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Clinton Clinton Independent.

>ru M IU MtVBfl RATH OF ADVERTISING Iv«7 Tktnifty, 1 1w si1% s ia h* S r le * H»r ###A ...... **< 91 re *i *a* m ta- 9;- ta* f • es* •# c T**•» W» • As 1 Ml « 1 i to 1 to t* 1*1 Three s.vU • We • 4 ta#1» feM 8' »a# IX tat l ..nr « uu Clinton Independent. 81 x M«#alU* .. ! t> n a ta* ih ta# IS »a* a «•» ♦' ia» Niw#- Mcotllh* 7 ta* 10 •a lx ta* an ta# at >ai *' tai Tw# lv# M«#uib* I n ta is tai ts tat ^t to 4* IS* B1 tse TERMS. I.Cirai A4»rftliaan,iili al iiaiaic raw*. IbcMIm pvUirr, |1 U. ta a^raiK*. for M|wr» wat mi of the c«»*u

Orleans to making inquiries upon this fume of rare flower* In the parlors —lust And ilit- laughed a little louder than Maine, Mb*M*urt, New York and Ft nnsyl In the Senate, on the 2!st, the I'reaL MHIflGAN HTAIE LEGISLATI RE. point, he might have been able to have ^elected 4 'fli.urll.uw. aa they any wine Warm* up the wila and usual, aud not quite naturally. LATE8T NEWS. vanl*. The au* ressful caiididatra In these dent's inesssge in relation t«* cosst del* «»*• s «■* regaled the Administration iu Ida dts fancy doti lore at timra. All thiuga It wna the tnrrrieal Christ mas party of 8taU**, iu the urd«r nametl, are M* lioiiald rerelvtNt Th** Civil Service and Iteiren* bluest Bun ate , .Ion- 10.—Bills were intrmlut cd batches with something bcaidcs White- would Ik » brighter, freaher, more spaib- Uhmh all, said every one of her gut-aU, t oinmitn-e r«'p***Nl advel »* I) on Ik* bill t" re —1*» tax and regidatethe liquor traffic; to re­ 77/A’ EMIGRANT LASS IK ilirm j, llamllwiKep.I, C cnslody of the 8«rg«-aat *1- additional protcetloit to inn and hotel kee per* Charles himself lie wss a maxed and tee appointed to iuveatigalt* aflaira in A w• art Iv/oUd la^tlt*. turning, ahe saw Chat lea Ihikcwdod Congrrssional Hul>-C’otmiiitte«*. S wi* Tbs t ouiuiiitee on l.l*-< tion* r*-|**»rt« d by com pelting gue't' b* advise- |if»»prietc*rn re»wn eyes, ami dainty hint#*, you ; ho |ii« thing-----" llelknnp'a roaition. F*jr (jovemor, Js*. Lloyd i»rc«n, present • redcutiaJe of8«nator Has ard a«-re :»'-o pr* «. «•. •( agreed to. ...N*di.e wu- given of a proposed A bill was introduced to e*tabli*h a court for the existenee of these lilaek fa-ague *, Right pfea.'uut to la-hold — There she atopped him. " I>on ’t say for Libel. Mayor of Norwich; Lieutciiaiit Governor, .uu. imIiu # nt to tb** 4 «»n*Utution Increasing tbe it now ," .he pleaded ” I have an evening contested elections ...The propo'ed amerdni'tit that he* would u<»t sugge st that he* eeiuld Mv iMttinle la.o, what aileth thee, 'I lie |H»«ition of S**cretary Ih-lknap is Charles !«. English; J**-er«*tary * »f 8tat«*, Col. to the t on.titiitlnii regulating tbe alection of •talari.-s of ('ire nil Judge**. .. .The balloting atte nd to them if the* I'rc'idt nt would oil thia bright auutim r dar. lie foie me which call* for all mv calm not at all improved by the rc"|»oiise of Augustus Fenn; Tnaatirer, O. Ik Arnold; Pr**sideut and Vice President was debai«-ci by for Uni ect 8lat«-n 8enator wasoreler»*d to simply issue a prewlainmltoii dt-elaring To travel »«d aud sImm-Ics# thua neaa. If it i« any thing agitating, a—I—1 the I'resident to the S« nate's demand for ?« drral Troop ForelM) §•.}*«! Mr Anthony, and Its further rousidevaUon c-otuijienc e at three o'clock p. ut. Jan. 19... Comptroller, lien. IL B. Crawford. Among postponed urittl the Jl'lt Mr. Mi'-rtnaii the* tuentlters " banditti," or that he would l |hiu the atoii} wa\ ? IUUk I u*k you to wait. After the-e gurfcta information about Louisian*. It was on A djourued. VtrkstHiru MarrlfV. the resolution* adopted was iHie indorsing defended the A*iininl*iratioty for Its r• >nda *-1 of recount the acta of terrorism they have * f mine ure gone —or tomorrow, 1 will the 5ih inst., it will be rementlMTcd. l.itiiisiana altair*, and Mr. JoiiU'ton roplnd^ Hot sk .—The Notaries'nrt was tlelmtctl ** I'ui freah and str**ng, and stoutly olmd, the* Presid**nt ’*'|K*< ial message to CiMigress t*Xe*re ise*d up#»n those of their e»w n r;i* e* hear you ; n«>t now." that Sheridan assumed command at Adjourned. and ord. r.-d printed. ...The Auditor-(iencral who were* nett disposed to ae t with them; And 1 lion art hurdened mi; Charles li*»kcwoo#l bowed. " Vi*iir will Louisiana ami sent Ins " hauditti dis ­ oil la'UislaliM affair*. how n I :, the I louse, bills of a private chantc w a* ordered to report the amount of '|N*.*|fle for they are* ple elge i| ne»t only to stand M #n-|» lightly , amt let me I ai The Beecher Tilton trial progress*** slowly. The hundlea ai »t go. ” shall Ik * my law," he said, and l«M*k her patch to Htdknap; ami it was on the fol ­ Etc., Etc., Etc., Etc., Etc. ter were intr'Nliireci laave wa* a-k* d. aud ob ­ taxes collect# d iaiiit*>iiIIv sine* IM\ and the* by each either, but tee vole the Kepuhli- Up U» the KNh the testimony 4*f Francis l>. hand and kia»*ed it. Mu* let hint do it. low ing day that Hclknap telegraphed jected lo, to offer a resolution request!ug the Pres­ •|Uantiti«*s of tiH-tula mined annualiv *in<-#- eau tie ket. Ill the* e-yea of iSbcriditn, *' No, no! ” ► !»«• *at*l, “that may not tue; Mushing all the while, not caring now to Sheridan us follows. "Tha President Moiill4»n 11 last not Ik *4*ii ci>im 1 u*l- *1. The court. ident to state by what authority the courts of tl.at dale ... Petition* wire prc*c*nt# d for the W hal'» mine la tuiite to Imr; 4 If ant and all the* shakers of the bloealy look at Iiiiu . and all of us have full confidence in and r«M»m i* daily crow f the first water I takr my )Hirtiot>c*d ►hare.” wep* there, her thought* wandered hack Tur first Hint «cn*ii*t Kings of Hism. father authorize the* laving and regulating of the Inter on the same duv he telegraphed Henmi L Ihan> w«* elected Senator from /ATroif Frtt 1‘rfHM. to that moment. She knew wlmt 'lie •* lie assured that the President aud Cab «n«l s**n. have «pisp |ed, and Hriti*h reslleirt* . ( - truffi# The CominitUte on Mlleag* ” Hut you ham two. and I havenom; Massac husett* l»y the lagislatun* on the Iliac ISAMKP.TH. reported the amount due to member* ami One htjrdt-n give to me; would say, and she could aU'Wer only in inct confide in vour w isdom and rest in are aiilii ij sling trouble. J avi a ui il. 1**,:. •Jdtli. officers.... Bu Hot ing was ordered t#» coiu- The I'ropoHtd Ameudmeat In the i on* I'll take that bundle from th> l*a< k one way—only one —she liked him so the In lief that all acts of yours haveltccn New Y ork Cottoo l!',.lV^C Pinur t*«eN| AcCoklHKO to Madrid dispsU he* of tti<- uence for Senator at three o'd** K p. iu. Jan. stitutloii. That heatiei mvui » tit In-.” well. and will be judicious. It has been The Ccadt County (111.) National flank, II. to choice. $4 TUiteH; white wh< at extra. |*> lti'< iMh f old«r h*d declared that he Would not II hrnt Nd g • In II o* I II !**• j i J.... Adjourned. "And I have felt *0 sure 1 could never known for s<»me days that the leading F. Allen, President, *u*|*udcd on the P.Hh. I 11 "f»i " No,no! ” ahe aald; " i if he were required Nurtswastern, fl I1/* 11J: No.'J Milaoik'e Sknatk , Jan IU.—Tilt* bill authorizing Tiik . folhiwing is the- full text of S« n like anyone again." thought Hetty Arm in* mbi r* of tyrant’s Cabinet neither ap 91 1 loci I t t /»>. Wesn-rn. ui 's-vi* Thai hold. —no hand hut mine A wmi «i*HKxn and dbastrou* storm swept the Mat*- Auditor to pay the traveling ex. ator 'lorte#n’s profKnccel amenduie nt t«» Mar (ear it> weight fnxn dear tilen 8|#can strong. "There is fate in it." proved or even knew of these dispatches; to a wear allegisnee hi King Alplionso. Ttn* r;:s, #! Cat 1 »» / or*. '<•'♦.'4.- vv.-’. • rn. tns #.'*■ J‘url N* a nieMs. f I'* ;•«P* '. • the (’onatituifon providing for ae liati.*#* 'tna* the Atlantie brine!” Hut she danced and sung and talked as but it was probably not ous|H>cted before ' squadron had arrived at Zsrsnr, over Colorado, 1 lah arid l ilifornia on tiie pelisea (»f the 4 'ireuit .luilges passed ... .Also J.'tKi ( k' 1 r < • A«... I J ! Ie H in the manue-r of electiug the* l‘rc*idt ut iisii a I, mil no one guessed tint was what *. mt's measagt t - • Um HonaU that Um under Instruction* to, vuet from the (’arlist1* 9nb. There whs tatlh life *nd property. lb*niesf|e fl*'eCC, ltr> IV H |lfl Ul.i IC*l tin* bill changing tin* Supreme Court term* “ w. 11, well! hut tell me w hat tua) l*e Uresi'lent had not npproved them. Yet ludeinnitv f«*r the owner* r*nl int «*f the Several ctistly railway bridges were d« tlressed. ’st; live, %*• 'n’t tc» March, June, He*pteiu4#cr and December.... and Ytce-I'rexidfnt ed the l ulled Sui «•*; Within that prrtit'U* toad she was dream I tig —not even .Mr. Ih»ke Tbe UoiuniittiM* on 8Lut«* Atlair* re|airt*-d ad w*M*d, who, with a chosen friend, had if the message is a candid statement of («u»tav »nd the |>uui»hrti«-nt of those engng*d stroved, and several towns submerged. r* *; | ,SMttp Live. UY ’c t’> - • /#’# luJntl t,y th* S «#*#e/r ittul //•>'!•< Ilf Hrjifi . N\ tin h thou iltal In ar with am h tine < art t MiCAC.o //»* res —Cb*»ic«-. JV l4htj\ *B»; g.M»d, Tersely on the MJ! to make Nuperintendetils • .tt/a/lhrl, IM i 'ttHtJfto* .|««MI^», bolrb< ’» «»f the Poor c*feclivc ...... A resolution wa* iu h a*h //####« e '.aw-».<•/ »»»7 Th*rt>u, '1 list th#; (■ . iu lie could not have approved of the Itel I 'tnokinu and talking (In dressing room. 1 I’ r s! • IT -ii r 1 in- lit ) \ issued or*b rw ed United Mat* * Ht nator by llu* Mi* bigsn slock. fiT^H.isi; i the* (‘oustiluttoll «#f lb#* l nit. d From ft tend in parting hour. to *ho«*t arery srtn« «t t arli*t found 111 the dr*-#•••<) 9; ? Vi. >/!/#/» <>«M>d In choir. . ##fi’ir**uit Judges.....In tin* afternoon a t#al scious of Im r duf'*> as a hislrw, inaiste#! t ran'mission. Anordiug to bis message I vi< non of any railroad. ChrUtianey n*celvcd the rote «»f the iNdting | > ’*». iiudft t hoi'** yellow, 8late*t, and when ratite.-d by the la-gislatur# > Perhaps, a- pMid. nl maiden'* wont. on be ine public pio|H*rty, un*l iou!d ru t Iu- «hd not an«l <1f I ; i't * *e»r th# following r.'iilt. t handler, 17; Iaithrop. aM intents and purpose*) un part ed the 4 on- |M»sal f«»r a 4 arlist bain was hslged have r« It is r«*|Ntrted that :-■> miners are at work N* ** \ *> ’ k K»* ’•*! > r. , • vv 3, Barnes, 3; (Tiamla-rlain, “i; 4 ’liristianev, stitution, to-wit: Mi* *I*«m»jh«| her h< iid, and with her hand w ho were ready to lx-1 da< d to he did not his first dispatch; nor could lie have b< in the lilaek Hills an«i th.it they are meeting Pa« lory. IVtJV^r /Vour VVlilt.- winter • ****-» \for***. 1; Baldwin, I; Met Ic-llaiid, 1; Filch, A jit t e lk 1 Tbe President an#1 Vie*e- |'r* -i* She gave a mournful ware: care alx>ut. Engaged men are generally licvcd, as was slated in the second dis ­ fiis«* wen* pre­ people in tin- manner following: Kae-h 81 »t«- 'I urf from my uioliu r't grave! ” generally. Hoke wood, although not en would b» “judicious." tin the contrary | Si’viv has agreed to |**> Henusny an in shall be ilividcd into di-til. t* c#|Ual iu uuui- gaged ladiev«*d himself far enough up**n thr whole spirit and tenor of bis comment cently in session at Kpriugtield will meet at • sented in re-intion to the li«jti#tf IralHe.... I «i*ok* n, Imt to th** number of llcpr***. ntattvc* to Hie road to forget his suavity, and ta il 101 Sheridan’s course shows he consul j Bl«a»mingtcKi next year. In ; fl* ece. unwaslied, tSSYt-'Wc. * - Hiife w # re introduced —-regulating llu- duti# • of nr the road -i*L tog« tin r; rarg«». ev#-n If she should t«r iitmtd*- to in.tkr will, h tiie 8tat<* may Ih- entitled In 4'«#ngr« -*, back Ufs*n cigars and ids masculine • red it injudiciou*; and in entire bar K r*t I dear, f ’1-* •• '4 -Y> ia»; Ner«*nd < * ar |Ml u*4 administrators, i xecutor* mihI guardian* iu to In - * oinfNtfe.l e»f eontiguoiia territory, and No purer d< w on that twig'ht day the amount out of the Carli't*. Tur Mkhigsn State tiranre recently m< t • • onitnon It* ard*. ill •••** ''.*•• . Peneii - friend' whenever his lady love could not ntony with thi* comment i* hi* attempt 1 tli** mail agent* nt and side «#f * of d#*- to In - a«# nearly equal iu |M»pulati«in a* no.y \i us dropt ii|hi|i the heat tor. at Grand Kapiil*. The Grand Master rejiorts f • •.!•' '’11 f the jOth f u a Im-; nnd the |M*rM»n l.wving the high* *t nun- .fai5 Granges in lh*' 8tate with a lu* iu!*ershlp «harg#*s on •leetiiiig-rnrs; regulating tlo- Int c»f vote* in cacti district for president Consequently damsels who th night duet by reference to the fact that he is a tin- trading Ppanbh Kepublh ana tout ar­ ib. ,\n .ti A » «i-» n H pructic«* of medieinc and surgery.... Tin 'bail receive Ibe Vote #*f that eli*trl«*t, whklt Koktwood charming were wondering soldier. ranged with th*- C*rli*ts to unit** in a general t»f "si txai, I n .» • • /. |: ’ THIS < HA( k l> Till: Immii:. l.lt 1M|/***c .torUy f t -t 4»>l.h». 