Outlaw Fishing in Missouri
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VOL 33 NO 4 APRIL 2008 Fisheries News Legislative Update Fisheries Journal Highlights FisheriesAmerican Fisheries Society • www.fisheries.org Calendar Job Center Outlaw Fishing in Missouri The Challenge of Managing Nearshore Rocky Reef Resources The North Atlantic Ocean: Fisheries • v o l 33 n o 4 The• a p r i l 2008 •Need w w w .f i s h e r i e s .foro r g Proactive Management157 Discovering the Painted Crayfish Photos courtesy of Ashley Frisch. Northwest Marine Technology, Inc. Painted crayfish Panulirus versicolor (above) are than one crayfish, the male can attract females to share widely exploited throughout the coral reefs of the Indo- his den. Ashley’s work also revealed that males with Pacific region, including Australia’s Great Barrier Reef. the largest dens can attract more than one female and They command a high price but relatively little is increase their reproductive potential. Males with dens known about their biology and population dynamics. large enough to attract females must fastidiously defend them from other male crayfish, about one third of the Ashley Frisch, at James Cook University, (photo lower population, that don’t have dens large enough to share right) is beginning to unlock some of the painted with a female. These “bachelor” males constantly roam crayfish’s secrets. His studies first required a technique the reef searching for a better den. to identify individuals. Ashley tested NMT’s injectable Visible Implant Elastomer tags and found them to be NMT is delighted to advise on projects and to help set highly suitable(1) (photo top right). By using a up tagging programs, anywhere in the world. Please combination of tag colors and locations, he devised a contact us if we can help with yours. system for identifying up to 30,000 individuals. (1) Frisch, A.J. and J.A. Hobbs. 2006. Long-term retention of internal Ashley’s work now focuses on the population dynamics elastomer tags in a wild population of painted crayfish (Panulirus versicolor [Latreille]) on the Great Barrier Reef. J. Exp. Marine Biol. and Ecol. of the painted crayfish. He found that male crayfish live 339:104-110. in coral reef dens. If the den is large enough for more Northwest Marine Technology, Inc. www.nmt.us Shaw Island, Washington, USA Corporate Office Biological Services 360.468.3375 [email protected] 360.596.9400 [email protected] 158 Fisheries • v o l 33 n o 4 • a p r i l 2008 • w w w .f i s h e r i e s .o r g VOL 33 NO 4 APRIL 2008 Discovering the Painted Crayfish AmericFisheriesAn Fisheries society • www.Fisheries.org EDITORIAL / SUBSCRIPTION / CIRCULATION OFFICES 5410 Grosvenor Lane, Suite 110 • Bethesda, MD 20814-2199 301/897-8616 • fax 301/897-8096 • [email protected] The American Fisheries Society (AFS), founded in 1870, is the oldest and largest professional society representing fisheries scientists. The AFS promotes scientific research 165 and enlightened management of aquatic resources for optimum use and enjoyment by the public. It also encourages comprehensive education of fisheries scientists and continuing on-the-job training. 172 AFS FISHERIES EDITORS OFFICERS STAFF SENIOR EDITOR SCIENCE EDITORS Contents PRESIDENT Ghassan “Gus” N. Madeleine Mary C. Fabrizio Rassam Hall-Arber PRESIDENT ElECT DIRECTOR OF Ken Ashley COLUMN: PERSPECTIVE: William G. Franzin PUBLICATIONS Doug Beard 160 PRESIDENT'S HOOK FIRST Aaron Lerner Ken Currens 180 FISHERIES VICE PRESIDENT mAnAging Transitioning to a Future Home William E. Kelso Donald C. Jackson EDITOR Deirdre M. Kimball A report on the discussions held at the MANAGEMENT SECOND Beth Beard VICE PRESIDENT PRODUCTION Robert T. Lackey mid-year of the AFS Governing Board The North Atlantic Ocean: Need Dennis Lassuy Wayne A. Hubert EDITOR concerning the opportunity to relocate the for Proactive Management PAST PRESIDENT Cherie Worth Allen Rutherford Jennifer L. Nielsen Book review AFS headquarters office, an opportunity that A proactive management program is proposed EXECUTIVE EDITORS encouraged the Governing Board to think in order to promote the recovery of the DIRECTOR Francis Juanes strategically and plan for our future home. Ghassan “Gus” N. Ben Letcher collapsed fisheries of the North Atlantic Ocean. Rassam Keith Nislow Mary C. Fabrizio John C. Briggs Dues and fees for 2008 are $76 in North America ($88 elsewhere) for regular members, $19 in North NEWS: America ($22 elsewhere) for student members, and $38 ($44) retired members. Fees include $19 for Fisheries 162 FISHERIES COLUMN: subscription. Nonmember and library subscription rates 186 GUEST DIRECTOR'S LINE are $106 ($127). Price per copy: $3.50 member; $6 JOURNAL HIGHLIGHTS: nonmember. Fisheries (ISSN 0363-2415) is published After the Storm: Post-Katrina monthly by the American Fisheries Society; 5410 163 JOURNAL OF AQUATIC Photos courtesy of Grosvenor Lane, Suite 110; Bethesda, MD 20814-2199 Reflections from AFS Members Ashley Frisch. ©copyright 2008 Periodicals postage paid at Bethesda, ANIMAL HEALTH AND in Louisiana and Mississippi Maryland, and at an additional mailing