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RECTOR (usual day off: Monday) The Revd Prebendary Edward Ward, Edgmond Rectory 820217

RESIDENT MINISTER (part time; usual day off: Saturday) The Revd David Stokes-Harrison, Tibberton Rectory 551117

LICENSED READER Paul Benton 603071

CHURCHWARDENS John Ingram, Lovatt Cottage, 5 Turners Lane, Edgmond 810337 Chris Taylor, Provost’s House, High Street, Edgmond 810880

PCC SECRETARY Jane Gill 811201




TOWER SECRETARY Paul Lewis 820135

PUBLICITY c/o Penny Westgate 812920

MOTHERS’ UNION Margaret Matthews 825976

MAGAZINE EDITOR Sara Taylor, Provost’s House, Edgmond, TF10 8JY 810880 Email: [email protected]

MAGAZINE ADVERTISING Chris Taylor, Provost’s House, Edgmond, TF10 8JY 810880 Email: [email protected]

MAGAZINE DISTRIBUTION Penny Hughes 07964 030621

2 Dear Friends,

It is claimed that religion is in decline these days, or that it has collapsed completely apart from a few fuddy-duddies who practice it. But I don’t think that it has ever gone away. It is still there but perhaps in a different form which we may not have recognized. Certainly there was a time when new ideologies, such as communism, atheism, and humanism were supposed to have taken the place of religion. But these theories have failed to produce the wonderful future they had promised and people turned away from them. Perhaps in Western materialistic Europe people did not return to the traditional churches, but elsewhere church attendance is booming.

People are better educated and are encouraged to think for themselves on all matters, but it sometimes seems to me that when it comes to religion people do not use their God- given gifts of reasoning, critical questioning and intelligence, which they use in all other matters. Their religious beliefs appear to be stuck in the infant class, and they quite rightly reject all the childish notions, ideas and images of that age. They do not allow their beliefs to mature, to investigate, to doubt and to question what Christianity says. Consequently they believe that when they rejected childish ideas then they have rejected all religion, which of course they have not.

Bertrand Russell, the great philosopher, once said that “people do not want the truth, they want certainty”. And this is most definitely true in religion. Every religion has certain fundamental truths, but we have to discover the truth of them for ourselves. To say that something is true simply because it is in the bible, is an argument that does not hold any water. For instance, you must consider the historical, the cultural circumstances when it was first written and any re-editing it may have undergone, and what is the reasoning, the thought behind the words on the page, and is it an accurate translation. All these must be considered, which is why you must always have some form of commentary when reading the bible.

While people might not in surveys describe themselves as members of a particular religion or denomination, they frequently describe themselves as spiritual. Now here is a word with umpteen meanings. It can mean a belief in the realm of the spirit, that there is something beyond and above human nature, something ethereal, something holy and sacred. And this is religious whilst not belonging to a particular belief system.

There is a very great tradition of Christian spirituality which deepens a Christian’s experience of God. There are many great classics of spirituality which will help religious people to deepen their spiritual lives.

As Lent approaches (it begins on Ash Wednesday, February 10th) perhaps it is the time for all of us to begin to study a little more deeply what we believe, why we believe it and why we reject certain beliefs; and also seize the opportunity to delve into the deep pool of Christian spirituality and mysticism.

May God bless you. Your Priest and Friend, Edward Ward



DATE EDGMOND KYNNERSLEY PRESTON Thursday 4th 9.30 am Holy Communion SUNDAY 7th 7.45 am 10.30 am 9.00 am Next before Lent Holy Communion Holy Communion Holy Communion 10.30 am Family Communion Wednesday 10th 9.30 am Ash Wednesday Holy Communion with Ashing 7.00 pm Holy Communion with Ashing Thursday 11th 9.30 am Holy Communion SUNDAY 14th 7.45 am 10.30 am 10.15 am Lent 1 Holy Communion Holy Communion Family Service 10.30 am Sung Eucharist 4.30 pm Healing Service Thursday 18th 9.30 am Holy Communion 8.30 pm Compline SUNDAY 21st 7.45 am 10.30 am 9.00 am Lent 2 Holy Communion Holy Communion Holy Communion 10.30 am Family Communion 3.30 pm Holy Communion Thursday 25th 9.30 am Holy Communion SUNDAY 28th 7.45 am 10. 30 am 9.00 am Lent 3 Holy Communion Family Service Holy Communion 10.30 am Sung Eucharist




