Bush Tele Autumn 06

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Bush Tele Autumn 06 BushNo 69 Autumn 2006 Telegraph Welcome What’s News? Pruning workshop Saturday 8th April, 10am The art of pruning in the Australian garden. Congratulations to the winning team! For the third year in a row, we were judged state winners in the Medium Garden Centre category It’s autumn, an exciting time in the of the AGIA awards. After national garden and the best time to plant. judging in mid-March, we now After a fabulous growing season, wait to see who will be judged we have a wonderful crop of home Best Medium Garden Centre in grown plants, fresh and ready for Australia. autumn planting. As well as our Join Paul, our expert gardener, healthy Zanthorrea plants, we have Yay! Well done Dan, Horticulturist! for a demonstration of pruning found an excellent grower in SA techniques. Learn about how who can supply unusual species as pruning can make all the difference well as rare grafted specimens. to your native garden. Although spring is celebrated for (RSVP 94546260) its array of flowering plants, the Wise About Water other seasons have plenty to offer. Saturday 20th May, 11am Sue’s article on page 2 lists plants for every season. Alec writes about Josh Byrne from Gardening special plants available now, and Australia will be at Zanthorrea for more information, the website to present a talk on “Wise about is updated regularly and now has Water.” an on-line database complete with Congratulations on attaining a Learn how you can save precious colour pictures. Certificate of Horticulture. water in your garden. With Easter just around the corner, (RSVP essential on 94546260) and Mother’s Day close, there are Open Garden Special Event Don’t miss Garden Week 2006 many new treats in the gift shop. Zanthorrea has been selected (Jackie went crazy ordering at the to take part in the Open Garden Thursday 27th April to Wednesday recent Sydney Gift Trade Fair!) Scheme. Over the weekend of 3rd May. Come and visit soon. There’s August 26th and 27th 2006, the There are lots of exciting events, something for everyone. nursery gardens will be open to talks and demonstration from Best wishes, the gardening public. There will local experts with a special visit be talks from the experts, guided from Peter Cundall of Gardening Jackie Alec and the team walks, music and food. It will be Australia fame. Don’t miss it! a great day out. Proceeds from this PS: Jackie and Sue from Special Event will go to support our Zanthorrea will be presenting talks local Kanyana Wildlife Centre and on Australian plants and design. the Kalamunda Volunteer Bush Fire Brigade. All Easter Weekend Bring the kids for the annual Easter Bilby Egg Hunt. Zanthorrea display gardens, left Zanthorrea Nursery 1 Bush Telegraph No 69 Ausutmn 2006 Colours for all seasons Flowers For All Seasons Winter: ‘Lots of colour’ is a common request • Grevillea olivaceae from my design clients. Spring is the • Chamelaucium ‘Purple Pride’ most spectacular flowering period •Grevillea ‘Gilt Dragon’ in the bush and the Australian • Correa pulchella garden, but thoughtful plant selection can provide a continuous • Acacia drummondii show throughout the calendar. • Astartea ‘Winter Pink’ It is a really nice effect to have a staggered flowering period, rather than everything flowering at once as this can look too busy and not so Eucalyptus ficifolia restful to the eye. Use your seasonal selection of flowering plants as For more colourful seasonal ideas, highlights placed around the garden go to www.zanthorrea.com.au in a balanced and harmonious way. Plant a wildflower show I am enamoured of Eremophilas at By the time the lovely pink and the moment. They are really useful white everlastings are flowering, it for summer flowers, which is usually may be too late to plant seed. The a period of relative dormancy Grevillea ‘Gilt Dragon’ seeds germinate in autumn and among our flora. Our scorching early winter, growing on through Spring: summers are the equivalent of a winter to flower early spring. northern hemisphere winter in • Ricinocarpus tuberculatus Once the weather warms up, these terms of downtime for plants. • Philotheca myoporoides annuals set seed and are finished for Have a look at the list below for a • Westringia ‘Wynnyabbie Gem’ the year. selection of seasonal colour. • Leptospermum ‘Pink Cascade’ – Sue Torlach • Conostylis candicans Wild about Gardens • Anigozanthos manglesii Autumn: • Banksia prionotes • Banksia hookeriana • Eucalyptus erythrocorys • Hakea laurina • Grevillea ‘Ellendale Pool’ • Callistemon ‘Reeves Pink’ Everlastings in flower Leptospermum ‘Pink Cascade’ For a great show next spring, simply mix a large pack of seed in a Summer: wheelbarrow with a bag of Baileys • Eucalyptus ficifolia (+ grafted) soil improver. Ensure the area is free • Sollya heterophylla of weeds, and rake lightly. Spread the mix evenly, then wait for the • Beaufortia squarrosa rain. If snails