7*< / 4 Joint resolution* relative t<» the improv* rn*-ni • hail Ik * counted on*.* Pre**id« ntial vole. what had Im come of him, whin Middy, The veracity of Mr. liclknap is tint* uprising :ig» n*t K*ng Alphou*o. and, should Th*»l only by hi* fellow mem the project succeed, }4>in in « pleMselti to de Unit* *1 8tatc-s Senator fr*»n* lb law are. 8t. laH'ts. CtifU* Fair to c hoi re i»* Iotosed....In Ilia aft#-rn*N*n a balloi f.»r of vote -a f#»r pn-Nid.-nt iu the Mai** «h*M r* - The pr«ltie,-t Iiaum *. the prettiest gar l nitetl 8twt«-* 8* nator waa bad. with the f«*l den, the In-st set v an 1* and the largest mi'lress into llic hall, and, in an awful Iters of the 4 abitiel, but by the I'resideiit chle In 'Iwccii |Khi 4 arli* and a r« puMlc. I »e*ive twi# Presidential Votes froln the Mate at wtii'|M r, said " more sjvoons were needed Ric iixnn It Ihwin * »|*jvami l«*-f.irc Hie I Ml It > N i it* d Fa 4! * - • , lowing re *uM • (’handler. Id; Lothrot*. 17, large*. b\nk account in X l>clongrd tt» .Mrs himself it l»elioovr» him, therefore, if , \S %k w» attoiit to In - dc<-I«rv Montis for the crime." lie hos any deletise to make to make it at toimuiUcv ilivesligatilig til** I'a* i!t«‘ Mali Com —N<> S lira, X **r.»*N No. X, « 1 .1 1 - • 11 n, t *J Ra - • ( d* I 3. Tlir pr**Ai having tb.* tiigl#* *t number Mtlutuble Armstrong, widow. Sum* negro against Turkey, a«idiiig to the /'nil subsidy buainc-ss and gave th*- foll«>wing os i.. - V» 1 91 •»* *1 «r* A*i/ • */ fl ».% w III, 3, Muart, *J; M«»#ire, •; t bristim .y. • #f Pr«'sih*ded In s V'»rk'liirr 1 Eng. I <». J Averlll, lluiaat; J G. Ih-m-tt, fllO.iaaq Mu w Ai k' r A* ’.,., *>;*rlr»g XX. «** J.'* V.Vl were not the other women. 'I hey sni .l H Ktnf No. 1. ; N*> i »*• Sknatk . Jan ’J4i.— No businr i eif tui­ voJ*-«» in any 8tate, it ta-mg the bigh* ‘*t buiii - | ilia’s set from my up stairs china closet w as authorized the President hk* been j f t. t.»ry on tlo 21*t. killing flee and serkiusly E, IU4o rata*k. f i.'Ha) or 9o,taxJ; An;;*** It Int , the v shall receive ea< h one f*r. *i«h nti.ti that she hail red hair amt was | |xr»un*. 4 orwin, $:;,rsNi, L K. 4 hlttc-nden, aw»; It •sl/r'c»‘jr it ye N - .\u i Vote from tiie State at large, and if more than tinii. .1 but a few minutes. two |a*r*on» stiall have ca* h the* *aiuc nuintM-r in her they could not guess, etc., etc , you" Senate and the people, and Mr. Ihdkuitp Tur elvll h*t *4 King Alphoii - » !.»• t-*11 H Cb«« v« r, |6.«aai; llamiitcm I* Kant, 91 to 1 Jr*,. • >f Cote-* in any Mate*, it la-ing the highest j And away ran Mrs Armstrong to the cannot remain in the 4 abin* t an hour John W. i>.*rncv, b.nuue! A. If.it* h, t I.EV XI.AMI*, — H No. 1 It * d fMop.'l 11 ILh’sf..—Very little l»U'ine**s wa dot: but, say it aa often a* they might, every fli» d at real*. No. i It. d. 9l K. g •»,•••* •Ftto- No. 1. rsSi^SK . in the llefUSC ... .The two h<*eiAe« tinii . from th*- Mate- .»* h»rg.-. If rnorep rv*>n* tt.4'1 I long, old fashioned closet and brought . Hrt* community If lie was not *o author- ! Tor Hrtti'h (u>veennient h.u> tb iiotod. «t .»n devoted servant, friend, aud, a ilo/.cti o* , , . , explanati«»ri anti iqndogy from Teru for re. Alex. W Randall, John II. f'KT.uor — II Mfiti Kxtra. f! 1 ‘.oj | ‘ i 4 ' eoiivetilkrti at tw*-lve #»’e |d be '> »- • >• • y ol lelilierau Rice, William R. Hhaw, #|.*r,- < • ' i/ Amber Mich., fl "7 ;l nr 1 y district. merry as though she had never kmiwn a tiouid be demanded by the President. — maker, 9dU0,MU, A. Ii. Whitney, 9H*Max» i'a); ( hri*tu|) her ear. At the ssiue time slof t Mix* I 5. 1 he f##regoing provision* shall apply to rare. Not that she had forgotten the ( ' tunt Kru in lw. new. i.v.w'1 |C, • N*». l. r. Sen vtk , Jan. JU—A sln»rt sc.-cston e»f j rilK MBCte UUKLI). NVitins* said tiie alatve list comprised the tli*.* el# * it.>n of \ i* e Pre* ’dent. caught Hie |»erfumc of u cigar. Mte Live love of her youth—the gallant, bla« k- liain* * of aii jN-reoii* rmpioved by liiin, and lie rrciu. /fer*es ft "S'A 1* ,. //■ »jf the >« ii;iT#* w i* h.-id in tin* iiie»rning, at w hi.h | ♦*. The 4 otigic** *!j«I1 have the j«»ve«-r to knew that 4 ha 1 lea litikcwmsi had the.# Tns gu|a-rlnt«*iHtewt of tin- United Mate* 9M- i».75 Shtrp I.i\e. f • sa A *** eyed captain wh*»s«- ship had gone down 1 1 ha Ho*ton Protect. r It*- I provide for holding and conducting the « !<-.*. richest vou e Nnd smok« d the In st « igars K.i Iumv fh-rvirt* ha* initit* u r« |N»rt «b«»wing that Ik * knew of the employment of ofilv two Ka -t I.isrktv • ,!■<. |; •• f> •*. .1 I ill was int real ue»-*l for the relief of the- iu mid o*9*an five yearsliefore, ami w lioac 1 troit. Hilisdalc .v lucliaua Kaiiroaci t <*nqparry j lion* of Pre-side nt and Vfee-Pre*id# lit, and to of Mttv m. n in Id* mI. In the surging crowd in and about that thr ps< Lag''* carried in the mail*, coti- other* —William 8 King, to whom lie paid 1 |.vn n < - * pictured face lay near her heart night i 1 • ...... Vitjoiirue-d. estafdfeh a trilainsl for the decision of au# h ** ^ ou tli «hi whi jvert d ccrning ahiclr express ct>uipuni«*« have com |I2.%,ibni , ami Kiehard 8. Parson*, who was election* as may t**- contest -d. ami day. sleeping and waking; but tr.be Faiieuil Hail there wa* yesterday seeu t> cl; ...... 9* *» Hoi sk .—Ut>neurrent renolufiona were* to her e'f, " 1 have Ih-cii so cn»M to mmi signifleant ppNif of the ititen'C intere*t plained, form 1« ** than 2 |*-r rent id the 8i was tia» full of life an*l lio| e to live cn- | i puoiM-d asking ( oiigre-*' to aid iu l.uul lirely in the past, and loved neither t«» nig.it iUht tome d»v 1 will In- kind with which the eitix n>of Ik>ston regard weight of the a!nk matter ami J* Ihsn one Parson* f l(l,ian on BtockwellV a'**>unt. lie by the legislatures Uiereof, hukCongress m.

■rtaoai Oaed BO Co. '* Btinc 'iw Sordines, 1 MihjmJ t«M IBM hall tb* wti »t No llii rot thr KRCiri—The »RR« VltTaR, Orly a few girla ’ and boys ’ Sleighs Norica.—All persona wanting A Gratiot Journal oajrt : “ The Michigan Jaxuiv liHii, 1875. left at the 8t Johns Furniture Booms, No. 1 Bob Sleighs at reduced prices. NINETEENTH BARGAINS. Hlata lloaid of Health haa kmllj acat Mr. Kioto a—/wr Str In jour bciog Honed oat at eoat please call at the oficeof the St. Johns Manufacturing Compauv. Only a few ua a remedy for the treatm* ut of the issue of tho 14th instant, you atate, aa iiot 'M) FOH L>K*I K A Bl.K RmIim* •• Malt. setts left. [432 w3] Uinwi, ll. J«ha», will U exchanged on a fen drowned, with foar illustration*. show* a fact, that Bengal towuahip has not V IU<|alrt •< f K trm». %mA| Jahataa. •« Tai esimi, aaS ... , , . I » 0 >»TIC* AT AM A HO At N The ft. J,.^. MarsiiSr •( Wee* Jersey, ‘Ojt how to shake riu up after their drawn a single ceut from the couuty —Mr. Heed of Maple Hapide, will *»» •♦>—ll %rn* of land. o. ’hfinm |1 lg give hie paity iu commemoration of thrifty ><>••« FroU Trm, and runlamlik 1 LLU TED I. S, SK\I10RS rescue; hut ss there is hardly enough poor fund, during 1874, for the rel;ef itP the Father of our Country, on Friday -OF — urn. Apply in I'hHm A AiUvia. 1421 .... _ water in this whole region of couutrv of her itoor, at oue which uo other towu . Andy J oli nsoii of Tenues*©© alter . . , /(. . r . . # , eveuing, Febuary llHh, instead of the | St. J#ba•. ll.k.T. .cxmup .1, i Ui,r,i 10 J,0'“1 ‘ Ui0W' ** h*’« uo “* ,or lu “• eo ““0 «*“ bo »"‘ of - No* let J-d, as baa heeu the custom. See ad. i ^TWre^wtU W a RagwM^Oooctavo^ Ot Johns | g if .1 . . n i!,, MHlv MM! Oil tl»C l^C rcm‘i°"& Capt j »0 inform JOU that Victor township in another column. C.W. STEPHENSON & SON, th# following 4*t«>* 55lk ballot. i Mudge baa gone out of the steamboat baa not drawn a penny from said fund No.|17 Clinton Avenue, ST. JOHNS, MICH. Kndae. JtnutrT U. 1ST* Fria»),llarn^». |tis j Buraalde sr* elec ted on the drat bal- husineaa, we have loet all our taete for for two years past. Wall Pafrr I Wall Papke !!—j —... •• r#b. 4, - O rkrhvrr . « «* || *• Int after the * ithilrawnl uf bl««i» navigating the waters of the Maple and M. HEAVENRICH’S STORE. Rt Ohm *» tat K C Wf stand corrected. —Kd . X”.;:,':; Another Crash in Eastern Markets, and K S KUUONK. R*#nrd«r . ’ its tributaries lienee we would eell bottom price.. All p«r.on. eootem i W© haV© bought largely thin tim« *£%%» ft MO *1 UtWITT. Hoc*iw i* I'rvtrrtfl. , • ■. ------i eatioe seaaoo is near at hand. tbe rcDiejj cheap to anybody contein- , ...... platiog papenug and painting can avail SI. JskRR Lfdff he. IW, F. k A M. Persona ------I ~l" ,,0P * d ’c,t‘‘i,,6 **«»»•« pl.ting Miicide in . w.,h tub. January 19th. 1875. 1 MrM,h S| p Mil men s >r themselves of first class workmen by Jd cent WoritiHl Dree Mood, now ofl.red for 14c l«adi*a' CatwHa worth 74c for 60c. NoUrit. I’ublir, iu making application, . sllmg .t ll.e 8k Join. Kurnitur. H1J. B.„j ,.BlJ . lobdlea' WoO* Uuk for .4r. worth 40r. f*b#re will bo a regular Oomnukirattan <»f Ml arc hard IS great folly. ~mmm F.om Ow Of> Con wyoiAnl All wool Kmpreve Cloth ueually aoli«tcnao aa Lima.—A fewfc* weeks*eek.i I 1 lhe Mrwn.in.ol remains of Dr.ur. Frankrruk Webbtv.bb of ol, should, »houbl forwaidforwsid withwill, thotbo application,application j Rooma.Koonr. SatisfactionSsti.f.ction guaranteed.gu.r«ntecd, 1u.llU„ tii. „JO,, we are now aeiiin* at Hi rrtti per yard. I ng dalw ‘ (leai'a Fur ffata worth |3 for ft L. 11*11 A Co. ’s. [480:w2] .i»c. the Super,nUnden. oM-.bl.c In- , Aim., tiratiot conuty, ««• brought on. doll.,, to par tbo Kocrct.ry ol Th«ATntcai..-M^,. Muon A Mor- tier.t'a Fur llat worth f2 for fl 40. UmU*}, Jaautry It Ull Monde;, Jill) II, HU. Uent'a Winter Cape worth fI and fl &#, for 74c. " Ir' ninr) 14, ** •* Aug IS — Saturday last was a busy day in received* a letter,* forwarded* hero and interred* 1 withA Maaonic ccra- j Statow# fur *tb. * commia»ion, in piinnanee (;0n1r,any 14U e*at feteefc A Ipnra fur 40 >*■•■<■ • ) »*'l and fl - M«nk |.». “ •* mr|it.U, “ Ills uo Up of All Milk Oro* Ornln Itlbbo*, nil tx»lor*, 3 y Iuc Iki •* April If. * • Oct. 1|. “ Ihat quality American Hpo«il Cotton, alle&loia, towwu. from the I'pper IVmuaula, which wai |i cent* per yard and numf^ra, for 3r. per apool or 44r. per dt wa •• May 17 *• Nov a. •• Lln*n Sa«h KibboDt, warranted luaaih.oal; Ijwdiea' Black and Kabty KM iilvves, worth fl 4# •* Jum 14. * M I»v#. f *• — The sleighing i. improving from ur'«in»lly .ddreed ■» follow. tcnd.nc was unusnally large. miiH per 3 ard lor only f | per p«lr. Dr.iiii or an Kmimaulk Lady .—O n pr»»fcas»0D, entertained a gt>od)y num- Bv Oimi of mi W M day to day. ! ~ ------I 1)r- To PP"'K r* “,ofv<1 » P»inful Tu 1‘aper < oliara US .per bos. Fstr* ilt-avy lirown tfheetlns oily lOr. for yard, Ilf-aty Kenlurky J< on f«r le. 30, Zb Bfi 1 Ju. w ith Hplendld *-'» of l.cdWV Kura for fa 4© at*d f3 40, C. »* W It K*. > Friday, 15th inst., Klirabcth, wife of her of onr cititen a at Newton Hall, on V&, .17 S *»d .VO i rut a |M-r >ar.|. Ur Hui'trr Urcle fioui the ankle of l>r. Hollister worth fj !o and f4 * • per art —• lirwu wood wanted in exchange Ferdinand tidier, proprietor of the I uesduy evening, at which time they Vl rent Woolen Flannel for 33 ranta The U-at make of I'uuim I I'rlnt only 8©r per lb. M. JohuN l lupifr, N®. 4j, K. I. >1. *• of Maple Rapid*, on the I9lh iustodtt. Lxtra l*»a\y Hhirtin. F-aotiri otil) 2U cent# pn Wachine N«-<|U-«, all atyli-*, only 4i . each or iue for riolhing. A Tkacuoit A Co. Dallas House," died of intlauiahou of brought out that hcautilul and no Km ) ard, worth 4©c. per do ken. i he letter was of course intended for The tubercle +ad been growing four Wool t'lMlmrrrt for f 1 per yard, worth fl 30 fjeat’a yood heavy Fulta for 4% worth flO- fWtv wtll b* * r' duu, C taroeelloii of r*i . Join.. — Fanners are taking advantage of the lungs, aged HI yeais. fcvhe had difficult piece cutith'd “Fanchou, or the All allk Haalt Eibliotia. 6 and 4 Inrhea wide, only tient'a fiKxl t aaaimere Hult* for flO worth f 14 the recent fail of snow and s.e bring* fro « of the in- year., and was very painful. W eenta per yard (lenl'a Fine limit Malta for f 14 worli fjo ( bnpte*. No. O, H A M , mt tbe toltoolug d.lr* ; , .. . heiti sick but two weeks previous to Mother' 1‘raycr,’ iu a manner second Water-proof for fl and fl 24 pet yard, worth Alao, a similar reduction In Ovcreoata. reowloy, J<«n. )S. 1173, Tuetdav, July It. Iv74. fl 24 and f | 10 “ K«b 14. •• ** Au« lit. •• i_ing.. largoi...... quantitic.....______of wood i into atown tdligent school~ inspectors'Mpuctor. iu aa eountvcounty 'i■ bebe Masonsvtaaon. ofof DcWitt1 c > .tt have jn.t L ^ ,Sho w„ , .i9tcr u, Jubo none of the other eomp.n.e. that •* Mtr. 17. - Hrpt |«. •* — A new disease nsembling that of b”rJ,* r,l,K ™ L*Ae Huron, who wanted lilted up their new lodge rooms, and 1 ^ 7'!