Proc. Nati. Acad. Sci. USA Vol. 76, No. 9, pp. 4566-4570, September 1979 replication, organizers, and DNA evolution (/Robertsonian rearrangement) GERALD P. HOLMQUIST* AND BARRY DANCISt *Kleberg Genetics Center, Department of Medicine, Baylor College of Medicine, 1200 Moursund Avenue, Houston, Texas 77030; and tDepartment of Biology, Temple University, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19122 Communicated by Ernest R. Sears, June 11, 1979 ABSTRACT Robertsonian rearrangements demonstrate 7, 8). In addition, Robertsonian metacentrics generally possess one-break chromosome rearrangement and the reversible ap- twice the centric pearance and disappearance of and . structure of rod chromosomes (7-10). In the Such events are quite discordant with classical cytogenetic grasshopper Neopodismopsis, Moens' (11) electron micrographs theories, which assume all chromosome rearrangements to re- showed this doubled "knob"-like structure to be penetrated by quire at least two breaks and consider centromeres and telo- twice as many microtubules as the single centric knob of rod meres as immutable structures rather than structures deter- chromosomes. Thus, a metacentric's centric region often ap- mined by mutable DNA sequences. Cytogenetic data from pears doubled and capable of splitting by fission, each half spontaneous and induced telomere-telomere fusions in mam- mals sup ort a molecular model of terminal DNA synthesis in becoming a functional centromere (8, 10). which all ttelomeres are similar and recombine before replica- Robertsonian rearrangements, especially the fissions, reveal tion and subsequent separation. This, along with evidence for the inadequacy of Muller's rules, especially his concept of a hypothetical DNA sequence, the kinetochore organizer, centromeres and telomeres as immutable structures (1), and readily explains latent telomeres, latent centromeres, and re- imply some or all of the following: (i) dicentrics can be stable; versible (one-break) Robertsonian rearrangements. A second (ii) fissions can result from one-break rearrangements; (iii) model, involving simply recombination between like satellite DNA sequences on different chromosomes, explains not only centromeres and telomeres can reversibly appear and disap- how one satellite can simultaneously evolve on different chro- pear; and (iv) centromeres and telomeres can be terminal mosomes, but also why satellite DNA is usually located near coincident structures. centromeres or telomeres and why it maintains a preferred or- Dicentrics can be stable, showing parallel chromatid sepa- ientation with respect to the centromere. ration when the two centromeres are close together. Hair (12) observed an isodicentric through many vegetative generations Robertsonian rearrangement, telomeres, and in the plant Agropyron. The original dicentric was unstable at centromeres mitosis; criss-cross and interlocking separation produced a breakage-fusion cycle that resulted in shorter intercentric The most easily observed features of a chromosome are its ends distances. Dicentrics with short intercentric regions, however, (telomeres) and its primary constriction (centromere). Broken were mitotically stable, both centromeres on one chromatid chromosome ends, as caused by x-rays or stretching on the separating to the same pole. Dicentrics can also be stable when spindle, show a capacity for fusion; they behave as if sticky (1) one centromere is latent (see review, ref. 13). In humans, most in that they fuse with themselves but not with natural ends Robertsonian metacentrics are dicentric (14) in that they show (telomeres). McClintock (2) showed that after chromosomes pericentric from both parental chromosomes; with two broken ends fused, resulting dicentrics were unstable; however, one of the centromeres is often inactive in that it does the two centromeres would often separate to opposite spindle not produce a secondary constriction and region of tight sis- poles and break the chromatid. Muller (1) then formulated two ter-chromatid pairing (15). In one t(7:15)(p21;p1l), the C- rules of chromosome structure and mechanics. (i) All viable banding pericentric heterochromatin of chromosome rearrangements require at least two breaks with identified the second centric region, but this centromere ex- subsequent rejoining of the broken ends. (ii) Rearranged hibited neither a primary constriction nor tight sister-chromatid chromosomes must have exactly two telomeres (organelles lo- pairing and did not Cd band One of cated at the ends) and one centromere (an internal organelle) (16). interpretation these to be mechanically stable. data is that a four-break rearrangement