Manhor ot Iks Aodt

Duresn of (Hrenlstions

(tTnssilted Advwdslnc om Fsgn !«.) VOL. UV;, NO. 24. MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, OCTOBER 27, 1934, (TW ELVE PAGES) PRICE THREE CENTH



Are Again in Evidence


HAILEY VETS Moodus, Oct. 27.— (A P ) — TheAthan a few years, the period of their KIIWYMOB

famous “Moodus noises" shattered inactlvi" 'Ity which has just hem

the serenity of this peaceful town broken(• being the longest on record last night after a long period of by far. Last nlghVa'revivml of the THEN KILLS HIMSELF

Eiperifflced Polhkiaiis In Thonsands Gather in quiescence, said by older residents to phenomenon, however, came after be about twenty years. Two distinct the older folks had almost forgotten

tremors were felt, the first and the '“noises" and most of Uie young Manchester Land Manner to Watch Lynching of heaviest at a few minutes after 8 generation never heard them. Woman Reported in Critical SEEKING SLAYER o'clock and lasting several sdconda, The tremors were f«lt and the hol- . in Which Meeting Here the other at 9:40, just in . time . to low, brlnding noises beard over most Negro Who Confessed to Condition, Man Not Seri- cause many residents to defer their of the town of Blast Haddam, of IN PORTLAND, ME. Last Night Is Conducted. retiring hour. which Moosup is part, the affected Slaying Girl. 'Hme was when Moodus people area extending from LeesvUle in the ously Injured— Dead Mao took these little earthquakes In their north to East Haddam village in the stride, being acciutomed to experi- south and as far as Millington to the A large and enthuslaatlc audience encing them frequently and aware east. Nowhere w (« any damage re- Marianna, Fla., Oct. 27.— (API — Farmhand Acimsed of Killing Had Been Broodinit Be- of Young Republicans attended the that they were unlikely to cause ee- ported more serious than the falling A negro, accused of killing a white rlous damage. They had worried of preserve jars or Other small ob- weekly pep meeting in the Maaonlc woman met death at the hands of a the superstitious Indians more than jects. Two Reported Seen About canse Girl Spumed His Temple last night despite the In- they did tbelr white successors for Scientists have explained the mob during |the night after a crowd clement weather outside, and pre- the aborigines attributed them to Moodus noises as miniature earth- o f several thousand had gathered to Attentions. sented one of the most pleasing and superhuman Influences. They named qimkes resulting from slips along a see the lynching. Railroad Station. Instructive programs ever given by geological fault near the surface, the locality Machemoodus—the place The body of the negro, . Claude a junior organization In this town of noises. The noises, from the be- both tremors and sounds being pro- Sket^ea of Cuidldates Neal, shot and mutilated, was Hartford, Oct. 27.— (A P )—Ed- ginning of white settlement here- duced by the grinding of the sliding brought into the courthouse square Portland. Me., Oct. 27.— (A P ) — Tea capable members of the new- abouts, were seldom silent more rock strata. The search for Murray Gilbert, 57- ward Hart), 37, who allegedly shot ly-formed unit, dedicated to the pur- here early today and strung from the limb o f a tree. year-old farmhand wanted for the and wounded a former sweetheart pose of assisting to promulgate the ideals of Republicanism among the He waa slain in a woods on the slaying of Mrs. Lillie Emerson Nutt and her chauffeur friend from Mon- banks of the Chipola river and his youth of Manchester, gave Interest of Canton, Mass., and Theodore J. treal, died at the Hartford hospital hig sketches of the ten candidates on body dragged several miles behind Butler of Franklin, N. H., concen- early today o f self-inflicted bullet the Republican State ticket, which HARTFORD GIRL IS FOUND an automobile to the Greenwood

home of George Cannldy, whose 23 trated In this vicinity today. wounds. elicited the praise of many older Republicans who have been working year old daughter Leola, was at- Reports that a man resembling Hart], a machinist in an aviation In party harness for many years. tacked and slain last week. There a "Come and get It, boys,” bellowed Senator Huey Long, and here he’s the former Elmira, N. Y., resident plant here, fired six shots at Miss

The meeting was opened by Chair WITH FATHER IN BUFFALO dozen or more shots (vere pumped shown demonstrating what he means by his "share the wealth" program. had been seen riding Into the Port- Anna Kramer, 26, a maid and her

man Robert H. Smith, who Into the body and It was further Passing out nearly $15,000 In $7 Iota. Huey financed trips to Nashville, land terminal yards "blind bag- friend, Gaston Marshall, 31, in the opened the meeting. for short ad- mutilated by knives. Tenn., for 1,500 Louisiana State studenta and many others to see the gage" on a train from the east ar- kitchen of Mrs. George E. Kohn’s L. S. U.-Vanderbllt football game. As the clamoring throng filed past, riving early today shifted the man dresses upon the Republican candi- Taken From Jail home in West Hartford last night, Huey handed out the money and accepted "I. O. Hueys" written on scraps hunt from the wilds of western dates. Cfliarles O’Dowd, chose ' to Police CaU It a “Fainay Kid- NATION GREETING Neal had been taken from the jail of paper. and then put a bullet through his Maine. speak on Senator Frederic C. Wal- at Brenton, Ala., late yesterday and brain. cott and gave a detailed account of held captive near here while word Posses have tracked the fugitive Condition Critical the stewardship of Connecticut’s naping” — Friends Say since his disappearance last Monday was spread for all white folks to outstanding legislator and senior ITS NAVY TODAY come and see the lynching. night after Mrs. Nutt and Butler Miss Kramer's condition was de- scribed as still critical t o ^ y at the Senator from boyb(x>d. The crowd was so large Its leaders fell before blasts from a shotgun, al- Mother ’‘Stole” the Girl in Hartford hospital, where all three Colonek McCook decided not to kill the negro imme- SINCLAIR LOSES HELP legedly fired by Gilbert. Everett McKinney described the diately. The mob then began to Seen Only Once. victims were taken following the shooting. Marshall, wounded in ths life and service of Colonel Anson T. September. Thoasands from Coast to break up. ^ While hundreds of per- Only once has he been knowm to right hand and thigh ia less serious- McCook and pointed out the high sons lingered at the Cannldy home type of man who aspires to the have been seen. A traveling sales- ly Injured. for the negro to be- brought there, OF DEMOCRATIC PARTY man encoimterlng a nmn who iden- Republican vote for Congressman. Bpffalo, N. Y.. Oct 27.— (A P I— Coast Observe Navy Day however, others slipped him Into the Four of Hartl's bullets took effect, Perkina gave an interesting ac- tified himself as Gilbert on a high- two of them entering Miss Kramer's Patricia Henry, "snatched” from a woods and killed him. way not far from Benton, scene of eount of the past record and accom- Whether the negro was shot to neck and back following on argu- pllshments of Kenneth Cramer of Hartford, Conn., schoolyard, In a the crime, last Tuesday. death and mutilated afterward or As Resoit Violent Quarrel ment between the mechanic and Wethersfield, candidate for re-elec- "family kidnaping" was brought to The man sought In the freight whether he died In agony from his FlYE MEN CAUGHT Marshall In which the latter arose tion to the State Senate from this Buffalo this morning by her father, yards wore clothes identical In ap- wounds could not be determined. from the kitchen table where be woe district Wales Henry, and the man who Washington, Oct. 27 — (A P ) — pearance with those In which Gilbert Body Dragged to Square FoUows in California was garbed when last seen. He seated with the young woman and Hugh M. Alcorn, was described by raised" the child, William Goetz. From ordinary tar to admiral, the A fter the body lay In the Cannldy struck Hart] In the face. Sherwood Anderson as the "State’s The men drove to the Goetz home ROBBING A BANK disappeared In the maze of tracks Navy held out a friendly hand of yard for some time, It was dragged Found In Cellar outstanding candidate for public where detectives had been watching Which Splits Party— Creel and railway cars, eluding pursuing greeting today to the American In to Marianna and bolst$d in the police in the darkness. HartI, 'vho came to the houae soon office, fearless and fair and quali- for them, and then were taken to square. fied.” police headquarters. Henry said citizenry. From coast to coast, after the arrival of Mr. Marshall for The hanging of the body ended a Raps Former Socialist. a week's visit, fled immediately aftw Lt Gov. Wilcox I feel that I have every legal right thousands of persons stood ready to night of suspense in this county Officers Had Been Tipped Miss Thelma Carr gave the audi- and a strong moral right to get my the shooting, but two hours later, grasp It. seat of Jackson coimty and the lit- he was found shot through the tem- ence a detailed outline of the life girl. I have done nothing wrong.” tle town o f Greenwood, where the and acimmpltshments of Roy C. W il- No charges were placed against The occasion was the 13th observ- Washington. Oct. 27.— (A P )—The Off and Were Waiting YALE GRADUATES ple, In the cellar o f Mrs. A . Peter ance of Navy Day, on which the farm girl waa attacked and killed. Sebaff, Hartford. cox, candidate for re-election ai the men. John J. Whalen, chief No officers were Identified In the Roosevelt administration. It de- Lieutenant Governor. of detectives, sent this message to Navy plays host to anyone who Mrs. Schaff was a mutual friend wants to visit Its fighting vessels crowd. Earlier J. P. Newell, execir- veloped today, has turned thumbs When Bandits Came. o f Hartl and Miss Kramer. C a r m a n Smith called upon Rod- Hartford police: "Have In custody tlve secretary to Governor Dave and its stations and based on shore. down on Upton Sinclair. 'Where- SUPPORT ALCORN Turned Down By Olrl ney Wilcox to speak on the record Wales Heniy-and William Goetz and Sboltz had called Sheriff W. F. of J. William Hope, candidate for child Patricia. Advise disposition.” October 27, was chosen because It upon a violent quarrel shook C!all- The shooting culminated tom Is the birthday o f the late President Cbamblisa, who ..declared he believed Raleigh. N. C.. Cct. 27.— (A P) — Stats Treasurer, Carl Cubberly on Wales said he felt the taking of he waa capable of taking care of fornla Democracy and dealt what months or more of brooding by Tipped that an attempt would be the candidacy of Anson F. Keeler the girl was a "family affair.” any situation that might arise. many considered a severe blow to Hartl. police said, who waa turned of South Norwalk, for Comptroller; (Continued on Page Tw o) Second "Kidnaping.’’ Confessed Crime the former Socialist’s bid for the made to rob the Institution, Wake Group That Backed Governor down by Miss Kramei after she met Sherwood House on Warren B. Bur- Mrs. Nellie Mahoney, a friend of The governor authorized the call- governorship. county officers surrounded the Bank Marshall during a visit to Grotoo roughs of Groton, candidate for A t- Mr. Henry’s, said yesterday Pa- ing out of the National Guard If of- George Creel, war time chief of of Wendell early today, loosed a Cross Now Urge His Op- last summer. torn w General; Richard McLagan tricia's mother, Mrs. Eleanor Henry, ficers thought such b move neces- publicity, and Sinclair, the "End burst of gunfire and captured five The turmer World W ar vetaram on 'John A. Danaber of Hartford, of Alban}, N. Y., who is separated BEHER sary. The mob that obtained Neal Poverty” campal


