Lamellodiscus aff. euzeti Diamanka, Boudaya, Toguebaye & Pariselle, 2011 (: ) from the gills of Cheimerius nufar (Valenciennes) (Pisces: ) collected in the Arabian Sea, with comments on the distribution, specificity and historical biogeography of Lamellodiscus spp. Volodymyr K. Machkewskyi, Evgenija

Systematic Parasitology V. Dmitrieva,An International Journal David I. Gibson & Sara Al-

JufailiISSN 0165-5752 Volume 89 Number 3

Syst Parasitol (2014) 89:215-236 DOI 10.1007/s11230-014-9522-3

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Syst Parasitol (2014) 89:215–236 DOI 10.1007/s11230-014-9522-3

Lamellodiscus aff. euzeti Diamanka, Boudaya, Toguebaye & Pariselle, 2011 (Monogenea: Diplectanidae) from the gills of Cheimerius nufar (Valenciennes) (Pisces: Sparidae) collected in the Arabian Sea, with comments on the distribution, specificity and historical biogeography of Lamellodiscus spp.

Volodymyr K. Machkewskyi • Evgenija V. Dmitrieva • David I. Gibson • Sara Al-Jufaili

Received: 15 July 2014 / Accepted: 3 September 2014 Ó Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht 2014

Abstract Specimens of Lamellodiscus Johnston & inner process of the large element of the accessory Tiegs, 1922 (Monogenea: Diplectanidae) were col- piece associated with the proximal part of the copu- lected from the gills of Cheimerius nufar (Valenci- latory tube, a longer point on the small element of the ennes) (Sparidae) in the Arabian Sea. All of these accessory piece associated with the distal part of the parasites belonged to one and the same , which copulatory tube, and the presence of a smooth or is morphologically very close to L. euzeti Diamanka, slightly folded inner margin of this element rather than Boudaya, Toguebaye & Pariselle, 2011. A different structures resembling spines which occur in the type- host, distant locality and small morphological differ- specimens of L. euzeti. Therefore, the present speci- ences compared with the original description of L. mens infecting C. nufar in the Indo-Pacific may euzeti acted as a stimulus for a detailed redescription. represent a different, but morphologically very similar The specimens from the Arabian Sea differ slightly in species to the Atlantic form L. euzeti; consequently, the details of the male copulatory organ (MCO) from they are recognised here as Lamellodiscus aff. euzeti. the type-specimens of L. euzeti, which were This form belongs to the ‘ignoratus s. str.’ subgroup of re-examined, and from the respective drawings in its the genus. The composition of this subgroup is original description. Such differences include a longer redefined to comprise 17 species, including L. coral- linus Paperna, 1965 but excluding L. acanthopagri Roubal, 1981, and the morphology of the MCO of V. K. Machkewskyi S. Al-Jufaili representatives of this group is clarified. A link Laboratory of Parasitology, Fishery Quality Control between the diversity of Lamellodiscus species and Centre, Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries Wealth of Sultanate of Oman, P.O. Box: 427, Muscat 100, the ancestral origin of present-day sparid species in the Sultanate of Oman Tethys Sea is suggested. It is shown that Lamellodis- cus spp. exhibit rather high levels of specificity to their E. V. Dmitrieva (&) hosts, since half of them parasitise only a single host Department of Ecological Parasitology, Institute of Biology of the Southern Seas, 2 Nakhimov Avenue, species and c.90% infect closely related host species. 99011 Sevastopol, Crimea Comparison of the levels of host-specificity of the e-mail: [email protected] species of this genus with other narrowly specific genera of the Dactylogyridea revealed that their D. I. Gibson Department of Life Sciences, Natural History Museum, estimations are comparable. The possibility of intra- London SW7 5BD, UK host speciation within Lamellodiscus is discussed. It is 123 Author's personal copy

216 Syst Parasitol (2014) 89:215–236 shown that a co-evolutionary model is more discernible (1995), 30–34 cm in total length, were caught in the if it includes data on the occurrence of morphologically Arabian Sea off Shuweymiyyah (17°540N, 55°550E) similar species from different regions and host taxa. and Sharbithat (17°390N, 56°320E). Some fish were examined fresh and the remainder were frozen imme- diately upon collection and processed later. All Introduction monogeneans were collected from the gills, some of them immediately mounted in glycerine jelly (pre- The santer seabream Cheimerius nufar (Valenciennes) pared with 0.5 g of carbolic acid) and others stained is widely distributed along coast of the Indian Ocean, with acetocarmine or Mayer’s paracarmine as including the Red Sea and Arabian Gulf, and is also described in Machkewskyi et al. (2013). found in the Eastern Atlantic off the southern coast of Type-material of Lamellodiscus euzeti BMNH Africa (Froese & Pauly, 2011). However, there is [British Museum (Natural History) Collection at the currently little information available on its helminth Natural History Museum, London] No. 2011.2.17.1-3, parasites, since it appears that only one species, a L. falcus BMNH No. 2005.7.12.1-2, L. neifari BMNH digenean, has previously been early reported from this No. 2005.7.12.3-4, L. confusus BMNH No. 2007.10. fish (Bray, 1986). During the present investigations, 17.1-3, L. toguebayei BMNH No. 2010.8.11.1-3, three monogenean species were collected, two mem- 2010.8.11.4-9, L. vicinus BMNH No. 2010.8.11.10, bers of the Microcotylidae Taschenberg, 1879, one of L. triacies BMNH No. 2010.8.11.11-16 and 15 which has been recently described (Machkewskyi specimens of L. fraternus Bychowsky, 1957 newly et al., 2013), and one species of the diplectanid genus collected from Diplodus annularis (L.) in the Black Lamellodiscus Johnston & Tiegs, 1922. Sea, mounted in glycerine jelly and deposited in IBSS Most species of Lamellodiscus, i.e. 53 of the 59 (Institute of the Southern Seas, Sevastopol) collection, currently accepted species (Domingues & Boeger, were examined to clarify details of the morphology of 2008; Gibson et al., 2013), are strictly specific the species from the ‘ignoratus’ group of Lamellodis- parasites of sparid hosts, which makes them of great cus spp. (Amine & Euzet, 2005). interest for the study of host-parasite co-evolution and Measurements and light micrographs were taken, speciation (e.g. Desdevises, 2001, 2006; Desdevises using a Zeiss AxioScope A1 K fitted with an AxioCam et al., 2001, 2002a, b; Poisot & Desdevises, 2010; Rc digital camera at magnifications of 9100, 9200, Poisot et al., 2011). 9400 and 92,000, and an Olympus BX63 microscope Twelve species of this genus are currently known fitted with DIC optics and a DP73 Olympus digital from the Indian Ocean, Red Sea and Arabian Gulf camera at magnifications of 91,000. The figures were (Paperna, 1965; Roubal, 1981; Byrnes, 1986; Oliver, made from a series of photos using the scalable vector 1987; Byrnes & Rohde, 1992; Kritsky et al., 2000; graphics editor in the program Inkscape 0.48.2.-1 Aquaro et al., 2009). Most of these (eight species) were ( described from species of Acanthopagrus (Sparidae), The measurement scheme is presented in Fig. 1 and the other hosts being species of Diplodus, Epinephelus, based on that suggested for the Dactylogyridea by Evynnis, Rhabdosargus and Crenidens (Sparidae), Gusev (1985). We consider the male copulatory organ Dascyllus () and Centropyge (Pomacan- as including both the copulatory tube and the acces- thidae). Consequently, Cheimerius nufar is an addi- sory piece, as has been used in most descriptions of tional (ninth) host and the parasite, considered to have a Lamellodiscus spp. (e.g. Oliver, 1987; Justine & close affinity to L. euzeti Diamanka, Boudaya, Togue- Briand, 2010). Abbreviations of the measurements baye & Pariselle, 2011, is a new record (thirteenth) for a are as follows: APD, length of small element of Lamellodiscus species in the Indian Ocean region. accessory piece (AP) of male copulatory organ (MCO) associated with distal part of copulatory tube; APDP, length of curved point of small element of AP; APP, Materials and methods length of largest element of AP associated with proximal part of copulatory tube; APPI, length of Thirteen specimens of Cheimerius nufar, identified inner process of largest element of AP; APPS, length according to Randall (1995) and Al-Abdessalaam of sickle-shaped distal part of largest element of AP; 123 Author's personal copy

Syst Parasitol (2014) 89:215–236 217

locality [Arabian Sea, off Oman, Indian Ocean vs off Senegal and the Ivory Coast, Atlantic Ocean and the Mediterranean Sea off Tunisia], in addition to some small morphological differences compared to the original description of L. euzeti, were motivation for the description of this material as Lamellodiscus aff. euzeti.

