A Regeneration Framework for Oxford to 2026 Adopted by Full Council - November 2009 A Regeneration Framework for Oxford to 2026 This Regeneration Framework for Oxford to 2026 was adopted at the Council meeting on 2nd November 2009 and is available for downloading at http://www.oxford.gov.uk/policy Spatial & Economic Development City Regeneration Oxford City Council Ramsay House 10 St. Ebbes Street Tel: 01865 252166 OXFORD Fax: 01865 252144 OX1 1PT
[email protected] If you have any questions or would like clarification on any aspect of the document, please contact the Spatial and Economic Development team. If you would like a copy of the document in larger print, Braille or audio tape, please contact the Spatial and Economic Development team. Key to front cover photos 1. Underhill Circus, Barton 2. Barton Pool 1 2 3 3. Frys Hill, Blackbird Leys 4. Balfour Road, Blackbird Leys 4 5 6 5. ‘Glow Tree’. Blackbird Leys 6. New Housing, Rose Hill 7 8 9 7. Oxford Castle, Central Oxford 8. Castle Mill Stream, Central Oxford 9. Bonn Square, Central Oxford 2 A Regeneration Framework for Oxford to 2026 A Regeneration Framework for Oxford to 2026 Contents Page 1. Introduction 4 2. A Strategic Approach to Regeneration 10 3. Evidence and Analysis of the Issues for Oxford 13 4. Roles of Partners 30 5. Action Plan 33 Appendix Economic and Health Trends in Areas of Multiple Deprivation 57 3 A Regeneration Framework for Oxford to 2026 1. Introduction This document sets out the regeneration challenges facing Oxford. It provides a framework for Oxford City Council to work with local and regional partners to respond to these challenges, developing a world class city for everyone who lives and works here.