Orlffla patrolled the course during CHOSEN TO P U T ROLE ESTHER WELLS HEADS • W m U f Saadajr Sduxri aunbots by the Beethoven and Q i keeping with Hallowe’en. Ehccel Subject; Der seltere Bruder dcs | the race, while Officer Arthur Sey- WEDDINGS CHURCH MINSTRELS a e f clubs. Beautiful and useful arti- lent entertainment This is a Group, verlorenen Sohnes eln Bild de Un- __ rw ii mour kept the crowd In order in WORK OF YOUNG obituar y cles suitable for Cffiriatmas gifts win A event. Mrs. James Johnston will' versoehnilchen. (1) Er aegert slch Science Strikes a Blow front of the theater. Director Frank SHE P U T S IN LIFE JR. KING'S DAUGH1ERS be offered for sale. Refreshments be in charge of the supper. Mrs. ueber die dem Bruder widerfahrene l^ach of the Recreation Centers DRAW BIG CROWD The Christian's Standard of Life will be served for which tickets will Edward Montle la chairman for en- Gnsde. (2) Er brueatet sich in ^ OFBim iERACE was la charge of the event Merrer-Lucas hearaal. Tuesday, 7:30 p. m.—Choir re- Bcnidictus, Steams; Margaret Japan. There win be a demonatro- direction of Mrs. Lula Bldwell and said that he watched the Manches- of this town, W alter of Willlmantic, blackface. The male singers weree between right and wrong, reel ana '’.cramence in free moral determina- finish, Soberal broke the gear shaft plained. prominent in sthletlo circles. Sunnyside Junior Circle o f this newed, that we con put on what meeting on Friday. November 2nd. Saturda.v, 6:30— Choir rehearsal. hearsal. Zableskos. tlon of the costumes and nations her assistants. The atmosphere of ter men while at work in the last Mrs. Herbert H. Bisaell, Mias Elsie She would do for a Countess, in summer clothes and the women sA gger like a drunken man. He Le cable on his bike and Armando town presented a dramatic iketch, Paul calls "the new man created in tion. Change for the better can be at the home of Mrs. Selma Olson. Notes Thursday, 10:00 a. m.—(All Agnus Del. Steams; Margaret customs pf Japan. A supper will b4 the approaching Hallowe'en season Qenemi Assembly and assured his E. Hauschlld, Miss Johanna E. though;'for that la the role she In in colored prints with large bon' temperate who keeps command of •node only by education, by such in ■ Wilson. coasted home an easy winner. In Hauschild, all of Manchester and "The Doctor’s Advice," and har- ) righteousness and holiness ” putting Stone .street. I f any members desire Communion service and recep- Saints’ Day). Holy Communion. served at 6 o'clock, with JapaaeM prevailed In the decorations. Cream- listeners that their efforts had been plays 1*1 real life— the Countess nets to match. The program opoo' bis thougbtf and desires and docs otruction that one sees how wrong tlon of members.-Dcc, 2. Queen of Holy Rosary, choir. third place was Raymond Schaller. Mrs. Leo Elsenman of Bridgeport. monica and fife selections were sway ait the evil attitudes and evil transportation please call Mrs. Presentation of united thank offer- dishes served in the Japanese style The time of the race was about fif- ed chicken on bisquit, hutered car- \igorntis and effective and that they Zanardl-Landl, mother of Elisss ed with a spirited chorus number, rot allow hnnself to be turned from doing is always a loss, and thus is Hartford County Older Young There are eight grandchildren. played by "Good, Bett.:r, Best" Cir- words and evil acta that are asso- Erickson, 5213. ing by the Woman's Auxiliary. Fol- A fter this Mr. Jondea, a natlvt teen minutes, the entires starting at rots, potato chips, celery, rolls, cof- had made many friends among the Landl, who shares stellar honors ABOUT TOWN "Shine on Harvest Moon.” Mere- 'vbat is right and moral. led to form affection for that which People’s Conference, Rocky Hill, The funeral will be held Tuesday cle of (^ton . Shining Light Circle ciated with the "old man." The Week lowing this service the Ladie.s Guild Japanese, will spdak on' Japanest the Terminus, going north to Depot fee and sqtiaah pie with cheese were State's legislators. with hebert Donat In "The Ckjunt dith Stevenson was excellent In his What spiritual drunkenness is is good and useful. Saturday, Nov. 3. morning at 9 o'clock frpm the home, of this town song in chorus and Monday, 7 .'30—Beethoven. ■ '111 hold an all-day meeting. Lunch- festivals and games. A t 7:80 ther« Square, then back to the Terminus served. In conclusion Mr. Rogers urged of Monto Crlato," opening at the role o f Interlocutor, and the end may be clearly perceived. Everyone Older Boys Conference of the HEBRON 698 Middle Turnpike East, with re- Lady Roberta Lodge, Daughters of Miss Gladys McNeil of that W hat not only the drinking, but Tuesday. 6:00— Children’s chorus eon will be serv.'d 1 the parish will be a discussion on the questioni and finishing in front of the theater. the Young Republican's to go for- Stale I),eater tomorrow for three men were Charles Sadrozlnaki, Paul, wtiu saw the Christian life who gets physically drunk, gets 0,80 all need to realize in clearer Hartford County Y. M. C. A. at the bouse. "Did Japan win or lose by opening quiem high mass at St. James' S t George will hold a Hallowe'en gave a recitation. Frank Vittner, John Stoutnsr, — Pageant rehearsal; 8:00— I The Rev. and Mrs. Howard C. Gordon Weir was fourth, Frank ward In the party work and not to days. In all its largeness* and comprehen- Epirltually drunk first. Spiritual light and more deeply. ;s, that the Middletown Y. M. C. A.. Nov. 2, 3, 4. Friday, 3:30 p. m.—Girl Friendly ' her doors to ’.he west?” Dr. Wellei church at 9:30. Burial will be in social and masquerade dance Wed- Luncheon was served at noon, the Charles Melstcrllng; Roger Winton, siveness, saw *t also in. its most Emauel choir; 4:0O—Confirmation Champe of Lebanon and children Sheldon, fifth; Lockhart Rogers, hold their "light under a bushel". tables arranged In a large circle. urunkenness is that weakness of Lord Is the only Savior. What He Candidates. i of the Hartford Theological Semi- HOSPn AL NOTES St, James' cemetery. nesday evening at 8 o'clock in Odd James Cummings. They kept every- class. were pre.sent at a dinner at the home alxth; George Frost, seventh; Albert He pointed out that many times The decorations were in the colors minute details of daily living. The mind from which one permits him- taught. If put into practice and love, 8FXX1ND CON16 and costa after being fore. and music were by Organist Wilbur, C, Homer Ginns, minister Group arc planning a Foc.i Sale for Tuesday at 8 p. m.— The Choir Thursday at 7:30—Married Cou- family, is checking his story found guilty of Intoxication in police Waddell and Raymond Belknap. an error. (Continued from Page One) who was compliment^ on the suc- perience that waa po.ssibic for every will meet for rehearsal. ples’ Hallowe'en social at the W il- ST. BRIDGET'S R. C. the week end, and Mis;. Mildred that he is from Boston, bis parents Requests for administration Saturday, November 3. Watch for court today, Paul E. Chine of 88 The burial was In St. James's cess o f the program. Christian. Sunday: Monday evening at 7:30 —The La- liams' farm. Rev. AVilliam Jiidgi-, PiiHtnr I’rindle to her home in New Haven. are dead and that he became loet cemetery, the committal eervlcca speakers to participate In tha Sin- Everything points to a most suc- further partiqiilars. School itreet, one of three men al- cessful card social Monday night in turned on acetylene torch on the Veninn dles Aid will meet for a social gath- Friday at 6:30—Everyman’s Com- R«‘V. liCO Perchle, .AssiHlant Meric Jones, daughter of Mr. and after a sister brought him to New being conducted by Father Killeen. clair campaign have met no re- ering. • Mrs. Clniide W. .lones, suffered a leged to have been embroiled in a Odd Fellows hall when the Republ- vault. It was not some great miraculous 9:30 a. m.— Morning Worship. EMANUEL H ’THERAN munity class supper at the church. There will be mas.uos at 7 ;00. 8 ;00, York. brawl In Center Park early Friday sponse. The officers then began shooting, thing to which only a few could at Children's Sermon. Tomorrow afternoon, October 28, 9;.30 and 10:30. •severe accident Thursday forenoon Willliim F: Pickles Senator McAdoo of California, ican town committee and the Young PUBUC RECORDS Rev. Kniit E. Erirkson, Pastor ANNOUNCING morning, gave notice of entering an firing 40 or SO shots, most of them Mancbeeter the Brotherhood convention will be THE SALVATION ARMY A t 8:00 the Junior choir will sing. at the Hebron Green school. She was The funeral of William F. Pickles, Roosevelt supporter, said he would Republican club unite in the ar- Udn: but common people, even those appeal. A charge of broach of the into the air and ground. No one 9:48 a. m.— School of the Church. held in New Britain. The conven- Captain and ,Mra. N. J. Curtis Hymn —On this day O Beautiful playing with other children in the LAUGH W ILL YOU T well known Inventor and paper not be able to make speeches for rangements. Pivot and progressive whose lives had been marred by Sunday school and Bible cla.ises. peace waa auapended. Joaeph Lu- was hit and there v/as no gunfire ' W a rr a n tee Deeds Parents are urged to encourage their 9:30 a. m. tion opens at 3 o’clock. A ll who Mother. school yard. The children have been maker, will be held this afternoon Sinclair. bridge will be played, and by re- gross sins and wrong attitudes, Saturd ay M o r n in g Classes beck of Birch atreet and Richard quest setback has been added for from the burglars who were un- Mary Hope to Mary V. Hope, an could find such peace and Joy children to attend the sessions o f Swedish serviee at 10:45. Sermon, have planned to attend this conven- 9:30 a. m.— Sunday school. Hymn - Macula non est. in to constructing a play shack, and Merle Barlonvllle, Ont.— W. J. Peace at 2:30 at hla home. 109 Adams undivided one-half interest In lot 2, climbed to the roof, from which she Wciincrgren of .59 Winter Btrect, those who prefer thut game. There armed. Uirough the re-creation of their llycs the school. So much depends on it. " Won Yet Lost,” The tion are kindly requested to meet 11:00 a. m.— Holiness service. Hym n—SWeet .Saviour us. used to laugh when his pet crow. street, Buckland. The aervlce will in the “Rolston Tract" on Florence fell, tearing a l ing ugly gash in one in Involved in the fracas, received will be prizes for the winners and Five o f the six were captured, but by the power of Christ. 10:45 a. m.— Morning Worship. Emanuel choir will sing. at our church at 1 :.30 Sunday after- 3:00 p. m.—CTirisUans praise Arthur Scranton. Shadow, swallowed buttons and he a MaTCnic one. in charge of VETERANS PLAN G A U one escaped. Sheriff Turner said street. This morning the Girl Scouts will be noon. service. Hymn—ScAil of my Saviour. leg above the knee. She was taken coins, but no more. a luapenBlon of Judgment on a count I Washington Lodge No. 70. of Wind- refreshments served. Playing will This is the standard o f Christian Beethoven-Helge Pearson Fare- of breach of the peace. begin promptly at 8:18 and all play- the man who escaped was believed Jennie A. Burr to John and Rose the special guests of the church. A well Concert at 7 o'clock. The pro- 7:00 p. m.—Open air senice, The Senior choir will .sing at the to Dr. C. E. Pendleton in Colchester While Peace laid out the ports of sor, in vvhleti he was raised. Tlic living. Our lesson Is given as an for treatment, and will have to go John Loncy of 77 Bigelow atreet, ers will be welcome. to be Johnson and a warrant was Berk, real estate located on Home- special sermon on the subject “The gram will open with a group of TH E C1CNTER CHURCH 7:30 p. m.— Evangelistic service. 10:30 mas.s. his truck carburetor for a repair bearers will be John Leishman of BRITISH NIGHT PROGRAM international temperance lesson, but (C/ongregational) Asperges Me. Gregorian. on crutches for some time. No bones who waa arrested by Lieutenant W il- sworn out for him. stead street. House Beautiful" will be preached three numbers: “ Ye the Week-Day Service job, the crow watched with Interest. ARTS and CRA FTS Windsor Locka. Sidney Elliott of the standard applies to every aspect Rev Watoon Woodruff Kyrie Elcison, Stearns. were broken, fortunately. But when Peace went to reassembia liam Barron at Bigelow and Main The West Side football team will by the pastor. The children’s ser- Lord’’,” Tchaikovsky; “ Cheriibin Tuesday, 7:30 p. m.— Girl Guards. For Children Manchester, Edward Rex of North of life and to everything that would Wednesday, 7:30 p. m.— Y. P. Le- Irene Jacobs Local Christian Endeavor Society the carbureter, several small porta Btreets yesterday, waa fined >10 and A gala program has been arranged hold a practice session at the West mon la on the subjeci, " A Cake SonK,” Bortnlansky; and “ Halleiu- Wllbraham, Maas., George Davidson weaken or destroy the soul's Integri- Half Baked.” ■ Morning warship. 10:50. Sermon gion. Gloria, Stearns. meetings will be omitted here Sun- were missing. coats after being adjudged guilty of for the annual "British N ight" oh Side field tomorrow morning at 9:30 ty and strength. jah. Amen,” Handel. Mrs. Elsie Gus- of Hartford, Charles Miller and 6:00 p. m. — Epworth League by the minister. The music; Thursday. 7:30 p. ra.—Open air j Selma O’bright day evening, as there will be a Tri- Perceiving a look of satisfaction Intoxication. Unable to raise the John Clegg o f Buckland. servance to bs sponsored b.v Mens- o'clock. Paul saw men and women giv tafson will sing "Aelleujah’’ by Ypres Command, British W ar Vet- meeting at the parsonage. Last Prelude: Pastorale—Lawrence. aervlce. Credo, Steams. County Union convention at the in Shadow’s eye be chased the Urd money, he waa sent to jail In de- A profusion of beautiful floral ing themselves over to evil habits Mozart, after which the club wiil erans, in Orange hall, Saturday eve- week the subject was so interesting Anthem: One Sweetly Solemn Thursday 8:00 p. m.— Public serv- Et In carnatus est. Billy Sachcrak, Marlborough Congregational church Into a tree where It perched while Miss RusselVs Studio fault. tributes from the various organiza- and evil practices in the hope of present another group, "Thou my ning, Nov. 3. The entertainment VICTORY HALL that It waa held over for continua- Thought—Ambrose. ice. Offertory (duet), Vcnl Jesu Amor Sunday afternoon and evening. The!Peace went to buy new parts. 33 Comstock Road James A. Haaaon, 17, a student at tions with which Mr. Pickles waa HARTFORD GIRL IS FOUND finding some stimulation and in- Strength”, Kromer; "Summer Eve- committee has arranged a fine pro- Manchester, Conn. tion this week; 26 present last Sun- Hymn Anthem; Docs Jesus Care? Friday, 7:30 p. m.— Holiness serv- Bulkeley High school in Hartford, long affiliated, relatives, neighbors toxication, as young folks today ning”, Palmgren: and “I Will Lift — Hall. Call .’>210 For Details. was found guilty of intoxication and gram of vaudeville acts including day night. Make It 30 this week. ice. and friends, testify to the esteem In 'would say "getting a kick out of Up Mine Eyes,’’ LaForge. Miss fined >10 and costa. Haaaon la on a Tony and Jack, Irish comedians; WITH DAD IN BUFFALO PLAYING SUNDAY NIGHT, OCTOBER 28 The Week at Vernon Postlude; Sundown— Lorenz. Saturday, 7:30 p. m.—Open air which he was held. Hie.” He pointed out a higher way. Helen Bcrggren will sing “Remem- year's probation for a aimilar of- Nan and Lorraine in tap dances; Monday, 7:45 p. m.— Young Peo- The Church school, 9:30. and Inside service. . Interment will be In the North- It was not a way of mere nega- ple's club In the vestry of the ber Now Thy Creator,” by Miller. The Women’s class, 9:30. Mrs. fense committed in Hartford. He west cemetery in Buckland. Ford Hostings of the radio "Show- (Conttnued from Page One) JUNE KNIGHT, MARY CARLISLE in boat," In songs and as master of tion or of dumbness; it was a way church. Mrs. Gustafson and Misa Berggren Leslie Hardy, leader. A ll women in- SWEDISH CONGREGATIONAL received cuts about the face when a vited. cur driven by a componlun struck a ceremonies and Jack and Myra Mar- “LADIES MUST LOVE” a'Bo o f inspiration and of stimula- Tuesday, 7:30 p. m.— First Quar- will sing “Qul est’ Homo” (Stabat S. E. Grevn, Minister Mrs. Carrie Porter Zerwer. cast, with New Yprk police warned The Men’s League, 9:30, Leader, pole near Love Lane last night. shall In new songs and duets. tion amounting even to Intoxication. terly Conference. Rev. G. G. Scriv- M ater) by Rossini. While the offer- The funeral of Mrs. Carrie Porter to be on the lookout as the car had Ernest F. Strong. Topic: The Mod- CTtarlea H. SUhl of 315 Pearl The committee is trying to secure Pictures Every Sunday Night At 7:00 O’clock. But Paul's words were, “Be not ener, our District Superintendent, ing Is being lifted Miss Doris Cole, a Swedish Morning Worship, 10:30. Zerwer, wife of the late John Zerwer, New York license plates. While the dnmk with wine, wherein Is excess; will be present to receive reports of piano pupil of Mr. Pearson, Will play ern Torquemada. English Morning Worship, 11:10. street entered notice of an appeal who died at her home, 213 Hlgblaml tlie Robinsons, Sprln^eld's great Stop and Shop At hunt was at ILa hcig> t, Henry said Admission: 15c • 25c. but be filled with the Spirit.’’ our work. Let all the members be Rondo Expres.sione. The Beethoven’s The C Y P Club, 6:00. For Center Sunday School, 12:00. after being found guilty of driving a street, early Tuesday morning will fathcr-and-.«on team of comedians, today, he stopped a state trooper in That Is intoxication to some pur- present. closing group will he “ Golden Slip- church young people. President; Young People's Evening Service. oar while under the influence of be held Monda.v afternoon at 2 and singers who have been the guest Utica, N . Y., and asked direcUons, pose. Thursday. 7:45 p. m. — “Brag pers." Zeiner; “Lullaby'', Brahms: Esther Pickles; leader, Mary Alice 7:00. (Notice that the time of the liquor and another count of driving o'clock In Watkins Brothers, 11 Oak on previous occasions of the posL Party” in the vestry of the church. and “ Lost Chord,” Sullivan. A Andrews. Topic; Neighbors. evening service has been changed.) without a license. He waa fined n street. The eiiler Robinson was for many The Week THE CENTER PHARMACY total of >110 and coats. A bond of years a noted comedian in Ektgland. 8T. JAM ES R. C. CHURCH. At Manchester cordial welcome is extended to one Wednesday Evening Service, 7:30. a/ze^/iotu{ Rev. J. Stuart Neill of St. Mary's Sunday, 7:30—Monthly meeting >200 was fixed in the case. Rey. William P. Reidy, Pastor. Tuesday, 7 to 9 p. m. — Junior and all. Odd Fellows Block Episcopal church will officiate ami Buddy Borst and his orchestra of the church committee. I Rev. Patrick KlUeen. Quest au b . Special Hallowe’en The Annual Harvest Festival will ZION LUTHERAN burial will be in East cemetery. will play for dancing at the conclu- Monday, 7:30— Business and Bo- Rev. Thoma* Stack. social following business and dis- be held on Wednesday and Thurs- High and Cooper Streets Phones: 4253— 3852— 3856 sion of the entertainment program. cussion. cial meeting of Group D at the day evenings. The programs for the Rev. H. F. R. Stecliholz, Pastor Four bands have signifies their in- home o f Mrs. Annesley Trotter. 15 ETFEGTIVE AT ONCE WE BECOME NATION GREETING Masses at 7, 8:30 and 10:30. Chil- Wednesday. 8 p. m. — Booster two evenings will include a Thanks- Depot Square Store— 'Phone 3837. tention of Joining in the parade from Bigelow street. Sunday school at 8:30 a. m. Orange hall to the terminus and re- dren’s Mass at 8:30 in basement aub regular meeUng. The enter- giving pageant, a sketch entitled OPEN FORUM tainment will be in the form of a Monday, 7:00—12 a month from the U. S. Violin, Organ Sunday: reg. 88c, n o w ...... Hot Water BotUeo, the destitute and the unemployed Postlude— Baptiste. Government, but as soon as this wherever they are found and In 9;30—Church school with classes Vick's Nose Drops, reg. 8L0O ...... great humanitarian took over the Organ for all ages. New, now ...... Colgate's Tooth Paste, REPORT 16 KILLED leaving solvent business free to 10:30 High Mass. R reins at Washington this allowance 10:40— Morning worship. This large, now ...... take up the present slack as rapid- Prelude...... Nevln 8. T. No. 87, was taken away from me. 1 have service will be a special Laymen’s .Milk of .Magnesia ly as it can.” Organ . reg. 80c. n o w ...... lost my government llto Itisurance service with the official board be- Paste, reg. 80c ...... i IN REUGIODS WAR because of inability to pay the pre- Aspergis Me. Le, Jeal. I^aterine, fomterljr ing present and members of the RttbMng A lm b ^ miums within the last nine months. Q sn»’s Second Moss in E. : - - . faking part in the service. mw geod g ^ t y t (Oannued from Page Oit«) Work 4* very ecurce and the price of Oct. 81, «a!»)EaslWoiW Of XbS. p£e*ct)er«M..ihis-e*i!v4ee wttl'fao- ■- groceries and other necessities. In- PARSONS’ lUnaBa will be sung. It Is abun- Rev. James I. Bartholomew, a for- Mgr. Leopoldo Ruls y Flores, for- creasing dally, making it very diffi- .Vov. 1 dant in beautiful arias and solo mer pastor of this church. HARTFORD K LIQUORS For Hallowe’en mer Papal legate In Mexico and now cult to moke ends meet. 1 find 1 work. The choir under the direction of Sift,. : Kyrie FuU QuorU Straight W hlskey, Choice Packages of Schrofft's, In exile In San Antonio, were print- have to pay the same price for shoes SPECI.4L MAT. THURSDAY Archibald Sessions, director, will Cheloe of Three Gloria Whitman's or Kettle Brook ed by the government newspaper El or cloth^g for my three children as Curtain S:10 and 8:10 Sharp present the following music; Brands f o r ...... 9*/C do Candle*, From a box Narlonal, as an answer to a denial my neighbors do. I am paying the Organ Prelude: Largo— Handel The Theater Guild Preeents tus V. -SI -*• Gins, Chotoe of t Brands— Upwards. 4 s 7 C by Archbishop Pascuul Diaz of same rent as my neighbors, and so Processional . Hvmn No. 179__ FtaUFUths g v A lUB D ei Our Own Boxed Chocolateo— Mexico, that Catholics plotted on. “AH, "Diad-mata." for ...... 90CEqual To Many $1.00 Brando— against the government. Now what T would like to have Offertory, Trio. Mrs. Qare Bren- Anthem: “Beautiful Saviour”— Wines. FoU Fifths, Our Own nan, James Breen, Arthur Keat- A t ^ 0 ^ • Pound. President Roosevelt tell me is .where WILDERNESS” Christiansen. Vintage Selections pegs I am better off than my non-veteran Eugene O'NriU’s Comedy ing. Jesu VevI Dei. Offertory Anthem; "If We Be- for, each ...... O s I C Cracker-Jock Brittle Candy— TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY friends. with ' lieve That Jesus Died”— Vinden Oomet Whiskey, Straight. Full A Pound o C\ SAM U EL J. ROSEN, GEORGE M. COHAN SEEING RED. Recessional Hymn No. 408—Lan- Keenest Detectives cashire. Plnta wm Package ...... UsIC 1* OR S A L E —GOOD seasoned hard 92 Love Lane,^^ - Eve. ».7S-88e- Mat. 82.80-8SC. \vood. Call Edward Buscagda, Rose- Hartford, Conn.- To Track Himself Down Allentown, Pd.—Rats and mice Organ Postlude: Toccata In Hallowe’en Pumpkin wear a prison garb of their own In major— Bach. Now that we have acquired the franchise And Quality Merehaadier. Too. dole 12-2. see the service deportmerit in which we Before He Wrecked the Lives of this city’s Jail—a coat o f red paint. Songram's, A ll Sizes A t Local Candies 5:30— The newly organized High as Sales and'Service representative for take equal pri^e, with its complete, Morkst Prices. Three Who Tried To Wreck Hisl Jail officials explain that a paint- school group will meet. Pontiac, wc cordially invite you to pay New Crisp Com Cakes. er, often the guest o f the city is 6:00—Epworth League will meet. modern equipment, its full stock of With given paint and brush to touch up The Week us a visit and look our establishment genuine Pontiac repair and replace- These price* prevail at our Depot Square store, also. the Jail furniture and that he paints Monday, 7:00— The Girl Scouts ii... qver. Come see the cars wc are so proud FOR SALE ROSEWOOD HALL the rodent*, caught in a trap cage win hold a Hallowe’en party ment parts, and its competent staff of Oppoolte R. R. Station— Moacheater. (or, diversion. Tuesday, 4— "SU rllght" Brownie to display—the big, roomy Pontiacs highly-trained mechanics. Your visit All outdoors invites your Kodak at this time of the RO BERT D O N A T . • Kiminate gear shifting and you eliminate much o f the hazard Pack meets. w ith the unl>elicvably fast and agile will not obligate you in any way. And year; Kodak Film in all sizes. Get the most out of your HAIXOWE'EN (Screen’s Newest StaiO PBOMOAL RETURNS. Tuesday, 6:00— Cub Scouts. of driving. Keo has accomplished this with that most extraordinary •parw firm ttnd lock, mm ft BIO NIGHT TONIGHT Tuesday, 7:15— Boy Scouts. _ mpring c o rm ft included Straight-Eight engine . , . with the it may very well show you exactly what BnAprtots; try our superior type of photo developing and asturday, October 87, 1884. of modem automotive inventions-the Reo Self-Shifter. Thousands and Clerinda, Is.—Maggie was given the Tuesday, 7:30— Ceclllan a u b eu.T„..Tcir,. luxurious, deep-cushioned Bmiies by flnishlnM!— it’s unequalled locally. Prompt service. CAKES of delighted owners proclaim it a marvel of safety and convenience, you have been looking for—a place •Welcome home” sign after five meets. p/OCteE. Fisher . . . with Knee-.\ction smooth- Wholesale Price DELUXE VAUDEVILLE SHOW E L ISS A L A N D I weeks of freedom during which she Tuesday. 7:30— The Gleaners O r- insist they would never again shift gears. T ry it youraelfl See where you can get fast, expert service cut oil sorts of monkey shines. She cle meets, hostesses. Mrs. Bert what it means to keep both hands on the wheel and sit back in ness, great economy, famous drpend- at low cost, and where yoU can buy, on »vea prowled a house or two, help- Mosely and Mrs. Stanley Nichols 'ibility, and a host o f other important AND DANCE ing herself to some choice pastries. Wednesday. 10:00 a. m.— The As- relaxed comfort while others are tugging at thifting levers in heavy easy GMAC terms, America's. lowest*, eatures exclusive with this car. Come THE CENTER PHARMACY Featuring Maggie wras shaken out of a tree bury group will meet for a sewing traftict. . Remember—this great advance ia availabla axclusively priced quality car. SUNDAY *nd returned to her owner. Bill Dal- meeUng. .Will those attending in Reo cars. And remember also that there is no better value on Odd Fellows Kock BABY RENA WHITE— Radio Star. tymple. Yes, Maggie is a monkey- please bring box lunch with them Delivered. DE MARCO & LOLIT.A— R.K.O. Artists. Wednesday, 7:30— The usual mid- the market than the new Reo Flying Cloud at the amazingly low REO [MONDAY LAST DAY ADVBRTISiaJENT— ' ^ SNA K E H IP SPENCER — Direct from Cotton Club, week service will be held. Trices ;iow in effect. MOTOR CAR CO. JOE E. BROWN in Friday, 7:30— The W. F. M. So- N. Y. No time like Hallowe'en, OcL 31, TUESDAY ”6 DAY BIKE RIDER” ciety win -neet, hostesses ore Mrs. LANSING MICH THE MURPHY DRUG CO. FRANCIS J. BURKE Dancing 8 to 12. to aelect your future sweetheart or Ellen Crossen, Mrs. EUa Burr and rate. So get well prepared by go- Mrs. M ary Behnfleld. COLE MOTOR SALES 4 Depot Square Modern and Old Fashion Dancing. ng to Nichols, P. O. Builfing. De-1 Tel. 5723 or 6993 ____CHILDREN’S AFTER SCHOOL MATINEE MONDAY, 4 P. M. Aa Sunday Is the last day to re- 91 Center Street Manchester COLE MOTOR SALES Admission 35 cents. SPECIAL f )ot Square. ceive donsUons to the Treasure 91 C E N T E R S T R E E T MANCHESTER rouK MANCHESTER EVENING RERAUH MANCHESTER. CONN. SATURDAY. OCTOBER 27, IM-I.

bottled milk, aa a consumer price, when R eoupis ot years ag» thair f Ilanriffstfr simply dees iwt sxist You cant govemiMts wart as ladlffsrsat as Tfpifyinflr the Spirit of the U. S. N figure reetaurante or Institutions themselves ak to what Japan did to Return to Sparta Deman is Esriritig B trtld that are given the privilege of buy Caachurla or China. PUllUaHifO « I THE______ing at the wholesale price as con- It la highly probable, however, ASK CTEALP PKI^rriNO COMPAMT, IKC. Trained Youth, Dace Says II EtaMl) SlTMt snmsn, for tbs rsstaurant is a food that Americans at least will experi‘ lUaebMtar CeaB. daalsr SEsntly aa la tha grocsr, and ence a coasldsrabls dagras of dis- TROIIAI PBRODWM By JOHN LLOYD I AOB OVEBBAUUNO YOUTH FOR Oaatrki lUaBEtr the Institution la out of tha plcturs gust with their govsmmsat if It Rome— (A F )—Disarmament talk Of ITALmi POPJULATION. MONDAY DOLLAR Powdaa uetabar I. lUI altogether. keep on forever joining In these silly baa ceased la Italy. Premier Mus- { PnMIahad Erary B*«b Ibb Ebomi For our statistics as to consumer protests to Japan and Inviting tha solinl and bis "lyoung men of fas-1 Itome.— (A P )— Italy’s popula- andBys aad Hoildaya Eatartd at tba Uon U growing old, suUsttes CONTEST Peat ome* at Mafiebaattr, Cobb« u prioee we prefer aa a aourca the Insults which It invariably receives cisro" are setting the pace for the. •how. •aeoBd Clau Mail Hattar. Oonsumer'a Ouida publlshad tha in return. armed rather than the disarmed na- 1 aOBICaiPTIOM RATBS Uon of the future. i From 1881 to today, the per- Oaa >aar. by Ball ...... {CM United States government to those centage ot malM up to IS years Par Meatb. by B a ll...... { <* The time has come for a return of old has declined from 34.47 to BLANKS Stbgla Coplaa ...... { et of any privately owned trade organ. ALTERNATIVE Sparta, n Dues maintains. In bis 30.93. Oalitrarad ona raar ...... |MI Meantime our readers wlU per- own words, he wants to make Itoiy a "war-like and miUtarlstle" coun- At the same time the men of day Really, something ought to bs dods : MEMBER o r THE ASdOCIATBO haps be Interested In a reprinting of try. 88 and over have ajmoet doubled, at the PRESS to keep the Huey Long coterie out the^r jMrcentage rising from 4.28 ise mi t hs the sentence for which Mr, Morris Men of the fascist school hold up W S Tba Aaaoclatad Praia la Izelaalaaiy aatulad to tba uaa for rapablleatioa threatens suit It la as followi: of fist fights. That sort o f thing bis tpseoh, made from the top of a o( all aa»» diapatcbai eradllad to I' Women follow the same ten- Them are thousands of under- is not, strictly speaking, up their tank at tha recent army maneuvers, or oot nibararlaa creditad la tbli aa a turning point in post-war psy- dency. The percentage of ^rls TH SECOND papar and alio tba locii oawi pnb- nourished children In Connecticut alley. Tha reverberations of Huey's up to IB has fallen from' 88.81 to llibad bara.0. who are being deliberately sacri- chology. On that occasion he called all nahti ot rapublieitlon ol licking In a Long Island rsaort havs for bis new military nation. 28.80. apaelil dlipilebaa harain ara alao ra- ficed to the rapacity of the milk scarcely dona echoing through the The percentage of women of 88 FLOOR aaraac profiteers, and many hundreds ot BllUtary Needs Pot FirsL or more has Increased from 4.14 farmers who are being chiseled land, though that intonssly gratify- Only the old dtmoeratlc school Is to 7.48. Pali lamaa ellani at N E A Sara- afrsid ot words, his press decisred. lea, Ino. out of a fair return for their pro- ing episode took place long ago. duct by this combination of a gov- And now comes Senator Overton, "Csll s spade a spade" la the sente HARTFORD BOOTH Ppbllibat’i Rapraiintativa; Tba ernor. a milk board chairman and of Its recommendation to Italy. unlese be is prepared to wield arms JnllDi Ma'Iiawi Spadil Agancy-i-.‘

