RB Kingston / Transport for London Liaison Meeting Notes

Friday 17th September 2010 10.30am, Palestra

Present: - Alphabetically Shamoon Ahmed – TfL, Project Management Centre SA Deon Bailey – TfL, Highways Operations Team DB Peter Blaine – TfL, Borough Projects and Programmes PB Anya Bownes – TfL, London Routes and Places AB Dave Cowling – TfL, Project Management Centre DC Paul Dearman – RBK, Neighbourhood Engineering PD Jackie Ford – TfL, Development Planning JF Frank Hagan – TfL, Development Planning FH Carlene Hughes – TfL, London Routes and Places CH Matt Jezzard – RBK, Neighbourhood Engineering MJ Carl Jones - TfL, Project Management Centre CJ Ian Price – RBK, Neighbourhood Engineering IP Brian Richmond - TfL, Project Management Centre BR Simon Roberts – TfL, London Routes and Places SR

Apologies: Barry Allen – RBK, Neighbourhood Engineering BA Fred Brown – TfL, Borough Projects and Programmes FB Gary Coxall – TfL, Highways Operations Team GC Stuart Dayman – TfL, Highways Operations Team SD Peter McBride – TfL, Borough Projects and Programmes PM David McKenna – TfL, London Routes and Places DM

Minuted by Simon Roberts

Issue Action

1. Introduction

1.1 The purpose of these liaison meetings is to ensure regular communication between RB Kingston’s Neighbourhood Engineering team and Transport for London (London Routes and Places, Borough Projects and Programmes, Development Planning, Project Management Centre and Highways Operations teams). The meetings will take place every two months.

2. RB Kingston schemes

2.1 Garrison Lane Carriageway reconstruction on Garrison Lane will go ahead in August-October 2010, up to the junction with the A243 Road. Some areas require total reconstruction. Works will substantially affect the 71 bus route. RB Kingston are liaising with Bus Operators to minimise disruption. Scheme cost of £600k was found from within the Council. PD highlighted that the A243 must remain clear of works during this construction period and the Bridge Road roundabout signing scheme must not affect the works plan.

2.2 Malden Road: North and South of Malden Roundabout PD PD to send details of the scheme when available. Feasibility options are going to Committee in October. RB Kingston are trying to agree works around the planned Southern Gas works (item 2.3).

2.3 Coombe Lane Flyover Cycle Lane Liam Judge sent AB the design for a cycle lane over the flyover, including kerb buildouts and widened footways to discourage u-turns. TfL comments sent to Liam Judge on 8th July, agreeing with the scheme benefits and suggesting that Dawn Shannon is contacted for Network Assurance approval. Peter Czachowski requested any LINSIG modelling is sent to him, although he believes that the narrowing of the approach lane to the traffic signals will not

affect capacity significantly. The scheme will go to committee on 22/9/10. Public consultation is complete. IP IP will ask Liam Judge for an update

2.4 Utilities works Raynes Park traffic likely to be diverted via Shannon Corner due to Southern Gas works commencing in July 2011 for 16 weeks. It is likely that traffic will alternatively travel via Wimbledon – Tibbets Corner – Robin Hood Roundabout. Works will affect the number 57 bus route form West Barnes Lane to Shannon Corner.

Southern Gas works at Hook Roundabout will require a northbound closure, putting pressure on Roundabout.

Southern Gas also undertaking works in Malden Road February 2011 which could affect Malden Roundabout.

Thames Water flood alleviation scheme at Worcester Park could affect A3. No start date as of yet.

3. TfL London Routes and Places Schemes

3.1 Government Spending Review Following this meeting, TfL-LRP were asked to prioritise their programme in light of the Government’s Comprehensive Spending Review. All schemes in Kingston with LRP / TDE and PMC have been listed as ‘Keep’, so their progress will be maintained.

3.2 A243 Leatherhead Road junction with Fairoak Lane / Rushett Lane ‘Malden Rushett’ (Design – TS.056.1000078) Design of a major junction improvement scheme to increase capacity, reduce congestion, reduce right turn collisions, improve pedestrian and cycling conditions through the widening of the side road approaches, provision of dedicated right turn filters, signalised pedestrian crossing facilities, advanced stop lines and a balancing pond to mitigate against drainage issues. Scheme cost is estimated at £1.65m+. £250k from the West Park Hospital development is subject to the 200th dwelling being occupied. S.106 discussions are still ongoing. The scheme appears on TfL’s critical schemes list.

