
Official Organ of the Thamil Eelam Liberation Organisation March 1985, No. 1

TELO TIMES - Its Aims TELO CALLS FOR The people of Thamil Eelam particularly the youths are engaged in an armed struggle which has developed into a battle CO-ORDINATED MILITARY between the Sri Lankan fascist State and the oppressed Tamil speaking people. An array of strange bed-fellows like the ACTION Democratic United State, the Fascist Zionists, the erstwhile colonial Power. ACTION NOW. NO TIME FOR POLITICAL DISCUSSIONS. DAILY OUR Britain, the new ally of the US — China, the religious fanatic State of Pakistan, PEOPLE ARE FALLING VICTIMS TO SRI LANKAN STATE TERRORISM. TO and the spokesman for the most hated PREVENT THE TOTAL ANNIHILATION OF THE PEOPLE OF THAMIL EELAM apartheid South Africa are the Imperiali- CO-ORDINATED MILITARY ACTION BY ALL LIBERATION MOVEMENTS IS stic powers which prod the tottering racial IMPERATIVE AND VERY ESSENTIAL" DECLARED SRI SABARATNAM, chauvinist Sri Lankan State. in LEADER OF TELO IN AN INTERVIEW TO A JOURNAL. a false sense of importance dare to challenge a great neighbour, , which Brutal killings of innocent Tamil in the traditional Tamil lands, JR feels wants Sinhala-Tamil conflict solved politi- speaking people, raping of Tamil women, that he could solve the ethnic problem. cally. A pigmy is staring at a giant indeed! torturing of Tamil youths by the Armed In this he follows the footsteps of Malaysia Forces of the Sri Lankan fascist State, is which solved the Chinese problem that a daily occurrence in Thamil Eelam. way. Says fascist JR: "Britain wants IRA The Liberation fighters of Thamil Eelam Corpses are floating on the river of blood to give up terrorism to find a solution to of course armed with moral and justice in the streets of Thamil Eelam. Tamil girls Irish problem. Similarly, I want the Tamil on their side, had to face the State are being brutally raped by Sinhala militants to give up Thamil Eelam demand Terrorism, which is superior to them in chauvinists shouting "You would bring to find a solution to this problem". A, men and material. But the youths believe forth not Tamil Tigers but Sinhala Lions!" wishful thinking indeed! that since justice and sympathy of those Innocent Tamil youths are arrested in the who fight for Equality and Liberty is on name of Terrorism, brought to various The Indo-Sri Lanka relationship is their side, they will eventually win this Army Camps which resemble the Con- seriously affected as a result of the Sri war against the modern Hitler, JR Jeya- centration Camps of the Israel Zionists Lankan Navy interfering in the fishing wardene and his Imperialistic masters and subjected to inhuman and gruesome rights of the Tamil Nadu fishermen. The This is because the youths derived their torture with the advice of MOSSAD the killing and torturing of Tamil Nadu fisher- strength from the oppressed people of Master Torturers and lankeys of US men and looting of nets and catches in Thamil Eelam and Truth and Justice are Imperialism. The helpless Tamils of Eelam Indian waters has lead to deterioration in on their side. unable to bear the brutality of the Sinhala Indo-Sri Lanka relationship, which eventu- brutes are fleeing the country daily to ally lead India to arrest the Sri Lanka neighbouring Tamil Nadu in India as Naval gun-boat. These aggressive attitude refugees. But the Security Zone prevents It is imperative on the part of the Thamil of Sri Lankan Navy prompted the fisher- these helpless people fleeing the land of Eelam Liberation fighters to win the men of Rarneswaram to take up an birth They are trapped and fall victims to support of countries and movements in aggressive posture and demand the the most indisciplined Army in the World the international arena like India. Russia Central Government through Tamil Nadu — the Sri Lankan fascist Security Forces. and other socialist and Non-Aligned State Government to stop these atrocities. Tamil fishermen are banned from their countries and liberation movements of They are even preparing a boat march to other countries and all other progressive profession cf fishing and they are experi- encing starvation. Katchativu to ascertain their traditional forces. fishing rights in the Palk Strait. The modern Hitler. J.R. Jeyawardene. terminating the year long All-Party Round Ironically, in Tamil Nadu some militant 'TELO TIMES comes to the scene at Table Conference, launched the most movements indulging in. intercene this juncture of Thamil Eelam Liberation murderous military action witnessed in "warfare". Instead of aiming their guns at struggle, with a view to woo and win the recent times. The Sri Lankan fascist State the oinhala chauvinists, they are training friendly anti-imperialistic socialist forces lead by the chauvinistic cunning Sinhala their guns on their brother Eelam fighters. whether in the West or East, in order to Buddhist leader JR is aided and abetted Poster warfare, press releases, levelling strengthen the hands of the Liberation in the genocide of Tamils by the Inter- wild accusations against each other, fighters and to secure the lost Sovereignty national Imperialistic Terrorists as CIA, indulging in atrocities against each other of Tamils through the Liberation of the MOSSAD, SAS and the South African are their pastime nowadays. Instead of traditional homeland called Thamil Eelam. architects of apartheid. By settling two fighting the ?'->hala State fascism, they lakhs of armed Sinhala thugs and convicts (See Page6)