‘ *■ tl,»l *hl1 *•*«> Hr.wa eoatiug ft and upw ard* wc will ** Apr IS. “ ** >• a crlmsM baaiwr, nearly three weeks for it to i each the I L.rt\f an.* who knew her. bhc leaves a kind has been alloted us. But to say the *#-%%> nre Note t|fSI. far Ibr r«ltkrstc4 llwrurailc Paper Fallrra*. O, viii ikou vlib tu« • *lt'lghip||o s, . | . . From Our Own Cotrc*pon«lcnt • busbaud and a four-year-old sou to least, they are worthy of the support of for l.uUIrs* an4 C It lid rru’i urur. a Iu- yndcptndrnt * b* The donation for the benefit of Fiof. omurn lor hr, who have the full an appreciative public. Mr. J. L. . r ;; 7?? ,,h,t ou "‘,, 8t ^ oicki nMD,o»tk. 151* 10.0.1. pwvoi!,, roi .„b,o rlU'w!,0k, community. iireicc, the advauce agent, is h gentle- Johns blood, had bit cart warmed suffrage, because w.mcu uiaa t 0ff pleasantly, leaving a net profit of ------— ------uiun wl S. W. STEPHENSON & SON. ho feels at home in the sanctum for his insolence at the paity at New J know enough to i e electors. I.anting * INSTALLATION or OtriCIRl.—At ; ( y No. 17 Clinton Avenue, Jan. 12, 1474. 430 HOME MATTERS. , or up *n the stag**. He ia full of energy, tf*n Hall, last Friday night. Republican The donation and oyster supper held * ,r8 uia,_ ^ -laple Kaj id-v a0<] atUowa notLin^ to ewosapw bi#uoiice ALTA It. — Who will he the n»*xt po*inn-*i r t — Big stock of photograph alburns at the HOtb, for the benefit of Rev. Mr. ^°* 1 ^ 0. F.f hd ! at Wljj l#,nj t(j proDiote t| Tortfr, Haikiu!.* IliMra, Anoturr Fihk—The Ovid Register ou promote the best *• That i*t the tjuisfioii bargain*, at Kuinioits. BROWN-COZY At tb«- rrala and beat IM and in. Rank IIloch, south two-story wing of \\ . (’. Ben- Net proceeds $«>4. IIOIX.S AT 1IFM IR of many warm frletida iu tint Ojeality for a ♦ " It V V (1TY. Midi hotel and an extensive bnek-yar-a#fot tour down tha atrearn of time, which net s elegant brick residence, corner On the evening of the lGth instant, K 8. —A. T. C’roaa. JOHN C. CROUL, — Mr F rn|et„,n. •'* m Onr OwnCorrrai»on4«ut. .nay be rendered rough or atu<>otb, at will. of Main and High streets, in an iu j the officers of North Riley (.range, No. DAVIH-ORKTNON.-O b the evening of Jan 211. OtNEKAI. has bia card* out f'*r a party «»n the bit* t*t the devil. I he ia*t three chap Trawaurrf. -1, 1. Htmlh Map it Hafids , Jan. 2Gtb. 1X74, at the reaidenee of the bride ’# parent# by • i- i t °redihly short time the roof was swarm* 134*» were nubliclv installed bv (’ort- ters comprise a ten years biography of . . t . t t puunciy umtaiiea vj v-t»ri Tht ecreiuonicfl were conducted by Miss Ann Rlacklev uas seized with K'T. Mr. Fox, Mr. Htmuel Ihivi#, of ot. JvLw, *J ‘Jd February, next. and Mia# ©<*r#h Ureyaon, of i>anavil!e INSURANCE AGENT, it»g with men with axes, who chopped land Hill. K«q., Master of the Bengal L. Z. Manger, D. D. G. M., assisted violent hemorrhage of the lungs on Vali . —Softly, <,uieti> glided 8am luto my — A mv ad “I n* w C' uiiicrieit his mot her -1 u • la w, ornamental ll'ro tl,c roof in several places, which Grange Mr. Hill entertained the by J. II. Ingall, J). G., and others of Saturday night last, which continued lion#, warmlng the chill chamt<«ra of my heart m pnaei t# the folfowtng Coropaolea : three cent piena hav iiitii*b* I hellIf up- —— smMr. r. Mvn.Geo. t'-JjSi ’C, Utin ______( _ , 0 , . painter, haa purchased the livery atoek , uulU^ B e * bucket brigade to de- j people very ably and piofitably by an St Johns Lodge, No. 81. with theeffulgence of Li# love ; but ailentljr, like Norik larriai. Pbi!ad©lphia. \nrti»t«T__f 4.000.004 until Suuday afternoon. Great fears n»##v In Drccwtef, w»ated, withered that love pexraiice in Detroit. Nuarx Vw Iwk...... >1.540,004 -Tho t'niun Fair .Inch clu*-,l i. I Mr Nlttil, Md will Mill fur.h.r Jjj *Jj* W,,l‘ * “'r »lth,n I'cl.lion, arc l.ctog eirrol.lcl here. or.#rt<>ua <»f a chunge. for many, «*’ f moona had ►©"' #• • .1.- - v. w #a ary prove fatal. he been tr^i.afertng hi# love to another aud I knew j © lb* one wturco of ..lm.«i«u, *2,.KW I -o.r lb. gri.i .ill. ’leM ,uur »h* fil* * “ *■><» 1»i«« really .ignej, ..king o..r Mil. Kditor :—On Saturday evening Mrs, Dr. Hollister was attacked with it n. t. Well may I exclaim with lire fallen "Car­ last, a few of the ladies of St Johns dinal Farewell ' a long farewell to the little loTe ro tiii: n ui.ic I.n lit -> < 111 a. that Da b<‘ oc * Legislature t«> amend the Prohibitory — Rev. Mr. Largo, of <■ iand Rapids, * the same malady on Monday, and is you bore me. Hope heaven # axnr# being —Ju#t ken© letter paper at Kintiton*, sl*o full casioned by the settling ol a chimney li<|uor law aasctnVded at tlic residence of Mrs. R. will preach iu tho Kpiscopsl 1 hurcii, line of other writing p;«)ier. quite feeble. lipped me with her wtnga a# ahe jtaaaed. 1 looked which had caused a futsuie near the Me Far lan, for the purpose of consid ­ but for toward# the atar# #he went, »o»t in etbereaj llavlr g le##e*i the buiidinv ut the corner of Clio- Prof. Russ©l, the renow utd temper* ton A venae and lliubani Htreet for a form of yeare, Sunday, February 7lh, inoruiug eve —An agricultural papei any* that Many of our citizens are quite ill. biue. Ab roe!-Ham — thu# deaoi#te, more than roof 1 ».c damage must be consider- toce lecturer of Detroit, wdl lecture at ering the matter of siding the destitute 1 have fully repaired, remodeled and furnished tbe niug kind words will cure a cow of kicking, No prevailing difr-ase, except a little thl# I cannot .ay : -1 'p> r r »,i #(fgLt be a brhlal i>ight, I Mtoia ire. and would — The uext Social of the C’otigicga but many p re lei the old wsy of uiaul scarlet rash. Mrs. \V Hanes is one of A tel faytneu light hi# lofth**# fre#h aud Hi* ■ay lo tbe cltlr.-n# and farmera of th# aurroundlng ibe interior flooded ailb wii*r. U< *** niog. 29tb in.unt We t* pcct . tew present, uo organization was ef­ country, that tb*y will And thi# herenfer aeon the victims of that. fort able, quiet plaee to brinf their families for tional church aud society, will le* held the crittei with a ft to e rail until fected. All tbos© interested in the covered by in.ur.nce." crowded boM*. R.ro.T.a About sixty of the friends of Messrs. at the rcaidcncc of Mr. Josiah l pton, her heart is biokin. ■•••* project —both ladies and gentlemen — . , . . , ., 1 Richards turned out on Wedueodav Tuesday evening. Feb. 2d. —The Great Western has also re- bowitn Station .—*Ote day lost F.ALLI. Ill MS. are requested to meet at th© residence ... J COMMERCIAL. Lnnch or a Good Square Meal, ■ .... evening last, and gave them a surprise — We notice that Hon. S. S. Wab duced its rates of fare from Detroit to "'* cb ** 'P* 111 » f* w hours in this ------of Mra. A. Teacbout, on Friday eve- * * . At oil hours, aud at tbe biweat living pr.ra# —the company furnishing their «\vn ST. JOHNS MARKET. ker ha^ introduced a bill to amend the Buffalo. Return tickets are sold at 8^ uprightly little village, and in looking; Laole , Jan. 25, 1875 uing, ‘J'Jth instant We hope for ■ • I'lrature Fnrlir# will be waited on and refreshments. Corrected weekly by R.N.Olit*oi».(irvC«r served txlth act incorporating the village of Ft. and first cUm. single fare is placed at »bout. was iu no small degree surpr sed From our own i ^rrapomfooi. general manifestation of interest. Rev. Mr. Woodard s donation passed Jolius. ff5, wliile s**eond class may he had for witness the many fine and permanent Wm McCruuib, an old resident of Price* far larutcn' Products. <> A' S T E R N, Cowmittek . off very pleasautly, the receipts com ­ — The Maple Rapids Mett*ngtt|$4 improvements made within the last this town, died at his home, on Fiiday Map.# Huaar...... -•* '* 4 L pare very favorably with other dona* Applea. per Du...... w © *■ Id all tha various Cylea, at #bort Doties. eoo..-. to u. eoUi«e.l, ,„d iu _ Tl.cre .re i.e.rly two ibouMi.d J>»r Among tb. uu.uUr U the erect “J of Coo.umptmD .Ked 50. IW.tion -Tl.e don.t.oo party Beau# per Du ...... I -* © * y liooa. Beeswax per ID...... Jnli rtvon *« Celebrated Standard ether ^e^pects, improved. The pro- m»*n, women and children in Detroit * ou completion of a aubstauiul and -Mso, ou the same day, Mr**. Lidia, given at the retideoca of *1 Butter per lb...... *• * Hrand of Oy ale rt aiway a on band and for (Jusrterly meeting will be held in B«rley per ...... 1 24 («* l •< sale by the run. prietors have our heal wishes of success receiving aid from the j*oor fund of we^ arranged store building by Mr. ( ^ ortland, I|l4 iCyaart. »Scott, and at the Sherwood school* the M. K. Church in this place, on Buckwheat pel l'*)lt # 2*0 ft - ^ tlabDftge per loo ...... S t#J © ' 'n — The pi. turo .d Queen Isabella in W only, and about double that Nicholas <, r fortiori j of the firm Mr K r A t this place drove house, in Green buah, on Thurs-lay Saturday and Sunday next, Rev. Mr. Clover aet-'l per Du ...... ® J* © * £* Entrees : Bottled Lager Freeman will assist in the service. Corn per bu ...... ^ A Hpenalty at the Farmer's Home Restaurant and being iclievca from of Gcller Broa., hotel keepers. The Ledg©. on Thuralay, 21st evening of Inst week, for the Uocfit of The Iricnd* of Rev. K. Mudge have Cider per sal...... lu Ox 12 Saloon. last llarpcr'» is tremendous. .She is20. number who are Carrot# p* -r bu...... jo m Mi JOHN BUT ANT, Proprietor building is f*U\24 feet, two atorios, and an3 loft his hors*.* and cutter Hie* Rev. Mr. \\oo«!ard, was well at- golicitcd the use of the M. E. Ghurcb, I Ireaai-«l Loft ...... 7 to 'ft 7 Tu f©ct, more or lea**, girth. Looking at the city fund. Ure«ae<• can Paprr io Uelroit. Sunday-school Library, at the M*aid©nce xritbiu thirty days from the date of this 12 (0t 14 than he intended in the construction of and bcais the following description .— comiums for the skillful manner iu I^ard per lb...... Th© XX rrUly Fotl fer 1474. of Rev. C. Smith, iu Essex, on Friday notice [432:2w.] Lire Dof# per 100 lbs...... 4 00 (jc 0 DO Oataper bu...... 44 04 4o tit© building, is now lacking sufficient horoe with white on right bind which they blowed joj into every ap- M US I lion Till: ( tFITIH. 1 ijO (n 1 24 It t# f. n« rally c«.t <«.iv l by intrliifant raaJrc ©veuing, Feb. 5th. A gencisl units | St. J bt,s, July 25ih, 1^75. Omooa per bu...... havmg i L# «>|»ff>f1 unitu-w nf comparison, tbtt In aL Pelt#...... 1 no '8 1 4« means to properly stock it, and desires leff* •n'1 a sn'al1 0Ur 00 Lmchcad. New preciative soul. As hss been their SO 44 44 that go#* to mak# up a fir«t claw n#«#pap#r vat tion is extended. Stabling for home* — Full lln© Mauk at Kininnnt. Potatoes per Du...... if M Lina journal#. It to rent to some live business mau with 8W<11 cutter, cushioned and finely practice for many years past, the good Ta>low per lb...... 4 (fl 7 ru Our I dot «! Me- lion tl'#: Will < r**dit lo the towo, tl new single barneas, with black us jubilant by the presentation of a \* I surmiaetl in ray letter of U^t Rye per b0...... 71 U ou lintUty. \% L. - Pxtra pe» bu...... 0 00 (4 1 00 A# a P*mi!r Xe» jujer, Tua Wum Post, at I — —______i.1 ^ 1 »il-*n A 1 t"'il. hardwaro dealer* in or, bo will uko ao iomoal widk Mcfc trimmed pad. Any person returning prize cake, for which tl*y bav# our «n k. wotiM »**• th.- , w© l,.»ve -m- ** No. 1 per bu...... 1 o2 (mrmh#r that It# column# ar# for tha lit* % persou. yoi.na a# wt il a# the old, and that th# moral# aa meeting held in that city Jan 12 obtained good* of them under faU© Mr. .Schemer and Mr. Gruler, both The outfit was rained at about $225. f..tar© I Michigan, w hich D one of the iteps Itrtall Price*. well a# th# mind are part of a nrw.papwr aducauon. Halt per bbl ...... 1 74 (i IN Whil# b >ptr s to nrotnot# th# s#n#ntl rood through was recommended to the tender mercies r©i»r©4ontaii«»n*, shout four years ago. ----- ivrard br< iWin^ up Granllatn in tbo - ran .... T* <31 •> thi# medium, it will #crupuou»ly guard against do ­ N N “ Wbolaaale, per ran...... 3*i Ot. 00 ing individual harm. genual dealers, arv each doing their Installation or Orrirnts.—On nation. It D a direct rebuke to iirant of the court, aud of the officer* in charge __Competition make* cheap fare ! — —~ ■# r per NV ... • O 4*4 Th# Literary character of Tat Wat alt Po #t ii shsrv of bu»inc*a. ihi i. it inns ill Saturday night last, the newly elected in hi* attempt to make the civil, *ul>- Corn inral per lOM ba.... 1 (jl 2 00 higher in tone, and broader tn #cop« than that of of the Asylum for the Insane at Kala- The (irl0fl Trunk will not enter the 4 any other lietroit paper. It# N«w# Departmont is Mr. L W. Baldwin, tha well Luowu' -* —------officers of Keystone Grange, No. 226 onMnata to the military power, and the Water llm# per t • ••• 2 24 ABM rditexi with reference *o furnishing th# moat accu- a>** <**' Saratoga combination, and haa reduced llloaburub r«»al per ton ...... 