are planning a Kallows’en party, Is every noasber of ths Post who can meats were served and a aeeial hour ty and again are Inviting our Poet OMtume, to ba haUI Tuesday aftor- possibly do so to bs prsssat at this followed. The circle wUl meet this to Join uz, to give ths children and Arm ory at 7:30 o'< BOOB at the A nsory. AU Juniors, mseting m that tha diffsrant sub- TueedM evening at tha homa at tha grownups tha oppertunlty to mitUes ara sAad to ha t DISPLAY REC CENTER except the committee, ara requested commltteee may bs formed. Mrs. Victor I>ike on Pearl street. •TEN^ mast Eanto Clsus.1 Mors details PrazUant Anna Barron i he ig h chool to brlBg a dime, to help defray ex< Tbs eomnUttss would also be Aa the circle have already phnaad later. IdzBt-oloct Norths W a T H S penaea. pleased to h ive a return on the salt to maka this a Hallowe’en party, W s are Joining our Post In pur- tondod the Amerioan L ^ o n I SHUN at tiekaU by next Thureday night, every member is urged to be pres- Mlaa Helea Bataa, Facolty Advievr FACILITIES ON MONDAY Plana ara being made tor tha o B' chasing a radio to bo Installod in Utkn on Monday. V.'" wtoh $ik| Saturday. October 27, 1884. Compiled by Studenta af Maachaatar High School * nual turkey raffle, to be held before and in order that it will be con- ent. Mrs. P eggy Leggett has prom- ont of tha convalaaoan* warda at tend our congratulatlau to’ r« Buddies Thanksgiving. The mom received venient tor tbe members of the Post laed to entertain the group at this the Veterans Hospital, Newington. howly InataUM ofneara, and from tlM raine wlU be used tor our and AuxlUary to make such returns, meetli^. T b li radio will bs suitably marked them a aucceasful year. W e Open Home to Be Held at PARTRIDGE CRASHES Christmas welfare w rk , and tor Janies McCullough will be atatlon- Mrs'. Victor Duke, president ot and will bs s permanent gift from the same spirit at cordiality mUM OFnCERSCHOSEN FRENCH STUDENTS THROUGH WINDOW. the children’s Christmas party. We ed in the BritUh-Amertcan Club; tbe Auxiliary, attended the Inetalla- our Poet and AuxlUary. haa exizted between the Dltwi^n APPAUCHlANaUB A bmcIcmii lOFESSAYS IMAGINATION TESTED hope tba members w lif makt a Joseph Binks 'wUl be In the Waah- Uon of officcra of the Amertoaiv Oomell AuxUiary and our AuxllM Special attention of aU members We are also planning to partici- '■''..iii nia ’n That great effort to dispose of their Ington Social club; BUI Oavla and Leglot Poet and AuxlUary last WlU continue as la tho p est School Street Bnildiiig Awakanad from sound alaep of Die Ways and Means committee: pate with other veteran unite In OB DEATH, WMERE IB UckeU. Mrs. Duke will be at tbe Home Monday evening and reports having we are always ready to e* FOR HOME ROOMS WHl CORRESPOND yesterday morning by tha crash- A meeting o f that body baa been observing Armlotlc.^ Day. W t hope r v a found a naw word tor you!— HIKES DISCUSSED 18 T H Y Bakery, 619 Main street, so please had t wonderful time. with tha Unit at aU Umea. siVD e BY CLASS ta m a r ing o f giasa in hla bedroom ivln> called tor Monday evening at 7:30 p. Duet ara new dua Already a a latga aumher of mombare will "Whlpayllabub"—Uka it? " IN ENGUSH CONTEST from 7 Untfl Midnight — dow, Ralph A. Salvatore of 90 try and make a ratura of your sale Mrs Beatrice McGowan haa re- wish to extend our eongratulatlmi#: good number of members have paTd m., at the State Armory, Chairman of tickets at these places. celveo team o f tha death of.her fa- plan to aii«nd tba Memorial aerv- The "old woman” waa afraid, Ab. Walnut street arose to End a their 1938 dues, but we have many lee which will b< held at the South to the new officers of the Poet a r«' A- cawrlaa Lamb ones wrote la hie Charles L. WIgren requests that all Commander Albert Lindsay rep- ther John McCarthy, o f Oakmount, wtoh them a tucceaaful year. bow familiar tha drtad flgura of young partridge flo p p l^ around, be on bond at that hour so the more to come. Let's see bow many Methodist church. On Sunday,' N o- CommittMt WQI Hudle Traf- Classes Wrote Letters to Big Entortainment Pro- partly stunned, at ths foot o f hia resenting tbe Mona-Ypres Post waZ County Cork, Ireland. Ths Auxil- Ralph A. Petkohs o f Man* Is Fear bad baeoma to bar. Evan oa a business may be transacted before we can collect before the member- present at the InataUation o f offl- vember 11. The membera win wear Bek (I Groap Writtes Dorotiiy Vernier’s Story | FORMER HIGH SCHOOL W ' ship drive, which will come next iary extends Ite sympathy not only child, she remembered how often the regtUar poet meeting convenra cara of the DUworth CorneU Poet of their unlforma, blue ♦a«w«, and teacher In the preaent day la to in- month. W e would Uke to get all to Mrs. McGowan, but to all others culcate grammar rulea."—Not from fic, Attendance, W elfare Students in France in Pre* gram and Dancing Expect- Salvatore grasped the bird and at 8:18. the American lAgion and Auxiliary glovea, and wUl mast at tha Arm> cheater la Member of Fear had forced ito evcrcbangtng our membership In before the last wbo are suffering through thU,nad Stndentf Selected by High Chosen fo r Pnblicatioo in STUDENTS Di DRAMA placed It In a coop. Shortly The newly elected poet officers which waa held Monday evening. and N avy Club at 10:80 a. m. W e reporU I’va been hearing as to how preaenee into ber life. Fear of of December, eo that we may get bMsavement Mr. McCarthy was Mias Estes la thurougbly drilling afterwud tbe bird regained Its WlU occupy their respMmtlve chairs Commander Lindsay reports hBvIng the father of fifteen children. also hope to have the members take and Cml Serrice Dutiei. goblins, o f cruel boys and girls, and rions Years and StiD Do. ed to Attract Crowd. full aenoes. Ths Walnut street for tbe first time on Monday night a National citation. part In the parade to be held In the East Boston Mother her asnlor EngUab eiaaaea In the Moontain Climbiiig Gronp. ‘T h « L 8t« Chrigtophmr BegR" bad a very enjoyable evehtng. Any member of the AuxlUary School World. Worlds Were Sohnitted more terrible than an, the fear of resident, although startled by the and a dUtrtet officer will also be in The American Legion Auxiliary afternoon. above mentloBed ruleel The class- has expended a total o f 81,389,893.- Tbe cx-eervlcemen'e Mwllng wbo is planning to make soma es aren’t going to laava grammar to B « PrMwntod by Commun* sudden awakenug, oald, ‘I t was attondanes If his other engsgements league got away to a flying stan fudge to be eoliT at the Poet enter- The foUowlng BMmbSra wiU at- Tells a Secret How many wretched nights bsd< 98 in Ita work for the welfare of until aaeb pupil passes a given test, it y P iR F m Seen . Homa room offlean and eoramit- The pupils o f Mias Genie WaUb'a Bvarjr effort to present program well worth the scare.” WlU permit. last Friday night at the Charter tend the Hellowe’sn party this tve- Bsw ta yon koot yoni ehueroa so tfea Any M. R. 8. student who rajeya to Newspaper StaH for sbL clung desperately, with all tha disabled veterans and their famlllea talrment and dance next Saturday Orlfinal M u ya were written by either. Fauncy thatl taea were eboaen on Tuesday in ths classes who deslta to correspond that ’Win ba o f Interest to young and Much activity will no doubt ba Oak bowling alteys. Tba Mona- ntgbi can dcUver thc'fudga to Mrs. nlng at tha Veterans Roapital, sad hsalmy? TUi qustleD yloasss Mia, hiking and is interested semstlnw. strength of terrified youth to ber with French etudente have submit- tortheomlng from the membership thla yeaur. The money has been ex N. 'wlngton; Mie- Annie Senkbetl, McKay. who bow tells bn neUbbsisi MUs FeSow*! Sid period (enter Enf- "The Late Christopher Bean," main butlalng. Those wbo were old is being, made for tbe annual Ypres team which Could only field Duke or bring it to the Grange ball *1 hepveaed le beer ebent In joining the Appalachian Moun- sister, aa grim figures had risen up ted their names to ber. She, in turn, committee who met for organisation pended In many forma to aid tha hospital chairman; Mrs. Bertha i'eh clu e which li etudylng e Collec* One senior boy aakai "Did the Jndging. which the Manchester Community Open House Night held by the Rec- four men was able to take one point bcfoia the start of the entertain- elected are: before her eyaa, reaching Icy fingers bos sent to the National Bureau of purposes last Tuesday night at the disabled and dependents in every W ilhertll, Mrs. Raehbl Munala, Bostonians sink alt the tea In their t'.in Club will And that Ralph A. Ployen will preeent next month us- reation Cantors, acbeduled fo r Mon' from tbe faat Arm y and N ev y Club. ment. toon dt eeseys celled ‘‘Eseftya Old dar the auspleea of the Manchester Room 31, ehalrmsB, Ralph Chap- toward ber. Foreign Correspondence fo r namesI NAMEALEXCOLE home o f Chairman Donald Heming- part o f the country. Mrs. EUzabeth Phelan, Mrs. Anna harbor the night of the Boston Tea Peticolas ol this town la a member Tims bad aged ths yoUng girl. day tvanlng at the School Street Figures compiled by Mrs. Whit Tom Kane was tbe big noUw uvlng «nd New." Girl Scouts Council, includes three man; secretory, EMna Fradln: at- of French bojm and girls. The way. Tha Work of this committee is s high single of 180 and a three Barron. This party to an annual Party, or were they AUlng their of the club. ‘I t la", says Mr. Peti- Imeglnattve storiee, written by Tbs rose had bloomsd for a short Reereatlon building aitb faatlvltiea Y. MacHugb, A Afton, New York, Auxiliary V. F. W. former M- H. 8. students la its c s s t tendance, Ruth Bensehe, Richard pupils were requested to state their, already underway as it was learned string of 8M. Wo hoM to so# ths affair .iponaored by tha Hartford The beat eeaeve written by the pockets for future use, on tbe slyT'’ lelas, "a sedsty o f peraons tetera•^ ofMmhig at 7 o’clock and continuing chairman of the National Rehablll' The regular masting of the An- Us»tiv« Worm EipeUcr Mlsa Fellow's second period Junior Ths plsy Is IdesUy suited to tbe Alton; civic serrice, Marjorie Urns but an ugly Insect preyed upon age, father’s occupation, and thair' today that they will present several xstrict County Council. The mem' etudenta ea (elected by the itefT of We'II let you guess that one. ed In the mountains and In the less it, slowly devouring the fragrant until midnight. This jrear’s pro- P0NHAC DEALER tation committee, show that 1783,' Post waU represented this week and d^rsoa-Shea AuxlUary waa held last a lelativa — as my Uttto bep English class, were submitted la players. Akrigig, CoUlns Johnson; traffic, hobbles or special interests. The N a- new applications for membership In also Uke to see as many boya from ben will leave at 8 o’clock. Ibe R tfh School World v/ere: well-known outdoor sports o f moun- petals. Fear bad streaked tba wom- gram far different than any hereto- 219.90 was expended by the Auxli' Tuesday at the State Armorv. The sema time troubled with loss The Ingwue lasd la taken by Esther Pickles, WUlism BMmond- tional Bureau o f Foreign. Corre. the post. the Post as poeslbls down there Tbe Oeatic Reader I heard lately, that we have a few tain and reek climbing and biking, eompstlUoB to the World ataS. Tbe tore pracented will be of Interest lar/s 8,400 local Unite In welfare next meeUng will be held November The Department of Connecticut at appetite, tostlessaeM at tUfht and Betty Walworth, *33, as Susan, the son; welfare, Miriam Troth, George an's heir with gray. It bad traced ■pondence tries to locate a French On Sunday afternooh in Hartford rooting for tho toftxs. I f anything "got a y goat" when friendly rcadera among tbe Tolland a New Bniland and adjacent re> following was chosen to be publish- lines across her forehead and in her from beginning to end and s wrord of activities for ths war disabled In 18. Auxiliary meeting will be held to- at Uinss waa veev (ratfol. I decided te doctor's daughter. Betty la remem- Beeny. student who la interested In tbe the Hartford County Aasoclation uf Comradaa James MeCuUoufh, morrow afternoon at 3:80 sharp at I wae yo«ager, it waa to be reading subscribers o f the Herald. I hope glona This club is made up of ed: cheeks. I t had mads ber eyes grow same thlngi. A fee of ten cents la advice to those planning to be Staff of Trained Service Men their communities. State Depart- It waa decided to bold a turkey by Dr. True’s gllzb . . . He bn*n In jwip.thtT'y exciting and on reaching 8emcbody'a Mother bered fo r ber charming portrayal Room n , chairman, Reno Coma; Legion PosU will bold their first George Parka, and Albert Lindsay the G. A. ft. hall, I I Colony street, you eontlnua to enjoy our page! reparate ebaptera. with beadquar- furtive and world-wsaiy. I t had tied charged for this service. present on Monday is to be sure and ments o f tha AuxlUary expended drawtog to replenish our funds, tatorevo tounedtotely and fat e vara thort of tba belreat. Is "R eaching for the secretary, Margaret Atkinson; at- meeting of the new Legion year. The represented the Post on the Armla- Meriden. uie he was wett ... I would never the end of the page And a aentence te n In Boston. It has establluea An aged, bent lady walked tfowly heavy weights to bar feet and bent make an early visit as tha oaatlng $89,340.98 for hospit'l care tor vet' which nave received several severe aevyc down uie street. Everyday sbe Moon” , Sock and Buskin's 1933 tsndancs, Jane Bsntly, Walter Correspondence with French boys session wUl be held in Odd FeUows tiee Day oommlttea last Friday eve- be without H.” - Mr*. B. O. McKay,JeKaV, aoaethlng like this: "and, gentle Now that Miss French has re- ber back. faetuttea are ind a few other articles, are packed broke in upon ber reverie, “ Couldn't EXAMPLE OF M .H.S. Holmes. boys must wear elaborate tmlforma number by Sunbonnett Bally and either on that date or soma date bers desiring to be present please be distributed wltMn the next few tional Junior vlee-prosldeat, Mrs. c f "grown-up” oooks refer to. "gen- lay back upon her pillow with aa air corps at sxperlsaosd salesmen, and a World War veterana this year. A along. knapsack. On over night hlkea, we help you some?" Room 38, chairman, John T ltr- and go through regulation military Overall Jim who are impersonated reasonably close to It, in order that contact James McCuUougb. days, and we fee) hura tbe mem- Katharine Dibble, M ^den, poet de- SENSATION tle reader." a of expectancy. drills dally. staff at trained aervice men wbo are the general public may have Ite a t total o f 8644.798 has been expended a light sleeping bag and a ona man Her wrinkled face broke Into a ney; secretary, Helen Pletrowski; by Joyce Wetherell and Ruth Ken- by the Aijdliary. W e appreciate and accept the bers will give ue tbe same generous partment president — Harriett Druer. A radiant moon sent long stream- Other letters reveal ifliat the provided with modern snd up to date tentlon caUed to the fact that this And speaking of dancing—what lent ara alao taken. Occasionally a tad smile that touched our hearta attendance, Joseph Polozle, Claire ton. Then following the dancing kind offer of the AuxUtary to make support they have in the past In The foUowlng oommlttee to to The New ers of light through the open win- French boy and girl are better vers- equipment country has a Navy In spite o f the The nation's ehUdren are bearing waa that we beard In assembly ball auu brought lumps Into our throata. Stephens, Eleanor Scbleldge; dvic class will be severu boxing exhibl- home-made fudge to be sold at tbe order that the new officers will not plan and arrange tbe Installation On Wearing New Shoes cooking outAt Is brought along. School Paper Known as dow. They Illuminated the walle ed In public questions concerning Cole Motor Sali^ ara holding open efforts of certain elements. the bnmt o f the economic stress. Wednesday noon? An orchestra? Mr. Pstlcolaa aaj a that deaths In “Thanh you, my dears, but no.” service, Charles Plnney, ThomM tlona between boys of the Junior Children ara suffering relatively entertainment and dance to help the be handicapped for fund to carry dinner: Mrs. Edith Mahoney, chair- Royal What pain you have to suffer be* Serpliss; traffic, Wilson McCormick, and floor. Silently tha "old wom- Am erica than are American stud- bouse and Invites local nwtorUts to The PhiUp Calhoun department Hooray! W e dance at noon again. mountain climbing are very rare, Unmindful or our manners, we boxing class. Upon ths completion more heavily from the economic Post With expenses. W e certainly on ths work neoessary, we are man; M ils Doris Modcan, Mlsa cause o f new shoes if you have not Irene McGann; welfare, Katherine an” waited. Despair filled ber ents themselves. Inspset the new Pontlaes which ara membership cup awardsd annually and usually occur when risks are continued, "You must have cared an Mol High School Light’ heart. A ll bad deserted ber. Sud- o f this feature the ehamplonahlp conditions that are tbe adults. In hope tbe ladles make a good aala. bolding this drawing. Tbe foUow- Corrine Murphy, Mrs. Freda Moore- Sisrnet ta k n into consideration these points If you have a bit of news that WlDZler, Esther WeUes. Not only are they more advanced on display at ths company's sales' to the first post In the department taken. Once a woman was leading awful tot for him.” W s Indicated the denly a slight movement attracted drill team of the Sunset Rebekah’s the last analyals, tbe real problem ing committee wUl have charge; house. Mn. Minnie Morrtooa, Mrs. when buying them; Are they big ir Ight Interest ray column-fcllowere. Room 38 chairman, George Fischer; in their school work but they also rooms at 91 Center straet who ara first to re-up their previous Moas-Yjpr .a AnzUiaty Now on Otoplay. ner partner over a steep Ice covered grava. ber attention. Could it be possible ? Lodge of Manchester will for the of unemployment is a child welfare Mrs. Bertha Wetherell, Mrs. Maude Bee‘ rlca BeUueet, Mrs. Mary enoughT Do they feel comfortable'' send It In to "Lynne," care of Miss Complnnents’World.’ secretary, Dorothy Denton; attend- take twice aa many subjects as the HaiUng his company's ^polnt- years membership goes again for the Tha sewing circle mot at the Ooma In and try It. ravine. She bad reached a safe "That waa my son. I had two of Yes, there was something standing first time present their drill in pub- problem. The burden faUe on the Leggett, Mn. LUUan Wilson, Mrs. Frazier, Mtoe Katherine Evans. The ]>oes that style suit me? Estes. Friendly advl e or criticism ance, Betty Durkee, Robert Gustaf- American student. In France, lic and the fine military preclsenesa ment with enthusiasm Mr. Cole said: third consecutive year to Post No. home of Mrs. Cecil 'Gttic last Tues- Rachel Munale. above oommlttee to to meet with aelgbt, but her partner allpped. in them. I gave them both for my In the moonlight. It was a figure, Thursday la a holiday and Satur- backs o f defenseless little ebUdren, Kemp’a’, Inc. Most people, If their feet are ex- would bo welcomed also. son; civic service Louis Georgetti, that the team presents In going "W e are delighted with tbe an- 118 at Saybrook. Post No. 133 of day evening and held another oi We are again making preliminary the Poet committee to dtoeuss tbe trying to save him. the tost her bal- country when we went to war. They radiant with light and beauty. Slow- day, a regular school day. In re- nouncement which gives us tbe rep- deprived o f tbe incalculable bene- 788 M ain St. Phone 8880 eeptlonally large try to cramp them Thanke, Bristol High school is following Ray Donahue, Henry Haefs; traffic. through tbe maneuvers will no doubt South Windsor wbo hold their meet- fits of a happy, carefree home, and their Interesting sezalonz. Refresh- plana for our annual Chrlatmas par- plane for ths Installation, Monday ones and tsU four or Ava bundrsd were so young Only one came back ly it approached the old woman’e cent years, educational authorities resentation of the entire Pontiac u to a amall shoe In order to make Lynne. the same plan as Manchester In Jack Bellamy, Herbert Gilman; bring much applause and fs'vorabie ings in tbe Community baU, Wap' all that Implies, In adequate food, feet. Her neck, a leg, and both arms and hs lived, only a short while." bedside. < have been trying to change this line. It wUl enable us to meet the them look daintier. Or perhaps they having tbe'r school paper printed Welfare, Esther Enrico, Ward comment from those present Then ping was the second to accomplish clothing, education and health. ,\ere broken, and bar face was bad- Her mouth tremble(f pitifully os sbe Perhaps It was only the night system so that students may have a needs of buyers wbo want the finest this fe a t are ao Infatuated by one style of aa a part o f their l o ^ paper. Tbe Green, Zita Brennan, Francit Brim- another hit of advice to those pres- In addition to ite welfare aetivl- :> cut. Yet, today, this woman .a ended. ley, wind murmuring in her aar, but to holiday of two days In succession as quality Just above the mass field. The attention of aU World W ar eUoe that tbay do not care whether name of tbe page Is "The Bristol tbe "old woman" words of love and ent, "R elax" and prepare fo r about tlea for needy ebUdren o f veterana, still living and still mountain climb- "How could you let them both Room 34, chairman, Ralph John- do American students. ‘‘Pontiac Motor Company Is the veterans U directed to the fact that it ta smaller than they usually wear. EXHIBITS SHOW go?" we cried. High School U ght." reassurance seemed to be falling two hours of entertainment aa tbe the AuxlUary has taken on active ing with aa much enthuaiaam as son; secretary, Marjorie May; at- —Betty Gojslee, '86B. largest volume producer of straight January 2. 1933 Is tbe last date un- Why Is 11 that so many people The first copy of "The Bristol from sweet lips, routine o f the AU Star Minstrel In- part in work for tbe improvement ever! With a . smile that glorified ber tendance, Mary Maraden, Bernice eights in the Industry,” Mr. Cole der the present law on which appli- think more of slyrie than of com- High School Light” was received “Ay, life is worth living, dear one; eludee tinging, tap dancing, jokes, of conditions for all underprivileged —Jeanne Cude. whole face she replied, “M y dean, no Pohlman, WllUam Ingraham; dvic continued. "Its many advanced and cation can be made for an Adjusted fort? la (t bacauae a person fails TEXTS S T H O e sacrifice Is too great to make for Tuesday. Tbe following compli- and Fear Is only an Illusion. By music and Impersonations. children. It has conducted wide- lor such oompllmenta as, "your ment to Manchester High was quot- service, Lawrence MaUon, Cheater Sllnatrel Program exclusive features, economy, need, CompensaUon Certificate, or the so- spread educational work to one’a country.” Heritage, Edna HUblg; traffic, Leo good living we conquer ear and pre- power and comfort, at tha tbrifUest aboea ana vary smart looking," or ed: pare ourselves for tbe after life. ^ PROBLEM TALKS . The order of the All Star Minstrel called Bonus. Post Service Officer better public understanding of the A Mother! The dearest thing on Johnson, John Kildlsh, Enes John- o f prices take It out o f the mass field "your faat look ao much smaller." Do FRANCES HYDE RELATES "We wish to compliment Man- program la aa foUows: Francis Bray has' a supply o f these needs of America's childreiL A t earth—so unselfish in ber love that son; welfare, Loomis, Ed- qpt afraid, see. Fear has vanished." and definitely put It In tha elass the comments really mean all this chester High school for being able Interlocutor, Tony Catalano. forma and will gladly assist any this year’s National Convention, the when called upon she lays her best ward Haraburda, Virginia Nelson. The "old woman” turned and field. or are they given merely to be Interesting Bulletin Board on the nation's altar. to publish two editions of their looked. Yes, Fear bad left her. Opeuing, Sweet Bute, by entire veteran In fUlng such a certificate. Legion has been aaked to pledge it- TOUR OF NOVA SCOTIA paper a week. It shows bard work, Room 19, chairman, Mary Alice CLASS FEATURE company; Ants In M y Pants, sung "Pontlae factory officials make Replacing the mid-weekly radio self to the support C American £M- iioelable? You quiet your doubts bv —Dorothy Vernier, '38. Andrews; secretary, Madeline Bell; with Its departure a wonderful great claims tor the smoothness of school spirit, and a lot of pep. peace flooded her eoul. She turned by John Cox; Try to See It My W ^ , broadcaat under the auspices o f tbe ueation Week; further development DEMOCRATIC 'tcU*ng yourself that all sboea are Appears in Miss Helen You’re doing a fine piece of work attendance, Lillian Bimle, Minnie sung by Lisa Cedrons; I Close My this otralght eight engine, and X am Auxiliary, la a program sponsored r the free high school and o f adult tight When you buy them. They'll Brozowski, Genevieve Bald3rga; with tears o f happiness In her eyes, sincere in my assertion that in aU of Lois Foord Also Describes Trip and we hope you will keep it up. to her liberator. It, too, bad gone. Eyes to Elveryone Else, sung by joinUy by both the Legion and Its education; better methods of financ- atnteh after a while. After weeks civic service, WllUam Barrett, Rob- my automobile experience I have auxiliary over Station WLCC. of and waaki have passed and the shoes to Virginia to See Yorktown ORCHESTRA TO PLAY Tbe arrangement of their paper In Its place, a silent figure, clad Ghrls in Franklm Baflding Anna S t John; Out In the Cold ing schoole. Including Federal aid Page’s Class Room. is similar to Maneheatera. They ert Campbell, Viola Degraw, Fred Again, sung by Emmett Crowe; Tap never handled a motor that surpass- New Haven and Bridgeport each without Federal control; financial remain the aame, you think back Celebration. Baldwin; traffic, Dana Beach, Allan from bead to foot In black was es It in smoothness. have eigAt columns. In each issue standing- A dark hood covered the Dance, by Lydia Harris and Dorothy Simday afternoon starting at 2 Independence tor school boards and over how much you've suffered. Clark, Mary Aberose; welfare, Anne Stndy Social Cddance "Seven wtndstream Fisher bodies DURING NOON RECESS la printed the names o f ths editorial head. A black mantle was draped Dow; T ^ Prise Waltz, by Mae o'clock. We urge you to tune in. development of eommimlty recrea- It recalla to your memory the day "News Flashes," "Silas Mamer’' An account of various trips taken Anderson, Helen Copeland, Patria are mounted on tbe 117 1-4 inch staff. They havt editorials, fsatuie gracefully around the sboulden and Kiley: Have a Little Dream on Me, It la interesting to note that Past tion and fine arte under local boards you went to church. The minister's and "Shakespeare'’ are some of the by members of tbs class has been Case, Ray DeUa Fera. wheelbase chassis to complete tbe stories and newt articles. Th^ fell In gentle lines to tbe floor. sung by Josle Dawlek; Let Me Call Commander Edward Hayes has been o f education. The date set for aermoB waa very inspiring, but you headings on an Interesting buUetlh given recently In Miss Page's Fresh- Jazz Music and DancIniL Will Room 18, chairman, George Frost; Subjects. line. AU bodies have fixed wind- have two special colun.ns, one head- The “old woman” recognized — You Mine, aung by Eddie Moron; selected to lead the legion's fight In American Education Week Is No- , couldn't poeaibly concentrate on It. board in Mlaa Helen Page’s class- man English class. secretary, Constance Germaine; shields of supersafety glass, with Be Enjoyed by Students at ed "High School Briefs” and their This was Death. It opened its arms Why Don’t You Practice What You the next session of Congress for the vember 8 through November 11. You iwayed that church might be Frances Hyde told about her trip civic aervice, Eleanor Gordon, Betty Fisher designed and patented no- RALLY room. to Nova Scotia for tbe purpose of Lunch Hour. Sport column Is beaded "The Sport and with a algb of peace and con- Preach, Marjorie Leone; Fan Dance, payment of the "Bonus" as voted by Tbe next meeting of the Auxil- over soon so that you could get lid Under "News Flashes," newspa World." Goslee, Alton Haddock, Janie Har- A series o f discussion meetings tor by Shorty Antoch; Love In Bloom, draft ventilation aystom. the national convention this peat iary will be held November 8, a t the et those new foot torturers. per articles, picture- and often just seeing the Land of Evangellna, tha ris; traffic, Robert Guthrie, Henry tentment, the "old woman” sought the girls of the Franklin Building In tbe upper left and right hand shelter In them. sung by John Kelley; WhlstUng A rt- "On the roaul tbe new Pontiac, week. By thla record during the State Armory. Don't forget the Again you recall tbe time you the headlines are posted, stating the place where Longfellow lays hts Hemenway; welfare, Eric Earn, began last Tuesday under the su- with Its long wheelbase, low center A tinging orchestra Is proposed corner of their page within a small — Ruth Sbedd. ist,^ BUI Thomas; Pardon My past year we know that be will do Jelly; we need many more glasses went shopping for mother. By the Is teat news. scenes for tha poem “ Evangeline” . Vivian Griswold. pervision of Miss Mary McGuire, of gravity. Its knee-action front The country is very beautiful, espec- by a group of boys who met in Miss box la a little reminder, for ex- Southern Accent, by Betty Bellone; a good Job. to make our 100. time you reached Main street, you Illustrattona of various scenes McGuire's home roon< last Thursday ample: Room 17, chairman, James Ma- Chairman o f Social Guidance Com- Moonglow, by Frank Cedrone; Baby wheels which make bumpy roads were ao tirad that you could only sit. ially when tbe apple and cherry from "Silas Mamer such as "New for the purpose of forming a small "If you want to do your good turn honey; secretary, Ellen McCIuskey; mittee, Miss M ary Burke. Mlsa Take a Bow, by Jackie Mazzols and smooth, and its ease of gear atoft- American Legion AnxlUaiy British War Veterana 4own and wait for her. trees are In bloom. Frances visited Year's Eve at the Squire's." “Silas jaxa orchestra to play noon hours every day. .civic service, Sophie Krauzattis, Elizabetl- Maclean and Miss M yrtle Tony Catalano; For You, by Chet ing, steering and braking, creates a The Joint InataUation of the Post The committee on tbe entertain- Moral: It Is better to buy shoes many of tbe famous landmarks ATHENIAN LIFE SUBJEa at the Rainbow," and "Squire, and for dancing, when cold weather To keep off tbe grass is an axcel- Stanley KrajewskI; attendance, Paine. Three hundred girls attend- Hughes; Tbe Breeze, by Helen distinct Impression of big car sta- and A i»U ls ry was held Monday ment and dance which is being HIGH SCHOOL HALL mentioned In tha poem. Including for comfort rather th u just for Godfrey" imprint a clearer pleture Doris Little, Ernest Machell; traf- ed the first meeting and the girls, bility. Driving fatigue is reduced the village of Gran^re, where drives Indoors tbe studenta who lent way." Leone; Louisville Lou, by Alby evening, at the Center Parish sponsored by the Mons-Ypres Post style T of what the characters might look fic, Harold Leonard, Helen Jarvis, who desire to attend future meetinM to a minimum and performance Evangeline was bora. Tne talk was bring their lunches to achool. The Manchester High School IN CLASSES IN HISTORY Mathews; For AU We Know, by House, and wSs a succesa. Guests and which w ill be held In the — Anna Klein. like and of the manner of dress at welfare, Robert Jonlcke, SteUa may do so. raised to a new brilUanee.” Illustrated by a large collection of The group was enthusiastic over World hopes to receive these copies Mary Lewis; Eadie waa a lady, by were present from the local patri- Orange HaU Saturday, Nov. 8, m et that time. There la •• very good tbe project and immediately plan- weekly from Bristol. Kutz. In future meetings tbe girls plan Sam Bellone; Tap Dance, by Edith otic organizations and from the sur- at tbe home of comrade James sketch of Molly, from "Silas Mar- pictures. Room IS, chairman, Teddy Nel- to discuss: Hobbles, EUquette, Tbe ned a rehearsal for the following — Robert Vennart, '35B. "Athenian Life” was tbe subject Potter; Klckin U>e Gong Around, Tubing for airplane fuel or oil rounding Posts and their Auxilia- Hamilton last Monday evening. ner.” drawn by one cf the studenta Lois Foord told about her trip to son; secretary, Marjorie Mitchell; Family of Today, and "What Would Virginia to see the bicentennial Monday noon-hour. of oral themes given by students of Joe Barado; Tbe Scat Song, Joey lines that is asserted to resist frac- ries Including tbe president and sec- They will meet again next Monday FARMERS OF FUTURE In the comer I" the Shakes- attendance. Rose OrflteUl, Stanley You do?"