Jefferson Territory (Colorado) and Its Resources, 1859
Jefferson Territory (Colorado) and Its Resources, 1859 Gov. ROBERT W. STEELE* [In the Nebrask(I) News of February 25, 1860, appears the following: "Gov. R. \V. Steele of J e:fferson Territory, was at the Capital during the recent session of the Nebraska Legislature. A com mittee having been selected by the House to confer with him rela tive to the resources of the Pike's Peak region, the following reply from the Governor resulted from the conference."] Omaha City, N. T., Jan. 7, 1860. To the Honorable Messrs. Samuel Maxwell, Nathan Meyers, and James Tu:ffts, a committee appointed by the House of Repre- •Robert W. Steele was chosen Governor of the Provisional Government of Jefferson Territory, predecessor of Colorado, at the election of October 24, 1859. On November 7, 1859, the legislature convened and proceeded to the enactment of Jaws. The Governor set out for the States on December 13th. returning the following spring w'ith his family. Jefferson Territory gave way to Colorado Territory in the spring of 1861. Governor Steele was born near Chillicothe, Ohio, on January 14, 1820. He attended the Law School of Cincinnati and after graduation in 1852 took up his residence in Iowa. In 1855 he moved to Omaha, Nebraska, whence h e joined the Pike's P eak gold ruRh of 1859. The Daughters of Colorado have erected a monument on his home site at the mouth of Mount Vernon Canyon, west of Denver. The article here published was found by our Research Worker, Elmer R. Burkey, In the Nebraska News of February 25, 1860.-Ed.
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