gentamicin regi- fast breathing is also being conducted in African young infants. mens using doses ranging from 4 to 5 mg/kg/day have been shown Amoxicillin has been recommended for use in doses ranging to be as effective as traditional dosing regimens for treating neonatal from 50 to 150 mg/kg/day. Higher doses are recommended to achieve 29–31 sepsis. The combination of penicillin/amoxicillin and gentamicin minimum inhibitory concentrations that can overcome pneumococ- targets common neonatal pathogens such as Escherichia coli, other cal resistance. High-dose oral amoxicillin (80–90 mg/kg/day) is the enteric gram-negative rods, streptococci and pneumococci. therapy of choice for young children with otitis media and pneu- Benzyl penicillin and ampicillin need to be given 4 times a day, monia due to suspected drug-resistant pneumococcal infection.38–40 which is impractical in the outpatient setting. Based on recommenda- The recommended intravenous dose of amoxicillin for neonates in tions from the 2007 London consultation on community-based strate- the first week of life is 100 mg/kg divided every 12 hours, whereas gies for management of severe infections in young infants born in high 150 mg/kg/day divided every 8 hours is recommended for older neo- 12 32,33 mortality settings, the pharmacologic profile of antibiotics and nates.27 In the African and South Asian trials, amoxicillin is given 3–5 experience of their use, we decided to use a combination of procaine in doses ranging from 80 to 100 mg/kg/day based on 1 of 6 weight penicillin and gentamicin delivered by intramuscular (IM) injection as bands in which the infant falls. the reference arm to treat clinically diagnosed severe infection because The duration of antibiotic therapy is based on achievement of both can be given in once daily dosing and together can successfully cure for an infection. The WHO recommendation of 10 or more days treat vast majority of bacterial infections in young infants. duration of therapy for antibiotic treatment is not based on strong evi- For the simplified experimental regimens, amoxicillin was dence. Studies in Bangladesh and India have used 10 days of antibi- selected as the oral agent. Oral antibiotics have successfully been otic therapy,4,5 whereas in Pakistan, 7 days of procaine penicillin and used in community-based management of neonatal pneumonia, gentamicin once daily was found to be effective in the management resulting in significant reduction in pneumonia and overall neo- of possible serious bacterial infection in young infants when families 6,24 natal mortality. There is extensive experience with use of oral refused referral care.3 Very severe pneumonia in older children has amoxicillin in newborns and young infants, and safety of this drug been treated with 7 days of injectable antibiotics with good results,41 27,34 is well-established in this age group. In full-term neonates, the whereas severe pneumonia has been treated with 5 days of oral antibi- 35 bioavailability of oral amoxicillin is high at approximately 80%. otics.42 Switch therapy of injectable to oral antibiotics has been dem- Similar serum amoxicillin concentrations were achieved in neo- onstrated to be efficacious for treatment of serious infections in neo- nates in the first 4 days of life with intravenous and oral routes, nates18 and in older children.43 For young infants with clinical severe with the exception of the first 30 minutes after dosing when levels infection included in this study, IM procaine penicillin will be used 36,37 were lower with oral administration. in a dose of 50,000 units/kg once daily IM and IM gentamicin in a All the simplified experimental arms in these studies employ 4–7.5 mg/kg/day once daily dose IM (depending on weight band of oral amoxicillin, yet in varying ways (Table 2). Arm D (injection gen- the young infant). Duration of all regimens in this study will be 7 days. tamicin for 2 days and oral amoxicillin for 7 days) is being undertaken The trials are designed to be open-label because of the diffi- only in the African sites because of reservations by the Technical culty in ethically justifying use of placebo injections in the popula- Advisory Group about achieving an adequate sample size in Pakistan tion under study and because acceptability of simplified regimens with lower number of injections is an important secondary outcome for the trials. TABLE 2. Antibiotics