HOUSE MEMBER DIRECTORY Presented to you by: The Office of the Speaker of the House David Ralston 332 State Capitol Atlanta, GA 30334 Kimberly Alexander Committees: Minority Caucus Treasurer Banks & Banking 512-D CLOB Code Revision 18 Capitol Square Intragovernmental Coordination Atlanta, GA 30334 Legislative & Congressional Reapportionment Phone: 404.656.7859 Motor Vehicles Email:
[email protected] Occupation: Internal Auditor DOB: 11/26 Page: C-5-7 Desk: 47 District: 66; Counties: Paulding, Douglas Erick Allen Committees: 404-C CLOB Banks and Banking 18 Capitol Square Code Revision Atlanta, GA 30334 Human Relations & Aging Phone: 404.656.0109 Email:
[email protected] Occupation: Consultant DOB: 10/5 District: 40; Counties: Cobb, Fulton Page: D-2-3 Desk:13 Teri Anulewicz Committees: 409-F CLOB Code Revision 18 Capitol Square Intragovernmental Coordination Atlanta, GA 30334 Transportation Phone: 404.656.0116 Email:
[email protected] Occupation: Consultant DOB: 8/18 District: 42; Counties: Cobb Page: D-2-5 Desk:15 Mandi Ballinger Committees: Chairman - Juvenile Justice Appropriations 218-D CAP Budget and Fiscal Affairs Oversight State Capitol Information and Audits Atlanta, GA 30334 Judiciary Non-Civil Phone: 404.656.7153 Juvenile Justice Email:
[email protected] Occupation: Business Consultant Rules DOB: 4/14 Transportation District: 23; Counties: Cherokee Page: A-1-2 Desk: 106 Timothy Barr Committees: Chairman - Code Revision Appropriations 401-J CAP Code Revision State Capitol Game, Fish, and