Diplectanidae Monticelli, 1903 Lamellodiscus Johnston & Tiegs, 1922

Fig. 1 Diagrammatic representation of measurements of the haptoral and male copulatory organ hard-parts of Lamellodiscus Lamellodiscus aff. euzeti Diamanka, Boudaya, spp. See ‘‘Materials and methods’’ section for abbreviations Toguebaye & Pariselle, 2011

Host: Cheimerius nufar (Valenciennes) (Sparidae). CT, length of copulatory tube; DBL, length of dorsal Locality: Indian Ocean, Arabian Sea, off Oman. bar; DBP, length of anterior process of dorsal bar; Site on host: Gills. DBS, span between outer extremity and anterior Specimens studied: 26 voucher specimens, collected process of dorsal bar; DBW, width of dorsal bar; DI, from the gills of C. nufar in the Arabian Sea off Oman, inner length of dorsal anchor; DO, outer length of were deposited in the BMNH collection (Reg. No. dorsal anchor; LL, length of anterior lamella; LW, 2014.8.20.1-2) and in the IBSS collection (Reg. No. width of anterior lamella; VBL, length of ventral bar; 525/1-16). VBW, width of ventral bar; VI, inner length of ventral Infection details: Five fish caught off Shuweymiyyah anchor; VO, outer length of ventral anchor; VIR, (November, 2012) were infected by 9–22 (mean ± length of ventral anchor inner root; VOR, length of SD, 17 ± 5) specimens per host, and eight fish taken off ventral anchor outer root; VSR, span between ventral Sharbithat (December, 2012 and January, 2013) were anchor roots. The length and width of organs and other parasitised by 5–125 (38 ± 40) specimens per host. measurements were measured along the longitudinal and transverse axes, respectively. All measurements Description (Figs. 2, 3A, 4A, 5) are given in micrometres as the range followed by the mean and standard deviation in parentheses. Descrip- [Based on 26 specimens; see Table 1 for metrical tive statistics were produced using the software data.] Body elongate, slightly tapered anteriorly. package Statistica 6 for Windows. The authorities Anterior region with 2 pairs of eye-spots; posterior for the many species of Lamellodiscus mentioned in pair larger and further apart. Body transforms the text are given in Table 2. smoothly into trapezoidal haptor, slightly wider than body itself (Fig. 2A). Ventral and dorsal lamellodiscs (Figs. 2B, 3A) Results resemble those of ‘ignoratus’ group (Amine & Euzet, 2005), round, composed of 10 rows of concentric, All examined fish were infected with monogeneans reniform lamellae; anterior lamella completely closed, whose general internal morphology and haptoral others crescentic. Both pairs of anchors elongate, with armaments conform to the diagnosis of Lamellodis- long outer root forming almost straight line with shaft; cus as amended by Justine & Briand (2010). A total latter distinctly longer than point. Ventral anchors with of 352 specimens of Lamellodiscus were found, all short but well-differentiated inner root; outer root belonging to one and the same species, which is fusiform, bulbous, extended proximally. Dorsal morphologically very close to L. euzeti. A different anchors with indistinct inner root; outer root widened sparid host [Cheimerius nufar vs Dentex canariensis only on inside, rounded terminally. Marginal hooks Steindachner and D. gibbosus (Rafinesque)] and 10–11 (10.5) long, unhinged, consist of sickle formed 123 Author's personal copy

218 Syst Parasitol (2014) 89:215–236

Fig. 2 Lamellodiscus aff. euzeti ex Cheimerius nufar in the Arabian Sea. A, Whole-mount (composite, ventral view); B, Haptoral armament; C, Marginal hook; D, Male copulatory organ; E, Vaginal pore and chamber. Scale-bars: A, 200 lm; B, 20 lm; C–E, 10 lm by short base with small upright thumb, slightly Single pair of cephalic glands posterolateral to curved blade and straight shaft (Fig. 2C). One massive pharynx, open into 3 pairs of head organs situated along ventral bar, slightly narrowed in middle, enlarged anterolateral margin of body (Fig. 2A). Mouth anterior, submedially and tapered laterally, with extremities ventrally subterminal. Prepharynx narrow. Pharynx straight and blunt. Dorsal (lateral) bars sometimes oval. Oesophagus short, surrounded by digestive glands slightly curved, with inner end distinctly wider than with which it forms round expansion posterior to outer and prominent anterior process slightly curved pharynx. Intestine bifurcate; caeca simple, terminate towards lateral extremity of bar. blindly at level of posterior margin of vitelline field.

123 Author's personal copy

Syst Parasitol (2014) 89:215–236 219

saccular, curved copulatory tube with tapered base; and accessory piece (AP) composed of 2 unconnected elements (or it may be considered as 2 accessory pieces) which are articulated with copulatory tube in different positions. Structure of MCO resembles composition of this organ in L. tubulicornis. Largest element of AP (Fig. 4A: peAP) with sickle-shaped distal part situated facing copulatory tube and con- nected to it via its proximal end. Second element (Fig. 4A: deAP) small, associated with distal half of copulatory tube, with curved, pointed distal end, sometimes with slight folding of inner margin at base of bend in point; proximal part more extended and slightly reflexed, rounded proximally and abuts with small perpendicular plate around which copulatory tube curves. Ovary situated anterior to testis (Fig. 2A), broad U-shaped, loops across body and around right intes- tinal caecum; germinal region posterior and dorsal. Oviduct and oo¨type indistinct; latter surrounded by clearly discernible Mehlis’ gland. Proximal part of vaginal duct and seminal receptacle not observed. Vagina opens dorsally on lateral margin to left of uterus; vaginal opening funnel-shaped, enlarged prox- imally to form vaginal chamber 18–24 (22) in diameter (Figs. 2E, 5B). Uterus wide, extends anteri- orly and medially, opens at posterior end of MCO. Vitellarium follicular, arranged in 2 lateral bands, coextensive with intestinal caeca, contiguous anterior to MCO and posterior to testis. One lateral vitelline collecting duct on each side of body opens into oo¨type. Single tetrahedral egg observed, 56 long, 62 wide, with single filament, 25.5 long (Fig. 5C).


Fig. 3 Photomicrographs of the haptor of Lamellodiscus aff. Specimens of Lamellodiscus aff. euzeti have a close euzeti ex Cheimerius nufar in the Arabian Sea off Oman (A); affinity to L. euzeti based on the morphological L. euzeti ex Dentex canariensis in the Atlantic Ocean off similarity of the haptoral structures (Fig. 3A, B), male Senegal (B); and L. fraternus ex Diplodus annularis in the Black copulatory organ (MCO) (Fig. 4A–C) and the dimen- Sea off the Crimea (C). Scale-bars:20lm sions of most measurements (Table 1). In relation to L. euzeti, which was described from Dentex canariensis Testis suboval, intercaecal, in third quarter of body Steindachner and D. gibbosus (Rafinesque) in the (Fig. 2A). Proximal and distal parts of vas deferens not Mediterranean Sea and in the Atlantic Ocean off observed, but fusiform seminal vesicle visible to left Senegal and the Ivory coast (Diamanka et al., 2011a), of cirrus. Prostatic glands not observed; prostatic specimens found in the Arabian Sea from Cheimerius reservoir anterior to male copulatory organ (MCO), nufar differ in some details of the MCO, namely in: opens posteriorly into distal part of copulatory tube. (i) the longer inner process of the larger element of the MCO comprised of 3 elements (Fig. 2D): thick, accessory piece (AP) associated with the proximal part 123 Author's personal copy

