Winter 2012


Inspiring Tomorrow’s Leaders




WANT TO BE A PARTNER IN EDUCATION? Please contact Lisa Osterhaus at [email protected] or 412.833.1010. Julie Cain Cwynar 1

Contents 4 Message From the Pastor 3 Living the Spirit of St. Louise 4 The St. Louise Pet Blessing 6 Weekend with the Lord 8 Teaching the Mass 10 Matthew’s Mission 12 Before “I Do” 18 12 Fullness of Faith ~ Our Jubilee Vision 20 STL Students Learn to Defend the Faith 22 Parish Share 24 Diaconate Ministry 26 The Year of Faith 30 Sew I May Serve 32 Bringing the to Life 34 Fostering Devotion to Our Blessed Mother 38 26 The de Marillac Guild 40 Race for Education 43 Youth Ministry 44 STL Alumni News 46 Planting the Seed to Remember God’s Words 47

EDITOR CONTRIBUTING DESIGNER Lisa C. Osterhaus Kristin Murdy WRITERS COPY EDITORS Jackie Alger, Father Michael A. Caridi, Nancy Vanessa LaFerriere, 34 Gillespie, Terry Kish, Vanessa LaFerriere, Colleen Rainone Arthur Messina, Father John Naugle, Colleen Rainone, Gina Romano, COVER PHOTO The Wilding Family, Jason Zych St. Louise School student, Mia Bullister looks at her Miraculous CONTIBUTING PHOTOGRAPHERS Medal blessed by the Pope. Jean Burke, Terry Kish, Little Sisters of the Poor, Melissa Peretin, ZeeAnn Poerio, Colleen Rainone, Deacon Rick Tucek, Brad Tupi, The Wilding Family, Jason Zych, Pittsburgh Tribune-Review 2 message from the pastor

…And the Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us, and we saw His glory, the glory as of the Father’s only Son, full of grace and truth (Jn 1:14).

December 2012

Dear Parishioners,

Throughout the Christmas season, we celebrate the miracle of the Incarnation, namely, that our divine, infinite, and transcendent God in Heaven freely chose to assume human flesh and come among us in the person of Jesus Christ, born of the Virgin Mary.

And in recalling the mysterious events that unfolded in Bethlehem on that first Christmas night, the Gospels seem to indicate that there was an unlikely, even incredible, “coming together” of various types of people around the baby Jesus.

There was a living there, the Blessed Mother, and she was sinless, perfect and pure. But there were also many sinners present – the rest of them in fact – people like you and me that struggle through life against temptation and sin, who are anything but perfect, but would jump at the opportunity to see God face-to-face.

The rich, intelligent and sophisticated were there, too, represented by the kings who were learned men who had the best that money could buy to offer the Newborn Savior. But the poor, uneducated and more primitive also gathered at the manger: they were the shepherds who had no social standing, worked for very low wages, and were often considered in elite Jewish circles to be beyond the scope of God’s covenant promises.

Yes, the one for whom there was no room in the inn made room for everyone at His birth. And when all of these diverse individuals together faced the reality of Christmas, their differences melted away and they united in one common pur- pose: to glorify, adore and offer themselves in service to God’s Son who had come down from Heaven to be with them.

In this edition of the The St. Louise Herald, you will find just some examples of the many ways that our parishioners come together everyday in service to the Lord in order to make the love of God incarnate in the lives of everyone who comes our way, no matter who they are, where they’ve been or what they have.

It is my hope that as you read through the pages of your parish magazine, you may realize that Christ is not all that far away, indeed He is alive at Saint Louise, in our sacramental and devotional celebrations, through our educational programs and, in a special way, through our charitable outreach to the needy. At the same time, I also hope that these stories will motivate everyone to become more involved in the parish that seeks everyday to make Christ incarnate to the community we are privileged to serve.

With best wishes for a blessed Christmas, I am

Sincerely in Christ,

Father Michael A. Caridi Pastor 4


of ST. LOUISE j First Ever St. Jeanne Jugan Medal Presented to St. Louise Parishioner, James F. Will

by Colleen Rainone

!"#$%& follow me.” This is the Christian vocation, which agreed to accept this honor on behalf of all who have is born from the Lord’s proposal of love and contributed to the mission the Little Sisters,” on St. Jeanne !"#$ %#&'$ ()$ *+&,-&&).$ -#$ %+/$ &%0-#1$ /)23%#2)4$ 5)2+2$ -#0-6)2$ 7-2$ Jugan’s birthday, October 25, 2012. .-2!-3&)2$6%$1-0)$67)-/$&-0)2$!%83&)6)&'9$:-67%+6$!"&!+&"6-%#$%/$ personal interest, with unreserved trust in God. accept :$3( 5$44( ="!#)&$2$"#( '/"( 3$##$)&( )*( 8'9( >)-$#"( %"( ;0!$440<( 67-2$.)8"#.-#1$-#0-6"6-%#$"#.$2)6$%+6$:-67$7+8(&)$.%!-&-6'$-#$ Parish, “to be a sign of Christ’s presence for the community 67)$*%&&%:-#1$%*$67)$;/+!-,-).$"#.$<-2)#$;7/-264$(Canonization by … exemplifying in a particular way the virtue of charity to Homily of Pope Benedict XVI, Oct. 11, 2009, for St. Jeanne those in spiritual or material need, both within and beyond Jugan, Foundress of the Little Sisters of the Poor.) our parish boundaries.” However, Jim says that these values 7"!"(2$!#'(=0##"%()&')(/$3(,?(/$#(=0!"&'#9 The Little Sisters of the Poor faithfully follow Christ’s invitation and live out the charism of their foundress, and Jim grew up as a parishioner of St. Elizabeth of Hungary in !"#$%"&'#( )*( +$''#,-!./( /01"( ,"&"2$'"%( *!)3( '/"$!( #"424"##( Pleasant Hills. He says that his sense of charitable outreach service. As the Little Sisters celebrate their 140th year of “comes back to my parents, who instilled in us kids the caring for the elderly poor in Pittsburgh they are quick to importance of helping those in need. If people came to the acknowledge the enormous help they have received from the door, we never turned them away.” His dad was a butcher, lay community. In particular, St. Louise parishioner, James F. who would donate meat to any number of church fundraisers, 5$446($#(070!%"%('/"(2$!#'("1"!(8'9(:"0&&"(:-.0&(;"%046(7/$canonization in 2009. was a church on every corner and he contributed to them all. I had to do a lot of deliveries.” His mother, a homemaker, “not According to the announcement, Jim “has been a visionary only took care of us 5 kids, but half the neighbors, too. She’d leader and tireless advocate for the Little Sisters of the Poor often ask, ‘How many do I have for dinner tonight?’ because for more than 14 years. This is the highest recognition ever #/"(&"1"!(@&"7($*($'(70#(.)$&.(')(,"(A-#'(-#(2$1"9B bestowed by the Little Sisters of theSpirit the Poor. Jim has humbly 5

Matt & Nicki, McKenna, and Mason Woolensack


For 40 years, Jim worked in the Steel business. He and his in whenever a need arises is a testament to the spirit of the wife moved back to Pittsburgh in 1982 where they have been parish.” Jim is a team player working side‐by‐side with Fr. parishioners of St. Louise ever since. He served as President ;$@"(0&%(30&?()*('/"#"(%"%$<0'"%(=0!$#/$)&"!#6(,)'/()&('/"( of St. Vincent College for seven years then eventually retired, Endowment Committee for STL2020 last year and continuing but that doesn’t mean he isn’t busy. to serve on the Parish Finance Committee.

While Jim had been a regular donor to the Little Sisters of People often ask how is it that some people do so much the Poor for years, he took on a more active role with the outreach. For Jim, “I’ve been blessed with opportunities to community in 1994. It was then that the Sisters needed to help. I didn’t go looking for opportunities, they just presented make a life changing decision to either stay in Pittsburgh or to themselves; and as my parents taught me, you just don’t turn close down their facility and leave. away from those opportunities.”

Jim recalls, “They needed a major renovation to bring everything up to code and then some. So they contacted their list of donors, (one of whom was Jim) to ask for their help.” It was then that Jim formed a lay advisory group from among some prominent businessmen in Pittsburgh, from whence came the Advisory Board, which Jim chairs to this day. “And we decided they should stay,” says Jim. This initial group of businessmen ran a capital campaign that raised 10 to 11 million dollars, which led to the construction of their new nursing and personal care facility. “Since then we have run two more capital campaigns, so now the entire facility has been !"&)10'"%6B(#0?#(:$39(C$#(7$*"(;0!?(D44"&(/0#(04#)(,""&(0<'$1"( in the Little Sister’s women’s group, and a supportive partner with Jim in his outreach.