Regimens Evaluated in Trials of Simplified Antibiotic Therapy for Management of SELECTION CRITERIA FOR TRIAL PARTICIPANTS Newborns and Young Infants With Clinically Diagnosed AND TRIAL SITES Severe Infections (CSIs) or Fast Breathing The current standard of care for young infants with clinical signs suggestive of severe infection is hospitalization and paren- Reference arm teral antibiotic therapy for 10 or more days.23 As discussed else- A – Daily injection procaine penicillin and gentamicin for 7 days. 44 4,45 Experimental arms where in this supplement and previously reported, this standard Clinically severe infections of care is rarely practiced in developing countries with high neona- B – Oral amoxicillin twice daily and once daily injection gen- tal mortality rates. For ethical reasons, in the design of these trials, tamicin for 7 days. we felt compelled to only include sites where neonatal mortality C – Daily injection gentamicin and procaine penicillin for 2 days, rates and hospitalization refusal rates were known to be high,8–10 followed by twice daily oral amoxicillin for additional 5 days. D – Daily injection gentamicin and twice daily oral amoxicillin and those young infants whose families refused referral advice for for 2 days, followed by oral amoxicillin for additional 5 days hospitalization for their sick young infants. Documented refusal of (African sites only). hospital admission thus forms an important inclusion criterion for Fast breathing only enrolment of study subjects. The Bangladesh and Pakistan inves- E – Oral amoxicillin twice daily for 7 days. tigators have reported their experience with family acceptance for

© 2013 WHO, USAID, and BMGF | S9 Zaidi et al The Pediatric Infectious Disease Journal • Volume 32, Number 9, Supplement, September 2013

hospitalization.22,45 Other site characteristics are reported in the through two service-delivery strategies in Sylhet district, Bangladesh: a clus- site-specific articles in this supplement.T he African trial sites in ter-randomised controlled trial. Lancet. 2008;371:1936–1944. Democratic Republic of Congo, Kenya and Nigeria were chosen 6. Zaidi AK, Ganatra HA, Syed S, et al. Effect of case management on neo- natal mortality due to sepsis and pneumonia. BMC Public Health. 2011;11 to be broadly representative of central, eastern and western sub- (suppl 3):S13. Saharan African countries with neonatal mortality rates exceeding 7. Darmstadt GL, Black RE, Santosham M. Research priorities and post- 40 per 1000 live births and remote locations making access to hos- partum care strategies for the prevention and optimal management of pital facilities difficult for many families.2 neonatal infections in less developed countries. Pediatr Infect Dis J. Despite the effect on study generalizability, we are exclud- 2000;19:739–750. ing young infants with clinical signs of critical illness (unconscious, 8. Baqui AH, Samir Kumar Saha SK, Nawshad Uddin Ahmed ASM, et al. Safety and efficacy of simplified antibiotic regimens for outpatient treat- convulsions, apnea, unable to feed, unable to cry, cyanosed, bulg- ment of serious infection in neonates and young infants 0–59 days of age in ing fontanelle, persistent vomiting), infants with weight less than Bangladesh. Pediatr Infect Dis J. 2013;32(suppl):S12–S18. 1500 g and infants with surgical comorbidities because we cannot 9. Zaidi AKM, Tikmani SS, Sultana S, et al. Simplified antibiotic regimens for ethically justify random allocation of such infants to therapeutic the management of clinically diagnosed severe infections in newborns and options with oral antibiotics. young infants in first-level facilities in Karachi, Pakistan: study design for an outpatient randomized controlled equivalence trial. Pediatr Infect Dis J. 2013;32(suppl):S19–S25. SELECTION OF PRIMARY STUDY OUTCOME 10. AFRINEST (AFRIcan NEonatal Sepsis Trial) Group. Simplified regimens Treatment failure on or before 7 days of therapy has been for management of neonates and young infants with severe infection when hospital admission is not possible: Study protocol for a randomized, open- chosen as the primary study outcome in these trials and defined label equivalence trial. Pediatr Infect Dis J. 2013;32(suppl):S26–S32. as a composite of death, clinical deterioration, serious adverse 11. AFRINEST (AFRIcan NEonatal Sepsis Trial) Group. 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