Page 2 HAKOL November, 2005 Tishrei/Cheshvan 5766 Volume 27, Issue 3 RABBI ELIGBERG SPEAKS

Dear Haverim, “Or, it could have ended like this.” That was how the mak- THANKSGIVING ers of the movie Clue introduced the alternative endings to their whodunit mystery. Along those lines, I would like to give you INTERFAITH SERVICE an alternative ending to the sermon I gave on the first day of Rosh Hashanah. As you may recall, I introduced you to an en- November 20th, 7:00 pm tire team of Jewish super heroes: Shofar, whose piercing blasts of sound disorient villains. St. Barnabas Episcopal Church Minyan, who can create nine copies of himself, enabling Sand Hill Road Monmouth Junction. him to outnumber his , arch—enemies, and always be sure of having a quorum for For further info, prayer. contact the Synagogue Office The Kotel. Found in the tunnels under the Temple Mount, this living rock appears ageless and indestructable but loses he farther from Jerusalem. strength as moves ing good in the world, not in pursuit of reward, but as a recog- Matza hurls balls that his Ball energy plasma cause ene- nition that their powers and abilities demand that they be used mies to either float or sink. in the service of others. Shamash uses his ability to create and control fire to pre— In recent weeks, the natural disasters that have affected vent forest fires and the environment. protect the Gulfcoast have given us many examples of heroic behav- Magen Avraham ( of Abraham) wields an unbreak- ior. No acts of superhuman strength. No exercises of cosmic able shield the Divine Name in bearing pur- powers. No expressions of. Just ordinary suit ofjustice. “ human beings doing their best to help others The Tallit. in his remarkable to assert our Wrapped in incredibly trying conditions. Average peo- prayer shawl whose tsitsit can stretch to Jewishness with pride, ple demonstrating extraordinary compassion great lengths to ensnare evildoers. are expressions of and kindness to others in desperate need. Ner Tamid, an energy matrix that draws Jewish personhood Men and women who recognized that they power from the mystical kabbalistic spheres could make a difference by simply doing to serve humanity. —that our youth need to what within their was power. whose control the Barak, ability to Those are what In Pirke Ayot we read, “When there are no weather allows her to harness the forces see. of worthy persons, strive to be a worthy per- in evil. real Jewish heroes nature the battle against son.” The Sages understood this as a chal- The Bubbe, also known as the Geriatric IOOk like.” lenge to each of us to do our best; to fulfill Avenger relies on the contents of her Utility our potential, to rise to the occasion. They - Marror Ha- Apron spray incapacitates enemies; Quick—drying suggested three ways to meet this challenge. roset stops foes in their tracks; Super—absorbant Sponge Cake “In a place where there are no people to assume responsi- drains and Chicken Anti-toxin — in her opponents energy; Soup bility for communal affairs, try to be the person [who takes on quest to perfect the world. that responsibility].” Our community is blessed with vibrates many Lulav, to create waves of energy that overwhelm people who have taken on the mantle of leadership but we villains. need everyone to step up so that we can accomplish all the Etrog, breaks offthe pitom to activate small concussive goals and meet all the dreams that we have for ourselves. that stun and leave them grenades opponents smelling lemony “Ifthere are no people to study Torah with or from — then flesh. study Torah on your own to the best of your ability so that What is it about heroes that them their super gives enduring you will be a person versed in Jewish tradition.” We live in an popularity? Why do young children tie towels around their era where the study of Torah is easier than it has ever been. necks and Or turtle battles in pretend to fly? stage ninja the Technology has made it possible for us to always find part- family room? What draws us to more vicarious means of simu- ners in study. The only requirement is that we make the com- such and role lating superpowers as computer _playing games, mitment to pursue our studies. comic books movies? reading or watching “In a place where there are not many Jews, do not hesi- NPR Commentator John Hodgman, in a This American tate to be recognized as a Jew.” Perhaps the greatest challenge Life segment entitled “Invisible Man vs. ” discovered is to accept being recognized as different. To live by a differ- to his dismay that the motivation was purely selfish. Interview- ent calendar, to observe holidays that are out of the main- all demonstrated for those ees envy superpowers, especially of stream, to assert our Jewishness with pride, those are expres- and flight invisibility. Not a single person interviewed indicated sions of Jewish personhood that our youth need to see. Those that they would use their powers to help others; they would are what real Jewish heroes look like. They live their Jewish only help themselves. commitments visibly and with pride, serving God, the Jewish I would like to suggest a more positive reason for the en- people and the world. during allure of superheroes. Superheroes represent ideals to With blessings, which all we aspire. They reflect a selfless commitment to do- Rabbi David M Eligberg HAKOL November, 2005 Tishrei/Cheshvan 5766 Volume 27, Issue 3 Page 3 RABBI ELIGBERG SPEAKS

Tishre/Heshvan Dates in History

30 Tishre ~ Hadoar, the first Hebrew daily newspaper in Amer- 19 Heshvan - The first B'nai B'rith lodge was organized on No- ica, appeared onNovember l, 1921. vember 12, 1843 in New York.

4 Heshvan - The oldest existing tombstone in New York stands 20 Heshvan - On November 4, 1974, Richard Stone was elected in the Spanish and Portuguese cemetery on the Bowery at the US. senator from Florida. He was the first Jewish senator from grave of Benjamin Bueno de Mesquita, who died on October a southern state since the Civil War. 24, 1683. 23 Heshvan — The American Jewish Committee was organized 5 Heshvan - On November 5, 1655, Jacob Barsimson and Asser on November I 1, 1906. The objectives ofthe American Jewish Levy ofNew Amsterdam petitioned for the right to stand guard Committee were "to prevent the infraction of the civil and reli- and be relieved of the special tax imposed on Jews in lieu of gious rights of Jews, to alleviate the consequences of persecu- guard duty. tion, and to afford relief from calamities affecting Jews.“

10 Heshvan - Asser Levy was granted a butcher's license on Defense of civil rights and welfare were the major causes which October 15, 1660. The supply of kosher meat in New Amster- stimulated American Jewish communal activities in the 19th dam was thus assured. century. The board of Delegates of American Israelites, the first Jewish communal public-relations ll Heshvan - Abraham D. Beame, the first Jewish mayor of body, was organized in 1859 for the purpose of defending Jew- New York City, was elected on November 6, 1973. ish civil rights throughout the world. The Russian pogroms of 1903-1905 led to the formation of the American Jewish Com- 13 Heshvan - The first Jewish prayerbook printed in America mittee. World War 1 led to the formation of the Joint Distribu- was published on October 23, 1760. tion Committee and the American Jewish Congress.