—A. a ^ e s ot dlscuosiona ture by strains or vibraQon la cov- celebration at Yorktown. On tbe Because of a lack of funds the WINS mOH HONORS ancient and medieval history In Bellone; T h i Very Thought o f You, retary of the new auxiliary to the evening In tbe Orange HaU to com- Dcarean board. There are some ex- school will be unable to buy any Opalacb; civic aervice. Avia Palmer; dealing with problems of any nature ered with ollproof fabricated rubber, South Windsor Post. plete their plans for this big time. p. m. Tony Catalano; Delgsdoa Brotbera Monday, Oct 29, 8 Mlsa Oates’ classes last week. A ll cellent scenes In color of the In- return trip, the party stopped at raised by students and concerning BROADCAST MEETING music and It has not yet been decid- Tba girl with tbe highest mark WUliam Park; traffic, Mary Mc- reference material was obtained String quartet accompanied by vulcanized to the metsL Tbe Junior group of the Auxiliary Tbe committee requests that terior and exterior of Anne Hatha- Washington and viewed the famous Donnell. WUliam MlUer; Welfare, student life. Some o f the questions ed just bow this will be supplied. of any sophomore at Connecticut from the book, "L ife In Ancient Snooks Lacey, tap dancer; Grand way’s cottage: others of Shakes- landmarks. An Interesting Inci- which have been handed in for dis- However, until this problem , has College for Women Ui Lucy Bar- Rhode Mohr, WIlHam Murcb. Athens", by Tucker. Finale, A Thousand Good Nights, en- peare. hia birthplace and the gram- dent took place at the Lincoln Me- Room 14. chairman, George Peter- cussion are: ( 1 ) Should girls use Orguiimtion Now Has Mem- been decided, the band wUl rehearse rera. M. H. 8., ‘83. Lucy's fatbar re- “ Funeral Customs,” given by tire company. mar school he attended. Above morial. The party took a picture of rouge and powder while at school? bership of 82,000 Boys and a few old pieces contributed by a cently received a letter from tbe son; secretary. Pearl Scbendel; at- Helen Harr, describe the unusual Upon tbe completion of the All these pictures la a miniature Eng- the statue of Unculn in the Me- tendance, Richard Relmer, Isolda (2) Is courtesy a habit or la it > member. president of Connecticut College, ceremonies held at the death o f a Star Minstrels a short intermission Girls in Nation. lish Aag. morial, but unfortunately, a Riva; civic service, Ruth Runde, consciously "put on" 7 (3 ) b it wrong SPEAKERS A fourth group represents well- stranger had accidentally been i f this project works well, tba congratulating him on Lucy’s person. A t such a time, enormous wlU be held and a general inspection orchestra will probably ploy at some chievement. Freda Selwitz, John Richmond; to give a friend an answer to a o f the buUding and fadUtles by tbe . 4 Wedneadsy's radio broadcast of known authors, modem and nov taken with It. An attendant walk- sums were spent In hiring mourners, o f the achool social functions. The Lucy was sscond highest In ranks traffic, Sumner Roberts, Norman giving feasts, and buying exquisite problem or any answer pertaining people present wlU be made~and any PLAIN GARMENTS the Future Termers of America modem. ed over and took the entire film Plitt; welfare, Mary Qulabj Richard to school work? (4 ) Is It all right '.i group, consisting of R. Hilde- In the freshman class last year, and caskets. As a result of this ex- general information can be obtained oonventlon, now going on In Kansas —FeUcla Miller, '86. away which Included the pictures Pond. to write your name on another per- ^ t brand, E. Custer, J. Puter, H. received a scholarship for this year travagahee, laws were made by the from the directors or at the office a t y , is of Interest to High school of Yorktow-n. The explanation given Room 22, chairman, Walter son'! pass If you wish to go swim- Gorens, W. Krause, R. Donahue, ar the result of her scholastic rec- government restricting the amount where schedules of activities may be "1 members. This organisation was was that no person Is permitted to Smith; secretary, Eunice Skinner; ming and have no pass o f your be photographed In the same pic- Johnson, F. Warren and Tedford. ord. She was on the A honor roll of money to be spent on the dead. obtained by anyone desic^ig them. formed in 1928 for boys who attena TEACHERS STUDYING attendance, Edith Trouton, Doris own? (8) What should I do If I I Hon. WILBUR L. CROSS, Gov. will meet In tbe assembly ball Mon- at Manchester and was valedictori- “ Houses and Furniture o f the Dancing ^ High school or college. It now has a ture with that of the Lincoln feel I am being treated unfairly by day during noon-hour. an o f her claaa. Whitehouse, Mamie 2Satkowslcl; Athenians” , was related by Mildred Following the Intermission danc- membership of 82,000. The lowest statue. civic service, John Tivan, John Tier- a teacher? (8) If I flnU some of my —Ann Howarth, Brown. Many modern styles of ing wUI be m order In tbe main gym - degree which a member of this or- CURRENT LITERATURE ney, Ruby Wllaon, Erna Suchy; classes uninteresting, what can I furniture may be traced back to nasium and the music will be ilii- m w isu p ii can bold |« the Green do about it? (7 ) Why abould pupils traffic, Kennetl) Tedford, Frank Athenian ori^n. Descriptive re- Hand degree, which every member Warren: welfare, Gordon Wslr, stay one hour, being 18 mlBUles late, MiM Hsiw rage and Miss Mary ports (tf the appearance of the dty obtains when be ehteirt. To bold Whodrow Trotter. wbm a pupil, lata 80 mtnutas had Congressman Francis T. Maloney ^ V irke are taking a course In modem STUDY CONSTITUnON; were aa follows: "General Feat- this dsgrae be must carry on soma Ancients Wrote History Room 11, chairman, John John- to stay one-half hour? (8) Should M clal drama and are alao attending ures." Ellen 'xoman; "Street small project, such aa chtekan rais- the WUllatn Lyon Phelps lectures on son; secretary, Eugene Kelly; at- we read fiction in study periods? ing and must plan to become a Scenes", Mildred JaniCkl; and "Pub- Ciirrent literature, which are held DEBATE SHORT WEEK tendance, Michael Haberern, Grace lic Buildings” , Ida Orfltelli. —Margaret Johnson, 37B. fanner. The highest degree ob- By Carving and Painting Donahue; civic service, Janice H «(- every other week at 8t. Joseph's "Social Day of a Typlc* ’ Cltifsn,” tainable is the "American Farm- fernan, John Brennan; traffic, Thur- SLANG DISCUSSED Community House on Farmington by Martha Gyllenhammer et^Ialned er's degree. Only the members with Mr. Piper’s class In Problems of ston Foster, Madeline Carroll; wel- Congressman Hmman P. Kopplemann avenue, Hartford. the Athenian-manner of liylnjg, cos- tbia de^ee were allowed to attend Democracy Is at present studying Many thousands of yaars ago . lived In seclusion on the mountain fare, Jack Fraher, Mabel Dewey. A t the (list meeting, held October tumes, and the various podupations. A discussion o f slang was held in this week's convention. Thera wars M e Constitution. 'To aid In this bul- when primitive man roamed the ‘ tops and wrote copies of the Bible. one o f Mita Worth's English classes 15, Mr. Phelps highly recommended Room 3, chairman, Richard Long- An account o f the dinner customs AS future farmers at this conven- tetina sent out by the Constitution eartt, bedtime stories, novels, his- It took a person almost all of bis aker; secretary, William Shea; at- this week. One example of tbe pro- the boohs; "Good Bys, Mr. Chips." and the foods eaten by the Inhabi- tion from all parU o f the United Education Aasoclation are used. A tory books, short stories were un- life to write a Bible as it bad to be tendance, Arvid Sesburg, Jeannle priety of the use of along in tbe talk "So Bed the Rose," "Lamb In His tant of Athens waa given by Louise Btotas and Hawaii, each represent- debate Is planned on the thirty-hour known. Man was just learning to all dene by hand. Every word and Newberry; civic service, John Me- of the excellent speaker of Mon- Bosom", and Webstsr's "N ew Inter- Berggren. The topic "Athenian ing a chapter. week. The wording of the question m write and to speak a uniform lan- letter bad to be made by the hsmd. Convllle, Eleanor Thresher; traffic, day’s assembly was cited. The type State Labor Comm. Joseph Tone national » Dictionary." Mr. Pbalps Cookery,” waa given by Frances O f tbe large number of boya who R esolved, chat Congress In Its next guage. He was not able to put hts Woikehops were yet unknown. Chester ObuchowskI, M ary Smith: df slang which she used was vivid Billot smd Anna Heberern. Several tried to get to tbe convention only greatly disliked 'Yoars Bo Long." oesslnn should paa.s a law requiring thoughts on paper. It was not until A fter Cbrist’e coming, art died. welfare, Herbert Seymour, Antoal- 8-d axpresslve. The onnelualon was other reports in connection with AS measured up to the reoutrementa In hla opinion, the movie 'Tress the thirty hour week." On the af- many hundreds, even thousands, o f So few talented people existed that, ette Zagorakl. reached that. If slang 1s more ex- one of which is; he must be earning Island" waa especially good, years later when the Greek, Roman, if a boy or girl showed that be had Athenian life are; "Slavery,” Peari pressive than ordinary, convention- ftrmatlve side are Stanley Mankus Room 18, chairman, Richard Bragg; "Jaaoa- and The Golden iSOO s yaar by carrying on a suc- even better tban-The book But the Egyptian and Phoenician empires talent, he was Immediately sent ^ . English, one la justified in using ai;d Ray Merx. On the negative are Cobb; sWretary, Betty Harris: at- Fleece"; Loretta Chapman smd cesafut farm project. Tbe member- l ook. "Barretts b f WImpole Street" William .McPai'Uand and David wers at their peak that llteratura in away to achool to Improve until be tendance, Erwin Kluck; dvic oar- Hon. Edward T. Daly Frances Lasuthaa; "The Army", ship of this organisation la Increas- '3 not as good as the play. any form, began. Waa a gresit artist. Soon after tbe vice, James Dougan, Mildred Beebe; — Ruth Shedd, '86B. Douglass Fred Cclllna; "Trojan War”, Clar- ing each day and Its popularity Is —V. Turner, STB. The Egyptians wrote on Papyrus fourteenth century composers, traffic, Roy Johnson; welfare, Con- ence Snow; "Athenian Society," growing rapidly. and on tbe tonibs o f their famous artists, sculptors, authors, and many stance DeUa Fera. HAVE PARTY This broadcaat la one of the week- X-RAY RE8ULT8 OOOKS GIVE FAR TY kings and pbaroabs. otben who were makers of the Alice Bonsak, and "Tha Women's Room 12, chairman, William Life,” Evelyn Getzeviek. ly "Education in tbe News" pro- The final reoulta th. X-ray pic- Tbe Greeks carvsd statues of worldlb literature o f today bagon to Plcklea; aecretary, Nathalie Moor- The B. M. society, consisting of a grams, coming over WJZ at e;00 tures taken o f all M. H. 8. students A Hallowe'en party la to be given faultlsas marble which pictured tbe flourith. houae; attendance, Minnie Mints, group of High school girls, surpris- William A. Seymour p. m. on Wednesdayt. wishing the examinatio' last Janu- b}’ Miae Jensen's cooking class to deeds done by the many gods and In many of the homes today at John O'Brien; civic service, John ed "P e g " Hcqigh, ThuradS} evening Other broadcasts of this aeries ary were published In a recent Is- Miss Carrispis 1st grade of tbe Hol- goddesses In which they had faith. least one person In tbs family can Smythe, Dorothy Lauff; traffic, SENIORS PREPARE LUNCHES with a theater party .n honor o f ber Will cover auch topica aa the meet- sue of the Health Bullatin. lister St. school. Tbe cooking class The Romans carved In stone tab- do somathing artistic. - Perbapa one Charles Weber, Herbert Weber; wel- birthday. A fter the show all mads bf the National Council of Out of tbe 1,414 pupils who had 'iCked the following as chairmen of lets, painted beautiful plcturaa, and family has a girl who axcels In fare, Esther Shapiro, Wlnalow Mo- Lunches prepar d by senior stu- thair way to tha homa o f “ K ay” n s c h a n o f English. X-ray pleturM taksn, 1.8M ware le vartoua committesa; gtoaral wrote In vellum-bound twoka, ot the piano playing, or a boy wbo la a Loughlln. dents who have taken cot^klng for Harris where they enjoyed eata do- —Gordon Weir, 'AS. found to have no avidanra o f tuber- Chatman, Mttty Ctkapman; refreah- w o n and conquests carried on by wtxard at arL Perhaps the mother two years, are being served at noon nated by aU. culosis lesion. Of ths remaining AO menta, Anna KItIn; dacoratlng, great emperors. sews beeutifally or the father is a 8TOOKS CHARTED to teachers in the dining room of Hear The Campaign Issues Discussed VDMT FOBIOEB TEACHER pupils, eight were found to have Helen Copeland; entartalnmanL The Phoenicians wrote on clay remarkable author of novels or of the cooking department In the HAVE RING COMMITTEE healed or healing primary tubercu- Tom MeCooe. The rest of tbe cook- tablets or on cliffs cu the daring history. PerhsM the oldest boy, Orapha of tbe rise and fall of the Franklin building. Tbe menu con- Helen Smith, domestic sd- losis disease; three probably active tng claee were put on these various exploits o f ber s.Amau. who la a perfect terror, can maka tlx stocks which ihemherz of Mr. slsta o f acup, a choice o f suuidwlcb- The lower senior class ring com- lastnieter: lllae Betty Olson, tuberculosis; 10 show ohadowa that committesa to iMilp srlth the erork. ^ r years It went on, until tbe canrliigs o f wood or can ratae onl- Johngren'a econom' ., claaa chose es, coffee and deaserL mittee consisting of L. Brown, A, at tha mathematics depart- suggest some abnormIUty; S3 show Each little tot ta to be in coetume coming of ChrisL Nations and em- nuUi. to follow for two weeks, were made . Mlaa Oates and Mlaa Spsdford are Fiedler, M. Howard, J. Tierney, C. sfsw ip n n lsd by Mlaa Mary anatooiical abnormallUea: and tlx and proceed from the home room to plrsa had writtsn o f bravery, dan- I f one will look around, be will in claaa on Tuesday. Imaginary regular diners and Miss McGuire *s Stevens, J. Polo^ and T. Se^Usa form er M. U. S. English show dfpoalta suggeatlnig hsaling the ataembly hall In the graitd ger, great people. None bad told find that even in a amall community stocks will not be sol^ as previous- expected to loin them when the met In Room 22 Tuesday with Pres- spwt the pest week-end at p.imary tuberculosis dlseoM. march. Entertalnntent will bs furn- anything of religion except the many artiaU will be fotwd. These ly, planned, oa it la necessary to noon raoreation period h organized. ident Leary presiding. Eleven sam- ' ■ Oss M. I. Thayer In The parents of all students were ished by both tbe cooking c Ibm and Greeks, who had faith in many gods artists are not handicapped by lack proceed with other topics of the Two seniors are appointed every ples from various local dealers were T. Mlea Thayer wae notlAcd of the results o f the pic- the Aral grade. Rafreahmenta will and godusasss. Disciples and monks of means for self-expresalon aa were year's work. "Money and Prices" two weeks to make out menus and displayed and the merits of each instnictof of English tures. be served and games enjoyed. told of Christ and hts work. those o f the early centuries. wiU be studied next. prepare food. I discussed.. No decision was reached. Everybody Welcome —M. RulUvan, -38. —Helea Oopelond. The friars, who wars Mmply clad. —Marguarlto Veaaard, '3TB. -R . H. '39. R. H. '88. 1 — R. H. '38. MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN.. SATURDAY, OCTOBER *7, EIGHT needy of RockvUla and vieiaitivietoito took sembles iMthing as much as a heavy place yeaterdM______at theLudwig IM aMe results. Local members of WESTSIDESBOOK rapping.paper. It csrtaln- plant whan JitauItau Hatbart Buglart these units frankly state that they jriece of wrappi .... !y Indicates that Manchester dlstilbutod 510 paunda of maaC ra- are pleased to note to extreme stand GOVERNMENT HELP i ^ r e than a dot on the map, WTaC daily radio pr o g r am oelved ThuradM from tha Federal [CHESTER VETERANS taken by tbe American Legion at GAME TOMORROW government In a meet arrived la H. S. Harriers Trim Hartford, Harttard. O s«a M. 20-M the Miami National ConvenUon and The meetings committee w as In SATURDAY, OCTOBER IT (Central and Easters Stanttord Time) ■eveateen oartona and was all la are ready to go forward with them FOR NEGROES NEXT 6M 8 W . 184g g . C : session this week making plana for Nstei AH presraaw to key aad bosla elisins or sroope thereof onleso spool- mstal Gontalaara to preserve It to ths ultimate end of complete res- Tnvetors Breadeestta* Had; coast to eooat' (s to 0) doslsnatloa tndados all sTallablo stations. the annual meeting, to be held N ov- FtoM^ af flnilkan Dnall toration of all benefits and an ap- Fresrams subjset to ehanss. F. M, Coot. Bast. F001BALL NEARS WANT THE BONUS NOW ember 20, possibly at the Country Tha funeral of William DualL 78, proved plan of pensions for wtdom NBC-WEAF NETWORK SiSS— SiSO—SdSie Ooelsy, FoothsIP—/ Hi Phf Sorth Ends of Club. A complete list o f tbe details Satarday, October 27,1884 east; Red Qranoo — others sastli of MUe HU. 'Ibltoad. who died at and orphans. P.M. ■ASIC — laati wsaf wlw weal wde Jash Armstrsns—midwest repeat hla boms Wednesday followtag a CROWD OF 60,000 EXPECTED Three Homestead Projects of the meeting will be announced ^i ^necessary use of hla authority to Anent the local situation, expres- wlor WUS wash srfi wilt wfbr wre wgy •i4S— S:4S—Seauty Proersm — asstil GEORGE LEARY WINS AS shortly and Chamber members are 1:00— Market Report. wboD wese wtam wwf waal: Midi ktd Hartford at Noiint Nebo long lUnsas, waa held from hla tote CLIMAX IN StATE ‘ prevent "mob rule." sions have been asked of leading .WaaSy and WilHs. Comedy—west I it Anericu Legkn urged to keep the date In mind. 1:06— Farm -Hom e Hour. ■ wmoq well woe-who wow wdaf wkbt *>*•— SiiS- 'Prsss-Wsdlc News—seat i home this Saturday hfternoon at 2 "Economy BUI" men In the military life during tbe 1:30— Don Gloyanni — Phil Bodinl. NORTHWSST A CANADIAN — wtmj • d l^ 7iSe—HlaterlcalSkatehss—«satt o’clock. Rev. K. Otto Klatte, pastor Already Under Way in wiba kstp wsbc wday kfyr cret cfcf In obedience to President Roose- World War. One of the most out- 1:46— FootbiUI Game. Oan Ruase Orshsstra—west of the First Lutheran ohnreh of Fourteen questions, proposing SOUTH — wrva wptf wwne wts wlax TtlS—Red Oransw—midw only at2J0p.iR. velt the Congress passed the Econ- standing men sought for an expres- 5:00— Sunset Hour — Julius Nuss- wna-wsuo wlod warn wmo wab wapi R ockrUa, of which tha daoeaaad TO SEE YALE-ARMY CONTEST LOCALS TAKE 5 PLACES! Adioi ■ Demanding Im- sweeping reforms In the Federal titO— 7tS0—Whlsesrlne Jack Smith—' omy BUI on March 10, 1 ^ , calUng sion on this mootM subject of vet- Alabama— The Plan. man, director. wjdx wsmb Irtroo wky wtaa wbap kpre w t : Chlcass Orohastra—west waa a mambar, oOletotod at tha fu- WeileyaQ Meets Amherst budget system, are contained in a wool ktbs ktbs wsOo wavo wtor for Feden^ salaries and veterane eran relief was Colonel H arry B. 6:45— Stamp Club. •|4*— 7i4S—The Lawyer and Ruklla neral. Burial waa 'In the South referendum referendum which has MOUNTAIN—boa kdyl teir ksU, 7:00— liO^Rssy and Hla New Oenf The town champion Waet Sldee ■ediate Piynieiit of Ad* benefits as necessary to maintain Bissau, Chief of S taff of the 43rd 8:00— WrlgbtvUle Carton. PACIFIC COAST—kso ktl krw itomo Yard eametery, Tolland. been received by the local Chamber 7 :4 ^ S:4^wal1ar‘s Club of Rhythm lata this morning hooked the strong / SECONDS ALSO VICTO tba Federal credit, and the bill Division, C. N . O., and a staff offi- kbg kfad ktar kso kpO ■:0 ^ 5:00—Orate Stueekaeld A Orch. Mr. Duell waa a wall known r«M- and Yale Pits Strength Washington, Oct. 27.—^(AP)— from tbe national C h a m b e rA com- 6:30— Press-Radio’ News. South Ends wif Hartford for a grid MANY FINE GAMES passed both House and Senate and cer during the World War. 6:36— Peg La Centra, songs. CtnL BssL •:S(b— 5:30—Rtohers HImber Orcliee, dent of tots communiW, having Locals Travel to Meriden Negroes were given a place today mittee will bd appointed to study SdXb-IOrtXb-Tbe Nlasara Fallt Band tuaala a t M L Nebo tomorrow after- jttted Senice Certilicates was signed March 21. The act re. Views of Local Vets 6:45— Football Scores. 12:10- litO—Disk FldSsr, Orohastra lived hero tor 37 yaara. He w aa a this plan and make recommenda- 1:00- 2:00—Rtx Osttls's ■luombls •iSI^IOdO—Eaturday Nlobt Revue noon at 2:30 o’clock. The game atBowL duced the pensions of tbe generality Colonel Btssell agreed that tbe In 'tbe government's back-to-the- 7:00— Neal O'Hara. lOrflO—link)—Olen Oray Orob,-baelet native at Willt-mehuig, N. T., tions at the annual meeting of the 1:30— 2:30—To S t Announesd will be the fourth of toe season for of veterans of wars prior to 1917 by vote of the Legion Convention was land movement. 4:01^ 0:00—Cmo . SUrnty'4 Orchot. Earl HInee Oreheetra—midwest where hd was born August 36,1861. ONGRIOSCHEOULE But Rain Postpones Clash Billy March Leads Most Cbamber, echeduled to take place 7:15— Democratic • State Central —Here’s Ae Story in 10 percent; Umlted payment to cases overwhelming and conclusive, but 4:31^ 5:30—Our Amsriesn Schools 10:30—11 :B>—"BenJ. Franklin," Berlal Coach Jack Dwyer's team and the The sum of 8200,000 has been Tuesday evening, November 20. Committee Program. IldIO—12k)0—Jee Haymee Orebsetra-— Briefs of service-connected disabilities, It was bis opinion that some basis 5:00— 5:00—On* Man's Family, Ssrial locals will have to be at their beet By ASSOCIATED PRESS 'lotted to develop three subsistence 7:30— "Periodic Dental Exam ina- 5:3>- 5:30—Prats-Radio Nows Fsriod basic; H. Buaee Orebea— mldweab The public aohools of Rockville Pow lirif^ permanent disabilities not so con. of determining the actual need of 11:15—12:15—Oanny Rueae Ore.—west' to gain victory aa the Hartford out- and vicinity were eloaed Friday be- To play or not to play w as the Football neared its climax in the Way But Falters at Detail homesteads for negroes In Alabama, Executive Vice President B. J. tions," Dr. WiUiam F. O'Meara. 5:35— 5:35—Fas L t Csntra In Sonss 11:30—12:30—Pinehe and Orchestra FOR EASTERN FANS question o f travsUng ex- nected, widows and children of men the veteran should be formed so 5:45 5:45—Thornton Flsbsr, Football fit Is said to be a powerful eleven. cause of the state convention for Interior Department otficiala an- McCabe attended a meeting at the 7:40— Piano Interlude. 12dXt— 1KN>—Dance Heur—wabe only j question that confronted Manchet' Connecticut today with four tradl- \’ET B R A N 8 L E A G U E dead from service connected Injuries, that only those who were really In 5:00— 7:00—Rtllslon In tbs Nswt The W eet Sldee have loat one and teadiera held in Busfanell Memorial nounced. They are forerunners of Hotel Bond tn Hartford Thursday 7:46— Floyd Gibbons. 5:15— 7:15—Chlcass Music Jamboroo NBC-WJZ NETWORK ter High’s grldders upon arrival at Ph*‘Pon^ent until Monday wlU ^al games bolding the spotlight Finish; Ron in Heayy widows and children of other men need of financial assistance, such as tied two in Its three etarta to data hall, HartforxL Tha yMtarday by tbe Amert- a aeries of communities which will noon, called to discuss the question 8:00—Sigmund Romberg and Wil- S:45— 7:45—Floyd Oibbsns Froqrsm U»6 oldest ^ t h e trsdltlonel A m y B N avy (5> who served prior to tbe World W ar would be provided by Immediate 7:00— 5:00—alsmund Romboro Music ■ABIC — Baati wjs wbs-wbta, vrbal and like tha Lith-Amerlu of the Damon Temple, Fythlan Siatera, b.. built for negro homesteaders at liam Lyon Phelps. whom fcdka wyor w)r wlw wayr wmall' chances a g ^ t M e ^ w , nvairtea be' *een eastern colleges Bidwell ...... 100 95 104—399 UB Lagten tn National Oonvmtloa cash payment of tbe adjusted ser- of bow Chambers of Commerce 5:00— 5:00—Ross Oampton In Ssnsa north end will be aeeklng their first Midsmon Msrk of FoOtb&D i ** Cheaura and Spanish War veterans of 62 a cost of 81,600,000. 9:00— Trade and Mark. Midwest: weky kyw wanr wls kwk will bold a public eani part In For- I uuiiNUi ^ height of a sudden rainstorm, os members of the varsity will have ^ resumsd at Middletown w^re Brey ...... 97 98 126— 321 Downpour; Peckenham ls vice certificates, would be assisted. throughout tbe state con assist the 5:30— 5:30—Tbs Olbsen Family—to c victory tomorrow. Id maiBt, Florida, approving tba ln> years entitled to pension under pye- Seventy-five f ami lies will get an 9:80— Ths Gibson F.-jnlly. 5:30—10:30—To Bo Announesd kwer boil wren* wmeg kao wkbt eatera hall Monday night A social Coaches Tom Kelley and Frank recovered------from . . .Injuriea .by that...... time. Weslejran, u ttle Three champions aalmond ...... i l l 94 113— 318 Concerning the formation of a Tercentenary Commission In ar- 10:00—11:00—Ouy Lombardo's Oreh. NORTHWEST A CANADIAN — wtm} laadlaU ppymant by ttat United vlcusly existing law. These benefit opportunity to buy modern homes 10:30— Merry Madcaps — Norman wlbe batp wabe wday kfyr cret cfcf hour will follow the awarding of Barnlkow w as ready to play and the They are, Berger, halfback, aad Amherst for too 4Srd time F. Anderson ... 85 88 110—283 local council of veterans working ranging appropriate celebrations for 10:30—11:30—Paul Wbitoman's Party Gomes Today; Holy Cross reductions were to be permanent. and farm tracts in the three Alaba- Cloutier, director; with Bob Ellis. SOUTH — wrva wptf wwno wie wjox prises at which time refreshments ptoysrs were In (mlforra when toe HaMs, end, and their return WUl Ibe Ordinals were the favorites to CHorgettl ...... 93 104 115— 312 Winner of First ErenL gtatee govemnient of the Adjueted with local relief agencies, said to be the 300th birthday of the state, 11:00—12:00—To Bs Announesd w tlfw iu n wlod warn wme wab wapt A t once a concerted drive was ma communities. 