jkpo; Njrpa Mtzr; Rtbfs; TELO INTRODUCES NEwww.tamilarangam.netW ELEMENT TO THAMIL EELAM STRUGGLE

20th November 1984 and 19th January 1985 will be remembered by TELO with a sense of pride and achievement. TELO introduced a new element in the confron- tation with the Sri Lankan Sinhala Security Forces, which no other militant group earlier adopted in combating State Terrorism. To eliminate Thamil Eelam oppressors. TELO engineered a new tactic by engaging the Armed Forces in one place and attacked them in another place. TELO, during these massive attacks, consider every minute detail of the situ- ation that may arise due to the attack. It tries to minimise the reprisals by State Terrorists and concerns very much about the safety of the people. This incident provoked "The Guardian" London to write: THis new professionalism must worry the security authorities", "Taken together these two incidents..., and the raid on the Police Station — could shatter the morale of the Armed Forces and lead to a political destabilisation with which Jaywardene government could not cope . The Yal Devi train blown up by TELO Army between Murigandy and Mankulam.

53 Israeli trained police commandos who woke up from their slumber on the Elephant Pass Army Camp. They fell into Mankulam about 70 Km from the northern dawn of 20th November 1984 little the TELO trap. Many dies in the mine Capital. . 298 soldiers were killed realised that they would never see the blast and those who survived were mowed in the attack — the biggest single loss dusk that day. They were destined to die down by the TELO army. The death toll suffered by the government forces in their in the disaster that was brought about by rose to 68 at the Kaithadi attack. Three war against Tamil Liberation fighters. the massive TELO attack on the Chavaka- armoured cars were also fully destroyed. chcheri police station. The police station Army was ordered to be confined to A land mine was laid to prevent rein- was attacked by TELO in order to call the barracks and the usual backlash was forcements reaching the place of the train Sri Lankan Troops out of their Camps to avoided. TELO army captured a haul of disaster. TELO by these massive assaults modern weapons in these assaults. engage them in combat. turn the pattern of ambushes and skir- mishes, the usual guerrilla tactics to The Colombo bound Yal Devi carrying massive assaults which will take the TELO expected a reinforcement arriving the Sri Lanka State precious cargo' was confrontation between the Armed Forces to the aid of the Chavakachcheri Police never destined to reach its destination, and the militant liberation fighters to a Station, and lay in ambush at Kaithady. because of the TELO assault on 19th peoples armed struggle. They laid land mines and as expected, a January 1985. This incident took place at reinforcement was rushed in from 8.30 p.m. between Murigandy and AMERICA