16 Heshvan - General Ulysses S. Grant, on November 9, 1862, 24 Heshvan - Kehillath Anshe Ma'arav (K.A.M.), the first Jew- issued the first in a series of orders barring Jews from entering ish congregation in Chicago, was established on November 3, the military department under his command. 1847.

17 Heshvan - Rabbi Sabato Morais, one of the founders of the 26 Heshvan - The first anti-Semitic attack over a radio network Jewish Theological Seminary of America and its first president, in the US. was broadcast by Father Coughlin on November 20, died on November 12, 1897. 1938. @1527NOVEMBER B’NAI MITZVAH

Steven Birch Leah Runyon Jacob Weinreb Jesse Talmud Nov. 5 Nov. 12 Nov. 19 Nov. 26 Ed & Ellen Birch Eliot & Elaine Runyon Steven & Sharon Weinreb Steven & Shelly Talmud

(3;, 9 Page 4 HAKOL November, 2005 Tishrei/Cheshvon 5766 Volume 27, issue 3

OUR HAZZAN’S VOICE Cantor Bruce Rockman

It Rained on Yom Kippur I heard so many people say they don’t ever recall such a Rosh Hashanah the community was able to worship in their rainy Yom Kippur. own synagogue for Yom Kippur. Rabbi Lichtenfeld has roots Perspective, keep it in perspective, that’s what I kept tell- in our community and has been shuttling between New Jersey ing myself as l cleaned-up the flood that the Yom Kippur rains and Louisiana. Ted and his wife Miriam are about to become created in our basement. The damage was not terrible. We lost parents for the second time. The family is currently living in a three week old hot water heater, some posters and children’s East Brunswick with her parents as they await the blessed books were soaked, the carpet smells and our bookcases and event. Miriam is also a Rabbi and has taught adult classes at cabinets are a little warped and soggy. B’nai Tikvah. We can only imagine the Hopefully our insurance will cover the most stress the affected families are experiencing. of the cost of the damage. Still, you can’t What can we do? What can we do? The obvious is to give imagine how upset I was when I discovered The obvious is to money and thank God for our good fortune. the mess in our basement. Or maybe you and Keep life in perspective. I’ll still get upset if can, because you’ve had a similar experi- give money my basement floods again, but I will also ence. thank God for our remember that there are so many with much Birkat Ha-Gomel is... “recited by one good fortune. Keep greater challenges. I promise to help those who has recoveredfrom a serious illness, who are less fortunate than I. We all know returnedfrom a longjourney, or survived a life in perspective. that we can do more! The monumental life—threatening crisis (including child— losses felt around the world do not make our birth). ” If you have had such an experience, you can request an personal problems and losses less consequential. But partici— opportunity to receive an alliyah and recite this blessing of pating in the recovery of the victims will make are lives more gratitude to God. meaningfiil and help us fulfill our responsibility and our destiny Praised are You Adonai our God, who rules the universe, as a Jews, the children of Israel. showing goodness to us beyond our merits and bestowingfavor Worship the Lord in gladness; on me. come before God with joyoussong. Retired Rabbi Isidoro Aizenberg was recently asked to lead Cantor Bruce Rockman the High Holiday services for Biloxi's Beth Israel Congregation. You can read more about the effected communitiesand make Devastated by Hurricane Katrina, their was de- synagogue donations hurricanereliefat www. stroyed and relocated to a chapel at the local Air Force base. for During the service Rabbi Aizenberg recounted. “As a congrega- tional rabbi for three decades I ofien witnessed people asking to the Birkat .But in all those I say Ha'Gomel,. .. years was never Hun a: part of a community where all its members stood up to recite this blessing in unison... For as long as I can remember I have asked in the course of our services "Who shall live and who shall die? Who by fire and who by water?" But never before did these words affect me with such profound poignancy. Whilejoining in the U'Netaneh Tokef I continued asking myself, "And who in the congregation lost their home and who did not? And who is despairing and who has gained the strength to rebuild? And who is asking if there is a God in the world and who has been left with faith unscathed?" I don't have answers to these questions. What I do hope, however, is that by our presence and by joining the com- munity in the High Holiday prayers, we offered this congrega— tion a measure of emotional support and the validation of the millennial principle that all Israel are responsible one for an- other.” A second conservative congregation was nearly destroyed by the hurricane. Shir Chadash in Mataire, Louisiana, just out— side New Orleans, was flooded with more than 12 inches of water by Hurricane Katrina and its aftermath, and just about everything the water touched was destroyed. Newly appointed Rabbi Ted Lichtenfeld has helped lead this congregation trough its loss. Although they temporarily relocated to Houston for

Page 6 HAKOL November, 2005 Tishrei/Cheshvon 5766 Volume 27, Issue 3 ADULT EDUCATION A MEMBERSHIP MINUTE Ruth Anne Koenick, VP Membership Adult Education Presents: Mazel Tov to... Arlene and Arthur Cedarbaum Wednesday, November 9th on the marriage of their son Robert to Lisa Rybold. 8:00 in the Kiddush Room pm Marcel and Janet Szpiro on the birth of their grandson. George and Renee Radoczys "Kinder Transport" on the naming oftheir daughter Jaiden Gwen and Philip Simon Lecture Gertrude of Six from Leip— by Dubrovsky, author on the naming oftheir Granddaughter .laiden. the of children who zig, story were placed on the kinder Cheryl and Steven Goldstein bound for the transport England during Holocaust. This on their son Cody’s Bar Mitzvah. will commemorate the of Kristal— program anniversary Felice and Joseph Ciccione nacht on their son Joshua’s Bar Mitzvah. Susann and Kevin Krane There will be refreshments light served, on the naming of their daughter Reese. and to of Six an opportunity purchase a signed copy Audrey and Scott Sudran From Leipzig. on their son Andrew’s Bar Mitzvah. Bonnie and Marc Eisenberg on their daughter Rebecca’s Bat Mitzvah. Lisa and Leon Suttner on their daughter Leah’s Bat Mitzvah. Adrienneand Bruce Rogove Sunday, November 20th on the bar mitzvah oftheir son Michael. a tour of We welcome new members Beth Shalom, Elkins Park, Pa. Syndi and Douglas Smaller: the only synagogue designed by Syndi is a full time mother to their two children, Mason who Frank Lloyd Wright is 3 and Rebecca who is 1. Doug is director of account plan- ning and promotion for TV marketing and advertising. When moved See the flyer mailed with this issue of Hakol to sign up. they to East Brunswick, a family friend told them about B’nai Tikvah. Syndi joined the Mommy and Me pro- gram with Mason and met a great bunch of people. They joined B’nai Tikvah because of the people and felt that it was a warm and inviting place. Heartfelt Condolences to: Bill Halpern on the death of his father, Meyer. Phyllis Rich on the death of her brother Norman By Appointment Shapiro on the death ofhis cousin, Stephen Reites Martha Rotter on the death of her husband, Herman Aaron Rosloff DR. STEVEN B. DICKERT CHIROPRACTOR 58 Wetherhitl Way 176 Hart Boulevard (Comer Georges Road) (Corner Forest Avenue) Dayton. NJ. 08810 Staten Island. N.Y. 10301 (732) 3292255 (718) 981-4900 HAKOI. November, 2005 Tishrei/Cheshvon 5766 Volume 27, Issue 3 Page 7 THE OFFICE VOICE Nitsat Hadas Elami, Administrative Director