220 Syst Parasitol (2014) 89:215–236

123 Author's personal copy

Syst Parasitol (2014) 89:215–236 221 b Fig. 4 Photomicrographs of the male copulatory organ of Lamellodiscus aff. euzeti ex Cheimerius nufar in the Arabian Sea (A); L. euzeti ex Dentex canariensis (B, C) and L. tougebyei (D, E), L. triacies (I, J) and L. vicinus (L) ex D. macrophthalmus in the Atlantic Ocean off North Africa; L. confusus ex Sarpa salpa (F), L. neifari (G) and L. falcus (K) ex Diplodus sargus in the Mediterranean Sea; and L. fraternus ex Diplodus annularis in the Black Sea (H). Abbreviations: bT, basal part of copulatory tube; dT, distal part of copulatory tube; deAP, small distal element of accessory piece; peAP, large proximal element of accessory piece. Scale-bars:10lm

of the copulatory tube; (ii) the longer point of the smaller element of the AP associated with the distal part of the copulatory tube (Table 1: APPI and APDP); and (iii) the smooth or slightly folded inner margin of the latter element (Fig. 4A) vs the presence of 5–6 spines in this position in the description of L. euzeti (figure 2G of Diamanka et al., 2011a) and 1–4 structures resembling spines visible in the two type- specimens of L. euzeti reinvestigated in the present study (Fig. 4B, C). Consequently, the present speci- mens infecting C. nufar in the Indo-Pacific possibly represent a taxon which is different from, but morphological very similar to, L. euzeti. However, in view of possibility that species differentiated by small morphological differences, mainly in the shape of the MCO, may be conspecific (Poisot et al., 2011), we are not completely certain that these small differences are not within the limits of intra-specific variation. We have, therefore, designated the present material as Lamellodiscus aff. euzeti. Since some of the species morphologically similar to L. euzeti have been described in insufficient detail, their type-material was re-examined; these species are differentiated below from specimens of L. aff. euzeti collected in the Arabian Sea. Lamellodiscus aff. euzeti closely resembles, in the general shape of the MCO and haptoral structures, L. sarculus, described from Pagrus coeruleosticus (Val.) in the Mediterranean Sea and in the Atlantic Ocean off Senegal (Neifar et al., 2004). However, it differs in: (i) the shape of the small distal element of the MCO Fig. 5 Photomicrographs of the male copulatory organ (A), AP, which has a distinctly longer curved point (a vagina (B) and egg (C) of Lamellodiscus aff. euzeti ex quarter of the subunit’s total length), compared with Cheimerius nufar in the Arabian Sea off Oman. Scale-bars:A, the poorly defined point of this structure in L. sarculus B, 10 lm; C, 20 lm (compare Fig. 4A with figure 2F of Neifar et al., 2004); (ii) a longer large element of the AP connected process of this element, which is indistinct in L. to the proximal end of the copulatory tube (APP: sarculus; and (iv) a well-pronounced and rather long 70–82 vs 84–100 lm); (iii) a well-differentiated inner anterior processes of the dorsal bar vs a small swelling 123 222 123 Table 1 Metrical comparison of Lamellodiscus aff. euzeti parasitising Cheimerius nufar in the Arabian Sea with morphologically closely related species

Species L. aff. euzeti L. euzeti L. triacies L. toguebayei L. vicinus L. neifari L. falcus L. confusus L. fraternus

Locality Arabian Sea Atlantic Ocean off northern coast of Africa Mediterranean Sea Black Sea

Host Cheimerius nufar Dentex canariensis Dentex macrophthalmus Diplodus sargus, D. vulgaris Sarpa salpa Diplodus annularis

Source of data Oa O P O P O P OP OP O P O P O N 26 2 31 5 27 8 26 1 25 1 23 2 23 5 25 15

BLb 838–2,000 1,092 802–1,622 685–795 564–900 533–687 504–694 544 523–902 740 500–850 430, 300–500 876–1,228 550–800 200–400 (1,155±332) 1,106 (1,142±74) (614) (630) (620) (589) (630) (652) 549 (394) (988) (700±93) (280) BW 156–330 201, 135–280 134–181 92–161 109–132 121–179 96 111–168 95 90–145 74, 75–90 121–165 130–180 55–110 (214±51) 209 (211±33) (157) (135) (122) (146) (143) (102) 97 (825) (150) (160±15) (80) HL 78–188 89, - 121–132 – 79–127 - 66 - 78 - 67, - 133–150 - 55–70 (113±27) 91 (124) (100) 125 (142) (60) Author's HW 102–333 226, 134–314 151–195 118–183 105–186 135–165 140 115–222 70 95–135 130, - 207–282 140–200 80–120 (223±62) 244 (251±34) (177) (148) (141) (153) (160) (115) 191 (239) (166±18) (96.5) PhL 65–91 62, - 58–69 - 37–54 - 52 - 46 - 29, - 44–60 40–55 18–27 (78±8) 63 (63) (46) 37 (51) (43±4) (22) PhW 60–94 74, 78–95 41–77 49–58 32–53 39–54 31 40–49 41 - 26, - 39–53 30–45 20–30 personal (79±9) 76 (86) (61) (52) (40) (47) (45) 31 (45) (35±4) (23.5) CT 45–52 44, - 31–39 – 39–42 - 33 - 33 - 38, - 36–39 - 17–23 (48±2) 46 (36) (40) 42 (38) (19) APP 70–82 69, 71–79 45–49 41–49 56–60 49–59 47 47–57 47 33–47 40, 39–42 47–51 45–50 27–32 (74±3) 74 (75±2) (47) (46) (58) (54) (50) (41) 45 (40.5) (49) (47±2) (29) copy APPS 30–35 31, - 19–24 – 24–29 ---– - 20, - 23–26 -- (32±1) 34 (21) (26) 22 (24) APPI 9–12 14, - 9–11 – 7–9 ---– ------(10±1) 15 (10) (7.5) APD 32–40 37, 34–46 20–23 25–30 32–35 24–30 29 25–31 28 - 29, - 30–35 - 15–19 (36±2) 38 (41±2) (21) (27) (34) (28) (28) 34 (33) (17)

APDP 8–10 4, - 5–7 – --3 - 4 - 2, - 5–6 -- 89:215–236 (2014) Parasitol Syst (8.5±1) 6 (6) 2 (6) VO 52–58 54, 49–61 50–53 46–53 59–64 53–64 39 37–45 34 23–32 32, 30–32 32–36 32–36 45–56 (55±1) 55 (55±3) (52) (49) (62) (59) (41) (29) 37 (31) (34.5) (34±1) (50.5) VI 28–33 23, - 27–29 – 37–41 - 26 - 18 - 17, - 17–20 - 34–36 (31±1) 33 (28) (40) 23 (18) (35) VOR 26–30 29, 28–34 27–30 23–29 31–33 24–34 17 17–22 16 13–15 16, 13–15 16–19 14–18 19–23 (28±1) 30 (31±1) (29) (27) (32) (30) (19) (14.5) 24 (14) (17) (15±1) (20) VIR 9–11 10, 9–14 8–10 8–12 12–14 9–16 7 6–10 5 5–6 5, 5–6 4–6 4–6 6–7 (10±1) 13 (12±1) (9) (9) (13) (13) (8.5) (5) 7 (5.5) (5) (5±1) (7) ytPrstl(04 89:215–236 (2014) Parasitol Syst Table 1 continued

Species L. aff. euzeti L. euzeti L. triacies L. toguebayei L. vicinus L. neifari L. falcus L. confusus L. fraternus

Locality Arabian Sea Atlantic Ocean off northern coast of Africa Mediterranean Sea Black Sea

Host Cheimerius nufar Dentex canariensis Dentex macrophthalmus Diplodus sargus, D. vulgaris Sarpa salpa Diplodus annularis

