
Acute Dislocations of the Distal Radioulnar Joint and Distal Ulna Fractures

Brian T. Carlsen, MDa,b, David G. Dennison, MDb, Steven L. Moran, MDa,b,*

KEYWORDS  Distal radioulnar joint  Dislocation  Ulna fractures  Wrist trauma

ANATOMY AND BIOMECHANICS colleagues10 defined the shape of the sigmoid OF THE DISTAL RADIOULNAR JOINT notch in the transverse plane in 4 different config- urations: flat face (42% incidence), ski slope The ulna is the fixed unit of the joint, with 1 (14%), C-type (30%), and S-type (14%). Although the , carpus, and rotating around it. the study did not include biomechanical evaluation Rotational forearm motion occurs at the distal ra- of the different joint configurations, the investiga- dioulnar joint (DRUJ) and proximal radioulnar joint tors proposed that this may have important impli- (PRUJ) at the elbow. DRUJ motion is primarily cations in the bony contribution to joint stability.10 rotational, but there are components of axial and The primary stabilizer of the DRUJ is the TFCC, translational motion that occur during loading originally described by Palmer and Werner.11 The and rotation. Axial motion is due to the crossing TFCC is composed of several structures, including relationship of the radius to the ulna in pronation. the triangular fibrocartilage (TFC), the ulnocarpal This axial motion can produce changes in the ulnar meniscus (meniscus homolog), the ulnar collateral variance that may be as great as 2 mm with full 2–5 ligament, the dorsal radioulnar ligament, the forearm rotation. Dorsal and palmar transla- palmar radioulnar ligament, and the subsheath of tional motion of the radius about the fixed ulnar the extensor carpi ulnaris (ECU).11 These struc- head also occurs with supination and pronation, 6–8 tures are not readily distinguishable on anatomic respectively. dissection and together are referred to as the Joint stability at the DRUJ is provided through TFCC. The central portion of the TFC makes up a combination of bony architecture and soft tissue the articular disk. This disk forms the ulnocarpal constraints, which include the ligaments found in articulation and effectively cushions the ulnar the triangular fibrocartilage complex (TFCC), the head. In contrast to the peripheral TFCC, the artic- pronator quadratus, and the interosseous ular disk is relatively avascular and therefore is membrane (IOM). The bony architecture of the presumed to be incapable of significant healing DRUJ accounts for only 20% of the joint’s 12 9 capabilities. stability ; thus most of the stability is provided by The dorsal and palmar radioulnar ligaments are the soft tissue attachments. In addition, individual thought to be responsible for most of the stability variation in the bony configuration of the DRUJ at the DRUJ.9,13 Significant research has been per- may also affect its stability. A study by Tolat and formed to determine which component of the

a Division of Plastic Surgery, Department of Surgery, Mayo Clinic, 200 First Street SW, Rochester, MN 55905, USA b Division of Hand Surgery, Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Mayo Clinic, 200 First Street SW, Rochester, MN 55905, USA * Corresponding author. Division of Hand Surgery, Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Mayo Clinic, 200 First Street SW, Rochester, MN 55905. E-mail address: [email protected]

Hand Clin 26 (2010) 503–516 doi:10.1016/j.hcl.2010.05.009

0749-0712/10/$ – see front matter ª 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. hand.theclinics.com 504 Carlsen et al