the will Although High Holidays be behind us by the time you formed the last minute system checks to ensure that every- read this I like article, would to take this opportunity and thing was working properly. lt was only 5 years ago that, after thank all the members who made it possible. checking all the systems more than once, we found that the When you arrived for services on Rosh Hashanah and Rabbi’s microphone was not working during the final sound Yom Kippur, what you saw was the wrapping on the package. test on the evening of Rosh Hashanah! We were able to fix it What you didn’t see were all the preparations and time that but it was a close call. went into the package to make everything look festive and for We at the office couldn’t possibly get all this ready for everything to run smoothly. the Holidays without the help of numerous volunteers. We are At the time when most people arejust starting their Sum- thankful to anybody and everybody who helped” Those who mer vacations, we at the office start preparing for the High stuffed envelopes, those who cut cards, and those who helped Holidays. This year, we were lucky - the High Holidays were us mail the HaKol out in the middle of all this. There are also later than usual. On the other hand, we had the additional those volunteers who were here on Sunday morning before tasks of preparing the New Wing for the Grand Opening. Rosh Hashanah to set up the chairs and the books and those We began with all the items that are not time sensitive who were here the same Sunday morning to clean the Arc, such as copying and cutting the tickets, preparing the covers change the Torah mantles and polish the Silver. There are far for the Memorial Book, preparing the High Holidays pledge too many to mention them all here by name and I am sure I cards and any other forms that can be prepared and copied in would not be able to do it without omitting one or two people, advance. The High Holidays pledge cards must be stuffed in which I wouldn’t like to do. We at the office know who you envelopes with the name of the member on the outside as well are and appreciate your help more than you think! as the inside and then kept in alphabetical order. So the next time you attend and take part in the High Our next step was to mail out different forms to the mem- Holidays services, please don’t take it all for granted. Please bers of the Congregation. For example, some of these forms think about all that is involved in preparing for this special are the order forms for the Memorial Plaques and the Memo- time and give silent thanks to the many volunteers who rial Books. As the Memorial plaque orders are received, they worked to make the High Holidays services so special for all are faxed to the company that does the engraving. It takes 6-8 of us. weeks for the engraving company to prepare the Memorial Plaques. For them to be ready by the High Holidays, we must fax them by a specific deadline. The Memorial Books are prepared mostly in-house. There is a lot of work involved in putting all the information together, editing it properly and proofing it. EBAY FUNDRAISING PROGRAM: The next stage in the preparations is setting deadlines and preparing lists for the distribution of the tickets. Envelopes were stuffed with the correct number of tickets for each fam— Gather up your cool stuff ily. sell About 4-5 weeks prior to the Holidays we started work- that we can on eBay. ing on the physical preparations of the building and the ar- Donate it to the Synagogue. rangements for the services. We contacted the North and We’ll sell it on eBay. It’s that simple. South Brunswick Police departments regarding traffic ar- rangements, a personnel company regarding the people we hire to check the tickets, and ordered the special white Kippot If you have any questions, please contact Bonnie the 1 that there few we use on High Holidays. am sure were Kudwitt at: [email protected]. Bonnie will man- items I to mention here. more forgot the auctioning of donated items. Please bring As the closer, there was less to At age Holidays got prepare. the items to the office during office hours so we will this made that and would point, we sure everything everyone be able to keep a list of the donations. arrive on time, resolved unexpected problems and primarily answered a lot of phone calls from congregants with questions regarding their tickets, giest tickets and any other issues that may arise. Since the attendance at services during the High Holidays is so high, there are many more questions than usual. On the Sunday before Rosh Hashanah, we started actu- ally setting up the chairs, stacking the High Holiday Sid- durim, setting up the Baby Sitting Classrooms and changed the appearance of the Sanctuary and the Ark. We also per-

Page I 0 HAKOI. November, 2005 Tishrei/Cheshvon 5766 Volume 27, Issue 3 CONGREGATION EVENTS AND INFO