Source of data Oa OP OP OP OPOPOPOP O N 26 2 31 5 27 8 26 1 25 1 23 2 23 5 25 15

VSRb 23–26 21, 21–29 24–25 18–26 21–25 16–27 16.5 14–18 17 14–15 16, 12–14 15–18 12–15 15–17 (24±1) 23 (25±2) (24.5) (22) (23) (23) (16) (14.5) 20 (13) (17) (15±1) (16) VP 9–10 9, - 7–8 – 9–10 - 6 - 5 - 3, - 4–5 - 6–7 (10±0.4) 10 (8) (9.5) 4 (5) (6) DO 45–50 45, 44–51 40–42 35–43 49–53 43–52 34 33–39 28 24–26 30, 28–33 30–33 30–34 40–48 (47±1) 47 (48±1.5) (41) (40) (50.5) (48) (36) (25) 35 (30) (31) (32±1) (44) Author's DI 23–27 24, - 20–23 – 30–34 - 20 - 14 - 17, - 17–19 - 30–35 (25±1) 26 (22) (31.5) 22 (18) (33) DP 9–10 9, - 7–8 – 9–10 - 6 - 5 - 3, - 4–5 - 5–6 (9.5±0.5) 10 (7.5) (10) 4 (5) (6) VBW 77–98 70, 74–82 64–70 61–68 56–65 52–63 79 66–88 31 23–30 43, 32–37 51–53 45–51 40–55 personal (85±4.5) 74 (77±2) (68) (64) (59) (57) (78) (25.5) 45 (34.5) (52) (48±2) (46.5) VBL 15–20 15, 16–23 13–17 – 8–10 - 8 - 7 - 8, - 8–9 - 7–8 (17±1) 18 (20±2) (14) (9) 10 (8.5) (7) DBW 66–80 56, 60–68 62–68 57–65 66–69 60–72 66 56–69 37 25–34 33, 35–39 45–52 45–54 40–61 (72±4) 63 (64±2) (64) (61) (67) (66) (62) (28) 39 (37) (49) (48±2) (51) copy DBL 21–25 23, 22–24 18–22 – 13–15 - 15 - 7 - 10, - 12–15 - 6–7 (23±1.5) 29 (23±1) (20) (14) 11 (13) (6.5) DBP 7–11 7, - 1 – 1–3 - 1 - – ----- 1–2 (8.5±1) 8 (2) (1.5) DBS 17–24 19, - 15–19 - 16–18 - 14 ------12–15 (20±2) 20 (16) (17) (13) LL 15–19 15, - 22–26 - 16–19 15–22 17 - 12 - 12, - 18–22 - 15–17 (17±1) 16 (24) (18) (19) 13 (20) (16) LW 25–29 30, 24–36 22–27 20–26 18–20 15–22 24 21–28 22 - 17, - 22–25 - 17–22 (27±1.5) 32 (29±2) (25) (23) (19) (19) (25) 19 (24) (19)

a O, own data; P, data published in Diamanka et al. (2011a, b) and Amine et al. (2006, 2007a); bFor character abbreviations, see ‘Materials and methods’ 123 223 Author's personal copy

224 Syst Parasitol (2014) 89:215–236 in L. sarculus (compare Fig. 3A with figure 2Bof Lamellodiscus confusus, L. crampus, L. erythrini, L. Neifar et al., 2004). ignoratus, L. falcus, L. knoepffleri, L. neifari, L. Of the two species of the ‘ignoratus sensu stricto’ sigillatus and L. vicinus, all parasites of sparids in the subgroup, which are also found in the Indian Ocean Eastern Atlantic and the Mediterranean and Adriatic region, i.e. L. corallinus described from Dascyllus Seas (Oliver, 1969;Radujkovic&Euzet,1989; Neifar marginatus Ru¨ppell and Centropyge bispinosus (Gu¨n- et al., 2004; Amine et al., 2006a, 2007a;Neifar,2008; ther) in the Red Sea (Paperna, 1965) and L. pagrosomi Diamanka et al. 2011b), are similar to L. aff. euzeti in the from Chrysophrys auratus (Forster) off South Austra- curved, pointed tip of the smallest distal element of the lia (Roubal, 1996), the former differs distinctly from L. MCO AP. However, the latter differs from them all in: aff. euzeti in the absence of an MCO AP, whereas in (i) the shape of the largest element of the AP possessing the latter the MCO appears to be similar in shape. a well-pronounced inner process (absent in the above- However, L. aff. euzeti differs from L. pagrosomi in: mentioned species) (cf. Fig. 4A vs 4F, G, K, L); and (ii) (i) the presence of an anterior process on the dorsal bar the shape of the dorsal bar with a well-pronounced (absent in L. pagrosomi); (ii) the greater length of the anterior process (absent, or virtually so, in the other proximal element of the MCO AP (70–82 vs 33–53 species) (Table 1: DBP). The remaining known species lm); and (iii) the sickle-shaped distal part of this of the ‘ignoratus s. str.’ subgroup, i.e. L. rastelus from element of the AP with a well-differentiated inner Pagrus auriga Valenciennes and L. triacies from process, as opposed to this structure being slightly bent Dentex macrophthalmus, differ greatly from L. aff. and lacking any process (compare Fig. 2D with euzeti in the shape of both attachment and copulatory figures 12–19.2 of Zhang et al., 2001) (data for L. structures (Neifar et al., 2004;Diamankaetal.,2011b). pagrosomi from the latter authors). Lamellodiscus aff. euzeti can be easily distin- Amended species composition and morphology guished from L. fraternus, which infects Diplodus of the male copulatory organ of the ‘ignoratus s. spp. in the Mediterranean, Adriatic and Black Seas str.’ subgroup of Lamellodiscus spp. (Bychowsky, 1957; Oliver, 1987; Radujkovic & Euzet, 1989), and also belongs to the ‘ignoratus s. Three morphological groups of Lamellodiscus spp., str.’ subgroup, by: (i) its larger ventral bar (Table 1: i.e. the ‘ignoratus’, ‘elegans’ and ‘tubulicornis’ VBW, VBL); (ii) the shape of the dorsal bars with groups, are distinguished according to the structure distinctly widened inner ends, whereas they are equal of the lamellodiscs and the male copulatory organ in width along their entire length in L. fraternus (cf. (Oliver, 1987; Neifar et al., 2004; Amine et al., 2006a; Figs. 3A vs 2H); (iii) greater measurements of the Justine & Briand, 2010). In addition, two subgroups of MCO (Table 1: CT, APP, APD); and (iv) the shape of the ‘ignoratus’ species group are defined by the shape largest element of the AP of the MCO, which has a of the dorsal bar (Amine & Euzet, 2005). The well-pronounced inner process which is lacking in L. ‘ignoratus s. str.’ subgroup of Amine & Euzet fraternus (cf. Figs. 4A vs 4H). Note that measure- (2005) currently comprises, according to Diamanka ments and figures of the haptoral hard-parts and MCO et al. (2011a), 16 species. It should be noted that of L. fraternus, from its type-host and locality, are according to Diamanka et al. (2011a), L. acanthopagri presented here for the first time. Roubal, 1981 was erroneously listed as a member of Of those species of Lamellodiscus from this same the ‘ignoratus’ group, because of the structure of the subgroup which are found in the other regions, L. lamellodiscs in this species, i.e. 2–9 rows composed of toguebayei, reported from Dentex macrophthalmus paired elements (Roubal, 1981), which is characteris- (Bloch) off the Atlantic coast of North Africa (Dia- tic of the ‘elegans’ group sensu Oliver (1987). On the manka et al., 2011b), has an MCO resembling that of other hand, it is apparent that L. corallinus Paperna, L. aff. euzeti (Fig. 4A, D, E). However, L. aff. euzeti 1965 should be included in the ‘ignoratus’ group sensu differs in: (i) the greater total length of the largest Oliver (1987), because, in the original description of proximal element of the AP (Table 1: APP); (ii) the this species, the lamellae of the dorsal lamellodisc larger sizes of the ventral bar (Table 1: VBW, VBL); were described as ‘‘shaped as closed rings’’ and those and (iii) the distinctly longer anterior processes of the of the ventral lamellodisc as ‘‘bow shaped units, each dorsal bar (Table 1: DBP). plate constricted in its middle’’ (Paperna, 1965: p. 7), 123 Table 2 Occurrence of Lamellodiscus spp. in different hosts and regions, with remarks on their membership of species groups in relation to the morphology of the haptoral 89:215–236 (2014) Parasitol Syst structures and the MCO Species of Lamellodiscusa Hostb Regionc Species groups/type according to the morphology: Source of data of the haptoral of the MCO structures

L. dentexi Aleshkina, 1984 Dentex macrophthalmus EA ‘elegans’ group ‘polymorphous’ type; Oliver (1987); Diamanka ‘elongatus’ type et al. (2011b) L. toguebayei Diamanka, Dentex macrophthalmus EA ‘ignoratus’ group; ‘lyre’ type Diamanka et al. (2011b) Neifar, Pariselle & Euzet, ‘ignoratus s. str.’ 2011 subgroup L. triacies Diamanka, Dentex macrophthalmus EA ‘ignoratus’ group; ‘lyre’ type Diamanka et al. (2011b) Neifar, Pariselle & Euzet, ‘ignoratus s. str.’