11:05— Guy Lombardo's Orchestra. 11:16—12:15—Csrsfrso Carnival—c to o will be served. Meriden faculty manager decided to atrengtoen toe Red and White lina> h u i^ e ‘ he flralx obstacle In defense bervlee Certlflcatei, haa heightened considered by tbe government in which will be obeerved all next wjdz wsmb kvoo wky wfaa wbap kpro made by veteran groups for tbe re- One of these vlllagea wUI be with- 11:30— Paul Whiteman's Orchestra. qSS-WABC NETWORK woal ktbs ktha wioc wave M ajor Harold Lomnis, who re. Faces Colgate as Harvard call o ff toe contest. up. N o decision on the game Is es- of their title. •ntereet among local veternne, all of tbe event of tbe passage of a bill year. 486 479 568 1638 peal of this act which automatic in eight miles i f Tuakegee Insti- 12:00 MIdn.— SUent. ■ASIC—Bast: wsbc wade woko wcoo MOUNTAIN—koa kdyl kylr kshi ROCKVILLE cently returned from Paris Military Blajr P lay Monday pied before late Monday morning. Trinity’s undefeated and untied Running In a heavy downpour, whom are vitally Intereeted In thle in the next Congress for Immediate PACIFIC COAST—kgo kfl ksw koma Veterans Feretgn Ware <4) aUy took away benefits to 328,000 tute, famous negro school, where woab wnSo wzr wktiW wkrc whk cUw Academy, Is the guest of his moth' Well over an hour waa consumed Bristol b Whiner eleven oppe jd Connecticut State Frasier payment of the bonus, Colonel BIs- Members of the local Housing Act wdro wcau wjai wean wR>l wspd ^ e v kbq kfad ktar bps 143— 335 Manchester High’s harriers achiev- controverey wrbleh baa been the foot- service man who coiUd not show agricultural experts will teach mod- er, Mrs. H. C. Merrick of Clift Meets DartmoDth. in dUcusslng the matter, both Despite the rain, Bristol and BUst College In Hartford and altoougb sell stated that a plan of this kind, committee, of which E. J. McCabe Is Sunday, October 88 wmoe wbbs: Mldweeti wbbm wfbm CsnL EasL Lsktog .... 135— 386 ed a notable triumph on the local ball of OongrcM for eevaral yeare. service connected dIsaMlItles. ern methods of the homestead Vmbe kmox wowo whai ^ . street. coachea being against postponement Hartford played as scheduled with a bard battle was forecast toe Blue dealing with tbe problem from the chairman, and several contractors A. M. 12:30- 1:30—Vie and Sada, Sketch T. Anderson 111— 317 lh a eantiment among local veterane Drive for Repeal farmers. The purpose of this com- cast—wpK whp wlbw whec wibs wfea 12:45— 1:45—Words and Music, VsesI Cards were received yesterday as Manchester faces East Hartford the Bell City eleven gaining a 26 to and Gold waa expected to come out cross country course yesterday local, rather than tbe National and builders attended a dinner 6:30— CtoUin Driggs, organist. wore wicc efrb ckac _ Olson ...... 99 85 117— 301 here alw ayi baa been, that In the Partial success was attained by munity la to demonstrate "that ru- IdIO— 2:00—To Be Announesd from Mra. Gertrude Kington of By HUGH & FULLERTON, JB. next Friday while Meriden opposes 7 victory in a bruising battle that with a clean elate. afternoon by trouening Hartford standpoint, would be more effective meeting at the Hotel Bond Thurs- 10:00—Radio Pulpit. DIXIE-west wefm wbre wqam wdod 4:00— 5:00—Stanlaleh Malotts Free, MGBAITUFOSVimS Mathiason . .100 97 103— 299 period of emergency, auch aa the tbe veteran supporters In Congress ral living may be as satisfactory as kira wreo wlao wdeu wtoc krid wrr Lawrence etreet who Is spending a (Aaeoctated Press Sports Writer) Bristol. It U i>oaslble, nevertoeless, saw three East Hartford players In- Yale's neetlng wlto Army In toe and would produce better results. day night, at which Paul Fitzgerald, 10:30— Mexich Typlca Orchestra. 4:15— 5:15—Jaekis Haller In Songs High by a decisiva score of 30 to 85, country haa' been paaalng through In a reversal of the stand taken in that In the city," officials said. Cot- ktrh ktea waco koma wdbo wodx wbt 4:3(^ 6:30—Platt A Nisrmsn, FlsnoS' week at Niagara Falls. that toe game will be pUyed on Bowl and the batUe between toe Major Mahoney Opjwsed executive director of public rela- 11:00— Press-Radio News. wdae wbis wdbj wwva wmbf weje jured and sent to ths Hartford hos- with Oeorge Leary again taking first te» tbe paat few years, thoae vet- March. During June tbe appropria- ton farming will be supplemented 4:45— B:45—The Ranch Boys Trio Ctolonel and Mra. Charles H. Al- New York, Oct 27.—(AP)— The Monday In the Silver City, toe mat- Coeat Guard Academy and Rhode 490 481 607 1578 Major John G. Mahoney, past tions of tbe Federal Housing Ad- 11:08— The Vagabonds. wmbr wala ktui k«ko , . . , 5:00— S:0O—Johnny Jobnasn, OrehasL RACING IN ROCKVULE pital. Meriden must pUy and de- erans, unable to obtain work or In- tion measure carrying grants for by production of small fruits and MIDWEST—weak w*l wmt wmbd wlin len of Davie avenue have left for last-October Saturday— the midsea- ter being left to toe principals of Island State College at New Lon- place honors In the good time uC Commander of Dllworth-Comell ministration, gave a detailed ex- 11:15— Hollywood Show World. 5:30— t:30—Prtss. Radio Nows Psriod feat Manchester to stand a chance British W ar Veterans eapacltated by leason of woimda or tbe Independent offices Involving some dairy products. wlbw kfh kfab wkbn wcco webt ksej 5:35— 8:35—Fcotball Scores, Etc. Clearwater, Fla., for the winter son mark of football comes today toe respective echooU. Cancellation don were other gam er between In- (0) thirteen minutes and 19 seconds, Post, American Legion and a Re- planation of the provisions of the 11:30— M ajor Bowes' Capitol Fam - of ousting Bristol from toe league Baker ...... n 84 other service-connected Injurlei, tbe subject of Veterans A imlnlstra- ft was estimated that each home- wnax. .... 6:45— 6:45—CapL Al Williams, Talk' Four Rallies to Be Held Within months. adth a gridiron program that looks of the game is also a possibility due title race. stlt'utlons who have been meeting 81— 338 only 13 seconds over the record for serve Officer of the U. 8, A r m y R e - Housing Act. ily. mo unt ain—kvor k « koh ksl 6:00— 7d)^Jehn Hsrriek, Baritone Glenney ...... 94 101 ahould be paid tbe remainder of tion and of the allowances for bene- stead in this development would COAST — khj koln bfre kol kfpy kvi Three Days by Candidates of A meeting of Kiowa Council, De- Mmost like a well planned finale of for some time. 90— 385 the two and one-bolf inlln. serve Corps, believes that the bonus P. M. 6:15— 7:1B—Dcraay Bros. Orebastra Boots ...... their adjusted service certificates, so fits to veterans, as reduced by tbe average 60 acres and would cost the kfbk kmj kwt kern kdb ksmo kfb t:4S— 7:45—Piekana Elatara Harmony. gree of Pocahontas, waA held last the campaign. Arm y and Rhode Island were fa- 88 79 89— 356 ahould not be paid at this time. Did you know . . . that on June 12:30— Musical Gema. Two Parties. Billy Murch Falters commonly known, but erroneously aa President earlier in the sessirm was occupant 82„/68. Cent, Eeet. 7:00— 8:00—Art In America, Speakers evening In Red Men's hall. For toe eastern eector. where . vored. Davies ...... 85 109 93— 387 "There are too many people suffer- 26, 1617, It das resolved to send 12:48— Thrills of Tomorrow. 7:20— 8:20—tenga by Oraea Hayaa Save for toe dlsqualtfleation of up for debate. Another unit to be built In a ru- 12:30— 1:30—Eether Volte A Ensemble Mrs. Arthur PInney of Malden half dosen or so unbeaten teams of Arnold of New Haven, still seek- the "bonus." ing at the present time," ifa jo r M a- telegrams to President Woodrow 1:00— Little Known Facta About 1:00— 2:00—Den Rutee A Oreheetra 7:30— 8:30—Qaorga Olaan Orehaatra One of the btttereat battles for Billy Murch, the Red and White’s ral section of Alabam a Is designed 8:00— 0:00—Radis City Party—also w Lan> Is the guest of her eon, Fran- major calibre and some that are juet ing Us first victory of toe season 340 373 863 1066 lieglon Opposed Benefits Restored honey said, "to justify tbe govern- Wilson, United States Senator W ell Known People. 1:30— 2:30—To So Announced the votes In toe city of Rockville margin of victory would have been to permit families to own farms of 4:00— 5:00—Little J. Little Oreheetra 0:30— 0:30—WL8 Bsrn Danes—asst cis Pinney at his home in Brooklyn, aa good although defeated, stock up was In Springfield, Maas., where It Aroerioan Legion (4) The revolt bad attained such foi re ment making Immediate payment of George P. McLean and Congressman 1:30 -Surprise Party. 0:30—10:30—Hal Kamp'a Orehaatra and town of Vernon Is now forecast even more overwhelming. Murch, ace Until recently the American Le- their own Instead of continuing as 4:30— 5:30—Jack Armitrons—e ably: N. Y. gainst potent opposition to toe Ruth Or Harris Likely opposed American International Curran ...... 86 91 91—368 that tbe occasion was made for ob- money not due until 1645. I would, Augustine Lonergan, "The C of C 2:00— Mohawk Treasure Cheat. Ed Wurtzebach Orchestra—west 10:00—11:00—Willard Robison Orch.—> with toe Democratic and Republic- harrier of lost year's team, mode bte gion has been opposed, as a N a - laborers and tenants. An effort to east; Barn Danes—west repeat Mrs. Emily Bissell Swindells of Pulflc coast, where the conference College. The Bay'State eleven rep- WitSlit ...... 93 106 86— 384 structing the Independent Offices however, like to see tbe elimination of 600 members petition the Presi- 2:30— Concert Classics — Chris- 4:45— 5:45 — Robinson Crueee, Jr.— an partlee conducting active com- first start of tha seoaon yesterday tional body, to tbe payment of tbe Interest them In dairy farming Is N. T.: Franklin McCormick—chain 10:30—11:30—Freddie Martin's OrchaaL. 4.. ospact stTMt Is a guest at New title may be decided In a trio of out- resented by the first football team Hayden ...... 85 81 112— 278 BUI In the closing days of the ses- of the Interest rate on loans cut off dent and Congress to enact N a - tiaan Kriena, director; Marjorie 11:00—12:00—E, Madriguara OrohattrsI palgna. Both partlc' have political aftef a recent iUneee end set such "adjusted service certificates al- planned In this community. 5:00— 5:00—Frederick William Wile ■Weston hotel. N e w York City. to ito history, dsfaatod Connecticut Cervlnl ...... jos 112 80—309 Uonal of manufacture Nash, soprano. 5:15— 5:15—Mlicha Reglneky Orch. 11:30—12:30—Emil Coleman Orehaatra haadquarters, toe Dcmocrata open- standing contests, a big gam s may a grueUlng pace from toe outset though departments and posts m sion. A compromise was finally entirely." llTie third development, within Stote to ito epentny game and reached, by which tba names of and sale of IntoxlcaUng liquors for ,3:00— Talkie Picture Time. ing roonoa in toe vacant store in toe Im found almost anywhere within a sections of tbe United States broke Commander Dexter's Views the limits of one of Alabama's In- short distance. To Manage The Senators mainly oa toe strength of this that he was unable to last tha die- 3:30— Musical Romance. 371 890 378 1188 some 16i,000 veterans were to be re Commander Allan L. Dexter of dustrial centers, will offer homes l>eriod8 of war. In conservation of Levina block on Main atreet yeater tenoe. away from the National organisa- 4:00—Kansas City Symphony Or- 6:15— Sparton Triollans. 9:30— Gulf Headliners — W lU A" showing, w as expected to win. talned on tbs rolls, pending further Dllworth-Comell post, American and subsistence garden tracts at an man power, military and Industrial day. . To top off tbe dleh there are . Murch w u out in front thirty tion after President Hoover took tbe chestra. 6:30— Grand Hotel — caat: Anne f Rogers. WATKINS CREATE examination of their cases. The Legion baa always held the opinion efficiency?" Four rallies are to be held with' pair o f intoraectional elaehas which vigorous course of going to Detroit estimated coat of 83,161. Negotia- Seymour and Ben Ameche. 10:00— W ayn e K ing's OrcbestrA. " yards from toe finish with Leary measure was passed .on June 16. that the bonus ahould continue 4:30—"Through Lighted Windows" In the next three days. The big Re- DTOuld have packed toe stands a cou- and addressing the National Con- tions for >and for the second and 7:00— Jack Benny.Don Bestor'o or- 10:30— Congressman Herman P. GriTilh H ist Emfaeer Some! UTH'AMERKS FACE cloaing swiftly. For ten jrardc the — Jane Dillon. SHAKEUPINSOX The effect of the provisions of the through to the limit provided in tbe third units are still being conduct- publican rally w ill he held In the pie of weeks ago before the toam. teampMtes ran neck aad neck aa vention of the Legion on September 4:46— Dream Dramas. chestra; Frank Parker, tenor; Koppleman. Economy BUI, so-called, upon the original act and also that in the ed. Town Hall tonight at which State's lAM PFORSALE were beaten. LOU POSTER IS TOUGH Murch sought to shake off Leazy’s 21, 1981. At that time President OPEN FORUM 5:00— Sentinels Concert. Mary Livingstone. 11:00— Press-Radio News. Attorney Hugh M. Alcorn will be World W a r veterans, especially event of payment before 1645, a Charles E. Pynchon, general man- ^ York. Jim Crowley win ehaUange. The effort proved too HMVsr represented the immediate 5;3tl— Tony W ons. 7:30— Joe Penner, comedian; Ozzle 11:05— Little Jack Little’s Orckes- the principal speaker. Other apeak- im IS SEEN thoae whose Injuries were not serv- discount should be allowed the ager of the Subsistence Homesteads w d his Pordham team out to corral ^ i« Jb“'*|HARTFORD RANGERS Rraat and Murch faltered and col- cash payment of the service certifi- FAVORS McLEVY 6!0O— O too lic Hour. Nelson’s Orchestra. tra. ice connected, was drastic. A total government. This was his own per- Corporation, said large numbers of e . will Include Charles M. Bake- the Southern Methodist Mustangs, OPPONENT FOR GAINER cates as Imposing too great a bur- 6:30— Blue Room Echoes— Joseph 8:00— General MJtors Symphony 11:30— Leon Belasco's Orchestra. Fans for Sadden Sale o f! ___ lapsed. Leery stopped and helped of 326,000 men who had been re- sonal view. Major Dexter stated. He negroes had been thrown on relief well, candidate for (jongresaman- Natting Lamp and Harriet wwie at PltUburgh Jarnegie Tech’s d M upon the country when revenues Editor, The Herald: Blume, iirector. Concert — Geraldine Farrar, so- him across the line, eutomattoally ceiving disability allowances for de- did not know the stand of the post rolls in recent years. at-torge; Noah H. Swayne, well wgineere will attempt to fire the $250,000 Sftid to Be it Db* been reduced and expenditures Now that the elections are ap- 6:46— Fluff erettea. prano; Walter Damrosch. known meaker; Flret Beleotman New Haven Negro WUl Have dlequeUfytog Murch. The tetter grees of injuries not service con- at the present time with regard to "The problem of the negro has Purdue Boilermakers. This pair Is hicreaaed. The convention, accord- proaching, your old frienda the 7:00— Gugllelml Marconi. 9:00— Melodious Silken Strings — Franele J. Prichard, candidate for Brown Shade Sold Exdn* Joo Cronin to the Boston North End Eleyen Seeks First to 8tap Faat to Kayo Pannay quickly recovered aad suffarea aa lU nected, were wiped off the rolls. A the bonus. been Intensified in the north, due to even ia one respect—they’ve both effeete. ingly, voted down the resolution. Dcmocrata and Republicans are be- 7:15— Norman Cloutier's Concert Olga Albani, soprano, guest State Senator; Henry Schmidt and large number of local service men Commander Dexter thinks, as the great migration of negroes to been defeated by^toepSrn” Pnnehar. ponl of Jimmy Dykes to ginning to look you up again. By Orchestra; Robert Shanley, bari- artist; Charies Provtn and hla Jamaa A. ZaUotL candidates for Red Sox. Seeends Also Win Agitation Benewed were of this class and were, with the does Colonel Blsaell, that a logical northern cities during the past 20 shrely at Local Store. Hags Cbowds Victory in Third Start now, you probably realize the Dem- tone. Orchestra. RADIO; RapreaantaUva; and Dr. WUUam L It waa Maaehaster'a firat triumph others, removed from the govern- way to determine those who are years," he reported. "In the south, The tradltioaal Tale-Anny rta»ii Agitation for the payment imme- ocrats represent DemocraUc big 7:30— Dr. John S. Custer on Cur- 9:30—Walter Wlnchell. Hlgglna of South Coventry, candi- New Raven, Oct 37—.Far from BmUGhb. over Hartford tn tlM four yearn ot ment roils. While these elimina- actually in need of the bonus money too, the population movement has with a crowd of 60,000 e x it e d , U diately of ths full ultimate value of business men and the Republicans rent Evento. 9:45— One act play with Tom date for Congress. nocklag hla opponent out, A l competition between toe schools. To tions caused some hardships among could be effected through a local been cityivard. To meet this situa- "The Nutting Lamp" and "The Washington, Oct 37.— (A P ) — Here Tomorrovr the bonus certificates was renewed, represent Republican hip business 7:45— Wendell Hall's Songs. Powers and Leona Hogarth. Eastern Standard Time The Democratic rally will be held biggest on the eastern Gainer, New Haven Negro light- make It more convlnoing, toe local the local veterans of the World c-uncll of veterans, working with tion, small homesteads of the gar- alato taking everything Into oonald- Clark Orifflto, casting about tor Chicago, Oct 27,— (A P )— The however, and came to a head In the men. They are alike is two rotted 8:00— Eddie CJantor; Rublnoff's Or- 10:00— “A s I see It,” Dick Grant. New York, Oct. 27.—(AP)— Monday nirht In the auditorium of Harriet Brown Bbade" are remark- heavyweight will have aU he can second team gained an Impressive ming of 1932 when Bepresentative W ar, it did in no sense cause such a relief agencies. Disabled veterans den tvue are being planned for eratlon. The main factors to be con- nweuvers of the Cbicago Cub front apples. Neither of these parties wor- chestra. 10:15— Paradise Islanders. Within the space of 45 minutea the toe George Sykes Memorial school able examples of the numerous and w manager for toe Washington do to escape a kayo at toe hands of 22 to 38 victory over the H artford W right Patman of Texas Introduced furore as the reductions made In should come first In order of pay- ai-eaa both In the north and south, sidered are tbe fact that Army Making their third start of the office will be no mystery to M ana- ries about you after the elections 9:00— Manhattan Merry-Go-Round. 10:30— An American Fireside:. A four corners of the earth are to at which Governor Wilbur L. Cross exclualve creations offered at the Senators, conferred today with Lou Poster, Pottstown, Ps., heavy- seconds. In justice to toe vlMtors, tbe benefits and pensions of the ment, Major Dexter believes, others near industrial centers, where the ger Charlie Grimm oa long aa be a MU providing that the Veterans are over. Then they would just aa Half Hour of Civilization — Hen- send an Armistice Day message of Is expected to be toe principal 80th anniversary sale of Watkins hasnt been tested severely while season, toe Llthuanlan-Americans weight when they clash In a ten- however. It must be steted that toe Spanlsh-Amerlcan W ar veterans. to follow In the order of their estab- 9:30— Unique Program. Bucky Harris, but toe c)ub owner pilots toe club—for be It a member administration make this full pay- homesteaders may draw an Income drik William Van Loon. peace to this country arranged by speaker. Other speakers will In. Brothers, along with hundreds of YWe has made a great come back. of toe north end tackle the Rangers round star bout at the Arena next Hartford team thla season Isn’t up lished need. soon send National Guardsmen to 10:00— Hall of Fame. waa reported to have offered the Of toe front office f.imlly. ment. deducting what the veteran Vets Pensions Reduced from working In the cities' factories shoot you. 11:00— Time, weather. the Clarnegie Endowment for Inter- elude Congressman Francis T. Ma- store-wide reductions in standard Navy back to the top encounters to the level of tboie of other years. Paat Commander Archie Kil- 10:30— Frank Black's Orchestra. job already to Babe Ruth. of Hartford at Hickey’s Grove to- Monday .night October 28. This is P. K. Wrtgley formally took over had previously borrowed and the In- The effect of the Economy bill lo- and at the same time obtain a ma- 11:10— Press-Radio News. national Peace. Dr. Nicholas Mur- loney, candidate for U. S. Senator; Pennsylvania. Other major games patrick of Anderaon-Shea post, while Democratic Cross blames Repub- 11:00— K-7 Spy Stories. merchandiM. Including today, only morrow afternoon at 3:S0 o’clock the opinion of a majority of < fight the presidency ot toe club yeeter. Tba race woe run in a steady terest thereon accrued. cally. an given the writer by Law - jor portion O’.' their foodstuffs from 11:15— Eventide Singers. ray Butler will conduct toe broad- Labor Commissioner Joseph M. Mnt unbeaten Holy Cross against The conference with Harris, not a veteran of the World W ar, ex- lican Wilcox for calling out the 11:30— Press-Radio News. four daya remain In which to take fans who arc famUlar with Poeter day, eucceedlng William W alker downpour of rain and toe course was The MU further provided for tbe rence Converse. Commander of the land. cast from New York for WABC- Tone; EM ward J. Daley, candidate Colgate, Dartmouth against Har- Washington's first pennant winning wlto Coach Gil Wright’s chargee presses a personal opinion that the troops during the recent strike, and 11:35— Charlie Davis' Orchestra. 11:30— To be announced. advantage of th» tremendous values s a professional puncher. who resigned Tuesday. One of hJs dotted with puddlae. Taking these Issuance by the Treasury of cur- Ward Cheney Camp, U. S. W . V.. Part-Time Farming CBS as the short wave brings In for attorney general; Senator Ed- vard, Princeton against CorneU and manager, was at Griffith’s Instiga- confident of chalking up their initial bonus question has been one of the Wilcox blames Cross. You know, 12:00— Silent. 12:00— MiUs Blue Rhythm Band. to be found at Watkins. Poster, a Hilungarian-Jewiah first movss brought Orimm up. circumstances into conslderatica, rency notes in sufficient amounts to was to remove altogether from the "Part-time farming projects, in the voices from the foreign lands. win R. DImock, can^date for re- tion. Bucky, who loat his job at Bos- victory. The locals have set most difficult of all subjects per- however, that both were at fault, 12:30 a. m.— ^Terrace Garden O r- The Nutting Lamp has been re- Syracuse against. Brown. Penn State routo of 31, has been aeen In action stairs j i - vice-prssHont. Q>acb (Carles “Pete" Wlgren felt make such payment. Issuing also. In list approximately 25 per cent of general, will also be located In the Try these tonight: election; John M. Dowe, candidate ton tbrough the same move which back by the New Britain Triangles taining to veteran legislation, and for Wilcox first called on the chestra. produced exoluslvely for tbe 60th and Georgetown also will try to keep In the eeml-final bouU on toe Madl- Grimm’s first action sent Fat Ma- well satisfied with toe result al- like amount, 3H percent bonds to the total number of Spanish Ameri- region of industrial centers and will WEAF-NBC— , S igm u nd R om - for Congress in the Second District created the local vacancy— toe sen- and Nortowesterna but have been and one that can be interpreted pro troops and Cross called for still 8 anniversary from a floor stand Il- their records intact againet Ckilum- •on Square Garden cards of late, lone, a rightoonded hurltr fe r the toought he refused to make any pre- be sold when the Federal Reserve can W ar veterans receiving pensions be raised on a similar scheme of berg music; 6:30, Gibson Family; opposing Dr. W. L. Higgins; Mi- satlonnl sale of Joe Cronin-rwas In improving considerably and hope to and con by various veteran groups. more when he returned. Cross lustrated In Wallace Nutting's book bla and New York Unlverolty re- end he beat Al Borosa, of Bridge- Cubs Atnce 1938, to the world cham- dictions on tbe Bristol meet next .Board judged proper, thus bringing or disability allowances. The re- part-time wage work and part-time 10:30, Navy Day program. chael H. Roberts, candidate for a receptive mood. register a triumph over toe Partially disabled veterans, unable should be reUred to tbe old folks' "Furniture of tbe Pilgrim Century." spectively. ■' port, on toe Ham as-Lasky bill. pion Cardinals. In return, St. Louis Friday beyond stating that he be- in eurrsney Into tbe Treasury, with mainder of the local veterans, num- ' rjnlng. WBZ-WBZA W A B C -C B S — 8:45, N ew musical sheriff; William J. Dunlap and ’’I’d give 18 handsprings right Rangers. to • adequately support their home, or, perhaps. National Dairy The original floor stand has two Three of toe ranking teams In the Matchmaker Al Caroly has sign- turned over J. Kenneth O’Dea, lieves It wlU be very close. A s tbe which to replace the currency notes bering about 30, were given reduc- ""he third type of project Is pure- may give him a Job. review series; 10, I-'lagara Falls James M. Dick, candidates for Rep- candles but one has been omitted tn here now tf Mr. Orifflto offered me The starting lineups are expected ed Frankie Britt, of Fall River, families, and themselves unable to ly agricultural. It will have In some gprtngfleld — Boeton Big Ten encounter conference op- young catcher who worked for the race will be nm In the Bell City, he Issued for the bonus payments. tions of from three-fourths to seven- 'The Dcmocrata and Republicans WDRC band; 10:30, Saturday revue. resentative. favor of a bridge-lamp style. the job," Harris said. to be: Manchester, G. Rowe, Is; Mass., to battle wlto Relampago find work or able to engage 'n I. stances the purpose of substitut' position while toe fourth— Chicago Columbus American Association concedes Bristol a alight advoatags. The bill was strongly opposed, eighths. Those veterans, who before have had their opportunities and W J Z -N B C — 7:15, Charles Francla A rally Is being held in the Town The Harriet Brown 8hade has its Foxy old Orifflto was reported, Spencer, It; T. Rowe, Ig; Ecabert, Seguero, Cuban welterweight cham- manual labor, ahould be given as- Ing small scale ownership for the «28 Hartford Osbb. —has a breather against Missouri, tiom, a (tordinal subsidiary, last How They Placed and resulted in the coining for the the enactment of the Economy bill, have failed repeatedly. Will you let 1880 Coe; 8, A rt in America; 9:30, B am Hall, Memorial building, this after- inspiration from toe Harriet Brown however, to have offered Babe Ruth 0; Nielsen, rg; Spencer, rt; Tyler, pion, tn toe sight-round semi-final. sistance by the government, even to tenant system prevalent In the Saturday, October 27 uiinois takes on a revenge seeking season. The Cubs, d'termlned to With Murch eliminated from the first time in Congress of the term were receiving $60 a month aa a them hoodwink you again? O r will dunce. noon at which State Labor Commis- House on South Main street, one of $15,000 a year and a percentage of re; Moriarty, qb; Fiedler, Ihb; I* Three six-spots will complete the the extent of cashing their adjusted 1:30 p. m.— Vic and Sadia. Mlrtlgan team, Ohio State facet dispose of Malone, who failed to get scoring, Furey of Hartford took sec- “flat" money. None the less, many pension were reduced to $16. Those south. you vote for Socialist Jasper Mc- Sunday is to bring: sioner Joseph M. Tone Is to address the oldest Colonial homes in Man- Rowe, rhb; Koiris, fb. HartfonI card and the action will begin at service certificates. In return for 1:45b arm New s and Market Review Program tor Saturday, October 27, Northwestern and unbeaten Minne- toe gate receipts to manage toe along with Grimm, eleo gava toe rspresentatlves, many World War receiving $50 were reduced to $6 per "Housing conditions among the Levy aa Governor? W E A F -N B C — 7 p. m., Gugliemo toe local textile workers on toe is- chester. . This exclusive reproduc- Kelley, le; Conway, It; Zavallch, Ig 8:30. ond place and Anderson, Carpenter their valiant services. 2:15— Songfellows Quartet. 1934, e. s. t. sota mokes Its first conference start Senators and play a few inninss a (terdlnale some cosh. veterans among them, supported It. month, in many cases. negro population, both in the city Business men, lawy a, million- Marconi from Rome reopening sues of the campaign. tion Is hand sketched In pen and ink day. Dawidowicz, 0; Thompson, rg and Donahue of Manchester finished Commander Neal Cheney of And- and In the country a -e traditionally 2:30— Oriental Gardens Orchestra. P. M. againet Iowa. On the south aide, where toe It was at this time that the “Bonus The vicious cuts in the (wnslons Aires, professors and crooks have short wave station I2RO (also Another rally is planned for and hand colled. Shade and lamp Bockus, rt; Crisr, re; Pratson, qb; In a three-way tie for third place. erson-.Shea post. V. F. W . points out low." 2:46— Football: Iowa University vs. 1:C)0— G e o r g e H a l l ' s O r c h e s t r a . Ruth, according to the reports, White Sox hold forti*, there were Army" nutde a pilgrimage to Wash- and allowances of the Spanlsh- had a chance to ;un the country. WABC-CBS); 8, E d d ie C a n t o r ; 10, Pulaski hall on Village ktreet for together present a combination that -,4?J*?S.'''