14 00 ft 0 '*M rv.e information on the most subject# Tb# twenty* i.. t. i. Kmm w ^ . .v . Supeiviwjt who lately purchased tbei Mafle K aim ns, Jan. 25th, 1 *7 5. of Greenbntb, ’ were publicly ioeUlled «>n«,,uent cemr.llr.tlo.. of the power — An old l» lj 10 tome lie, l-«CO»e |he jce of ,,ckl.u botweeo Detroit , \ . . . J *T . n. ,. v „ _ Corunna eoal pertoo ...... ® '■ *<• ® **• Ct# to for*y column# of telegraphic #teb«# r#- i ,• . H* v- «t* it , o. t » ; of government iu tli© military power* Hmoke .1 Kant# ...... 12 *4 P ceived #wrh week by Thb hint F< #t ar# carefully disgusted with sluianscs She says if .,.,1 i<„frAin frnn . AT toil f<»r fir*t class . , , by Master, \\ . N. >V illev. of St. John* * . . . .* * . . W<*>! ...... 40 <4 i* • >n i#ii-ei and #outmana#d rep#ctally for th* Wm and Buffalo from $« to lor Ural class ^ ftew Rffig|#r of ind nofr (>n Wednesday evening last, some / ’ ’ * until the pom|>o \ er reserved to the Mat©* lt, and thu# th# n#wa fnm all part# of th# world all the people in the country wore to and fro|I| |;, t0 go (or ond claa* Grange, a* follows : i« given with each Issue. In addmori. U . Ib>n"»it NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. amount of domestic event#. Tha pro ceeding* of prioter* who make 'em would put in ..Card* are out and preparation* l>arlur#v. — Chaumrv is-xt«r. w ielding that military power. Other 8tat# organisations, the Legislature, religion*, edu ­ is believed he will do a thriving busi-1* f|J who, to uae an old pbr sc, were niraard Wm O aor cational, and other local bodies are earefuliy re­ aoms total eclipses of the auo and mooo, ir#r ha# been gaining ground steadily for — An exchange truthfully aav* that g t j0hUP> alKi Coleman of Green hush- * t |‘om<..kv x. ry inviting i the call was unexpected by Mr. and 150 pETSOM Wert promt, Rod | BT. JOHNS. Fubtiah#*! in the State, and there are thousands of thorough pesos! s* weekly newspapers rcputa:ion for party-giving, Mm. K., everything was found in or- ** cIomi of tbe iustallatioD c«'ra- w 11 the detail* of the‘ Senatorialn * ,'1 ismtlte# who maintsiu this opinion, as the result of to patrons. Monday Evening, Feb. 22. 1875. impartial and Intelligent observation. Whatever do The daily newspaper issued ye* _ K Thoms* street schoolboy had J i .. ___ «§ # c. . struggle, and the final triumph of the r.uui^u #1 ...v row.cr House d©r, for even such a multitude. After roon,fs ' M*osrs. R. Moore. A. otout . -mdleHsm and Itrantism rnroearea will enlarge it# character in this regard, We stopped at the Fowler A good Band of Mu#l<* haa be#u ar#ur«-d. and establish new claim# to confidence and respect will be promptly adopted. 0 T- T J",u"1 •!' V >•' 5 f.©*, #»<«-«».,.!.«b##, ,»w.» wm,*****«.;«,h“ II. LFE, rrop r. The Pftllllcn of The Fo*i y newspaper rt * ini * #, love one aindht r, w mi a snow-ha elaa tells it, w« were unuEoally well converaation, etc., tbe company took ^mbly by short, yet stirring and io* eonntry has got rid of Wad©, Pomeroy, Tsa F' at will continue to be to tbe future what uv ^ ,,n wnwpwwm ^ wa#is — v v ^ T J ^ j n v / » It haa been In the past, a faithful and earnest ad va­ fr©shnc** for a week 1 he weekly kit kirn io tho mouth and so confuse 1 otrri.inrd. , «i.J . premded... for, winch' i. their- - -le»»e with-- . reoewed- .wnir.oce ' ------* tr"cti*e------ijwlie..‘ A g-ocr»l------* —good 1: ...... Butler, C.. haodler, and• »re making ef- cate of tb# principle# and organisation of the Re i* kept and referred lo ©very day until him ||ia| he yelled publican party. XVi'bout the latter, tho former e yelled “ B.ll Jtjkc. j„.t tomHh ,ooo»»o# fo, pDcw of tbi. th.t - K.te” .nd “ Kre.1 * well under- tm# wm b#d. fort, to rid tl.em.elve. of il.rlr cohort.: WASHINGTON BALL. matt nwaanly b# a «J#ad letter. No great politi­ the succeeding number appears. Every that ngirin and I'll chaw vour ear . . . .i • #. . I ------iCameroui, Carpenter, M«*rton. Kamaev cal measure* enu be effetted in a republic except ^ siz©. and in a comparativelyiparatively new conn-conn* stand bow to eoterUi*entertain tbeir friends, ...... hi:ii...... KxtATE... . , .. . , r Thapihlifar# invited to attends Social 11,rough parties and party organisation. Good doc­ tnemher of th© bou*choh! l»«eomes 0^” r 7 and that das* of men. Tarty, at trine# may be prrached, and the wisest and moot (horou.hlv f.iwiti.r with it, content. __ T. « I...... irf No* • M#l I. prepnnd bwt wb.t »»< »b#* th.r. M BOt 0#l; •' # good The follow Ing are the Iran,.r,Ion. j nur,„K the p,rt wwk there llM ^ Wnrhcent thrones «rolr#d, through individual ® ^ , • ii Then . a gru o. p> J iu thoir tnble#—which .re arranged upon time coming, hut • good linio p».i, M I in real tttate for the week eliding Jan-1 ,(Ut „me legl.Ution effeete»ry_»l. 1»75: tical imp!### ran be made upon the administration torial contest ah«orhing most of th© Urseufcush, if gov#tr m#nt. The people <»f the country will ol- ti«©menta, tU t In Iavrnport l# RtletM Kmen, N W. MMlSV , wavs l*o divided into two principal parties, on# or member* of tb“ ehoir meet twice a Petition* are piling iu from iriMtJ annesranc©. found in tbe heat ho- Tbe donatioo held at Rood's Hall. of i*rc U, lown 7, 1*4 a.Tea. |1«*». . | lim©. Wwtidny FffSl ng , Irb. jf*. 1171* th* other of which most control puhUe aflaire Tar K#w, low a lieon*© law and all i>©tition* on the bin* o|M>n which rests the beet hope* of the coun­ Hudaow !. HrftBey t» l^wi# 7 l^n«. N K x of , ,OH * »i«NPnao law , aioi an |>©mion* on kmpihf: try. Individual member# ol It may ptwea corrupt N K g ol ji. ami tb# N xx* % of the N xv 4 thi# subject ar© refered 4#* a simm ial or tnefllcaret , acne of it* mea»urca or policies may of H*e. w town 7, *0 a#r*#. | . . .1 11 , / be unwise; wrongs and detects ma* exhibit them ______person very pleasantly, and th© receipt* Marts It. My#r#to u#ry c. Jon*#, lot# 3 and 4. committee of seven on til© liquor traf- *#lvea In this, a# well as in every other atganleat ion *•/*"' ““ hr IW' ,! K' Bu,‘k', rhocrilr, lo . patient, ' yn b.re got M b, MrvM| ,lU) . muro p„Ut.ble #1 . tot.l looting of »55, cult. *?**3*? „ ^ w _ I fie. Probably the prohibitory law will LIV E R Y, that haa eieM aince the world began, hut under­ ©tins R. JntiM to Jam«-a k 8 W X of 8 K * 1 lying every impettectiom. it ha# a Wtter She# than School- 17 *17."'"', ' ^7! 'V A *'• “*, f* r. r":af\,n ‘ ,nr*' •' ,hi* h0,M-th,n »• “r •“"■‘I Tb* k&s*&22iitz ______, 1 he„ repealed,, but, just,, w hat w ill l*e *ult- »nv party that ha# administered the Oovemment Itont#! Johnson to 8#mu#l XV#t#oi M 4 of XX* \ Bonrdhii? and Nalr SlablF. •nice the adoplw.n of the Gonftttution In th* teat »ch«..l II...... hj.ct W.. .I.ly hand wo.,,,-1 S«i III '■ )-« 4#• I t...tel >u th. interior >f .VI ichig.n Tbo b« the people of M.plo Knpid*. for st. J-.t, A Uutnf.l cannot J« he even . tury ; and it ho# don# more lor the good of man- rd Hprlrg StMr __ »d, ana for the drrrtapmest ol thu Nation, thaw led. tod eviaood tbe urongr.t eridcoce Dootor, ” interuptrd the p.tient : - I re bo>, ,n4 bo ,,CM M -g n.tured -tuie time put. wu the gre.t wheel- i «-.?! Brou- t. tl.ib. 1^-.., w , ■ •" r '*1"* * ‘ Mill, 8t Johns. •ny other party that ha* aver existed. Whaler** **-* *^7*^ bwcwlelge of the.itu- .uffered enongh .,n jnnr gruel .nd .lop., and lure nothing nndun. to hirrow ule. which took place oo ’ am#, |) 4larn#on Mutton K A of W 4 reeled in it. and the Republican party fo aafor to ho attoo. beantifiillv i.«>rtr#vin» L.i. I . . ... ______.t... i______1 ’ ® . r___ . ENnf N zt,li*.a»#*iK *, Sw. 2S. t•! N starve ■ Htai begin <.n muke tbeir goeoU eomfortab!© It is a Saturday Ust, at the corner of Maple Lhwfoa I. XX arnar to AnfrllD* L W.rnar, F. % |. a IllOSt excellent d«K*um©ilt, and the CEO. W. SACE, Proprietor. opponents, who were the Brat to set the example of Of r# ^ hi tO^ r n | l>I rW. * lOWfl irruption, fraud and peculation In onr public nf. 0 , . , 11 bay and oaffJ* rire for 0, j0 *pcsk of tbe cirli, Aveoue and Main street, under tbe di- I>#vi4 T lloatan to Jnha If k##t.m, nndivtded LegislatureI.exi-].uwire authorized a large number fairs. Tub Post will he an independent Republican Of preparing the scholar for a coatse of ------—------for it sometime, create, a feeling cf reel tons of officer Foster F. Owen. The 1-1 lntr#wt in tot 7, owf lot B. Nt. Johns, f2.t*nu print©*! Iii European language*, to be I .nd o 4k#r# win End it to Martin Bnmro#r to Addisow Cardnvr, i* \ of W newspaper within th# Republican party. It will T? H«Trnxri. — Li Jay laM Mr. Ro^ jttlously in our own household; but property told were the go. ids and chat H of N W a of 8## 14. town 4. wo*, L4>. sent abroad to encourage emigration, j Jkdr MrMtiiv hy |l«tnc »• • «mi* b»fcwa wim fearlessly #xpoee and aeeh to reform the abmaoa and I B#wontr K oihall Jr„ to S/lvr#vt R K rohoF, a* our commission on foreign eniigra- ’>a* t'mem era~ 4131 wrongs of its own party It will baldly oppasn and clear, illuatratragwell. that k© was we m J.sy thst th* re ar. three dau,b Re. of eerUm eonuLlwr. on thi W H nf N IX V of So#. 02, town 4. f24, measure# and policies which it baiter#* lo he uowtao the i Alva II XX alkrr Lo Mary U'Brvan, Hlurv# Lula tiou is abolished. No State In the Ayy|\irQSADV DAI I It will no* ho the slave hut tho into and faithful wMtar of bis calling, tbe roost ©nn«»h •• fin* 4 fn^^e,pho^»gr*pl» of him-elf *no / ^ ^ . c . »» •» » i 114 and |17. Stark 42. Si Johns, ft "ft. w hole luion can show such natural A N PI I V L II O A ft T DAL La friend and honest unite of the organ Mutton with sddre*w©d lo his father in * nulation, and the Tit* pabHi ar* lavtlftS t# tltra# a party at x\ ekave the seventeenth bu-nitisl what surprised at reeciving the same Drove % Dr;M fitT the bewt wm Miebi- •$*• vigilant eye of tbe law coaid fiod, | A local organization of this character n»e«*age Is Mod iu showing this. Wif of party has proved by MpgtlXi to he a gwunt humbug and a lying cheat The paiml report of tbe Deaf, Donib and Blind package from this <48 *© That wkieb - ^ I . -. with which tosstiwfv 4 certain inJ* has been |»erfe**ted by the business men N ork In the legislature w ill now w* lEED’S HALL which undertakes that rale almost always degea iw^.lation lm-.lej .1 fl.Bt Tk* pro# 'Lo .,.,«et,n« . m^ee,. » «*" {'"U doo us w,lu •»«cn towatiifxelbl , a certai i JMf»|^ m *...m ____ ,i_ pu*he*l forward more rapidly, tbe Urge era to# into a #nmm#n aoold and not —as. naming Mifk Rapl4a, the ooalcm© af both pnrtiea, and is neMhor better rnt, rfMOU iwwtitatia# U full, **.»« “ ^ «» « •» b«‘ *' rb " ^ 'b00* the members tvo wovwe then a more hnahwhoaher. Tha* odaewa i # # #| q <» ----- — ------— —■— ——.— • — —win I##* pwwi in* with promise*, paettma Tna Poor will newer occnpy It ia Rowwh- r / . . . , . # \ it having been in Ibe “old ©owwtrT nature. ______; •** *" "f,r ei Jert of the organisation Is to protect Its threats, nor bogu* petitions to vote for I r IO ft y t.vrnlui , Irk. IW. 1*74. lifts nil over and all through i and it will osniiouo Est forth in lheir report A fwalute of Things at boro©, at well *• abroad, to ho Repwbitnoa ao long a# tho Rape hi Man party Itaxiwi ui TW*^tJip I amiokzs >kepar«l. a merchant in this village memtiers sgain*t the impositions and Old Each. Bore anon. U##4 u«#tr la ntl—4aae# represent*, a* H goo# now. th* b#M l*«#ll##1 and th* t'oaaasroxsRXT, great interest ia the department for ia* need ifiveoiigmting. At Ike earnest solicitation of said abuse* practiced by that class of Indl- •2 * RKED. Prap'r host hoarl of tho Nation • tho right* of a >o mmoo Nrzuua fWsooi#.- The Suffragist* of I _ humaaitv ; th. progress of tho Amortann people, amstion hi tbe praoiical mechanic* ’ Tbe J°bn* hare arranged for a spelling •witmton. six of our mat prom moot vidiial*. (vxumoiiljr and correctly railed — ¥ Fretty uodor foot, to-day/' I and tho highest tnMimti of moo hind Gkimi Marqi irim Ball . bad indaairias of ibeae poor onfortonates I . . __. , school, after the old style of ebooaing eitiiaoa leaf their name# as tartliaa to * 4dead beat*." It will not only result •aid owe cititen to another, on they met ANNIVERSARY RALL TKHMM« _. . moaquerade ball announced to take Weeklr OVpw roor. |»Sn«» r»w# j In slab* of Tho industries art boo hrt, cabinet ||s|i |r>.m(*rrww avaa- ami spalling down, which l* jw*t stay aa elocution . worn alter allowing 1 In tlie mutual gi**d of the prnjectora, ia tbe street tho otkor day. M Too, TW pftWfo a## lavltri io Ottawa a Dm. i«| Farty, notions tkwKMiP ft'lPgf |gfos| but It will bring that class of people ____^ .. rmmtrtniUA th# making. tUe making, banket making lnf btds fair to he m of the moat at m»w the newreat fashion In the Urge themaairea la bo reprvoeatad (whether aaano islk,, postage fro# for which It wo# organise#!, to a sense D,‘ 11 • ID# ° roEpowwow oily |i*a. ono half and one- gnartor yoor •ype aoMiog and arwiag Th© number traotife and mirthful m lev tarn aaent* town# aixl ritiea, Xm*l aa«l M ©«t Th»- # proanremaat or oihfniiw) to be of duty. If not shame, Thoar who get other " Trwo ewowgb. aaid the (rat, I IMk, pasAoge leoe «l pwniU Iw tb. wrbnwt kw. r*p»ll» k k,»'4 •*" W^kt owl k Hi. wwl r—l <*l «»•» »t*lbr. of wnrtfc ^ wi.IIm. ,ad . b.lf MUn. Fowler House, Matt row tad nth© tho Mrtwu Psaaas, trusted and ore loth to poy, look out * bat tb©» vvty few are gotog that Wnsvsnw Rr*#». a* Aainmi AoMWMVtftt Johns IV# wore to error tost «##k former day*, here as.d elaewhero, are ibey stood aloof and Wee their fewer Fowls#, wk •d from 94 io 1**5. U 191 ai the for the wrath of this Association. way “ at th# mb of wdl be m the l*ervi«i ttm boil to poy th© lodgment eieept of tb# piOfpoor » I* MpMift i nhorgoil lh*» fvoh on aa odmisoiao Hew a©, oa Friday evening mm Monday Brwdaf, Fob. 22. 