Jim is grateful for being part of the St. Louise family. Not only does he draw inspiration from being part of the Nocturnal Adoration team at St. Louise but also he says, “the sheer number of people who are willing to get involved and chip Jim and Mary Ellen Will, with daughters Mary Beth Long and Kerry Will 6

The St. Louise PET BLESSING celebrates THE BEAUTY OF GOD’S CREATION by Vanessa LaFerriere

“Animals are God’s creatures. He surrounds them with his providential !"/)4$='$67)-/$8)/)$)>-26)#!)9$67)'$(&)22$7-8$"#.$1-0)$7-8$1&%/'4?$ Catechism of the (CCC) no. 2416

For many of us, our pets are a living sign of God’s love, serving as a constant reminder of the joy that comes from loving and being loved unconditionally, as God loves us.

In recognition of that special bond, many Catholic churches around the world hold annual animal blessings on or around October 4, the feast day of St. Francis of Assisi. St. Francis, the of animals and ecology, preached the importance of showing compassion to all God’s creatures.

Two years ago, St. Louise began participating in this beautiful '!0%$'$)&6('/0&@#($&(=0!'(')('/"("**)!'#()*(<-!!"&'(2$*'/(.!0%"!6( Caelan O’Donnell. After a school event, Caelan’s mom, Trish, 0#@"%(E!9(;$@"(F0!$%$($*(/"G%(,"(7$44$&.(')(,4"##('/"$!("4%"!4?(%).6( Beau, who was waiting in the car in the school parking lot. Fr. ;$@"(/0==$4?(),4$."%6(,-'(F0"40&6(7/)(70#(0('/$!%(.!0%"!(0'( the time, began thinking about the family’s other pets, which currently include a guinea pig and two rabbits, in addition to ?9@'4%-"#:'?5$%%7'#9-+:890'A):7)8'BC(%88:77 Beau. “I thought it would be cool to bring my guinea pig for a blessing, too,” Caelan explains.

Once Caelan had the idea to open the pet blessings to all the creatures of St. Louise parish, “she was relentless,” says her 3)36(H!$#/9(I8/"(,)'/"!"%(E!9(;$@"("1"!?('$3"(#/"(#07(/$39B( 7

E!9( ;$@"( =!)3$#"%( F0"40&( '/0'( $*( #/"( !"3$&%"%( /$3( 0.0$&( when school began that fall, he’d schedule it.

“When Caelan asked to have a special pet blessing ceremony 0'(8'9(>)-$#"6(J('/)-./'($'(70#(0('"!!$2$<($%"06B(E!9(;$@"("K=40$ ( “So many parishioners love their pets and see them as blessings from God. It’s only appropriate that we would take some time in prayer to thank God for these gifts and ask him to protect the blessings He’s given us through our pets.”


Caelan also helped publicize this year’s event, which was )*2$<$0'"%( ,?( E!9( :)/&( Q0-.4"( )&( 80'-!%0?6( M<'),"!( R6( ,?( Father John Naugle blesses the pets and their owners 30@$&.( 0( 24?"!( '/0'( 70#( %$#'!$,-'"%( $&( '/"(

WEEKEND WITH LORD The St. Louise de Marillac Men’s Retreat Program


D1"!?(?"0!6(%-!$&.('/"(2$!#'(7""@"&%($&(E",!-0!?6(TO(')(POO(3"&(*!)3(8'9(>)-$#"(%"(;0!$440<6(!0&.$&.($&(0."( from 12 to 90, make their way to St. Paul of the Cross Retreat Center on the top of E. 18th Street in Pittsburgh *)!('/"(0&&-04(8'9(>)-$#"(;"&G#(U"'!"0'9(H/"#"(3"&(#="&%('/"(7""@"&%6(*!)3(E!$%0?(&$./'(-&'$4(&))&()&( Sunday, getting acquainted with themselves, each other and Jesus.

What is it that draws these men, year after year, back to St. Paul’s? Is it the fabulous view of downtown +$''#,-!./(*!)3('/"(;)&0#'"!?(V0!%"&W(J#($'('/"(X-$"'('$3"(')(<)&'"3=40'"(4$*"(070?(*!)3('/"("1"!?%0?(/-#'4"( of the world we live in? Is it the retreat program put on by the Passionist Priests? Is it the accommodations and food? Is it the commentary of fellow parishioners, or the wild and crazy Saturday night pizza party? Could it possibly be all of the above? Whatever it is, we seem to have it right.

H/"(;"&G#(U"'!"0'(+!).!03(*)!(8'9(>)-$#"(%"(;0!$440<($#(0(-&$X-"(=!).!03($&('/"(Y$)<"#"()*(+$''#,-!./($&( that it is the only weekend at St. Paul’s that is exclusively dedicated to one Parish – St. Louise. All the other retreat weekends at St. Paul’s are open to more than one Parish, while the men from St. Louise have the entire weekend to themselves. In the mid to late 1980’s, Paul Callahan, a St. Louise parishioner, took on the job as retreat promoter at St. Louise. He promised the Passionist priests that if they would provide a weekend at St. +0-4G#(*)!(A-#'(8'9(>)-$#"(+0!$#/6(8'9(>)-$#"(7)-4%(2$44(044(POO(#=0<"#(010$40,4"(*)!('/"(7""@"&%9((H/"(+0##$)&$#'#(The agreed, and Paul set up a committee to promote the retreat at St. Louise. He affectionately named the promoters his pet “cockroaches”.

Paul Callahan immediately put in place a data base system of parish men and challenged the promotion committee to extend friendly invitations. Paul’s promotion system was an immediate success and became a 3)%"4(*)!(=!)3)'$)&('/!)-./)-'('/"(Y$)<"#"9(;!9(F0440/0&(!"'$!"%(0*'"!('/"(NOPO(U"'!"0'(0&%('-!&"%('/"(!"$&#( )1"!(')(L!0%(H-=$6(7/)(/0#('!$"%(')(@""=($&(=40<"(044('/"('"

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’ll be there.” 9


So what is it that keeps the men coming back to St. Paul’s closer together. We experienced a stronger fellowship than year after year? That question was probably best answered by ever. All who were there will tell you it was a very moving, our experience during the 2010 retreat when the snowstorm memorable experience, and the best retreat ever attended. It of the century hit Pittsburgh during the Friday evening was as if God planed the whole event just for us. hours. We awoke on Saturday morning for eight o’clock mass with no power, no heat, and three feet of snow in the parking lot. The hallways and stairwells were lit with votive “Will you join us?” candles. After mass, we departed to the kitchen for a warm If you would like to join us and experience a St. Louise de breakfast (thank goodness we still had gas) cooked by staff @"/-&&"!$@)#A2$<)6/)"69$'%+$!"#$26%3$"#.$6"&B$6%$"#'$%*$67)$ and retreat volunteers. After breakfast, those who were able men who have been on retreat before. Many of them will be commandeered a snow blower and numerous snow shovels -#$67)$!7+/!7$"*6)/$@"22)2$-#$5"#+"/'$:7)#$:)$6"&B$"(%+6$ and began digging. To our surprise, a group of men from St. the retreat from the pulpit. You can also call Brad Tupi at Louise, who were not on retreat, arrived to assist with the CDEFGHDFEIJI4$K/'$-69$'%+A&&$&-B)$-64$L)$1+"/"#6))$-64 dig‐out. Those who could not shovel snow attended the retreat program and helped out in the kitchen. By the end of the day, all the cars had been dug out and the snow had been cleared from the parking lot. The men digging the snow had even helped dig a path to a local residence so that the "4%"!4?(!"#$%"&'(<)-4%(,"("10<-0'"%(7$'/('/"(/"4=()*('/"(2$!"( department and her son. Despite the crazy weather, only two retreat participants decided to leave the retreat early. And despite the snowy conditions, on Saturday evening two men volunteered to drive down to Carson Street to retrieve the pizza that had been ordered for the pizza party, which was then held by candlelight.