radioulnar ligament complex (palmar or dorsal) is the radius that dislocates away from its original more critical for joint stability.14–16 Hagert,13 in anatomic position. However, the clinical and radio- 1994, helped answer this question and recognized graphic appearance of DRUJ dislocation is one of that palmar and dorsal components of the radioul- ulnar dislocation relative to the radius, which has nar ligaments were necessary for DRUJ stability. resulted in the historic description of such injuries Hagert described the existence of superficial and in terms of the ulna’s relationship to the radius. In deep portions of the the dorsal and palmar radioul- this article, the authors use this technically incor- nar ligaments. The superficial fibers attach to the rect but widely accepted description. They refer base of the ulnar styloid and thus are susceptible to a dorsal dislocation as occurring when the to injury in cases of peripheral TFCC tears. The ulna resides dorsal to the radius and volar disloca- deep fibers, sometimes referred to as the ligamen- tion as occurring when the ulna resides volar to the tum subcruentum, attach to the fovea and are thus radius. susceptible to injury in cases of basilar ulnar styloid Isolated acute dislocation of the DRUJ (with or fractures. In pronation, the dorsal superficial fibers without ulnar styloid fracture) is less common tighten together with the palmar deep fibers. than dislocation associated with a fracture of the Conversely, in supination, the palmar superficial radius or distal ulna.27 The first report of an iso- fibers together with the dorsal deep fibers are taut lated dislocation of the DRUJ without fracture and effectively constrain DRUJ motion.13 Other was by Desault in 1777.28,29 Since then, there studies have confirmed the reciprocal relationship have been numerous case reports and small series between the superficial and deep portions of the ra- describing such injuries.6,19,30–35 The direction of dioulnar ligament, further emphasizing that the dislocation can be either volar or dorsal, although deep palmar and dorsal ligaments attach to the dorsal dislocation is probably more common. fovea and prevent dorsal and palmar subluxation Dorsal dislocations are believed to result from with forearm rotation, respectively. The superficial a hyperpronation force, and volar dislocations palmar and dorsal ligaments attach to the ulnar from a hypersupination force.19–21 Although an styloid and act as rotational restraints to supination acute dislocation must result in an injury to the and pronation, respectively.17,18 Work by Stuart TFCC, the amount and degree of injury required and colleagues9 and other investigators have for dislocation of the DRUJ is not entirely clear shown that dorsal displacement of the distal ulna and DRUJ dislocation may not require complete relative to the radius is most likely because of failure disruption of the TFCC.19,32,36,37 One premise for of the palmar radioulnar ligament, whereas palmar this observation is that, in many cases, the DRUJ displacement of the ulna relative to the radius is is notably stable after reduction of the disloca- because of failure of the dorsal radioulnar tion.6,32 Hagert13,38 has described injury of the ligament.19–21 volar radioulnar ligament and dorsal joint capsule An additional secondary constraint to palmar with dorsal dislocation. The reverse mechanism displacement and dislocation includes the also occurs with rupture of the dorsal radioulnar IOM.16,22–24 The IOM contains several ligamentous ligament and volar joint capsule in a volar components along its length. The central band is dislocation.36 a stout ligament that runs obliquely from proximal In a dorsal dislocation, there is typically a history on the radius to distal on the ulna, fanning out of hyperpronation force, usually as a result of a fall towards its insertion on the ulna.25 The central on the outstretched hand. In this situation, the band is thought to play an important role in the hand is typically fixed by gravity to the ground, longitudinal stabilization of the forearm.25,26 The and the body, together with the ulna, rotates distal oblique bundle is a thick band of tissue in around the hand, wrist, and radius unit. The patient the distal one-sixth of the membrane. It originates presents with the hand fixed