SUNDAY 7th 10.30 am 10.30 am 9.15 am Next before Lent Family Service Morning Prayer Holy Communion

Wednesday 10th Ash Wednesday

Thursday 11th

SUNDAY 14th 9.00 am 10.30 am 9.15 am Lent 1 Holy Communion Holy Communion Said Communion

Thursday 18th

SUNDAY 21st 10.30 am 10.30 am 9.15 am Lent 2 Morning Prayer Holy Communion Holy Communion

Thursday 25th

SUNDAY 28th 9 . 00 am 10.30 am 9.15 am Lent 3 Holy Communion Holy Communion Holy Communion


HOLY BAPTISM 15th November at St Chad’s, Kynnersley – Kit Stanley Dobson, son of Jack and Georgina Edge. 29th November at St John the Baptist, Great Bolas – Henry George, son of Alastair and Katie Heath. 29th November at St John the Baptist, Great Bolas – Thomas Ford, son of James and Jennifer Heath.

CREMATIONS 18th December at Crematorium – Alfred James (Jim) Wilson.

BURIAL OF ASHES 14th December at St Michael’s, Waters Upton – Peter Batho.


The first front cover of this new year focuses on some seasonal activites. Top left is a photo of preparations for a previous Plough Sunday Service in the Soil Hall at Harper Adams University. Edgmond’s Plough Sunday Service this year takes place on Sunday 24th January and we hope you haven’t missed it! Below that is a lovely picture of snowdrops to remind you of the walks which continue through February at Caynton House Farm – for details see page 11. Pictured bottom left in Edgmond’s recreational field car park are Police Community Support Officers from the local Safer Neighbourhood Team who do such a good job for us – on the right is PCSO Andy Protheroe whose latest contribution to our Parish Warden’s report can be found on page 10. Finally, the drawing of Edgmond Methodist Church on the right relates to an important notice which you can read on page 14. I hope you enjoy our front cover pictures which attempt to reflect aspects of life in our community – please do continue to snap whatever is going on and send me the photos.

The next edition of the Parish Magazine and Village News will cover the month of March 2016 and the deadline for contributions is Sunday, 7th February. I would be very grateful if you can deliver your contributions in good time to me at the address on the inside front cover – or you can email them to me at [email protected]. And I’m always delighted to receive your photos (preferably by email) not just for the front cover, but also to illustrate your articles and contributions inside.

Don’t forget that you can also read this magazine online on both the village and church websites (addresses on the front cover).


The Chapel at Telford Crematorium was full with family, friends and former customers who had come to pay their respects to Jim Wilson, a well-known shopkeeper and character both in Newport and Edgmond.

Jim’s parents had moved from Birmingham in the early 1920’s to take over a tobacconist and confectionery shop in the High Street, Newport. They lived over the shop and it was there that Jim was born in 1925. As his parents worked 12 hours a day, six days a week, Jim as a young boy was allowed to roam around Newport as long as he was back in time for meals, and so he became well-known in the many shops and workshops there. He was educated at the co-educational junior department at Newport High School and then at Adams Grammar School. He was very interested in science and technology, and his hobbies included making radios and model planes, and in later life he built the family’s first television set. In 1941 he left school to begin a manager-training course in Woolworth’s, a decision which infuriated the Headmaster who thought that Jim had made this decision just to annoy him!

