26 bus time schedule & line map

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The 26 bus line (Maidstone - Laddingford) has 2 routes. For regular weekdays, their operation hours are: (1) Laddingford: 9:54 AM - 3:44 PM (2) Maidstone: 7:07 AM - 2:29 PM Use the Moovit App to nd the closest 26 bus station near you and nd out when is the next 26 bus arriving.

Direction: Laddingford 26 bus Time Schedule 41 stops Laddingford Route Timetable: VIEW LINE SCHEDULE Sunday Not Operational

Monday 9:54 AM - 3:44 PM Somereld Hospital, Maidstone Tuesday 9:54 AM - 3:44 PM Queen's Avenue, Maidstone Wednesday 9:54 AM - 3:44 PM Court Drive, Maidstone Thursday 9:54 AM - 3:44 PM

Shaftesbury Drive, Maidstone Friday 9:54 AM - 3:44 PM Speldhurst Court, Maidstone Saturday Not Operational Saxon Mews, Maidstone

Malling Terrace, Maidstone

Bramble Close, Maidstone 26 bus Info Direction: Laddingford Cherry Tree, Maidstone Stops: 41 Trip Duration: 36 min The Coach Yard, Maidstone Line Summary: Somereld Hospital, Maidstone, Western Road, Maidstone Queen's Avenue, Maidstone, Court Drive, Maidstone, Shaftesbury Drive, Maidstone, Saxon Mews, Maidstone, Malling Terrace, Maidstone, Bramble Oakwood Park, Maidstone Close, Maidstone, Cherry Tree, Maidstone, Western Road, Maidstone, Oakwood Park, Maidstone, The The Poplars, Maidstone Poplars, Maidstone, St Michael's Church, Maidstone, Ashdown Close, Maidstone Bower Lane, Maidstone, Terrace Road, Maidstone, Rocky Hill, Maidstone, The Cannon, Maidstone, King St Michael's Church, Maidstone Street, Maidstone, Chequers Bus Station, Maidstone, Lower Stone Street, Maidstone, Waterloo Street, Bower Lane, Maidstone Maidstone, Coombe Road, Maidstone, Brenchley Road, Maidstone, Courtenay Road, , Terrace Road, Maidstone Beaconseld Road, Tovil, Launder Way, Tovil, Tovil Westree Road, Maidstone Green Court, Tovil, Recycling Centre, Tovil, Lower Road, Tovil, Forge Lane, Dean Street, The Rocky Hill, Maidstone Horseshoes, Dean Street, Deanview Estate, Dean Street, Wilkins Corner, Dean Street, West Street, The Cannon, Maidstone Hunton, Bensted Close, Hunton, War Memorial, 63 High Street, Maidstone , The George, Yalding, Lyngs Close, Yalding, Emmett Hill Lane, , The Woolpack, Benover, King Street, Maidstone Jarmons Lane, , The Chequers, Laddingford Chequers Bus Station, Maidstone Pad's Hill, Maidstone

Lower Stone Street, Maidstone Lower Stone Street, Maidstone

Waterloo Street, Maidstone Upper Stone Street, Maidstone

Coombe Road, Maidstone Postley Road, Maidstone

Brenchley Road, Maidstone

Courtenay Road, Tovil Tovil Road, Maidstone

Beaconseld Road, Tovil Church Road, Maidstone

Launder Way, Tovil

Tovil Green Court, Tovil Pine Place, Maidstone

Recycling Centre, Tovil

Lower Road, Tovil

Forge Lane, Dean Street

The Horseshoes, Dean Street Dean Street,

Deanview Estate, Dean Street

Wilkins Corner, Dean Street

West Street, Hunton

Bensted Close, Hunton

War Memorial, Yalding 3 High Street, Yalding Civil Parish

The George, Yalding High Street, Yalding Civil Parish

Lyngs Close, Yalding

Emmett Hill Lane, Benover Mill Lane, Yalding Civil Parish

The Woolpack, Benover

Jarmons Lane, Collier Street Jarmons Lane, Collier Street Civil Parish

The Chequers, Laddingford Direction: Maidstone 26 bus Time Schedule 44 stops Maidstone Route Timetable: VIEW LINE SCHEDULE Sunday Not Operational