2011 subgroup Author's L. vicinus Diamanka, Dentex macrophthalmus EA ‘ignoratus’ group; ‘lyre’ type Diamanka et al. (2011b) Neifar, Pariselle & Euzet, ‘ignoratus s. str.’ 2011 subgroup L. coronatus Euzet & Diplodus cervinus; D. annularis; D. EA; MS ‘elegans’ group ‘furca’ type Oliver (1987); Desdevises d Oliver, 1966 sargus et al. (2002b) personal L. drummondi Euzet & Pagellus acarne EA; MS ‘elegans’ group ‘polymorphous’ type Oliver (1987) Oliver, 1967 L. furcosus Euzet & Oliver, Diplodus sargus; D. annularis EA; MS ‘elegans’ group ‘furca’ type Oliver (1987) 1966

L. gracilis Euzet & Oliver, Diplodus sargus; D. annularis; Oblada EA; MS ‘elegans’ group ‘furca’ type Oliver (1987) copy 1966 melanura; Spondyliosoma cantharus L. knoeffleri Oliver, 1969 Spondyliosoma cantharus; Spicara EA; MS ‘ignoratus’ group; ‘lyre’ type Oliver (1987); Amine & maena; S. smaris (Centracanthidae) ‘ignoratus s. str.’ Euzet (2005) subgroup L. mirandus Euzet & Diplodus sargus EA; MS ‘elegans’ group ‘furca’ type Oliver (1987) Oliver, 1966 L. obeliae Oliver, 1973d Pagellus bogaraveo; P. acarne EA; MS ‘elegans’ group ‘furca’ type; Oliver (1987); Diamanka ‘elongatus’ type et al. (2011b) L. parisi Oliver, 1969 Sarpa salpa EA; MS ‘elegans’ group ‘furca’ type Oliver (1987) L. rastellus Neifar, Euzet & Pagrus auriga EA; MS ‘ignoratus’ group; ‘lyre’ type Neifar et al. (2004) Oliver, 2004 ‘ignoratus s. str.’ subgroup

123 L. sarculus Neifar, Euzet & Pagrus caeruleostictus EA; MS ‘ignoratus’ group; ‘lyre’ type Neifar et al. (2004) Oliver, 2004 ‘ignoratus s. str.’ subgroup 225 226 123 Table 2 continued Species of Lamellodiscusa Hostb Regionc Species groups/type according to the morphology: Source of data of the haptoral of the MCO structures

L. sigilatus Neifar, Euzet & Pagrus caeruleostictus EA; MS ‘ignoratus’ group; ‘lyre’ type Neifar et al. (2004) Oliver, 2004 ‘ignoratus s. str.’ subgroup L. virgula Euzet & Oliver, Pagellus bogaraveo; P. acarne EA; MS ‘elegans’ group ‘furca’ type; ‘elongatus’ Oliver (1987); Diamanka 1967 type et al. (2011b) L. echeneis (Wagener, Sparus aurata EA; MS; AS ‘elegans’ group ‘furca’ type Oliver (1987); Radujkovic 1857) & Euzet (1989) (as Furnestinia echeneis);

Desdevises (2001) Author's L. ergensi Euzet & Oliver, Diplodus sargus; D. vulgaris; D. EA; MS; AS ‘ignoratus’ group, ‘lyre’ type Oliver (1987); Radujkovic 1966 annularis ‘ergensi’ subgroup & Euzet (1989); Amine & Euzet (2005) L. erythrini Euzet & Oliver, Pagellus erythrinus EA; MS; AS ‘ignoratus’ group, ‘lyre’ type Oliver (1987); Radujkovic

1966 ‘ignoratus s. str.’ & Euzet (1989); Amine & personal subgroup Euzet (2005) L. ignoratus Palombi, 1943 Diplodus sargus; D. vulgaris; D. EA; MS; AS ‘ignoratus’ group; ‘lyre’ type Oliver (1987); Radujkovic annularis; D. puntazzo; Lithognathus ‘ignoratus s. str.’ & Euzet (1989); mormyrus; Evynnis ehrenbergii; Sarpa subgroup Desdevises et al. (2002b); salpa Amine et al. (2006a, b); Poisot et al. (2011) copy L. mormyri Euzet & Oliver, Lithognathus mormyrus EA; MS; AS ‘elegans’ group ‘furca’ type Oliver (1987); Radujkovic 1967 & Euzet (1989); Boudaya et al. (2009) L. verberis Euzet & Oliver, Lithognathus mormyrus EA; MS; AS ‘elegans’ group ‘furca’ type Oliver (1987); Radujkovic 1967 & Euzet (1989); Boudaya

et al. (2009) 89:215–236 (2014) Parasitol Syst L. elegans Bychowsky, Diplodus sargus; D. vulgaris; D. EA; MS; AS; ‘elegans’ group ‘furca’ type Bychowsky (1957); Oliver 1957 annularis; Oblada melanura; Boops Black Sea; WP: (1987); Gaevskaya & boops; Spondyliosoma cantharus; off Japan, East Aleshkina (1988); Acanthopagrus sivicolus China and Radujkovic & Euzet Yellow Seas (1989); Gibson et al. (2005) L. euzeti Diamanka, Dentex canariensis; D. gibbosus EA; MS ‘ignoratus’ group, ‘lyre’ type Diamanka et al. (2011a) Boudaya, Toguebaye & ‘ignoratus s. str.’ Pariselle, 2011 subgroup Table 2 continued 89:215–236 (2014) Parasitol Syst Species of Lamellodiscusa Hostb Regionc Species groups/type according to the morphology: Source of data of the haptoral of the MCO structures

L. aff. euzeti Cheimerius nufar Arabian Sea ‘ignoratus’ group, ‘lyre’ type Present study ‘ignoratus s. str.’ subgroup L. baeri Oliver, 1974 Pagrus pagrus MS ‘ignoratus’ group; ‘lyre’ type Oliver (1987); Amine & ‘ergensi’ subgroup Euzet (2005) L. confusus Amine, Euzet & Sarpa salpa MS ‘ignoratus’ group; ‘lyre’ type Amine et al. (2007a) Kechemir-Issad, 2007d ‘ignoratus s. str.’ subgroup

L. crampus Neifar, 2008 Dentex maroccanus MS ‘ignoratus’ group; ‘lyre’ type Neifar (2008) Author's ‘ignoratus s. str.’ subgroup L. falcus Amine, Euzet & Diplodus sargus; D. vulgaris MS ‘ignoratus’ group; ‘lyre’ type Amine et al. (2006a) Kechemir-Issad, 2006d ‘ergensi’ subgroup

L. flagellatus Boudaya, Lithognathus mormyrus MS ‘elegans’ group ‘furca’ type Boudaya et al. (2009) personal Neifar & Euzet, 2009 L. impervius Euzet, 1984 Diplodus puntazzo MS ‘elegans’ group ‘polymorphous’ type Oliver (1987) L. kechemirae Amine & Diplodus sargus; D. vulgaris MS ‘ignoratus’ group, ‘lyre’ type Amine & Euzet (2005) Euzet, 2005 ‘ergensi’ subgroup