in pronation, with the proximally on the ulnar shaft, in the same location inability to supinate and a dorsal prominence of as the proximal pronator quadratus muscle, and the ulnar head. attaches distally to the capsule of the DRUJ. The In cases of volar dislocation, there is a history of bundle may contribute some fibers to the volar hypersupination and the patient is unable to and dorsal radioulnar ligaments.23 Although this pronate. The ulnar head is usually not visibly prom- structure is consistently present, its thickness inent on the volar wrist because of the overlying may vary from patient to patient.22,23 soft tissues. However, there can be a hollow dorsally where the ulnar head is usually visible in the uninjured wrist. The wrist can appear narrow Acute Isolated DRUJ Dislocation because of the now compressive pull of the As previously mentioned, the ulna is the fixed pronator quadratus muscle, resulting in a dimin- structure of the forearm, and anatomically it is ished transverse dimension.29,36 In either direction DRUJ Dislocations and Distal Ulna Fractures 505 of dislocation, the examination findings can be be necessary to achieve closed reduction. obscured by ecchymosis and swelling. Because of the vascularity and healing potential Plain 2-view radiographs that include the wrist, of the peripheral TFCC,12 closed treatment is forearm, and elbow are critical for the evaluation frequently successful in the restoration of a stable of suspected DRUJ dislocation. The anteroposte- construct. rior (AP) view in a dorsal dislocation typically So-called complex dislocations occur when shows a widened DRUJ with divergence of the there is interposed soft tissue that blocks closed radius and ulna when compared with the contra- reduction. These dislocations typically occur in lateral normal DRUJ, whereas a volar dislocation conjunction with a Galeazzi fracture and are dis- demonstrates an overlap of the radius and ulna cussed later; however, nonreducible simple dislo- at the DRUJ because of the convergent pull of cations without soft tissue interposition can also the pronator quadratus. In an anatomically occur. In such a case, the ulna may be irreducible reduced DRUJ in neutral rotation, the ulnar styloid because of a bony mechanical blockage at the is located at the most medial (ulnar) aspect of the volar lip of the sigmoid notch of the radius ulnar head. A standard posteroanterior view of the (Fig. 1).43 If it is necessary to perform open reduc- wrist is taken with the abducted 90 and tion, then direct repair of the TFCC to the foveal the elbow at 90 flexion and neutral forearm rota- insertion is preferred. The procedure is performed tion. This view is often not possible in the setting using suture anchors or heavy suture through of acute DRUJ dislocation because of mechanical tunnels. Although this is the authors’ preference, blockage caused by the dislocation, pain, or splint they know of no studies demonstrating improved immobilization, and unfortunately, oblique films outcomes over reduction and immobilization in are obtained more often than true orthogonal this situation. A study by Ruch and colleagues44 radiographs. Therefore, one must be careful in looked at patients with distal radius fractures and the interpretation of these radiographs. As little DRUJ instability with a large, displaced ulnar as a 10 obliquely malaligned view of a dislocation styloid fragment. The 2 treatment groups con- may appear to be reduced and thus falsely inter- sisted of (1) open treatment with tension band fixa- preted as negative.39 One valuable criterion in tion and (2) DRUJ immobilization with an ulnar determining a true lateral radiograph is the sca- outrigger in 60 supination. The investigators phopisocapitate alignment.40 In this analysis, the found a tendency toward improved supination volar cortex of the pisiform overlies the central third of the interval between the volar cortices of the distal pole of the scaphoid and the capitate head, confirming a true lateral view.40 An axial computed tomographic (CT) scan may be helpful in the acute setting to determine joint reduction and congruity.39,41 Various measures have been described to evaluate for translation at the DRUJ, with the subluxation ratio method being the most reliable in terms of intra- and interobserver reliability.42