The stage 1 Road Safety Audit has been completed, but raised concerns about the length of the exit tapers on the side roads and lack of splitter islands to separate right turning traffic.

PD / DM / AB / SR attended a meeting with County Council and the HA to discuss the IDM project and funding on 11/6/10. TfL LRP met with Giovanni Nacci on 28/6/10 (Environmental Team TfL) who suspects that enough environmental surveys have been done to date, but later advised 18/8/10 that it would be wise to follow the consultant’s advice.

There is potential to spread the scheme over three years: Year 1 – Environmental surveys, land acquisition, planning permission and further design; Year 2 – Start Build, stats diversions; Year 3 – Complete build.

LRP are also looking at interim scheme to solve the right turn collision problem. PD advised carrying out tracking runs to ensure that HGVs could turn left onto the A243 from Fairoak Lane.

MJ raised that EDF are potentially looking for cabling works from power station via Fairoak Lane – A243 - Elm Road which could severely affect scheme.

Post-meeting note: AB / DM / SR met with Anne Crane and Aidan Eastman of TfL- Group Property to discuss the land acquisition and planning permission processes on 1/11/10.

3.3 A243 Hook Road junction with Elm Road (Design – TS.056.3001196) Scheme comprises of the introduction of a staggered pedestrian crossing on the A243 northern arm and a straight across crossing on Elm Road following a pedestrian fatality on the A243. The scheme appears on TfL’s critical schemes list. TfL TDE are finalising the drawing. Initial modelling shows that no adverse impact on signal capacity if cycle time is increased. PD has raised concerns with this

and asked to investigate impact if no cycle time increase. PD would also like to see a plan of the scheme. AB

AB applied for the Traffic signal slot on 7/9/10. SR to agree the PEAT.

3.4 Future Schemes A3 junction with Fullers Way North Subway works and parapet strengthening required but is cost prohibitive. SR currently carrying out the collision study including PD’s suggestion to extend the study area to the Hook Roundabout off-slip. Likely outcomes include improved signage, markings and lining to encourage better lane discipline and ease turning movements as well as resurfacing and high friction surfacing. PD suggested meeting with Justin Bennett of MPS to discuss this. Could link works with the on-slip closures and Mike Cook’s resurfacing works.

A243 Nurseries Bus Stops Written requests for bus stops outside the Garden Centre to be provided. Design was be drawn up in-house this financial year and progressed subject to finances being available. No funding available this financial year and no new schemes are permitted.

A3 Robin Hood Way Service Roads – 20mph limits RB Kingston discussed whether TfL or RB Kingston are the traffic authority for this section. Scheme could be added to Order Book for 2011/12. Scope for joint works regarding this. IP may have old speed counts. Scheme would require physical measures to slow traffic.

4. TfL PMC Schemes

4.1 A3 Malden Roundabout (Build – TS.057.0000705) DC Measures arising from the Stage 4 Road Safety Audit carried out on the CCE scheme implemented in Winter 2008. Scheme involves reducing the height of the belisha beacons on the A3 slip-roads, signage and pruning works. Scheme to be implemented October 2010.

Southern Gas need to replace a main at this location. MJ advised that there is no scope to maintain without closing 1 lane of the slip road. DB to investigate when TfL works are planned and if there is scope for synergy.

4.2 A240 Kingston Road: Tolworth Roundabout to GLA Boundary (Build – TS.056.3000261) Scheme consisted of resurfacing existing cycle tracks. The Stage 3 Road Safety Audit was carried out on 18/8/10 attended by AB / SR. TfL-LRP are awaiting the report. Due to surfacing defects on the footway, the proposed cycle lane lining and symbols cannot be installed until rectified. GC is investigating a potential new footway scheme between Donald Gardens and Old Kingston Road.

TfL-LRP have received several Cusotmer Service enquiries from one resident complaining about the shared use footway due to the downhill gradient and blind spots.

Post-meeting note: The Stage 3 audit report and Designer’s SR Response has been received. SR to compile the Client Response.

4.3 A243 CRISP Design Outcomes (Build – TS.058.2001004) CCE scheme at Hook Roundabout to narrow the A309 exit leading to the zebra crossing. Scheme involves new signage, speed limit reduction on the A309 and kerb realignment. Plans to introduce spiral road markings have been aborted. Implementation is due to take place starting 16 August for two months. Network Assurance approval in principle has been received from Dawn Shannon. Stage 2 Road Safety Audit report has been received and Client Response is with DM to sign off.