L. neifari Amine, Euzet & Diplodus sargus; D. vulgaris MS ‘ignoratus’ group, ‘lyre’ type Amine et al. (2006a) copy Kechemir-Issad, 2006 ‘ignoratus s. str.’ subgroup L. sanfilippoi Amine, Neifar Diplodus sargus MS ‘ignoratus’ group, ‘lyre’ type Amine et al. (2006b) & Euzet, 2006 ‘ergensi’ subgroup L. theroni Amine, Euzet & Diplodus puntazzo MS ‘ignoratus’ group, ‘lyre’ type Amine et al. (2007b) Kechemir-Issad, 2007 ‘ergensi’ subgroup L. tomentosus Amine & Diplodus sargus; D. vulgaris MS ‘ignoratus’ group, ‘lyre’ type Amine & Euzet (2005) Euzet, 2005 ‘ergensi’ subgroup L. bidens Euzet, 1984 Diplodus puntazzo MS; AS ‘elegans’ group ‘furca’ type Euzet (1984); Oliver (1987); Radujkovic & Euzet (1989) L. hilii Euzet, 1984 Diplodus puntazzo MS; AS ‘elegans’ group ‘polymorphous’ type Euzet (1984); Oliver

123 (1987); Radujkovic & Euzet (1989) 227 228 123 Table 2 continued Species of Lamellodiscusa Hostb Regionc Species groups/type according to the morphology: Source of data of the haptoral of the MCO structures

L. fraternus Bychowsky, Diplodus vulgaris; D. annularis MS; AS; BS ‘ignoratus’ group; ‘lyre’ type Bychowsky (1957); Oliver 1957d ‘ignoratus s. str.’ (1987); Radujkovic & subgroup Euzet (1989) L. corallinus Paperna, 1965 Dascyllus marginatus (Pomacentridae); Red Sea ‘ignoratus’ group; without accessory piece Paperna (1965) Centropyge bispinosus () ‘ignoratus s. str.’ subgroup L. donatellae Aquaro, Riva Acanthopagrus bifasciatus Red Sea ‘ignoratus’ group, ‘lyre’ type Aquaro et al. (2009) & Galli, 2009 ‘ergensi’ subgroup

L. furcillatus Kritsky, Diplodus noct Arabian Gulf ‘ignoratus’ group, ‘lyre’ type Kritsky et al. (2000) Author's Jimenez-Ruiz & Sey, ‘ergensi’ subgroup 2000 L. acanthopagri Roubal, Acanthopagrus australis; A. berda; A. IO: Arabian ‘elegans’ group ‘furca’ type Roubal (1981); Byrnes 1981 latus Gulf; WPO: off (1986); Oliver (1987); Al-

Australia Marzouk & Al-Qarabaliy personal (2001) L. caballeroi Crenidens crenidens IO: Bay of ‘elegans’ group ‘polymorphous’ type Oliver (1987) Venkatanarsaiah & Bengal Kullkarni, 1980 L. indicus Tripathi, 1959 Rhabdosargus sarba IO: off eastern ‘elegans’ group ‘polymorphous’ type Oliver (1987) copy India L. butcheri Byrnes, 1987 Acanthopagrus australis; A. butcheri IO and WP: off ‘elegans’ group ‘composed of two Byrnes (1986); Oliver Australia elements’; (1987) ‘polymorphous’ type L. cirrusspiralis Byrnes, Acanthopagrus berda; A. latus IO and WP: off ‘elegans’ group ‘composed of two Byrnes & Rohde (1992); 1987 Australia elements’; Oliver (1987)

‘polymorphous’ type 89:215–236 (2014) Parasitol Syst L. major Murray, 1931 Acanthopagrus australis; A. berda; A. IO and WP: off ‘elegans’ group ‘composed of two Roubal (1981); Byrnes latus; A. butcheri Australia elements’; (1986); Oliver (1987) ‘polymorphous’ type L. squamosus Roubal, 1981 Acanthopagrus australis; A. berda; A. IO and WP: off ‘elegans’ group ‘composed of two Roubal (1981); Byrnes latus Australia elements’; (1986); Oliver (1987) ‘polymorphous’ type L. vaginalis Byrnes, 1987 Acanthopagrus australis; A. butcheri IO and WP: off ‘elegans’ group ‘composed of two Byrnes (1986); Oliver Australia elements’; (1987) ‘polymorphous’ type Table 2 continued 89:215–236 (2014) Parasitol Syst Species of Lamellodiscusa Hostb Regionc Species groups/type according to the morphology: Source of data of the haptoral of the MCO structures

L. pagrosomi Murray, 1931 Chrysophrys major; C. auratus; IO: Gulf St. ‘ignoratus’ group; ‘lyre’ type Oliver (1987); Roubal Parargyros edita; Acanthopagrus latus; Vincent; WP: ‘ignoratus s. str.’ (1996); Zhang et al. Evynnis tumifrons, Epinephelus off Australia, subgroup (2001); Amine & Euzet awoara; E. akaara (Serranidae) New Zealand, (2005) China, Japan L. typicus Johnston & Acanthopagrus australis WP: off ‘elegans’ group two simple elements; Oliver (1987); Roubal Tiegs, 1922 Australia ‘polymorphous’ type (1990) L. niedashui Li, Zhang & Acanthopagrus latus WP: South China ‘elegans’ group two simple elements Zhang et al. (2001)

Yang, 1995 Sea Author's L. japonicus Ogawa & Acanthopagrus schlegeli; A. latus WP: South China ‘elegans’ group accessory piece distally Ogawa & Egusa (1978); Egusa, 1978 Sea and off diverged; ‘furca’ type Oliver (1987); Zhang Japan et al. (2001) L. spari Zukov, 1970 Acanthopagrus schlegelii WP: East China ‘elegans’ group two simple elements; Ogawa & Egusa (1978);

and Yellow ‘polymorphous’ type Oliver (1987) personal Seas and off Japan L. takitai Ogawa & Egusa, Acanthopagrus schlegelii WP: off Japan ‘elegans’ group two simple elements; Ogawa & Egusa (1978); 1978 ‘polymorphous’ type Oliver (1987) L. parvicornis Justine & Gymnocranius euanus; G. grandoculis; WP: off New ‘tubulicornis’ group MCO made up of 3 Justine & Briand (2010) copy Briand, 2010 Gymnocranius sp. () Caledonia elements L. magnicornis Justine & Gymnocranius grandoculis; G. euanus; WP: off New ‘tubulicornis’ group MCO made up of 3 Justine & Briand (2010) Briand, 2010 Gymnocranius spp. (Lethrinidae) Caledonia elements L. tubulicornis Justine & Gymnocranius grandoculis; WP: off New ‘tubulicornis’ group MCO made up of 4 Justine & Briand (2010) Briand, 2010 Gymnocranius sp. (Lethrinidae) Caledonia elements L. epsilon Yamaguti, 1968 Monotaxis grandoculis (Lethrinidae) CPO: off Hawaii ‘elegans’ group; ‘polymorphous’ type; Oliver (1987); Justine & ‘tubulicornis’ group MCO made up of 3 Briand (2010) elements a Species are ordered in accordance with their occurrence from the Eastern Atlantic to the Central Pacific Ocean; bAll Sparidae, except where indicated; cRegional abbreviations: AS, Adriatic Sea; CP, Central Pacific Ocean; EA, Eastern Atlantic Ocean; IO, Indian Ocean; MS, Mediterranean Sea; WP, Western Pacific Ocean; dAccording to some molecular studies, these species may be synonyms of other species, namely L. obeliae is a junior synonym of L. virgule sensu Desdevises et al. (2000), and, according to Poisot et al. (2011), L. coronatus is a synonym of L. furcosus, L. fraternus of L. ergensi, and both L. falcus and L. confusus of L. ignoratus 123 229 Author's personal copy