PLAY BASKETBALL A Big WITH THE RABBI & CANTOR AND GET JUNIOR CONGREGATION CREDIT! THANK YOU Yes, You read it Right. T . Come There’s lots ofrunning around. Did that person arrive in time for the honor that was assigned? Did that other person PRAY, PLAY & PRAY pick up their honor card, or do we need to, track him down? Is (Mincha - Shoot Hoops - Ma'ariv) the camera set up and on so that the auxiliary sanctuary is wired and ready with the TV? Is the food all set for break November 12th fast? Are the Mahzors set out and neat? Are the tallitot hang- Saturday, ing neatly? Are the security people in place, ushers all ready? 4:15 - 6:00pm Does everyone who offered to sit on the bima really remem- ber what time to be there? and AGAIN on December 10th 4:00-5z45pm These are just a few of the questions facing the many people who worked so hard to make Rosh Hashana, Yom Wear your sneakers and Kippur, Sukkot and Simchat Torah services run smoothly. B'nai Tikvah Tee shirt! What behind the is task. goes on scenes an overwhelming ALL ARE WELCOME! The majority of our congregants show up for services without ever knowing what goes on to make this all happen. But it (even if you don't need JC credit! doesn’tjust happen by magic. Getting ready for the holidays starts months in advance with many meetings, emails and details, details, details. I would now like to take this opportunity to thank those people who made our High Holiday services go on without a hitch. Thanks to everyone and if I forgot to mention you, please forgive me and let me know!! FAMILY SHABBAT DINNER First and foremost, Marc Binder, who delegated many responsibilities this year so that he was not running around during services as he has in the past, and who actually sat CALLING ALL down this year. Then, in no particular order: Doug Chin, Beth Miller, Rene’e Levin, Marci Oslick, GRANDPARENTS: Phil Welsher, Ben Gottesman, Mark Jiorle, Barry Safeer, What a great way to pass on the traditions of Benjy Levin, Noah Levin, Josh Greenberg, Sarah Safee,r Shabbat with your grandchildren. Start a new Howard Nass, Mark Sherman, Nancy and Mark Tabak, Mar— tradition by attending this dinner and service. tin Zweig, Herb Mars, Ken Wistreich, Lenny Benzilio, Gabu Of course, all families are welcome!!! Benzilio, Steven Kfare, Colleen Snow, Joshua Safeer, Gary Bergman, Danny Greenberg, Larry Cohen, Barbara Bergman, Followed by Joe Grodman, Marty Abschutz, Caren Abschutz, Frank Walt- zer, Ann Kanarek, Ruth Anne Koenick, Al Garten, Naomi Family Shabbat Services Ann the Ac- Jackenthal, Hope Peters, Rosenzweig, Religious 1 tivities Committee and of course everyone who ushered. Friday, November 8th These people volunteered their time and expertise to make our holidays so enjoyable. 6pm Bobbi Binder See the flyer in this month’s Hakol to RSVP. HAKOL November, 2005 Tishrei/Cheshvan 5766 Volume 27, Issue 3 Page l l CONGREGATION EVENTS AND INFO

Thank You From The to the Webmaster Saxoholics Sax Ensemble who added musical atmosphere to our Evening of Recognitionand Dedication Need a “Refresh”? for the New Wing. Saxoholics are available for parties, cocktail hours etc. Sometimes we make changes to the - For Booking Information: Matt Gramata (732)668-1899 or site that don't appear on your screen. Email: [email protected] This often happens when your computer tries to perform at optimal speed. Previ- ous pages are kept in local memory (cache) so thebrowser doesn't have to go all the way to the intemet to get the infor- mation you requested. It's a clever tech- nique that helps response time, especially when you're a dial—up user. Save the date! To be sure you're getting the latest ver- sion of a web page, refresh your browser's cache by simply hitting the F5 key. It may take a few seconds longer but, having the most current information is more important than loading it faster. Casino Night Regards, [email protected] March ‘11, 2006 Computers are not intelligent. They only think they are. A night of gambling, It's Official dining, and entertainment A It used to be that the webmaster was the night not to be missed! only source (record keeper) of all email addresses for the congregation. But, now the office database has been updated and We need and volunteers! they are the official record holders. So, if prizes there are any changes or additions to your email address, you should now no- directly. tify offi[email protected] To donate prizes or volunteer please call: Gary Warner 732-422-9292 Allison Nagelberg 732-846-1464 Ruth Ann Weiss 732-821-6669 Mark Sherman 732-940—1110 Page 12 HAKOL November, 2005 Tishrei/Cheshvon 5766 Volume 27, Issue 3


NOVEMBER IS JEWISH BOOK MONTH SUPPORT OUR RELIGIOUS From the earliest times we have been known as the People of the Book. The written word, whether from our sacred texts or SCHOOL other sources, has always been important. One ofthe most positive things we can do for our children’s development is to Put your name on a flame, put your handle on a can- instill the beauty and excitement of reading, both for knowl- dle. Look for the WALL OF , our Religious edge and for pleasure. School Menorah with your name in lights. For only a dollar Having a Jewish library in your own home makes a state- each, you can buy paper flames for every mem- ment to your child that books are important. A Bible, Hebrew ber of your family. Or, for 18 big ones, you can buy a texts, a Siddur, stories about our ancestors and the holidays whole paper candle for your group. Anyway you are all significant additions to any home library. choose, you are warming up to a great cause—your Here at B’nai Tikvah, we not only acknowledge the influ- Religious School. For more information, check the ence of books, we help you to begin that library. In addition flyer in this bulletin or in your child's bag.’ On behalf of to the books that your child uses in the classroom and then the Religious School staff and children we thank takes home, we make the purchase of children’s books an you for your support. enjoyable task by holding an annual book fair. Through your efforts, the Jewish people will remain the fififififi People ofthe Book. Please take the opportunity to browse and Judaic visit buy reading material; our Jewish Book Fair A special thanks to the families who donate to the on Sunday, November 20 8. through Thursday, December RELIGIOUS SCHOOL EDUCATION FUND on an ongoing basis and to all of you who will support our Chanukah flames project that will help to sponsor this JEWISH BOOK FAIR program. Sunday, November 20 (9:00am-12:05pm) Monday, November 21 - Thursday, December 8 (4:00pm—6:00pm) Sunday, December 4 (9:00am-12:05pm)

MEET AUTHOR & GUEST SPEAKER LEVINSON We are delighted to be able to bring Robin Levinson to our school on Sunday, December 4. Ms. Levinson is a pro- fessional journalist and an award winning author. Her new book, Miriam’s Journey marks her debut in children's fic- tion. This story is the first of the “Gali Girls” series and is part of a very inspirational and thought provoking collection of Jewish history books. The first of the “Gali Girls” stories weaves together Jewish history, Jewish values, fascinating characters and unexpected adventures. It is designed to capti- vate and educate the young reader. Our young readers will be fascinated by her stories of warmth and adventure as they learn about our Jewish community. Everyone is invited to meet Robin Levinson and spend the morning with her as we celebrate Jewish Book Month with her visit. The author will present three workshops for our alef to dalet classes. Ms. Levinson’s book, MIRIAM’S JOURNEY: Discovering a New World (hot offthe press) will be available for purchase and for signing. 44~———————————————————————______:::

HAKOI. November, 2005 Tishrei/Cheshvan 5766 Volume 27, Issue 3 Page 13 NURSERY SCHOOL NEWS