occurred, producing Robertsonian rearrangements between rod chromosomes a translocation with simultaneous deletion of a centromere. In (Fig. 1 upper) to produce metacentric biarmed chromosomes accord with Hsu et al. (13), we alternatively interpret this as (Fig. 1 lower) are a common mechanism of karyotype evolution a two-break rearrangement involving a translocation and in- and occur spontaneously at an appreciable frequency in activation of a centromere with concomitant loss of the latent mammalian tissue culture (5) or even in the somatic tissue of centromere's Cd bandedness. Telomeres can also be latent certain fish (6). Reciprocal translocations (Fig. la) are consistent (reviewed in ref. 13), as classically demonstrated during chro- with Muller's rules. The reverse exchanges, Robertsonian fission matin diminution in Parascaris (17). Here, a few polycentric of a metacentric into two rod chromosomes, have been ob- germ-line chromosomes break down into a multitude of small served, and some (Fig. 1 b and c) appear as one-break rear- monocentric chromosomes with the de novo creation of many rangements which do not require a centric fragment to supply telomeres, presumably by activation of preexisting latent tel- a new centromere and telomeres to the new chromosomes omeres. Activation of a latent telomere appears as a one-break (5, rearrangement that generates two nonsticky ends, telomeres. If a latent telomere were located within a centric region (Fig. The publication costs of this article were defrayed in part by page activation would also a second centromere. charge payment. This article must therefore be hereby marked "ad- lb), generate vertisement" in accordance with 18 U. S. C. §1734 solely to indicate this fact. Abbreviation: KO, kinetochore organizer. 4566 Downloaded by guest on September 29, 2021 Genetics: Holmquist and Dancis Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 76 (1979) 4567

a b c c Acrocentrics Telocentrics Acrocentrics ZZ lID * -. a o 1-- 0 c01 D o0 .0 a olV) + 01 Ln .I 0 ,7-* Qn CZ? 4- C-~ I Holliday Structure qC FIG. 1. One translocation and two fission-fusion models of - D-D-iDt H-- - Robertsonian rearrangement are shown with Cd bands (3) produced by active centromeres. (a) Reciprocal translocation between acro- > -4>I-I>I-I - -.------' small Palindrome centrics produces a metacentric and a small centric fragment which, large if subsequently lost, makes this process irreversible. Centromere and b telomere number is conserved. (b) Reversible fusion of two telocen- replicated intermediate trics (chromosomes with terminal centromeres) to produce a meta- i centric. The fusion-fission rearrangement requires only one chro- mosome break. Two telomeres and a centromere reversibly appear or disappear. (c) Reversible fusion of two acrocentrics to produce a metadicentric with a pair of Cd bands (4). Two telomeres reversibly 4 appear or disappear. The centromere and kinetochore organizer The active localized centromere of mitotic biarmed chromo- 4 somes appears, by light microscopy, as a negatively hetero- pycnotic constriction (primary constriction) that moves first Xi to the spindle poles during anaphase and is necessary for 4 disjunction of sister chromatids. This region stains by the Cd- -7Th 2ZZZZ banding technique (3) and morphologically is a DNA-con- __)D taining, bipartite, reverse-repeat structure of several chro- )0 momeres flanked by regions of tight sister-chromatid pairing (18). In formalin-fixed electron microscopic sections of both FIG. 2. Types of fused metaphase chromosomes arising as rep- plants and animals, the centromere appears not so much as a lication intermediates from various models of telomere replication. (a) Replication with digestion of RNA primers and ligation of Okasaki constriction, but as a region of lightly staining, thin chromatin fragments leaves terminal 5' gaps (26). If telomeres are complemen- fibers (19) in which each sister chromatid possesses a kineto- tary as in T7 phage (26), complementary gaps could base pair, forming chore plate (20) [pair of kinetochore filaments (19)]. Spindle concatameric telomere fusions, which, being endless, are able to be microtubules penetrate the plate (20) and the plate itself is ca- replicated. Alternatively, ligation and staggered nicking (not shown) pable of catalyzing tubulin polymerization (21, 22). of the fused junction could convert it into a pair of replicable 3' gaps The kinetochore plate is the site of spindle attachment and (27). (b) Bateman (28) assumed the telomere to be a covalently closed hairpin, making it different from a "sticky" broken end. Replication microtubule polymerization and reflects centromeric