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Forft) No. >,-£ UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR " ~* 1 NATIONAL PARK SERVICE i NATIONAL REGISTER OF HISTORIC PLACES INVENTORY « NOMINATION FORM SEE INSTRUCTIONS IN HOWTO COMPLETE NATIONAL REGISTER FORMS __________TYPE ALL ENTRIES -- COMPLETE APPLICABLE SECTIONS______ INAME HISTORIC HP- AND/OR COMMON { The Indianapolis Old IMorthside Historic District h ' • • -: STREET & NUMBER •t^flSv\ •"*«*'i (p ^L^^^^ "^ • / cs$-±^ —NOT FOR PUBLICATION . ' CITY, TOWN ; . ""!. CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICT Indianapolis VICINITY OF nth STATE - CODE COUNTY CODE Indiana " 018 Marion , ' ^7 . HCLASSIFICATION CATEGORY OWNERSHIP STATUS PRESENT USE JfolSTRtCT . __PUBLIC -^OCCUPIED _ AGRICULTURE XMUSEUM _ BUILDIWG(S) K —PRIVATE '. ' • —UNOCCUPIED ^COMMERCIAL - _ PARK _ —STRUCTURE XBOTH . -><WORK IN PROGRESS 21EDUCATIONAL XPRIVATE RESIDENCE —SITE . PUBLIC ACQUISITION ACCESSIBLE ^ _ ENTERTAINMENT XRELIGIOUS —OBJECT ' _IN PROCESS ' _ YES: RESTRICTED —GOVERNMENT —SCIENTIFIC .• - _ BEING CONSIDERED -X.YES: UNRESTRICTED^ —INDUSTRIAL —TRANSPORTATION —NO —MILITARY —OTHER: (OWNER OF PROPERTY NAME -••/ . Warious" Public and Private Owners STREETS* NUMBER CITY. TOWN- STATE VICINITY OF ' LOCATION OF LEGAL DESCRIPTION COURTHOUSE, , REGISTRY OF DEEO^ETC. : RecD rder of , Deeds: STREET & NUMBER - Eitv-Countv 'BuildinQ CITY. TOWN STATE Inrll anannl 1 . Indiana REPRESENTATION IN EXISTING SURVEYS TITLE ' Indiana State Historic Preservation Plan DATE —FEDERAL X.STATE —COUNTY —LOCAL DEPOSITORY FOR SURVEY RECORDS MURRUTTI CITY. TOWN STATE Indianapol Indiana .L-. (Coni» on a ] DESCRIPTION ;•;•-.. ':•• ...... * --^ CONDITION CHECK ONE CHECK ONE —EXCELLENT _DETERIORATED _UNALTERED X.ORIGINAL SITE XGOOD -, _RUINS XALTERED _MOVED DATE_______ _FAIR _UNEXPOSED DESCRIBE THE PRESENT AND ORIGINAL (IF KNOWN) PHYSICAL APPEARANCE The Did IMorthside, an area of about sixty-five square blocks, is located just north of the "Mile Square" that formed the boundaries for the original city of Indianapolis. Most of the houses in the district were built betueen 1850 and 1910, with the 1870's being the period of greatest develop ment. While the houses are built in a variety of styles, the overall visual quality of the neighborhood is defined by the large building lots, the two and a half story building elevations, the siting of the houses back from sidewalks, and the large trees. Several major church buildings are found in the area and their tall spires serve as focal points. Although some of the houses have been converted to businesses, there are a feu business blocks within the district, and these lie on the fringes. (See .Photos #50,#51;Map ,#50,#51) --,.;.-.,. ^ The earliest houses built in the district uere in the Uictprian Italianate style, .Most .of'these are of brick construction withi two an.9 a...... half story elevations; heavy window mouldings and bracketed cornices are the distinguishing decorative details. More typical of the Italianate houses in the district are the Benjamin Harrison Hau.se (already listed on the National Register) and the Eden-Talbott House at; 1336 IM. Delaware Sts. (See pictures #1A and IB, Map #1) The two houses were built within two years of each other - 1876 and 1878 respectively - and both are brick, two and a half stories, with plain window architraves but elaborated heads, wooden bracketed cornices, and frieze windows. The Eden-Talbott House is, however, symmetrical, with a five bay facade with a central entrance pavi'llioh of three story elevation. The pavillion ca.mpqsitipn includes the entrance, with a carved stone surround and prominent keystone';' th'e freystrine ah'd flanking brackets support a small, carved stone Balustrade marking the second level of.the pavillion. (See picture #1C)" The second floor window .opening, repeats, tj.he, ground floor motif on a smaller sc.ale, with keystone segmental arch and brackets also supporting a sifiall balustrade. The third floor window has1 a round a"rcHed ! • head; flanking pilasters carry brackets that support the segmentally-arched roof. Flanking the central pavillion, windows of the main facade are segmentally arched with moulded heads featuring exaggerated keystone motifs. The cornice is flat, with brackets and a frieze of alternating panelled and glazed sections. On the north side of the house, there is a portecoGhere with round arched openings that feature prominent keystones; the cornice repeats the motifs on the cornice of the main house. (See picture #1A) On the south wall, a porch was remodeled into a bays windowt late in the nineteenth century. (See picture #1B) SIGNIFICANCE PERIOD AREAS OF SIGNIFICANCE -- CHECK AND JUSTIFY BELOW —PREHISTORIC _ARCHEOLOGY-PREHISTORIC —COMMUNITY PLANNING —LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE X-RELIGION —1400-1499 _ARCHEOLOGY-HISTORIC —CONSERVATION —SCIENCE _1500-1599 _AGRICULTURE —ECONOMICS .