;0##()&(8-&%0?(3)!&$&.(70#(0(=0!'$<-40!4?(A)?*-4()<<0#$)&9( We celebrated because we had survived the snow and had ;"<'15D2)9$0';%:'(:89"0'?9:*:'F%79J@' enjoyed our retreat. This retreat experience brought all of us 10

Teaching the Mass

by Father John Naugle

“If we really understood the Mass, we would die of joy.” $$$$$$$M$N64$5%7#$O-"##)'

“It would be easier for the world to survive without the sun than to do without Holy Mass.” –St. Pio of Pietrelcina

I&(P^R_6('/"(8"<)&%(`0'$<0&(F)-&<$4('0-./'('/0'('/"(;0##6( week. Then, having been strengthened in our own faith 0#('/"(D-)-$#"(%"(;0!$440<(=0!$#/(/0#( 1/)"6)/$8-/"!&)$67"#$6%$/"-2)$"$.)".$3)/2%#$6%$&-*)P$L)$ ,".-&(0(#="<$04(<0'""8-#"6-%#$%*$ this series to extend for approximately 14 Sundays. !%#2!-)#!)9$*%/$:)$8+26$()$-#$"$26"6)$%*$1/"!)$6%$()$"(&)$ It is our hope that, by taking the time to move slowly through to assist properly at Mass. If we knew the value of the '/"(=0!'#()*(;0##(0&%(')('"0



'JGUI"WFOVFt1JUUTCVSHI 1FOTZMWBOJB 12 MATTHEW’S MISSION Gift from God, Given God j T&&$:7%$7)"/.$U67)2)$7"33)#-#12V$26%/).$67)2)$67-#12$+3$-#$67)-/$7)"/629$2"'-#19$ WL7"6$:-&&$67-2$!7-&.$()P?$"#.9$WL"2$#%6$67)$7"#.$%*$67)$X%/.$+3%#$7-8P?$YXB4$DZ[[\

by Colleen Rainone

'#(#7$*'4?(!"=40<"%('/"($&$'$04(#-!=!$#"(;"4$##0(c;$##?(')( spot over and over.” Finally, with less sensitivity than was re‐ her friends) and Jeff Peretin felt upon realizing they quired for delivering bad news, the technician just said, “Oh, it were expecting their fourth child in late November 2008. 4))@#(4$@"('/"!"($#(0(<4"*'9B(H)(7/$


Jeff continues, “They told us that when there are more tors lined up to take care of him as soon as he was born. We than two markers, that is generally indicative of something wouldn’t have to scramble around to set up appointments genetically wrong. They recommended that we see a genetic after the fact.” specialist for further counseling and testing.” However, ;$##?(#0?#6(ID1"!?)&"(70#(.)$&.(/)3"("0!4?(*)!('/"(4)&.( Waiting for that call on Friday was agonizing for the Per‐ weekend, it was Good Friday, so we would have to go home "'$ (;$##?G#("?"#(#'$44(7"44(-=(7$'/('"0!#(0#(#/"(!"3"3,"!#( not being able to do anything until the following Tuesday. It Jeff relating the news from that 4:35 pm call. On top of hav‐ was terrible.” ing a cleft lip and palate, and heart defect, their little baby had Downs Syndrome. “As strange as it may sound, I thought The following week, after being assured that the risk of we hit the lottery,” says Jeff. “You see, the other genetic dis‐ 0(3$#<0!!$0."(70#(3$&$304($&(/"!(<0#"6(;$##?(-&%"!7"&'( orders that the counselor had discussed with us were much amniocentesis, as well as an additional ultrasound, but worse and many were fatal. I told my wife the news and she #/"(7)-4%(/01"(')(70$'(-&'$4(E!$%0?(0*'"!&))&(*)!(%"2$&$‐ was crushed. I held her and assured her everything was go‐ tive results. During the initial counseling session, however, $&.(')(,"(2$&"9B the specialist walked them through “a book” of possible genetic disorders and subsequent actions, depending on :"**(!"24"<'#6(IS'('/$#(=)$&'6(#)3"(=")=4"(7)-4%(0#@(V)%( the outcome of the tests. The most common “action” was ‘why?’ I did not, as I know in my heart that he has a plan '"!3$&0'$&.('/"(=!".&0&6$,-0)$%/$2->$8%#6729$:)$:)/)$)#0)&%3).$ ing part of the St. Louise faith community since Sydney was with love and support. People called, sent cards, made din­ in Kindergarten has put Jeff in touch with the prayerful men #)/29$"#.$3/"').4$]+/$&-0)2$:)/)$,-&&).$:-67$1/)"6$+#!)/6"-#6'$ $&1)41"%($&('/"(F0'/)4$<(;"&G#(E"44)7#/$=(.!)-=6(0&%(;$##?( and lots of doctors appointments, especially with a pediatric has developed close relationships with other women in the !"/.-%&%1-264$$]+/$2%#$:"2$.-"1#%2).$:-67$7'3%F3&"26-!$&)*6$ parish. 7)"/6$2'#./%8)^67)$8%26$!7"&&)#1-#1$7)"/6$!%#.-6-%#$6%$ !%//)!6$(+6$%#)$67"6$;7-&./)#A2$_%23-6"&$7".$1/)"6$2+!!)22$,->­ “In hindsight, I have said that I don’t know how -#14$<)"&&'$"#.$6/+&'$:)$*)&6$3/)66'$!%#,-.)#6$67"69$()!"+2)$%*$ 67)$1/)"6$2B-&&$"#.$!"/)$%*$67)$.%!6%/29$"*6)/$67)$2+/1)/-)2$:)/)$ we would have handled this without the sup­ over we would only have the Downs to live with. Even with port of St. Louise,” says Missy. that we knew many people, who had experience with special #)).2$!7-&./)#9$:7%$:%+&.$()$"#%67)/$2+33%/6-0)$(&)22-#1$6%$ “I think that if we didn’t have an active faith life, this would us. have been much tougher to deal with.” Good thing, too, be‐ Matthew John was born on August 21st, cause the road was about to get a lot rockier. and he was beautiful. We were able to hold him and spend time with him immediately. We named him Matthew because it means “gift from God”, and that’s how we felt about him. His sisters were delighted and were only upset by the fact that they couldn’t hold him, though they took every opportunity to touch him when­ ever they could. Fr. Mike came to baptize him, and the room was full. The head of the NICU [Neonatal Intensive Care Unit] asked if he could stay, as well as a few of the nurses, who said that it was one of the most beautiful things they had ever witnessed, because we didn’t just F)9$:2'1"/:'.)&9"J:#'1)99$:M'G:2:9"8 “deal” with Matthew’s condition we embraced H/"(#="<$04$#'(/0%(*)!70!%"%('/"('"#'(!"#-4'#(')(;$##?G#( it. gynecologist, “who I love and have respected for years,” says

;$##?9(L-'(#/"(70#('0@"&(0,0<@(7/"&($&('/"(*)44)7[-=(1$#$'( K7)$`a;b$.%!6%/$67%+176$67"6$7)$&%%B).$8+!7$()66)/$67"#$ the doctor said, “I assume you won’t be continuing with the 67)'$)>3)!6).$"#.$7-2$!"/.-%&%1-26$67%+176$67"6$7-2$7)"/6$ pregnancy.” Jeff said that it was just assumed that we would !%#.-6-%#$:"2$#%6$"2$2)0)/)$"2$,-/26$67%+1764$$ terminate the pregnancy because that is what most people %)9(;$##?(#0$%('/0'('/"?(A-#'(4))@"%(0'("0$7-2$7)"/64$$K7)$3/%!).+/)$:)#6$-#!/).-(&'$:)&&$"#.$:)$ were told that Matthew was on the fast track—that he was ;$##?(0%3$'#(#/"(%$%(/01"(4)7(3)3"&'#(0&%(70#(&)'(0470?#( /)23%#.-#1$()66)/$67"#$8%26$3"6-)#629$)0)#$67%2)$:-67%+6$ the pillar of strength that people saw on the outside. “At one Downs. =)$&'(J(7"&'(')('04@(')(E!9(;$@"(0&%(<)&2$%"%6(dJ(*""4(0#($*(JG3( grieving. I don’t know how to process this.’ And he said, ‘You c+/-#1$67)$*%&&%:-#1$:))B29$:)$23)#6$8%26$."'2$.-0-.-#1$ are grieving. You are grieving the loss of a healthy child.’ But our time between the hospital with Matthew and at home or then I got down to where my real worries were, and that :%/B9$:-67$8)"&2$()-#1$.)&-0)/).$('$3"/-27$*"8-&-)24$$b#­ was how do I tell my kids? How do I keep them strong? I *%/6+#"6)&'9$@"667):$1%6$%**$%*$67)$*"26$6/"!B$"#.$%#6%$67)$ 15


