Congressional Record—Senate S4566

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Congressional Record—Senate S4566 S4566 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE May 15, 2006 struggling to regain its confidence in Whereas Rick Monday was a 2-time Major significantly bettered society by im- the tumultuous aftermath. In saving League Baseball All-Star during his distin- proving our quality of life, providing the American flag from those who guished, 19-year career; and the ability to live freely and com- sought to desecrate it, Monday con- Whereas April 25, 2006, marked the 30th an- fortably, and/or easing access to infor- niversary of the date that Rick Monday veyed through his actions that the saved the American Flag from being dese- mation. This year, the Academy has country the flag represents, as well as crated: Now, therefore, be it chosen to honor Dr. Boyle and Dr. the liberty and justice the flag symbol- Resolved, That the Senate— Smith with the prestigious Charles izes, are precious and worth defending. (1) commemorates the 30th anniversary of Stark Draper Prize for their innovation Monday’s rescue of the flag thus helped the date that Rick Monday heroically res- in imaging technology and invention of rejuvenate American patriotism cued the American Flag from being dese- the CCD. throughout the country. For this rea- crated; The National Inventors Hall of Fame son, the Baseball Hall of Fame recog- (2) recognizes Rick Monday for— has also chosen to commemorate Dr. nizes the actions taken by Monday (A) his courage and patriotism; (B) upholding the noble ideals and free- Boyle and Dr. Smith’s contributions to when he saved the American Flag as doms represented by the American Flag; and society by inducting them into their one of the 100 Classic Moments in the (C) honoring the men and women whose Hall of Fame. The National Inventors history of baseball. sacrifices have protected those ideals and Hall of Fame was founded in 1973 by Because of the courage and patriot- freedoms; the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office ism demonstrated on a baseball field (3) respectfully requests the Secretary of and the National Council of Intellec- by Rick Monday 30 years ago, I am the Senate to transmit an enrolled copy of tual Property Law Associations. pleased to introduce a resolution com- this resolution to— I hope that my colleagues will join (A) Rick Monday; memorating the 30th anniversary of me in commemorating the contribu- the date that Rick Monday heroically (B) the National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum in Cooperstown, New York; tions to our society and standard of rescued the American flag from being (C) the Commissioner of Major League living that CCD technology has made desecrated. It is a fitting way to honor Baseball, Bud Selig; and congratulating Dr. Willard S. a historic act performed by a man who (D) the owner of the Los Angeles Dodgers Boyle and Dr. George E. Smith for not only was a great ballplayer but owner, Frank McCourt; and their justly deserved awards. who is a great American as well. (E) the owner of the Chicago Cubs, the Mr. FRIST. I ask unanimous consent Mr. FRIST. Mr. President, I ask Tribune Company. the resolution be agreed to, the pre- unanimous consent that the resolution f amble be agreed to, the motion to re- be agreed to, the preamble be agreed COMMEMORATING DEVELOPMENT consider be laid upon the table, and to, and the motion to reconsider be laid OF CHARGE-COUPLED DEVICE any statements related thereto be upon the table. printed in the RECORD. The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without Mr. FRIST. I ask unanimous consent that the Senate proceed to the imme- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without objection, it is so ordered. objection, it is so ordered. The resolution (S. Res. 477) was diate consideration of S. Res. 478 sub- The resolution (S. Res. 478) was agreed to. mitted earlier today. The preamble was agreed to. The PRESIDING OFFICER. The agreed to. The resolution, with its preamble, clerk will report the resolution by The preamble was agreed to. reads as follows: title. The resolution, with its preamble, reads as follows: S. RES. 477 The legislative clerk read as follows: S. RES. 478 Whereas, on April 25, 1976, Rick Monday A resolution (S. Res. 478) commemorating played centerfield for the Chicago Cubs in a the development of the charge-coupled de- Whereas charge-coupled device (commonly game against the Los Angeles Dodgers at vice. referred to as ‘‘CCD’’) technology revolution- ized imaging equipment and has signifi- Dodger Stadium; There being no objection, the Senate Whereas, during the 4th inning of that cantly affected society by improving quality game, 2 individuals ran onto the outfield of proceeded to consider the resolution. of life and the technological capabilities of Dodger Stadium, doused an American Flag Mr. LAUTENBERG. Mr. President, I everyday tools and equipment; with lighter fluid, and attempted to set the am pleased the Senate is poised to pass Whereas the CCD is widely used in tech- Flag on fire; this resolution today honoring the in- nology, including digital cameras, video re- Whereas, once Rick Monday recognized vention of the charge-coupled device, corders, space-based telescopes, satellites, that those individuals were about to publicly or CCD, which has greatly improved and medical imaging devices; desecrate the American Flag, he quickly ran our level of imaging technology. Whereas Willard S. Boyle of Halifax, Nova Scotia, and George E. Smith of New Bar- towards those individuals and grabbed the In 1969, Dr. Willard S. Boyle and Dr. American Flag from them just as they were negat, New Jersey, have advanced society attempting to place a lit match on to the George E. Smith worked together at through their development of the CCD while Flag; Bell Labs in Murray Hill, NJ, and cre- working at the Murray Hill, New Jersey, Bell Whereas the patriotic act of Rick Monday ated a basic design for a silicon-mem- Labs site in 1969; and to rescue the American Flag inspired— ory chip, known as a CCD. This break- Whereas Mr. Boyle and Mr. Smith have (1) the crowd at Dodger Stadium to stand through technology was crucial to ad- been awarded the 2006 Charles Stark Draper in ovation and spontaneously begin singing vancing digital imaging technology Prize by the National Academy of Engineer- ‘‘God Bless America’’; and can be found in most imaging de- ing and inducted into the Nation Inventors (2) millions of citizens throughout the Hall of Fame for their invention; Now, there- United States, especially those citizens who vices, including digital cameras and fore, be it were serving or had served in the Armed video recorders, space-based telescopes Resolved, That the Senate commemorates Forces; and and satellites, and medical imaging de- the development of the charge-coupled de- (3) citizens of the United States who today vices. vice. continue look to the Flag as a symbol of lib- A CCD contains a light-sensitive chip f erty and justice; that is able to store small amounts of Whereas Rick Monday, after reflecting on charges in capacitors. A group of these NATIONAL CHILD CARE WORTHY his act of rescuing the American Flag, said: WAGE DAY ‘‘That flag represents all the rights and free- capacitors create a pixel, which can be doms that we have in this country. If you combined with other pixels to generate Mr. FRIST. I ask unanimous consent desecrate the flag, you desecrate the efforts an image. The first CCD had just six that the Senate proceed to the imme- of all the people who fought and died to pro- pixels while the average camera now diate consideration of S. Res. 479 sub- tect those rights and freedoms.’’; contains four to six million pixels. It is mitted earlier today. Whereas the Major League Baseball Hall of a credit to Dr. Boyle and Dr. Smith’s The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Fame recognizes the actions taken by Rick innovation that this technology has clerk will report the resolution by Monday when he saved the American Flag as been developed into the high resolution 1 of the 100 Classic Moments in the history of title. baseball; images we use in our every day lives. The legislative clerk read as follows: Whereas Rick Monday served the United Each year, the National Academy of A resolution (S. Res. 479) supporting the States honorably and courageously in the Engineering honors an engineer or en- goals and ideas of a National Child Care Wor- Marine Corps Reserve for over 6 years; gineers whose accomplishments have thy Wage Day. VerDate Aug 31 2005 05:20 Dec 27, 2006 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00038 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\RECORDCX\T37X$J0E\S15MY6.REC S15MY6 mmaher on PROD1PC69 with CONG-REC-ONLINE.
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