Page 2 HAKOL www.bnoitikvoh.org November, 2005 Tishrei/Cheshvan 5766 Volume 27, Issue 3 RABBI ELIGBERG SPEAKS Dear Haverim, “Or, it could have ended like this.” That was how the mak- THANKSGIVING ers of the movie Clue introduced the alternative endings to their whodunit mystery. Along those lines, I would like to give you INTERFAITH SERVICE an alternative ending to the sermon I gave on the first day of Rosh Hashanah. As you may recall, I introduced you to an en- November 20th, 7:00 pm tire team of Jewish super heroes: Shofar, whose piercing blasts of sound disorient villains. St. Barnabas Episcopal Church Minyan, who can create nine copies of himself, enabling Sand Hill Road Monmouth Junction. him to outnumber his , arch—enemies, and always be sure of having a quorum for For further info, prayer. contact the Synagogue Office The Kotel. Found in the tunnels under the Temple Mount, this living rock appears ageless and indestructable but loses he farther from Jerusalem. strength as moves ing good in the world, not in pursuit of reward, but as a recog- Matza hurls balls that his Ball energy plasma cause ene- nition that their powers and abilities demand that they be used mies to either float or sink. in the service of others. Shamash uses his ability to create and control fire to pre— In recent weeks, the natural disasters that have affected vent forest fires and the environment. protect the Gulfcoast have given us many examples of heroic behav- Magen Avraham (Shield of Abraham) wields an unbreak- ior. No acts of superhuman strength. No exercises of cosmic able shield the Divine Name in bearing pur- powers. No expressions of. Just ordinary suit ofjustice. “ human beings doing their best to help others The Tallit. in his remarkable to assert our Wrapped in incredibly trying conditions. Average peo- prayer shawl whose tsitsit can stretch to Jewishness with pride, ple demonstrating extraordinary compassion great lengths to ensnare evildoers. are expressions of and kindness to others in desperate need. Ner Tamid, an energy matrix that draws Jewish personhood Men and women who recognized that they power from the mystical kabbalistic spheres could make a difference by simply doing to serve humanity. —that our youth need to what within their was power. whose control the Barak, ability to Those are what In Pirke Ayot we read, “When there are no weather allows her to harness the forces see. of worthy persons, strive to be a worthy per- in evil. real Jewish heroes nature the battle against son.” The Sages understood this as a chal- The Bubbe, also known as the Geriatric IOOk like.” lenge to each of us to do our best; to fulfill Avenger relies on the contents of her Utility our potential, to rise to the occasion. They - Marror Ha- Apron spray incapacitates enemies; Quick—drying suggested three ways to meet this challenge. roset stops foes in their tracks; Super—absorbant Sponge Cake “In a place where there are no people to assume responsi- drains and Chicken Anti-toxin — in her opponents energy; Soup bility for communal affairs, try to be the person [who takes on quest to perfect the world. that responsibility].” Our community is blessed with vibrates many Lulav, to create waves of energy that overwhelm people who have taken on the mantle of leadership but we villains. need everyone to step up so that we can accomplish all the Etrog, breaks offthe pitom to activate small concussive goals and meet all the dreams that we have for ourselves. that stun and leave them grenades opponents smelling lemony “Ifthere are no people to study Torah with or from — then flesh. study Torah on your own to the best of your ability so that What is it about heroes that them their super gives enduring you will be a person versed in Jewish tradition.” We live in an popularity? Why do young children tie towels around their era where the study of Torah is easier than it has ever been. necks and Or turtle battles in pretend to fly? stage ninja the Technology has made it possible for us to always find part- family room? What draws us to more vicarious means of simu- ners in study. The only requirement is that we make the com- such and role lating superpowers as computer playing games, mitment to pursue our studies. comic books movies? _ reading or watching “In a place where there are not many Jews, do not hesi- NPR Commentator John Hodgman, in a This American tate to be recognized as a Jew.” Perhaps the greatest challenge Life segment entitled “Invisible Man vs. Hawkman” discovered is to accept being recognized as different. To live by a differ- to his dismay that the motivation was purely selfish. Interview- ent calendar, to observe holidays that are out of