***** tangles Smlaleh, Ihb; Trial, rhb; Sador. to. Gaskins of Hartford was sixth and that Immediate payment of the In addition to the Alabama proj- Minnesota (Iowa City). 1:30— Elsther Veles Ensemble. countered with a demand for $30,- rumblings of a big sbakeup, in In^n, a gatheiing of World War Amerlcan War veterans were es- All have failed! Will you elect them Edmund Lowe and Victor Mc- Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock at is both beautiful and eervtceable. vrttb Wisconsin, Marquette takes on The offlotaU wiU be Herb Wright, COOD W RESIUNG CARD Bob Murch of Monehetter was bonus would give Manchester vet- ect, he said, allocations of Federal 5:30— Neapolitan Serenaders. 2:00— Dan Russo's Orchestra. 000, without a cut in the gate re- which 8260,000 w as id to be at vmrans from many states and who pecially severe, due to the fact that again or will you elect Jasper Mc- L,aglen. which the officers of toe local tex- And It Is avallabla only at Watklna Temple from the east and Nebraska referee; Bari Wright, umpire, J Bsvento. The rest of the field come in erans 8225,000 and help them to ad- funds have been approved for negro 5:45— Barbary Coast Orchestra. 2:30— Round Townera. ceipts, and Orifflth was said to have the disposal of M anager Jimmy SApsarsd at the Capitol and sought the majority of the recipients of the Levy who has shown he favors the W A B C -C B S — 3p. ra„ N ew York tile union are toe sponsora. The Brothers. and Iowa State claah In the game Moake, bead linesman. os follows: Brunettt, H, Sto; Burak, just themselves. "The payment of homesteads at uayton, O., in Ar- 8 :0 0 -O’Leary’s Iriah Minstrels 3:00— CUiansonette. ' promised to consider the proposal. Dykes for rebuilding tbe club. Har- the support of tbe Representatives aid were men long past middle life common folks? Philharmonic: 6, G e o r g e G ersh w in speakers will Include toe two Ver- Tim lamp stand was sketched which may decide the Big Six IS ARRANGED BY ARENA H, 9to; Aisllo. H, lOto; FarinoUa, H, tbe adjusted service certificates or k nsas and the Virgin Islands. Oth- direction Joe O'Leary. 3:30— Captl valors. crown, ry Qrablner, vice-preeident of toe «t tbsir respective states for the bill. and unfit. In many cases, to enter Capitalists have taught you to music; 9:30, W ill Ro era; 11, U ttle non candidates for Representative from Mr. Nutting’s book by Herbert Harris haa retained his friendship 11th; Rolfs, H, I2to; OUver, H, ISto; so-called ‘bonus' at this time.” er proposals. Including two In Vir- 6:15— Republican Campaign — Mrs. 4:00— Ann Leaf at toe Organ. Sox, tnaisted once more, however, Ths MU was passed on June 16, 1632 Into the trades or engage In manual fear Socialism. Are you afraid of Jack Little orchestra. , on the Democratic ticket, William Swanson, advsrUslttg mansgar of ' In the South with Griffith since toe days when he Carter, H, 14to; Coburn, M, 18tb. Commander Cheney said, "will ginia. and one each in Pennsylvania. Hannah Connors. 4:30— Allen Leafer’s Orchestra. Rudy Dnuk Hail, WlUle Davla that toe rebuilding would be done by a vote of 209 to 176. The bill labor In competition with younger having your ^axes reduced? If you W J Z -N B C — 7 p. m.. Jack Denny; J. Dunlap and James M. Dtek. It Watklna, toe lamp being created A l ^ m a vs. Georgia, Tulane vs. became the first "boy manager” of Ctoburn got a stitch in his side lata mean the distribution of approxi- , Mississippi. South Caroli- 6:30— Press-Radio News. 5:00— Little Jack Little’s Orches- erxind A l Slmmone, rather than want to ths Senate where it was men. Then, too, jobs were then, are unemployed, are you afraid to 7:30, Joe Penner; 8, G e rald in e F a r - Is also planned to have Dr. Edwin from this eketeb. The shade Is the Georgia Tech; Vanderbilt vs. Louls- the club ia 1934 and steered It to in Fflsture Attraction Next tn the race which accounted for hla mately 82,200,000.000 throughout na. New Jersey. No-th Carolina; 6:35— Time, weather. tra. OLYMPICS TO PLAY ualng him for trad'ng material dsdsivsly defeated on the following now, at a premium. These veterans go back to work ? Is there any sen- rar. R. DImock of Mansfield, candidate work of a Mlnneai^Ua woman artist Kentucky vs. Auburn two auecesslve pennanU and one Tuesday Night. placing last. the United States. This money will MarylaTid and California are under 6:45— Sports Review— BIU Williams 5:30— Jack Arm strong — A ll Am er- has been perststeatly renorted. day, 68 to 18. were facing a blank wall of doubt sible reason why you should fear for re-election as State Senator; from photographs submitted by and Mississippi vs. Sewonee gives world champioasbip. go into every city and town where study. They will cost a total of 7:00— Frank A. Goodwin, Independ- ican Boy. Peckenham of Manchester captur- BUI Oppoasd and Indecision as to their future the man who sides with the down- Michael H. Roberts of Stafford, Watkins. A well known New York toe Soutoeoatern Conference an all Griffith’s problem today wag to veterans reside. about one million. ent candidate for Governor of 6:45— Treasure Adventures of Don- ed the race between tbe second The opponents of the bill had the which continued until the Congress, trodden workers. candidate for sheriff; and John M . Arm In toll field has expraaaed ita star program. North Carolina and engineer some itartllng deal that NEW BRITAIN HERE New Haven, Oct. 27.—Rudv Du- VETER.4NS INDOOR "Manchester sent to the World Massachusetts. ald Ayer. teams in thirteen minutes, fifty sec- support of the president, who issued late In June, passed the Independent If you believe we should destroy IlL-FATED QUEST Dowa, of Killlngly, candidate for liking for the design and the lamp would placate oil capital baseball eek, Omaha wlldeat, will clash with BASEBALL LEAGUE W ar 1242 men and women and of 7:15— Radio Nature League - 6:00— Carlotta Grimm, pianist. North Carolina Stote, VlrglnU Mlll- onds, WlU Vittner, his teammate, ca March 29 a public statement de- Offices bill, restoring In part to wheat and bury pigs, if you believe Congress. may be added to ita line and sold fans for the sudden sale of the popu- "Wee” Willie Davis, surly South- this number approximately 450 men Thornton W . Burgess. • 6:15— Hartford Better Business tary and Virginia and VlrglnU Poly second. Seeor of Hairtford was third claring that the proposed payment them, tbe pensions so ruthlessly milk should sell for 14 cents a Bed Croae Drive all over the countty. lar young manager and star short- erner, la the beat two out of three Sehedule—First Halt and women will receive about $600 7:30— "Aa I See It," Dick Grant, Bureau. OFHAPS6URGSTOU) A Lee, meet In the Local Booters Oppose Work- and tbe rest of toe field finished ee would undermine Federal credit and taken away. quart during a depression and that Tbe College Club of Rockville, a Watkins Brhtoera endeavour toof- stopper, Joe Cronin. Cronin sold to falls main event on Promoter Char- Date Teem Time each or $226,000 as their final pay- 7:45— Feature— Ernest Beaufort. 6:20— Mlscba Raginsky’s Ehiaemble. aoutoern loop. whUe Maryland and follows: Letourneeu, H, 4tb; Fite- undo sfforts to balance tba budget. Penatons Restored hamber of children, and grown-ups should recently formed cgonlsatlon com- toe Boston Red Sox yesterday for ley Qrip’e all-action wrestling co^ OcL 81— V. F. W . ve. A. A N . 7:80 ment of the money due them. Re- 8:00— A rt In America— "American 6:30— Football Reporter, Eddie fer the public fine merchandise of IGorida and Duke and Tenessee play garald, M. 6th; A. Pratt. M , 6to; A ll w as not lost, however, for a drink canned milk, if you want to posed of women college graduates, originality and quality Is not con- at toe Arena next Tuesday night, Oct. 31— Co. K. Vi. A. L. 8:30 After the Economy bill was re- ceipt of this money by Manchester Sculpture Since toe Civil W ar"; Dooley. Interconference games. ^ an amount estimated variously at ers Eleven b Radio Gap O’Brien, H. 7th; Wogman, M, 8th; BMBaurs to rsduos ths rata of Inter- sea ths stmts and national deficit will, have charge of toe Red Cross fined to this item olqne. It is men- October 30. Davis, In bis lost ap- pealed In part, or in affect the ap- veterans wlU help a great deal dur- ommerce Cecil Seecrest and Julian Noa, 6:45— Beauty Program. Tragic End of Grand Duke Rice and Texas and Baylor and between $135,000 and $350,000 new DeardCn, M, 6th; A . Coburn, M , est charged ^ tbs government upon C mount higher, if you bsllevs ths drive In this community with a pearance here three weeks ago, was Nov."7— V. F. W . vs. A . L. propriation for tha Independent of- ing these trying times." 6:55— Press-Radio News. / Maximilian of Austria Sub- tioned only to Illustrate that the Texu A A M, battle it out In toe top price for an athlete— ^was im- 7:80 vstarans loans on their adjusted A A A should pay mllUonairM to speakers. hope of enrolling 1.300 members toe cause of a near-riot. 10th: ScuUy, H. llt o ; RutstSIn, H. fices was Increased to provide for 7:00— Soconyland Sketches. ) local store la always on the lookout Southwest conference. Utah. Rockv mensely popular with diamond fol- Leagne Tomorrow. Nov. 7— A. A N. vs. Ck). K 7:80 Bsrvlcs esrtlflcatsa to H per cent, 8:20— Grace Hayes. ject of Biography. which Is the quota fixed by the na- Tom Alley, fresh from a Euro- 12th; Morgensen, H, ISth; Cteniao, ’ 8 restoration as todged fair, tbe Span- ACTIVITIES leave their land lie idle, If you be- 7:30— Whispering Jack and hla Or- for new ideas that can be utilised lowers here In hie American League f » m 4 H par osnt, and to permit Uave campaign promises should not 8:30—ERA Band—W. L. Ives, lead- tional headquarters. MounWn Pacific Coast confeiwce pean jaunt that eorried him some H, 14th; Brown, M. 15tt: R. Pratt, Ish-Amsrlcan W ar veterans wars chestra. auccessfuUy In Its business. W at' pennant winning season two years Nov. 14— V. F. W . vs. Co. K 7:80 Fststana to borrow upon thsu- car. ENTERTAINS PUYM ATES be fulfilled, if you want “bigger and er. The members of the College Club go out of its territory to meet Ore- 40,000 mites, will face '.Ittle Beaver, M, 16th; Nevert, H. 17to: Trotter, given certain adjusted restorations 7:45— "The Law yer and toe Pub- kins have continually aho'wn better ago. He held the fans during toe last Tomorrow afternoon the Olym Nov. 14— A. A N. vs. A. L. 8:30 Wlnatss without waiting for two "REVOLUTION FAVORED BY bettor" taxes. If you believe in ap- 6:00— Radio CSty Party. One toe strangest and least- will serve as captains under tbe gon of the Coast conference, while ths bad Indian from Medicine Hat, M. 18th. on their pensions. For example, a Uc.” designs and better built furniture pica will play New Britain W orkers years from the time of issue, aa bad COUNCIL” . . . Local readers of an pointing labor-oppreasora such aa 9:30— National Barn Dance. known fla r e s in 19th century his- leadership of Mrs. I-ebbeus F. Bls- the Pacific slope teams put on a campaign, even with hie Injury In the 46-mlnute semi-final event. veteran receiving 860 per month ON TENTH BIRTHDAY 8:00— The Roxy Revue. and the current sale brings the pub- In toe Radio Cup League here in Nov. 21— Co. K VS. A. L. 7:30 bssn previously required, wa|^ out-of-town paper must have been General Johnson and Clay Williams 10:30— World In Review— Harland sell and numerous workers will 1M three ring circus featuring Stanford stricken seventh place club. Alley only tola week disposed of previous to the enactment of the 8:45— Fats W aller's Rhythm <31ub. tory is Maximilian, toe HapaUUrg lic merchandise that haa been creat- Manchester. Due to a possible Nov. 21—V. F. W. vs. A. A N . 8:80 puzzled, possibly shocked, when to head the N R A , if you want more F. Manchester. selected by' each captain. Indlca- vs. Southern California. CoUfornU Not only did tbe Cronin trade re- Henry Piers, strong Hollander, with PAWNEES PSACnCE Economy bill was cut 25 per cent, jirand duke who put In a couple of ed or built exclusively for thla birth- change in playing grounds the game "Bomis Arm y" that headline appeared In Its 10:45— “Incidents of Liberty at 9:00— Grete Stueckgold sind Andre tlbns are thkt toe quota 'wUl be . Washington and Waahlngton move from the Senators one of the a new type of arm lock which be leaving him nith a 845 monthly pen- Bfirbara Keenoy Gives Party bureaucracy and blg-aalaried com- day celebration. will be played at Charter Oak or Dec. 5— A. A N . ' re. Co. K 7:80 columns this week but If they read Vergennea,” Gov. Stanley C. Wil- Kostelanetz. years aa emperor of Mexico anil reached this year as It was the past State vs. Oregon State. best infleldera tn the business, but it has perf^ed. - The Pawnees WUl prac tote Varying smoUooa among kteal sien; these receiving 860 were given missioners. If you believe Roosevelt This aplrltnt progtaeslvaBeis kaa Mt.Nebo.^Klek-off a4.3;$6 p.kk — - Dec; 5 -V . F , W . rt, A. L. 8:80 for 30 Youitf Friends at further they dlacover*S that "revolu- son of Vermont. 9:30—Richard HImber and 8tude> wound up'In front of E Mexican Br- year whan tos churches had charge afternoon at 8i86 cn w iuii entanns were stirred when only July 887A0; those whose pension former- should surround himself with mil- been in evidence during the ontlro , nlfht'f fMiilto were mark The Workers are not a new team to toe Um i limit ermte, Tiny Home on North Elm St. tion" was a typographical error for 11:00—Time, weather. baker Ctoaroplons. ing squad. o f the drive. ■lao took away a battUaa young Ruff tackles Hike Romano and and tomoii'uw morning at 9:89-at-°= 88 PrMldsnt Hoover ordered a mixed ly was 826 got 818.76. These resora- lionaire advisers, mahogany-slesk history of Watkins Brothers and Is by Duquensa'g derisive 30 to fl con- In the League but have been inac' Dec. 12— A. A N , vii. A. I t:80 “revaluation,'' which puts quite a 11:15— St. Moritz Hotel Orchestra. 10:00— Sweet and Lovely — Andrew I f you'd like to find out more Tbe drive will start Armistice manager with a bog of atrategams Tony Colesono tangles with Pat toe Golf Lota. Every man te asked (ores of U. 8. Regulars under oom- Uons served to soothe the enraged economists and half-baked profes- one of the main reaaons why tha quest of Detroit; Creighton’s 13-7 Uve for two seasons. In tosir last Dee 12— V. F. W . vs. Co 8:30 Barbara, daughter of Mr. and different face on the matter. 11:30— St. Regia Hotel Orchestra. Jacobsen's Orchestra. Day, will continue for one week and and an inspirational laaderabip. to report tola afternoon end also to- BMDd of General Perry L. Miles to feelings of the veterans of '98 In a sors, and If you think wealthy man- about him, you'll find Bertita Hard- company has gained a nationsJ repu. •etback of Oklaboma A A M, defend- season they defeated the Olympics Newman. The action starts at 8:30. Mrs. Howard Keeney, of 68 North 12:00— Weylln Hotel Orchestra. 10:30— Saturday Revue. ’ 1 Include all small towns adja- Although OrUnths says he plans summarily evict the "w n u s Arm y* great measure. ufacturers should be allowed to ing's "Phantom Crown" an excellent tation In the furniture mercbandls- ing title bolder In tbe Missouri Val- 2 to 1 at New Britain after a cloaa D m;. 19—V. F. W . vs. A. A N. 7:80 morrow morning In preparation for Elm street, was 10 years old yester- Far from being a group of "Reds' 12:30 a. m.— Hotel Plaza Orchestra. 11:00— Casa Lom a Orchestra. cent to Rockville. The total popu- to use Linford Lary, obtained la the from Washington. These veterans One class of veteran, those who rake In millions In profits while you source. Ing^fleld. ley conference: Washington Uhl- game, and tomorrow tho Olymplea Bon Diego, Collf.— Johnny Mar- Dae. 19— Co. K TS. A. L. 8:80 Bundaya game. These two pneuee da> and m recognition of the event with radical viewpoints, the local 11:30— Benjamin Franklin from Los lation In tbe Rockville area la 16,- deal from tha Ited Sox aa a regular, bad gathered at the Capitol from were not veterans df tbe Spanlsh- are forced to do the work of two or This biography of the unfortunatq The 60th anniversary salt varsity’s 30 to 0 victory over Draks ■ra out to wipe that victory dg tha Unoa, 146, Ban Bernardino, . out- saaalona are Important as Oeaeh Mrs. Keeoev entertained a party of Citizens' Council, which was created Snnday, October 28, 1984 Angeles. 000, according to atate hsadquar- many booeball experts here believe an parts of the cotmtry to urge the Amerlcan W ar of 1898, but who en- three men— then by all means vote grand duke reviews toe whole stor been conducted through tba month »nd Ooorgo ■late. A good gam e te assured all pointed Sonuny O’Dell, 148, Akron. Dae. 30— V. F. W . v«. A .C T;80 Dwyer has some ehangea to make in about 80 boys and girls in the aft- recently by the Chamber of Com- 8:00 a. m.— Tone Pictures. tera of the Red Cross. tbe ahortetop will ha ssnt alsawbere passage of tha bonus bill. listed and did not go to the Pblllp- Democratic and forever hold your cf Europe's one real effort to crack'^ of October and four more daya only W^ashlngtoa’i n w ro w six to tiro soccer fans who wish to attsnd tha On (10). Dec. 30— A . A N . ve. Co. K 8:80 toe llaeup. ernoon. The decorations, favors merce, constats of the outstanding 8:30— Time, weather. Sunday, October 28, 1984 Rain Handicaps Work or tossed la on another trade. After Congress adjourned, about plnes for the Philippine Insurrec- peace. toe Monroe Doctrine. remain of thU priee-slaslilng event triumph over W ake Forest. game. and games were all appropriate to citizens of Manchester and Is 8:45—Dual Organ—Lew Write. 10:00 a. m.— Church of toe Air, The heavy downpour of rain yet' 4,000 veterans and members of their tion and Boxer Rebellion In 1 8 9 ^1 , If you honestly believe the Con- It took place during toe Qvll aa It closes next Wednesday. Brigham Young rolled up a 46-o Ths slgalag of the glamorous Hallowe'en, as well os the eats. dedicated to assist the t o ^ govern- 9:00— "Coaat-to-Coast on a Bus". 10:80— Press-Radio Newa. terday afternoon about 2 o'clock CamlUss remained In Washington. were removed from the rolls. In necticut State Manufacturers Asso- 'A'ar. Napoleon H I, U|p reckleae em- nauest over W M t m 8tn< Baba Ruth to manage tha Natloaals Mrs. Keeney was assisted in her ment in all efforts of benefit to the 10:00— Soutoernaires. 10:35— Patterns In Harmony. proved a aerioua handicap to the la Part of the group bad taken posses- this case, however, only a compara- ciation and big business men should Rocky Mountain Conference. would bt waloomad la many quar- plana by her sister-ln-lsw, Mrs. El- townspeople and the community. 10:30— Music and American Youth 10:45— Between the Bookends. peror of France, decided to taka w ork beUig done by '-be F S R A WOMEVS GOLF FINAUl sion of vacant buildings on Pennsyl- tively smaller number of men were run the country. If you want your ters. Jt is kaowB Ruth would Uke ton Johnson, and cousin. Miss Ethel —300 boys and girls. 11:00— Service from toe First Uni- Mexico under hla wing aa a protoc- workers who ware laylag concrete vania Avenue, ready for demoUtion affected. wages cut. If you would like to have to maaaga bars, but wbathar Ortf' Johnson, also Miss Arllne Holmes. The Cltlzena' Council met early tarian Meeting House. turate. Using some d^aulted bonds PUNS TO BRING SHAU Los Angeles, Oct 37 — (A P ) > - by tbs government and they were the W all street "w es" swindle 11:0-—Press-Radio News. about toe fountain In Central Park. fltbs wants him or Is wUling to meet Widows of Spanlsh-Amerlcan War The children had a grand tbia week and voted to ask the 12:00— Italian Melodies. .os a pretext (ah. there, H aiti!) he ordered to leave. Some of them re- you again. If you think men and 11:06— Morning Muticale— Gordon It was necessary to cover the foun- ths Ukely itift etipend tha Babe Finals of toe S3nd Women's West, veterans averaging 830 per month in time as there was'no school yester- Board of Selectmen and Board of 12:30 p. m.— Tito Gulzar'a Midday .uided marines and foreign le^on- Last Night*$ fights slgtsd eviction by the DUtrict po- women should work harder and String Quartet. tain with canvas and make a tem STERLING P U N T HERE probably would deure, is another era cbampiopsbip, finds two Call' pensions were cut to 816 by the act day on account of the’ Teachers' Assessors to take Immediate action Serenade. aalres and ' eoon had the situation forala go] lios. In ths riot which followed, sweat still more. If you think taxes 11:30— Radio Nimble W its— Everett porary tent-Ilke outfit about toe question. lifers mmatebinf atebinf ihete to and after the bill was reconsidered convention. Barbara received a to start reassessment'of property in 12:45— Polish P ro g ro u L -, V ell In hand. work. Br ASSORTED PRBM artn the fourth majorajor title to go te July 38 at mid-day, one veteran was are too low and electricity too SnUto. Stanley (Bucky) Harris, on toe they were given an additional 87.50 wonderful array of dainty gifts. Manchester. It wha felt that the 1:00— Ctourcb o f the Air,. L. J. Miller of Sterling, who wltlj Chicago—Tony Cancela, 190U. tos Golden State tote season. Tbe FOOTBALL! 11:45— Phantom Strings. Maximilian, brother of Auatria’e Fire Cklefs to Meet shot to death by police and several per month, a total of 822.60 in most cheap, if you want an everlasting loose BOW after the Cronin deql, is matter of revaluation is of utmost depression (or revolution), if you 12:00— "The Ailing Houee’’— Roger 1:30— Alfred Kettledon and A l Franz Josef, let himself be Install- Fire chiefs from all parts of Con- Cfilnton Flke of this place on Thurs- favorite was Mrs. U D. Cbenay of o Omt votsraDs and poUce were cases. fin, 180?4, Columbus, G a , ( 8); BBother Griffith may consider. OrU' important and merits Immediate at- want toe value of your property to B. Whitman. White. ed as puppet emperor, and for a necticut will come *'» Rockville tot day was high bidder for ths Lyim Ban Oabrlel, sevaa tlmeo state nenaded. V. F. W. Favosa Paynent ToMem. 146. IW llei^ to., flth thinks highly of Harris whom JUNIOR QUEST a U B tention. sink to nothing. If you believe we 12:14 p. m.— Time, .weather. 1:45— Louise Kuchta, pianist. while everything went well. Then the quarter session Of tha Flra Leather Company’s stock and equip- champion. Her opponent te Mtea Ths trooM were ordered out at 8 The entire range of veteran legls- kaoeked out F rits Zlvto, 14041 ha let out in 1938, four years after to m. and drove all ths veterans can reach prosperity b> Increasing 12:80— Radio City Symphony Or- 2:00— Lazy Dan the Minstrel Man. ihe Civil W a r ended, and Secretary Chiefs' Club of Connecticut. Meet- ment, la constdartog 'oombiniag a Dorothy Traung, toe 80 year eld Sunday at Hickey*s Grove atlon has been packed with animosi- MtUburgh (8);FradAMER1CANS asking that steps be taken toward never complain about the depree- 2:00— Anthony Frome. toe Post Flower — Reverend (Jharlea E. general inspection o f the flra sto- Court which Is axpaetad to act oa tote eeason arera won by OUn Dutra, 1 tbe Pleeldent of having used Vetoran AssoclaUon for their ac- Trench troops weren’t removed from of Newly Formed North creating new sourcea of revenue, Prince; Al'wyn Bach, narrator. Coughlin. tlons and apparatus. A t tha bus!- tha hid oa Novambar 3. national open champloB aad Law------Ity. The Adalnlstra- Uvltlas subjugaUng ths Interests of alon. Mexico Inatuter Zl^. 156. Pittebui^ drew, (|). Methodist Chnreh Group. money thus obtained to be accredit- If you believe In shorter houra 3:18— Bob Becker Dog Storiea. 5:00— Open House— Freddy M ar- ness meeting tbe principal spacer eon Little national ai Brltteh Y8. : to prove that ths sttua- ths veterans to restrictive govern- Napoleon took the bint and got Mr. MUIer is angagad la ths maau- NEW HOCKEY RULE ed to cities and towns of tbe state and higher wages, if you want a 2:80— Radio Theater— 'T h e Barker" tin’s Orchestra. will be Robert T. Hurley, formerly 1J3H, amateur champlop. dm b^ gott oat of ths hands of the mental powers. During the entire h:s men out. Maximilian, being noth- facturing of spseialUao awstly for idaiphla, kneckad out Junior Quest club members held to relieve the existing burden of tax- steady job with a minimum of 3:30— National Vespers— "On Seem- 5:30—Julia Sanderson and Frank bead of the Connecticut State Po- Eddie kenl nollee and that ths veterans program of active veteran legisla- ing of a quitter, etayed. He was no tba autoBMbUa trada. Ha i»im)t to Itea. 14lH14iH, , 1Potead, _____ (6). Toronto, Got IT— (AP) — Frank their second meeting at the North ation on real estate; dlscueston of "botung," If you want to see prop- ing os Christian aa We Are,” Dr. CrumlL lice. MHiMjtte^ooetrM of a strong and tion the battle in Washington has dlsmaatla tba SterUag plaat aad tba HoUyemod—Fred Leahart ITTH. Colder, NaUoiMl Hockey League Methodist church Wednesday night, the advisability of a town store; erty taxes reduced and high paid H arry Emerson Foodlck. 6:00— Music by Gershwin. toental giant, but he actually teems ChbaiBg Bells AOE BAILBt A GOUER, RAMOERS ot Hartford been carried on, first for the Imme- firm wUl eooduet both luias ot ia d u s ' preeident has cleared up a few de- under the direction of the pastor. and tbe setting up of a Board of commissioners eliminated, if you 4:00—Southern Reveries. 6:30— Smiling Ed McCkinnelL Ic have been fired with the desire A programam willw t U ha ^ 1played on the ’ ‘ toPP** Bob Oodwte, Mham D. Olaseford. dlaU payment of the bonus, and try la Manehaatar. 178. O aorgla, ( 7 ) . tails about tha new penalty shot Rev. C. Homer OInns. The follow- Finance and Cratrol for the town. want big business monopolies shat- 4:16— Temple of Song — Rossinrs 6:45— Voice of Experience. ‘,c do eomething tor ' Meklcaw' chiming bells la tiie tower ot the Gait Ont.. Oct 8T-^(AP) — Aea ! of tbe District ptAos, further later for tbs repeal of the vicious Plsaio Beach, Calif.— Youag Tom- rule. It will be awarded only arben Ing officen were elected: President, tered, if you believe .n old age and “Stabat-Mater’*. 7:00— California Melodies. But with Frrtch eupport gone, h!z Union Congregational church Sun- BaUey, whose eerious Injury teat ad the veterans of the ooun. Economy Act, by tha Vetorans of my. 119. PhiUppiaes, kaoeked out tha offending player is tba test one Thomas Davis; vice-president, The Chamber received a moat un- unemployment insurance. If you fa- 4:30— "The Land of Beginning 7:16—Anson T. McCook. G. O. P. case waa hopeless. H is wife, Cai l .t- lay. Tbe present program calto for It ia aapaetod that 185,000,000 winter ended hie hockey career, oan Came Called 2:30 P. M. ntnting that he did not de- Foreign Wars and the Disabled ' r F bm Patteraoo, 119. Bagalo, between the puck earner aad the Edith Dewart; treasurer. Elliott uaual raqueat thla week, unuaual in vor organisation of toe workers, if A gain ". ■ Nominee for 1st District tc, fled to Europe to drum up he.p: the playing of the Oonelegy at 9 addltieaa will be auda to world bold hte own with tbo poek nbiaasa help and that he American Veterans of tbs World , (1); Mickey iSmto, 114, goaUe. be painted out The player Brown; secretary, DoroUiy Mc- that it came from fhr off Lianingrad you ever want to get out of toe 6:0(P-Roaet and Drums— 'Traveling 7:30— Buddy Rogers, Jeanne Lang f.-Uling, she went mad. H a himself 3’clock and from 10 to 10:15 o'clock at golf. He draw n n iMQdHWlB I AOMISUON: n d M the situation W ar. NaUonal leaders of these two popuIatiOD flguTM within the next Boaten. outpolated Speedy Urate, who tripe, holds, or otherwiao vio- Neill. Trustees: Deborah Sloan, in Soviet Ruaeiu. It waa a requeat rut. If you believe McLevy ia not an Show". and Three Raacala. 'waa depoeed and executed. church hymns will be played. when toe Toronto Maptoiu25 y District efnoars without orgaaixatloos have worked for the 10 yaara, with Burope oontrtbut- 113, Manila, (6); Max Abdiara, 133, lates the rules in that case, also will MEN. 30 eents. Robert Brown, Jane Taylor; ushers, for coplaa o f tha little booklet "Come ogre, and If you want a prosperity 6:30— Radio Ehcpiorers Program . 8:00— Ford Sirmphony Orchestra — This book is a good one. doing full Distribute Meat to Needy played a group of prefoatfonal gotfi BreeldiBt Hhovar per- past thras years r - -porting tha res- ing 30,000,000, Asia 140,000,000 aad San Lula Obispo, stopped Jack draw the usual two minute minor Arthur Holmes. Enuna Wilson. Fol to Maacheater," which la diatribut- 5:43— Dog Drama—Albert Payaon Victor Kolar. Conductor. justice to the romantic and tragic A dUtributlon of roast beef to the era toe other day and ted tbe bo ^ay Ithsaet^^^ nlutioos voted tn these vsUtsn N a- dependent only on . toe w e a th e r- America 35J)00,000. Brady, 136, Chicago (6), penalty. lowing ths bntmeay ga ad by tha Chamber, and waa made then vote SO CIA LIST . Terhune. 9:00— Alexander WooUcott, Robert .apects of the tale. Published by pteyera, winning n golf bag. • •e n Uenal CoavnUcaa, and with iaitf- nlarrd. an n goTtnunant peiat cnnl that ra- "AROO," 6:00— TUna, BUBthtr. Armbrusfar^ Ordmotra. Bobba-MerrUl. It aeUa Qor 88,50. I MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN. SATURDAY. OCTOBER 27.1984, Mom’ Toonerville Folks By Fontaine Fox OUR BOARDING HOUSE By Gene Ahern