1176. h|* Fob. HA. |be wwoll no realm ii from ibe solo of Or anything In tho jewelry ■ART r HAVIMS, TW Mb Ut Illt&IO, with to Ibe hall loolead of thin, wo fhoold whb thoir ^oIRog-boohs arwt Old ry line pronsptlv HILT WAVY. b noble work been awth soid od who m on $# ooota ary s *«#■! ooior fa atv t hm »» u pm too at Arst tight People An Insert's 1 umb and (rails hark on tke rocks for an honr nr two, rAltS AJI» NOl HClOLh. splendid fit-ids. Di Siroas to know move NlaffrrM W*m*M. tatsf who are of any account do not usual I > wtioa. suddenly, 1 noticed that a storm of this I called on the juroprtrior and It Is s sad MNkSHiiUrjr ui<*« *Hir l~*a»Ud 0*1 cretlBf last week there wu a “how off well On* cannot n*« n uf isir Uuo hsrs donated by a crea ure of »u*lb kin Lug \ briefly directed lo .a lew of the vegetable shelter In the rucks, hut when the sioim aica |*vel and hull them in a ago with scarcely fitn, health nut very d*-geucrsUf4 m k««lll* and ohyalqu*- uutU w ashling in laia ally, aft akwk quite a they ar» lit* rail v a race •*( iavtlwt - j«sl«. nrrv number of tbr elite of Nan Kranriaoo worth Dut you think p ea»autit thing* 'll ' wondera of tbe__ vialley of Ihe Amaxoii. hurst It came down as a flood from the gallon of water. When the potatoes am ood, but determined to make a borne heavens—not with genl.e drops at first, writ dour inks them owl and tuash fine is ha> now 4«iU acres 11*r* ^ imb - of <»U», feetth* mik I Ihm k-a*hy, with tail; Were a ere present. Tbe affair pnsnrxl xdt moat the tunea wbra you ahail l»e ait mi tied and it is to the same regioa that we ahall f sitd there a few untiiv eseepftlntvs hi the )M*r- plennnaUy. tbe fair bride and Ikie manky into tbe inner »anrtuary of her friend u**w return IK*voting our present wotk slowly increasing in quantity, but as if Season with proper, salt ami butter, two splendid Osage orange hedge fen* e, with sons *»t the rutaisi, t»ux««wi ladles chsrsrteris- groom received ibe congratulation* of *bip and be strengthened aud iwvct- to the deacripti**n of one of the insect suddenlv poured from an immense basin. onions chopped up ot a bunch of relary out a gap, except gateways; a magnifi ­ tn *4 the sax i a tbter friend*. Iheir happiness a a* twnsl ened by association with such a strong, artisan* ut this region, we will notice the 1 was tiioroughlv drenched and alm*»t and a little thyme if preferred Return cent grove of black walnut trees, three eipertrnew, covering a pt-riud oft i«-ar«, snd <*d in tampers of champagne, and U vai pure nature. peculiar habit* of those caterpillars washed away. It lasted not more thao them to the boiling water and let it boil to eight inches in diameter; au acre of eDiltra* ing the tn-siment *4 tnsnv llioucamls lain ere any offered lo depart front tbe She redeem* her (iromiM* to rail on which, in the method* of building their half an hour, when the clouds swept hy fifteen minutes. Beat up light two eggs, poplar and cnttonwixMl much larger; *4 rases of U.***»« stliu* nt* |« < uiUr t*« k mis-it, plcnsnnl »«««« One I na y «u there you, and y«m admit her into your parlor c«»< (Mitiv, scent lo have Iwen either 4he io the north and 1 was in the sunshine into which sftir a cupful of sweet cream l.INMt maple trees; ‘AM apple trees; also Hr. Ifier**, *4 lt»*- '? »iM'» Hup* n-ary, Bufis- lo, N. Y , Its* |M-rf< < Ud. by thr couil»iltaUofl a Ito-S food husband bad been ftireed to The carpet and wall-i*a|»er have a de ­ instructors or pupils of the oriole, *»r again. and add to the soup. Two or three slices |M*ach and pear trees, evergreens, grapes, In the meantime 1 discovered a better of toanled bread are an improvement, <>f rcrtalti v*-g< Utl>U- rxtra*ls, s natural *j«- remain at bit office to prepare butinna cided antipathy lowani each other. You some other of the birds who build hang­ raspberries and strawberries. I never cifie, which le* U«m-s not ext*»l as a cure all, of moment for tbe morrow. and upon an knew it loug ago, but did not think you ing nests. The creature which builds way of grtliug down, and started for put in with the egg and cream. Dt it have seen trees that had grown so but one wh»* h sdmiuMj fultitU a »h»gleu«-«a intimate friend be imposed the pleasant could afford either to tear dowu the one the hanging tomb is found n«**r Kan, on camp, uiakiug the greatest haste potsi ooil up once and it is ready to serve. thrifty and healthy in New York. Oue of purjMise, Im log a most |-»*-ltn«- and rclial*lc ble. (in reaching the bottom of Ihe side duty of wailing on M*daiu to herhome ikf throw away the other. It h.i* been an the upper waters of the Amazon. Its —The A'uhsss Former gives the ex­ iHtplar, fourteen years' growth, from a reiu«*dy for Ummm w< aktiesa* • and c«Miqdaiiita < anon I found a thousaud streams roll The friend mo»l gladly accepted tbe Ud , ey eat ire to you from t he Ural; but you work, as described by Mr. Bates, (ruin perience of a g* nm I farmer who had tried little twig the size of a whipsUn'k, now that afflict the Women of the present flaV. tug d«»w n the cliffs on every side, carry* This natural s|M-riti«- * ouq»se*sing exquisite taste ami l4boo*ing a branch which reaches out the lower end of the canon, and the with coru made eleven |niunds |x*r su|»|MM>e that mile of lodge cost me?” dlspl 4C**meiits of hit* rnsl organ* resulting pH'pandioii, ni.uic cblefly from tho na ­ bad it quite extinguished thoae qualitir* unlimited means of gratifying it. \«»*i aud aero** oue of the narrow and se­ water was running down a dry lx**! of bushel, the fifty with wheat made seven­ iMiintiug to the most perfect living fence from debility and la* k of nlri-iigth iu natuial cluded all**)* of the forest, the cautious sand; ami, although it came in waves *upjM»rt*, internal f*-v* r, congestion, left mi* tive herbs fo':;id on tlio lower ranges of of politeness for which he waa noted in felt a little uueasy; but she un* so en­ teen ihhiud * of good solid |Mirk |*«-r 1 lmd ever seen. I reply, “One dollar several feet high and fifteen or twenty maliou and ulceration ami very many other the Sierra Xcvmln mountain*of C'alifor- earlier days. tertaining that curtain* and carpet were weaver begin* its work, letting itself bushel of wheat. The wheat was |H*r rod;" but aui told the plants cost feet in width, the sand soaked it up and chronic <1i-eases im ident to woin**n not j»rop- nu, the inedirinal proja»rtics of which Aa llte night grew long Madainc ex­ both foigotten. Your m ighUm on the nlowly dow n ii|M»n the tip of the leaf It ground like meal, boiling water |Miured ♦ -!*, retting and cultivation, {fiL entire lie* chosen for an an* horage. Here, hav­ it wa* lost. Wave followed wave, and er to UM iition h«-r*, in w hi* h, a- *^ll a- m th* aro extracted liicrofrom without tho uso pressed a desire to depart, and lier eav* lelt called. You knew her pretty well l»y over it, and then let stand forty-two cost, fHS. N«> stock w;ih allowed near coacs tli.c ■ i • uuin* rated; the Favi r alier ruahed forth ami about tbe cdus- reputation, and her reputation was that ing first securely attached its silken ca rolled along and was sw allowed up, snd hours. it till it was three years old, utul then lie Prewrlptlon *-tf*-*-ta «nr*-—the marvel of i*f Alcohol. 'I’lio question is almoc of a hyjHR-rile. You liudu'l tne slightest hie to the leaf,t)ie caterpillar slowly dc still tli** fl* mmI came from almve. i found dlily a.skt*l, “Wlmt is the can. o of th# tered carriage* until he found the special —A grove of ten acres of white a-di the most vicious animal will reaped its the world It will not do haiiu in any *taU Jehu with whom he had made* a specific doubt but that »lie would tell the next scends, spinning a thread *d “ilk as it I could travel taster than the stream, so strength. • *r condition of tin i>yst* m, und t*\ * (opting unparalleled Mice* s of Vinkhau Htr- person she met that you hud horrid taste; j goes. Having given a pro]M*r length to f hastened on to camp and told the men (Fraxinu* Amerimnn ), thinned to six feet ita use lh«* invalid )ad> wav avoid that sever* contract. apart each way, containing about 12,(MX) Ihe first Winter the plants are pro ­ t Our answer is, that they remove With her nubia twined almut her bead ami youi rooms were m* gloomy us a , this cord, the spiuniug of the msl he- there wa* a river coming down the tected by a mulching of straw, and but «--t of *»r*l**a ,*--the **ons*iItlng oi a family tho coufto of diacuso, aud tho piitirnt ro- I gin*. This is woven aa a miniature silk trees, will average at twelve years of age, j»hvsiciuii. I'aViH’IU? I*re-< tiptioli i- * dd hv and her cloak snugly drawn about her, cavern but slit* only spoke to you of the canon. V\ e carried our camp equipage little cultivation is alterwurd needed. rovers It a health. They are th" great pleasure she e\|»erienced from finding 1 hag, the cater pillar placing itself in the from tin* hank to where we thought it on g* hmI prairie -oil, al*out eight inches * 1* ul* i - in lie d a- . . i • that the fog might not penetrate, Mad* '1 bus this substantial and everlasting * IjIimk I pui ilh rau*l a life-giving principle, I your house cool and dark, so restful to ' center and spinning rings of silk at rug* in diameter. Ihe previous thinning* am tripped from the houae to the hack would be ulnive the water, and then feneds produced for 2lj cent* p**r rod. Ol’IMoM * *K TilK I’KI -- 'The 1'f.ran u periect Renovator and luvigorator the eyea amt so refreshing. So you read* I ular intervals, connecting them at the st«**»d bv to ***e the river roll on to join will pay f«*r cultivating to tin- time. 'l eu and entered the vehicle, followed by her It also affords a good vvind break for Sot Yorker s)t\s. 44 An **M S* ot* h phy­ escort, who shut the (hair and cried out I Hy yielded to the flattery and rather en* same time by means ot cross threads. the Colorado. —Jfoj. ./. |f\ /Wr/f, in feet of the butt of each tree will Im* worth of the system. Never before in the I lie whole, when hut.-hed, forms a loose for meehanical purjxise* forty cents, and farm slmk, os tfie growth of **a* It season sician once said to one of his patients; h.'tory **f tue world has a medicine been '* All right!’' Then the hack moved slow ­ j joyed the visit. When that truthful Scribner' § M nthly is allowed to remain till the following { woman came you knew that the tortures welt, with quadrangular mesh*** of the remaining tops ten cent* each, mak­ 4 Keep your feet warm, your head *mm»I, compounded po> o i* g the rcmarkahls ly off. spring lm*fore it is trimmed. The Ida* k nearly equal size throughout. The ing for the 12,INK) butt* fl MOO. and for and your Im)W**I* open, an ’ there’s little q-i.i dies of Vixkgab Bittrm in healing tbs Now it requires about twenty minutes* of the Inquisition would be power leas to Ihe Proper Clothing for Winter. walnut* were planted and cultivated for I make her utter a word concerning you thread which hold* it to the branch the tops of Hie same f 1,200, total $tl,r. VN xi.KKit’s t 4ai .ik '*i \i a Vink *, a it place, and when this time had more than ‘Jfl has the following: 44 The extreme fit) for setting They were ret last ! made a bail selection of •color* in the 1 of this cord permit* the nest below to Bittkiiiv w ill do fvr y*»u We *-|M*i«k *»f * o Li\*r aad Visceral Organa, in ihiious expired she interrupted the conversation and continued s* ‘vcrity *»f the weather — It. A Steele, a prominent stink- spring Although the season has been swing freely, thus rendering its capture what vve know from nearly two yruis' l/i * as* a. by say ing: 44 U is time we reached the I room; that ucaipcl that cost half of bus called public attention to the best dealer of Kansas, takes the |M»sitiou that very dry, only six have died. The pop wlial that om did would be mu« h OMNI a ta*k of no easy accomplishment. There practical cx|***ri«-n**c in tin* u-<- **f thi* ’I ll© jiroprrllf 4s of Dk . Wai .kkh ’s house, is it not? ” means of combating the fatal influence in 44order to fatten a steer to bring the lar and cotton w«mn ! grove is from forty imli-p«*n*.