the main- all demonstrated for those ees envy superpowers, especially of stream, to assert our Jewishness with pride, those are expres- and flight invisibility. Not a single person interviewed indicated sions of Jewish personhood that our youth need to see. Those that they would use their powers to help others; they would are what real Jewish heroes look like. They live their Jewish only help themselves. commitments visibly and with pride, serving God, the Jewish I would like to suggest a more positive reason for the en- people and the world. during allure of superheroes. Superheroes represent ideals to With blessings, which all we aspire. They reflect a selfless commitment to do- Rabbi David M Eligberg HAKOL www.bnaitikvah.org November, 2005 Tishrei/Cheshvan 5766 Volume 27, Issue 3 Page 3 RABBI ELIGBERG SPEAKS Tishre/Heshvan Dates in History 30 Tishre ~ Hadoar, the first Hebrew daily newspaper in Amer- 19 Heshvan - The first B'nai B'rith lodge was organized on No- ica, appeared onNovember l, 1921. vember 12, 1843 in New York. 4 Heshvan - The oldest existing tombstone in New York stands 20 Heshvan - On November 4, 1974, Richard Stone was elected in the Spanish and Portuguese cemetery on the Bowery at the US. senator from Florida. He was the first Jewish senator from grave of Benjamin Bueno de Mesquita, who died on October a southern state since the Civil War. 24, 1683. 23 Heshvan — The American Jewish Committee was organized 5 Heshvan - On November 5, 1655, Jacob Barsimson and Asser on November I 1, 1906. The objectives ofthe American Jewish Levy ofNew Amsterdam petitioned for the right to stand guard Committee were "to prevent the infraction of the civil and reli- and be relieved of the special tax imposed on Jews in lieu of gious rights of Jews, to alleviate the consequences of persecu- guard duty. tion, and to afford relief from calamities affecting Jews.“ 10 Heshvan - Asser Levy was granted a butcher's license on Defense of civil rights and welfare were the major causes which October 15, 1660. The supply of kosher meat in New Amster- stimulated American Jewish communal activities in the 19th dam was thus assured. century. The board of Delegates of American Israelites, the first Jewish communal public-relations ll Heshvan - Abraham D. Beame, the first Jewish mayor of body, was organized in 1859 for the purpose of defending Jew- New York City, was elected on November 6, 1973. ish civil rights throughout the world. The Russian pogroms of 1903-1905 led to the formation of the American Jewish Com- 13 Heshvan - The first Jewish prayerbook printed in America mittee. World War 1 led to the formation of the Joint Distribu- was published on October 23, 1760. tion Committee and the American Jewish Congress. 16 Heshvan - General Ulysses S. Grant, on November 9, 1862, 24 Heshvan - Kehillath Anshe Ma'arav (K.A.M.), the first Jew- issued the first in a series of orders barring Jews from entering ish congregation in Chicago, was established on November 3, the military department under his command. 1847. 17 Heshvan - Rabbi Sabato Morais, one of the founders of the 26 Heshvan - The first anti-Semitic attack over a radio network Jewish Theological Seminary of America and its first president, in the US. was broadcast by Father Coughlin on November 20, died on November 12, 1897. 1938. @1527NOVEMBER B’NAI MITZVAH Steven Birch Leah Runyon Jacob Weinreb Jesse Talmud Nov. 5 Nov. 12 Nov. 19 Nov. 26 Ed & Ellen Birch Eliot & Elaine Runyon Steven & Sharon Weinreb Steven & Shelly Talmud (3;, 9 Page 4 HAKOL www.bnaifikvah.org November, 2005 Tishrei/Cheshvon 5766 Volume 27, issue 3 OUR HAZZAN’S VOICE Cantor Bruce Rockman It Rained on Yom Kippur I heard so many people say they don’t ever recall such a Rosh Hashanah the community was able to worship in their rainy Yom Kippur. own synagogue for Yom Kippur. Rabbi Lichtenfeld has roots Perspective, keep it in perspective, that’s what I kept tell- in our community and has been shuttling between New Jersey ing myself as l cleaned-up the flood that the Yom Kippur rains and Louisiana. Ted and his wife Miriam are about to become created in our basement. The damage was not terrible. We lost parents for the second time. The family is currently living in a three week old hot water heater, some posters and children’s East Brunswick with her parents as they await the blessed books were soaked, the carpet smells and our bookcases and event. Miriam is also a Rabbi and has taught adult classes at cabinets are a little warped and soggy. B’nai Tikvah. We can only imagine the Hopefully our insurance will cover the most stress the affected families are experiencing.
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