office. A copy of Fisheries Guide for Authors is available from the editor or NORTH AMERICAN JOURNAL The collective impact of the 2005 hurricanes, the AFS website, www.fisheries.org. If requesting from the OF AQUACULTURE Painted crayfish Panulirus versicolor (above) are than one crayfish, the male can attract females to share managing editor, please enclose a stamped, self-addressed especially those associated with Hurricane Katrina, envelope with your request. Republication or systematic took our concerns for colleagues to a level that we widely exploited throughout the coral reefs of the Indo- his den. Ashley’s work also revealed that males with or multiple reproduction of material in this publication UPDate: Pacific region, including Australia’s Great Barrier Reef. the largest dens can attract more than one female and is permitted only under consent or license from the had not experienced before. American Fisheries Society. Postmaster: Send address 164 LEGISLATION AND They command a high price but relatively little is increase their reproductive potential. Males with dens changes to Fisheries, American Fisheries Society; 5410 POLICY Donald C. Jackson, Marty O’Connell, Grosvenor Lane, Suite 110; Bethesda, MD 20814-2199. Julie Delabbio, Mark S. Peterson, known about their biology and population dynamics. large enough to attract females must fastidiously defend Elden Hawkes, Jr. Fisheries is printed on 10% post-consumer Jim Franks, and Harriet Perry them from other male crayfish, about one third of the recycled paper with soy-based printing inks. Ashley Frisch, at James Cook University, (photo lower population, that don’t have dens large enough to share FEATURE: right) is beginning to unlock some of the painted with a female. These “bachelor” males constantly roam 165 HUMAN DIMENSIONS CALENDAR: Outlaw Fishing in Missouri the reef searching for a better den. 192 FISHERIES EVENTS crayfish’s secrets. His studies first required a technique Advertising Index Fishing with your hands is illegal in Missouri, to identify individuals. Ashley tested NMT’s injectable but a segment of rural residents still practice EDITORIAL: Visible Implant Elastomer tags and found them to be NMT is delighted to advise on projects and to help set Advanced Telemetry Systems, Inc. 207 this sport. Emperor Aquatics, Inc. 195 197 FISHERIES FORUM highly suitable(1) (photo top right). By using a up tagging programs, anywhere in the world. Please Mark Morgan EcoAnalysts . 206 Transparency and the Peer- combination of tag colors and locations, he devised a contact us if we can help with yours. Floy Tag . 194 FEATURE: Review Process system for identifying up to 30,000 individuals. Frigid Units, Inc.. 198 172 FISHERIES Kevin Amos (1) Frisch, A.J. and J.A. Hobbs. 2006. Long-term retention of internal Halltech Aquatic Research, Inc. 195 MANAGEMENT Ashley’s work now focuses on the population dynamics elastomer tags in a wild population of painted crayfish (Panulirus versicolor Hydroacoustic Technology, Inc. 208 The Challenge of Managing UPDATE: [Latreille]) on the Great Barrier Reef. J. Exp. Marine Biol. and Ecol. Little River Research and Design . 195 Nearshore Rocky Reef Resources of the painted crayfish. He found that male crayfish live 339:104-110. 200 AFS ANNUAL MEETING Northwest Marine Technology, Inc. 158 Many inhabitants of nearshore rocky reefs have in coral reef dens. If the den is large enough for more Ontario Angling Destinations: O.S. Systems . 171 limited home ranges and larval dispersion. Innovative institutional and scientific Top 10 Picks from the Ottawa Ocean Marine Inc.. 189 approaches will be required to manage them Area and Elsewhere Onset . 161 effectively. Wil Wegman Northwest Marine Technology, Inc. Sonotronics . 197 Donald R. Gunderson, Ana M. Parma, Star-Oddi . 193 Ray Hilborn, Jason M. Cope, David L. www.nmt.us Shaw Island, Washington, USA University of California Press . 167 Fluharty, Marc L. Miller, Russell D. Vetter, ANNOUNCEMENTS: Vemco (Amirix Systems, Inc.) . 183 Selina S. Heppell, and H. Gary Greene 204 JOB CENTER Corporate Office Biological Services Vemco (Amirix Systems, Inc.) . 185 360.468.3375 [email protected] 360.596.9400 [email protected] Tell advertisers you found them through COVER: hand fishing in missouri, circa 1944. Fisheries! PHOTO COURTESY OF: Mark Morgan Fisheries • v o l 33 n o 4 • a p r i l 2008 • w w w .f i s h e r i e s .o r g 159 Mary C. Fabrizio COLUMN: AFS President Fabrizio PRESIDENT'S HOOK can be contacted at [email protected]. Transitioning to a Future Home In last month’s column, I introduced beautiful 35-acre campus in Bethesda, • Ensure the proximity of the new the notion of an intelligent association Maryland, that is home to several office to public transportation. and discussed some of the characteris- non-profit associations including the In addition to encouraging staff to tics of intelligent associations that allow American Fisheries Society, the Society use public transportation for commut- such organizations to remain viable and of American Foresters, the American ing to work, proximity of the new office relevant in the future.