The American Imperialism, which parades the earth, as if it is a giant, i nothing but a paper-tiger! She is now fighting a life and death struggle. In this world, who really fears whom ? Nation like Vietnam, Laos, Palestine, or Arabs are not afraid of American Imperialism — or any other people for that matter. In reality, it is American Imperialism which is afraid of others. American Imperialism even shudders at the sound of fJutter of leaves. It is a fundamental truth, that a reasonable ideal musters full support and an unreasonable ideal receives little support. A weak country could defeat if it is determined, a small country could Vanquish a big country. It is a historical fact, that if a small and weak country, determines to take up arms and their destiny in their hands it could defeat the oppression of a big power. Modern weapons captured by TELO Army in both Chavakchcheri — Anti — Imperialist and Kaithady assaults.

jkpo; Njrpa Mtzr; Rtbfs; ORGANISATIOwww.tamilarangam.net N OF TAMIL STUDENTS (OTS)

At this critical juncture of the Thami! Eelam struggle, our students who on the one hand are grappling with their bookes and on the other hand are being ruined by the impact of certain alien cultures have become incapable of standing up of their rights. Students who would become the leaders of tommorrow are the persons who should voice their strong disapproval of the oppression of any people. However, due to the divisive forces amongst them and due to the apathetic tendency found in the middle class, our students appear to be avoiding problems that they must face squarely. It is this situation that compelled us to establish the organisation of Tamil The protest march organized by OTS in Madras on 1st February. students to educate them politically and to mould them into a belligerent force that would face problems with courage and confidence. A. itiis moment, the OTS request the In April 1984. the EROS, EPRLF and people of Tamilnadu. their political parties the TELO formed a united front. It is now and then leaders to give their united, Today the Tamils in Ceylon face anni- called the Eelam National Liberation front support to Thamil Eelam struggle. The hilation at the hands of the army of the (ENLF). Today, negotiations are in pro- OTS request them to intervene ar ' iron Sri Lankan Government. Our people are gress for the other major groups to join out the differences among the liberation being brutally murdered. The army of the ENLF. The OTS believe that with the movements, and thereby strengthen the occupation deliberately hampers us. parti- co-ordinate plans formulated by the struggle. It request the Indian peopid and cularly the fisherfolk from carrying on ENLF, it will be only a matter of time for the Indian Government to bring up the their livelihood. the armed forces of the Sri Lanka govern- plight of our nation which is subjected to ment to retreat from our territory. It will genocide at all democratic and human not takes long for the Sri Lankan State rights forums. The murderous rapist government of Machinery in our territory to collapse. The Sri Lankan Government, with the Sri Lanka which puts on the 'Dharmista The organisation of Tamil Students will aim of covering up its economic ills and cloak and preaches from the 'Dhamma- put its heart and soul to make the co- consolidating its power is subjecting the pada" had planned to celebrate the 37th ordination produce meaningful results. Sinhalese masses anti-Tamil racialist Anniversary of Ceylon's independence Further more, its monthly magazine would propagandas. It is hoping to take on not in a colourful way. To give an impression strive to enlist international support for only the Tamil nation of Eelam. but India to the international community that the the Eelam Cause. and even the Indian ocean region because Tamils also took part in the celebrations it is supplied with sophisticated arms by the brutes from the Sri Lankan army went the imperialist British and American about facing our people to hoist the lion governments and by Israel, the shop- flag on their roof tops. To protest against keeper of State-terrorism. their infringement on the fundamental rights of our people, the organisation of The OTS will continue its struggle in Tamil students organised a protest march INDIA,SA> support of the Thamil Eelam struggle on 1 st February 1985 of students from all the colleges. This first organised protest LJII e of the OTS was a great success. THE ist mil. "FINAL VICTORY IS OURS" The organisation which has now entered FROM the path to struggle has planned to publish This Brochure is just released by the a Tamil monthly journal named Thee- propaganda unit of TELO. It contains the chchudar', which means 'Flame , This summary of the historical background of journal would lay emphasis on unity our movement and conveys in full the among all liberation movements by historically famous speech delivered by pointing out the inconsistencies among THANGATHURAI. Father of the Nation the movements as well as by making One of the slogans carried oy the Thamil Eelam in the Sri Lankan fascist requests to abandon individualism. students during the protest march Court on 24th February. 1983.