Treatment of acute DRUJ dislocations Treatment of the acute dislocation without fracture begins with closed reduction. This treatment is typically accomplished under local anesthesia with or without sedation. In dorsal dislocations of the ulna, reduction is accomplished with gentle traction, dorsal pressure (translational force) over the ulnar head, and supination. The joint must be assessed for instability and typically is most stable in supination. In volar dislocations, reduction can be more difficult because of the pull of the pronator quadratus muscle. To achieve reduction, one may have to distract the ulna from the radius Fig. 1. Axial CT scan of a simple volar dislocation with (or vice versa) in conjunction with the volar pres- ulnar styloid fracture. The dislocation required open sure (translational force) over the ulnar head and reduction because of the mechanical blockage of pronation. Regional or general anesthesia may the volar lip of the sigmoid notch. 506 Carlsen et al

and fewer DRUJ-related complications in the on AP radiographs, dislocation of the ulna on group of patients treated with the external fixa- lateral view, and greater than 5 mm of radial short- tor.44 After TFCC repair, the forearm can be immo- ening are all suggestive of a DRUJ injury.47,54 Plain bilized in a long- or Munster-type cast with or radiographs may not always represent the true without transcutaneous radioulnar pinning. The extent of soft tissue injury. Mikic49 reported, in authors’ preference is to place two 0.062-in his study of 125 Galeazzi fractures, that while Kirschner (K) wires just proximal to the DRUJ ob- 80% of patients presented with a complete dislo- taining purchase of 4 cortices and leaving the cation of the DRUJ, 20% presented with only wires slightly prominent on the radial and ulnar radiographic evidence of subluxation, compli- superficial cortices, which allows for easy wire cating the diagnosis. Clinical assessment of removal should one or both pins break between DRUJ should be performed intraoperatively after the radius and ulna. The authors prefer immobiliza- skeletal fixation of the radius shaft fracture. tion in neutral rotation to facilitate recovery of Arthroscopy has not been described as an adjunct pronation and supination after the period of immo- for evaluation and treatment with Galeazzi frac- bilization. Alternatively, the forearm is immobilized tures; however, as in the case of distal radius frac- in the position of maximal stability, supination for tures, arthroscopy may prove useful for evaluation dorsal dislocations and pronation for volar disloca- and treatment of TFCC injuries after operative tions. After 6 weeks, a removable splint is provided repair. and a gradual, progressive, active range of motion A distinction has been made between simple program is begun. and complex dislocations. Simple dislocations are those without interposing soft tissue in the dis- located DRUJ. Complex dislocations are those Galeazzi Fracture with interposing soft tissue that blocks closed A Galeazzi fracture represents a diaphyseal frac- reduction.6,35,55–57 Complex dislocations are typi- ture of the radius with an associated DRUJ dislo- cally high-energy injuries and, to the authors’ cation. This fracture pattern is named after knowledge, have not been reported except in Riccardo Galeazzi, who in 1934 published a series association with a fracture, especially a Galeazzi- of 18 patients with this fracture pattern.45 The Ga- type fracture. The most common interposing leazzi fracture occurs at least 4 to 5 cm proximal to structure is the ECU tendon,6,55–59 although other the radiocarpal joint.46 The mechanism is typically interposed structures have been described, high-energy trauma, such as a motor vehicle acci- including the extensor digiti minimi and extensor dent or a fall from a height.47,48 The pathome- digitorum communis tendons.56 The diagnosis of chanics of the injury is thought to be wrist a complex dislocation is suggested by the failure hyperextension with pronation.49 Clinically and of closed reduction of the DRUJ after open reduc- radiographically there is typically an angular defor- tion and internal fixation (ORIF) of the radius frac- mity of the radius with radial shortening and dorsal ture. In this situation, the interposing soft tissue prominence of the ulnar head (Fig. 2).47 blocks the closed reduction and a mushy sensa- The Galeazzi fracture is ‘‘the fracture of neces- tion can be appreciated when reduction is attemp- sity,’’ implying that operative fixation is required ted.6 In this case, one must be careful not to force for adequate return of function.50 Historically, reduction because a radiographic reduction may nonoperative management has been associated be apparent even with the soft tissue interposed. with poor results.49,51,52 Casting alone is associ- In a complex dislocation, an open reduction is indi- ated with a poor outcome because of the strong cated with extraction and reduction of the soft deforming forces acting on the distal fragment, tissue and open repair of the TFCC.6 which include the pronator quadratus, brachiora- dialis, and thumb extensors and abductors. Surgical approach Not all diaphyseal radius fractures result in an Galeazzi fractures are approached through a modi- injury to the DRUJ, but it has been suggested fied Henry incision within the forearm. Volar place- that a quarter of all radial shaft fractures have ment of the plate is performed using standard some associated injury to the DRUJ.53 The techniques. Dynamic compression plates are the distance that the fracture lies from the articular authors’ preferred treatment choice and have surface can help the surgeon predict the likelihood been shown to produce excellent results.54 Screw of DRUJ injury. Fractures occurring within 7.5 cm purchase should include 6 cortices above and from the midarticular surface of the radius have below the fracture site with a 3.5-mm plate (see been found to have a higher incidence of concom- Fig. 2C, D). Once the radius is reduced and fixed, itant DRUJ injury.48 An associated fracture at the the DRUJ is assessed for stability. Often base of the ulnar styloid, widening of the DRUJ a concomitant basilar ulnar styloid fracture is DRUJ Dislocations and Distal Ulna Fractures 507

Fig. 2. Anteroposterior (A) and lateral (B) radiographs of a Galeazzi fracture with an associated scaphoid frac- ture. The radius fracture was treated with a long volar plate, and the TFCC was repaired with a suture anchor at the foveal insertion; radiograph 4 years after surgery shows good healing (C, D). Nine months after the surgery the patient regained painless forearm rotation (E, F). 508 Carlsen et al

