Office Space for Lease
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OFFICE SPACE FOR LEASE RETAIL SPACE FOR LEASE 400 East Van Buren | 455 North 3rd Street Phoenix, Arizona Brent Mallonee Brad Douglass Ryan Leavitt Senior Director Senior Director Director +1 602 224 4437 +1 602 224 4406 +1 602 224 4489 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] 2375 E. Camelback Rd, Suite 300 | Phoenix, Arizona 85016 2555 East Camelback Road, Suite 400 | Phoenix,602 AZ224 85016 |4437 ph: +1 602 [email protected] 9000 | fx: +1 602 468 8588 | Brent Mallonee | +1 / ph: +1 602 954 9000 | fx: + 1 608 468 8588 | the location RESIDENTS MEDIAN LIGHT WITHIN Arizona Center is LARGEWORKFORCE RAIL WALKING situated perfectly with AGE 27 39,140 16,242 DISTANCE RIDERS PER DAY proximity to Chase Field, 42% OF WORKFORCE Talking Stick Arena, Phoenix WITHIN 3 MILES IS 7 MILLION SHOPPING Convention Center, Symphony RESTAURANTS, & BUSINESS ANNUAL PROFESSIONAL VISITORS Hall, Phoenix Biomedical Campus, 180 ENTERTAINMENT SERVICES DOWNTOWN PHOENIX Herberger Theatre, ASU Downtown Phoenix Campus and other Phoenix ABUNDANT 12,000 focal points bringing over nine DOWNTOWN PARKING ASU million visitors to downtown Phoenix 19 STRUCTURES STUDENTS CAMPUS annually. Arizona Center also hosts a strong daytime population of 66,609 NEARBY AMENITIES professionals who work, eat, shop and enjoy Sports Arenas Venues the beauty of its serene garden setting. • Chase Field • Crescent Ballroom (Arizona Diamondbacks) • Stand Up Live • Talking Stick Arena Hotels (Phoenix Suns) • Sheraton VETERANS • Hyatt Regency MEMORIAL Theaters COLISEUM • Comerica Theatre • Westin MCDOWELL RD • Herberger Theater • Hilton • Phoenix Symphony Hall • Residence Phoenix Downtown GRAND AVE DOWNTOWN CORE • Orpheum Theater 16TH ST • Valley Youth Theatre Museums VAN BUREN ST STATE WASHINGTON ST • Arizona Science Center CAPITOL US Phoenix Biomed Campus CHASE AIRWAYS FIELD • Arizona Doll & Toy Museum CENTER • 30-acres of medical • Children’s Museum of Phoenix 19TH AVE 7TH AVE research offices CENTRAL AVE • Rosson House Museum 7TH ST BUCKEYE RD • 6.5 million SF at full build-out • Wells Fargo History Museum Conventions • Phoenix Art Museum • Phoenix Convention Center • Heard Museum Sources: ASU, UofA, ESRI, Phoenix Metro Light Rail, CoStar, 1 downtown phoenix advantages Downtown Phoenix Today • Phoenix Convention • Biomedical Campus Center expansion; Development (over 30 acres) 3,637 total hotel rooms • 10 Minutes to Sky Harbor • ASU Downtown Campus International Airport – ASU DOWNTOWN CAMPUS 15,000 students anticipated 1 of 10 Busiest Airports in the at this campus by 2020 United States • 5,024 new residential • Focus on street activation units since 2000 • Urbanization • UofA College of Downtown Phoenix is quickly Medicine/Biomedical gaining the characteristics of other Campus top tier cities • and • 83 new restaurants/bars Millennial empty nester PHOENIX CONVENTION CENTER since the start of 2008 trends of urban living with connections to the dynamics of the submarket • Metro Light Rail 3.3M riders through downtown stops (2013) • ±200,000 SF, $75 million Chan Soon-Shiong • Employment Growth