Impossibility of Full Decentralization in Permissionless Blockchains Yujin Kwon*, Jian Liuy, Minjeong Kim*, Dawn Songy, Yongdae Kim* *KAIST {dbwls8724,mjkim9394,yongdaek} yUC Berkeley
[email protected],
[email protected] ABSTRACT between achieving good decentralization in the consensus protocol Bitcoin uses the proof-of-work (PoW) mechanism where nodes earn and not relying on a TTP exists. rewards in return for the use of their computing resources. Although this incentive system has attracted many participants, power has, CCS CONCEPTS at the same time, been significantly biased towards a few nodes, • Security and privacy → Economics of security and privacy; called mining pools. In addition, poor decentralization appears not Distributed systems security; only in PoW-based coins but also in coins that adopt proof-of-stake (PoS) and delegated proof-of-stake (DPoS) mechanisms. KEYWORDS In this paper, we address the issue of centralization in the consen- Blockchain; Consensus Protocol; Decentralization sus protocol. To this end, we first define ¹m; ε; δº-decentralization as a state satisfying that 1) there are at least m participants running 1 INTRODUCTION a node, and 2) the ratio between the total resource power of nodes Traditional currencies have a centralized structure, and thus there run by the richest and the δ-th percentile participants is less than exist several problems such as a single point of failure and corrup- or equal to 1 + ε. Therefore, when m is sufficiently large, and ε and tion. For example, the global financial crisis in 2008 was aggravated δ are 0, ¹m; ε; δº-decentralization represents full decentralization, by the flawed policies of banks that eventually led to many bank which is an ideal state.