Carol Winter To Be Honored For 20 Years As Nursery School Teacher

We would like to announce a special event!! One of our staff is celebrating her 20‘h year teaching at our school. Mrs. Carol Winterll We would like to honor her by having a lunch- eon on Sunday November 20‘h at 1:00 PM. The cost will be $10.00 per person to cover our costs. We will be sending out invitations to shul members, and current or past parents who would like to honor her. Mrs. Winter’s alumni from 1985- 1990 will also be invited. We would like former students and parents to look for any pictures they might have from the last 20 years. We will scan them and make her an album. Ifyou can write a small note stating how she has made difference Nursery School students painting their own Sukkah a in your or your child’s life, that would be great too. All pic- tures and/or notes (labeled of course) can be brought to the Boy have we been busy! This month we had our very office and put in my mailbox. first soccer lesson with Spencer Rockman. The yiladeem (the To paraphrase a from Brooks “A word for children in Hebrew) learned how to balance while quote Henry Adams, teacher affects eternity, she can never tell where her influence resting one foot on the ball. They also learned soccer songs. What a workout! stops”. The children also had yoga with Jul. 1n the Nursery we take care of our children’s bodies and souls. We made miniature sukkot and decorations. In the pre-k room, there is a life sized Sukkah. The pre-K painted and decorated it themselves. Everyone also made decorations for the shul sukkah. Each class made a fruit salad and ate it in the sukkah. They made sure to say all the proper brachot (blessings). Lunch was eaten in the sukkah too. Lulavim A Personal Touch were shaken and the fragrance of the etrogim was every- where. Cleaning Service We made flags for Simchat Torah and marched around with them. The yiladeem went into the Sanctuary and were shown what a real torah looks like. We finish reading the Excellent service @ great rates! Torah on Simchat Torah and then we start all over again! Our school was filled with animals the week of Parshat Noach (Noah). Howie Berkowitz came from Pets Pets Pets Let us with an “ark” full of animals. The children enjoyed petting help them. you .O'OOIIODOOOIIOOUI get ready oopnouuouonetouou Phyllis G. Denenberg for the holidays. Jewish Ritual Art --- One ofa kind, IIIOOOOI-IIOOII hand painted & printed Tall't, Chu pdh, Covers for Mdtzah & Challah Call today for a FREE estimate 732-251-5293 To meet with the artist call: Adria Sherman 609-799-8807 Excellent References 0 Referral Incentives

HAKOL November, 2005 Tishrei/Cheshvcm5766 Volume 27, Issue 3 Page 15

The JCC of North and South Brunswick Nursery School cordially invites you to a luncheon in honor of Carol Winter Celebrating her 20 years of teaching & dedication to our school

November 20, 2005 at 1:00 pm in the Multi-Purpose Room. Alumni 1985-1995 are invited too!

See the flyers in this issue of Hakol to RSVP and place your ad in the Tribute Book

HAKOL November, 2005 Tishrei/Cheshvon 5766 Volume 27, Issue 3 Page 17 B’NAI TIKVAH COMMUNITY

MEN’S CLUB ISRAELI FOLK November 13th DANCE The Men's Club is proud to present: Jeff Haveson CPA,MBA FAMILY HOUR Matrix Financial Advisors LLC Saturday, to speak about December 3, 2005 Education College Financing 7:30- 8:30 pm and year-end Tax Planning.

and is ”the if}; Lifit‘iiiiiifiiieigéifim we" mngrega' T0 Sign-UP see the “Yer in JeffHaveson is President and Chief Investment Advisor of fh'S HakOI Matrix Financial Advisors LLC, Princeton, NJ. Jeffhas over 15 years of experience advising clients on their tax and in- vestment affairs. He is a certified public accountant in NJ/PA and an Investment Advisor Representative. Previously, Jeff worked at Lucent Technologies and Bloomberg L.P. advising corporate executives on corporate and individual tax planning matters. Matrix Financial Advisors is a “Fee Only” personal financial planning firm based in Princeton NJ. It offers holis- 9on tic comprehensive services in cash flow planning, tax plan— ning, investment planning, college education, insurance plan- 9 ning, retirement planning and estate planning. Jeffresides in South Brunswick with his wife and 2 children and is an active 4’1» “m“ 0 member in the Beth Chaim congregation.

Hold The Date! Solomon Schechter Day School/ B’nai Tikvah Breakfast on Sunday, December 11th.

honoring Lois Shulman and Jerry Kaminsky for their commitment to SSDS and furthering Jewish Education.

HAKOL November, 2005 Tishrei/Cheshvon 5766 Volume 27, Issue 3 Page 21 B’NAI TIKVAH COMMUNITY


Who are these families? These families are all in need. They are referred by various sources including Jewish Family Sen/ices, local welfare directors, school social workers and senior centers. How does this program work? Each family will fill TUESDAY NIGHTS out a wish list of their needs. The wish lists typically include items like towels, sheets, blankets, clothing, shoes, coats and IN NOVEMBER children’s toys. 8:00- 10:00PM How can you help? TIKVAH MEMBERS 1. Become a family coordinator for one family’s NO COST TO B'NAI wish list. This might involve getting your family, $7.00 PER SESSION FOR NON-MEMBERS friends, co-workers, and merchants to donate the needed items to fulfill the family’s wish list, BRING YOUR FRIENDS! 2. Volunteer to obtain one or more of the items on a family’s wish list. 3. Donate money that will be specifically used to purchase items on a family’s wish list. Checks should be made payable to Congregation B’nai Tikvah Holiday Program. To participate in this worthwhile program, send in the form JASON SEIDMAN’S included in this issue of the Hakol, or e-mail Janice Baer at: [email protected] or call Janice at 732-940-0268 MITZVAH PROJECT PLEASE RESPOND BY NOVEMBER I4TH. Hi, my Bar Mitzvah is Dec 17‘“, and for my mitzvah project I have chosen to collect children’s music for the Robert Wood Johnson Children’s Hospital. Can you please help me out? You can leave donations of cassettes, CD’s or DVD’s (new or used) at the synagogue. Please identify them clearly for “Jason Seidman”. Ifyou have any questions you can contact me at 732-297- 6950 or [email protected]. Thank you! Jason Seidman NEAL R. GITTLEMAN, D.D.S.