W#%/8"&?$6/"!B$"#.$)0)#6+"&&'$()1"#$"$2:-*6$.)!&-#)$()!"+2)$ The thing that upset all of them the most was that they never he had developed an infection in his chest [around September had a chance to hold him in the hospital. So they asked again 14th and 15th, the Feasts of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross if they could hold him at the funeral home. “I worried about and Our Lady of Sorrows respectively]. At three and half 044)7$&.('/"3(')(/)4%(;0''/"7G#(,)%?9(5)-4%('/$#(,"(3)!‐ :))B2$%&.$@"667):$:)#6$*/%8$67)$&%0-#1$"/82$%*$7-2$8%67)/$ ,$%WB(;$##?(0#@"%6(X-"#'$)&$&.('/"(7$#%)3()*(#-3)/-)#!)$67-2$:%#.)/*+&$')6$7)"/6(/)"B-#1$8%8)#6$[on hauer, said that as long as the girls were forewarned about 8"='"3,"!(PRth]. how it was going to feel different than holding a live baby, it could actually help in their grieving process, just as Vanessa’s Matthew’s Mission Revealed involvement with the funeral arrangements helped her. “You would have never known from the pictures that we took of ;$##?(0&%(:"**("1"&'-044?(7"&'(/)3"(')(,!"0@('/"(&"7#(') '/"(.$!4#(7$'/(;0''/"76('/0'('/"$!(,!)'/"!(70#(%"<"0#"%9(H/"( '/"$!(.$!4#6(0&%(,"*)!"('/"?("1"&(2$&$#/"%('/"(2$!#'(#"&'"&<"( .$!4#(7"!"(,"03$&.(7$'/(A)?(0&%(=!$%"('/0'('/"?(2$&044?(.)'( the girls knew. “They’re each so different, and their reac‐ to hold their brother and give him a proper goodbye,” says '$)&#(7"!"(A-#'(0#(10!$"%6B(#0?#(;$##?9(I8?%&"?($33"%$0'"4?( ;$##?(030e"%9(IQ)76('/"?("0

I just wanted to tell you how much I respect your decision.’ Matthew’s mission, in a Jeff and I kept talking about her comments that night,” says ;$##?9( nutshell, was to remind us that

“A couple of the nurses came, too; one wrote a beautiful we all share one fundamental letter saying how she was moved by our faith, because she God­given purpose in life: to love #""#(0(4)'(3)!"(&".0'$1"(!"0<'$)&#(')(<0#"#(#-

Finally, on September 21st6('/"(E"0#'()*(8'9(;0''/"76('/"(

Matthew’s tree, a gift given to the Peretins by Sydney and Vanessa’s St. Louise classes, grows beautiful and strong in their backyard, where they can see it everyday from the breakfast table. This, too, is a living reminder of Matthew being close to them still. As a matter of fact, a picture of that tree is always on the back of the Peretin Christmas card each year. :-#'(7""@#(0*'"!(;0''/"7G#(=0##$&.6(/$#( oldest sister Sydney submitted a poem for a Respect Life writing contest, in time *)!('/"(;0!$*"()&(:0&-0!?(NNnd. Gifts 5/0'(0(2$''$&.(2$&$#/(')('/$#(#')!?(0,)-'( From their special gift from God, given to God. God

By Sydney Peretin

All babies are really sweet From the top of their heads to the bottom of their feet. It could be a girl or a boy; No matter what, it will be a joy.

Take it from me, I know first hand Somebody has to take a stand. When the doctor said the baby wouldn’t have perfect health, Mom and Dad had to think of more than just themselves.

I can’t imagine having never known My baby brother Matthew, and all the love that was shown. I’m so glad that they chose to give him life, Because the happiness he brought, was worth all the strife.

Just remember, even if you have sorrow, There will always be a better tomorrow. No matter what other people say, There will always be a better way.

If you have trouble making a choice, All you have to do is listen to God’s voice. Even though Matthew is with our Lord above, They will always be sending me their everlasting love.

Every baby conceived deserves all of our love; Every baby conceived is a gift from above. 18 Before DoI j

by Terry Kish

today’s world, engaged couples sometimes get so wrapped up in )*getting ready for the wedding that they lose sight of how impor‐ tant it is to prepare for the marriage. Fortunately, the Catholic Church recognizes the importance of educating those getting ready to enter into this life‐long commitment, and requires engaged couples to attend a pre‐marriage program.

At St. Louise, Julie Cugini coordinates the activities of the Pre‐Cana ;$&$#'!?(-&%"!('/"(%$!"<'$)&()*()-!(+0#')!(E!9(;$@"(F0!$%$(0&%(+0!)‐ chial Vicar Fr. John Naugle, and is assisted by nine couples from the parish. The couples, who have been married for 10 to 38 years, share their experiences through the lens of the book, =)*%/)$Wa$c%?Z$d/)3"/-#1$ *%/$67)$N"!/"8)#6$%*$@"//-"1)9 by Anthony Garascia. Julie says, “Our hope is to give the couples the message that the married couple is a beautiful outward sign of our Lord’s love.”



To help guide couples on their path to marriage, the Charlene Plachecki and her husband, Tom, present the Pre‐Cana Program at Saint Louise includes talks both topic “Facing Change and Keeping Your Foundation ,?('/"(=!$"#'#()&('/"(H/")4).?()*(F/!$#'$0&(;0!!$0."( J&'0<'B9((;0!!$"%($&(P^]^6('/"(+40)7"!(;0@"2$"4%(H)7&#/$=6(+"&&#?410&$06(0#( witness to the truth of Catholic teaching in their own a way to share with other couples how God had blessed 30!!$0."#6B(E!9(;$@"("K=40$(IS&%('/"$!(!)4"($#(')( their lives. offer compelling presentations on the importance of faith in their married lives, and how they happily and “After we had been in the program for 10 years, we took practically live out the ideals of sacramental mar‐ 0(2$1"[?"0!(/$0'-#6(%-!$&.(7/$)-$#"($#( born, we buried our youngest son, we moved to Pitts‐ a collaborative effort between the priests and mar‐ burgh, and I gave birth to our younger daughter,” Char‐ ried couples of the parish aimed at ensuring that our lene explains. “We realized how much we missed the engaged folks are as prepared as possible to make the 3)#'(#$.&$2$<0&'(<)33$'3"&'()*('/"$!(4$1"#9B( satisfaction of helping engaged couples begin their jour‐ neys. Each time we participate, we renew our commit‐ 3"&'(')("0

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While the engaged couples receive important advice about marriage during the sessions, the married <)-=4"#($&1)41"%(7$'/('/$#(3$&$#'!?(2$&%(.!"0'(104-"($&( the program as well. 20

The Fullness of Faith Our Jubilee Vision


Church Renovation Update

After several years of planning, the renovations to our church’s interior will begin on Wednesday, January 2nd. If everything goes as planned, the Bishop will visit in early April to bless and consecrate our new altar and sanctuary.

Here is some information to keep in mind throughout the course of the project:

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g( All‐Day Eucharistic Adoration on Tuesdays will continue in the Le Gras Chapel from 9:30 a.m. through the Novena prayers at 8:00 p.m.

g( First Friday Nocturnal Adoration will be suspended until the renovation project is completed.

g( Confessions will be heard in the pri"#'#G()*2$<"#($n the Le Gras Parish Center at the regularly scheduled times (Tuesdays from 7:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m., and Saturdays from 11:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.).

g( E-&"!04(;0##"#(7$44(,"(/eld either at St. John Capistran or St. Benedict the Abbot churches, depending )&('/"$!(010$40,$4$'?9(H/"(=!$"#'#()*(8'9(>)-$#"(7$44()**"!('/"(*-&"!04(;0##"#(0'('/"#"(

g( While we realize that not everyone will de#$!"(')(0''"&%(;0##($&('/"(.?3&0#$-36(7"(=4"%."(')(30@"( '/"#"(;0##"#(0#(%$.&$2$"%(c0&%(,!$"*j(0#(=)##$,4"9(E-!'/"!6(&)7(3$./'(,"('/"('$3"(*)!(3)!"(=0!$#/$)&"!#( to enroll in the Faith Direct electronic giving program, to ensure that our offertory collections remain stable over the next few months.

Of course, a project of this magnitude will necessitate some changes to the daily schedule of the parish and demand patience from everyone. The staff has been working hard to make contingency plans for the duration of the construction schedule so that things go as smoothly as possible. Please keep our renovation project in your daily prayers, so that come early Spring we will be singing the praises of God in our new sanctuary. St. Louise de Marillac School Mardi Gras Gala Friday, February 8, 2013 GALA SPONSORSHIP OPPORTUNITIES

GALA New Orleans Presenting Sponsor: GALA $5,000 • Signage at the entrance and in the reception hall Hurricane Sponsor: $1,000 • Full-page ad in the program • Signage at the ice sculpture serving our specialty • Name on all correspondence and "yers for the Gala Hurricane cocktail • Web hyperlink from St. Louise school website • ½-page ad in the program • Recognition as a Gala sponsor in the Gala insert in the • Recognition as a Gala sponsor in the Gala insert in the church bulletin church bulletin • Recognition as a Gala sponsor in the St. Louise Herald • Recognition as a Gala sponsor in the St. Louise Herald (semi-annual parish and school publication distributed (semi-annual parish and school publication distributed to nearly 3,000 families) to nearly 3,000 families) Live Auction Sponsor: $750 Bourbon Street and • Signage at the classroom art projects up for live auction Basin Street Sponsors: • ¼-page ad in the program $1,500 each (2 available) • Recognition as a Gala sponsor in the Gala insert in the • Signage at the bar church bulletin • Name and logo on cocktail napkins King Cake Sponsor: $500 • ½-page ad in the program • Signage at the King Cake table • Recognition as a Gala sponsor in the Gala insert in the • Recognition as a sponsor in the program church bulletin • Recognition as a Gala sponsor in the St. Louise Herald Friends of St. Louise Table Sponsors: $100 (20 available) (semi-annual parish and school publication distributed • Signage above one of the silent auction tables to nearly 3,000 families) • Recognition as a sponsor in the program

THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT! Yes! We would like to become a sponsor of the St. Louise “Mardi Gras Gala”. Please make check payable to “St. Louise de Marillac School”; indicate “Gala sponsor” in the memo section of the check. • Mail this form along with your check to: St. Louise de Marillac School, 310 McMurray Road, Upper St. Clair, PA 15241 Attn: Lisa Osterhaus. You may also drop the form off at LeGras Parish Hall or at the School Of!ce.




