42nd Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (2011) 2647.pdf COSMIC DUST DETECTION BY THE IKAROS-ARRAYED LARGE-AREA DUST DETECTORS IN INTERPLANETARY SPACE (ALADDIN) FROM THE EARTH TO VENUS. H. Yano1,2, M. Tanaka3, C. Okamoto2, T. Hirai1,4, N. Ogawa2, S. Hasegawa1, T. Iwai5, and K. Okudaira6, 1JAXA/ISAS, (3-1-1 Yoshinodai, Chuo-ku, Sagamihara, Kanagwa 252-5210, JAPAN, e-mail:
[email protected]), 2 JAXA/JSPEC, 3 Tokai Univer- sity, 4 HIT/University of Tokyo, 5University of Aizu. Introduction: IKAROS (Interplanetary Kite-craft Acknowledgements: Authors are thankful to Ku- Accerelated by the Radiation Of the Sun), a 20-m- reha Co., Ltd., and Elmec Denshi Coop., and AD-sha across solar sail demonstration spacecraft launched in Coop. for support of the detector development. May 2010, carries ALADDIN (Arrayed Large-Area JAXA/ISAS-LGG, HIT-Van de Graaf and MPI- Dust Detectors in INterplanetary space) dust detector Heidelberg-Van de Graaf are used for the detector made of 0.54 m^2 PVDF sensors deployed on its 7.5 calibration. micron polyimid sail membrane. As the first deep space dust detectors developed and built in Japan, ALADDIN continuously measures dust flux in the viscity of the Earth to that of Venus within its 6-month cruising. ALADDIN Description: In May of 2010, the world's first interplanetary solar sail demonstrator called the Interplanetary Kite-craft Accelerated by the Radiation of the Sun (IKAROS) was launched by an H- IIA rocket. On its thin sail membrane, a large-area but still light-weight dust detector made of 8 channels of 9- 20 micron-thick PVDF were attached.