present, which may be fixed with the tension rotation. Examination should include an assess- banding technique. Persistent DRUJ instability ment of longitudinal forearm stability.70,71 Smith after radial shaft fixation and ulnar styloid fixation and colleagues71 described the radius pull test in may be addressed with arthroscopy to fully eval- a cadaver study, whereby the radius is distracted uate the TFCC. Significant instability may require proximally with a load of 9.1 kg. The investigators open ligamentous repair and/or radioulnar pinning found that there was at least 3 mm of proximal to obtain stability as previously discussed. The radius migration when the radial head and IOM forearm is immobilized in a neutral position in were disrupted and greater than 6 mm of proximal a Munster-type cast for 4 to 6 weeks after surgery. migration when the radial head, IOM, and TFCC When there is significant ulnar instability, immobi- were disrupted. lization in the more supinated position has been Radiographic evaluation includes 2 views of the recommended.60,61 elbow, forearm, and wrist. Grip views can be help- ful in the assessment of dynamic radial shortening and should be compared with the contralateral Essex-Lopresti Injury normal wrist.72 Similarly, bilateral AP wrist radio- In 1946, Curr and Coe62 published a case report of graphs are obtained to evaluate differences in a patient with a fracture dislocation of the radial ulnar variance.73 Magnetic resonance imaging head in combination with a dorsal dislocation of and ultrasonography are important adjuncts to the DRUJ. In 1951, Essex-Lopresti63 described 2 evaluate the soft tissue injury of the IOM.74,75 cases of a dislocation injury of the DRUJ in combi- The primary goal of treatment is reestablishing nation with a comminuted , the the radiocapitellar articulation by repair or replace- injury that now bears his name. The injury pattern ment of the radial head. Edwards and Jupiter64 is a manifestation of an axial compression force described a classification system that determines that results in longitudinal radioulnar disruption the surgical management of the radial head frac- and involves the DRUJ, IOM, and PRUJ or radial ture. Type I fractures are those that have large head. The radial head is the primary constraint to fragments amenable to ORIF. Type II fractures proximal migration of the radius. The secondary are comminuted and ORIF is not an option. These constraints include the IOM and TFCC. In Essex- injuries require radial head excision and prosthetic Lopresti injuries, there is loss of primary and replacement. Type III injuries are chronic injuries secondary constraints. As such, the radius is freed with irreducible proximal radial head migration. of its constraints to the ulna and migrates proxi- The investigators recommend radial head replace- mally. These injuries can also occur in conjunction ment in conjunction with an ulnar shortening os- with distal radius fractures or radial shaft frac- teotomy procedure. Outcomes correlate to the tures.64–66 The diagnosis can be difficult because timeliness of diagnosis and treatment within the the tendency is to focus on the obvious injury at first week.65 Trousdale and colleagues,65 in the elbow.67 The long-term problem lies in the a summary of reported cases including their longitudinal axial instability, which can present own, reported that 9 of 10 patients treated within early or delayed as occurs after radial head exci- 1 week had a satisfactory result as opposed to sion or gradual failure of the IOM after the loss of only 4 of 14 patients achieving a satisfactory result radial head restraint. The manifestation is proximal when treated more than 1 week after injury. Exci- migration of the radius, with radiocapitellar sion of the radial head is contraindicated in impingement proximally and ulnar impaction Essex-Lopresti injuries because there is nothing distally.68,69 to stop proximal migration of the radius in this situ- The primary contributor to longitudinal forearm ation. Therefore, radial head replacement is indi- stability is the radial head, with the TFCC and cated.63,76,77 If nothing else, in this situation, the IOM functioning as secondary stabilizers. A radial head replacement may function as an complete discussion of radial head fractures is internal splint while the IOM, TFCC, and beyond the scope of this article. However, the surrounding soft tissues are allowed to heal. elbow must be assessed for stability and to rule Once the radiocapitellar articulation is reestab- out concomitant coronoid fracture and medial lished, the DRUJ is assessed for stability. If the collateral ligament injury. One must also be vigilant DRUJ is unstable, then direct assessment of the in examination for axial injuries to the forearm, TFCC can be performed arthroscopically. If signif- which would include the IOM and DRUJ. The icant instability is present or complete foveal patient typically has a history of a high-energy axial disruption of the TFCC is noted on arthroscopy, force to the hand or forearm. Examination the authors prefer direct repair of the foveal inser- frequently demonstrates a dorsally prominent tion with suture anchors or heavy suture through ulna, limited wrist extension, and limited forearm bone tunnels with or without radioulnar pinning. DRUJ Dislocations and Distal Ulna Fractures 509

