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The St. Lawrence County Historical Association UARTERLY Volume XLIII- Number 4- Falll998 The St. Lawrence County Historical Association at the Silas Wright House The St. Lawrence County Historical Association is a private, not-foJ?P!@'l'F.~~p organization based at tbe Silas Wright House in Canton, New York. Foun5!¢Jn.l~7, tbe Associatio~ovemed by a constitution, by-laws, and Board of Trustees. Th~1 Association's membership mee,annually to elect its officers and trustees. /. Officers: ,~~ Trustees: President: Richard Foster, Ropi' Chris Angus, Canton Vice-President: Carl Stic~, Norwood Patricia Carson, Canton Treasurer: David Sw~n, Canton <-~-11"'> Dennis Eickhoff, Colton Treasurer: Carol ~on, Canton <''""'~ 11198> Shawn Gray, Massena Secretary: Ca~n O'Horo, Canton Gary Kelly, Potsdam<,.-...~ "'> ;r' E. Jane Layo, Waddington ~l' f Stan Maine, Pierrepont Staff: / Lowell McAllister, Heuvel n <,.-...~ 11198> 7 Tre lock, Executive Director Martba McLean, Massena < ·~ 11198> gshore, Collections Manager Jane Subramanian, Pots Vicki ·n, Archives Assistant Joanne Swift, Potsdam Mary Ellen es,Administrative Assistant Peter Van de Water, Canto Robert Wells, Canton Cay Zabriskie, Ogdensbur ' ~,, J. ·.-.,., 1 'dn,Mission L The St. Lawrence County Historical Association is a·bQt.for-pmfil membeJ:sbip organhaliao a! museum which serves as an educational resource for the use and benefit of the citizens of St. Lawrence County and others interested in the County's history and traditions. The Association collects and preserves archival material and artifacts pertinent to the County's history. In cooperation and collaboration with other local organizations, the Association promotes an understanding of and appreciation for the County's rich history through publications, exhibits, and programs.
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