activity. generates a palindrome that is nicked by a restriction endonuclease, It probably also induces the ancillary attributes of an active refolded, and ligated. (c) A fusion-before-replication model. All tel- centromere, including primary constriction, pericentric regions omeres are identical, covalently closed, and contain a large, repeated of tight sister-chromatid pairing, and Cd banding. Brinkley and sequence, the basic unit of which is represented by the letters A and Stubblefield (19) proposed the kinetochore to be a specialized T. Two telomeres recombine, forming a Holliday (29) structure, which, gene, much like the nucleolus organizer defined by McClintock after ligation, has no ends and is therefore able to be replicated. Newly (23), because it contains DNA (18), segregates with the chro- replicated DNA is represented by the darker lines. Fission of the matids, and is activated at a specific (mitosis) stage of the cell replicated intermediate proceeds as in b. cycle. We shall call this gene a kinetochore organizer (KO). Just Okasaki terminal dilemma for eukaryotic telomeres have been as the nucleolus organizer can be separated from the structural proposed (26-28, 30), and representatives are shown (Fig. 2 a 18S and 25S rRNA genes whose product it organizes (24), the and b). To explain cytogenetic data, we proposed that the tel- KO need not contain the genes coding for kinetochore-plate omeres must fuse pairwise before replication (31, 32). The most proteins, but the KO must organize plate proteins into a func- reasonable molecular model (Fig. 2c) required all telomeres in tional structure when it is activated. We propose only one ad- a cell to recombine via common sequences before replication ditional property of the KO to make it consistent with cyto- and is consistent with Rubin's (33) cloning of a 12-kilobase DNA logical data (ref. 13; Fig. 1): the KO can be permanently inac- sequence, four tandem repeats of a 3-kilobase sequence, which tivated by rearrangement. Thus, a visible centromere reflects hybridized in situ to all Drosophila melanogaster telomeres an active KO and a latent centromere, an inactive KO. Viable and to the ectopic strands that connect them, and with Forte's chromosomes must have at least one active KO for proper and Fangman's (34) discovery that yeast (Saccharomyces cer- disjunction of sister chromatids. evisiae) telomeres are covalently closed hairpins. Eukaryotic chromosomes, in some special instances, appear Telomere replication fused end to end, and in rare extreme cases the entire genome The chromatid contains one double-stranded DNA helix (25), appears as a giant ring of fused chromosomes (35-37). White the termini of which are probably included in its two telomeres. (38) inferred that telomere base-sequence homology caused DNA termini cannot be replicated by conventional means be- occasional end-to-end associations of meiotic chromosomes. We cause digestion of the terminal RNA primer leaves a 5' gap (Fig. extended this concept of homology by interpreting mitotic as- 2a) that no known polymerase can fill (26). Solutions to this sociations as replication intermediates (31, 32). Senescing Downloaded by guest on September 29, 2021 4568 Genetics: Holmquist and Dancis Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 76 (1979)

a human primary cell lines(39) and lymphocytes from patients Tetocentrics Metacentrics as some orientation arms with Thiberge-Weissenbach syndrome (40) behave if the T V T V Al Robertsonion 3' - - --I ->--5 restriction endonuclease of Fig. 2c does not cut efficiently in Al TV TV Rearrangement 5' - -3 AI TV TV or that many chromosomes are seen permanently fused end to end >>> - - 11 3- I>> - at the first mitoses after fusion. The fused configurations pre- I11I 11 5'-S-11FE dicted by other replication models (Fig. 2 a and b) were not Opposite orientation arms: not observed seen. Instead, sister telomeres were fused to another pair of sister 3' 5' 3'5' iara_ieon --o5' opposite F<< ~ 3 telomeres (Fig. 2c), as is consistent with telomere fusions oc- Same ~-- inversion not observed curring before replication. Random telomere pairs were fused; Paracentric all telomeres were similar in their fusion potential (39, 40) and not composed of complementary pairs as in a concatameric b TranslocOtion fusion process (26) (Fig. 2a). BrdUrd pulse labeling indicated Same Opposite that the chromatin at the fusion junction of Thiberge-Weis- senbach lymphocyte chromosomes replicated very early in the _ S phase preceding mitotic fusion (40). This suggests that in He - 7- -F _ normal cells, telomere-telomere fusion is a temporary event occurring in early S phase and would not