Thamil Eelam appears to be a Cremato- prepare them for a people's armed LIBERATION rium today. The people of Thamil Eelam struggle at this crucial hour, in their fight are forced to grip the bloody hand of Sri against oppression. Instead, some react- Lankan fascist State. The atrocities ionary movements lay their hands on the STRUGGLE committed by the Sri Lankan chauvinistic property of their own brethren. For forces are not receding. The security of example kidnapping of three traders The chauvinistic Sri Lankan government the lives of the Tamil — Speaking people recently in Jaffna and demanding payment of Eelam is at Stake. of ransom is a gross injustice committed supported by international terrorism is bent on suppressing the Thamil Eelam against our own people. There is an Liberation Struggle It is dreaming that increase in the incidents of robbery etc. The Thamil Eelam liberation fighters by racialism it could suppress the and these acts are unjustifiable. Branding appear as a morning star for the people. Struggle. But every drop of blood that is of individuals as exploiters of poor people, Responsibility lies on the shoulders of shed on the hamil Eelam Soil stren- as hoarders of wealth and therefore anti- these liberation fighters. They should be gthens the cause of Liberation Struggle. with the people. Then and then only they Eelamists is not going to solve the Thamil could win the just struggle. Some Eelam struggle, or win popular support reactionary anti-social and anti-national for the liberation struggle. It is the gangs without realising the gravity of the bounden duty of the liberation movements The Thamil Eelam Liberation Organi- situation, and unable to face the Sri to pool all resources, to strengthen the sation conscious of the crisis that engulfs Lankan Army, in the garb of liberation national liberation struggle for which the the Tamil speaking people and aware of movements indulge in criminal activities support of all classes of people, under a the external forces that change the like robbing the people of their property, united front of liberation movements is Liberation Struggle into a People's temples, private vehicles and kidnap essential. These movements failed to Revolutionary Struggle, carried out individuals and demand ransom. These understand that by punishing one or two massive operations against the oppressive gangs are only interested in selfish exploiters is not going to help the Sri Lankan Security Forces and left the motives and not the liberation of Thamil liberation struggle. Sri Lankan State in a dazed mood. These Eelam. operations of the TELO intensified the Thamil Eelam Struggle and left a deep These acts of a few movements will mark on State Terrorism. only create a counter-productive situation These activities of these gangs, leave and help to bring forth anti-revolutionaries a wrong impression on the minds of the in the Thamil Eelam National Liberation people and among others in the inter- struggle. Therefore TELO, realizing the TELO was conscious of the safety of national arena. There is no difference futility of these acts of few movements the people and therefore they changed between the behaviour of these gangs and gangs, vehimently oppose these the tactics from leaving the people at the and that of the Sri Lankan mercenaries. reactionary activities. If this situation mercy of the rampaging forces, saw to it It beholds on the part of the movements continues, TELO wont hesitate to fight that people s safety and security was well to bring all the Tamil speaking people of this kind of atrocity particularly at this assured when it carried out massive Eelam together, under one banner, and crucial period in Thamil Eelam Struggle. operations. These attacks removed the earlier impression that if an operation takes place, the people have to face a backlash of Army rampage. Buddhism burns in Lanka TELO realising the importance of external forces which are at play, enhanced its strength and is going to face the final struggle1 For this urgent funds are required.

TELO therefore seeks generous contri- butions and support from everyone in order to relieve the people from State oppression and liberate the Tamil speaking people of Eelam. Please contri- bute your mite for the cause of Thamil Eelam Liberation Struggle.