Monday 7:07 AM - 2:29 PM The George, Yalding High Street, Yalding Civil Parish Tuesday 7:07 AM - 2:29 PM

Lyngs Close, Yalding Wednesday 7:07 AM - 2:29 PM

Emmett Hill Lane, Benover Thursday 7:07 AM - 2:29 PM Mill Lane, Yalding Civil Parish Friday 7:07 AM - 2:29 PM

The Woolpack, Benover Saturday 2:29 PM

Jarmons Lane, Collier Street Jarmons Lane, Collier Street Civil Parish

The Chequers, Laddingford 26 bus Info Direction: Maidstone Post Oce, Yalding Stops: 44 High Street, Yalding Civil Parish Trip Duration: 43 min Line Summary: The George, Yalding, Lyngs Close, War Memorial, Yalding Yalding, Emmett Hill Lane, Benover, The Woolpack, 3 High Street, Yalding Civil Parish Benover, Jarmons Lane, Collier Street, The Chequers, Laddingford, Post Oce, Yalding, War Memorial, Bensted Close, Hunton Yalding, Bensted Close, Hunton, West Street, Hunton, Wilkins Corner, Dean Street, Deanview Estate, Dean West Street, Hunton Street, The Horseshoes, Dean Street, Forge Lane, Dean Street, Lower Road, Tovil, Recycling Centre, Wilkins Corner, Dean Street Tovil, Tovil Green Court, Tovil, Burial Ground Lane, Tovil, Launder Way, Tovil, Beaconseld Road, Tovil, Deanview Estate, Dean Street Courtenay Road, Tovil, Brenchley Road, Maidstone, Coombe Road, Maidstone, Hayle Road, Maidstone, The Horseshoes, Dean Street College Avenue, Maidstone, Chequers Bus Station, Maidstone, Royal Star Arcade, Maidstone, The Cannon, Maidstone, Maidstone West Railway Forge Lane, Dean Street Station, Maidstone, Bower Place, Maidstone, Bower Lane, Maidstone, St Michael's Church, Maidstone, Lower Road, Tovil The Poplars, Maidstone, Clare Park, Maidstone, Oakwood Park, Maidstone, Western Road, Recycling Centre, Tovil Maidstone, Cherry Tree, Maidstone, Bramble Close, Maidstone, Malling Terrace, Maidstone, Saxon Mews, Tovil Green Court, Tovil Maidstone, Warden Close, Maidstone, Court Drive, Pine Place, Maidstone Maidstone, Queen's Avenue, Maidstone, Somereld Hospital, Maidstone Burial Ground Lane, Tovil Tovil Green, Maidstone

Launder Way, Tovil Church Road, Maidstone

Beaconseld Road, Tovil

Courtenay Road, Tovil Tovil Road, Maidstone

Brenchley Road, Maidstone Coombe Road, Maidstone

Hayle Road, Maidstone

College Avenue, Maidstone Priory Road, Maidstone

Chequers Bus Station, Maidstone Pad's Hill, Maidstone

Royal Star Arcade, Maidstone

The Cannon, Maidstone 63 High Street, Maidstone

Maidstone West Railway Station, Maidstone

Bower Place, Maidstone Bower Terrace, Maidstone

Bower Lane, Maidstone

St Michael's Church, Maidstone

The Poplars, Maidstone The Poplars, Maidstone

Clare Park, Maidstone

Oakwood Park, Maidstone

Western Road, Maidstone

Cherry Tree, Maidstone

Bramble Close, Maidstone Fennel Close, Maidstone

Malling Terrace, Maidstone

Saxon Mews, Maidstone

Warden Close, Maidstone

Court Drive, Maidstone

Queen's Avenue, Maidstone

Somereld Hospital, Maidstone Road, Maidstone 26 bus time schedules and route maps are available in an oine PDF at moovitapp.com. Use the Moovit App to see live bus times, train schedule or Check Live Arrival Times subway schedule, and step-by-step directions for all public transit in London. About Moovit MaaS Solutions Supported Countries Mooviter Community © 2021 Moovit - All Rights Reserved