Previous scheme between Hook and Garrison Lane. Scheme comprised mainly of green surfacing on existing tracks, junction works at Somerset Avenue and new right turn pocket at Garrison Lane with local road widening. Stage 3 Road Safety Audit carried out. DM to sign off the Client Response to Bridge Road roundabout audit. Signs have been replaced since falling down. Francois Van Rensberg to be contacted if problem recurs. Permanent signage has been ordered.

Works commenced at Hook Roundabout 16/8/10. No real issues arising from works. The markings on A309 will remain as requested by PD.

Southern Gas works have been postponed and they will need to investigate the main in Summer 2011. Exploratory works may take place during the October night time closures.

There are instances of rat-running in the local roads adjacent to Bridge Road Roundabout. AB to send PD copies of the Customer Service enquiries. DC to chase EM as a priority regarding the permanent signs. The Metropolitan Police have agreed to enforce the service road restrictions.

Post-meeting note: SR / RBK / MPS met on site to discuss possible improvements at Bridge Road Roundabout to prevent drivers in the wrong lane ‘cutting-in’. SR to investigate a buildout in the hatched area.

4.4 A3 Outer CRISP Design Outcomes CJ – (Build – TS.057.2000118) 4.6 Scheme consists of subway improvements at South Lane. Final design is expected at the end of August. Scheme to be built during February half term to minimise impact of subway closures on children. Road space has been booked.

IP raised issues around informal crossing and directional signage. Meeting to be arranged to discuss these on site. Stage 2 Road Safety Audit has been received today, but awaiting the Designer’s Response.

Post Meeting Note: CJ, IP, GC and SR met on site to discuss design issues. Works will take place during Easter Holidays.

4.7 A3 Robin Hood Roundabout – Coombe Lane Flyover (Build – TS.057.3000097) A3 Coombe Lane Flyover – CJ Raynes Park Railway Bridge (Build – TS.057.3000098) A3 Malden Roundabout – (Build – TS.057.3000100) Bus Stop Accessibility works. The Stage 2 Road Safety Audit has been received with the Designer’s Responses. AB to complete the Client Responses. CJ to send IP are CJ copy of the final design.

Works planned to begin on Jan 10th. Awaiting funding confirmation and works notification approval from Forward Planning. CJ meeting with subcontractors to discuss programme and drainage issue south of Shannon Corner and northbound from Malden Roundabout. The TRO’s are to be advertised in October. CJ considering the best method to consult with residents. IP to email CJ with comments IP regarding Vale Crescent proposals.

There are specific issues with the Shannon Corner bus stop regarding foliage and parking issues near Oxford Crescent and South Lane.

SRETs would be welcomed near Woodfield Gardens . IP will IP request this in writing to AB

4.8 A3 Robin Hood Roundabout Pegasus Crossing (Build -TS.057.0003584) Stage 3 Road Safety Audit was carried out on 17/6/10 and the report has been received. The Designer’s Response is DC awaited. DC to send report to IP and PD.

Post-meeting note: The Designer’s Response has been received, AB to compile the Client Response. AB

4.9 A3 Kingston Bypass: Warren Drive North to Cranbourne Avenue - Lighting Street lighting scheme. Phase 1 to begin in Feb 2011 and BR finish April. Phase 2 currently unfunded, but could tie in with Tolworth

4.10 A3 Robin Hood Way Northbound: Hoppingwood Farm to No.21 Robin Hood Way Resurfacing scheme on service road from Keswick Avenue to Robin Hood Roundabout. Scheme will address issues with speeding traffic, rocking slabs and surfacing. Residents are to be informed of the scheme. MC will discuss programme with IP. MC

4.11 A3 Beverley Way southeast slip-roads on & off, near Coombe Hill House Resurfacing scheme is with Nigel Skull. Due to occur this financial year. Planning application for former petrol station to be checked.

4.12 A3 Hook Rise North and Kingston Bypass U5829 MC Mike Cook to provide an update. Resurfacing scheme.

4.13 A3 Coombe Lane Flyover Scheme is with Sylvia Andonopoulos. Refurbishment of the vehicle flyover. Design of expansion joint replacement. Works are programmed this financial year. Scheme is at feasibility stage. The options report is currently awaited. AB circulated to SA / MC for comments Liam Judge’s drawing for Coombe Lane Flyover due for implementation this financial year.