Any contributions should be sent to the address appended below:



A striking example of the sinister STOP PROTESTS campaign by the imperialistic stooge, the Sri Lankan State, is the wild rumour let TAKE UP loose in the local and foreign media regarding the arrest and detention of GUNS! TELO leader Sri Sabaratnam. Even they went to the extent of demanding the extradition of the leader to Sri Lanka. Capital City. Colombo, Sri Lanka, witnessed for the second time, students To appease the demoralised and the staging demonstrations against the worst behaved Army in the world, the Sri controversial University Act introduced Lankan Sinhala mercenaries, the Sri in Sri Lanka Parliament. About 600 Lankan State hatched in their wild imagi- students participated in a protest march. nation many canards. There is another The students indulged in pelting stones sinister purpose in this kind of maalicious which damaged a number of shops and propaganda, in that, to mislead the people buildings. Carrying placards and bearing The Sri Lanka chauvinistic government of Thamil Eelam. and wean them away slogans against the government the turns no stone in their propaganda against from their leader and the organisation for students indulged in violence. Following the growing strength and popularity as which they register much appreciation this incident 10 Buddhist monks and many well as support among the people of and admiration for their achievements students were taken into custody — News Thamil Eelam towards the Thamil Eelam against the Sri Lankan Sinhala merce- Item. Liberation Organisation which in recent naries. Another reason we can adduce times achieved success after success in for this kind of attitude by the authorities is to make the Thamil speaking people to their operation against oppressive Sri Sinhala student comrades! We wish to Lankan Forces in Thamil Eelam. The be left in the lurch, to be demoralised to bring them under the government s yoke recall the words of THANGATHURAI, government strives to add falsehood after Father of the Nation Thamil Eelam at the falsehood against the Thamil Eelam and to compel them to surrender to the Imperialistic oppressors. Sri Lankan fascist court on 24th February Liberation groups with a view to .belittle 1983: them in their eyes of the freedom thirsty people of Thamil Eelam and those people The TELO wish to warn the people of all over the world who are interested in Thamil Eelam. to be beware of this sinister fighting for Justice. Equality and Freedom What we ask for is not division but move, and not to fall a prey to the govern- freedom. Why we ask is not because of for oppressed and suppressed people of mental malicious propaganda! Thamil Eelam. narrow thinking. What we hope to achieve is not only the emancipation of the Tamil people but also the greater good of the Sinhalese people themselves. Why ? Because, thereafter, the so called Tamil problem will cease to be a livelihood for opportunist Sinhalese politicians. That will provide a chance for the Sinhalese people NEED OF THE MOMENT to free themselves from the political, social and economic shackles that bind them today and realise where their true salvery -MUST lies.... We will throw the full weight of our The Tamil speaking people face many support behind you when you rise up in hazards and one of them is illness. Medical the future to free yourselves to shatter attention is essential. The Mossad- the social and economic fetters that oriented Sri Lankan Armed Forces devise and mental destruction, various groups shackle you now.. different methods to terrorise the who fight for their Liberation of Thamil Liberation fighters and their supporters Eelam join hands and started an organi- by meting out punishments in their Torture sation termed MEDICAL UNIT FOR Chambers, found in different Army Camps. SERVICE OF TAMILS (MUST). MUST This Act is going to prevent poor The modern warfare methods are used is the result of meetings of minds of students from going to higher studies. by spreading germs which carries dreaded various movements and therefore it Rich students are going to enjoy all the diseases and which spreads terror and represent majority of the people of Thamil concessions — Mrs. Srimao Bandara- death among the people. This is a way of Eelam. Hence it is a duty of the Tamil nayake shed crocodile tears. Remember trying to cow down people who challenge speaking people, living within and outside 1971. How many corpses of the youths their oppressors. Thamil Eelam. to support and sustain this floated in the Kelani Ganga — we all know. Earlier we too indulged in demonstration In the Thamil Eelam Army Camps the organisation with their magnanimous contributions in cash and kind. It is our and protest marches as you are doing victims of Sri Lankan mercenaries parti now. All these are not going to bring you cularly youths who bear the Torch of earnest request to everyone to contribute their mite and if they wish, please commu- freedom. People should be prepared for Freedom, are subjected to worst cruel armed struggle. The gun shots that are methods of injecting dreaded diseases nicate to us to the address appended below: heard in Thamil Eelam against bureau- into their systems. Through them diseases cractic capitalism will also be heard in Sri are spread to the rest of the population. MUST Lanka. The people of Thamil Eelam will 144, Choolaimedu High Road always extend their whole-hearted To fight this barbarous systems, to save Choolaimedu support to your just struggle. the Tamil youths and the Tamil speaking Madras 600094 people from this pre-meditated physical South India

jkpo; Njrpa Mtzr; Rtbfs; VGA : VOICE OF AMERICwww.tamilarangam.netA or VOICE OF IMPERIALISM ?