are present in your • Eremophila glabra garden, sprinkle Multiguard, a pet • Anigozanthos ‘Yellow Gem’ friendly snail bait. • Hemiandra pungens Banksia prionotes 2 Zanthorrea Nursery Bush Telegraph No 69 Autumn 2006 Special Gems for Plant Lovers Imported plants Go nude this autumn! The Good Looking Garden! Although we grow many healthy At last we have a good batch of Autumn is the perfect time to plant, plants in our NIASA accredited Grevillea nudiflora up for sale. This or so the experts tell us! It’s less nursery, we are now looking further southern beauty covers 2metres commonly stated, but it is also the afield to add to our range. plus of ground in five years. with best time to renovate and improve only 20cms in height. A bright green the appearance of our garden. carpet edged with small red and So on with the hat and garden yellow flowers that attract western gloves, and into the garden. spinebills and other feathered frineds. They look good all year Prune and rogue round in our stock gardens but Walk through the garden with an plants are generally in short supply impartial eye, and then either trim, after winter. prune back hard or remove the plants which have suffered over summer. They spoil the garden We sometimes have to buy our WA and look sad. most will recover plants back from the East. Over the beautifully from a good prune once years, we have regularly brought in the winter rains arrive. tubes for potting and growing on in our nursery. Fertilise and mulch This year we have some very Fertiliser applied in autumn is so special plants from Australian much more effective than summer Native Wholesalers, Mt Gambier, feeding. The penetrating rains will another NIASA accredited grower. ensure that the plant uses nutrient before it washes away. Slow release granules are less likely to end up in the ground water. Otherwise a little Grevillea nudiflora organic fertiliser such as Richgro Plenty more! Plant Food will perk up your plants. There are many other species of Mulching garden beds is a quick grevillea anxious to make a home way to enhance the plants. Rake in your garden - have a look at the the paths and top up surfaces such lovely Deua grevillea and our own as gravel or sawdust to make the hybrid ‘Flatout’. garden look fabulous. Alec with grafted verticordia – Alec Dig in Grafting onto reliable rootstocks It’s time to dig in your vege garden, can often get some otherwise and what’s more fun than growing tricky plants to grow well for you. potatoes. It’s also time to plant In this field we have Grevillea silverbeet, peas and broadbeans, ‘Billy Bonkers’, Eremophila nivea, baby carrots and onions, and many Prostanthera magnifica, and the varieties of lettuce. very expensive Verticordia grandis! Cook in Amongst others we are pleased to Herbs to enhance winter cooking have in are the small tree Blueberry include the popular parsley, ash (Elaeocarpus reticulatus) marjoram, sage, thyme and and Lemon myrtle (Backhousia chives. Grow some mint in a pot. citriodora). Don’t forget to plant rosemary for Jackie with Deua grevillea Come and have a look! remembrance on Anzac day. – Alec – Jackie Zanthorrea Nursery 3 Bush Telegraph No 69 Autumn 2006 Chocolate Free Zone Safe Solutions Alas, no Chocolate boxes, but Gloves Fit for a queen (or king) Organic solutions to garden pests: many ideas at Zanthorrea for non- Want to look your best in the At Zanthorrea, we choose to fattening Easter and Mother’s Day garden? Looking for a pair of recommend environmentally gifts. gloves which will last? Check friendly solutions to garden Creatures great and small out the new range of gloves from pests. Before reaching for the Quality Garden Products. poison bottle, talk to our team No birds? The singing birds are of horticulturists about safer back! Press their middle and they alternatives. sing. A great gift for Easter. Weeders: Breathable washable sensitive Natrasoap: a soap based spray and durable, in pretty for control of mites aphids thrips Fairy Wren, pastel colours. $13.95 meally bugs and whitefly on fruit $12.95 trees, vegetables and ornamentals. Success: Derived from a naturally occurring soil bacteria, Success Leather traditions: controls caterpillars on fruit and Premium leather with vegetables in the home garden. protective cuff, the Fast acting insecticide, with a low creme de la creme of What’s in your pocket, toxicity to beneficial insects, birds outdoor gloves. $33.75 little pocket puppet? and mammals. Pocket puppets to delight kids of all ages. Look for the baby in the kangaroo’s pocket, and a fish in the Wonder gloves: platypus’s. Many more to discover! Comfortable durable Educational and fun. $13.95 flexible washable and totally waterproof - the ultimate in hand protection. Great colours. $13.95 Multiguard snail and slug kiler: Using an EDTA iron complex, Multiguard protects plants from Australian Fine China snails and slugs.

—— Preview end. ——

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