Forty-Second Annual Report
1961 VICTORIA STATE ELECTRICITY COMMISSION OF VICTORIA FORTY-SECOND ANNUAL REPORT FOR THE FINANCIAL YEAR ENDED 30TH JUNE, 1961 TOGETHER WITH APPENDICES PRESENTED TO PARLIAMENT PURSUANT TO SECTION 82 (I;) OF STATE ELECTRICITY COMMISSION ACT No. 6377. By Authority : i\. C. OROOKS. GOVERN~IENT PRlNTER, MELBOURNE. '•1. 17·-. l0660/6l.-4s. 3D. 42nd Annual Report 1960-61 STATE ELECTRICITY COMMISSION OF VICTORIA STATE ELECTRICITY COMMISSION OF VICTORIA CbairmaD and General Manager W. H. Connolly, B.E.E., B.Com., M.I.E.Aust., AM.Am.I.E.E. Commissioners A. W. Henderson. Sir Alexander Fitzgerald, O.B.E., B.Com., F.A.S.A., F.C.A.(Aust.), F.C.I.S., F.C.A.A. T. P. Scott, F.AI.I. Assistant General Manager W. J. Price, Dip.Com., F.C.I.S., J.P. Director of Engineering N. T. Jewell, M.E.E., A.M.I.E.Aust. Secretary D. H. Munro, B.Com., J.P. Contents Summary of Year's Operations 4 Economic Setback, 1961-Retarded Electricity and Briquette Sales . 7 State Policy in Relation to Briquette Industry . 8 Western Victoria- Examination of Brown Coal Resources 8 New Legislation . 8 World Power Conference 8 Financial Review . 10 General Profit and Loss Account 13 General Balance Sheet . 14-15 Connection of New Consumers 16 Major Extensions Programme . 20 Power Production 23 Coal Production . 24 Briquette Production and Distribution 26 Electricity Supply . 27 Tramways- Ballarat and Bendigo . 30 Personnel 31 Public Safety and Other Regulatory Responsibilities 33 Commissioners 34 Staff . 34 Statistical Summary 36 Summary of 1960-61 operations FINANCIAL- Increase or 1960/61 1959/60 Decrease Percentage £ £ £ Income Electricity sales 50,296,599 46,603,625 3,692,974 Briquette sales 4.386,363 2,975,205 1,411 '158 Brown Coal sales , 556,951 747,469 190,518 Tramways 100.715 99,866 849 Miscellaneous 39,277 28,024 11,253 Total Income £55.379.905 £50,454,189 Expenditure - (incl.
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