Autobiography and Anecdotes by William Taswell, D.D., Sometime
AUTOBIOGRAPHY AND ANECDOTES BY WILLIAM TASWELL, D.D., SOMETIME RECTOR OF NEWINGTON, SDRREY, RECTOR OF BERMONDSEY, AND PREVIOUSLY STUDENT OF CHRIST CHUKCH, OXFORD. A.D. 1651—1682. EDITED BY GEORGE PERCY ELLIOTT, ESQ. BARRISTER AT-LAW. PRINTED FOR THE CAMDEN SOCIETY. M.DCCC..LII. INTRODUCTION. THIS autobiography was originally written in Latin, but has been preserved only in the present translation, which was made by the Author's grandson, the Rev. Henry Taswell, Vicar of Marden, in Herefordshire. The translation has on a fly-leaf the following description:— " A few anecdotes concerning William Taswell, D.D., Rector of Newington and St Mary Bermondsey, in Surrey, and his Family. Translated Sept. 1761, after a very poor manner, by H. T., his grandson. " It is by no means an exact literal translation, but it is a just one as to facts recorded." The MS. translation is now in the possession of the Editor, together with the Diary of Dr. Taswell's father-in-law, Archdeacon Lake, which was printed in the former volume of the Camden Miscellany. The GENEALOGY of a FAMILY in the WEST, and COMMENTARIES upon his own LIFE. By W. T., D.D. Translated from the Latin (a thousand faults committed) by H. T. NOTWITHSTANDING I am sensible that for these seven years past and upwards my attention has been for the most part fixed towards husbandry, or in employment of an inferior nature, I once more put pen to paper; not because I am sensible of the accuracy there will be in my performance—the utmost extent of my abilities giving me little room to hope for this—but only to revive again, if possible, a knowledge of myself and letters, which time and my avocations have somewhat effaced.
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