""““—'-_Ium , ]——_—~.,,. 3‘ ASSOCIATES

Neal R. Gittleman. 0.0.8., EA.G.D. 279 East Main Street p 908.722.2999 . ' DawnMarie Di Grazia, D.M.D. Somerville, NJ 08876 f 908.2l8.9345 Page 22 HAKOL November, 2005 Tishrei/Cheshvcm5766 Volume 27, Issue 3 B’NAI TIKVAH COMMUNITY

{ ##titttititfititti Rutgers New Jersey Jewish Film Festival November 10 - 20, 2005

SuperFunDay The Rutgers New Jersey Jewish Film Festival is pre- sented by The Allen and Joan Bildner Center for the Study of Jewish Life of Rutgers, the State University of November 20, 2005 New Jersey. Now in its sixth year, the Festival is meet- ing our growing audience demand with an expanded selection of international dramatic and liilllill§l§ll§l§l~lll§l§ award-winning documentary feature films that explore the rich diversity Super Sunday of Jewish culture and historical experience. is now FunDay! Films: Super Watermarks Ushpizin The Jewish Federation Sister Rose's Passion of Greater Middlesex County Paper Clips Rosenstrasse Would like Unzere Kinder to congratulate our 100 Children “Super FunDay” co-chairs Syrian Bride li§§§§I§§I{§l{{{§§I§Iil§lllil§§l{§l Another Road Home Mark & Brenda Alles auf Zucker Sherman For Schedule and Ticket info:

The Film Festival will take place at The Regal Cinema Commerce Center

For further information, email [email protected] or call Jodi Marcou at 732-932-4166. To donate or volunteer, contact Federation today at Ill{II{{{§{I{§}{‘I~II{{II{I 732-432-7711 or online at

The Martin 8 Edith Stein Assisted Living Resident: Toby B. Ehrlich, LCSW, AC SW Director of Marketing 350 DeMott Lane, Somerset,NJ 08873 Toll Free: 800574—5760 I T: 732-568—1155 I F: 732-568—0055 ##ttttttfittittfiti Email: [email protected] wwwsteinresidcnceorg HAKOL November, 2005 Tishrei/Cheshvan 5766 Volume 27, Issue 3 Page 23 B’NAI TIKVAH COMMUNITY

Supermarket Scrip LET’S ALL GIVE THANKS 501i is FOR THANKSGIVING Ah...November...summer is just a memory. The leaves New Prescription Drug Plans are changing colors, falling from the trees, needing to be raked into piles. Once have those to be Presentation you piles neatly ready 29 cleared by the township, the kids jump in them, scattering the Tuesday, November leaves which now have to be re-raked! However, I digress... The Fifty Plus Group invites all Congregation members and November also means THANKSGIVING! Hooray! It their friends who are interested in the new Prescription Drug is the day we give thanks for all of the good things and good Plans, to attend our meeting on Tuesday, November 29, at 1 people in our lives. Macy’s Parade, football games, preparing in the Social Hall of the Synagogue. We are pleased to foods, cooking over a hot stove, watching all the fressers ei- pm. have a representative of the Jewish Family and Vocational ther nap or watch TV., cleaning up the big mess... oh, once Services of Middlesex County to explain costs and facts about again I digress! the Medicare Prescription Drug Plans. Issues relating to Think Thanksgiving and you conjure up images of tur- Medicare and Medicaid fiaud, waste, and abuse will also be key, stuffing, cranberry sauce, apple pie, right? Where do addressed. Join us for some important information, and buy them? Jiffy Lube or Loew’s Cinemas? I think not. very you a social hour including coffee, tea, and our delicious dessert If do all of the items at A&P, Acme, Path- you buy any or table. mark, Shop Rite, Stop & Shop or Wild Oats, then you are in luck. That just happens to be the stores that are participat- ing in our synagogue’s supermarket scrip program. Purchase scrip from these stores and Congregation B’nai Tikvah earns 5% from the sales. Scrip may be purchased by visiting the scrip committee’s table during Sunday religious school hours, going on line at (both an order form and credit card form are available), coming to or phoning the synagogue office (during business hours) or contacting the scrip committee, chaired by Rachel Shaneson The scrip committee ([email protected]). Kipeon Inc. even delivers your order to you. The scrip committee gladly I225 Livingston Avenue North Brunswick,NI 05902 accepts orders for $1000 and over, but please make these ar- 11.5. in advance. Mitchell H. Frumkin, p.:., (732; rangements President 2% members with children by ha: Finally, as a courtesy to our at- (800) 82841 I8 tending Solomon Schechter School, whenever you think foe-trifle: (732) 2209017 corned beef, pastrami, knishes, think Lox, Stock & Deli scrip. and students sell from Stock & inIoOIcipconsoni The families of these scrip Lox, mfrumkinfikipcoacom Deli and our patronage would assist them meet their annual http://www.kipcon.comM sales’ goals. So, no matter what time of year it is Lox, Stock Engineers/Inspectors & Deli is a “flavorable” treat. I'm This month ’s hint: whether you are cooking or not for Thanksgiving, why not purchase (with the scrip, of course!) a NEED ATALLIS? feast that could donate to duplicate Thanksgiving you your & town’s food pantry? The pantry could use the help, a family Fabulous Selection for Women Men will enjoy the holiday and you will feel all sparkly inside & Bar/Bat M'Izvahs from this mitzvah. In fact, if you happen to get more than D‘I scount Prices enough of those free turkey coupons, why not donate these to Cdl Amy Zelka in East Brunswid< at. the food pantry, too? Please check with your individual com— 732-613-8018 munity pantry to see if this is ok first. Enjoy your holiday! Linda Feinstein YARMKAS by AMY L.L.C. Plus, Lades Head Coverings& Juddca Gifts Page 24 HAKOI. November, 2005 Tishrei/Cheshvon 5766 Volume 27, Issue 3

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Call Zev Rosenberg, President 1-871-501-CO0L (2665) HAKOL November, 2005 Tishrei/Cheshvon 5766 Volume 27, Issue 3 Page 25