STL Students Learn to defend theFAITH Apologetics gives an answer not an apology


From time to time we Catholic adults are confronted about 5"446('/"!"G#(0<'-044?(0(2$"4%()*(H/")4).?(<044"%(S=)4)."'$<#( our basic beliefs and devotions. Sometimes people from whose purpose is to propose the Catholic faith in a systematic other Christian denominations, non‐Christians, agnostics way that gives Catholics the tools necessary to confront such )!(0'/"$#'#(rosaries in our devotional life; Catholics engage in all sorts hope that is in you, yet do it with gentleness and reverence.” of superstitious practices such as Novenas and Eucharistic And, as we know, even in the earliest days of Christianity Adoration; Catholics disobey the Bible by calling our priests the Apostles were compelled to “give an answer” for their “Father”, when Jesus clearly teaches in the Bible that no one /)="(0&%(,"4$"*($&(:"#-#(F/!$#'9(H/-#6('/"(2$"4%()*(S=)4)."'‐ is to be referred to as Father, except for God the Father in ics today seeks to prepare people like us to do the same. C"01"&9(c<*9(;0''9(N\h^j(H/"&6()*(<)-!#"6(7"(0!"(0''0<@"%(,?( In recent years, many adults have found help in this area secular humanists for our moral teaching on social issues. from Catholic Answers ( for sharing and defending the faith, but what about preparing our young If we’re honest, we’ll admit that sometimes these accusations people to do the same? have thrown us for a loop or dealt a blow to our faith. Armed with a cache of a few yet potent biblical quotes, some accus‐ Last year, as the school community engaged in formulating ers sound smarter than we are; then we can be disarmed by its long‐term strategic plan known as STL2020, those indi‐ the seeming compassion and tolerance of secular humanists, viduals charged with overseeing the Catholic Formation Pil‐ making Catholics out to be the most unchristian of Christians. lar of the process conducted a comprehensive review of the In a nutshell, many Catholic adults feel ill equipped to explain !"4$.$)&(=!).!03(0'(8'9(>)-$#"(%"(;0!$440<(8

(:)5%8'L"5'?)99:2'NO9$')8+'P9$'62)+:'9:)5$:2Q')8+';)#%8',35$'NR%-9$'1"8"#9:2Q' 9:)5$')&%7%6:9"5#'57)##')9'?9@'4%-"#:@

Catholic Education Association). This means that graduates Jason has a degree in Theology and Catechetics from )*(8'9(>)-$#"(%"(;0!$440<(<)3=!"/"&%(F0'/)4$<(%)<'!$&"(,"'‐ Franciscan University of Steubenville and has prepared ter than their peers in other Catholic schools and religious a syllabus for this year that includes topics such as what education programs throughout the country. This, of course, F0'/)4$<#(!"044?(,"4$"1"(0,)-'(;0!?(0&%('/"(#0$&'#l('/"( is a source of deep pride for our school. relationship between faith and reason; the existence of God versus the New Atheism; the Real Presence of Jesus Christ in Nevertheless, when the STL2020 team surveyed parents of the Holy Eucharist; and the scriptural basis of authority in recent graduates and the graduates themselves about their the Church. religious formation at St. Louise, they did report back that our alumni feel underprepared to make a defense of the As time progresses and the Apologetics curriculum faith, when their beliefs are challenged, mocked or attacked develops, we hope to extend it to other grade levels and as they progress into high school and college. Additionally, eventually into our CCD program. In doing so, it is our fer‐ with all the emphasis these days on the New Evangeliza‐ vent hope that we can better equip the children of St. Louise tion, alumni related that they often don’t quite know how to ')(<0!!?('/"$!(*0$'/(<)&2$%"&'4?($&')('/"(7)!4%6(%"*"&%$&.($'( effectively propose the Catholic faith in a compelling way to when necessary, and sharing it with great love and their peers. <)&2$%"&<"9



Parish Share Catholic High School

On Sunday, February 19, 2012, St. Louise launched the 2012 Parish Share Program (PSP), the annual *-&%!0$#$&.(<03=0$.&()*('/"(Y$)<"#"()*(+$''#,-!./9((;)&"?(!0$#"%('/!)-./('/"(+0!$#/(8/0!"(+!).!03( is used for many crucial ministries, including providing Catholic chaplains for hospitals, universities Largest Co-Education Catholic High School 0&%(=!$#)&#l("%-<0'$&.(#"3$&0!$0&#(0&%(%"0<)&#l(0&%(=!)1$%$&.(*-&%$&.(*)!('/"(%$)<"#0&(;0!!$0."( Tribunal and social programs like Catholic Charities, which are utilized by our parishioners on a regular basis. in the Diocese of Pittsburgh We asked that each family pledge $300 this year because each parish of the Diocese is assessed and GROWING... P]9Ra()*($'#(0&&-04($&<)3"(*)!('/"(+0!$#/(8/0!"(+!).!039((H/$#(?"0!6(80$&'(>)-$#"(/0#(,""&(0##"##"%( $205,537. If we have not raised that amount by the end of January 2013, we will have to pay the ! ! shortcoming from our general operating fund.

Over the past decade, Saint Louise has been required to pay $20,000 ‐ $50,000 per year out of our operating account to make up for the shortfall in Parish Share donations. We are depending on your ! support to help us reach our Parish Share assessment for this year.

If you are able to help St. Louise reach our PSP goal and have not yet made a pledge or payment, please fill out the pledge card and return both the “Parish” and “Diocese” copies to the Parish Office. Thank you for your support.

May your generosity at this time be a sign of your own understanding of the words from scripture, “As each one has received a gi!, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God’s varied grace.” (1 Peter 4:10) SLS Students from St. Louise de Marillac


! SETON­LA SALLE The best preparation for your future!

! ! ! ! 25


Catholic High School

Largest Co-Education Catholic High School in the Diocese of Pittsburgh and GROWING...

! !


SLS Students from St. Louise de Marillac


! SETON­LA SALLE The best preparation for your future!

! ! ! ! 26

Diaconate Ministry (d‐ak‐uh‐nit)


b)-G1"(#""&('/0'(.-?($&('/"(#0&<'-0!?(0'(;0##(0&%(7)&%"!"%($*(/"($#('/"( priest. He wears a stole and sometimes a dalmatic during the liturgy. He can proclaim the Gospel, preach the homily, baptize people, witness marriages, and bury the dead. But no, that man is not a priest; he is a deacon!

What exactly is a deacon? In order to better understand the ministry of the deacon, it may help to know that the word deacon comes from the Greek word “diakonos,” which means helper. The Church calls the deacon, by virtue of his sacramental ordination and through his various ministries, to be a servant.

There are in fact, two types of deacons: permanent deacons and (:)5%8'L"5'?)99:2 transitional deacons. The latter are deacons who are in the process of discerning ordination to the priesthood. Permanent deacons are men who 0!"()!%0$&"%(#="<$2$<044?(')('/"(M!%"!()*(Y"0<)&9( 27

Diaconate Ministry


These men may be married, as long as they are married before ordination. A permanent deacon may not marry or remarry once he is ordained, even if his wife happens to pass away.

8'9(>)-$#"(%"(;0!$440<($#(,4"##"%(')(/01"()&"(="!30&"&'( deacon assigned to minister to the parish and two permanent deacons who work for the parish. Deacon William Strathmann was ordained to the diaconate in 1999. C"($#(30!!$"%(')(;0-!""&6(0&%('/"?(/01"('/!""()-$#"(%"(;0!$440<(8)-$#"(%"(;0!$440<(8)-$#"(%"(;0!$440<9 28

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 Manage your recurring gifts.  View your giving schedules & complete giving history.  Make live real time gifts.  Contact Faith Direct to Request Offertory  Update personal information. Cards or regarding any questions about your account.  Manage your payment information.  Add additional organizations to your account.