230 Syst Parasitol (2014) 89:215–236 and, furthermore, because of the simple shape of the other, with their points turned-in, and in contact when dorsal bars (Paperna, 1965: plate 2G), within the the copulatory tube is curved (Fig. 4D, I, K). ‘ignoratus s. str.’ subgroup sensu Amine & Euzet Thus, the ‘lyre’-type of MCO in the ‘ignoratus s. str.’ (2005). Thus, this subgroup comprises 17 species subgroup consists of the copulatory tube itself (Fig. 4: (Table 2), namely the 17, less L. acanthopagri, listed ‘dT’ and ‘bT’), which is partly homologous with the by Diamanka et al. (2011a) and including L. ‘lateral branch’ of the ‘bifurcated piece’ of the MCO in corallinus. previous descriptions of species of this subgroup, and a For all of these species, except for L. corallinus,a complex AP. The latter includes the largest element of ‘lyre’ type of MCO composed of two parts, a simple the AP, which is connected only to the proximal end of piece and a bifurcate piece with axial and lateral the copulatory tube (Fig. 4: peAP), and a second, branches, are described (Oliver, 1987; Neifar et al., smaller element associated with the distal part of the 2004; Diamanka et al., 2011b). However, in descrip- copulatory tube (Fig. 4: deAP). These parts of the AP tions of the MCO of most species mentioned above, are considered homologous with, respectively, the the copulatory tube has not been recognised (Oliver, ‘axial branch’ of the ‘bifurcate piece’ and the ‘simple 1969; Euzet & Oliver, 1967; Neifar et al., 2004; piece’ of the MCO, which have been described in other Amine et al., 2006a, 2007a, b; Neifar, 2008; Diamanka species of the ‘ignoratus s. str.’ subgroup. et al., 2011a, b). The general shape of the MCO in L. A similar structure for the MCO, consisting of the aff. euzeti strongly resembles that found in other copulatory tube and a few elements of the AP, has representatives of this subgroup, but it has a well- recently been described for species of the ‘tubulicor- defined copulatory tube (Fig. 4A–C) and, in most of nis’ group (Justine & Briand, 2010). In addition, two the specimens examined, the circular opening at the elements of the AP, one of which is associated with the distal end of the tube is clearly visible (Fig. 5A). proximal end of the copulatory tube and the other with Our examination of the type-specimens of seven the distal end, have been observed in some species of species of the ‘ignoratus s. str.’ subgroup, plus new the ‘elegans’ group, e.g. L. virgula and L. dentexi (see specimens of L. fraternus which were freshly collected Oliver, 1987; Diamanka et al., 2011b). from its type-host and locality, revealed that all of In general, among the forms of the MCO of the them have an MCO resembling that of L. aff. euzeti known species of Lamellodiscus, an AP can be (Fig. 4). It is worth noting that, in general, the distinguished consisting of: a single element (e.g. L. copulatory tube in representatives of the Dactylogy- bidens, L. butcheri, L. cirrusspiralis, L. drummondi, L. ridea varies in terms of the degree of sclerotisation, elegans, L. flagellatus, L. gracilis, L. impervius, L. width and twisting, but it is always a simple tube major, L. squamosus, L. spari, L. takitai and L. typicus); without processes and a distal bifurcation (Gusev, two elements (most of the species of the ‘ignoratus’ 1985). Therefore, it is most probable that the copula- group, plus L. dentexi, L. coronatus, L. mirandus, L. tory tube in Lamellodiscus spp. has the same simple virgula, L. hilii and L. vaginalis); and three elements form. It is also doubtful that the copulatory tube in (species of the ‘tubulicornis’ group); and in one species, different species with a similar ‘lyre’-type of MCO is L. corallinus, an AP is absent. However, the determi- likely to be homologous with different parts of the nation of the number of the MCO parts for some species latter. In fact, one of the parts of the ‘bifurcate piece’ in requires reinvestigation, because their descriptions and all of the species studied resembles a simple tube with figures are difficult to interpret in relation to the nature strongly sclerotised walls, an expanded base and an of the copulatory tube. undivided distal end (Fig. 4: dT, bT), which is obviously the actual copulatory tube. The other two parts (which, in the original descriptions, are referred Discussion to as the ‘simple piece’ and the ‘axial branch of the bifurcate piece’, e.g. Diamanka et al., 2011b) have a Lamellodiscus spp. mainly parasitise sparid in greater variety of shapes (Fig. 4: peAP and deAP), the Eastern Atlantic and Indo-Pacific regions with a different degree of curvation and sometimes a (Table 2). Only one species of this genus is found in branched distal end (Fig. 4 I, J), and are obviously the Central Pacific and in a fish from another family, elements of the AP. These are located opposite each and no records of these monogeneans are known from 123 Author's personal copy

Syst Parasitol (2014) 89:215–236 231 the Western Atlantic or Eastern Pacific, despite the considered as regions associated with the Tethys Sea fact that the Sparidae is one of the most diverse in ancient times, whereas the Indian Ocean and Red families of coastal fishes [115 nominal species Sea formed later (Wegener, 1966; Encyclopædia belonging to 33 genera, which are broadly distributed Britannica, 2013). Even when data from the Eastern in tropical and temperate waters of all oceans, Atlantic, where number of species may be overesti- according to Nelson (2006)]. mated according to Poisot et al. (2011), are excluded, In a recent study of the molecular phylogeny of it appears that the known Lamellodiscus fauna in the sparid fishes, Chiba et al. (2009) have suggested that western and central parts of the Indian Ocean is the the ancestors of present-day sparids probably origi- least diverse, comprising only five species (Table 2), nated during the Mesozoic era in the Tethys Sea and whereas 15 species are found off Australia and in the migrated to the coastal region off the Americas during Western Pacific. the Upper Cretaceous. Their data indicated that the Half of the species of Lamellodiscus parasitise only common ancestors of the genera then inhabiting a single host species and c.90% infect closely related coastal waters off the North and South American host species of the same genus (Table 3) and/or of the continents diverged from other sparids and migrated to same terminal clade on the phylogenetic tree of Chiba the Eastern Pacific and Western Atlantic early in their et al. (2009) (Table 4). Comparison of the level of evolutionary history. These hypotheses may explain specificity of the species of this genus with other the absence of species of the diverse monogenean narrowly specific genera of the Dactylogyridea reveals genus Lamellodiscus in the coastal waters of the New that these estimations are comparable with and even World. Thus, although representatives of other mono- higher than in Dactylogyrus Diesing, 1850 which is genean taxa (six genera of the Polyopisthocotylea and considered to be a highly host-specific monogenean one of the Gyrodactylidea) have been found in sparids genus (88 vs 63% of the specialist species; see off South America, not a single representative of Table 5)(Sˇimkova´ & Morand, 2008). Strict host- Lamellodiscus has been reported from there (Cohen specificity is not necessarily the outcome of strict co- et al., 2013). Consequently, the origin of Lamellodis- speciation between parasites and their hosts, but can cus spp. is associated with the more recent evolution- also be the result of host-switching followed by ary history of sparids inhabiting the Western Atlantic speciation on the new host. In fact, Desdevises et al. and Indo-Pacific, and occurred after the divergence (2002b) have suggested that Lamellodiscus spp. from between the common ancestors of ‘New World’ and the Mediterranean Sea have evolved by host-switching ‘Old World’ sparid species. rather than by co-speciation and concluded that the co- The greatest number of Lamellodiscus spp. (i.e. 34) evolutionary processes were only minimally involved has been found in the Mediterranean Sea (Table 2) and in the formation of Lamellodiscus/sparid host-parasite the neighbouring region of the Eastern Atlantic (24). associations in this region. Nevertheless, over the last This can be partly explained by the fact that the decade, 12 new species of this genus have been greatest number of studies on the diplectanid fauna described from this region, including some which have have been carried out in these areas. However, it been differentiated from existing ‘species’ with a wide should be noted that the diversity of both Lamellodis- host range which have proved to represent species cus spp. and their hosts are negatively correlated with complexes (Neifar et al., 2004; Amine & Euzet, 2005; salinity. Thus, five species of Diplodus, parasitised by Amine et al., 2006a, b; 2007a, b; Neifar, 2008; 17 species of Lamellodiscus, occur in the Mediterra- Bounday et al., 2009). However, based on molecular nean Sea, but only D. annularis extends its range into data, Poisot et al. (2011) have proposed that two of the Black Sea, and only two of six species of these species (L. falcus and L. confusus) are truly Lamellodiscus infecting this fish in the Mediterranean synonyms of the species from which had previously also occur in the Black Sea. been differentiated based on morphological data. The above hypothesis regarding the ancestral origin Indeed, some Lamellodiscus spp. from the Mediterra- of present-day sparid species in the Tethys Sea (Chiba nean Sea, especially of the ‘ignoratus sensu lato’ et al., 2009) tends to coincide with the numerical group are distinguished from each other by small occurrence of species in different regions. Thus, the morphological differences, mainly in the shape of the Eastern Atlantic, Western Pacific and Arabian Gulf are MCO, and may really be conspecific. On the other 123 232 123 Table 3 Host ranges of Lamellodiscus spp. based on the current classification of the Sparoidea according to Froese & Pauly (2011) and Eschmeyer (2014) Hosts belonging to one genus C two genera C two of one family genera of one species two species [ two species different families