be detected in asyn- chronous cultures by either viscometric DNA molecular weight analyses (25) or by psoralin crosslinking (41) to reveal the clo- verleaf-shaped Holliday intermediate of Fig. 2c. Fig. 3a-type (~ ~~~-_ _+-, - telomere-telomere fusion figures were induced in the first metaphase after treatment of mouse cells with mitomycin C, a DNA crosslinking agent (42). Such figures would, however, be expected from the replication model in Fig. 2c. If one crosslink prevented terminal branch migration of the Holliday structure, one pair of chromatids would separate after repli- cation while the other pair would remain fused (32). In con- clusion, we view telomeres as structures that contain DNA termini and solve the special problem of terminal replication. Cytogenetic data support a model requiring telomere-telomere fusion before replication, and molecular data are most consis- tent with a recombination (Fig. 2c) mechanism of fusion. The model also explains latent telomeres and some aspects of Rob- ertsonian fusion. Telomeres (stable nonsticky chromosome ends) are created de novo during the differentiation of soma from germ line in Parascaris. This is easily explained if differentiation promotes FIG. 3. Ce tric orientation of mouse satellite DNA around the the separation of latent telomeres (fused telomere pairs) or, KO (dot). (a) the relative centric orientation of satellite blocks is more specifically, activates a restriction endonuclease that determined by the segregation of T-rich satellite strands in meta- cleaves those palindromes (Fig. 2c) that are latent telomeres centrics. (b) A base-pairing-dependent translocation (X-X) between (27). Activation of a latent telomere would appear cytogenet- terminal blocks of either opposite or similarly oriented satellite DNA ically as a one-break rearrangement, generating two telomeres, would produce either an acentric chromosome and dicentric fragment and would violate Muller's (1) rules. Robertsonian fusion would or a terminal exchange. (c) The product(s) of intrachromosomal, base-pairing-dependent exchanges between similarly oriented sat- be a special case of telomere-telomere fusion, involving the ellites. Centric orientation (arrows) of the included sequences remains centric ends of two rod chromosomes. In the molecular model unchanged. Because of the base-pairing requirement, the paracentric (Fig. 2c), a mutation in a terminal hairpin sequence could exchange is a deletion and not an inversion as in a. prevent recognition by the restriction endonuclease of the replication intermediate's palindrome (Fig. 2c), resulting in their segregation in Robertsonian metacentrics (43) and x- fusion. A subsequent back mutation would appear as Robert- ray-induced dicentrics (44). Even in mouse L-cell marker sonian fission of a latent telomere. chromosomes, which were generated by multibreak rear- The fusion-first replication mechanism necessitates sym- rangement and contain many intercalary blocks of satellite, all metry. Specifically, if one telomere contained an inverted satellites' centric orientations were invariably maintained the Rubin sequence, it could fuse with other telomeres but the in- same (45). A paracentric inversion is one of several rearrange- termediate could not separate (32). Thus, telomeres with a ments that can reverse (Fig. Sa) and thus randomize centric common Rubin-sequence orientation would be selected for, as orientation, but evidence for this was not foundt (45). Selection portrayed in Fig. Sc by the letters A pointing toward the ter- must act to preserve a common centric orientation, and any minal hairpin. The letters A are also pointing away from an tenable theory of satellite DNA evolution must explain this internally located centromere; thus we can define for all such fact. telomeres a common centric orientation. Computer simulations by Smith (47) have shown that DNA Centric orientation and satellite DNA evolution whose sequence is not maintained by selection can theoretically develop a hierarchy of tandem periodicities (i.e., form satellite Mouse satellite DNA sequences all have the same centric or- ientation (Fig. 8a). Cytologists found this by using bromo- as two or more different blocks of A.T-rich satellite quenching of fluorescent dyes. They followed When, in humans, deoxyuridine's DNA are present on the same chromosome arm, switches in T-rich the T-rich satellite strands during a few generations of BrdUrd strands (46) may represent the junction of two different satellite incorporation and determined their relative orientations by blocks and not a switch in any one satellite's centric orientation. Downloaded by guest on September 29, 2021 Genetics:Genetics:HolmquistHolmquistandandDancisDancis~~Proc.Nati. Acad. Sci. USA 76(1979) 4569