Jim met Jan when her family moved to Newport when her father was appointed to HMS Godwit at Childs Ercall, where he trained pilots in night time flying. Jim decided that he should join up, and he aimed to impress Jan’s father by joining the Fleet Air Arm. His first posting was to Butlin’s at Skegness, and ironically this was the only time he ever came under enemy fire. He trained in what was then the new technology of airborne radar, and was posted to the Far East. At the end of the war Jim returned home via Australia where he had obtained a promise of a job. He and Jan were married in Newport on June 10th 1946 (his 21st birthday). Then unfortunately his father died and as a result Jim & Jan postponed their plans to move to Australia in order to help his mother run the shop.

Jim had many outside interests. For 40 years he sailed at Colemere and was Commodore of the Sailing Club twice, as well as holding other offices. He was in charge of Road Safety Training for Wellington Rural Council, and started bicycle riding safety courses in Edgmond. He was also a member of the 41 Club. However the most important things in his life were his family. He and Jan had three children, Brian, Peter, and Andrew. Tragically Brian was killed in a car crash in 1986.

Jim and Jan decided to sell the shop in 1989 and they spent part of their retirement travelling the world, especially visiting Jan’s sisters in New Zealand and South Africa. Unfortunately Jim became ill with cancer but he was able to celebrate his 90th birthday, and he and Jan their 69th wedding anniversary in 2015. Jim died peacefully at home in December 2015. We extend to all his family, especially his wife Jan, his sons Peter and Andrew, daughters-in-law Sue, Sheila and Helen, and all his grandchildren, our deepest sympathy at this time. 7 ST PETER’S CHURCH, EDGMOND


7.45 am Holy Communion 10.30 am Morning Service (as announced) 6.30 pm Healing Service (2nd Sundays)

10.30 am SUNDAY SERVICES AND BIBLE READINGS FEBRUARY 2016 February 7th Family Communion Next before Lent Gospel: Luke 9: 28-36 February 14th Sung Eucharist Lent 1 Old Testament Lesson: Deuteronomy 26: 1-11 Epistle: Romans 10: 8b-13 Gospel: Luke 4: 1-13 February 21st Family Communion Lent 2 Gospel: Luke 13: 31-end February 28th Sung Eucharist Lent 3 Old Testament Lesson: Isaiah 55: 1-9 Epistle: 1 Corinthians 10: 1-13 Gospel: Luke 13: 1-9


Just to remind you all that the next monthly Healing Service at St Peter’s will be held on 14th February at 4.30 pm.


The next Thursday Coffee Morning at St Peter’s Church will be on Thursday 18th February following the 9.30 am Holy Communion Service. You don’t have to attend the service to be able to have a cup of coffee. Just turn up at the church at about 10 am, or thereabouts, and join us for coffee (or tea) and a chat. We shall look forward to seeing you.

The next meeting will be on Thursday 11th February at 2.15 pm in St Peter’s Church, Edgmond. Everyone is welcome. For further information and/or help with transport please contact Margaret Matthews on 825976.


Forty children attended the workshop in which, through both worship and craft items, the children discovered the true meaning of Advent and Christmas. A big thank you must be expressed to Jane Ward, Julia Brown and to all their helpers for organising and running another successful workshop.


The Christingle Service proved to be as successful and happy as ever when St Peter’s Church was packed to the gunwales for the service on Christmas Eve. The Rector produced yet another outstanding Christmas hat, much to the amusement of the congregation. Very many thanks to Stephanie and all her helpers for organising this popular service, and thanks to Paul and Pam from the Village Shop for donating the oranges. As a result of the Service we were able to send a grand total of £788.51 to the Childrens’ Society.


Great thanks must be given to all those who, in so many different ways, helped to make our Christmas festivities so successful, especially groups such as the bell ringers, organist and choir, the flower arrangers, cleaners, churchwardens and sidesmen, and all those who supplied refreshments, who had to cope with extra services. Without their loyalty and help we would not be able to offer all we that do at Christmas.