*bi*- family* medicine. It- office lawyer, suitable for your room, if the colors were l* a small orifice ni either cud of the hag, YiKEfiAK Hmmsaro Ap**ri* *it. Thanhoaetic, “1 think so." replied tin exercised by the iowness of Ihe tempera highest market price he must he kept to sixty feel high, costing at M-tiing not i* to attack a lazy, torpid liver and im­ only in harmony with the walls and cur to permit the moth, which is to Ik * boru Carminative, Nutritions, l^txativ**. Diuretic, 44 |a*rhaps the man has mistaken the l lure on the vital |m»w«‘|'h of the young, in a grow ing condition from a calf, and more* than the maples. Mreiy apple laius, that the practice of sitting in a in tin* airy prisou, to escape. \Yc have part new life lo t|ii* vital organ - a cMativo, Omiiter-Irritant, buduritic, Altero- street, Ho! driver! ” the feeble and the aged. Many sugge-- in no case allowed to go hungry. It is tree* are ten inches m diameter, and called tin* a nest, hut it may more prop ­ proper flow of bile and a prompt di- kie. and Anti-Bilious. There was no answer, ho the lawyer h ill darkened room is very injurious to liou* have been rnatle for the purjvose of starving th** first and second winters have prenluced several barrels each this the eyes. You knew* all tiiis before, but erly he * lamed Isitli a* a tomh and u cra­ charge of etletr matt: r. A g*aal *iig« •- R. II. Nr DON ILI) ik CO., poked his head out of Hit wiudow and keeping up the amount of vital heat acc­ which wilts and shrivels up a steer, that season. Choice grafted apple trees, five it never annoyed you so much as now, dle —the tomb ol the cat* rpillur, anti the tion and app*-til** are restored to the suf rgistfl sn*J *lsn. Acts.. S>»r Frnn«-jso«*. C’sl f>irn)a, yelled, 44 II**' driveragain. essory to countcruct the depressing ac­ causes him to 1h* sold at a reduced price. to seven feet high, co-t here fifteen cents f* r**r. I*ure hlood, the 4 life of th*- th sic’ and i-ur of Wasbirigbin suU * ’b%rlu>-. St*. N V " lllcsscd if l don ’t believe tbe man's ami all your anticipated pleasure from cradle of the new creature which is to tion of the extreme cold, of which none No amount of feeding w ill make him a each. Hold by all lirugglst* unit II, alrrs. the visit Is gone. tiud it* life in the death of its devoted i* M*cur«*ti'uilied in Mr. Kawlinson s letters, easily a settler in this treeless country health is more |ir**ciou* than tine g*»hi — ” Perhaps he is only asleep, re*|tondcd that you laughed too loud; hut, then, Wh* n this tomb is completed — u task hut a fa* t deduced from close observa ­ lately published in the /i//i«« In these can rerun* fruit, fence, limb* r, etc.—*/. Y inkiiak Hitthis r«.-t*ui** it, »n*i i-, Madam, with true womanly charity. you were having a good lima ami forgot occupying three or four days the in- I'onimunicBtlons be advocates the em­ tion. ms i haw tested the plan for several A* II . i/< liurol Adf ) ttrk*r, yourself for a moment only. She see* clos«tl caterpillar become* sluggish, its thercf*»re, b!m»v « prii**. The in an who 44 Well, if he isn’t tight the horses are," ployment of warm clothing, so as to years.” ^ ^ discovered it is a philosopher and a the lawyer replied; “just *ee how the all the defects in your toilet, aud tell* skin shrivels and cracks, and at last the economise the vital heat generated in the —Th** Won/tarol Funner gives thr fob you of each of them, loti always knew vv lit fontIcn*--. benefactor of his race." IS carriage- gin** from one side of the street . once living and ingenious artisan be­ ImmIv , and to prevent its radiation. He lowing useful reei|ie forexterminating Treating Animal* to the oilier!" that a true fiirnd is one who tells you come* a motionless chrysalis of narrow out the inutility of warming fleas: “The oil of |M*unvroyal will cer­ ii.ii'*rr'- FrvKU v\i* At.« *• T*»m* —This i “ My goodness'*' exclaimed Madam, your faults It was your (listcopy,com ­ “hape, whi* h r**st “ gently *u*|M*nded In r*M»ni“ to an excessive degree and at the tainly drive these pests off; but a chea|M*r Dumb brutes have everything tol* urn mcdiviit*' is ii ***t hy * niisirii* lion * niiipsitn * gu/.ing out through the fog. 44 this isn’t menced with an enormous A. in your it- self-created prison. At length the saiin* time wearing thin clothing, since method, where the herb flourishes, is to 1 hey are nearly a* cap'ible ol ajipre I h*r the Ih-im f*t of fto ir eiup)**vi w hm\«* Im « i* glvi n l*\ < oii'rn* lur o •<«l ‘ I if l know,*' answered the at your last essay at school; it was the ! door way widens, and tin re flies out and not absorbed from the outside. It there tion of it once a week. Mow the herb os many of th** human -peeir* Many torncy, with deep caution “Say, vou! corner stone of all your Spanish castle* up low aid the light and fK uuty of the Iverson* arc di-posed to think tDot if \ hy the I'n-sid'-iit* *»f -• »i »»*- **f th*- • r .* • I - j fore become* a question w hat material is and scatter it in the beds of the pig*once i road* in the Couth unit Hert. Ul < n m n »r< i Hill! .John! Hold George! Henry' Angus dedicated to friendship in after years, day a in * creature in the form of a young horse *»r o\* docs uot obey th* j best adapted to retain t)ie heat and to a month N\ here the herb cannot Ik * ! i i>ri.*r**gV -it in laige nunih-r> hi th#- nei.»' tua! Driver! Wake up, confound you! ” but somehow vou are not quite prepared richly-loud hut shortlived motli, which ! prevent it* radiation to tli** outer air got th** oil may be procured. In this commands of his driver he is *,b*tin :**• ; ls»rl*iMMi of sw 11111* 1- ,imt ri\* r*. \N i11»»,f* 4 Hut there came no reply lo enjoy tile reality its you thought you must soon la-come a prey to tho-e ene­ Kx|M*riiii< nts conducted by Dr Kri*-ir**r case satutate strings with it and t’t* or perverse and must he lashed. Hut the Tonic w ill prove :> xslu^Mr* uddit:*ni to tin Then the lawyer let down the narrow should, ami you leave die house, leaving mies against which, in it- -ilk**n rag**, it teud to show that tlantiel and woolen ma­ them around the necks of dogs ami eats; truth is. animals do not understand what i »i*m k **f ftn-dlemcs, and will hiuji Iv r**w.tr*t sash at the front of tits* carriage and all your mirth within; no danger of was so well protected. — AyplHon'a Jour- terials answer this jiurpus*- m*>re fully pour a little on the hark and about the is wanted «»f them. All domestic ani \ tin- couip *ny in the s.»* ing *»f ‘inn , JjfM.r n*nl inofn y. \Y<-r« * o(um**mi it to .-ill. WHj.n.i*' k . • |H«T«d upward to the driver ’s scat It laughing too loud now. The world ha* ' niU. than any other manufa* ture*l materials. ears of hogs. Which you can do w ithout inals should he mud** familiar with. »nd w.tsvacaui! 44 Blanknall* hi! there’* no- suddenly grown very disagreeable ami encouraged to form a sort of affection 11 x i 4v A • • *, Proprietor-, N vv <» I* ,tii- I he sain* series ot experiments also dem touching them. Hy repeating these ap­ Fo B .*V1.L KV Al.l. Hltl <>«.!•( . lswly on llic box! ” lie roared. The two ghkouiy, amt vou go home out of humor Paper in Japan. oii-trate that loose-fitting garments tend plications every twelve or fifteen days for and confidence in. their own* r- »t.d -lured at each other for u moment, the with yourself ami every bo* ly else. managers. This can easily he brou hi to keep us mu* h warmer than tight-fit- the fleas will flee from your quadruped-*. ” Wu w«*re ptr^*c*l to m «*, n<>t lotig -ri. i. Ho shopping with her, you don't like NNiik .n a people contrive to inake alMiut. especially if con m< n« * d when Iitscs meantime keeping tip their monot ­ tin^ ones. Ihe p'HMtn «d this is «in*; of our exchange-, *-*mu ** j-i -H v ,< v* *-i t < onous trot. the goods shown you, but make some -aU* ♦•pan**. fine |•*m kel handle relucts they nr** young and per-ever* -I in bv < .» that **ur clothing not only rentiers I lax I ii It a re. murk* addressed to si-vcrsl j« who.dii* 44 Well!” sighed he timid excuse for not purchasing, she | and sailors water-proof ov» roost* out of the air still around us, but it rearing and talking to them in a mild. ing an interesting le* turi* l.»y K* v. > i She siclied without saying 44 well 44 tells the salesman that his goods are en­ • pap* r, they may he considered us having also regulates its temperature by the pl« io-ant voice, j4|,d showing u mil l, f * Ahhott, kept s r«Milinuo*i« ctnighin w t, i Tiif. grow ing interest in flax culture is |>r* vebl* *1 tnsnv fmiu h iring. Peojih- v* I » “ Blessed if there is hut one thing to tirely loo high; she could buy the stone I pretty thoroughly mastered a useful art; j heat that leave.- our bodies. \\ *• heat our miliar and pleasing expression of tin- artiele at one thiid the price over the I and this i- demonstrated hy the above one mote indication thut the farmer* are cannot r* fraln from coughing lutd hi th r - >\ do, 4’ he exclaimed, and in a jiffy, to her garments and they continually heal ihe fount* nance, and e-p* i i.illy of the eye horror, she saw her cavalier squirming wav; that he hud better gel in a new | article* of Jaimncsc manufacture, with w akiug up to th*- necessity for a di v« rsity Few seem to und* rstaml or realize tin- i»w.»v from si.i *i j * t. i ■ • or * Nr t k« » ! Hlr passing through the meshes and |»<*r«*s of Jt-fiu.uru%' I'h/ixh / 1.1*, !>,/-•,! with 11 {, m. upward through the narrow window “l«nk of goods, for he hud actually noth the additional little circumstance that of crop*. The days w hen the true farmer great effect the expression of the • o of the skin. We do not feel the loss of will raise **hIv corn, wheat and oats art* Tiif. imjiortsnce of giving * » . 44 1 ih* supposing lie should stick there!” ing worth carry mg home. you meek i tin* -am epans are generally used over a i heal whi**h *»ur clothing undergoes as w*- and the tone of tin* voice have on done - ly follow her from the store, feeling that i charcoal tne. goto* by, und all lltose who know their nirji i'nmtuum th#n*/*, » to 1 -he said lo luThcll. with a hopeless groan . j should if the air were to strike our -ur- tic animals. Take the horse for in­ be«-n out in the rain, stmal in cold wind, or but he didn't stick—lie was not con- tin salesman regains you as h - nut . t , A* cording to tin ir ow n a<** *»unt th« “** own best iutetests sec that they iim-l stance. Few t <*ain -1 * r* seem to con si* 1* t ; face without having been previously jire not confine themselves to the praJu* tion trsn-hould be w ithout thee. temperature balance them-elves within the (dace of another variety of paying * * * <1***1 iu reaching the driver ’s place and as au arch hypo* rite for nut telling the sliaviugs for the same purjMMe, until j the material we are clothed in, and of what his inastir is going to do. or 1 nearly the ch»*e «»f the third (’hri“tiari crop, so that it on** fails there will Im* Tor. ntowt wtvli-h mlUr Hi it i* worn tiov •- | obtaining possession ol the rein* lie full truth about the matter in the nut wlm h tli*- cud- ol our cutaneous fiervc- wishes him to do, and that no small place. era. AI*out A. D VJhO, pap* r was first something to fall hack on Ihe culture th* Improved Warwick It fils )mttci ■ 1 stop|H*d tin- horses, and then followed a i form Do part. Inside our dress our tem- share of this understanding ih *ur cake mg tin* home-iiiadc f.ihri***, inonopo | Kalirenheil, which is Im**i kept in by sion of th** ey* and * ountcn^nce and like linen, we fi*eomin< nd nil lo trv it v*k j that lie turned lit** Imr-rs and drove ba« k ^ mi wanted it extra tn* aiiJ pul III too h/« d tin in ark*-1 until the year A. D. It lit. land. In the ('uiteil States paid to tone i»f the voice TI j rough. I * mi—** wind* n textures, while gar voiir grrita 4 furtil-h* r for the Impiov d U u [ vy ov« r th*- rout** they had **»»me The fug mm It bull* i, but dte ***** only that wh*n tin* ivmg of the t’orcu -**nt two lore igu countries in gold for ly true in regard to the colt, or voting w ,ck. meat- of viik and linen should be avoid- flax, raw and manufactured. There is no W i, m j. ,t»l|-li 111" ft 'n*,* 4S» *r* Tnrof eier I'O. ■ .1 Ivf.ies wasdeiis** and bitterly cold, and the im heavy streak, and pays no attention to priests I<» Japan to e-tablish the mamt ! *' 4*. AmHber corres|Mimlcnt «»l the Tint*a animal, which has learned hut inti** in Hi* , '.* .1r. • fl -ir i#rv so- m«rSef the que reason why w»* should pay this large I>s N'iktm w i:ntKX Iu n- k Nva v« .*• * 1* ’) sli i*r>*> f irs* ■trir**i**< ’i (irt ihs ler-A promptu timer w a«. arrayeil m lavi*n*b*r lion. She a>ks f.otur* I In- pu)»er was easily torn, and , |K>ints out the value of fur as a non con- regard to th** meaning of words, and • . ’ . • . • h th* • * ' t . tr eh l»- ILiimi. or u 1*t tm (r n li ssr, • ,»n m..iii Im keeping any liable to Ik * destroy<-*| by worms, and, amount for article* which run just us can and w ill be iuffii< ti**ed mu**h more « ha . *. .me led-- ■ m u, U.