Don’t have a Faith Direct account? Scan this QR Code with your iPhone or iPad to enroll today.

You can also enroll online by visiting and use our church code, PA27, or pick up an enrollment form from the parish office to get started!

Requirements: Compatible with iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad. Requires iOS 3.2 or later. *Due to Apple iTunes restrictions on charitable donations, the Faith Direct iPhone app is only available for download from Faith Direct.

To learn more about the Faith Direct iPhone App, scan this QR Code with your iPhone or iPad and download the app today! Huckestein Mechanical Services is proud to help

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by Father John Naugle

+,-( of our older parishioners will be able to answer the following question immediately and with great ease:

“Why did God make you?”

Answer: “God made me to know Him, to love Him, and to serve Him in this world, and to be happy with Him forever in the next.”

This question and its answer come from the Baltimore Catechism, which was memorized by generations of Catholics in the United States as a means of passing on the faith. It is fondly remembered because it is so fundamen‐ tal; our existence as Catholic Christians simply doesn’t make sense without remembering that the reason why we are here to begin with is to know God, and upon knowing him to love Him and to serve Him.

But what happens when we fail to pass on knowledge of God? We see the results in our modern day and age. Western culture, once almost completely Christian, slides deeper and deeper into secularism and unbelief. As a result, of members of the human family are left adrift without any reason for existence )'/"!('/0&('/"(24""'$&.(=4"0#-!"#()*()-!(#$&*-4(7)!4%9(8-

May we learn well the faith, may we teach it well to our children, and may we share it well with our #)-17(%/2$+#6-&$:)$W(/-#1$"(%+6$67)$%().-)#!)$%*$ *"-67?$Y<%8$DZI\$"8%#1$"&&$3)%3&)24 32


by The Wilding Family

On a bright Sunday afternoon, a joyful, noisy commo‐ H/"(b)-'/(8"7$&.(;$&$#'!?(3""'#(X-0!'"!4?(0'(8'9(>)-$#"6( tion streams from the Bishop Leonard Room. The hum typically for a full day of activity. Between meetings, the and whirl of sewing machines. The chatter and banter young people work at home on smaller projects. When pos‐ of young voices. The occasional cry of “Help, my bob‐ sible, they enjoy hand‐delivering items to the people and bin jammed again!” These are the sounds of a meeting 0."&<$"#('/"?(#"!1"9(L?(=0!'$<$=0'$&.($&('/"(;0!'$&(>-'/"!( )*(8'9(>)-$#"(%"(;0!$440

E)-&%"%(*)-!(?"0!#(0.)(,?(=0!$#/$)&"!(U".$&0(k"‐ lik, the ministry has a simple mission: to serve God Sew I May Serve Prayer through service to others, by creating blankets and tote bags for social service agencies and needy individuals. Dear God, Regina tries to focus the ministry’s help toward local K7"#B$'%+$*%/$67)$%33%/6+#-6'$6%$!%8)$6%1)67)/$6%$2)/0)$'%+9$ charities, “particularly those that are lesser known and 67/%+17$%+/$2)/0-!)$6%$%67)/24$ have fewer direct contributors.” To date, the kids of Sew I May Serve have donated 175 blankets and over 200 Help us use our time and talents wisely to create items of tote bags to almost two dozen organizations, includ‐ !%8*%/6$"#.$()"+6'$*%/$67%2)$-#$#)).9$B#%:-#1$67"6$67)$!7"&­ $&.(8$#'"!G#(+40<"6(:)/&(C"$&e(E03$4?(F"&'"!6(;))&

4:E9'9%'2"6$9X''B+:##)'Y77"#0'V)88)$'="7+"860'S:6"8)',:7"/0'1)23'="7+"860'43+")'="7+"860'Y<<)'Z8+:2#%8 community. This year, Sew I May Serve also hopes to begin 0.!""#(7$'/(U".$&0G#(30&'!0h(I;0?(7"(#="&%()-!(4$1"#( sponsoring blanket‐making get‐togethers with children doing good for others because there is never a shortage of from places such as Auberle, a faith‐based Catholic social those in need.” The Sew I May Serve ministry gives Han‐ service agency. nah and many other young people the opportunity to do just that. Those served by the ministry face challenging life circum‐ stances, and the kids realize that blankets and tote bags will K7)$8-#-26/'A2$8)8()/2$"/)$'%+#1$3)%3&)$-#$8-..&)$2!7%%&$ not solve the problems of the people who receive them. Still, "#.$7-17$2!7%%&4$K%$0-):$"#$"&(+8$%*$67)$1/%+3A2$3/%g)!62$%/$ they believe their work makes a difference; the recipients 6%$1)6$-#0%&0).$-#$67)$8-#-26/'9$3&)"2)$!%#6"!6$_"##"7$L-&.­ know that the youth at St. Louise care enough to create -#1$"6$7:-&.IJh18"-&4!%84 these handmade items for them. As a reminder, each ribbon‐ tied blanket or tote carries a tag that reads: “Created with Organizations Supported >)1"(0&%(+!0?"!#(,?('/"(8'9(>)-$#"(%"(;0!$440<(b)-'/(8"7$&.( Auberle 1"77*)7:'!%3#')8+'D"27#'A7-. ;$&$#'!?9B !2"+6:*"77:'G-.7"5'4".2)23 1"77*)7:'1:)7#H%8H=$::7# A$"7+2:8C#'U8#9"9-9: Mooncrest Neighborhood Regina is always inspired by the heartfelt thank you notes A7)"29%8'G-.7"5'4".2)23 G2%62)<# V%73'F)<"73'U8#9"9-9: G"99#.-26$'G-.7"5'?5$%%7# that are sent to the ministry. To her, they indicate that “our V%73'?&"2"9'A$2"#9")8'1%9$:2#' ?$:&$:2+C#'V:)29'L:9:2)8#' efforts are sincerely appreciated, even if we never know )8+'=%<:8C#'D-"7+ Home personally those who receive the items we make.” Hannah ;%$8'V:"8J'F)<"73'A:89:2 ?"#9:2C#'G7)5: Wilding, a ninth grader and a leader in the group, adds: ;-."7::'G2:H?5$%%7 ?9@'4%-"#:'(:1)2"77)5'D-"7+ Jubliee Kitchen ?9@'4%-"#:'4)+":#'%E'A$)2"93 IJ'($#(/-3,4$&.(')(!"04$e"('/0'(,?(#0

BRinging the rosary to


by Sharon Sipe and Jackie Alger

./01-2 October, the month of the Rosary, we remember that Pope John Paul II’s last gift prior to his death was to revitalize the rosary. C"(#=)@"()*('/"(!)#0!?(0#('/"(I8)-$#"(%"(;0!$440<(8

M&"(70?(7"(%)('/$#($#(,?(/01$&.(8'9(>)-$#"(%"(;0!$440<(#'-%"&'#(=0!'$<$=0'"($&(0&( annual “Living Rosary” celebration, the most recent of which was held on October 3, 2012. Our goal is to help all St. Louise students and their families understand the $3=)!'0&<"()*('/"(!)#0!?(0&%('/"(#="<$04(.$*'#(.$1"&(')('/"3(,?()-!(L4"##"%(;)'/"!( as they continue their devotion to her. As Pope John Paul II so eloquently stated, the rosary is “training in holiness.”

The vision behind the Living Rosary came from a personal exchange between the Director of Adult Catechesis at Our Lady of Grace in Scott Township and Sharon 8$="6(0(8'9(>)-$#"(%"(;0!$440<(8

The concept of the Living Rosary is to bring life to this time­honored prayer through movement, sound, and gestures.

This is accomplished in several ways. First, each child who participates represents a bead of the rosary. The children bring movement to the prayer as they enter the church, forming the likeness of the rosary on the perimeter of the church’s aisles. In doing this, they portray the image of the rosary embracing the remaining student body in the core of the church.


to face with the statue of Our Lady of Fatima. While looking $&')(;0!?G#("?"#6('/"(

5$'/("00%?(0(!)#"(0#(0(.$*'()*( 4)1"(0&%(!"#="<'9(H/"(7/$'"(!)#"($#(,)'/(0(#?3,)4()*(;0!?G#( purity and of our children’s innocence. Each gesture helps =)!'!0?(%"1)'$)&(')(F/!$#'(0&%(/)&)!(')(/$#(L4"##"%(;)'/"!9( S44(')."'/"!6('/"(L4"##"%(;)'/"!(!"<"$1"#(RZ(!)#"#(0#(0(.$*'( from the students.

The children also bring voice to the rosary through song, their voices joining with the songs of the angels expressing their ecstatic joy at the mystery of God becoming man.

