Family Scientific names Common name(s) Type Locality/habitat NRNR no NBRI rec TAP Barleria lancifolia blue barleria shrub 56 Acanthaceae Barleria lanceolata shrub x Acanthaceae Barleria rigida scorpion thistle dwarf shrub Acanthaceae Blepharis grossa little desert thistle herb 30 x Acanthaceae Blepharis mitrata dwarf shrub 65 Acanthaceae Blepharis pruinosa shrub 76 x Acanthaceae Justicia guekeana shrub x Acanthaceae Monechma desertorum herb x Acanthaceae Monechma cleomoides Namib perdebos shrub 21 x Acanthaceae Monechma distichotrichum shrub 62 x Acanthaceae Monechma divaricatum shrub 79 Acanthaceae Petalidium setosum Namib petal-bush shrub 18 x Aizoaceae Galenia papulosa dwarf shrub 36 Aizoaceae Gisekia africana var. africana ostrich herb herb 64 x Aizoaceae Hypertelis salsoloides herb 42 Aizoaceae Limeum arenicolum herb 67 x Aizoaceae Limeum argute-carinatum herb 107 x Aizoaceae Limeum fenestratum var. fenestratum shrub 27 x Aizoaceae Trianthema triquetra herb x Aloaceae/ Aloe dichotoma quiver tree / kokerboom tree Moringa hills x Asphodelaceae Amaranthaceae Amaranthus dinteri herb 95 x Amaranthaceae Amaranthus praetermissus herb 25 x Amaranthaceae Calicorema capitata star of the Namib shrub Gravel plains x x Amaranthaceae Leucosphaera bainsii wolbos / silwerbossie shrub 60 x x Amaranthaceae Sericorema sericea herb x Amaryllidiaceae Boophane disticha fan leaved boophane / tumbleweed geophyte Amaryllidiaceae Nerine laticoma vlei lily succulent x Anacardiaceae Rhus burchellii karoo kuni-bush tree x Anacardiaceae Rhus lanceolata karee tree x Anacardiaceae Rhus marlothi bitter karee tree 2/1 x x Anacardiaceae Rhus undulata kuni bush tree x Anarcadiaceae Ozoroa crassinervia Namib resin tree tree 5a x x Anacardiaceae Ozoroa namaensis Nama resin-tree tree x Apocynaceae Cryptolepis decidua x NAMIBRAND NATURE RESERVE SPECIES CHECKLIST - PLANTS (249 species: 5 December 2012)

Apocynaceae Microloma incanum x Apocynaceae Hoodia currori Namib hoodia succulent x Apocynaceae Orthanthera albida shrub x Apocynaceae Sarcostemma viminale caustic / milk bush succulent Asphodelaceae Aloe namibensis (?) Namib aloe succulent Asphodelaceae Trachyandra taxa var. taxa geophyte 48 Asteraceae Antiphiona fragrans shrub 24 Asteraceae Berkheya chamaepeuce shrub 102 x Asteraceae Calostephane marlothiana herb 89 x Asteraceae Dicoma capensis herb 34 x Asteraceae Eriocephalus scariosus shrub 103 x Asteraceae Euryops subcarnosus shrub 134 x Asteraceae Felicia hirsuta shrub x Asteraceae Geigeria ornativa dune vermeerbossie herb 41 x Asteraceae Helichrysum argyrosphaerum herb 112 x Asteraceae Helichrysum candolleanum herb 45 x Asteraceae Helichrysum herniarioides herb 109 x Asteraceae Helichrysum roseo-niveum South-west edelweiss / everlasting herb 113 x Asteraceae Hiricium gazanioides herb 85 x Asteraceae Myxopappus acutilobus herb 44 x Asteraceae Pechuel-Loeschea leubnitziae wild sage shrub 46 x Asteraceae Pegolettia senegalensis herb 91 x Asteraceae Pentzia pinnatisecta shrub Gorrasis HK2916 Asteraceae Platycarpha carlinoides wild radish / rivierkool herb Asteraceae Pteronia lucilioides shrub x Asteraceae Pteronia polygalifolia x Asteraceae Senecio eenii herb 96 x Asteraceae Tripteris microcarpa tall desert daisy herb 40 x Bignoniaceae Catophractes alexandri trumpet thorn shrub Riverbeds x Bignoniaceae Rhigozum trichotomum driedoring shrub x x Boraginaceae Ehretia rigida(= alba) white puzzle-bush / deurmekaarbos shrub x Boraginaceae Heliotropium ciliatum herb 73 x Boraginaceae Trichodesma africanum herb 101 x Brassicaceae Heliophila deserticola var. micrantha herb 104 Brassicaceae Heliophila minima herb 111 Burseraceae Commiphora glaucescens blue-leaved corkwood / tsaura tree 3 x x NAMIBRAND NATURE RESERVE SPECIES CHECKLIST - PLANTS (249 species: 5 December 2012)