-i' In. ■■mm t>y v.-re ,, in, via j duclor o! heat from the ImmIv , aud re* la * .--ir nan Vriitm- V V.KTl-l V * tu.i » < 1 sp-nts ■( *•/*! I r ui atm l U t jnitwHf l'-r l„4, . •(< , U *-lr tntal ires mer. He had driven atiout ten minutes indulge- in. You * m ajM-r k.nd- of furs and skins.especial ’* vlrnar uir on suit *•*• uio r*i,»,.i |.tr ;••*•. anil Ue) all s>|»>ri *h»t thi ji car, isi*X, sur ti when Madam felt that the hack had l*M>k nil sort* ut her; she proceed*, iiolh- • * nti«*n **f I aishi, the s*»n of the r* igning adapted to the production of flax, and is ini|Mirtant to make the colt tame and • n *M. «».*• ^v.r»»»** • ilk (uf >4 tl'M»l*it)ltiMf *lar. (hr ing daunted You i ly !«*r |*ers*»iis obliged to I* much in the wt* might, with the same propriety, n« g- l> > it • • I a that all <*«n il n| to |imrhare and • ••im* to a standstill. The »e\l moment a! t* i w ard n im>ii ^likado who suhstitut***!, us material, | ,4|M n air. I here can be mi question as familiar with its owu**r, !*» induce it to •no. r ■ • \ • - - • \ • i « re, 4 . • *«*-. rlmn th- I'kliim sel) at st ajar >1 mrr| t- •he d -)N ti and Ins p'tCMai* guide, philosopher aud friend, his teeth your other friend i* u**t u hi* i< is still « xtensively < ultivate*l for pend *»ii other nation* for a supply of Hy exercising a kind, patient hut ptr-c- i* s|M)Usihle for ri*«-oimu( ndatkm. A fur js so arranged • I F.KTc V*.K\T- ft«-in-•-lectori s;n* . r If ! t»f alt T * ittafe- lars»-aalea arespw here, all t.urlv chattering with cold. the “ins **f |i« r family, even unto the Hi** purjs.se Hy l .tislu s orders the tree th* »*• articles. 1* lax is a very quick crop vering firmness in nil our relations with A»t*lri «♦ W . li| 11— 4 i * *., 1 M • ■•In. * > »ii ■V it ,'i.i* I ■ tl ■ I* t wnr t*t* |>S • ir»e fr-»M h-ti-e to th vl its fine projecting hair intcrct pts ail the producer ran receive his money I: Ml r- l“it.*t !■» k *••* awrll rlaeehere un*»l pi-i» 1)4,* I i i s there an-n n-ny thing I can third aud fouith generat e •ti; hut she ul- w .is plant* d thr«iugh«Kit the **ouutry, tiie a colt lt»- is al >v av * m v*l*- to know un 1 4 *. » . VI s \X 4 M i ll. M or vv mi y a ■ *i a " ft’-:vi InituCrmnih ae nfrr jr«>a to make tcrly crush* s you by s the heat which flow* fr«»m lhe surface bv wiHiiuiour months from the time of . ' W-. - or IM • if. t • l. I > ifcry>< / v. in try. W h .re o »i st>sre i-ni'laii all l*e»e Ut snd wrr i r-ap It i-i-i-i-n'” be ask* d . ny ing that she m«-th<1 ae will ••■nd full parte*.])a — free, radial ion aud conduction, und distributes -owing the seed, ami is one of the Iwst » • * rei-t, N- e T ’ it’s a lit-t-t tie «-*H»li»h outside. ” She i|N*ski*mlv the truth — n oiic should Im- and thus lh« industry* w a* comm* need quire*! of him. 'This i- th* more rradiii (in. iL 1 •> i' 4-i ij If jrou aa.-i* p». ifjtal le V I >r y.mr a-hamed of that. 1 ou call on som* one whit li lias-lin e so prosperously contin ­ I riiis best hr*>ugh the air w hit lt eireulal*** crop- to prepare the land for winter y. «»MlTl'IX*. Ml* \*»l. - l« * »rn ti Mira. n€ for jr .ur ah> la thne t> Ibe (asir- uncoiled ihe nubia from h* r head and i **ctw een t lie single air-cylinder* ; the fitter and easily done for the reason that b< I t I i • *■. - \ I - tin... to " i(*i' It tirli gul w as not a finish* ■ t in um < iau -inoj*- At the pr«-« nt lime two hundred und generally recommended. 1 tie selection may have, never being aroused, will hnv** I hanks,” he murmured from under the the outgoing beat und, however cold the g.r,ri:iNM\ < i ’• I r ati i esan ■•* jure the t.iinneas il»*-*r enttro than likely not a half finish* d one; hut sixty-tlire* rods ot pa|K*r are manufac ­ ol soil tor Hax dc|n nd* somewhat on the but little U any chance |« show its* It, » ^.i ) u 4 i i . , ; their.^rn |i«ailt*>w an^ make a liver- of split tephyr, and again tc air may* In *, it readies the nerves of the |. iy L • 1- •*■ «ii ai eier Uin* saa> Ir me »>rar -lie i- a kindly' linle l*odv, who likes to tured iu Yeddo. In regard to this im- object iu view to raising the crop. If an*! consequently give no trouble in -uh a. ' i i«t,v* . (•. WiIMn r «x ( o., ot.-' Ir-' . I sin si-il | U-a-an*. pmiuahleerupt.lyrnaal, .-um* d Ho* fMr-ition ot a ha* k *lriv**r w ith skin h* warmed sir. Furred animal* in seed alone is wanted the best yield can »i ut r * r < i|'itel, mil 'll * ietr ad-t russ e a* ortca, out a lieen.se It la* ked tweuty liiinutes play, and would feel hurt if *li* were not mens** number of styles, the natioual lining or breaking him <*t It, | Or.* bot of Cs^r'i Instna* Ink l*o«v«ter V winter w h< n touched -uiM-rficialli k H'*-4 Ik * oldaiued from dry, rolling, moderate ­ aui )-- <- 41 v* 'il the l/urmas lur o«ntr|i«a I’Saaa ol t wo o ’v lork a. rn when lie ifiscoTt re*l asked le do so After the usual prelimi­ love tor formalities must lie considered; learning to have confidence in nnd d«* (• ;>w»V« api-t-f bt *T Kl A< • !• l*n» ' ''** fi •t .n- a - - pap, r J<*u aaa ilift adicitMMiwtit Ul a very cold sensation It is only near ly rich land. If straw is wanted, * b**o*c A Me rm naries site con-cuts, and naturally * x a-, lor in-tau* e, m addition to Hie u-ual j>* ndem <-n id- mast* *. in j. • |ik<|Mdi.,|. U. 0.0. I'm. lb difficult for her. that she is exclusively Used for |MM-lrv Wild s«»ng“ laloes, was raised *»u the laud the the r* a.-ot* th.tt lie 11 u** *1 to being ca­ « yc* drip|M**| wat*-r. his hair was «lamp i alr * u !1*** fur <**M»ls the *i r from its points M9N1Y with fog. and lie shivered wiih the * old redly in need «• f practice; and a whole I hi re are also kinds « numerated as em­ year previous so much the better. ressed and t-liked to, und to undi r day - pleasure is marred for one whowas ployed for umbrellas, hats, lanterns und i toward the roots, an*l a severer cold 1 bi dirty laud the exfM*nse of raising and from head lo f«s»t Hire made him sit by j peuetraU* *»n!y a little further int«> the stand and obey all twords thut w ill trying to please others. You wonder water pris»f clothing,one lu mgdescribed harvesting the crop will be more than 1k * ordinarily used in driving aud work ­ Mitnrr, wrrks 1 i4 all Hisarf r--|- themselves in saying just what they | *kin of the same. .\ll this tends to show the fall.'Und, if |muri IiIc, again in the / »oX*T I M MriUTIF'T.-Al ’ • . xf I Ilu.'4 (for sale, ais * -nr l>. I s .ml seemed to dash int*» every (Mirtioti of his handkerchiefs, while another i- iul«-nde*i I he great difficulty in training colt- v LS,' srsn t )-sr s. v" All Ith* IC think never think anything pleasant. Y*»u t*»r handkerchi* Is only, and a third is • that in very severe cold the outflow of spring I he soil must he put in lha Dsnfnrlh. Hr *V < o — frame and cheer hi* Mood with its ting ­ In .it by ilie skin iuto the air contained • lie unaccountable “tupidity of the driv ­ ISrtli-iiism >1 fl t>pr.r», “Have w )»t ling warmth; and when hr had been halt regret tint all person* who do sav kindiv used for dres-ing doll*. Hpccixl kinds finest possible condition and Im* mode er*. IN hen a colt i- h»rn* *-cd lie is told WUb ic. tel .' Srs lama * t tb# pal tk'»e things are deenvers ; but you rather like are prepared rx«lu-iveJy a- wrappings in the fur, or within the dress, occurs smooth and mellow before the flax is rare eMS p* ■ i.<1 *«;l s- tine |..aU «'a 1 hawed and half dried |he brought (for through one route only —Hut ofcor.Ju* to* 4go on." hut he understands that i ulrtbtnpl •s»s tr.ari.l ’t.-* “Jiimaen lima he declared that he must drive that hu* k them be.-t, with all their faults You for the s*-x era! styles of religious, civic or sown. I he seed should Im- covered with language no more than a Tartar would ft.;l • allt So/ S J tion. M h« n a fur is worn no heat com*** a brush harrow or roller, a- if covered CATARRH SliittJ MS* mt Ole alar ta back into tow n> a fule of great coats and cotne to the conclusion that philoaupbcrs, social gifts. understand an Kugli-hmau if lie w* re to 4*14.i* *4. r.f.«».**.« unUl •»*,. tiuit. *n t mi ««*• sis. u, win*, as a rule, live some hundreds of Tin- excellence in the manufacture is 1 to the surface for radiation as «mm»u as tin* deep, it w ill m»t com*: well. A lieu* v OBO. K. OAXTZ A C fle shawls ami wraps, in which she so en- direct the Tartar to go to th* field to 17ft Ihtsiti- *1., \i so- lurk. ycai* hence, are not always the saf*--t, due. in a great degree, to ih«* fact that I the poiui* of the hair have the teinjM-ra rain un mediately after sow ing will cover O Vfftff K o « ios a i m. Kiih o xi-imr v**lojK*d him thut when he hade her g*M»d- lure of the surrounding air. KvajMira work. We employed a man last season Nj * * i- v n i VVI*. Kxrmguu - ’>n In u.|| u(e«-t ur by it was with diflirtilly he could climb and by no means the pleasante st, guides d;q an furnishes a number of tr*-**s and the seed sufficiently, provided the soil Ik * l«* do some plowing. He hod a valuable ; fal'tttft fr»n i-nlilr. le-fi.r*. t.r, V l«■*. SUl| n«»t ll.lIXTKft’ft Msaasl.-Uiiiwr iml im paint* for the present. The theories that look -limits with a fibrous hnik particularly • ion al-o sinks to a minimum. In-cause at very fine and mellow, (irest care should SH'-.I * ‘i. <• !'/* '«-,! i • r» t»ir? * hit*.* I Ing. gnbliiiiig. rarnlrleng. p->.mbiujt. kaisuBtlbing, on the hack, so swathed and bundled sixty-cigbt *l**grees Fahrenheit under pair **f mules. l!e wa- frequently heard j I*r 1ri S ' C itrt.t -\t I . 1 '* i t* .Sri » !- • pbprrinir. h itfing. sta'nins. ytJdlnK. glaxttiir. slln r- was he. the ls*»l on pa|M-r are often mi unsatis ­ a iajit* 1 h- a material for psjM r, and sev­ Ik * taken l«» pr*K*ure* seedol g*M*J quality. to say to his team, " When, haw. ge**, l** 'I. A*et»ts asrT. I. ujc. kl*'-* staiiilng. •oolJ r*U or roiun, Uuiivnr. crV aleiittiaki-r ami .lewe-'T. m. 1 *»id,mil*! • Maonat, when |MM»r humanity lias gotten over its the sheet. : beat in the fur and the dress is employed is desired, sow from two to two and a I ft i>» I *ti .' ; i ’ i - MJ. Kutn-mtkrr, 2) <,Hide U» Antbonrtitn, .10. Llght- back at a livery stable * 4 to be called for, ” : to heat the arriving air, whose velocity a driver giving such directions* 44 Whoa" ► • el f'«r I ree Itln«tmted I’smi ti. '. to V A.>. l’g.Vi. tt'iifl* OKVlUur, 8. Hunter ami 1 rat>|N-ro *>u« in lavender kids that drove a hack into ployed to signify certain movements a ir« trrtns to A|p-r>t» N.\TI<*\ VL i’t hUMIi.M# cintur*. 1‘qwr iu U»<- world. t*M* long not to have received many un annually cut down lo the r*M»t unlit tin- tli*- soundness <»f the con* lusions strived filled with seed. The seed should lx* UhCbtcifn, lit., slid st. Ia >ui «. Mo . FREE! the stable at half-past two o ’clock in the at hy Mr. Uaw)in«**u and tbe finr* cor- team will soon learn w hat is reqtiir* d of morning. sightly scars, aud the veils and drxpertes fifth year, when, bv this treatment, the sown as *o<»n after the 1st of April a* res|wndeiu, to whose rec*mimenilation in them; but when a teani«ter i* incessant ­ Hi*? iiyk* \« *r. M 417 *. Ir t AMERICAN FARM JOURNAL. It was just afUr the hack had driven she now wears arc saving us from an un wo *m! has henune dense and strong. The the ground is in proper condition. ly bawling 44 Whoa!” 44 Haw !" 44 (iee! ’ "siiinF, X rniaahli xittrrw l.ar*r l*n«rt a for only 7A rmt, p* r pleasant spectacle. bran* lies are then cut into length* of favor of fur clothing we have referred, k lax should Ik * cut as mm>q a* the ImiIIs rttiirn taatagu. C.B.utmt.ssc«i1 vrsCccicr,Me. »• ar. , away fr*mi the house of Madam that her 44 Peddv! ” or 44 Whoa-gee!” 44 to e whoa!” ! * * • - - - i ' .1. ! In False women may Iwtray us. hut we about one yard, snd steamed in a straw and demonstrate beyond doubt that all Ik *gin to turn brown; as, if left standing husband, worn out with the task *>f thr person*, old or young, feeble or strong, or Mboa-bark! ” 44 l»**e!" “liolong! ” a I IK K h JU.XKX, T*Tult do, Ohio evening, caiue b*»nie. To him, iie 1 th,** r friendship w hile Im lleving vcsM 1 over a boiler. As soon as the too long, there will he a great loss of seed team will be confused, fear will In* *-x • \ oti will l*kc llic- j»a(ivr. them true, (ait like women may hnv hark fa gin* to separate from the wood who value their health or their lives, in harvesting. It may r»e cut with al- SENT FREE sipped his tumbler of grog, she told the cited, so that ox, horse nor mule w ill know A Usili evp.ialn*thrnrtT*m** HI) f.FX “H**T hiA\ FIhT»L**^ HtVO! VFRH, deceived us: hut they purred before they it is stripped ofl by the hand, the wood should, as far as (mssible, in inclement m*>st any reaper, and if raised prind .