Leaflet Walks and hiking trails Haute- and Poppy Country 16 The Moyenpont Hermitage (L’Ermitage de Moyenpont )

This walk begins and Time: 3 hours 40 ends at the Moyenpont chapel. Many miracles Distance: 11 km are supposed to have Route: moderate taken place there, and Mass is said every Friday. Leaving from: , Ermitage de Moyenpont

Marquaix, 12 km to the east of Péronne, 2 km to the west of


Albert Roisel Péronne e m

Marquaix m o S - e t

Ham u a H

Montdidier ©

1 Starting from Notre-Dame de D184, then the D6. Take great A little gem Moyenpont, with your back to care when crossing the D6. In Marquaix- there the chapel, turn right. Follow 5 Enter Tincourt-Boucly. After is a little gem: Notre Dame the grassy path. Come to the 300 m, take the Rue de la de Moyenpont. Destroyed village of Marquaix after Râperie on your left, and after during the First World War,

t this chapel was rebuilt in

crossing a road, then skirt its 20 m, go left again onto the s 1925 thanks to the patronage southern edge. Bear left. Rue de Hamel. e r of Baroness Perthuis de Walk up through the village. 6 Go through the village of e Taillevault. 2 Cross the road. Keep straight Hamel. Then keep straight on t

n Inside are frescoes representing i

on. At the fork, bear left. Turn as far as the Ermitage de the lives of the Poilus. round to look at the scenery. Moyenpont. f The white marble altar has a The route continues to ascend O statue of the Virgin wrapped all the way to the village of in a mantle stitched with . gold thread, holding her 3 Enter Longavesnes. At the crowned son in her arms. roundabout, go left. Walk Mass is said every Friday through the village. As you from 6:30 pm. Many miracles come out, keep straight on, then are said to have occurred there… turn left. Go up across the plain A smaller chapel, dedicated towards the Bois Serré and the to Saint Joseph, has been larris of the Bois Roi. The Bois built next door, where there é l l

de Boucly is on your left. e used to be a horse trough. G

4 H

Turn left. Descend through the - M

Chaufour Valley and the Vaillant © Valley towards the village of Tourism Offices: Haute-Somme, Tincourt-Boucly. Enjoy the Tel: 03 2284 4238 panoramic view. Go onto the www.hautesomme-tourisme.com Author: Isabelle Boidanghein • Translation: Gibson Language Team Design: A Propos • Conception: Imp. Cg80 • 1000 copies - Spring 2011 3


In the vicinity

11 km away, Péronne: Historial de la Grande Guerre, Hôtel de Ville, Hardines or floating market gardens, Musée Alfred-Danicourt, church of Saint-Jean-Baptiste, Étang du Cam, Porte de 2 Bretagne, Ramparts, etc. A few kilometres away to the south and west lie the ponds and marshes of the Somme and its canal. In the Bois de Buire, a few hundred metres from 1 there, on the D6, you can see a monument in 5 memory of an Allied plane that came down during the Second World War. 9 km away, Guyencourt-Saulcourt: a village 6 renowned for its floral displays, rewarded with the En Competition Gold Medal in tente F 2010. lorale Europe 5 km away, Hesbecourt: “La Boîte à Cailloux” [Box of Pebbles], nicknamed the Church of the Wilderness, was the meeting place of Protestant Signage Route Change of Wrong 0 0,25 0,5 0,75 1 km worshippers from 1691 until the Edict of Tolerance continues direction direction Route not suitable for motor in 1787. King Louis XVI at that point wished to This circuit is maintained by the Roisel group of communes. sports. re-establish a “State Religion”, and had the Edict of Fontainebleau revoked so as to change the Map IGN 2508 O, 2508 E status of Protestants in .