Burseraceae Commiphora dinteri tree x Burseraceae Commiphera namaensis Nama corkwood tree x Burseraceae Commiphora saxicola rock corkwood tree Moringa hills 2 x Burseraceae Commiphora tenuipetiolata satin-bark corkwood tree x x Caesalpiniaceae Caesalpinia pearsonii Capparaceae Cadaba aphylla swartstorm tree x x Capparaceae Boscia albitrunca shepherd's tree / witgat tree / shrub x x Capparaceae Boscia foetida smelly shepherd's tree / noeniebos tree / shrub x x Capparaceae Cleome angustifolia subsp. diandra yellow mouse-whiskers herb 69 x Capparaceae Cleome gynandra spiders' wisp herb x Capparaceae Cleome paxii herb x Capparaceae Cleome rubella herb 74 Capparaceae Cleome suffruticosa shrubby cleome herb 68 Capparaceae Maerua parvifolia small-leaved maerua tree x Capparaceae Maerua schinzii ringwood / lammerdrol tree 2/2 x Celastraceae Gymnosporia linearis narrow-leaved spike-thorn / smalblaarpendoring tree x

Chenopodiaceae Lophiocarpus polystachys herb 86 x Chenopodiaceae Salsola garubica shrub HK2917 Chenopodiaceae Salsola spp. dwarf shrub 133 Colchicaceae Hexacyrtis dickiana geophyte 84 x Cucurbitaceae Acanthosicyos horridus !nara melon herb x Cucurbitaceae Acanthosicyos naudinianus gemsbok cucumber herb Cucurbitaceae Citrullus lanatus tsamma melon herb 71 x Cucurbitaceae Cucumis africanus small wild cucumber herb Cucurbitaceae Cucumis sagittatus herb 93 x Ebenaceae Diospyros lycioides red star apple tree Ebenaceae Euclea pseudebenus wild ebony tree x Ebenaceae Euclea undulata common guarri tree x Euphorbiaceae Euphorbia avas-montana Avis mountain euphorbia / slender candelabra succulent x

Euphorbiaceae Euphorbia friedrichiae succulent Euphorbiaceae Euphorbia glanduligera Namib milkweed herb x Euphorbiaceae Euphorbia lignosa (gariepina?) succulent 2/3 x Euphorbiaceae Euphorbia mauritanica succulent 47 x Euphorbiaceae Euphorbia phylloclada succulent NAMIBRAND NATURE RESERVE SPECIES CHECKLIST - PLANTS (249 species: 5 December 2012)

Euphorbiaceae Euphorbia virosa candelabra euphorbia / gifboom succulent Moringa hills x Euphorbiaceae Kleina longifolia sjambokbos succulent x Euphorbiaceae Ricinus communis caster oil / kasterolie shrub alien x Fabaceae Adenolobus garipensis butterfly leaf / Gariep neat's foot / shrub x x omukandakara Fabaceae Adenolobus pechuelii Namib neat's foot shrub 82 x x Fabaceae Crotalaria damarensis rattle bush / wild lucerne herb 28, 106 x Fabaceae Crotalaria virgultalis herb 100 Fabaceae Indigofera adenocarpa shrub x Fabaceae Indigofera auricoma pink desert indigofera herb 57 x Fabaceae Indigofera fleckii (?) Gorrasis HK2918 Fabaceae Indigofera heterotricha shrub 72 x Fabaceae Otoptera burchellii shrub 88 x x Fabaceae Parkinsonia aculeata Jerusalem-thorn tree x Fabaceae Parkinsonia africana wild green hair tree tree x Fabaceae Ptycholobium biflorum subsp. biflorum herb 50 x