Will require digging on Coombe Lane but no A3 closures. Scope to co-ordinate works with RBK scheme

Southern Gas will be working in Merton immediately after Wimbledon 2011. Traffic will be diverted away from Coombe Lane as a result which may make TM for this scheme easier.

4.14 A3 Hook Underpass Footbridge Scheme is with Sylvia Andonopoulos. Footbridge refurbishment. Works could take place in tandem with A3 road closure. Special investigation into waterproofing failure, concrete testing, expansion joints and paint testing. Works were programmed for 2010/11, but now only investigation will take place this financial year. The options report is currently awaited.

4.15 A3 Burlington Road Flyover / Shannon Corner Scheme is with Sylvia Andonopoulos. Refurbishment of the vehicle flyover. Special investigation of bearings and expansion joints. Works were programmed for 2010/11, but now only investigation will take place this financial year. The options report is currently awaited.

Work will require overnight lane drops.

4.16 A3 Coombe Lane Flyover and Hook Underpass Drainage Works Scheme is with Dave Cowling. Works will require the closure of the A3 for two nights on October 11/12th. As much additional work as possible will take place during this time, including structural investigations. Feedback on success will inform other works in RBK.

PD advised that the Hogsmill culvert was working well, but may block up. PD requires feedback to ensure that the underpass does not flood. May be an EPA responsibility.

4.17 A243 Drainage Works Replacement of Sewer with new trial materials. Due to start November but will affect the Xmas Park and Ride. Potential to slip to February, but would put scheme funding at risk.

5. Highways Operations Team Issues

5.1 A3 Raynes Park Resurfacing Night time resurfacing works northbound between Halfords and the Golf Course. Will occur this financial year.

5.2 Environmental Protection duties MJ will mention to Waste Services Manager. MJ is awaiting legal advice on intervention levels. Likely to be raised again during next set of block closures in April / May 2011. If there is sufficient budget, RB Kingston may be able to carry out their duties once. This may result in cleaning every other year. This issue may need escalating.

5.3 A3 Subways Graffiti TfL continue to monitor and deal with graffiti as appropriate. GC to check if this covers footbridges too. Areas around Coombe Boys School, Malden Roundabout and Shannon Corner have been highlighted.

5.4 LEZ sign Sign has been hit again. Hannah Cotton is looking into whether sign can be moved as it has been replaced five times in the past year. SR is working with John Clarke (covering for Hannah Cotton on maternity leave) to address as part of the A3 junction with Fullers Way North collision study. This item will be raised with the above in future meeting notes.

5.5 Chessington Golf Course Signing Signage on lamp column still yet to be replaced. Is with HOT team. GC has requested PD confirm which signs were required to be replaced.

5.6 A3 Robin Hood Way Service Road Issues with speeding and condition of road due to cracking. Likely to require a major scheme to strengthen the road. This may be addressed as part of Mike Cook’s resurfacing scheme (item 4.10).

5.7 A3 junction with Princes Avenue – Bollards Following the removal of pedestrian guardrail around the corner of this junction, vehicles are over-running the kerb to bypass queuing traffic approaching Tolworth Roundabout. GC advised that the works order to introduce bollards have been raised with contractor. GC is awaiting a start date. The road space has been confirmed

5.8 Chessington Milestone Due to be replaced in October half term. 5.9 Winter Maintenance A243: PD requested that CWoA Bus Stand be included in this.

Last Winter there was an issue with the A3 Slip Roads not being done, especially at Hook Road Roundabout. DB will raise with GC. Some overlap with Surrey CC works through using the A309 to turn around and go return to Hinchley Wood.

6. TfL Development Planning Schemes

6.1 A243 Chessington World of Adventures Scheme to provide a signal controlled junction at the northern car park is complete with the exception of snagging issue of lighting columns in tree canopies. Scheme also involved the removal of a pelican crossing and a new Bus Stop. Stage 3 Road Safety Audit has been completed and received. Ashok Rangla to confirm if MOVA is operating at this junction. DC advised that the cage is in place and the flag has been moved.

PD advised that there is an issue with signals where the ahead lane runs while left is held causing driver confusion. MOVA not active as a result. PD / AB to discuss at the Traffic Liasion Meeting planned to take place at CWoA on 29/9/10.

Post Meeting Note: TfL signals advised junction control will be altered in October. CWoA were informed at liaison meeting.

6.2 A240 12 Kingston Road – Hotel Development £25k allocation for Red Route controls and u-turn improvements at the Jubilee Way junction. The developer for this scheme has gone bankrupt. No new applications at this location yet. PD is awaiting information.