Thank you, too, to Peter Wilson of Chetwynd for providing our beautiful big Christmas tree again this year, as he has done so kindly for many Christmasses past.


Easter is early this year (Sunday March 27th) and this means that Lent begins early this year too. As a result Ash Wednesday (the first day of Lent) falls on Wednesday February 10th.

Ash Wednesday is one of the major Fast Days of the Church, and the Church of describes it as one of the days on which all confirmed Christians must make their Communion. There will be two celebrations of Holy Communion at St Peter’s that day: 9.30 am and 7.00 pm, to enable all who wish to, to receive the sacrament. Each service will also include the ancient ceremony of ashing, which is voluntary.



On Tuesday 16 February 2016 – a talk entitled "Personal Glimpses of the Titanic" by Miss Johanna Varden MBE.

The venue for all meetings is the Royal British Legion Club, Audley Road, Newport. The meetings commence at 2 pm. Admission £1. Visitors are always welcome. For further information please go to


Thanks to the special efforts of PCSO Andy Protheroe (of the Newport Safer Neighbourhood Team) between Christmas and the Parish Magazine Deadline, I am able to give you the things reported to the Police during December.

On the 1st, there was a silent ‘999’ call during the evening. This was checked and it was found that all was in order.

On the 3rd, there was a report of an Eastern European female knocking doors asking for money to further her education. This was in Mentone Crescent at just after 1800. She was described as wearing a black puffer jacket and blue jeans and having dark dreadlock-type hair. She had a lanyard and an identity card. Before police attendance, she had moved on. (Around that date there were other reports, filtering through me, of similar incidents from School Lane and Bailey Hills. These were all retrospective. I would stress that any incidents of which you are suspicious should be reported immediately on telephone number 101, and ask for Extension 66684).

Overnight, 16th/17th, a DVD case (only) for a pornographic DVD was thrown into the garden of a property in Robin Lane. A noise had been heard about 0200.

On the 18th, it was reported that a drink driver was leaving an Edgmond public house but no time was given.

The Mobile Police Station will be in the village on 26th February at 1415. As usual it will be parked at the Recreation Field. It will also be there on 7th March at 0930. These afford other opportunities to meet the Team and raise any issues if you wish to. John Keeping (813125)


Many thanks to everyone who attended the Christmas Fair on Sunday 29th November. The event was extremely well supported and much enjoyed by everyone. A big thank you to Anne Green, Denise Bishop, Janis Blinkhorne and Amanda Hill for organising the event and to everyone who contributed making a fantastic £930 for the village hall renovation fund. We would also like to thank everyone who helped to decorate the tree outside the village hall on a very wet and windy day – Paul Hill for supplying the lights, Edgmond Owls for decorating the baubles, the Guides and Brownies for the other decorations and the Scouts for making the plaques at the bottom of the tree.

Forthcoming events: The Sewing Bee to make curtains for the current village hall on 23rd January has been postponed, but will be happening later in the year. This is an opportunity to learn to make handmade curtains whilst helping to make new curtains for the Village Hall. Anne Green, formerly Anne Clinton Soft Furnishing, will be leading this group. Please contact Anne on 01952 814312 if you would like to help.

There will be a Quiz Night on Saturday 30th January. Doors open at 7.00 pm for a prompt start at 7.30 pm. We need teams of 4/5 people and the cost will be £5.00 per person to include a Fish and Chip supper to be served at 8.30 pm. A bar will also be available. Please contact Denise Bishop on 01952 812850 (07718 424957) or [email protected].

Lost the Plot will be returning to the village hall on 13th February. We will be having another pamper evening on Tuesday March 1st and The Shropshire Orpheus Savoyards (SOS) choir will be performing a collection of Gilbert & Sullivan songs in the village hall on April 9th. More details on all these events will follow in due course. Further details of all events are available at


The snowdrop walks at Caynton House Farm begin at the end of January continuing through February. Phone Anne Furniss on 01952 550216 to book your walk. Tea or coffee and cakes in “The Stables” kitchen after your walk, if you have time! Donations to The Friends of St Peter’s Church. For the less able there is a 5 minute walk, the longer walk takes about 30 minutes. No dogs please.