Fabaceae Requienia sphaerosperma herb x Fabaceae Tephrosia dregeana var. dregeana herb 108 Fabaceae / Acacia = *Vachellia erioloba (*Aug 2011) camelthorn tree x x Mimosoideae Fabaceae / Acacia = Vachellia hebeclada candlepod acacia tree Mimosoideae Fabaceae / Acacia = Vachellia karoo sweet thorn tree x Mimosoideae Fabaceae / Acacia = Vachellia mellifera blackthorn / swarthaak tree / shrub x x Mimosoideae Fabaceae / Acacia = Vachellia tortillis umbrella thorn tree Mimosoideae Fabaceae / Acacia hereroensis mountain thorn tree x Mimosoideae Fabaceae / Albizia anthelmintica worm-cure albizia / aru tree x Mimosoideae Fabaceae / Faidherba albida ana tree / anaboom tree x Mimosoideae Fabaceae / Prosopis spp. mesquite tree alien x Mimosoideae NAMIBRAND NATURE RESERVE SPECIES CHECKLIST - PLANTS (249 species: 5 December 2012)

Geraniaceae Monsonia luederitziana herb 77 Geraniaceae Pelargonium desertorum dwarf shrub Geraniaceae Sarcocaulon marlothii bushman's candle / boesmankers shrub x Hyacinthaceae Dipcadi bakerianum Namib wild onion geophyte x Hyacinthaceae Dipcadi platyphyllum x Hyacinthaceae Ornithogalum stapfii geophyte 78 x Hydrophyllaceae Codon royenii soetdoringbos herb 35 x Hydrophyllaceae Codon sp. nova herb Draaihoek Iridaceae Lapeirousia littoralis subsp. littoralis geophyte 81 x Lamiaceae Acrotome inflata tumbleweed herb Lamiaceae Acrotome pallescens shrub x Lamiaceae Stachys dinteri shrub x Liliaceae Aloe asperifolia succulent Loasaceae Kissenia capensis sandpaper bush herb 83 x Loranthaceae Tapinanthus oliefolius mistletoe / vuurhoutjies parasite Malvaceae Hibiscus elliottiae shrub 52 Malvaceae Pavonia rehmannii shrub x Malvaceae Radyera urens Karoo pumpkin herb Meliaceae Nymania capensis Chinese lanterns / klapperbos tree x Mesembryanthe- Ebracteola derenbergiana succulent 135 maceae Montiniaceae Montinia caryophyllacea omutete tree x x Moraceae Ficus cordata Namaqua rock fig tree 2/4 x Moraceae Ficus ilicina rock-splitting fig / laurel fig tree 7 Moraceae Ficus sycamorus cluster fig / sycamore fig tree x Moringaceae Moringa ovalifolia African moringa / sprokiesboom tree x Myrothamnaceae Myrothamnus fIabellifolius resurrection bush dwarf shrub x Neuradaceae Grielum sinuatum herb 105 Nyctaginaceae Phaeoptilum spinosum brosdoring shrub x Passifloraceae Adenia pechuelii elephant's foot / desert kohlrabi herb 63 x x Pedaliaceae Rogeria longiflora white-flowered rogaria herb 32 x Pedaliaceae Sesamum capense wild sesame herb x Pedaliaceae Sesamum triphyllum wild sesame / thunderbolt flower herb Plumbaginaceae Dyerophytum africanum desert statice shrub 53 x Plumbaginaceae Plumbago wissii shrub x Poaceae Anthephora pubescens wool-grass / borseltjiegras grass x NAMIBRAND NATURE RESERVE SPECIES CHECKLIST - PLANTS (249 species: 5 December 2012)

Poaceae Aristida adscensionis annual bristle-grass / annual three-awn grass Poaceae Aristida congesta tassel three awn / perennial bristle-grass grass

Poaceae Aristida effusa spreading stick grass grass 12 Poaceae Aristida engleri var. engleri Engler's bristle grass grass 13 Poaceae Brachiaria deflexa annual brachiaria / false signal grass grass Poaceae Brachiaria glomerata annual sweet grass grass x Poaceae Centropodia glauca dune grass / gha grass grass Poaceae Chloris virgata feather-top chloris grass Poaceae Cladoraphis spinosa spiny love grass grass Dunes endemic x Poaceae Cynodon dactylon quick grass / couch grass grass Poaceae Digitaria eriantha wooly finger grass / common finger grass grass Poaceae Enneapogon cenchroides common nine-awned grass grass Poaceae Enneapogon desvauxii eight day grass grass Poaceae Enneapogon scaber rock nine-awned grass grass x Poaceae Eragrostis anulata ringed love-grass grass Poaceae Eragrostis bicolour speckled vlei grass grass Poaceae Eragrostis echinocloidia tick grass grass Poaceae Eragrostis nindensis perrenial love grass / Whether love-grass grass x