6.3 A243 Leatherhead Road, Harrow Pub – Flats Development TfL allocation to carry out landscaping works. RB Kingston allocation to undertake improvements in Harrow Close. FH advised that the s.106 has been signed (w/c 19/4/2010) and £8,500 paid. FH awaiting the procedure to obtain the money. No progress has been made on the s.278 from TfL. S.106 has been confirmed by RB Kingston. s.278 with Kingston not yet progressed.

DC advised that he has excluded this frontage from the footway maintenance scheme. Will return after development to complete scheme at the Developer’s expense. FH is awaiting an update from Howard Booth on Lanscaping works. Cllrs have raised concerns with the alignment of the hoardings.

6.4 A243 44-60 Leatherhead Road – Housing Development Allocation for footway and crossover construction. Detailed design drawings have been approved (Niall Coward). It is FH unclear whether the s.278 has been officially signed. FH to check with solicitors. Detailed design for Landscaping works has been agreed. Design now includes grass verge and additional trees where footway exceeds 2m in schedule of works.

6.5 A243 62-72 Leatherhead Road – Lidl Development Allocation to convert existing pelican crossing to a toucan, provide cycle lanes, right turn pockets and raised junction entry treatments. FH finalizing the s.278 agreement. The solicitor has been contacted on two issues. Contractor to provide Construction Logistics Plan. Distribution Service Plan approved by FH.

Planning to open the store in February 2011. Toucan

crossing conversion is currently on Traffic’s 2011/12 programme and will be brought forward.

TRO required to facilitate access to Store needs to be FH signed. FH to provide SR with WBS Code to charge TRO works to. Change request required to bring scheme onto PMC programme.

PD advised that it is vital that the downtime for conversion of the pelican to a toucan crossing takes place during the school holidays to minimise disruption to pupils and ensure their safety.

6.6 A243 Leatherhead Road – Ellingham Primary School Scoping report sent to FH / AB / SR. FH responded including SR’s comments. FH has provided i-Transport (working on behalf of RB Kingston) with the contract for the Lidl development. AB sent i-Transport a copy of the A243 by Merritt Gardens pedestrian crossing feasibility report. PD advised that so far, this scheme has not been affected by Government cuts.

TA approved in principle by TfL. Signalling work to be agreed. As no s.106 is possible any works will be funded through RBK Highways. PD to arrange meeting with i- Transport and TfL-Traffic Directorate week commencing 20/9/10.

Post-meeting note: PD / FH / AB / SR met i-Transport and Michael Bloomfield / Peter Czachowski on 24/9/10 to discuss the modelling requirements to ensure that there is no loss of capacity or detrimental effect on journey time along the A243 corridor. I-Transport resubmitted the modelling.

6.7 Hospital Scheme is on the SRN so FH is involved. In contact with the developer at the pre-application stage but some missing information from pre-app process. Developer has met with Mark Day (Development Planning) and Forward Planning Team to discuss modelling requirements. Requested to undertake a Saturn model and trip generation figures. FH to copy in Paul Dearman on any correspondence.

FH will look at the TA and requires an agreement in principle before planning can be agreed. Saturn modelling is nearly complete.

6.8 Tesco Tolworth Pre-app meeting Tesco Tolworth to be discussed at meeting on September 23rd .

6.9 A243 Hook Road Crossover by Hunter Road FH to send procedure note to PD to forward to applicant. GC and PD to meet applicant on site to discuss

Post Meeting Note: GC, SR and PD met applicant on site on 29/9/10. GC to contact Mouchel and FH for a quote for the works.

6.10 Barwell Garage 170 Leatherhead Road Conversion to affordable housing. FH to investigate if FH application received. PD to meet with the developer’s project manager and liaise with TfL with regards to maintaining ‘in’ access.

7. TfL Borough Projects and Programmes Schemes

7.1 Tolworth Broadway Trial holes on the roundabout are to be carried out and PB consultants are calculating the quote. The scheme has been put forward for European Status. Garrett Emerson’s directive on no new traffic signals is a risk to the scheme. Build is expected in June 2011. Studio Egret West have provided the Stage E report listing various stakeholder comments and responses as well as the Safety Audit. The scheme may be affected by the Olympics.

CJ to liaise with PB / RB Kingston regarding Bus Stop Accessibility proposals on the TLRN.