This beautiful and moving celebration has become a new '!0%$'$)&(*)!(8'9(>)-$#"(%"(;0!$440<(8

St. Louise de Marillac Church Sanctuary Memorials

henever a Catholic church is built or renovated, it is customary that parishioners be given the opportunity toW honor or memorialize a loved one by aiding in the purchase of the sacred articles to be used in the new church. While some benefactors from the Jubilee Capital Campaign have already reserved several of the possible memorials, the following are still available. Selecting a memorial or honorary gift is a meaningful way of supporting our campaign and a lasting tribute to living or deceased loved ones. As the beginning of the renovations are quickly approaching, now is the time to make these memorials available to the entire parish community. If you are interested in reserving one of the items listed, please contact Father Mike for more information. The deadline for reserving any of the memorials will be December 20th. Anyone who reserves and pays for a memorial will be listed on the Donor Recognition Wall that is to be prominently displayed at the main entrance of our newly renovated church.

Organ Refurbishment and New Choir Space ...... $35,000 Our liturgical design team is currently in Europe searching for the following With the movement of the organ console to the newly-designed appointments to match the scheme of our newly renovated sanctuary. music ministry space, we would like to totally refurbish the internal Processional Cross...... $7,500 components of the console, which are showing their age and Main Celebrant’s Chair...... $5,000 beginning to fail. In addition to making the move of the console more feasible, adding digital components will result in the ability to add a Sanctuary Lamp for Tabernacle...... $4,500 variety of beautiful sounds, particularly more soft tones, to the Processional Torches (2) ...... $4,000 each existing pipework. It will also include a small “musician reference” Altar top Crucifix...... $3,500 division to the organ that will speak from the new choir area. Paschal Easter Candle Holder...... $3,000 Blessed Mother Devotional Area ...... $25,000 Incenser...... $2,500 A beautiful devotional area in the back of church has been designed Missal Stand for Altar...... $2,500 for the Blessed Mother Statue that so many people venerate on a daily basis. The statue itself will be completely refurbished and Altar Candlesticks (6) ...... $2,000 each surrounded by a wrought iron railing, incorporating a built-in kneeler Sanctuary Chairs (4)...... $2,000 each and permanent votive candle racks. Holy Water Fonts (6)...... $2,000 each Suspended Crucifix ...... $15,000 Sanctuary Bell...... $2,000 Over the newly designed altar will now hang the beautiful crucifix currently hanging at the entrance to the LeGras Parish Center. However, the corpus on the crucifix will need to be restored and new color glazes applied to match the new color scheme to our renovated sanctuary.

Vestment Cases/Cabinetry for New Sanctuary.... $15,000 Our new Sacristy, located behind the main sanctuary stands in need of vestment cases to store all of our Priest and Deacon Vestments as well as our altar server robes.

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fostering devotion to our blessed mother j


3- H-"#%0?6(Q)1"3,"!(N]'/6('/"(E"0#'()*(M-!(>0%?()*('/"(;$!0<-4)-#( ;"%046(,"0-'$*-4(!"4$"*#()*('/"(;$!0<-4)-#(;"%04(7"!"(,4"##"%(0&%( $&#'044"%($&("0)-$#"(%"(;0!$440<(8

H/"(7)3"&()*('/"(%"(;0!$440<(V-$4%(."&"!)-#4?(.$*'"%('/"#"(7)&%"!*-4(!"‐ liefs to the children of the parish to foster a greater devotion to the Blessed `$!.$&(;0!?(0&%(')($&#=$!"(%""="!(!"24"<'$)&()&(;0!?G#($&'"!<"##$)&9

H/"(;$!0<-4)-#(;"%04(Q)1"&0(#'"3#(*!)3('/"(0==0!$'$)&#()*(;0!?(')(80$&'( Catherine Labouré of in November of 1830. Catherine described her 1$#$)&()*(;0!?($&('/"(*)44)7$&.(7)!%#h

$ W_)/$*))6$/)26).$%#$"$:7-6)$1&%()ia$2":$/-#12$%#$7)/$,-#1)/2iS"!7$$ $ /-#1$:"2$2)6$:-67$1)82i67)$&"/1)/$1)82$)8-66).$1/)"6)/$/"'2$"#.$67)$$ $ 28"&&)/$1)829$28"&&)/$/"'2ia$!%+&.$#%6$)>3/)22$:7"6$a$2":9$67)$()"+6'$$ $ "#.$(/-&&-"#!)$%*$67)$."jj&-#1$/"'24? 39


The vision also included an oval frame encompassing the C"!"(0'(8'9(>)-$#"(7"(=!0?('/"(Q)1"&0(')(M-!(>0%?()*('/"(;$‐ L4"##"%(;)'/"!(0&%(7$'/$&('/"(*!03"('/"(7)!%#(IM(;0!?( !0<-4)-#(;"%04("1"!?(H-"#%0?("1"&$&.(0'(ThOO=36(,"<0-#"(8'9( conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to Catherine Labouré was a member the congregation founded thee.” ,?(8'9(>)-$#"(%"(;0!$440<6('/"(8$#'"!#()*(F/0!$'?()*(80$&'(`$&<"&'( de Paul. Their bodies are both venerated in the same chapel During the apparition an interior voice explained to Cath‐ )*('/"()!%"!G#(2$!#'(<)&1"&'()&('/"(U-"(%-(L0<($&(+0!$#6(7/"!"( erine the meaning of this vision: Catherine’s apparitions took place and where her incorrupt‐ $,4"(,)%?(&)7(40?#($&(0(.40##(<)*2$&n0&)'/"!(3$!0<4"()*(V)%( “These rays symbolize the graces I shed upon those who ask '/!)-./('/"(;$!0<-4)-#(;"%049 for them. The gems from which rays do not fall are the graces for which souls forget to ask. […] Have a medal struck after this model. All who wear it shall receive great graces…”

J&(),"%$"&<"(')(;0!?6(F0'/"!$&"(30%"(#-!"('/0'(0(3"%04(70#( #'!-<@(0<<)!%$&.(')(/"!(#="<$2$<0'$) (H/)#"(7/)(,".0&(')( 7"0!('/$#(I;"%04()*('/"(J330<-40'"(F)&<"='$)&B(!"<"$1"%( extraordinary graces: miraculous healings and cures were reported, spiritual lives were renewed and countless other blessings were bestowed upon the bearers of this wonderful 3"%049(D1"&'-044?('/"(3"%04(,"<03"(@&)7&(0#(IH/"(;$!0<-‐ 4)-#(;"%04B9(

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Z88-)7'A%2%8:9'4-85$:%8 by Terry Kish !e de Marillac Guild

If you’ve been a parishioner at St. Louise for any length of H/"(V-$4%(,".0&(0(?"0!(,"*)!"('/"(2$!#'()-$#"(%"(;0!$440<6(')(*)#'"!(0(#=$!$'( net Luncheon started over 50 years ago. In fact, the Guild of loyalty and fellowship among members of the Guild, to hosted its 52nd annual Coronet Luncheon this October at "&<)-!0."(!"4$.$)-#(%"1"4)=3"&'6(0&%(')(=!)1$%"(2$&0&<$04( St. Clair Country Club. With food, friends, fun, and the latest assistance to the Church. fashions, the Coronet Luncheon is an annual tradition for many women. “We enjoy serving the interests of the parish while creating friendship and camaraderie among our members,” said this Each November, the Guild’s annual “Joy of Christmas” Craft year’s president, Suzette Cronin. Show draws crowds from around the region. With over 140 crafters, delectable baked goods and candy for sale, and a While fellowship with other parishioners is part of the ap‐ Chinese auction, the event is one of the best in the area. peal of belonging to the Guild, Suzette said its members are a group of women who “work very hard at everything they Growing in popularity is the Guild’s “Timeless Treasures” do.” E4"0(;0!@"'9(V-$4%(3"3,"!#(0&%(=0!$#/$)&"!#(%)&0'"($'"3#( for sale, and items that remain unsold are donated to vari‐ ous charities. 41


Over the years, the Guild has provided matching vestments for concelebrating masses, the chapel and the halo windows in the church, the holy oils cabinet on the altar, the silver <)1"!()&('/"(V)#="4(,))@6(=$K$"#(*)!('/"(DK'!0)!%$&0!?(;$&‐ isters of Holy Communion, prayer garden benches, kitchens in the gym and basement of the church, an ice machine, =!))2$&.()1"&(0&%(#040%(,0!(*)!('/"(#

Other charities the Guild has supported include the Chim‐ bote Foundation, Water for Life, Catholic Charities Free C"04'/(F0!"(F"&'"!G#(Im""=(83$4$&.B(%"&'04(<4$&$<6(;$##$)&( ;0@"(0(Y$**"!"&<"6(+!".&0&