L. baeri; L. bidens; L. caballeroi;(L. confusus); L. L. butcheri; L. cirrusspiralis;(L. falcus); (L. L. acanthopagri;(L. L. elegans; L. L. corallinus; crampus; L. dentexi; L. donatellae; L. drummondi; L. fraternus); L. furcosus; L. virgula; L. japonicus; L. coronatus); L. ergensi; L. euzeti; L. L. echeneis; L. epsilon; L. erythrini; L. flagellatus; L. kechemirae; L. neifari;(L. obeliae); L. tomentosus; magnicornis; L. major; L. gracilis; L. knoeffleri; furcillatus; L. hilii; L. impervius; L. indicus; L. L. tubulicornis; L. vaginalis parvicornis; L. squamosus ignoratus L. mirandus; L. mormyri; L. niedashui; L. parisi; L. pagrosomi rastellus; L. sanfilippoi; L. sarculus; L. sigilatus; L.

spari; L. takitai; L. theroni; L. toguebayei; L. Author's triacies; L. typicus; L. verberis; L. vicinus 32 spp. 13 spp. 7 spp. 4 spp. 3 spp. Species in parentheses may be synonyms of other species (Desdevises et al., 2000; Poisot et al., 2011) personal

Table 4 Characteristics of the host ranges of Lamellodiscus spp., parasitising more then one host species, based on the molecular phylogeny of the Sparidae and the copy centracanthid genus Spicara according to Chiba et al. (2009) Occurrence on hosts belonging to two species three species C two species closely related species forming one monophyletic group unrelated species from different monophyletic groups 89:215–236 (2014) Parasitol Syst

L. butcheri; L. cirrusspiralis;(L. falcus); (L. fraternus); L. japonicus; L. L. acanthopagri;(L. coronatus); L. ergensi; L. euzeti; L. L. corallinus; L. elegans; L. kechemirae; L. neifari;(L. obeliae); L. tomentosus; L. tubulicornis; L. furcosus; L. knoeffleri; L. magnicornis; L. major; L. gracilis; L. ignoratus; L. vaginalis; L. virgula parvicornis; L. squamosus pagrosomi 12 spp. 10 spp. 5 spp. Author's personal copy

Syst Parasitol (2014) 89:215–236 233 hand, although, in the article of Poisot et al. (2011), euzeti and L. crampus, which parasitise other species specimens from Sarpa salpa identified as L. confusus of Dentex in the same region (Table 2). The above- have been synonymised with L. ignoratus, the mono- mentioned examples coincide with a greater involve- phyly of the latter species was not supported. In fact, ment of intra-host speciation in the evolutionary specimens of L. ignoratus from different species of scenario of Lamellodiscus spp. Intra-host speciation Diplodus (e.g. D. sargus vs D. vulgaris) were found in has been also observed as an important process different clusters in the phylogenetic tree of Lamello- involved in the evolution of Dactylogyrus spp. infect- discus spp. reconstructed from partial sequences of ing sympatric cyprinids (Sˇimkova´ & Morand, 2008). 18S rDNA. Similarly, three of the five species Intra-host divergence can be considered as a special parasitising D. puntazzo have been included in the case of the co-evolution of parasite and host, along same clade, and two, L. ignoratus and L. ergensi, with co-speciation, when a newly diverged host which have a wide host range, as members of different species is parasitised by one or several new congeneric clades (Desdevises et al., 2002b). However, the rDNA species of monogeneans. sequences for L. ergensi were only from material Moreover, the variability for 18S rDNA within the collected from D. annularis, and the monogeneans genus Lamellodiscus is estimated to be almost twice as from D. puntazzo previously identified as L. ergensi great as within Dactylogyrus (see Poisot et al., 2011), (no sequence data available) have since been by far the largest helminth genus, with more than 900 described as a new species, L. theroni, by Amine nominal species (Gibson et al., 1996). Such genetic et al. (2007b). It is also worth noting that four species diversity within Lamellodiscus and the morphological of Lamellodiscus are presently known to occur on variability of its members may reflect an ongoing Pagrus spp. in the Mediterranean Sea, all of which process of species divergence. have very similar haptoral structures and the same type It should be noted that Desdevises et al. (2002b) of MCO (Table 2). Likewise, four species of Lam- have suggested that co-speciation may be a by-product ellodiscus have recently been described from D. of host geographical isolation and that co-evolutionary sargus in this region, and they are also morphologi- events are more often associated with allopatric cally closely related to each other and to L. ergensi, a speciation. In reality, the co-evolutionary model of species previously described from this host (Amine & speciation within Lamellodiscus is more discernible if Euzet, 2005). Thus, the inclusion of data from these it includes a consideration of the occurrence of recently described species has increased the number of morphologically similar species from different regions closely related species parasitising the same host or and host taxa. Accordingly, species of the ‘tubulicor- hosts of the same genus in the Mediterranean. nis’ group are strongly specific to monotaxine lethri- Similarly, in the Eastern Atlantic, three (L. toguebayei, nids in the Indo-Pacific (Justine & Briand, 2010). Nine L. triacies and L. vicinus) of the four known species of the 12 species parasitising Acanthopagrus spp. off from Dentex macrophthalmus have the same morpho- Australia also have the same type of lamellodiscs and a logical type of the attachment and MCO structures, common type of MCO composed of two simple and are also morphologically closely similar to L. elements (Table 2). Lamellodiscus corallinus,

Table 5 Comparison of the host specificity of species of Lamellodiscus and other dactylogyridean genera according to the clas- sification suggested by Sˇimkova´ et al. (2006) Lamellodiscus Euryhaliotrema Ligophorus Dactylogyrus spp. spp.a spp.b spp.c

Number (%) of strict specialists 32 (54) 35 (54) 42 (71) 25 (49) Number (%) of intermediate specialists 20 (34) 24 (37) 7 (12) 7 (14) Number (%) of intermediate generalists 2 (3.5) 4 (6) 4 (7) 7 (14) Number (%) of generalists and wide range 5 (8.5) 2 (3) 6 (10) 12 (23) generalists a Data for 65 species (Kritsky, 2012; Kritsky & Diggles, 2014); bData for 59 species (Dmitrieva et al., 2012; Kritsky et al. 2013; Sarabeev et al., 2013; Soo & Lim, 2013); cData for 51 species (Sˇimkova´ et al., 2006)

123 Author's personal copy

234 Syst Parasitol (2014) 89:215–236 described by Paperna (1965) from pomacanthids and Aquaro, G., Riva, C., & Galli, P. (2009). Monogenoids from the pomacentrids in the Red Sea, has a unique MCO gills of Acanthopagrus bifasciatus (Forsska˚l, 1775) (: Sparidae) of the Red Sea, Egypt, with the without an AP. Moreover, most (21) of the represen- description of Lamellodiscus donatellae sp. n. (Diplec- tatives of the ‘ignoratus’ group are found in the tanidae). Comparative Parasitology, 76, 51–57. Eastern Atlantic and Mediterranean region, four in the Boudaya, L., Neifar, L., & Euzet, L. (2009). Diplectanid para- Red Sea, Arabian Sea and Arabian Gulf, and only one sites of Lithognathus mormyrus (L.) (Teleostei: Sparidae) from the Mediterranean Sea, with the description of Lam- species in the Indo-Pacific (Table 2). In retrospect, the ellodiscus flagellatus n. sp. 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