CONTRIBUTIONS September 16 through October 15, 2005

Yartzeit: Rose Kalish Arleen and Barry Panson, in memory of Lori, Andy, Melissa and Harrison Kaye, The in the Cilia Herlands in memory of Albert Handaly Carpet Helene and Gary Tinkel, in memory of Rabbi’s DiscretionaryFund: New Beit Midrash Sidney Tinkel Dolores and Lloyd Komblatt, in honor of Helene and Gary Tinkel, in memory of the new educational wing Was Made Possible Lee Finke] Joyce and Bill Halpem, in memory of Sylvia and Erwin Lewis, in memory of Meyer Halpem (Bill’s father) Thanks to: Awram Aronsky Gary and Toby Ehrlich, in honor of the Rena and Barry Lepinsky, in memory of Bat Mitzvah of Rebecca Eisenberg Sylvia and Erwin Lewis, Fred Piaskowsky Cantor’s DiscretionaryFund: in who donated honor of Eileen and Norman Berens, in memory Susan Brosse, in memory of her beloved Ann and Sam Rosenzweig’s of Clara Berens mother, Miriam 45th wedding anniversary Sandra and Seymour Levine, in memory Expansion Fund: Deborah and Martin Spigner of Sadie Levine Youth Fund: Ann Gold Susan and Harry Rosenzweig, in memory Israeli Youth Exchange Fund: Phyllis and Barry Safeer of Lee Zieselman Arline and Alan Kane, in memory of Cindy and Neal Gittleman Shelly, Ken, Brian and Lauren Wistreich, Michael Bernstein (brother of Phyllis Susann and Kevin Krane in memory of Martin H. Streicher Rich) Sandy and Yitzhak Sharon Lisa and Leon Suttner, in memory of Amy and Arie Behar, in memory of Her- Ruth Anne Koenick Lois Millner man Rotter Rose and Jeffrey Berger Fran and Philip Weinstein, in memory of Amy and Arie Behar, in memory of Mili Andrew and Susan Shapiro Rose Weinstein Rosloff Allison and David Nagelberg Jerry, Ronnie and Audrey Levine, in Nancy and Elliott Danto, in memory of memory of Stanley Levine Joyce Kane (mother of Alan Kane) Carole and Howard Kalish, in memory of Helene and Gary Tinkel, in memory of


Judaica Gift Sliop Gaéowilz 31/ g’flp/a/iance a). 272 RT. 18 (NORTH), EAST BRUNSWICK, NJ 08816

KENNETH KOHN TEL 732-257—7846 PRESIDENT FAX 732-257-5129

Come in and browse through Sisterhood's new Judaica Shop selection of unique gifts and artifacts attractively priced for all holidays and occasions. PAUL DAMEN INSTALLATIONS We are open Sundays from 9:00 am to 12:00 noon. Tel 732-291—076] hours will be announced soon. Weekly 123 Maplewood Avenue Fax 732-291-2778 Atlantic Highlands, NJ 07716 Cell 732—859-7221 Page 26 HAKOL November, 2005 Tishrei/Cheshvon 5766 Volume—l27, Issue 3 CONTRIBUTIONS September 16 through October 15, 2005

Joyce Kane Librafl Fund: Suse Rosenstock Memorial Fund: Torah Restoration Fund: Leon Bible Fund: Phyllis and Marvin Dantowitz, in honor of Passport to Israel Fund: the marriage of Robert and Lisa Ceder- Prayer Book Fund: baum Elaine and Alvin Brackup, in memory of Ruth and Bernie Adler, in honor of Ann Robert Rubin and Sam Rosenzweig’s 45th wedding an- Adrienne and Andy Ross, in honor ofthe niversary marriage of Robert and Lisa Cederbaum Tzedakah Fund: Family Shabbat Fund: Social Action Fund: Makhela Fund: Building/CapitalImprovement Fund Son’s of Tikvah Fund: gfor the CarQet in the Beit Midrash): Blanche Fruhling, in memory of Sadie Sylvia and Erwin Lewis, in honor of Ann Seidenstein . , and Sam Rosenzweig’s 45'“ wedding an- Ewen Elev" Barbara and Joe Plotnick, in memory of niversary Joyce Kane (mother of Alan Kane) Deborah and Martin Spigner Susan Brosse, in memory of her beloved Sandy and Yitzhak Sharon mother, Miriam Susann and Kevin Krane School Fund: Ruth Anne Koenick Lyubov Borzova, in memory of Bacya Rose and Jeffrey Berger Berein Cindy and Neal Gittleman Diane and Jerry Goldstein, in honor ofthe General Fund: Bar Mitzvah oftheir beloved grandson Irene Buchbinder Cody Marc Goldstein Martin and Rochelle Haller, in honor of Nursefl School Fund: Gary Bergman’s “Technological Wiz- Ritual Fund: ardry”

IN ADVERTISE HAKOL 03$, ‘9‘. \sdelimav‘erd HaKol advertising is one of the most cost-efficientways to reach your local Jewish community. Your ad reaches over 400 Jewish households each issue, and Hakol advertisers get free hyperlinks at . Hakol is published 10 times a year, “ . monthly except for July & August. Prmid“my R8l'“’1’_ RestoringFunction” A NEW 2005-2006 HAKOL ADVERTISING RATES

SIZE Art Annual 0/* 5e (Random Dimensions Contract: Single jer Locations) (w x h) 10 issues Issue 5",PHYSICAL THERAPY Full Page: 7.5x9.75 650.00 100.00 * «k * i 5’ h ' HalfPage: 7.5x4.5 500.00 75.00 or/0‘“ B "”3“” k Quarter Page 3.5x4.5 375.00 50.00

Business Card Std. Card. 275.00 35.00 3238 Rnui‘g 27 Kendall Park, NJ 08824 Phone:7322970032 Contact Tammy Zimmerman at Fax: 7322970558 [email protected] 732-398-1420. Email: infijerseprcom HAKOL November, 2005 Tishrei/Cheshvcm5766 Volume 27, Issue 3 Page 27 B 5 NAI TIKVAH DIRECTORY