Poaceae Eragrostis porosa blousoetgras / windgras grass Poaceae Eragrostis procumbens grass endemic Poaceae Eragrostis rotifer pearly love-grass / vlei love-grass grass Poaceae Fingerhuthia africana thimble grass grass Poaceae Heteropogon contortus spear grass grass Poaceae Melinis repens Natal red top grass Poaceae Polypogon monspeliensis annual beard grass grass Poaceae Rhynchelytrum repens red top grass Poaceae Schmidtia kalihariensis annual bushman grass/Kalahari sour grass grass

Poaceae Schmidtia pappophoroides Kalahari sand quick grass Poaceae Sericocoma heterochiton grass Poaceae Seteria verticillata bur bristle-grass / rough bristle-grass grass x Poaceae Sporobolus ioclados pan drop-seed grass Poaceae Stipagrostis ciliata tall bushman-grass grass x Poaceae Stipagrostis garubensis ID at NBRI = S. brevifolia, but incorrect grass ?endemic x NAMIBRAND NATURE RESERVE SPECIES CHECKLIST - PLANTS (249 species: 5 December 2012)

Poaceae Stipagrostis gonatostachys (?) grass Poaceae Stipagrostis hirtigluma subsp. pearsonii grass

Poaceae Stipagrostis lutescens grass endemic Poaceae Stipagrostis namaquensis river bushman-grass grass x Poaceae Stipagrostis obtusa small bushman-grass grass (Gorrasis) HK2920 Poaceae Stipagrostis sabulicola dune bushman-grass grass Dunes Poaceae Stipagrostis uniplumis var. intermedia silky bushman-grass grass Dunes endemic x Poaceae Stipagrostis uniplumis var. uniplumis silky bushman-grass grass Gorrasis HK2919 Poaceae Tragus berteronianus small carrot seed grass grass Poaceae Tricholeana capensis grass 9 Poaceae Tricholeana monachne blue seed grass grass Poaceae Triraphis purpurea red honey grass grass 10 Poaceae Triraphis ramoisissima branched needle-grass grass 66 Polygalaceae Polygala leptophylla shrub 54 Portulaceae Avonia albissima succulent 132 Rhamnaceae Ziziphus mucronata buffalo-thorn tree x Rubiaceae Amphiasma divaricatum dwarf shrub 55 Rubiaceae Kohautia caespitosa herb 87 x Rutaceae Thamnosma africana shrub x Salvadoraceae Salvadora persica mustard tree tree Sapindaceae Cardiospermum pechuelii shrubby cleome x Scrophulariaceae Aptosimum spinescens dwarf shrub 58 x Scrophulariaceae Jamesbrittenia hereroensis herb 38 x Scrophulariaceae Manulea dubia herb 37 x Scrophulariaceae Veronica anagallis-aquatica herb 110 Selaginaceae Hebenstretia integrifolia herb 49 Solanaceae Lycium bosciifolium shrub 19 x x Solanaceae Lycium decumbens shrub 4 x x Solanaceae Lycium eenii broad-leaved honey-thorn tree x Solanaceae Lycium oxycarpum shrub 6 Solanaceae Solanum rigescentoides wild tomato shrub 43 x Sterculiaceae Dombeya rotundifolia wild pear tree / shrub x Sterculiaceae Hermannia comosa herb 61 x Sterculiaceae Hermannia minimifolia shrub 26 x Sterculiaceae Hermannia modesta herb 39 x NAMIBRAND NATURE RESERVE SPECIES CHECKLIST - PLANTS (249 species: 5 December 2012)

Tiliaceae Grewia flava velvet raisin tree x Tiliaceae Grewia tenax small-leaved white cross-berry shrub x x Urticaceae Forsskaolea hereroensis Namib nettle shrub 31 x Verbenaceae Chascanum garipense white chascanum herb 33 Verbenaceae Plexipus garipensis (?) herb Vitaceae Cyphostemma bainesii gouty vine / Baines-kobas succulent x Zygophyllaceae Tribulus terrestris dubbeltjie / devil's thorn Herb Zygophyllaceae Tribulus zeyheri dubbeltjie / vevil's thorn Herb 70 Zygophyllaceae Zygophyllum cylindrifolium shrub x Zygophyllaceae Zygophyllum decumbens shrub x Zygophyllaceae Zygophyllum pubescens shrub x Zygophyllaceae Zygophyllum simplex succulent 94 x Triraphis purpurea x Triraphis ramosissima x Cheilanthes marlothii fern Psiadia punctulata tree x