Lori Loughlin Now Faces 20 Or More Years in Prison After
TRENDIING SUBSCRIIBE NOW Entertaiinment Lori Loughlin now faces 20 or more years in prison after being indicted on money laundering, fraud charges 11 Actress,, husband among group of parents indicted by federal grand jury 1 off 8 Acttrress Lorrii Loughlliin ((C)) arrrriives att tthe courrtt tto appearr befforre JJudge M.. Page Kelllley tto fface charrge fforr allllegedlly conspiirriing tto commiitt maiill ffrraud and ottherr charrges iin tthe collllege admiissiions scandall att tthe JJohn JJoseph Moaklley Uniitted Sttattes Courrtthouse iin Bostton,, Massachusetttts on Aprriill 3,, 2019.. ((Photto by JJoseph Prreziioso // AFP)) ((Photto crrediitt shoulld rread JJOSEPH PREZIIOSO//AFP//Getttty IImages)) By MARTHA ROSS || mrross@bayarreanewsgrroup..com || Bay Arrea News Grroup PUBLIISHED:: Aprriill 9,, 2019 att 6::20 am || UPDATED:: Aprriill 10,, 2019 att 1::37 pm Never miss a story: 3 months of digital access for 99¢ GET THIS OFFER Already a subscriber? Log in Lori Loughlin may reportedly be relying on yoga and her faith to help her cope with being charged in the nationwide college admissions scandal,, but neither will help the Hollywood star avoid the strong possibility that she could be going to prison — for up to 20 years.. The U..S.. Attorney’s Ofce in Massachusetts announced Tuesday that the “Full House” actress,, husband Mossimo Giannuli and 14 other parents,, including six from the Bay Area,, were indicted with conspiracy to commit fraud and money laundering.. The indictments came from a federal grand jury that convened to consider additional charges against wealthy parents who already had been charged in the wide-ranging conspiracy investigation but who apparently delayed or refused to strike cooperation deals with prosecutors.
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