News & Reports from Edgmond Parish Council

Time to thank the unsung heroes of the village! Thank you to those who help with the walking bus and give up their time to organise children’s summer activities. Thank you to those involved with our local community groups - the karate club, toddler group, brownies and guides, cubs, beavers and scouts, the WI, the Bowling Club and Snooker Club. Thank you to those who ring the bells, cut the grass, put the parish magazine together and organise the many events at St Peter’s church throughout the year. Thank you to those who run the Village Hall, the Methodist Hall and those who give their time to serve on the Parish Council. Special thanks go to Cllr Humphries who laid the poppy-day wreath on behalf of the Parish Council last November. Thank you to people who pick up other people’s litter; who help by giving lifts to others without transport and who keep the pavements, roadsides and footpaths clear of dog mess. Thank you to all the kind, considerate and tolerant members of this community. Edgmond would be a poorer place without you.

It’s a year since the dedicated notice board was taken down from outside the shop and we are still struggling to find a position for its replacement. The Parish Council wants to communicate better with the community. We recognise that communication is a two-way process, which is why we feel that the website is such an important tool. However, registrations on the website are disappointingly low. If you REGISTER on the website you can opt to receive emailed alerts from time to time. These help to keep you in touch with important news. We have opened up a ‘message board’ on the website which is a good way for you to communicate with us. The Parish Council is also on Facebook - EDGMOND COMMUNITY FORUM.

The Parish Council has £1000 to spend on an environmental project for the village. Please let us have your ideas.

If you want information about your Parish Council please log onto the website - you don’t have to be registered to use the website! Katrina Baker MBE The Oaklands, Waters Upton, Telford, Shropshire, TF6 6NP 01952 541939 (home); 07813 788094 [email protected]


Putting the MEN back into MENTORING

Mentoring Charity looking for Volunteers

Mentor Link provides one to one social and emotional support to vulnerable and distressed children and young people by providing them with a volunteer Mentor or Counsellor. The Mentors listen to, befriend and support young people with the aim of creating a more positive attitude towards themselves and their learning. The mentoring helps the young people build a positive future and their well-being forms the focus of our service. Formed in 2002 the charity now mentors around 450 young people each year across the , and are recruiting more male volunteers to work with boys in the Telford area for 30 minutes to an hour once a week.

Mentor Nigel writes ………

Having recently retired, I was talking to a neighbour who was a Mentor, and I thought I would really like to do that. I saw Mentor Link’s advert in the local paper, and the next day I applied.

It has now been 19 months since I have been mentoring, and I find it so rewarding. I did see a big difference in the two boys I mentored for 5 months before they went to senior school. I am continuing to mentor two lovely lads, and I get on with them extremely well, and they with me.

Mentoring is so rewarding, and I wish I had heard about it sooner. Here is to many more years! Nigel

If you have an interest in supporting young people facing social and emotional difficulties in their life, are a good listener, reliable, punctual, non-judgmental, patient and willing to persevere, have excellent communication skills with a positive outlook on life, and able to commit to a minimum of 6 months volunteering, we would like to hear from you.

Mentor Link provide Induction Training, Enhanced DBS clearance, travelling expenses, on-going training, and a dedicated team of staff to support you in your role.

For further information on this voluntary opportunity or on the services of the charity please contact Volunteer Recruiter/Co-ordinator Karen Arnold on 07875 438659, [email protected], or [email protected], 01299 822336.

Supported by the Big Lottery. For further information go to or find us on Facebook. Registered charity number 1106171.


