Addendum 4.2-A Class I Deep Disposal Well Field
ADDENDUM 4.2-A CLASS I DEEP DISPOSAL WELL FIELD APPLICATION UIC Permit Application Class I Injection Wells Ross Disposal Wells Crook County, Wyoming Strata Energy, Inc. June 2010 Prepared by: Petrotek Engineering Corporation 10288 West Chatfield Avenue, Suite 201 Littleton, Colorado 80127 Phone: (303) 290-9414 Fax: (303) 290-9580 Strata Energy, Inc. Application for Wyoming UIC Permit Under Chapter XIII (1993) DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY WATER QUALITY DIVISION WATER QUALITY RULES AND REGULATIONS, CHAPTER XIII (1993) DEQ/WQD Application No: Date received: ______________ (Agency Use Only) 1. Type of Application This application is being made for a Class I injection well permit: New Permit _XX___ Modified Permit _____ 2. Name of Facility: Ross Injection Wellfield The Ross disposal wellfield (area permit) will include five (5) Class I disposal wells. Ross DW No. 1: NW ¼, NE ¼, NW ¼, Section 18, Township 53 North, Range 67 West, 6th Principal Meridian, Crook County, Wyoming. 57 feet from the North line; 1,869 feet from the West line of Section 18. Ross DW No. 2: NW ¼, NE¼, SE ¼, Section 18, Township 53 North, Range 67 West, 6th Principal Meridian, Crook County, Wyoming. 2,610 feet from the South line; 1,320 feet from the East line of Section 18 Ross DW No. 3: SE ¼, SE ¼, NW ¼, Section 19, Township 53 North, Range 67 West, 6th Principal Meridian, Crook County, Wyoming. 2,304 feet from the North line; 2,021 feet from the West line of Section 19. Ross DW No. 4: SE ¼, SE ¼, SE ¼, Section 13, Township 53 North, Range 68 West, 6th Principal Meridian, Crook County, Wyoming.
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