Archaeology Book Collection 2013
Archaeology Book Collection 2013 The archaeology book collection is held on the upper floor of the Student Research Room (2M.25) and is arranged in alphabetical order. The journals in this collection are at the end of the document identified with the ‘author’ as ‘ZJ’. Use computer keys CTRL + F to search for a title/author. Abulafia, D. (2003). The Mediterranean in history. London, Thames & Hudson. Adkins, L. and R. Adkins (1989). Archaeological illustration. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press. Adkins, L. and R. A. Adkins (1982). A thesaurus of British archaeology. Newton Abbot, David & Charles. Adkins, R., et al. (2008). The handbook of British archaeology. London, Constable. Alcock, L. (1963). Celtic Archaeology and Art, University of Wales Press. Alcock, L. (1971). Arthur's Britain : history and archaeology, AD 367-634. London, Allen Lane. Alcock, L. (1973). Arthur's Britain: History and Archaeology AD 367-634. Harmondsworth, Penguin. Aldred, C. (1972). Akhenaten: Pharaoh of Egypt. London, Abacus; Sphere Books. Alimen, H. and A. H. Brodrick (1957). The prehistory of Africa. London, Hutchinson. Allan, J. P. (1984). Medieval and Post-Medieval Finds from Exeter 1971-1980. Exeter, Exeter City Council and the University of Exeter. Allen, D. F. (1980). The Coins of the Ancient Celts. Edinburgh, Edinburgh University Press. Allibone, T. E. and S. Royal (1970). The impact of the natural sciences on archaeology. A joint symposium of the Royal Society and the British Academy. Organized by a committee under the chairmanship of T. E. Allibone, F.R.S, London: published for the British Academy by Oxford University Press. Alves, F. and E.
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