Minister: The Revd James Whateley 11 Silverdale Close, Church Aston, Newport, TF10 9FA Telephone: 01952 813959


February 7th 10.30 am Mrs Denice Morgan February 14th Service at Tibberton The Revd James Whateley February 21st 10.30 am Dr J J Cox February 28th 10.30 am Mr John Berry


Free Grace: Christians talk about free grace – it costs us nothing, except to turn and follow Christ. But there is nothing free about it – it cost Christ dearly and it must still cost God when he sees our shallowness and selfishness.

Justification by Faith: (Beloved by Protestants, and a constant reminder of the Goodness of God), whereby we may stand before God as if we were not guilty, restored to that for which we were created. This is not the result of our faith, as God has done it all. All we can do is to humbly accept.

Forgiving is Easy: (If so, why do we find it so difficult to restore someone to our old relationship when they have hurt us, and while we still remember the hurt?) Is it different for God? Does he find it easy to know fully what we are and have done, and yet still welcome us back into fellowship with him?


At a recent meeting the members of the Methodist Church in Edgmond decided that regular worship in the chapel should come to an end. This is partly as a result of dwindling congregations over a number of years. There will be a final service on the afternoon of Sunday 8th May when the 156 year history of the chapel will be celebrated. Worship will be held on most Sundays until 8th May.

Once the chapel has closed, responsibility for the property passes to the Telford Circuit of the Methodist Church which will then decide on its future use. The managing trustees of the Circuit would be interested to explore, with local people, how the premises might be used for the benefit of church and community.

Graham Sturdy Superintendent of the Telford Methodist Circuit 14 ST CHAD’S CHURCH, KYNNERSLEY

Churchwardens: Mr Jack Edge 07730 217813 PCC Secretary: Mrs Georgina Edge 670153

SERVICES in FEBRUARY 2016 Sunday February 7th Epistle 2 Corinthians 3:12 – 4:2 Jack Edge Next before Lent (Gold) Gospel Luke 9: 28 - 36 Catherine Gregory 10.30 am – Holy Communion Sunday February 14th Epistle Romans 10: 8b-13 Jack Edge Lent 1 (Purple) Gospel Luke 4: 1-13 Stephanie Dobson 10.30 am – Holy Communion Sunday February 21st Epistle Philippians 3:17 – 4:1 Jack Edge Lent 2 (Purple) Gospel Luke 13: 31-end Chris Blagden 10.30 am – Holy Communion Sunday February 28th – Lent 3 10.30 am – Family Service


At our AGM in November Pat Jones was re-elected President, Carole Cameron Treasurer and Ann Prosser Secretary. Mrs. Doreen Hall judged the Show Categories of Jam, Chutney, Victoria Sponge and knitted baby hat. Overall winner was Carole, close second Pat, third Bridget and joint 4th Dora, June and Maz. The hats were donated to the Baby Unit at the PRH. In December, we had a ‘super Saturday morning’ Christmas Workshop when Jean Madeley inspired us to make either a Door Hanging or Table Decoration. A very enjoyable Christmas meal was held in the Village Hall, with entertainment by Louise Maclean, reading her own poems.

Our meeting on the 9th February is a Craft Workshop, with Julie Highfield.

We meet in Kynnersley Village Hall on the 2nd Tuesday of the month at 7.30 pm. For further details, please contact Pat on 603612 or Ann on 670937.


Please contact Wendy if you are interested in a monthly Social Arts and Crafts night - the idea being to share skills and interests and of course be ‘crafty' on the evening; perhaps once a month from 6 pm/6.30 pm for an hour or hour and half, meeting at the Kynnersley village hall.

Also:- how about a monthly ‘Let’s Get to Know our Locality’ walk, led by locals, nothing too strenuous - a one size fits all approach, perhaps on a Saturday morning, to meet 8:30 am-ish at Kynnersley village hall?

Please contact Wendy on 01952 606611 - leave a message.