5/$4"(30&?(40!."(.!)-=#(,"&"2$'(*!)3('/"(."&"!)#$'?()*('/"( Guild, its members are just as eager to help with smaller "**)!'#9(Y-!$&.('/$#(?"0!G#(E4"0(;0!@"'6(*)!("K03=4"6(0(1"!?( young girl purchased ribbon and supplies to make “Angel F%2<:2'+:'1)2"77)5'D-"7+'G2:#"+:890';:223'G%&%*"5$')9'9$:'A%2%8:9'4-85$:%8 Gifts” for homeless children. When learning about her plan, the Guild ladies immediately searched for additional sup‐ plies to help her with her project. While other secular women’s groups may offer fellowship 0&%(#"!1$<"()==)!'-&$'$"#6(7/0'(#"'#('/"(%"(;0!$440<(V-$4%( Thanks to the efforts of dedicated Guild members, local apart is its spiritual component. The Guild meets the second women undergoing radiation treatment for breast cancer H/-!#%0?()*("0

Other Guild activities include a needle arts group which St. Louise de Marillac Guild stays busy at the quilting frame, stitching and relaxing; Executive Committee Guild Girls on the Go, which provides opportunities for trips 2012-2013 0&%()-'$&.#l(0(;)3#(p(H)'#(.!)-=6(7/$0%$"#()*(F/0!$'?(7$'/('/"(;0##()*(S&)$&'$&.9( Additionally, the Guild provides baptismal garments for children baptized at St. Louise.


The Race for Education was a wonderful event again this year. For the 5th consecu- tive year, St. Louise de Marillac School combined fundraising and healthy competition for the students to fuel one of the largest fundraisers the school has each year. The students accomplished gains not only in a team approach to fundraising, but also with their overall health and wellness.

Race Day was a beautiful fall day and full of excitement as over 500 students poured out of the school building to warm up to run the race themselves, and to cheer on their fellow classmates. The celebration continued the next day at the Awards Ceremony where students and parents enjoyed congratulating everyone for a race well run!

Race for Education raises a significant amount of funds that help to cover the operat- ing costs of St. Louise de Marillac School. In addition to our direct mailing donation requests, we received funds from the purchase of tie-dyed race T Shirts, signs dis- played on the race course to cheer on the students, and door to door collections from students. Our goal for this year was $68,000 and with the very generous support of many, many donors we have currently raised over $73,000! St. Louise students are so blessed!

The Race Team would like to thank everyone who participated in this year’s St. Louise International Race for Education. With the help of numerous parents, volunteers, and donors, the Race was a huge success and everyone who participated had a great time.

With Gratitude, The Race Team 44


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Likewise, our high school teens had the opportunity to enter the Year of Faith through the annual Fall Retreat. This retreat serves 300 high school‐age teens from throughout the diocese and is held at Camp S44"./"&?("1"!?(Q)1"3,"!9(H/"('/"3"(*)!('/$#(?"0!(70#(I;?#'"!$-3(E$%"$6B(7/$)!%('/!)-./('/"(#0


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1"++7:'?5$%%7'F)"9$'S)773 ALUMNI NEWS

Beginning with our next issue of the St. Louise Herald, we’d like to include an extensive “Alumni News” section.

If you are a St. Louise alumnus and have any stories or announcements you’d like to share, please email them to [email protected].

You can include engagements, marriages, births, college or career news, or even stories about your families, what you’re doing today, or any accomplishments you’re proud of.



F$`-!B$"#.$O)/%#-!"$YO"jQ+)j\$<"0)&&"$YnmC\$:)&!%8).$67)-/$2)!%#.$!7-&.9$d)#)&%3)$@"/-)9$-#$ T3/-&$EfDE4$d)#)&%3)$g%-#2$7)/$(/%67)/9$`-!7%&"2$5/49$:7%$:"2$(%/#$-#$T3/-&$EfDD4$$=%67$("(-)2$ :)/)$("36-j).$"6$N64$X%+-2)4$$O)/%#-!"9$:7%$1/".+"6).$*/%8$c+Q+)2#)$b#-0)/2-6'9$-2$#%:$"$ *+&&F6-8)$8%84$`-!B9$:7%$1/".+"6).$*/%8$5%7#$;"//%&&$b#-0)/2-6'$"#.$c+Q+)2#)$b#-0)/2-6'$ Y@=T\9$-2$"$e-#"#!-"&$T.0-2%/$"6$L)&&2$e"/1%$T.0-2%/24$$S0)/'%#)$-2$.%-#1$:)&&$"#.$26"'-#1$ quite busy!

Visit us at and “like” our page! Spread the word. We would like to get as many parents and alumni as possible. Thank you for your continued support! 47

1)23'A)<&.:77'9:)5$:#'\9$'62)+:'AA( Planting the Seed to by Terry Kish Remember God’s Words When most people have over 30 years on a job they start thinking 5/$4"(&)'(*)!3044?('!0$&"%(0#(0('"0)-$#"(<0'")-$#"(%"(;0!$440<9(c8/"(04#)('0-./'(0'(8'9(:)/&(F0=$#'‐ IJ("&A)?('"0)-$#"9((;0!?("K=40$&#('/0'(:"7$#/(=")=4"(.0'/"!( M&"()*('/"('!0%$'$)&#('/0'(;0!?(3)#'("&A)?"%(7/"&(1$#$'$&.(/"!( ')."'/"!(0'(+0##)1"!(')(!"'"44('/"(#')!?()*('/"(%"=0!'-!"()*(;)#"#( Jewish relatives (who now live in New York City) was their ob‐ and the Jews from Egypt, using symbols that represent slavery and servation of the Sabbath. “They really honored God’s day of rest,” freedom. The word “Seder” means order, and during the Seder Ser‐ ;0!?(#0?#9(IH/"(7)!4%(4$'"!044?(#')=="%(*)!('/"3(0#('/"?(!"#'"%(0&%( 1$<"(0'(8'9(>)-$#"6(;0!?(.)"#('/!)-./('/"(IC0..0%0/B()!(I'"44$&.B6( connected with family. Nothing in the outside world interrupted and guides the students through the Seder. She also reminds the them.” students that, as a good Jew, Jesus would have celebrated Passover in a similar manner. ;0!?(/0#('!$"%(')(*)44)7('/"$!("K03=4"()*(%$#<)&&"<'$&.(*!)3('/"( world once a week. She honors the Christian Sabbath by trying to L"#$%"#('/"(+0##)1"!(8"%"!6(;0!?(%)"#(0(IF/!$#'$0&(8"%"!B(0<'$1$'?( avoid labor‐intensive tasks like laundry and grass cutting, instead with her students through the use of Resurrection Eggs. Each egg keeping the focus on God and family. holds a symbol that represents an element of Jesus’ passion, death, 0&%(!"#-!!"<'$)&9(;0!?(04#)(-#"#('/"(U"#-!!"<'$)&(D..#(0'(/"!( L?(<)3=0!$#)&6(;0!?(&)'"#('/0'(3)#'(=")=4"($&()-!(<)-&'!?(&"1"!( home each year after Easter dinner, which was how her mother take time to rest, using Sunday as a day to catch up on the work learned Jesus’ story. they couldn’t do during the week. J&(0%%$'$)&(')('"0

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"#$!%&'#$()*+#&!| Natalie Liptak, 1#-(%0&-!&2!3$-&''4($0!| Ext. 38 !" All Bishop Canevin freshmen receive an !"#$!for educational & personal use"! !" Since ‘10, a class average of %&'()"!#$!%&''()(!*%+&',-*+#.*!has been awarded! !" In 2012, Bishop Canevin received * Gene Kelly Award nominations !" Bishop Canevin students can earn up to +, %&''()(!%-(/#0*!in high school 2700 Morange Road | Pittsburgh, PA 15205 | (412) 922‐7400 | Visit us at and “like” our page! Spread the word. We would like to get as many parents and alumni as possible. Thank you for your continued support! The mission of Saint Louise de Marillac Parish is to be a sign of Christ’s presence for the community by…

… sharing in the mission of Jesus Christ, drawing her members to an authentic encounter of the Heavenly Father through the Sacramental life of the Church and a vibrant devotional prayer life, especially the celebration of the Mass and Eucharistic Adoration.

… imitating the model of our patroness, Saint Louise de Marillac, exemplifying in a particular way the virtue of charity to those in THE spiritual or material need, both within and beyond our parish boundaries. ST. LOUISE … passing on the rich traditions and teachings of the Catholic faith through the sustained and generous support of our parish school and CCD program, and by maintaining vital catechetical and formation programs for all parishioners. HERALD

… fostering Christian stewardship, whereby parishioners willingly share their gi!s of time, talent and treasure in daily witness to their faith.