SENSE and NONSENSE M oTHCR s h o u l d n e v e r h a v e l e t DAO LIfTE N IN TO TH A T ^ PARTICULAR FOOTBALL CAM E OVER TH E CAR RAPIO But can you. off-hand, nhme any- fatnhny. . . . Of two evile, paea i body ben«fltted by. 80-mllaa-an-hour the first and then forget the eecon HOWS COME thanks, KRAUSE • WELL.MA30R, can axcept undertaken? . . . Evety day In every way life '/ didn' t ‘TAKE to beoomea mora complicated. . VES.AN' 1 WOULD I IP NOTH\i4 eVfife, A homely girl begins to enjoy life SWIG AT TOUTICS HAVE GIVEN A LIFB WAff ffDfPLBR BACK IN shout the time a pretty girl ia Bred THIS TALL, M A iO R ? eOVERNORSHVR , • as SUS/ViORT’ GARDEN—FA R M - APARTMENTS—FLATS— . BUSINESS LOCATIONS WANTED— ■tTMt, wondering where my neort atoopad 'awtttly and Uaaed hla hand. THB CkJOD OLD DAYS WHKN of iL . . . DctecUvee like detective TO v iD AT LXtofin lost and found WANTED autos— meal would come from. I tares A montant later he was In tha WE HAD HOUSES, WITH Sl>ARE TM' GANG IN TH'c LUB CONSIDERATION / TENEMENTS «3 FOR RENT 64 REAL ESTATE 77 ROOMS INSTEAD OF AUTOMOr stories because in them the criminal BE USEBTO MOTORCYCLES 12 DAIRY PRODUCTS 53 FOR RENT— LARGE OVFICR thinking of suicide — thinking of hallway, w ith. tha aound of the is always brought'to Juetiee. . . ^ _ .^ M A .N ’8 WALTHAM wmtch. WANTED—WILL PAY cash for eveiythlng horrible. And then Es- closing door and the cUckiiig spring tmjeB WITH SPARE TIRES. WERE TALKIN'. SOhtoE SOU KNOW, I WAS WANTED —LATE MODEL light FOR SALE —SELECTED native TO RENT—8 ROOM upstairs Bat room, second floor front, PuroeiJ Good times are a period when noth- WEARIN' A «a Wickham Hill, weat of bridge. on Cooper street steam beat all several acres of land on good road ther wrae waiking along beside me lock ringing in hla ears. ing needs the support ot oratory. TIM E AGO. OP U6HT1N ONCE A JUSTICE OT R. K. Ahorn, M4 Tolland Turnpike. redan, coach or coupe. Cash for Green Mountain pjtatoea foi win- block, 829 Main street, reasonable before I knew what had happened. Friend—It'e not the coet of the ■PLUG HAT/ ter use, 65c bushel. Chas E. Thresh- improvements. One minute walk rate on lease: Inquire Gm . B. Keltb, within 3 miles of to m .’ In reply Sidney Griff strode swiftly down . . . Soma sgga took aa if they bad TR' TORCH TOR 'fOU. THE PEACE^BUT Buekland. your car 11 you want to sell. State stats location and price. Address She held my elbow in her band end car that worries the owner, but the been laid by heru without much ex- make, year, murage, price. Write er, BuckJand Tel. 6046. from West Center street Apply at Keith Furniture Co. the corridor to the elevator, paused Upkeep. AS ASSEMBiyMAN/ Glenney'e Store 789 Main street. Herald, Box N. smiled et me Just ee friendly ee in the lobby and found a public tel- perienoe. . . . Poata are bom, not THAT WAS A CASE r. O. Box 305, Station A, Manches- though she’d knowm me ell my life, ephone. He dropped a coin and Man—And eometimea the turn-;^ paid. . . . The fellow to whom ♦“BUT. 1 HE,Lt> OUT' OP A SMALL CHAIR AUlt)MUUlLE8 ter. HOUSEHOLD GIMIUS 5) FOR RENT—FOUR ROOM tene- HOUSES FUR KENT 6.H end said, T ou look like you’re pret- called the number of a detective over. '«»• harp music is ,i,n^ pm is an artistic 3 slightly used 9x12 Oriental garage, hot air heat, rent $30 mysteriously killed he entploys SID- "Because I didn’t want to have curb. A man opened the door and HIC dato for U. 8. Senate from New Evening: Herald failure. No matter how bcautltul Sarouk desl^ rugs $65.00 each; FOR RENT—FIVE ROOM flat, also month. Robert J. Smith, Inc., 963 NEY ORIFI'’, famous criminologlBt. the story come out In the news- stepped out to the sidewalk. HIKE York. the materials may be. For this rea- also 2 $35.00 each. Write Box W. six room tenement, with all Im- Main street . to solve the murder. papers." "Griff?” he asked In a low voice, HUG CLASSIFIED son we say, see oui new and differ- HerMd. provements. Inquire at 147 East Morden had been Investigating the "And you’re engaged?” asked FOR RENT—MODERN six room affairs of FRANK B. CATHAY, as Sidney Griff came forward; I understand all the extra money ADVERTISEMENTS ent upholstery samples and have us Center street. Griff. “Yes," Griff told him. "There'S a AMERICAmSM; Being sanitary they (the Democratic national com- do your upholste.'ing the better single house, oil burner heat, 2 car wealthy and prominent, who had to prolong life; taking a drink of garage, 85 Hollister street. Inquire "Yes,” she said. young woman in that apartment mittee) nave is going to buy up Count »u wordi lo ft linft. way. WHAT WE tX>—Build new 3 WEARING APPAREL- RENT HUNTING? Tell us what threatened to sue ’^ e Blade because "Who Is the man you are going house. She’s about five feet two, boo^ and proving the car can dd Xnlllftlft. numbftrft and ftbbrftvlftllonft you want. We'll take care of tt tor 923 Main street. Tel. 4171. the newspaper reported Cathay had Herbert Hoover’s book. It would •ftch coum ft* ft ord and compound piece suites and oild chairs Re-up- FURS 57 to many, Alice?" he asked in a blond, about 24 years of age, with eighty. make more votes for the Democrats holstcr mi*th-eaten suites and the you without charge. R. 1. McCann. been arrested, ’the man arrested kind, fatherly tone. a trim figure. She weighs around VQpdft fti two W'jidt* Minimum coit tft FOR SALE—TWO BLUE corduroy 69 Center street Dial 7700. was an Impostor giving the name of •ban mine. prtCi of three iinee. faded upholstery. Rewebb sofa and "A man back in my home town." 105 pounds. She'll be coming out The old-feehloned woman who —Secretary of Interior HaroM Ickes Line rule* peT tlar for irftnftUnt chair bottoms. Renil spring cusn- sheep lined coats for men. Price Cathay and aceompanled by a girl she said. "He thinks that I’ve made of the apartment house pretty uaed to boast about bow many ftdft. $3.98 each HIgnland Park store. FREE BENT FOR remainder 'if caUed MARY BRIGGS. glasaes of Jelly she could get out KfTrptIve Miireli IT, IWT lons. Renovate mattresses and box month, modem four room tene- good here in the city as an actress, quick. I think perhaps a man will It was a nightmare we shall never Cash Chftrgft springs. One day service Phone DEMOCRATS HOLD Soon after Morden Is found dead but that I’m giving up my career come for her. I want her shadowed. of a gallon of blackberries, has a • ConeecuHve t>ftya 7 c t t | I ctft LADIES! BEAUTIFUL silk hose. ment, reasonable renL Inquire 148 oomes news that Cathay is dead— daughter who likes to brag about torget. Usnebester UphOistering Cu„ 218 Slightly tn.pertect 5 pairs $1.00, In order to come back and marry It may be that another man will —Lojoe Molnor, etiiklng Hungarian t CooiecuU'vft Ufty* 9 OttI 11 otft Blnsell street, telephone 4980. possibly poisoned. him. TeU me, Vffas it very wrong take up.his position here to keep how many miles she can get out of 1 Da y ...... 11 ctfti tl CU North Elm street, Manchester postpaid, satisfaction guaranteed. MORNING RALLY Morden's fingerprints are found In miner. All brdftri for Irrtculfti InttrUonm Conn. Geo. J. Holmes Decorative FOR RENT—MODERN foul room for me to deceive him like that?” a watch on the apartment house. a gallon of gasoline. S( ()R( HY SMITH 4FlU te charged at ihe one time ffttft, Economy Hosiery Co., Asheboro, the apartment ol a girl named He laughed, patted her cold hand, Don't pay any attention to him. The Search Upholsterer. Busy since 1922. N. C. Qnt, with fireplace. Apply 38 HuPUP ANPCAIUP ViCTIMft AN» ID WHO TM OOUftCO OP -tof MVfltRlMlt PWfON •d charging at the rate earned, but repairing, oil burners serviced. F. UP TO $5000.00 EACH for old coins. ment, with garage, modem im- a case and trying to find out some apai^ent house that might be the WtCAN PMOTNIIOMKf A LInne'l Bls.sell atreet Telephone We pay the world’s highest prices. detective employed by MRS. CA- of the facts. Forgive me for both- party I .described.” It? ■TH0S9 Aim-|IU0WH$ CAS/ ho aiiownhee ot refunde can be made provements. Call at 15 Ashworth THAY, is trying to locate a MRS. It has begun to look as though epMMr amon OAS dP alx time ade aiopped after the 6566. Send dime for large illustrated list. street. Telephone 3022. Meeting Opens. ering you after you’d retired.” The detective looked at hia watch. SECXJND CITIZEN—Yes; It Is 'nw tipiu DOWN ATtlW fifth day Romanocolnshlp, Dept. 1404, BLANCHE MALONE. Alone, Griff ”Oh!” she said, with a qulpk HtUe "Let’s get the time straight,” he Just the kind of country to run a labor la about to swallow tha moMTMl AM-t U No "till Itirbide • dienlay line# not returns to see Alice Lorton and ac- OIMROADS- AU THt Springfield, Mass. FOR RENT—SIX ROOM tenement, exclamation, "you're so nice. You said. "It’s 12:40 now.” detour through. :hurch. covnt t9Hiys«u9M inch •old MOVINt— IKI ( KIN<;— with all moiem Improvements, five cuses her of being Esther Ordway. approve, don’t you?” "Thafa right,” Griff told him. "I —The Bevt John B. Thompson of «WMM9 KOR9 KNOW Tiie Hkiatd win iiui be reapuuaible Warning the voters of Manches- OP T W «WMA9 COUNTWy for more thati uiie incorrect ineertlOB SroKAGE 2ii WANTED TO BUY anything sale- minutes U mills, three to trolley. NOW GO ON WITH THE STORY. "I don’t know,” ho told her, “as have 12:41, but 12:40 is near The doctor never tells the patient Montgomery, N. Y, HIM AND Tilly ftKNCr, •f any a'lverflaement ordered for able in Junk. Wra. Ostrinsky, 91 Inquire 82 Garden street. Telephone ter not to let the Republican candi- It makes any difference whether I enough.” how nearly he missed the cemetery -POAMTHWO- MWHT TVMH hBufe time Clinton street. Telephone 5879. dstes "pull the wool over your “Okay,” the man said, *TU stay until ha presents bis bill for the HK ADVK9 - A MAL The Inadvrttent uii.isetun ot iticor* PERRETT a OLENNEY INC. local 6723. approve or not.” OP- pact pubUcailop ot advertlaing will be eyes" with such stock phrases as CHAPTER XXI. ‘ But you understand, anyway.” on the job and make reports. After calls. liADfR- and long distance moving Daily ’’rugged indlvld-ollsm" and "re- lapper anny reotifle only by canrella'lon ot the FOR RENT—FOUR ROOM tene- The girl stared a t Grill. The “Yes,” he said, "I think I do.” I’ve got her located do you want F Wf t f t .F U. f t . Rf t T. Of F. Saye cllarg^ made tor the service rendered. exprc|is 10 Har'ford. Overnight WANTED TO BUY used wheel ment, with all modern Improve- turaing to the liberty of our fore- color had drained from her face, She watched him as he buttoned me to telephone you?” Leading Actress—I could hardly Air adverilRcniente mutt conform service to and ■ rom New York. Tel. (hair. Call 6524. fathers." Deputy Labor Commis- Ih atyle. copy and typography with ments. Apply 71 Cooper streeL ' leaving it wan and pathetic. Her hla coat and reached for his hat, “No,” Griff said, ’’telephone your get my shoea on this morning. regulations enforced by the publiah* 3063, 88611 or 8864 sioner William J. Fitzgerald of Nor- lip.s, bare of rouge, pressed together which he held by the brim. agency, but keep her shadowed. Chorus Girl—What; Swelled feet era and they rteerve the right to FOR RENT—6 ROOMS, all Im- wich at a Democratic rally in the in a tight line. When she spoke the "Good night, Alice,” he said. You’d better have them send out a as well? edit, reviee or >ejec* any copy con* H4IOIV1S WITHOU’I HOARD .39 provements, gar.age. Inquire 13 State theater this morning urged words were almost Inaudible. "The "Good night,” she told him. "And couple more men If you air* able a«s<. •idered objecttoneble PUBI.H PASSENGER Wad.swoi th street. Support of all Democ.atic candi- IICKU,/ GLOSlNn HOURS-Ciaeelfled ada to FOR RENT—COMFORTABLY fur- police,” she said, and stopped. thank you so much." to keep her in sight until she gets THB GIRL WHO GETS A PRO- /ie-»7 SEKVUE 30A dates to insure passage of legisla- She came close to him, stood for to where she’s going.” POSAL AFTER THIRTY, TAKES ht published same day must he re* nished room, can bo arranged for .NOTICE—TENFJUENT, EASY to tion Isenefitting the working man. "Of course,” Griff told her Im- •olved bv If o'clock noun; Haturdaye 2 people, with twin beds If desired. patiently. "There’s been a murder a moment looking up into his eyes, (To Be ConUnsied) ABOUT AS LONG TO ACCEPT IT. 10:10 .. in IN ADDITI'iN ro Silver Lane Bus heat, plenty of light, suitable fqr Critirizes Statement her own eyes wide and starry. In the next Installment Harry AS A DROWNING PERSON DOES WASHINGTON TUBBS By ('rane OUT OUR WAY Board optional. Call 7893. 2 or 3, four or five rooms, all re- Referring to a recent statement committed. That’s what the police TELEPHONE YOUR Line. Do L,uxe Bu.i for lo Ige parly are for, you know. Did you think "You’re . . . you’re wonderful,' Fancher, eccentric Inventor, d^ TO GRAB THE LIFEGUARD. 'n^OMffAQAIM. WELL.WSLL! ANV SCVEIlaL TCLESftAMfA /OEB Wizl I OPBwrrTvouN or team crips. We also offer 7 pas- finlshed. Must be feen to be appre- of the Republican candidate for at- she said. scribes some unusual happenings at f^r?n WANT ADS. I.ARGE SINGLE ROOMS for eco- ciated, Improvements, nice nelgb torney-general—"let’s go back to you could get mixed up in a murder IMPOOfTAMT MAIL, S « . AMP H6ffS*5 A NiviRdcrrA SAP. S E B WHO suiger sedan ilvery. Phone 306H. nomical e.ousckeop'ng. Well heated and then have someone Just slap Before he could stop her, she the Hillcrest Hotel. Girls In modern beach creations I Ada ara accepted over the telephone 8860, 8864 I (.rhood. Now only $18. Don’t wait the days of our forefathers when Don't leave much to imaginations. — ------CABL66RAM POW HR. CA8US6MAM ITS FROM. •f the CHARGE RATE given above early and late. See John Mensen, Call tontgiit, 97 South Main street, they worked from daylight until your wrLst and tell you not to do ne e eunvenlen . lo ndvertleera. but ’ohnsun Block, 709 Main strset dark"—Mr. Fitzgerald said Warren It again?" the CASH RATEH will b. accepted as Phone 6070 or 76,35. 'elephono 7505. Ehrery aviator who has used a rULL f*AV.Mi:ST If paid at the bual- REPAIRING 2-i B. Burrows apparently had never "But I’m not mixed up In a mur- parachute can give leglelatore point- reas office on or before the seventh ,' OR RENT-^MODERN five rooms, heard of the machine age and the der," Alice Lorton said. ers on the back-to-the-land move- fifty following the Aral ineertlon of I'-leam heat, garage, near the Cen- shorter hours of the present work- •ftch ftd otherwise ■ the CHARtllS VACCUM CLEANF.R, gun. clock, HOAKDEKS W.XNTED 59 A Griff shrugged his shoulders. menL RATE will be collected No res|»onsl. ter and M.oln street. Inquire 21 ing day. There were several momenta of lock repmrtng. «ey making, etc. Despite the counter attraction of bllfty for errors in telephoned sda Brsllhwnitc, 52 I'-arl street. FURNISHED RcOMS, suitable for EIro atreet. silence then. Sidney Griff seemed BLOW-OUTS: No man can get will be assumed and their accuracy the Joe E. Brown bike race which to be waiting, the girl to bo think- along In the prize fighting business Cftnnot be giinranteed gentlcmei; iii aghl housekeeping, FOR RENT—3, 4. 6 room tene- attracted hundreds of adults, on with board or without. Trolley sta- ing. without competition. . . The good INDEX OF ments, 115 Main street. 3 rooms. Main street, the Stat theater was She squirmed restlessly in the parties are the ones you miss. . HELP W A.N I KO- tion, five minutes from mills. 35’i ] 15.00, 4, $20.00. Apply Box T, care well filled with residents interested chair. Her feet shot out from un- CLASSIFICATIONS S.i Center street. ^ile the wife’s having her face FKMAt.E 111 Herald. In the Democratic platform. John der her kimono. She leaned forward Ufted Hubby tries to have buslneas Slrtba ...... A Wilcox, president o ' the Young and put a cold, white hand on bis longagements ...... BMAKE MONEY COPYING names, WANTICD- TABLE boarders, all I OR RENT—SIX ROOM tenement keep up. . . . Don’t ruin a big idea Marrlagea ...... C home cooking, single meals or People’s Democratic Cliib, which wrist. by expres-sing it In big words. . Deaths D addresses for mall order lirms, with modem Improvements, rent sponsored the rally, presided. “Listen,” she said, "please be- spare time. Ex|H'rlcnce iinnci-cs- weekly. Call 39 street. Tele- $25 month, garage If desired. 33 Some women win a divorce but most Card of Thanks ...... B phone 7893. Other Speakers lieve me. I’m telling you the truth. of them earn them. . . . No woman In Memorlam ...... P sary, no cnnvns.sing. Write United Lewis street. Among the other speakers, whose My name is Alice Lorton. I don’t Dost and Pound ...... tAdvertising,. 1114 Di'Kalb Avenue, remarks could not be printed by the ever had a handbag big enough to Announcements ...... t FOR RENT—4 ROOM tenement, at know anything at all about Esther bold all she wanted to put In IL . Personals ...... IIBrooklyn, N. Y. Al'AIM MEN! h—FLATS— Herald today owing to lack of time, Ordway. Perhaps If 1 did I'd try The main trouble with golf is that AateMobllee 170 Oak street, all, were Congressman Herman P, Kop- to protect her. I don’t know. Biit A neglected wife Is like Jem— Automobiles for Hale ...... 4' ADDRESS ENVELOPES, $28.> Kc h o o l r 7*A Penn Proiluet.s Box 229. Serariton, ers of lesser importance. Governor Griff frowned thoughtfully, seem- Autos Ship b> Truck ...... I Pa. menta. Inquire 18 Hazel street. Ridge street, modern Improve-. Wilbur L. Cross and United States FRECKLES AND HIS FRIENDS By Blosser Autoft—Per tilrs> 9 mcDts. Good location. Inquire ’IS ed undecided. !'T)R RENT-TWO FAMILY 4 room Senator Augustine Lonergan had The girl’s other hand clung to Oarages—Service—Storage ...... 10 Spruce street. not appeared by 10:3J o clock, the llotnrcvclea—IHcyclee ...... II house, all improvements. Apply 28f his arm, as though she had been FBBCKLKS. YOU’VE Wanted Auto* Mni> icye'es ... It HEI.I' WAiVI Ell—MALE t« (lak street. former because f a s«,rc throat. trying to drag herself out of a m s A N OTE RJO M TH E BNHtneaa and i^rtifrKalMnnl Kervlrea Full RENl—HEATED apartment, Mr. Fitzgerald drew salvos of ap- GOT TO TAKE THIS SCHOOL PRIM aPiat....X'i.L Rueinese Hi-rvicte ofTercit It 2nd floor I’umeh Block, 3 large qiiick.sand. The quivering of her WANTED ACTIVE HIGH-grmJe plause when he criticized Senator hand.s was visible, despite the tight ON THB e H IN ...iru . B E A D rr TO 'lO O! "THIS IS Hi’beehold Her ires Offered ...... IS A District Manager for one of the rooms, (Vila bath und fireplace, fur TO ADVISB TOO THAT 9WBCK- liull^tog-• Cuntracong ...... |4 nlsbcd It desired Apply to Geo. E Kenneth Cramer and the two Re- grip which she held upon the crimi- U TOU3H, BUT yitinsts—Nure«‘«iee ...... 16 oldest, largest and moat responsible publican Representatives from nologist’s arm. YOO’Vff eO T TO L E 5 MCSOOSEY HAS FAILBD Ptinera: Directors ...... 14 Monthly Premium Accident and Keith, at Q. E. Keith Furniture Manchester for voting against the Heating Plumbing -Roofng .«• 17 FOR RENT Company "You’ve GOT .to believe me. It DO IT ! IN HW HISTO iry ffXAM IM A- Insurance ** .... II Health Insurance Companies In the old age pension bill, the workmen’s means a lot to me. I’m about to TTO N .A N D IS TH ER SP O R E Milliner) iiritssnuiklng 19 United Statc.s, with assets over fi-ROOM SINGLE HOUSE. FOR RENT—FOUR ROOM tene- compensation bill and oth^er bills be married and to be happy. Any- IN 6 L I3 IB L S F O R P O OT. Movlna 7'turlOna H ixHge .... 70 $25,000,000. Man with Insurance, favorable toward labor and old age. thing that might come up that BALL." Putdte Harsihgei Ssarge lot. Excellent loca- Superior and Supreme Court Judges life. I’m telling you the truth. I’m Tailoring Dyelna Cleaning ... 14 man who can qualify. Address: about $3,000 a year," he said, "but ■T wonder where this stream leads nhat it was all about, and so he Toilet tloode and .Service ...... t& Alice Lorton. I can prove it to paddled on with much more speed. Wantrd -Ru^inee* Se vice .ss... 14 General Accident (Accident ami tion. See BUSINESS LOI.AT10NS when tt came to voting for $8 a you. I’ll write out for you my *,o7 'Twould be more fun. If we Just Health Dept.) Fourth A W.ilniit week for the widows o* working whole life’s- history If you want. Cried Windy. “See him go!” Edwrtilliinal FOR KENT 64 men. through the workman’s com- knew,” said Duaev, as the strange The next thing that the Tlnles Couisee aiid-CMseee...... 17streets, Philadelphia, l*a. I’ll tell you where I was bom, boat slowly traveled on Its way. Private Instruction tl S. J. Wasley FOR RENT—OFFICES at 865 Main pensation law, they were opposed where I.w ent to school. I’ll bring knew, the turtle disappeared from SALESMAN Dancing ...... IS a MFN—SELL OUR HIGH grade to tt." in people who know me.” “Once more w’e don’t know where view. ”Ha, ha.” laughed pretty Maalcal—Dramatic ...... It state Theater Building street, (Orford Bldg.) Apply Ed- Sera 80-Hour Week Goldy. "He knew he was much too Wanted—Inefruc»1on ....sso.sss 10 garden and field seed direct to ward J. Holl. Telephone 4642 and Griff’s tone was that of a man we’re bound. Right now we may be /TIOSn NA OBT SOME planters. A gooil position with mg By the help of President Roose- who is growing less sure of himself tnie and sound, but who knows what blow.” Plaanrial Tel. 6618 or 7146 8025. velt, he continued, the manufac- ClOAtoS POP MV Bonds—fitocks-Mortgages tl Income, k'xpcrlenee unnecessary. momentarily. may happen ere the passing of this <^HUSBA^ Bualneea Opportunities ...... St C:obb Co., Franklin Mas.8. turers of this country wdil be forced "But how doc.s it happen that all day.” Soon Scouty let out quite a roar. Money . to. Xxoan*** -tl to accept the 30-hour week and of the things around here are Es- ”Aw, you’re too fussy," Goldv •’Lxiok. toLs! We’re heading toward ...... HefFliM ' iTiwMloii ..... "like it" cried. ”Sit still, now. and enjoy this a shore. Let’s, keep on going till we “ r R E O B E T LOSIW a HIM TO TH E TE A I"I. Eelp Wftfited-—Petnatv . .-sVTiiB?" W During the Iasi. aesslon of the ther Ordwaji’s? Why haven’t you •Ip Wanted- Mala ...... II ANTU'LKN FOR SALE 4.3 Bomething here?** iide. With Coppy rowing, we know ijHff.Then we can look around. Bur HAVE ALwaM9 €0»4S(DCBEB AGAOBHIC FOR SALE FOR RENT General Assembly more legislation "Because," she said. **I didn't we can steer Just where we wish. .’’We’ll likely hit sand with a / CCOMFDSHM ENT M O »« IMPORTANT THAN ileamen Wanted ...... t4-A rOR SALE—ONE USED rotary ash favorable to labor was passed than ’ The water is real quiet, now. I tump, so all be set to take a Jump. Help Wanted Male or remale.. t7 nifter and ash can. Both for $2.60. in the last 25 years put together, have anything. I came here broke. R30TBAU. BRILLIANCY",.. THERE TOU HA/B IT, Igens.# Wanted ...... 17-A OR RENT Ekithcr picked me up on the streeL Know wc’Il get along, somehow. As Then we can pull the boat until it’s MY 0OYf sor r y! I must set out Itluattone Wanted—Femata ••• tl Good as new. Highland Park store. SINGLE HOUSE in the the speaker said. SI*- major bills of Interest to labor were pa.xsed by Oh. it was ghastly! I can’t even we move slowly onward, all 1 hcar’n far up on the ground.” THERE NOW? Smpfoymeni Agenclee ...... lltuatlon* 40 Wanted—Male 19 5IAIN ST., 2-TENEMENT Country. 635 per month. tell you about It. I wa-s broke and a little swish.” When they were Just about to ‘ F l*o«llryMVftlilrlrs the last Democratic Senate but kill- hungry and -desperate, and -Eether ^Xa—iilrdi—f’.t. 41 FUEL AND FEED 49-A HOUSE WITH STORE Plenty of land and fruit ed In the Republican lower house, (ump, there came a Jarring and a Jv» Steek—V.hlpiH ...... 4t he said. Ordway came and picked me up. I So. all w u quiet for a while. thump. Up went the boat, high into fuultrr and Buppll.i...... 41 didn’t want to tell the newspaper Then little Scoiity, with a smile, air. The bunch began to shout. ITanted - Pe*. —Poullrp—atock 44 MIXED HARD WOOD 12 inches Two-car garage. Large lot. trees. Hot water heat. Five "If 1 hod my way," he declared. long, $4 per load, cash on delivery. ’T would dynamite evsry poorhouse men about it. I didn't want my iald. “Look who Is beside us. It’s a One of them cried, "A gator's P.r .ala—Ml.9.lla.r«u House can be rented sepa- minutes from center of town. folks to find out about IL Y'ou see, miolea foi Hair ...... 4| Oak and hickory, '18 Inches $4.50. In the country and apply the money turtle. What a sight! t.ire. He’U bite our boat In two, I loata and Acnraaorlr...... Chester Ferris, 298 Oak street. rately or as a whole. Must be toward supporting every aged, man I came on here to take part in a “He seems to be a friendly sort. fear.” The gator shook the boat and lulldinx Malarial. . .T sold at a sacrifice. Write and woman in his or her owm home show. I wanted to be an actress. Come on, let’s race him, just for 'aiirled all of the Tiniea ouL” . \ tlamnnda Wairhi •—Jawrlrj .. 41 Holden-Nelson, Inc. They told me what an awful life It tirnrical Apptlanrra—Radio .. 4S SFASONEP MIXED wood, stove Box Y, care The Herald, for where they could meet their friends iport." "Okay,” yelled little Ckippy. *url and Krrd ... _ . . ..4»-A I engtb, $7 per cord delivered. E. J. details. 853 Main Street in comfort and decency." This re- was, but I wouldn’t listen to them. Then be rowed with aU his might. (Scooty proves how brave he ie. lardar — Parn.—Dalrji Product. 84 HoU, telephony 4642. mark met with applause. “And then I got on here and The funny turtle seemed to know In the next story). louathold Ooida ...... II went broke, and I was out on the larhlncr. and Ti ola ...... | | FOR SALE —SEASONED har-1 luatrni l.natrumri >a ...... tS drico and Storr Equipmant' 14 wood. Stove, furnace or fireplace. parlala at the H-oraa IS Cut any length, de'iverea. Phone or ALLKY OOP Meet the Family! By HAMLIN laarlaa Apparrl—Pura ...... IT wilte. Also general trucking. W. E Santad—To Bur ...... || Heron, Andover, Conn. 'VVEU.AUKV, I OUESSj ^OKAY- BUT IT S4JCE ''UH-HUH, ITS OOEEO.'-BOT ITS TOO •e.or»“T®ee4A-*4i.*ot*—Hcrt. WE’LL HAPTA GIVE IS OUeES THAT ONE OF BAD PER YCXI/CAUSE YA KNOW YA WE WANT PRECVCLES.' WE 1 GUESS I