Churchwardens: Dr D Nurse, 1 Manor Barns 608455 Mr D Brown, The Conifers 676671 PCC Secretary: Mrs P Jones, The Rockery, Wheat Leasowes 603612

SERVICES IN FEBRUARY 2016 Sunday February 7th Epistle 2 Corinthians 3:12 – 4:2 Dr T Goode Next before Lent Gospel Luke 9: 28-36 Mrs A Smith 9.00 am – Holy Communion Sidesman Mrs J Walters Sunday February 14th – Lent 1 10.15 am – Family Service Sunday February 21st Epistle Philippians 3:17 – 4:1 Mrs P Jones Lent 2 Gospel Luke 13: 31-end Dr D Nurse 9.00 am – Holy Communion Sidesman Mr D Brown Sunday February 28th Ep istle 1 Corinthians 10: 1 - 13 Mrs B Vickers Lent 3 Gospel Luke 13: 1-9 Mr D Brown 9.00 am – Holy Communion Sidesman Dr D Nurse


A Community Lunch was again held in the Hall at St Lawrence’s School in December, when Kay and Jane provided an excellent roast dinner, followed by fruit crumble and coffee. Year 6 pupils expertly hosted the meal. A big ‘thank you’ to Headteacher Mrs Gaskall and all involved. 16 PASCHAL CANDLESTAND

St Lawrence’s PCC and congregation would like to thank Mrs Jane Brothwell for her very kind and generous gift of a Paschal candlestand given in memory of her mother, Mrs Evelyn Benbow. Mrs Benbow, Jane and family were regular members of the congregation, and Jane was one of the two regular Sunday organists at St Lawrence’s.

A Paschal candlestand holds the Paschal candle which is lit for the first time at Easter and is a symbol of the risen and living Jesus. It stands by the altar until Ascension Day when it is extinguished during the Creed. It is then placed by the font and baptismal candles are lit from it, and it is also placed before a coffin at a funeral as a symbol of our belief in the risen and living Jesus.

This candlestand is a fitting memorial of a regular and supportive member of the congregation.


It is said that at a computer conference Bill Gates once compared the computer industry with the automobile industry and stated: “If Ford had kept up with technology like the computer industry has, we would all be driving $25 cars that got 1,000 miles to the gallon.”

In response to Bill's comments, Ford issued a press release stating:

If Ford had developed technology like Microsoft, we would all be driving cars with the following characteristics:

1. For no reason whatsoever, your car would crash...... twice a day.

2. Every time they repainted the lines in the road, you would have to buy a new car.

3. Occasionally your car would die on the motorway for no reason. You would have to pull off onto the hard shoulder, close all of the windows, shut off the car, restart it, and reopen the windows before you could continue. For some reason you would simply accept this.

4. Occasionally, executing a manoeuver such as a left turn would cause your car to shut down and refuse to restart, in which case you would have to reinstall the engine.

17 5. Macintosh would make a car that was powered by the sun, was reliable, five times as fast and twice as easy to drive - but would run on only five percent of the roads.

6. The oil, water temperature, and alternator warning lights would all be replaced by a single ‘This car has performed an illegal operation’ warning light.

7. The airbag system would ask 'Are you sure?' before deploying.

8. Occasionally, for no reason whatsoever, your car would lock you out and refuse to let you in until you simultaneously lifted the door handle, turned the key and grabbed hold of the radio aerial.

9. Every time a new car was introduced car buyers would have to learn how to drive all over again because none of the controls would operate in the same manner as the old car.

10. When all else fails, you would have to call customer service in some foreign country and be instructed in some foreign language how to fix your car yourself!!!!


Deli Shop – Farm Shop – Delicatessen – Butcher Creamery Café – Pigg’s Playbarn Apley Plant Centre opens 1st February Scotty’s Donkeys from 13th February

Apley Farm Shop – Norton – Shropshire – TF11 9EF Open 7 days a week A442 between Telford & – 01952 730345 [email protected] –


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J.R. Williams

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