Clinton Clinton Independent. >ru M IU MtVBfl RATH OF ADVERTISING Iv«7 Tktnifty, 1 1w si1% s ia h* S r le * H»r ###A ...... **< 91 re *i *a* m ta- 9;- ta* f • es* •# c T**•» W» • As 1 Ml « 1 i to 1 to t* 1*1 Three s.vU • We • 4 ta#1» feM 8' »a# IX tat l ..nr «<i 0 s IS fl INi 4 to t# at i : m te es* COHlllT At KHTKf 'rtiree a#«»a#h#• to » ta# 7 »a#IS ta* ni ta. *> uu Clinton Independent. 81 x M«#alU* .. ! t> n a ta* ih ta# IS »a* a «•» ♦' ia» Niw#- Mcotllh* 7 ta* 10 •a lx ta* an ta# at >ai *' tai Tw# lv# M«#uib* I n ta is tai ts tat ^t to 4* IS* B1 tse TERMS. I.Cirai A4»rftliaan,iili al iiaiaic raw*. IbcMIm pvUirr, |1 U. ta a^raiK*. for M|wr» wat mi of the c«»*<aii m4 |l » for lk«w la Un * Marrla^t* and NmUms lr«*. D<wla*'ii lard*. Air Jiac* uf #a<kr. |« |»i jrai i<T AU aMttm Air paUlt ailoa aia*t W* in hand ItvilarM Nu Ucm lt» «#a#l* a liar foi lt»l, W.-«tn.-».Uv tuoiaiug lu insure- t*ut»licaitua tha ST. JOHNS, MICH., THURSDAY, JANUARY 28, 187.5. WHOLE NO. 4 :12. MMf »r« k. VOL. IX-NO. ic*. aud j ccal* fur e*d» fbb»ri(a*'bl la»< M.»>u Orleans to making inquiries upon this fume of rare flower* In the parlors —lust And ilit- laughed a little louder than Maine, Mb*M*urt, New York and Ft nnsyl In the Senate, on the 2!st, the I'reaL MHIflGAN HTAIE LEGISLATI RE. point, he might have been able to have ^elected 4 'fli.urll.uw. aa they any wine Warm* up the wila and usual, aud not quite naturally. LATE8T NEWS. vanl*. The au* ressful caiididatra In these dent's inesssge in relation t«* cosst del* «»*• s «■* regaled the Administration iu Ida dts fancy doti lore at timra. All thiuga It wna the tnrrrieal Christ mas party of 8taU**, iu the urd«r nametl, are M* lioiiald rerelvtNt Th** Civil Service and Iteiren* bluest Bun ate , .Ion- 10.—Bills were intrmlut cd batches with something bcaidcs White- would Ik » brighter, freaher, more spaib- Uhmh all, said every one of her gut-aU, t oinmitn-e r«'p**rt*Nl advel »* I) on Ik* bill t" re —1*» tax and regidatethe liquor traffic; to re­ 77/A’ EMIGRANT LASS IK ilirm j, llamllwiKep.I, C<m krell 4IW111.), Ker- du<e ih« aalsrv **f th« l'r« -1 .*■ • ■ 1 ‘ le ague horrors But it lisa not lK*eu lltti and Hetty Armstrong seemed the merri­ vise Uh law coin crnlng marlue and Arc iu ling jual now thought, or rather vague ­ iuui (Urni.)and Wallu c (Item.) I’nirwai- snieudno'Mt to tb* t c*u*lltulion regulating (Ik * pur|N#s«* of Sheridan to discover the true ly felt, the woman who had jual begun est there. Hut no onr saw her when the Spanish Squadron Undertakes ful l»allots were had in Mhhigan, Massa elect loti of President and Vi« •• Pr* •Hient d< suranee ccHitpsniea....... -Ntty«aX*waa?Xl. Hr JOHN m iKT I1.ACKI K. door was c lamed upon them aud she was bated by M« s#rs Mort**u. Thurman and t un* stale of aflaira in I^iutaiaua or in auy to knowr her heart right and thought 'he 1 hUM-tts, KlitMle I aland, Ml)ine*ots, Neliiaska IIcmm..—The bills tnchangf the fees uf Tin fnlkialiitf Ultra t oiiUin liii'iiupk un knew another's. alone in her chamber. No matter how to Satisfy Germany. ling . Adjourned other Southern State, though he* hit' been and Trnucasec. quite ready to brand the jk .»pb* of Slatca luiuriHrd »t*t*-iM« »l of a f««'t in O h* r\|<rri< ntr She stood, in her rtchdres* of lace end brief a love dream lias lieen, the awaken* In the House, the vote rejecting the w itness#-• iu civil cases and the f* «•» of Kegl»- of a frirnd who t* (mid of wanderni); in the: tug is hard, especially if it i* sudden A* * 4»R|»| NO to a New Orleans dispatch'd Indian Approprlaiitin bill was re» ousidm *1 si d hi fhaoc* rv C;*-« * were reported iq« " "l which he has not visited for month* or 11 tgh la na: J ailk, flower* tu her hair ami on her years aa “ banditti. ” e'e What he- hut boaoin, before her gueata arrived, in front Hetty Armstrong refused Charles Hoke- the liHh the Patrona of Husbandry of I-ouia- the bill referred to th* loaimiMic of tlo- v*-r-<l\ and tat I d lb* Aa I came aanilrtliiK clown (ilrn 8 |n an, Prussia Prosecuting the War not fetund out, however, haa been aacer- of her grate fire in the parlor, when some w«*m1 