The forearm is maintained in a Munster-type splint 0.59 and 0.96, respectively. It has been suggested or cast until 6 weeks, when a gradual and progres- that if greater than 1 cm of dorsal-to-palmar trans- sive range of motion program is initiated. lation is present, instability should be assumed.84 Prereduction radiographic findings may help to Distal Radius Fractures and the DRUJ increase the surgeon’s suspicion of DRUJ injury. Recent prospective studies have shown that Cadaveric studies suggest that if there is no concomitant injury to the TFCC at the time of distal evidence for an ulnar styloid fracture but the radius fracture may be as high as 60% to preoperative radiographs reveal significant short- 84%.78,79 Despite this observation, there is still ening of the radius relative to the ulna (>7 mm), no accepted algorithm for the evaluation and treat- then a disruption of the DRUJ ligaments has likely 85 ment of these injuries.1 The association between occurred. Four additional signs that may indicate DRUJ injuries and distal radius fractures has DRUJ injury include (1) ulnar styloid base fracture, been noted as early as 1814, when Abraham (2) widening of the DRUJ interval on AP radio- Colles stated, ‘‘If the surgeon proceeds to investi- graphs, (3) dislocation of the DRUJ on lateral gate the nature of this injury, he will find that the radiographs, and (4) more than 5 mm of radial 54 86 end of the ulna admits of being readily moved shortening. May and colleagues noted a corre- backward and forward.’’80 Studies that used ar- lation with distal radius comminution and DRUJ thrography to examine TFCC injuries associated instability; however, other studies have not shown with distal radius fractures have noted an inci- a clear correlation between radiographic findings 60,78,79,83,87 dence of 45% to 65%.81,82 and DRUJ instability. In Lindau and 83 More recent studies using arthroscopy have re- colleagues’ prospective study of 51 patients, vealed similar findings. Geissler and colleagues78 the investigators found no correlation between examined 60 consecutive patients who had failed radiographic findings (at the time of injury or at closed reduction and had greater than 2 mm of follow-up) and DRUJ instability. articular stepoff within the radius. In this study, A CT scan can provide additional information 26 of the 60 patients were found to have an injury and may be obtained in the acute setting to further to the TFCC (43%); of these injuries 13 were study distal radius fractures. Axial views of the peripheral ulnar-sided tears (Palmer 1B), 7 were DRUJ can be compared with the contralateral radial-sided tears (Palmer 1D), and 6 were central side. Subluxation or frank dislocation may often perforations (Palmer 1A). be identified in addition to bony fragments sugges- Lindau and colleagues83 reported on a prospec- tive of palmar or radioulnar joint ligamentous avul- 39,88 tive series of 51 young patients with displaced sions (Fig. 3). distal radius fractures. Diagnostic nontherapeutic If radiographs are nondiagnostic and the phys- arthroscopy was performed on all patients. The ical examination is suggestive of instability after investigators found that 43 patients (84%) had an injury of the TFCC. Worse outcomes were associ- ated with DRUJ instability. At a median follow-up of 12 months, 19 patients (37%) had DRUJ insta- bility, including 10 of the 11 patients diagnosed with complete avulsion at the time of arthroscopy and 7 of the 32 patients with partial peripheral or central tears.83 Based on these studies, one can conclude that TFCC injury is commonly associ- ated with distal radius fractures and if untreated may increase long-term morbidity.

Diagnosis of DRUJ instability after Diagnosis of DRUJ instability based on physical examination is difficult after distal radius fracture injury in the nonanesthetized patient. Therefore, Fig. 3. Axial CT scan of a dorsal dislocation with distal stability is best assessed intraoperatively after radius fracture involving the sigmoid notch. The small fracture fixation in an anesthetized patient. A osteochondral fragment (arrow) was found at surgery certain amount of laxity may be normal, and there- to represent the palmar radioulnar ligament. (From fore comparison with the contralateral side may be Carlsen B, Rizzo M, Moran S. Soft-tissue injuries asso- necessary. Lindau and colleagues83 reported the ciated with distal radius fractures. Operat Tech Orthop sensitivity and specificity of clinical diagnosis of 2009;19(2):107–18; with permission.) 510 Carlsen et al