TfL’s Traffic Directorate have flagged concerns about the degree of saturation caused by the traffic signals (90%+) and will not approve the scheme. Decision on modelling to be made in late September.

At the Streetscape Review meeting on 15/7/10, Dana Skelley (Director of Roads) did not support the use of multi- shaded resin bound gravel for the central ‘green ribbon’ on maintenance grounds. Case needs to be built for using green resin. RB Kingston are escalating the concerns. David Rowe and Peter McBride are liasing with RBK (Jay Judge) on this issue. PB has spoken to Howard Booth regarding trees. Linked to the final decision with materials.

BR has a lighting scheme for the roundabout and underpass this financial year. Thomas Sudhoff agreed (email 20/7/10) that PMC’s scheme is unlikely to affect the pedestrian path lighting to be carried out as part of this major scheme and should go ahead. Phase 1 underpass is going ahead, phase 2 roundabout will be programmed fro 2011/12. Issues with phasing of lighting works and design of lighting. PB to liaise with BR and CJ to co-ordinate works.

7.2 Garrison Lane LIP funding has been transferred to RB Kingston. Parking bays are being re-created as half-on half-off footway parking areas to mitigate head-on bus conflicts.

7.3 LIP2 LIP2 pro-forma due on October 7th, but Comprehensive Spending Review announcement is due 20th October. Prioritisation exercise is required.

Neighbourhood committee executive sign-off of document is required. Sign-off of delivery plan due in October consultation with TfL due January 2011.

There may be other requests for LIP money re-allocation.

7.4 Bus Stop Accessibility and Enabling Works PD asked who new contact for BSA works within TfL was. Advised it is Richard Fullager in BPaP. London Buses want more bus stops around Malden Manor. Enabling works sit with Lennox Davidson and Richard Fullager. PB not aware of 2011/12 budgets yet.

7.5 CWoA Bus Stand Issues of safety and accessibility at the Chessington Bus Stand. CWoA will be resurfacing car park in winter. Opportunity for TfL to fund small kerb works to make stops DDA compliant at this time. PD is raising issue on behalf of CWoA

7.6 Chessington South Platform Accessibility Issue of improving access at Chessington South Station was raised at RB Kingston South of Borough committee. PB will raise with South West Trains. This may need to be prioritised against other stations in London for BPP. RB Kingston advised that they will not fund works on private land.

8. Any Other Business

8.1 A3 Hook Roundabout British Gas propose a new pipe over the A3 Hook Roundabout. Initial programme suggests in 2011.

8.2 Air Quality RB Kingston raised concerns over the air quality on the A3 and A243 as there are higher than average incidences of breathing related illnesses. PD asked if air quality is monitored. Niall Coward previously provided contact details for PD to meet with the Action Group. Air Quality / Tree planting may now sit with TfL LRaP.

8.3 A243 Leatherhead Road outside the Star Pub Following receipt of a CS enquiry and a request to widen the shared use footway along this section. TfL are responsible for lighting, nearby refuges and other areas despite this being part of Surrey. Any conversion of grass verge to hardstanding would need to be discussed with TfL’s Environment Team. Surrey support scheme but are unwilling to fund. Post Meeting Note: SR has sent follow up to CS enquiry indicating scheme will not be progressed. Item to be removed from future meeting notes.

8.4 Royston Court – Parking Issues PD informed AB / SR of difficulties in refuse vehicles turning due to residents parking in turning area. SR to produce yellow lines design and send to PD. RB Kingston to install AB and raise TMO. AB to raise PO for £950 for the scheme. Has been implemented by RB Kingston.

8.5 A3 Beverley Way – Parking Issues IP contacted AB / SR regarding parking outside Beverley Way residences. Narrow carriageway causing safety concerns with vehicles exiting driveways. Will be incorporated into BSA works. IP, SR and CJ to discuss

8.6 Hook Rise South Objection to order overruled by committee. 8.7 Traffic Signals Review PD indicated that there are two sites on Kingston’s roads that have been highlighted for removal. None are proposed on the TLRN in Kingston. Any alternative measures will have to be funded from the LIP funding. Paul Drummond to meet with TfL signals to discuss removal sites

8.8 Cycle Parking Dominic Green is leading on this from TfL PMC. AB to AB chase DG for progress.

Post-meeting note: DG has supplied a list of sites for cycle parking.

8.9 Justin Bennett Justin Bennett to be invited to future meetings for MPS issues

Next meetings: Monday November 8th 2010 – 10.30am Waterloo – 7th floor,