. DIRECTORY.] . YALDIYG. 701 arch, and there is one of like character on the north side, gross yearly value £3oo, with residence, in the gift of Miss besides several monuments of the Ward and Akers families Fletcher, and held since r882 by the Rev. Franklin Folger and some stained windows: there are about 6oo sittings, Starbuck M. A. of Christ's College, Cambridge; a sum of half being free: the church was wholly closed against inter­ £r,4oo was granted May r8th, 1883, by the Ecclesiastical ments, and the churchyard with modifications, by Order in Commissioners for the erection of a parsonage. Here is also Council6 Nov. 1857; additional ground adjoimng the old a Baptist chapel, endowed with 10 acres of land. The churchyard was consecrated in 1884. The register dates from population in 1881 was 773· the year 1558, and there are several ancient books in a good Parish Clerk and Sexton, Edward Lawrence. state of preservation in the parish chest. The living is a. vicar­ PosT, M. 0. & T. 0., S. B. & Annuity & Insurance Office, age, net yearly value £1,100, including 36 acres of glebe, .-Gabriel Hards, postmaster. Letters arrive with residence, in the gift of Miss l''letcher, and held since 188a from at 7. 30 a. m. & 12.45 p. m. Box cleared for by the Rev. David Lamplugh M.A. of St. John's College, dispatch at 11.50 a.m. for & through London; 12.50 p.m. Cambridge: the vicarage house is picturesquely situated for Yalding & Hunton ; 6 p.m. for all parts. On sundays, and is entirely surrounded by an ancient moat. The Brethren 10.45 a. m. only hold services in a room at . A sum of £125, derived PosT & M. 0. 0., S. B. jo Annuity & Insurance Office, from bequests left at different periods, is distributed yearly .-Nathaniel Worsley, receiver. Letters in charitable and educational purposes. Kenward, the seat arrive from Marden R.S.O. (letters should have R.S.O. of Lady Frances Fletcher, is a fine building'. The repre­ Kent added), at 8.go a. m. ; dispatched at 5·45 p.m. The sentatives of the late Edwin Adolphus Cooke esq. of Roydon nearest telegraph offices are at Marden 8.0. & Yalding Hall, are lords of the manor; and Lady ·Frances Fletcher, WALL LETrE.R BoxE~: Congelow, cleared at 5.20 p.m. week Thomas Frederick Halsey esq. the Rev. C. W. Shepherd, days only; Benover, cleared at 5· 10 p.m. ; Laddingford, the trustees of the late J. R. Mills and the Earl of Strafford cleared at 5.20 p.m. & on sunday at 10.20 a. m are the chief landowners. The soil is of various kinds; sub­ 8cHOOLS:- soil, stone, gravel and clay. This is the largest hop-growing J<'ree Grammar, founded & endowed in r665 by William parish in Kent and in England, upwards of 1,400 acres being Cleave esq. a citizen of London, who resided at Yalding annually cultivated in this parish; fruit is also grown in during the plague & founded the school as a thank­ abundance. The area is 5,771 acreli of land and 72 of offering for his escape from sickness ; it was reconstituted water; rateable value, £17,633; the population in 1881 was in 1874 by the Endowed School Commissioners, & is 2,513. situated at the upper end of the village, on comparatively Parish Clerk and Sexton, Yalding, William Longley. high ground ; the master is allowed to take a limited num- BENOVER and CONGELOW 2 miles south-east, LADDING· ber of boarders ; Samuel Williams, head master FORD 1 mile south-west, and FowL HALL 3 miles south, are 1 National (boys), Yalding, built in 1873• for 16o children; hamlets. average attendance, 98; (girls & infants) built in 1856, CoLLIER STREET is from 3 to 4 miles south-east and 2 for 180 children; average attendance, 140; William Gal· miles west from Marden station, and was formed into a pin, master; Miss Lavinia S. Hope, mistress ; Miss separate ecclesiastical parish August 31st, r&ss, portions Wilson, infants' mistress being afterwards assigned to , October 3oth, National (mixed), Collier Street, for II5 children; average x86o. The church of St. Margaret is a modern stone build­ attendance, II5; Isaac Langley, master ing, consisting of chancel, nave, aisles and a low tower with National (mixed),-Laddingford, built for So children; aver­ spire, containing a clock and one bell, placed in 1884 : the age attendance, 6o; Miss Ell en Stanford, mistress church was renovated in 1883-4 at a cost of about £6oo, the Railway Station, HenrySaxby Agent, station master alterations and additions including the introduction of choir CARRIERS TO MAIDSTONE.