fracture reduction, the authors prefer arthroscopy aspect of the wrist, directly over the styloid. This of the TFCC to evaluate for injury. This approach incision may be incorporated into the 6U arthro- allows for the possibility of immediate open repair scopic portal, if this has been used to evaluate with suture anchors or heavy suture through bone the radius during fracture fixation. The dorsal ulnar tunnels with or without radioulnar pinning. sensory nerve can be identified running with the basilic vein and is gently retracted before opening Management of ulnar styloid fractures the joint capsule. The location of the nerve may be Frykman89 included fractures of the ulnar styloid in marked on the patient before surgical intervention his classification system for distal radius fractures. by understanding that its course represents He believed that concomitant fractures of the ulnar a perpendicular bisection of a line connecting the styloid were predictive of worse outcomes. ulnar styloid to the pisiform. A 0.054- or 0.062-in Several clinical studies have supported this K wire is used to create 2 transverse drill holes claim.90–92 Oskarsson and colleagues91 found above and below the fracture line within the ulnar styloid fractures to be associated with bone. A 25- or 24-gauge steel wire may then be a greater loss of mobility and postoperative grip passed through the drill holes. The styloid fracture strength when comparing outcomes in patients is then pinned using two 0.045-in K wires, and the with distal radius fractures. In addition, Stoffelen wire is then tensioned appropriately. If the distal and colleagues,92 in a prospective study of 272 styloid fragment is too small for the wire to pass in- patients, found that all patients presenting with traosseously, the wire is held distally beneath the K DRUJ instability after distal radius fracture had wires, which are cut short and embedded within suffered an ulnar styloid fracture at the time of the distal fragment. Engagement of the ulnar the original injury. Knirk and Jupiter90 found, in styloid with the K wire is aided with the use of their long-term outcome study of patients with a 14-gauge needle, which is used as a soft tissue distal radius fractures, that ulnar styloid nonunions protector during K-wire placement. Alternatively, were associated with poorer outcomes. the wire driver can be used on oscillation to Conversely, other authors have noted no clear protect the soft tissue. The hollow needle is used association between ulnar styloid fractures and to engage the periosteum of the ulnar styloid and overall outcomes.93–98 Furthermore, studies using aids in directing the K wire. K wires may be cut arthroscopy have suggested that an ulnar styloid and imbedded into the ulnar styloid or brought fracture is not necessarily predictive of TFCC out through the skin for removal in 4 to 6 weeks. injury.83,99 Once the styloid is repaired, the stability of the Although the direct correlation between ulnar DRUJ is reassessed. If the DRUJ remains styloid injury and DRUJ instability is not clearly es- unstable, repair of the foveal attachment of the tablished, it does seem from the literature that TFCC may be necessary. Often the original radio- ulnar styloid nonunion and malunion should be graph shows a separate bony avulsion fragment avoided.90,100 Small avulsion injuries from the tip adjacent to the styloid fracture, representing the of the styloid are likely to be the result of direct foveal insertion of the TFCC,102,103 which may be trauma and are unlikely to involve the fovea inser- repaired arthroscopically or through an open tion of the TFCC; however, large fragments, espe- approach. cially those displaced greater than 2 mm, are more likely to be associated with disruption of the foveal Sigmoid notch and dorsal ulnar and volar insertion of the TFCC and should be fixed.27,86,101 ulnar corner fractures Ruch and colleagues84 advocate evaluation of the Distal radius fractures often present with some ulnar styloid with a true lateral radiograph. If the injury to the lunate facet, more commonly the ulnar styloid lies palmar to the axis of the ulnar dorsal ulnar corner, and may also include the volar shaft, one should suspect that the stability of the ulnar corner (marginal) fragment (which can also DRUJ is compromised. Thus the authors recom- present with radiocarpal subluxation). These frac- mend repairing all large ulnar styloid fragments, if tures may present with an unstable DRUJ because possible. The authors have found wire reduction they include either the dorsal or the volar origin of alone or tension banding to be most effective for the radioulnar ligaments. When these fracture ulnar styloid reduction. Anatomic reduction of the fragments are present, if instability is present after ulnar styloid is usually simple if the radius has reduction and fixation of the radius fracture, then been reduced to normal anatomic alignment, further attention is directed to ensure the reduction especially in terms of rotation and translation of and stability of these fragments. Preoperative CT the distal radial fragments. scanning is extremely helpful in identifying these Large ulnar styloid fractures may be fixed difficult fracture patterns when they are suspected through a 2- to 3-cm incision made at the ulnar on plain radiographs. DRUJ Dislocations and Distal Ulna Fractures 511