Institute of Molecular Medicine at ASU planned for 7.5-acres • Downtown Residential north of Arizona Center, Growth at Fillmore and 5th PHOENIX BIOMEDICAL CAMPUS4 overall siteplan VALET ENTRANCE 4 Don Arones Brent Mallonee Mark Stratz redevelopment area Managing Director Vice President Vice President +1 602 224 4432 +1 602 224 4437 +1 602 224 4427 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Downtown Phoenix ArtHAus 25 Units Opening May 2017 tHe Muse BroAdstone ApArtMents Arts district 4 stOry - 367 Units 4 stOry - 280 Units MOve-in expected est. cOMpletiOn March 2017 Fall 2017 new office Building BruckAl 9,124 sF culver duplex 4 Units centrAl willettA OnstrUctiOn lan c p ryan develOpMent nder eview U r 100 Units est. cOMpletiOn 2018 tHe oscAr develOper: stark jaMes 11 Units est. cOMpletiOn sUMMer 2017 roosevelt row 2nd & MorelAnd 4 stOry apartMent BUlding condos 316 Units alliance residential 79 Units est. cOMpletiOn sUMMer 2017 tHe foundry est. cOMpletiOn jUne 2017 11,800 sF expansiOn and renOvatiOn OF existing 8 stOry - 75,760 sF hOtel illuMinAte Apts 5 stOry Mixed Use BUilding w/ 2 level garage & 111 Units roosevelt portlAnd on on 5tH roosevelt tHe pArk 3 stOry Mixed Use living townHoMes 170 Unit cOndO develOpMent 4 Units On 2.3 acres est. cOMpletiOn 2017 2nd & Mckinley MUlti-FaMily/cOMMercial 211 Units union At retAil ineAr pts roosevelt sUMMer 2017 l A Mixed Use retail & 80 Units 5 stOry apartMent BUilding 3rd st & pierce st MUlti-FaMily develOpMent 104 Units est. cOMpletiOn March 2017 student Housing develOper: ca ventUres Mckinley row 18 Unit tOwnhOMe prOject roosevelt point est. cOMpletiOn 2017 324 Units circles on centrAl proxy 333 19 stOry apartMent BUilding tHe Met Mixed Use BUilding 321 Units 140 Units 118 Units with parking strUctUre Asu pHoenix cOnstrUctiOn tO start Mid 2017 An roix illAs s c v & recreatiOnal aMenities BioMedicAl cAMpus 56 Units 750,000 sF hOspital/ 6tH Ave cottAges clinical/ OUt-patient 10 Unit tOwnhOMe prOject potentiAl 350,000 sF M.OB. 300 apartMent Units copper plAce AZ cAncer center develOper: University OF arizOna nest prOperties & dignity health 30 Units skyline lofts 332 Units Arriott AltA filMore AriZonA stAte M 200 key planned 230 Units leasing sUMMer 2016 tgen est. cOMpletiOn March 2017 nortHern 168,000 sF OFFice university AriZonA downtown cAMpus university health sciences edUcatiOn BUilding 355 n 5tH Asu HerBerger Avenue scHool of Music university of traMMell crOw est cOMpletiOn 2019 AriZonA +/- 800 Units dOwntOwn phOenix est cOMpletiOn 2020 caMpUs pHoenix centrAl stAtion MercAdo city OF phOenix rFp HAMpton asU dOwntOwn ApitAl lAce 200 rOOMs c p Monroe Hilton 5 stOry Mixed Use 140 Units gArden inn cOMpleted FeBrUary 2016 cOnvert histOric Bldg tO hOtel with 1st FlOOr retail est. cOMpletiOn 2016 luxury ApArtMents 350 Units luHr’s city center cOnstrUctiOn OF new hOtel & UndergrOUnd parking BArrister tHe presidentiAl plAce 4 stOry new cOnstrUctiOn develOper: 90 Units sUnBelt est. cOMpletiOn 2016 114 Units +/- 250,000 sF OFFice office developMent develOper: traMMell crOw OFFice +/- 250,000 sF Mixed use developMent 16 stOry residential tOwer +/- 300 Units OFFice +/- 250,000 sF