-From Queen street, Brenchley, stalls and the erection of several stained windows. The re­ Reader, tues. thurs. & sat. ; from Collier Street, Reeves, gister dates from the year r858. The living is a vicarage, mon. wed. fri. & sat.; Hemsley, tues. & sat Yalding. Honess Henry, beer retailer & carpenter Treasure Richard, relieving, school PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Hope David, cowkeeper inquiry & vaccinatiou officer, No. 3 Chapman Mrs. Willow grove Hubble Henry, house decorator district, assist. overseer & vestry clerk Ellis Robert Ridge, The Court lodge Jenner Thomas, farmer & hop grower, Trice John, harness maker Fletcher Lady Frances, Ken ward Laddingford house Tuck Henry, George P.H Gibbs Miss, Church cottage Killick William Cassam, grocer & draper Tulley Myles C. brick maker Jeffery Misses, Fox pits Kingsland Daniel, shoe maker Unicume Caleb, Woolpa(:k P.H. Benover Lamplugh Rev. David M.A. Vicarage Knight William & Thomas, farmers, Weston James, farmer & hop grower Norton Robert H.P., D.L., l.P. Downs Parsonage farm Whitehead John U. farmer & hop house; & Carlton & Union clubs, Lamb Alfd. bailiff to Mrs. Price, Yew ldg grower, Wood falls London w o Langridge Edward, tailor Whyman Sophia. (Mrs.), dress maker Pout Frank Latter Al~ert, beer retailer Wood EdwardJoshua B.A.,M.B.surgeon, Price Mrs. Yew lodge Latter Thomas, bricklayer & medical officer & public vaccinator, Warde Ambrose John, The Elms Law Edward, Two Brewers P.H No. 3 district, Maidstone union & Warde Mrs. Parsonage Lipscombe George, grocer, Laddingford certifying factory surgeon, Lees lodge White Edwd.Albt.(landowner ), Loud & Wickham, brewers Young Thomas Henry, grocer, & agent White Mrs Marks Charles F. agricultural manure for W.& A. Gilbey, wine & spirit mers Williams Samuel (head master Cleave's agent, Yalding hill Grammar school) Masters Sidney, Anchor P.R Collier Street. Wood Edwd.Joshua B.A.,M.B.Leeslodge Medway Navigation Co. (Edward Thos. Milles Rev. Thomas B. A Field, wharfinger), coal merchants Starbuck Rev. Franklin Folger M.A. St. COMMBRCIAL. Morphew Wm. blacksmith& ironmonger Margaret's vicarage Appleton Jesse, gardener & seedsman Noakes Charles, farmer & hop grower, Ashby William, shopkeeper, Wolsey The Lees house COMMERCIAL. Baker Thomas Charles, tailor Norton Charles, hop & fruit grower Batten Charles, farm bailiff to Mr. A. S. Beaching Richard, grocer, Laddingford Norton William, grocer, Benover White, Crow plain Bolton Philip, Railway inn Overy Alfred Thomas, farmer, hop & Caryer Thomas, buteher Boys Albert, farm bailiff to M~. Charles fruit grower, Laurels Cross by Anthony, builder · Chambers, Shingle barn Page William, farmer & hop grower, Gurr George, farm bailiff to J. P. S. Brenchley Alfred, shopkpr. Laddingford Fowl hall Hervey esq. Spitbrook Butler James, coal merchant Pilbeam George Wm. beer retlr. Wolsey Hartridge James, landowner & hop Chantler Robert Edmund, wheelwright Randall Thomas, butcher & harness grower, Bockingfold farm & smith, Benover maker & tax collector Hemsley Waiter, carrier, Clay gate Cheeseman John, farm bailiff to Mr. Reader Henry, farmer & hop grower, Hemsley William, shopkeeper Herbert Wqite, Congelow 1 Pike Fish farm Hills Silas, White Hart P.H Eltham John, wheelwright,Laddingford j Reader Thomas, farmer Man waring Herbert, farmer & hop Everest Alfred John, grocer Sales Wm. Chequ~rs P.R. Laddingford grower, Brandenburgh Gibbs Charles;- farmer & hop grower, Savage Daniel, Prince of Wales P.H. Reeves Henry, carrier Laddingford Collier street Savage Frederick, Duke P.H Goodwin Charles, butcher Smeed Arrow, New inn, Fowl hall Tom kin l\Iargt.S. (Mrs. ),fruit & hop gro Goble Esther (Mrs.), smallware dealer Startup Edward John, Bull P.H Tompsett Henjamin Frederick, jun. Gurney & Son, paper makers, Hamsted Tidey William, farm bailiff to Mr. Chas. farmer & hop grower, Moors Lock mills Chambers, Rugmore hill Tompsett Charles, farmer Bards Gabriel, baker, Post office Tippen Percival James, watch maker Tompsett William, farmer, Den farm Jlodge John, builder Town Charlotte Elizabeth (Miss},farmer Worsley Nathaniel, grocar, draper, Homewood Robert, coal merchant & hop grower coach builder & smith, Post office