Clemence Lelong Grenoble, France


WEB ENGINEER – BA / Full-Stack [email protected] developer


 Front end / back end Web development (7 years of experience)  Business analysis (7+ years of experience)  Technology Scouting, constant learning mode


 Ruby (Ruby on rails) (2 years, proficient, since 2012)  JavaScript / HTML / CSS : Ajax, ExtJS, Jquery, AngularJS (7 years, proficient)  MySQL, PostgreSQL, Web server administration Apache / Unicorn / Nginx (7 years, proficient)  UML, Object Oriented Programming (7 years, proficient)  SCRUM (study and use since 2006)  Linux + AWS experience (7 years, proficient)  PHP, XML for Web services REST and SOAP (WSDL), (4 years, proficient, last year used 2012)  JAVA, XML for ANT, scripts Perl & SH ( 1 year, intermediate, last year used 2007)  VB Script, SQL server (1 year, intermediate, last year used 2006)  ASP, VB Access (<6 months, junior, last year used 2005)  IDE (, , now Sublime), Version control (CVS, SVN, now GIT), Tests (PHPUnit, JUnit, SOAPUI, Selenium, now Rpsec), miscellaneous (RPM, ANT, Continuum, HandlebarsJS, UnderscoreJS, CoffeeScript, YAML, middleman, Bootstrap, Sidekiq, Solr...)  Topics of interest : Scalability, Continuous integration, TDD, Scrum, Gamification

PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE (References available on demand)

Web Engineer – Full stack developer 2012-2014

Self employed, part-time (Brisbane Australia, Grenoble France)

As a freelancer, I worked with a client based in Japan to design, build, test and deploy a scalable, and highly available Web site called HooliTV which is a platform to watch Football highlights. This project richly involved Web Scraping, AWS architecture, Solr search, UI performance tuning, caching, API communications, and localization. I collaborated with a Design company who have created the responsive design. I helped my client with multiple roles from Business Analyst, full-stack developer as well as architect. Indeed my client came with an idea therefore I had to construct the solution from scratch and develop a scalable architecture to be able to receive many connections at a time. I developed the solution in a continuous integration mode. Environment: Ruby on Rails, PostgreSQL as back end, Javascript (Jquery), HTML, CSS3 as front end. Git as version control, Nginx as Web server, Sublime as IDE, UML for modeling language, AWS (S3 and cloudfront for assets, EC2 for web server, ELB for load balancing), Rspec and Jmeter for testing, Solr as search engine.

Web Engineer 2011 - 2012

Say systems Ltd, 7 months permanent work (Wellington, New zealand)

Part of a little team of 2 developers and a technical chief, I have completely created a new solution named Heyrex which existed in an old version badly coded. Heyrex is a Web application for veterinarians to aid with diagnosis as well as treatment planning and monitoring via the analysis of data which come from a biosensor unit placed on dogs. I also developed the E- commerce Web site. I worked alone in this project because the other developer had to maintain the old version during this time. So I had multiple roles as Back-end and Front-end developer, which involved to create the Web application as well as a set of task to get data from the biosensor, Business analyst which means that I talked with veterinarians and statisticians to ensure good specifications and Linux administrator as I had to prepare new servers to deploy the new application.

Environment: PHP5/MYSQL5 as back end (Zend framework), JavaScript (JQuery)/HTML4/JSON/CSS3 as front end. Git as version control, LAMP as Web server, Aptana as IDE, UML for modeling language.

Software Engineer in EDF energy (Electricité De France) 2007 – 2011

Thales Services, 3 years permanent work (Grenoble, France)

Assigned to technical assistance in a project that involved 200 people which aimed to renew all the information systems of the national hydroelectric department

Environment: PHP5/MYSQL5 as back end, JavaScript (ExtJS framework)/HTML4/JSON/CSS3 as front end, SOAP XML for Web services., SVN as version control, LAMP as Web server, Selenium for functional tests, SOAPUI for Web Services tests, Eclipse as IDE, UML for modelling language.

 Front-end developer / Back-end developer o Used Agile method (SCRUM) to produce and deliver quality products in a scheduled time so that we could cope with the business changes o Designed and implemented Web applications which communicate with a SCADA (supervisory control and data acquisition). For example: . “Hydroelectric remote actions” web application which allowed from user data to calculate and define remote actions for operation of a hydroelectric power station. JavaScript / HTML / CSS Web applications with PHP / MySQL backend and XHTML files server to communicate with the other system . “Events manager” a tool that allows power plant agents to enter power station events and communicate these data to multiple old and new systems. JavaScript / HTML / CSS Web applications with PHP / MySQL backend and SOAP Web Services (client and server) to communicate with the other systems o Lead programmer of a team of 4 developers o Identified and suggested new technologies and tools for enhancing product value and increasing team productivity  Business Analyst o Identified the client needs o Proposing solutions providing complete customer satisfaction and repeat business o Using of SCRUM to collaborate between the product owner and the team o Specifications and object modelling with UML  Linux Administrator – Red Hat, CentOS o In Charge of deliveries, I had to deploy new releases on time o Created a platform for automated software delivery processes in order to deploy Web applications on the production server rapidly and without impediments o Apache / MySQL administration and troubleshooting

Junior developer in “Methods and tools” team in Yahoo! 2006 - 2007

Yahoo!, 1 year’s apprenticeship (Grenoble, France)

Environment: CVS as version control, Red hat 4 as OS server, JUNIT for , XML RPC and REST for web services, Eclipse as IDE, Continuum for continuous integration server.

 Back-end developer o Implemented changes to the continuous integration framework (Automated integration system including build, test, packaging…) based on ANT using the following languages: XML, Java, Schell script, Perl. For example: . Add the task PMD (code analyser) . Create an Eclipse plugin to view the statute of your build in the continuous integration server. The evolutions have allowed engineers to find their bugs earlier and correct them as quickly as possible  Workplace trainer / solutions tester o Designed an interactive training program for the continuous integration tools and Version control software (CVS) so that new engineers could learn quickly the process  Technology scout o Technology watching about continuous integration so that engineers could keep in touch quickly of different subjects

Because of the introduction of SCRUM bit by bit at this period at Yahoo France, I have written my apprenticeship synthesis about this subject so that I could share my experience with a new way of management.

Analyst programmer in Faiveley transport 2005 - 2006

Faiveley transport, 1 year’s apprenticeship (Amiens, France)

 Design and Implementation of Lotus applications (document management and workflow) using VB script, SQL Server

Internships 2002 – 2005

EDF, 3 months internship (Amiens, France)

 Implementation of an Intranet to manage meeting room booking using ASP, IISS server and SQL Server

PEP80 association, 2 months internship (Amiens, France)  Implementation of an application to manage the children’s shelter booking using VB and Access


Master of Engineering in Business Information Systems (Master MIAGE) 2005 – 2007

2 years training in University Of Picardie Jules Verne (Amiens, France)

Relevant coursework: Management of Information Systems, Project Management, Applied Mathematics, Probability & Statistics, Financial Management, Network Architecture, Object Oriented Program Development (C++, JAVA, PHP, Oracle)

Bachelor of Computer science 2002 – 2005

1 year training in University of Picardie Jules Verne, 2 years in High School Saint Rémi (Amiens, France)

Relevant coursework: Project management, Mathematics, Computer networks, Program development (C++, Oracle, VB, Access)


Coursework: Ruby on Rails NetEngine CodeSchool; Machine learning, Mining massive datasets, Scala, Gamification on

Associative responsibilities: MIAGE (student association) president, FAEP vice president (Federation of student association in Picardie)

Hobbies: Climbing, hiking, skiing, and traveling