CURRICULUM VITAE University of Idaho NAME: Timothy Gorman Ewers, Ph.D. DATE: October 15, 2020 RANK OR TITLE: Professor, Cooperative Extension System, College of Agricultural & Life Sciences DEPARTMENT: University of Idaho Extension 4-H Youth Development OFFICE LOCATION AND CAMPUS ZIP: OFFICE PHONE: 208-885-4080 Continuing Education Building, Rm. 209 FAX: 208-885-4637 Box 443015 EMAIL:
[email protected] WEB: DATE OF FIRST EMPLOYMENT AT UI: January, 1999 DATE OF TENURE: (Year or untenured): 2011 DATE OF PRESENT RANK OR TITLE: March, 2018 EDUCATION BEYOND HIGH SCHOOL: Degrees: Ph.D., University of Idaho, Moscow, Idaho, 2001, Curriculum and Instruction: STEM Education M.S., University of Washington, Seattle, Washington, 1993, Environmental Toxicology B.S., Seattle University, Seattle, Washington, 1985, Chemistry B.A., Seattle University, Seattle, Washington, 1985, Biology Certificates and Licenses: Introduction to the Internet of Things and Embedded Systems, 2016 The Arduino Platform and C Programming, 2016 ROBOTC for LEGO Programming Instructor, 2012 NIH, Human Participants Protection Education for Research Teams Certification Global Learning and Observations to Benefit the Environment Certification Technology Competence Certification, Idaho USA Youth Hockey Coach, Level 4 Community Emergency Response Team Certification EXPERIENCE: Teaching, Extension and Research Appointments: Professor, University of Idaho, Moscow, Idaho, College of Agricultural and Lifer Sciences, March 2018- present Associate Professor, University