The countries in the Ocean are Indian Ocean the recent news of the facing a new threat in the form of Voice Pentagon — the military headquarters of of America (VGA). The imperialistic agent the U.S.A. in the Indian Ocean, namely Sri Lanka, is instrumental in introducing International It should be warned that all these Imperialism into Indian Ocean. Recently nations including India is facing a threat the media journal FORUM highlighted to their security and sovereignty. The the secret agreement reached between satellite station would spy all activities, the United States - Torch-bearer of military and otherwise, of these countries. International Imperialism and its stooge Sri Lanka government lead by the modern Hitler. J.R. Jeyawardene. Before it is too late, the countries in the region should muster all possible From the 'FORUM' we learn that this support from the countries expose the satellite station would be the most power- evil intention of the CIA, stimulate inter- ful outside the USA. This station would national awareness about the new threat be sited at Chilaw which lies in the and towards this conspiracy engineered western coast of Sn Lanka This Radio by the CIA and its agent Sri Lankan Station will relay to the countries in the government.

The people of Thamil Eelam are at the TELO CALLS cross roads. Thamil Eelam Liberators are (Cont from Page 1 ) called upon by the people to face the challenge of the Sri Lankan fascists. Let are playing politics among themselves. not the blood shed by so many innocent These groups are turning a Ne.jonian youths go in vain. Victory is for those eye towards the grave situation in Thamil who seek it sincerely. The situation in Eelam. Of course "unity" everyone wants! Thamil F.elam demands action, no* All are for unity in word not in deed! procrastinations! To overthrow Sinhala TELO and other two movements EROS fascist oppression, to redeem the lost and EPRLF came under one banner last sovereignty of the people of Thamil April. It is now called Eelam National Eelam. to vindicate the honour and self- Liberation Front (ENLF). ENLF has proved respect of the Thamil Eelam Nation is beyond doubt that only concerted action the call of the hour. TELO sends forth to among the movements themselves could every nook and corner of Thamil Eelam bring about UNITY. As a result it achieved the clarion call for the united military so many in so short a time. actio" "Our Revolutionary aim is broad Indeed Let it be known that whether the struggle ENLF is ready. Others - are they ready is in Africa or in Latin America, whereve The LTTE has agreed to join the TELO to unite for military victory over mocern there are oppressed peop le, our solidarity EROS-EPRLF as the fourth major move- Hitlerism and State fascism in Sri Lanka ? could be counted. We reach those people ment joining the United Front. ENLF. who suffer, in order to be free o PLOT is engaged in dialogue with the oppression and misery . ENLF to join the front. Thamil Eelam implores ENLF to muster - THANGATHURAI other groups and march towards the goal. Father of the Nation The thought of the Eelam Liberation Victory is not far away! Thamil Eelam Movements coming together sendf tremors within JR. He shudders in his shoes of the impending head on clash with a unified Eelam Liberation groups. Massive TELO onslaughts against the mercmary indisciplined Sinhala fascist forces, and the resistance offered by other militant groups have established the fact that victory is impossible for Sri Lankan State over the people of Thamil Eeiam. The State forces losing over 400 lives against a single TELO Martyr has made him to sit up and think' Inter-party con- flicts, conflicts within UNP, political strife, possibility of coup, student protests, mass Sinhala uprisings, all stare at him on I'm face.

For Correspondence •-- The Editorial Board. TELO TIMES 35 3. Welcome Colony. Anna Nagar West. Madras-600 101 Armoured Personnel Carrier (ARC) captured by TELO Army from Gurunagar Camp

jkpo; Njrpa Mtzr; Rtbfs;