TITLE NAME PHONE # E-MAIL ADDRESS Rabbi David Eligberg 732-940-1973 [email protected] Cantor Bruce Rockman 732-422-0963 [email protected] Presxdent. Daniel Greenberg 732-297-3780 [email protected] . VP Activities Cindy Gittleman 732-274-2253 [email protected] . VP Administration Gary Bergman 732-246-7285 [email protected] VP Membership Ruth Anne Koenick 732-828-8141 [email protected] VP School and Youth Jeff Cadoff 732-398-3769 [email protected] VP Ways & Means Mark Sherman 732-940-l I IO [email protected] RecordingSecretary Bobbi Binder 732-274-2797 [email protected] Fmancral Secretary Mark Kasdin 732-274-2897 [email protected] Treasurer Marc Dillman 732-821-7392 [email protected] Asst. Treasurer Frank Waltzer 732-329-9580 [email protected] Past Presrdent Arie Behar 732-422-1495 [email protected] TRUSTEES Art Biderman 732-297-669l [email protected] Larry Cohen 732-821-4376 [email protected] Mitchell Frumkin 732-297-5069 [email protected] Al Garten 732-297-4595 [email protected] Mark Jiorle 732-803-6299 [email protected] Jerry Kaminsky 732-297-3766 Jen'[email protected] Linda Kohn 732-822-2488 Linda.l([email protected] Allison Nagelberg 732 846-1464 [email protected] Dave Spivak 732-329-2 I 45 [email protected] Gary Warner 732-422-9292 [email protected] Paul Zankel 732-254-6465 [email protected] VOTING Fifty Plus Doris Sandrowitz 609-860-1498 [email protected] Men's Club Al Garten 732-297-4595 ALGarten Sisterhood Joyce Gerbman 732-93 7-51 14 [email protected]

Administrative Director Nitsat Hadas Elami 732-297-0696 [email protected] AdministrativeAssistant Roz Fischman 732-297-0696 Offi[email protected] Assistantto the Clergy MichelleGreen 732-297-0696 [email protected] ProgrammingDirector Lisa Mason 732-297-0696 [email protected] Synagogue FAX 732-297-2673 B’nai Mitzvah Mentors Cindy Gittleman 732-274-2253 [email protected] Cemetery Bette Koffler 732-329-65 I 8 [email protected] College Committee Marcia Schwartz 732-297-6365 [email protected] Couples Club Nadine Weg 732-329-1359 FeedbackCommittee Mitchell Frumkin 732-297-5069 [email protected] Fifty Plus Group Doris Sandrowitz 609-860-1498 [email protected] Hakol Editors Paul & Nancy Zankel 732-254-6465 [email protected] Hakol Advertising TammyZimmerman 732-398-1420 [email protected] Israel Bonds Larry Cohen 732-821-4376 [email protected] Israel Taskforce Alan Kane 732-418-1913 [email protected] Judiaca/Gifi Shop Deborah Spigner 732-545-8457 Junior Congregation Barry Safeer 732-432-9622 [email protected] Kadima Rachel Sakofs 732-317-4038 [email protected] Makelah Cheryl Asnis 732-297-5379 [email protected] Men’s Club Co—Presidents Steve Katz/Ed Birch 732-821-6201 [email protected] New Beginnings Jeanette Bergelson 732-246-1393 [email protected] Nursery School Director Phyllis Denenberg 732-297-0295 [email protected] Passportto Israel Program Keith Zimmerman 732-398-1420 [email protected] Programs Cindy Gittleman 732-274-2253 [email protected] Publicity Bette Koffler 732-329-6518 [email protected] ReligiousSchool Comm. Chairs Kim Reimann 732-940-4066 [email protected] Lisa Seidman 732-297-6950 [email protected] ReligiousSchool Principal Ann Kanarek 732-297-0295 [email protected] Ritual/Reli gious Activities Bobbi Binder 732-274-2797 [email protected] Sisterhood President Lynn Biderman 732-297-6691 [email protected] Scrip CommitteeChair Rachel Shaneson 732-329-2189 [email protected] Social Action Comm. Chair Laura Waksman 732- 698-2494 [email protected] USY Audra Lifson 732-821-1784 [email protected] Webmaster Gary Bergman 732-246-7285 [email protected] YahrzeitPlaques Nitsat Hadas Elami 732-297-0696 [email protected] Youth Committee Adrienne Ross 732-422—0637 [email protected] editors 732-254-6465 Keep our directory up to date. Updates and changes: e-mail [email protected],or call the at 28 Cheshvan NOVEMBER_ 2005 ‘7» «\ :ra A MW Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 29 Tishrei 30 Tishrei I Cheshvan 2 Cheshvan 3 OCTOBER 1 2 3 Cheshvan s MT w TF s 4 5 l ‘ Bar Mitzvah: Stephen Birch Sisterhood Study Executive Comminee USY Meeting ROSII C JODESH 4 Cheshvan 5 Cheshvan 6 Cheshvan 7 6 7 8 9 Cheshvan 1 0 8 Chcslwan 1 1 9 Cheshvan 1 2 10 Cheshvan Bat Mitzvah: 50+ Board Meeting Schools C Ioscd Leah Runyon New Beginnings Kristallnachl Lecture Binhday Shabbat Board of Dimmers ELECTION DAY (by Michael Cums) Schools Closed VBTERANS’ DAY Tm Shabba‘ ll Cheshvan 12 Cheshvan 13 Cheshvan 13 l4 1 5 1 6 l4 Cheshvan 1 7 IS Cheshvan 1 8 16 Cheshvan 1 9 l7 Cheshvan Bar Mitzvah: Jacob Weinreb N0 Religious School (Sinai-Members Trip Sisterhood Board Sisterhood Meetino Family Shabbat Service 18 Cheshvnn l9 Cheshvan 20 20 2 1 22 Cheshvan 23 2} Cheshvan 24 22 Cbmhvan 25 23 Cheslwan 26 24 Cheshvan RS Jewish Book liair Hei Class CAFE Bar Mitzvah: Men’s Club RS Jewish Book Fair Jesse Talmud New Members Meeting School Board RS Jewish Book Fair Office 8: Schools Closed Interfaith Service USY ’ Meeting 50+ “ a No Religious School THANKSGIVING Office & Schools Closed Bowling League 25 Cheshvan 26 Cheshva n 27 CbeslxV‘an 28 Chcshva" 27 28 29 30 Candle Lighting DECEMBER 3 M T w F s 4:1: 4:34 4 r 1: :- 11 4:27 «.» '1» RS is» 1' > Jewish . _ Book Fair i: 2: :4 RS Icwxsh Book Fair 18th 421 Sisterhood _ Paid up 25“, 4:17 25 :26 1, 3:3 31 No Religions Schml RAC Meeting RS Jewish Book Fair Membership Dinner '




1398 AXEL AVENUE NORTH BRUNSWICK.NJ 08902 PHONE I FAX (732) 247-1543 DAVID MASON. EdM, [email protected]

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