Ball Family Records
BALL FAMILY RECORDS. BALL FAMILY RECORDS GENEALOGICAL MEMOIRS OF SOME BALL FAMILIES OF GREAT BRITAIN, IRELAND, AND AMERICA COMPILED BY THE REV. WILLIAM BALL WRIGHT, M.A. Late Brasinns 8,nilh Exhibitioner, Trin. Coll., Diiblin, l',,f,R.S.A.., Ireland, Author of "The Ussher Me,no-irs," and "Life Sketch of Archbishop Bramhall Second Edition, Enlarged and Revised YORK PRINTED FOR THE AUTHOR BY THE YORKSHIRE PRINTING Co., LTD. 1908 To SIR ROBERT STA WELL BALL, F.R.S., Lowndes Professor o.f Astronomy, Cambridge University, and to the other bearers o.f the name o.f Ball who, in the past and present, have added lustre and distinction to thez·r name and .families by their scientific discoveries and writings, This Book o.f Ball Fam£ly Records at home and abroad is Dedicated by the Author. CONTENTS. PAGES Chapter I.-The origin and early mention the name of Ball 1-7 11.-The Ball Family of St. Audoen's Padsh, Dublin Ba!lygall, Co.Dublin, and Ballsgrove, Drogheda, ·with notices of the Ussher Fami!v. and of Bartholomew, Walter, Nicholas, R'obert and Edward Ball, Mayors of Dublin 8-54 IIJ.-'The Ball Family of Baldrumtnin, Parish of Lusk, Co. Dublin 55-56 lV.-The Balls of Co. Fermanagh, of Cookesto,vn, " Co. Meath, and of Philadelphia, with notices of the Connolly and Carleton Families, and of the Blackall Family - 57-72 V.-The Ball Family of Scottowe, and of the " Counties of Armagh and Kilkenny 73-94 VI.-The Ball Family of Ardee, Co. Louth, with notice of Sergeant John Ball, M.P.
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