Fry’s FOOd & drUg +/- 55,000 sF pHoenix BAllpArk develOper: granite capital investMents 275 Units OVERVIEW THE URBAN HEART EDUCATION AND INFRASTRUCTURE OF ARIZONA RESEARCH STATS Highways - Interstate 10, g Light Rail Station Loop 202, State Route 51, and Sky Harbor Light Rail Total Units - $4.6 Billion Interstate 17 all International 1.7 square mile redevelopment 12,000 450 within 5 minutes Planned area investments 2005-2014 Students currently Students at University of Downtown Airport Daytime at ASU Downtown of Arizona College of - One of the ten 1,630 Phoenix Campus Medicine by 2015 Planned Residential Employement Metro busiest in the U.S. Total Units - - 10 minutes from Population* Population* Light Rail Downtown In Pre Development one-mile radius: one-mile radius: 15,000 400 - Approx Travel Times: - Phase 1 of Sky Entire 26 miles = Pre Development Students at ASU Number of Students Train connecting t approx. 85 minutes Downtown Phoenix at the Bioscience terminal 4 completed 884 16,242 66,609 - 3.3 million Downtown Campus by 2020 High School (on PBC) in 2013. Total Units - two-mile radius: two-mile radius: onboardings (FY 2016) - Phase 2 to remaining Under Construction - 15.6 million riders terminals finished Under Construction 49,677 116,800 (FY 2016) in 2015. 1,284 30 - 11.5% Increase in Potential 1,794 three-mile radius: three-mile radius: ASU Student Number of acres in ridership 2015 to 2016. Developable Sites housing beds Phoenix Biomedical 95,543 178,282 Campus Chilled water system in * From Central Avenue & Washington Street place for building cooling 6 nearby amenities H a n c e Pa r k g Light Rail Station r e d e v e lo P m e n t SHOPPING M o R e l a n d st R e e t Light Rail RESTAURANTS, & GRID Bike Hubs 180 ENTERTAINMENT Bike Lanes P o R t l a n d st R e e t Ro os e v e lt stR e e t Amenities Major Attractions R o o s e v e lt R o w I m p R o v e m e n t Hotels D I s t RI c t 57,500 M c K i n l e y st R e e t Restaurants/Bars P h o e n i x EMPLOYEES B i o m e d i c a l CONCENTRATED IN c a m P u s DOWNTOWN PHOENIX Fi l l M o R e st R e e t aRizona r i z o n A tAt e v e n u e A S a n i v e r S i t y centeR U (D o w n t o w n C A m p US ) a l v e n u e v e n u e v e n u e v e n u e v e n u e v e n u e v e n u e R a a a a a a a d t h t h t h n d R e nt th U n i v e r s i t y s t 6 5 4 3 2 c ABUNDANT 7 1 o f A r i z o n A PARKING va n B u R e n stR e e t e e t e e t e e t e e t e e t e e t R R R R R R t 19 STRUCTURES t t t t t s s s s s s v e n u e M o n R o e st R e e t d a s t n d R t h t h t h 1 2 3 5 9 11 th a da M s st R e e t 7 MULTIFAMILY Wa s h i n gto n stR e e t UNITS J e FFe R so n stR e e t WITHIN 16,387 3 MILES M a d i s o n st R e e t Sta d i u m Jac K s o n st R e e t d i S t r i c t Sources: ASU, UofA, ESRI, Phoenix Metro Light Rail, CoStar, 7 the neighbors Mixed Use developMent 16 Story reSidential tower +/- 300 UnitS office +/- 250,000 fry’S food & drUg +/- 55,000 A r i z o n A s tAt e U n i v e r s i t y (D ow n t ow n C A m p U s ) t A l k i n g s t i C k r e s o r t A r e A h o m e o f t h e p h o e n i x s U n s p h o e n i x C o n v e n t i o n C e n t e r Light Rail C h A s e f i e l D b i