With current locking volar plating systems used the first few weeks in a Munster-type splint in to treat distal radius fractures, many of these larger neutral forearm rotation. Early gentle 30 pronation dorsal ulnar fragments can be reduced and then or 30 supination forearm rotation at 2 to 3 weeks captured by the pegs or screws through the volar with a removable Munster splint provides a good plate. However, smaller or more ulnar, dorsal, balance of protection and motion. and distal fragments may not be able to be stabi- Although the flexor carpi radialis approach is the lized without dorsal exposure, reduction, and most common for volar plating, the volar marginal fragment-specific fixation. On rare occasions, the fragment may be approached using a window on sigmoid notch may be unstable with a shearing- the ulnar side of the flexor tendons and radial type subchondral injury (Fig. 4). Reduction of side of the flexi carpi ulnaris (FCU) and ulnar nerve these fractures can often be achieved without and artery. Again careful reduction and fixation is a dorsal incision, but closed reduction of the completed using either figure-of-eight suture, dorsal fragment is helped considerably by near tension band, or fragment-specific fixation as anatomic reduction of the radial length, volar tilt, needed.104 Careful physical and fluoroscopic radial inclination, and radiocarpal articular surface. examination should be conducted to confirm the When trying to capture these smaller fragments, reduction and stability of the fracture fragments close to the DRUJ, one must be careful to make and the DRUJ. certain that no pins, screws, or pegs are placed within the DRUJ or the lunate facet. When the Distal Ulna Fractures reduction or fixation is not obtainable without an incision, the dorsal fractures may be approached Lafontaine and colleagues105 have described the through the floor of the fourth extensor compart- potential instability of combined distal radius and ment. This exposure can also allow for DRUJ ar- ulna fractures, particularly in patients older than throtomy, through the floor of the fifth extensor 60 years. Although conservative treatment of distal compartment, to assist with reduction of the ulna fractures typically is not related to late insta- sigmoid notch if needed. The fragment can then bility of the DRUJ, complications have been re- be stabilized with K wires, a small plate, or ported within a series of 19 (6%) distal ulna fragment-specific fixation or with the distal and fractures that accompanied 320 distal radius frac- ulnar screws from the volar plate. Dorsal plates tures. Complications included 2 comminuted should always be applied with careful attention distal ulna fractures that were associated with to minimize any prominence and may need to be nonunion, 4 of 5 simple neck fractures that had removed if any tendon irritation is noticed. If there marked restriction of rotation, and 3 other cases is any concern that the fracture requires specific that had fracture callus encroachment of the protection, then the forearm is immobilized for DRUJ that limited forearm rotation.106 McKee and colleagues,107 Ring and colleagues,108 and Fernandez and colleagues109 have reported on the potential complications, especially nonunion of the radius, with combined distal radius and distal ulna fractures. In the authors’ experience with newer locked volar plating techniques that stabilize the distal radius, many distal ulna fractures are relatively stable after reduction and stabilization of the distal radius fracture and may be treated with supple- mental immobilization in a Munster-type splint or cast in neutral forearm rotation.110 However, unstable, comminuted, or displaced distal ulnar neck and head fractures that accompany distal radius fractures may benefit from surgical treat- ment.110,111 With current techniques available to stabilize distal ulna fractures, an attempt at reduc- tion and fixation, when required, is important to Fig. 4. Axial CT scan of a shear-type injury to the maintain the most normal DRUJ congruence, sigmoid notch. The fragment includes the radial stability, and motion. Options for operative fixation attachment of the dorsal radioulnar ligament with of these fractures include percutaneous K wires, a small amount of subchondral bone and dorsal which provide support, even with osteoporotic comminution. bone, but this technique requires postoperative 512 Carlsen et al

immobilization and has morbidity associated with distal radius fractures with either condylar blade pin site irritation and infection. ORIF may allow plate fixation111 or 2-mm locking plate fixation secure fixation and earlier motion, but internal fixa- (Fig. 5).110 Results were favorable in each series tion may also be challenging because of small, with respect to union, motion, and function. The comminuted, or osteoporotic fracture fragments. condylar ulnar plate was removed in 7 of 24 Plate position on the ulna requires careful attention patients, and no locking plates required so that it does not interfere with the DRUJ. The removal; this difference may have been related subcutaneous location of the bone and the loca- more to surgeon preference toward plate tion of the superficial branch of the ulnar nerve removal.110,111 also emphasize the importance of a relatively Locking plate fixation offers a few potential low-profile implant to minimize symptoms from advantages over condylar blade plate fixation. prominent hardware. When considering ORIF of Locking plates allow for a lag-type locking screw the distal ulna (head and neck), smaller plate sizes and also for more than 1 locked peg to be inserted may be appropriate, but traditional plate sizes into the distal fragment, which may enhance artic- should be maintained when stabilizing more ular reduction and stability. In either case, a low diaphyseal or metadiaphyseal ulna fractures. profile plate is advantageous when trying to mini- Good results have been reported after ORIF of mize hardware prominence in this subcutaneous distal ulna fractures that were associated with location. Stable fixation of the ulnar head fracture

Fig. 5. Comminuted, displaced distal radius fracture and distal (A) fixed with a 2.0-mm locking plate of the distal ulna fracture and volar locking plate fixation of the distal radius fracture as shown on AP (B) and lateral (C) views. DRUJ Dislocations and Distal Ulna Fractures 513 allows for early motion of the DRUJ and ideally 6. Bruckner JD, Lichtman DM, Alexander AH. may help preserve forearm rotation. Complex dislocations of the distal radioulnar joint. These fractures are typically approached from Recognition and management. Clin Orthop Relat the ulnar aspect of the wrist, in the ECU-FCU Res 1992;275:90–103. interval, and require careful identification and 7. Linscheid RL. Biomechanics of the distal radioulnar protection of the dorsal sensory branch of the joint. Clin Orthop Relat Res 1992;275:46–55. ulnar nerve. In general, the most helpful step in ob- 8. Ray RD, Johnson RJ, Jameson RM. 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