the next day, and people who iana and Mlaala*ippl had iaauid an nitdn s* to Whole Charles A. Wet more, the recusant improvement nf Ibe harbor al m*ulh Haven Where* Itu* lirara arr kt #-«-ii and uriMy, witnr-a. having suitably apologised was dts was adopt! <1.... A bill was tutfoduced toatl«#f d taiue-d lav the ( eiiigressumal aub coniiiiil Willi nil light altli 1 our look one touched her on the ahottlder, aud, guessed it Idamed her bitterly. As for Against Catholicity. the Ordi r indorsing the recent rep«»rt of the charged fr. iu lh*> cnslody of the 8«rg«-aat *1- additional protcetloit to inn and hotel kee per* Charles himself lie wss a maxed and tee appointed to iuveatigalt* aflaira in A w• art Iv/oUd la^tlt*. turning, ahe saw Chat lea Ihikcwdod Congrrssional Hul>-C’otmiiitte«*. S wi* Tbs t ouiuiiitee on l.l*-< tion* r*-|**»rt« d by com pelting gue't' b* advise- |if»»prietc*rn <f Miaaikfippi. That cominittec baa the* Her fare tu a little paler, her eye* Injured, and deeply grieved, for he never lu favor of rx< hilling llrlegate t ennou. of t lah. The President, on the flUtb, sent a special MU | . the character of tlielr baggage....Adj**urued. sworn testimony of the* e-edore-d me n 8h* had onr bundle on In r hat k, more earnest in their hiok than u*uul, guessed that Ids lecture ou married life Irwin Remanded to the Custody of incMtage to Cotigrcs*, requesting ample ap­ Conference t oiuinittc-< on the ” Little Tarifl l*tll HkNATK, dan. l»i—Knvornhle ut th»n theniaelves to the cxiateiic e ed Jtiae k Another In her hand. and a sort of happy terror huug ujmui bail a second auditor; nor that 11«*11y ' ■» Wt A laaguea, iuh I the fae t that it wan Black And she a ilked aa one who an full lo'h would have said *' \ es” instead of * N«* ' the Sergeaut*at*Arm». propriations for roaol defense. was taken in t iMumiUce of the Whole on her aa ahe gueaacd why he hud come *0 In the Henate, on the the creden ­ leaguer* who havtene*ej tee V icksburg to To liairl from lhe laud. trarly. hut for the crock iu the door of the china Tiie Connecticut Republican Htate l <raven* the harlMir sp|»ropriaUtai* l»*r New Buffalo tial* of P H H. Pinchbeck, Henstor-elect from assist She*rifl C'rushy wlie*n he* called up- “1 knew 1 should find you alone," he closed. tion met at New- llxveti on tiie 'Ji»tli und 8t. Joseph, hen toll llail»*#r, Fine River and Qu<4h I, 4* Mr l***unfe la**! ’’—f«»r the —---- larulslana. were presented and referred to the AI|n -iiu ... The proposition to allow the trav­ e»n Ke-publicans for help. It ia ejuile »ahl, M and I have eoutclitiug to m»y to plarcd the following ticket iu nomination : Had hair of flowing gold, Arrest of Whitelaw Reid, in Washington, Committee ou Privileges and Flection* ...The eling cX|N-nsc<* of l ireult Jmlges waa a.*-o likely, even if (its. #Sheridan kne w of Ami dark f>re»wn eyes, ami dainty hint#*, you ; ho |ii« thing-----" llelknnp'a roaition. F*jr (jovemor, Js*. Lloyd i»rc«n, present • redcutiaJe of8«nator Has ard a«-re :»'-o pr* «. «•. •( agreed to. ...N*di.e wu- given of a proposed A bill was introduced to e*tabli*h a court for the existenee of these lilaek fa-ague *, Right pfea.'uut to la-hold — There she atopped him. " I>on ’t say for Libel. Mayor of Norwich; Lieutciiaiit Governor, .uu. imIiu # nt to tb** 4 «»n*Utution Increasing tbe it now ," .he pleaded ” I have an evening contested elections ...The propo'ed amerdni'tit that he* would u<»t sugge st that he* eeiuld Mv iMttinle la.o, what aileth thee, 'I lie |H»«ition of S**cretary Ih-lknap is Charles !«. English; J**-er«*tary * »f 8tat«*, Col. to the t on.titiitlnii regulating tbe alection of •talari.-s of ('ire nil Judge**. .. .The balloting atte nd to them if the* I'rc'idt nt would oil thia bright auutim r dar. lie foie me which call* for all mv calm not at all improved by the rc"|»oiise of Augustus Fenn; Tnaatirer, O. Ik Arnold; Pr**sideut and Vice President was debai«-ci by for Uni ect 8lat«-n 8enator wasoreler»*d to simply issue a prewlainmltoii dt-elaring To travel »«d aud sImm-Ics# thua neaa.
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