-H'AM.ST. w hole story and when she had finished weather, cloth** themselves in flannels, what to do more than run, if possible, ami how anr «>r.e btav optrair she said : ^It was such s narrow escape■’ scratched. But it retnatus for that truth its* If in-ing preserved for fuvl. The pally for seed there is no necessity for •wrr.-eafaH) »i* at »■ . *. «»f AVO SI.*mni « • wladen and fur garments, eschewing from such a stupid driver. Many t* am- ’ y -tr^ ...ln«*riw...,,... tiers ... an«l ...... I ...... to... anr ..a»li!r<...... Ofsry»mlfT?-T titniL^Srnd "tsTnp telling woman to distress un I annoy us hark is tiien hoi-t« d ujM»n poles to dry binding it, hut it may Im* left in gavels VVr.lr rs •Just think! \Ye might have been upset silk and the lighter materials until the sters seem to think it an iinjiortant part 'It M III* ! IN. K ,V < *>., . a. OjJ-LAo. -, and killed ’" in season and out ol season w ilhout unv by exposure to the air, and w hi n dry it until dry, when it is ready for thre-hing of driving to keep up a constant bawling il W a, 1 ..reel, X a l ■ k. AS -eh. advent of a more favorable season." 44 indeed you might," he replied, his |*r*sslhility of escaping her, and without is separated into bundles weighing about it is better to thresh early. For thresh­ at the team Animals are not deaf. A face solemn at tbe |*o*sibilitv. ever rec**iving any recom|>ense for the thirty two pntitnls each The dry hark ing some use a flail; others tramp out horse, ox or mule will obey much more ! TABLE KNIVES AND FORKS OF AND * miles out ou the Hrand Hiver pressure under the heavy stones, the of her husband, will be read with deep sown first and harrowed in; afterward at the team. It is inexcusable for anv ii hm’o gr*»g for lum.—£*sa Fmnriw Call ' road, purchase*! a cheap cutter of a tilMT is boiled with a-bes. After an­ interest in many a family circle where the flax is sow n and roiled or covered teamster to allow him-elf to become ad ­ (.* Mi* higan avenue dealer yesterday, and other washing it is well fxmuded and the |K»ker on the domestic hearth is used with a brush harrow*. In this way a dicted to such an obnoxious habit not having a horse he made arrange ­ then molded into halls. Taesc balls by the head of the household for tbe yield of from fifteen to twenty bushels Speak in a low »nd pleasant lone of v*»i» c PUiB-Spoken, Tmth-Tellfag HoBtea. double pur|H»se of stirring tbe Are snd of barley and from ten to twelve of flax & ment* w ith a farmer, w ho w as also in the are next thrown into a w**oden trough not only to teams, hut to mBch cow*, I'.II II : Dumlili X\ hile llan* <-ity, an«l who lives near him, to ride and mixed with a pulp, together with a battering the skull of his wife. The can be obtained, and by the use of calves, sheep and alitolher animal*. dir V’’ iso. Till. t list i. i ■ Ir1 iiv h t watr*-, Via . % * i—11 ft >r t he ** T rala llAt'?rrf?io the ouUof the-way places of Mark* *• \ « | I M It \ * 11 * 12 • \ \ | * h w ranted bod suiil Ljr aJI uuajtui la home with him. lie accordingly scaled paste made from the r*s»t of thr tororo, prisoner in the dock had been a goto] aud proper screens the barley and flax can lie Think for n moment, respected reader, > tbe world, especially the brain* of phi- Cut ery, msl Uf tbe Xt>.4*lli4v.s C i iLCi.i UA, AS * uiubm KrtrL krs link. himself In the ba**k of the farmer’s a “lirub somewhat rescmhlindfihe cotton industrious wife, but had been eruelly readily separated. lt°N you would feel or act were v *hi hniopbera, there seems to lie an idea that wagon, snd instead of fastening the plant. A |M»rtion of this pulp is next ill treated by her husband. On the Hlth At present prices flax straw is worth the search for the truth should occupy among the llind*M»s without bting able thills of the cutter to the wagon U»x he placed iu a frame consisting of an inner of September he came home drunk and but little, exerptiog near a factory. to understand one word addressed to you, the whole of the time and talents of hu held on to them with his hands. Kvery- snd an outer )M»rtion, with s false bottom kicked over the meat she was preparing W here there are incooven fences for the FASHIONS! “ SmithsIllustrated Pattern Razaar." manity; that all the miseries, from the while they were talking (M>isterously to ■ te m w III ww B w W s TSr «»*«iy v% >*g **•* t iml IMPORTS tliing Iwlng ready the farmer, who Is un of plaited bainb«M». A dexterous and for dinner. He then thrashed her, and manufacture of flax the straw is worth you, swinging their fists atsmt your head STYLES ••*ui> $ I . I O ** )rar, witli flood lo the present time, are caused by fortunately quite deal, gave the whip to peculiar jerk from the skilled «i|>erntor in a moment of passion she threw at him from $4 to pi |»er acre. Flax seed is IR « aplriidld |irmilum. her abnence; that the real millennium and (H’c*»ion*)ly giving you an uncere ­ his horses and drove off. As they parsed •els tbe pulp in the frame, and it is th* n a shar|M Uing steel, which cause*! his now worth shout #1 70 per bushel. The monious slap IwTause you failed to do as EL Pin OFFF!? TWO '! rMlTH'J INSTANT DRESS will dawn on ua, not when the wrong a school-bo*i<«c on («raud liiver avenue *«• placed as to permit the water to drain death It can hardly be said that Mr culture of flax ia rapidly increasing iu they had directed youl —A. Y. Hem Ul. OKs. OIO wr r Ufa I LEVATORS, is*. . m he.a- shall fail and the right triumph, but the I»oyx were just coming out, and sec off The sheet of i»a|K*r is lifted from Lancaster was any great loss to society. the l nited States. In lH!iO the value of — ^ ^ MBI m.il OVERSKIRT, v th « i..th .^lodrl, w, nc , f *U E WEE, w s I'rr- when truth shall have come forth from the frame with a piece of bamlioo and Indeed, Mr. Justice Brett remarked that linseed oil mi an u fact tired was $ I.JMd W4I, awlwm. luihe iMw-Mi w:m» will CUT Trtl3 OUT, m <' s nd u « *, t’nr »sh- ing a chance for fun they at ooce com —An old lady in town has become dis ­ - ‘ BAZAAR," X>* |*«*stAgr wu ihr *lsm heard of 44 a greater and in lb* 0it hod increased to veil* and coverings torn aside, and shall gusted with almanacs. She says if all ? rar * CP A NC E RS I ” rend f#>r il-p*|.er, for water-proof clothes, a husband's, aud Ood forbid that I should the wealth of the country, n*»t only by Fw •* ITlkite* Oiarffiffg 11 || r * t f BURDETTE SMITH. thut, armed with her Ithuriel spear, she trc«»its of Yenuses that w*ould he visi­ «L3ga.‘^.a,-.x‘.o 0.7' *• 4 iUii- XI* H-Ww.,, N.w York City. time. Haulstniry screamed at the top of glue is used made from young fern *b*»ots punish you. I will he no party to it. 1 manufacturing the linen goods which we ble lirre."—AWriOiws Herald. will cause the cloaks to fall from all, his voice, hut the farmer, who did not stained with thr expressed juice of un- will not even make the judgment com now iui|M»rt. hut hy giving to fanners an •tod that the tiers and failings of each hear a sound, and who was aoxi*»u« to ri|M* persimmons ( triors are applied in plete I will not allow it to br said by increased value f<*r Iheir flax crop When man will be revealed to the eyes of all M ikk I’wxiN has lieen there and savt get home it being somewhat cold, did |N»wder mixed with t»ran paste. anybiKly that you are a convicted feloo the straw t anm»t be sold tbe culture of TIN WIRE RINGS. Tr.;*nr w Tns* la *«>n men. and all in* n will he benefited he is the only man who r«*ally under ­ wuM i • fieri aumfirX not turn around, thinking, perhaps, that Kevrra! of tbe trees sn'^p'ants used m for a convict mu is not complete until a flax is still uo.e profitable that wheat Urcbl Mill day. Adapt* thereby stands the Sandwich Islands, snd that •“vg'xzsa.**** ItMirtomn mminfi ,,( Saulsbury was nil right. But he was all the manufacture of paper are desert tied sentence is passed, and I mean to pass culture, and It odds one more crop to the the prevalent idea that these island* are UiwbKdjr, r»*a. i,u.g I Jan. The 1 lea Is very pleasiag. and the ss being the oiijret of earefol cultiva­ no sentence at all " (Here there was rotation which should be jwocUcrd on fare Wilder IM loMM mure of reaaoaing. to a practical ndad. wrong The boy* were bound to mske real sandwiches Is erroneous, for he has tion. especially in the manuring and loud cheering in the court, which tbe every well condu*.Uid farm — Uumi World. KEffiSSg rserrlaa nr s*r«r«at Is very brief if truth would be soch a him let g«» of that culler, and they final­ had pieces of them in his victuals while •Oei TotunL alga. b« mall. *r»tn aatll norm anew* tv (•reparation of the toil. —ArlAur'e //<*m officials, a* usual, 44 vainly endeavored to •*Ps*S- CAr -aJara fYeo, rs*sft. SiM rtieqi by Ha glorious thing f««r an age, it would l»e an ly succeeded. SauMwry saw the snow ­ there and knows better. balls coming fr*»tn every direction, and Mnffatim »upi*reM."i The Judge continued: “I (•rawing Trees sa the Prairies. ______SSlUAUDkMktarJU. excellent thing in a man, if aa exoelleat a* he could not protec t h i face he was shall tnerelv ask you to enter into your bks MITOCCm thiag ia a man it would be a delightful W does a farmer double up a sheep «•. ftte u firatewsy, IV. \. i »* Chaari by n Hirer. own recognizance* to come up f*»r judg In traveling over the grand ermines, n VHK CHANCE and asaw Im sm*i. 4 a-i ur wad urraW trait of character in a woanaa oionpalkal to dn*p the cutter. Hr imme­ without hurting It? When be folds it diately jumjted up, end after having in meat if railed upon, and nobody in the go where you may, tbe one thing want When yon hear that a certain neigh dn*ml the d# ..f farmer to bring hm tean» Hanging up my barometer t** give it s i world will ever call upon you —4*od for- ing —in the eyes «»f an Pastera man —is Plan*** and OrgsM. bor of y*mr* le a liviag example of this W* wi't tw f a 4 *alo*y nTTSfrr vrrlr la rash If to a Mred-rll ffttt mff the Wagon and few minutes to settle I occupied myself lad they ever ilsMild Here there was limber: something to break the force of n*W S'* ruaewieal plate - f*«r |1NI pwi w il. *Mr«ge lb oaai n**»-. If m sbil i wrrMqa ! great virtue, you think it would hr da rtnr walnut organ*, alt atm*, #Pi*. IwkUhol UMrrp om Mk| 4||rn( ran t>a* k n« arly half a mile to recover lo collect Ing rertn from the pi non pines, ! renewed cheering, and amidst a burst of th** winter and the monoUmy of the 1». JL r 1 Al its n to Uu kSwM. MMh. xftvTTxrwn»ATrf>wrn»rxT4i/wjrfiiwr i«n lightful to meet her Fr«*u what you hi* sleigh He »*»ora that ha would hurl •he b were found iu great abundance applause the prisoner left the dorh This rmiBlry. You do not see horns here. the maid sr« f»t!rrata. Kogltsb wo4 (ranaww down dire * • ngranee ou his tormentor* stock must live through the severe win Ml try lriYTwvh a«Hrl/ BhikNL X igrioi diaury wo man ller admirers tell you hut of courae there waaa’t a hoy u# hr was to get this resin for the purpose of Imods. who. when thrashing their wlvee. ters, generally, with little or no shelter that she |a oue *»f the modern Hpartan*. Tioar sr< few sights more iuspirinr kiMlWU A W4»rr lUtuaaljr. seen within a tetaarc of fnur bUelis - •menrmg € TIABUK JOHN KERN, ht no neaaid graft ions of Ihfrntt gVar prmt than thr tfirrtarlr of a small hoy sh«a»t OPIUM do mean* of e arrring H *l**wn The das proteeted hy the 1st,—fall MnU | Lea dew) some poles arrange*! for the purpose rov tor twatmst nwftll wai aj. UallnawsAlm I Market St., St. Louis. friendahto or hatred swerve her from the was very hoi and my coat had been left Ornette ing ahmg an alleyway with alwmf fnat path of duty ami truth, that au sumwv ere.l with straw. Fruit trees are seldom fret of ImB-ffog fast* red W* his irutikera DR. i.C. REC K. Olwlawu. O. KiiettosAi insanity h*dt| been dia in ramp en I had no haters to tear mat. i seen An many hedges appear sickly •"J***** ** *«n» M her perfert and fssiwi in the beret*- hrhiwd him eorersd aa an exerss for wonder the hut It wee arre-t »s me In cut a# the j Mississippi i slowers are wellvll paid and tmperfect, the traveler mnelefft's >4 I 1 •' re-** I er fre* X-’r-O »rothfnlarss; that a friuwd has svsry legal fraternity have du rettnd another «W **»ar»,|„ ru«v»kJ. I*t'iaa*!. Vm sWeeewf mvth t and •» t up nt rosoffmatoffering ’’the hard tt Offitearv the noentry Is eft fnelt Iftteir nt ihr Gherman If mare when In ADVERTISERS. th.agln gate frees K In pn m h menial ilisafhr to pallhste pertury fA rad. mart ia iim .title sack I iMitfuead to her V**n sti hoard In Kagiawri this ’SL •tee farm altrnrftert my atuniftoe f'hftrngn With Ks raprenw ad ran logo* Is suited aphasi« or an inaH* Mty to nu •bwwi a g niira of adaeh After taking There wee a force! near the hawse ami ly ntenfitii hut then it fta peers den hi their own uur l nduring and fwrete redwetwan «f rates Us rItems rw* • • f ’ »ww» aw s mum . •haervalto** b*t sltftu*u I wandeveaadrrrd i ■ms* h (ess than this kmg lines of IDteg fences divide*! ft UH for ptt>H law off janiaaM r»«o niU aa4 m>o« w aftsteMaa |