^LITERATURE —SCULPTURE Y —1600-1699 .^ARCHITECTURE ^EDUCATION —MILITARY —SOCIAL/HUMANITARIAN —1700-1799 _ART —ENGINEERING —MUSIC X-THEATER Y Y —1800-1899 .^COMMERCE —EXPLORATION/SETTLEMENT —PHILOSOPHY —TRANSPORTATION Y 111900- —COMMUNICATIONS X_INDUSTRY ^POLITICS/GOVERNMENT ER (SPECIFY) —INVENTION icins SPECIFIC DATES BUILDER/ARCHITECT STATEMENT OF SIGNIFICANCE the late jiifLB.tBBnth century, ,a rEsidenc^. ir^^ha^jb ruas thEO, T ....,, the IMorthsidB of thE city bscanjp a mark of success,: and . affluence,. WhjLle industry and its accompanying working-class nsighborhoods sprang up to the south, uBst, and East of ths original Mils Square boundariss of tha jdity, the, ujell-tp-do bui^t thE^r mansions in thp sylvan setting, to thp north bf the commercial and, rstail district. ThB northward movBmsnt bsgan as ffcrly as thB lats 1840' s, but not until aftsr ths Civil War did thB North- «ld» SEE substantial dBVElopmBnt. From that tims to ths bsginning of ths fcwantiEth csntury, thE arsa uas ths most fashionabls placs to livE. After 19DQ, othsr arEas still farthar north usrs opsnad up and thE original (terthaidB- uhich bscams thE Did IMorthsidE by virtuE of ths migration- w&s aupplantad by such placas as I\I. Maridian St. as ths most prEstigious ueaidEntial arsa. During ths last half of the ninEtssnth csntury, housvEr, th« Old Morthsids uas ths horns of ths principal Isaders of Indianapolis social, political, commBrcial, and industrial lifa, as usll as thB location p£leading rsliyious and Educational institutions*, . v Education, and. -law usra, aach in thsir own _uia17s.^_^EksppnsiJLi]£B ;fo^_ attracting Bxpsnsivs rssidBntial dBVElopmEnt in ths IMorthsidE. In thE •(i»t«rn'<part of, ths are,a, ^Ovid ButlEr J7 an aariy Indianapolis: lawyET, , r . ... , s exacted one of the first homes north of the then-toun limits (Forest faflft*), T.306i IM.P.ajrk,. T..94S-SJ Map location 21; extBnSiv,eJ.y 31/be.re.d). _ ' 1 . ._:_ " Butlar ass rssponsible for founding North Western Christian University, uhich dEVBloped into mo .dern Butler Univarsity, and locatsd thE school's firat campus twts blocks east of his home. During the next twenty years, profeesors at tha University, !',public sDhooltBachers, and Ovid Butler's Bons and daughters built homes nsar "Forest Home". Abram C. Shortridge, prlnoipal of North Western Christian University (s Preparatory DepartmBnt during the Civil War and latsr ths first Supsrintendent of tha Indianapolis Public Schools, built his rssidsnce at 636 E. 13th St. (Map location 22) At 1514 IM. College, Plaasant Bond, principal of Indianapolis' first high school, Shortridge, and latsr SupErintandBnt of ths Marion County .Schools built his house in 1873-4. (Map location 23) Mary IMicholson, principal of tha Normal Training School, built a housB at 1233 Broadway in 19D3; she livad thsrB with two of hsr sistBrs, onB of whom uas an artist. (Map location 24) QMAJOR BIBLIOGRAPHICAL REFERENCES 1. Addition Records, Pioneer National Title Insurance Company 2. Broun, Paul Donald (Ed.). Indianapolis Men of Affairs 1923. Indianapolis: American Biographical Society, 1923. (Continued) ACREAGE OF NOMINATED PROPERTY _____ UTM REFERENCES I 5j 7. 2| 2. 2. Qj j 4. 4j 0,4j 4. 0. 0| fc U| 1. 6j j 5j 7. 3|-4. ^ 0|']4.-4t0.4| 4. 2. 0| ZONE EASTING NORTHING ZONE EASTING NORTHING ExIl.Sl 1517.314.6.01 K^IO.-rlV.e.Ol ' c^T .6M5f7.gl2.3yOI • 14.^0.31 7.6.01 VERBAL BOUNDARY DESCRIPTION Starting at the point where the centerline of North Pennsylvania Street intersects the northern boundary of the 1-65 right-of-uay east along the 1-65 right-of-way to the center line of North Bellefontaine Street. North along the center line of North Bellfontaine Street to the south curbline of 16th Street, West along the south curbline of East 16th Street to the cirrter line ofor (continued on attachment)!ment)J LIST ALL STATES AND COUNTIES FOR PROPERTIES OVERLAPPING STATE OR COUNTY BOUNDARIES STATE CODE COUNTY CODE STATE : " CODE COUNTY CODE FORM PREPARED BY NAME/TITLE Cheri Lynn Indianapolis Coordinator___Junior League/HLFI Project ORGANIZATION DATE | ! Historic Landmarks Foundation of Indiana 28 July 1976 STREET & NUMBER TELEPHONE 3*tQ2 @oulevard Place ..,..., , f ,. 317.-926-23D1 . ( CITY OR TOWN STATE _ 1 IncH ananolis . Indiana 46208 (Continued on attachn^snt^Y-H STATE HISTORIC PRESERVATION OFFICER CERTIFICATION THE EVALUATED SIGNIFICANCE OF THIS PROPERTY WITHIN THE STATE IS: NATIONAL__ STATE / LOCAL___ As the designated State Historic Preservation Office? for the National Historic Preservatjop.Act of 1966 (Public Law 89-665). I hereby nominate this property for inclusion in the National Register and certify that it has been evaluated according to the , criteria and procedures set forwbvtj'fe NatiortalVPark SeTVicA \\