as a b C sequences) a result of base pairing between sister chromatids Acrocentric followed by unequal sister-chromatid exchange at the pairing Monocentric Telocertric site. The patterns of restriction-endonuclease-sensitive sites observed in mouse (48), D. melanogaster (49), and calf (50) fusion satellite DNA definitely support Smith's prediction of a hier- archial repeat pattern of long-range periodicities. Two conse- Mo.nocentric Dicentric quences of this base-pairing-dependent mechanism are that satellites evolve in blocks, stretches of like sequences FIG. 4. (a) A monocentric chromatid has one kinetochore plate contiguous (thick line) which is organized by the physically smaller KO sequence as shown for Drosophila (51, 52), and that the sequences within (dot) and contains pericentric satellite (large letters) and telomeric any one block have the same orientation, as shown for mouse Rubin sequences (small letters). Telomere fusion can be transient, satellite (45). as in replication (Fig. 2c), or permanent, as in Robertsonian fission- Bov'ini and Caprini, of the superfamily Bovidae, diverged fusion (b and c). Satellite and Rubin sequences maintain a constant over iO0 years ago from a common ancestor and yet they still relative orientation; thus, telomere-telomere fusions produce the share a weakly cross-hybridizing satellite DNA (55). For any contralateral symmetry of pericentric satellite observed in mouse one metacentrics (Fig. 3a). In c, the kinetochore plates do not cover the species in the superfamily, the pattern of restriction-en- ends of the acrocentrics and show a doubled nature in the fused donuclease-sensitive sites of the satellite is a simple hierarchical metadicentric. one (50) even though the satellite DNA comes from many dif- ferent chromosomes. The simple pattern means that within a species, the satellite on many different chromosomes is very the fusion product would have one centromere, one centromere similar in its long-range periodicities. A recent saltatory event and two telomeres having disappeared during the fusion. This with subsequent dispersion to the different chromosomes cannot would also explain why the centromere of Robertsonian me- explain this because the same satellite was presumably present tacentrics often shows a doubled nature (7-11). Fig. 4 also in- on different chromosomes iO0 years ago. The satellite must have dicates that latent telomeres should be common in centric re- coevolved on different chromosomes, with satellite mutations gions and is consistent with the observation of Kato et al. (5) that being communicated from chromosome to chromosome by 2.9% of the cells in their CHG line showed evidence of at least some interchromosomal interaction. one fission event, spontaneous breaking of the centromere with Base-pairing-dependent interchromosomal exchange be- concomitant "healing" of the broken ends. tween satellite blocks of like sequence would explain both The molecular models we present, while probably inaccurate coevolution and centric orientation of satellites. Such an ex- in detail, do unite disparate data and, more importantly, remove change between terminal satellite blocks on different chro- the mysteriously immutable or discrete structural properties mosomes would produce an acentric chromosome if the blocks ascribed to telomeres and centromeres, presenting them instead were of opposite centric orientation (Fig. Sb) and result in se- as the expressions of DNA sequences that can mutate, rearrange, lection against opposite orientations in one species. Terminal and be regulated. as in the could thus coevolve satellites, mouse, by exchange and We thank David Comings, T. C. Hsu, Sam Latt, Gerald Rubin, John maintain a particular orientation relative to the KG because the Wilson, Sheldon Wolff, and E. R. Sears for advice and Dottie Holm- structure the KG organizes is essential to the existence of each quist for the art work. This work was supported by National institutes chromatid. Similar exchanges occurring between satellites of of Health Grants GM 21671 to B.D., GM23905 to G.P.H., and the same orientation on the same chromosomes would deter- GM 18682 to Thomas Caskey. mine a preferred distribution of satellite blocks. Paracentric exchanges would delete intervening genes (Fig. Sc) so that 1. Muller, H. J. (1938) Collection Net-Woods Hole 13, 181-198. homologous satellite blocks on the same chromosome arm 2. McClintock, B. (1938) Genetics 23,315-376. would be selected against. Similarly, pericentric exchanges 3. Eiberg, H. 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