™i f ^ - -■•7fS*.T^K A >S' T"y;' ^;:?^

BATUROAT, OCTOBER t T , ] flan rb rB tn r E o n tftig S m U

^ m xn r nnuHBT TBB Center church chotr rehearsal wlH REMOVAL OF UAVES be omitted tonight as the organist TOOPENARTS1TJDIO FAREWELL CONCERT lldew^*ai MasfBende and director, Mrs. Jennie Aaom, has been c ^ e d out of towm. AT HER HERE AIDS STORM SEWERS TOMORROW NIGHT -Mr. and Mrs. George BeUowa of Bucob Lodge Tonisht North Main street have returned after a ten-day vacation trip through Strong Wind Lagt Night Blows X«w rrMV*Br. Adm. iSc several of the Southern etatee. They Miss Margaret RasseD to In* Down Sign Owned by Reu- Be^oTCDs to Sins for Helge also took In the World’s Fair at ben McCann. Chicago and returned by way of L Pearson Last Time at ABOUT TOWN Niagara Falls. They were accom- struct Classes in Arts and panied on the . trip by cousins, Mr. The work dons last week in sweep- and Mrs. Irving Taylor of Worceater. Crafts.' ing up the leaves that bad fallen Emannel Church. FUEL OIL WI— DorothT Xarki, of 97 Main and settled in the gutters to prevent- D EC O R A T E Y O U R •tnet, entertained a party of IS of Worthy Matron Mrs. E3sie Knight her acboolmatea at High echoo) at will fill the station of secretary, at Mlw Margaret Ruasell, a teacher them from being washed Into storm Tomorrow night at 7 o’clock at 6v^c gal. CROSS < a Haflowe’en party at her home the meeting of the Eastern Star of arts and crafts, will open a studio water drains, proved to be a good the evening service of the Emanuel D I N N E R T A B L E laat eight. The decorations, games chapter Ip Granby, Tuesday night. for children In her home a t 33 (Tom- job. T he additional leaves that fell Lutheran church, Helge E. Pearson and Nfreahments were all in keep- Worthy Patron Stevenson be a stock Rood, this week. She will during the rain and wind yesterday will make his farewell appearance ing with the occasion, and all pres- guest. On ‘Thursday night they will offer an attractive list of praJecU afternoon were of sufficient number, ‘as director of the Beethoven Glee ...... with ent had a merry time. visit Good Intent Chapter of that are Intended to teach children added to what wras In the gutters, to Club and also as organist and choir- RANGE OIL Glastonbury, visiting matrons and the use of line and color and tly have blocked up many of the drains master of the church. A full con- Joseph De Marcl, comedian and patrons’ night, Mrs. Knight will handling Of art tools. on the main storm water pipes had cert program has been arranged for clown, dancer and song artist, is ap- serve as Electa and Mr. Stevenson The children will be given still the occasion and the public Is cord- gal. those that fell earlier In the week ially Invited to attend. C H R Y S A N pearing at Rosewood hall tonight will have the quotation after Adah. life composition carried out In tern- not been removed. srtth his team of vaudeville, head by [M>ra. (A water color paint of great Mr. Pearson . completes ten years Baby Rena White, and a supporUng The rain did much In keeping the a t the local church tomorrow and srilllancy). The drawing be leaves that fell yesterday on lawns The cast The show tonight will be fol- done from objimts fam iliar' to the will leave next week to enroll a t the T H E M U M S lowed by dancing, both old and and on sidewalks, where they -can Westminster Choir School at Prince- children such as toys. easily be raked up. In no section W. G. GLENNEY modem numbers being played by LEISURE CLASSES ’The use of line In design adopted ton, N. J. Hla place will be taken the six piece orches*ra. where there has been trouble with here by his-brother, G. Albert Pear- The full beauty and exquisite to simple linoleum blocks, sil- clogged storm water sewers tn the son. In tomorrow e.ventng’s con- CO. The American Legion Rifle Oub BEGINMNDAY houettes, and paper cut wrork created past has there been a recurrence Coal, Lumber,’Mason’s Supplies, coloring of chrysanthemums cert, the club will be assisted by wlU bold iU first tegular In- in black and white. this year. Mrs. EHsle B. Gustafson and Miss Paint. make^hom worthy of decorat* door monthly meeting at the Modeling In clay—each child will Most of the .trees have lost their SS6 No. Main St. 1^1. il49 make some object to paint and Helen Berggren. ing the most formal table. Pearl street range Sunday morning Current Literature and In* leaves and the wind last evening and at 9:30. A full attendance Is asked decorate. later In the night blew down the Our choice mums are surpris- Before the holidays there will be ingly inexpensive. We make for by the president of the club and sign owned by Reuben McCann, aU those wishing to Join may do so dian Lore Courses Are (Thristmas projects which will In- clude the making qf a' simple toy across from the police station,' tak- up floral designs and bridal on Sunday. ing the support poles and leaving bouquets. or csirds. Support President Roosevelt First to Be Presented. Studies in water color and crayon the sign laying over. A meeting of the Democratic will also be part of the program. t o ^ committee wms held In the Miss Russell, has constructed a VOTE DEMOCRATIC Main street headquarters last night PHONE ORDERS FILLED 'The leisure-time classes In the T. studio In her home at 33 Comstock when arrangements were made for Road. ’The classes will be conduct- Kerosene and Range Oil Pull the Top Lever the selecting of vice presidents to M. C. A. Adult Leisure-Ume Univer- ait on the stage at the rally to be sity will open Monday evening at 8 ed here Saturdays from 9 to 11 WHY DID 120 REPUBLICANS JUMP THE FENCE o’clock at the T. M. C. A. Mrs. Jo- a. m. held in High School hall Monday 7 V2C gal. AND BECOME DEMOCRATS? seph Handley, director of the Cur- Miss Ruasell studied for a year at evening. the Boston Museum followed by two 28 gallons or over. WHY DID ONLY 10 DEMOCRATS JUMP THE rent Literature clus and Mathias K r a u s s G r e e n h o u s e & F l o r i s t Sniess, supervl.sor of the Indian years at the Hartford Art school. Fuel Oil. 2-3-4 FENCE? ^ Relatives and friends in town have For one year she conducted an art Lore class, will open the season WHAT CAUSED THIS IN MANCHESTER THE PAST 621 Hartford Road Phone 8962 received announcements of the mar- The latter will be llustrated by class for children In the Junior Unit riage of Mrs. Cora Ann Johnson of YEAR? stereoptlcon pictures. of Sea Pinea school, Brewster, Pawtucket, R. I., to Ernest Oreen, Much Interest has been shown by Mass. 'This past year she has given 6V 2* gal* Free measuring stirks. ATTEND THE RALLY AT which took place In that city on local people In the IS classes to be some time In helping with the Art Friday, October 26. Mrs. Johnson is work In the public schools of Man- sponsored by the Y. M. C. A. this HIGH SCHOOL HALL MONDAY NIGHT a sister of Mrs. Harold Richmond of fall and winter and applications for chester. 59 Oxford street. She formerly lived AND FIND OUT! membership are being received by PorterTield’s in Manchester and made many Director C. P. ’Thayer of the Y. M. - — C.jA. dally. The public is cordially ADVERTISEMENT— 68 Spruce St. Tel. 6584 —Office Now Open friends here. Everybody Welcome Invited to attend any of these lec- Hallowe’en Masks, Party Hats, Miss Isabel A. Marcin of 136 Bia- to Secretary ’Thaver as soon as pot THis Advertisement Paid For By Theodore C. Zimmer. Noise Makers. Crepe papers and aell street and Charles Kasavage. tures. Application- shoOId be sent streamers, stickers, ornaments and Barney Wichman, D. S. C. to Secretary Thayer as soon as pos- son of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Kasavage candles. Nichols, P. O. Building, De- of South Windsor, were married re- sible, stating the course selected., pot Square. CHIROPODIST - PODIATRIST ’Th remainder ,f the courses In COTTAGE STREET cently at the Church of the Trans- FOOT ORTHOPEDICS figuration (the U ttle (Jhurch Around the extension adult leisure-time ed- PACKAGE STORE tee Comer), New York. The cere- ucational plan will be started each week until all are In operation. Phone 8844—Free Delivery. 85i3 Main Street Rubinow Building mony was performed by the Rev. Dial Phone: 5220 Randolph Ray. Keystone Straight Whiskey, Office Honrs: 9 to 6. Evenings By Appointment. 3895 or 3817 93 proof, O Q _

For fifth ...... « 7 0 C Manchester Sweepstakes Whiskey, >‘ P r e e D e l i v e r y Harvest Supper ZS""':...... 93c Date Book I’ocono Straight Whiskey, WELDON 90 proof, A I O C Center Church quart ...... A PLACE OF IMPORTANCE BANQUET HALL Next Week. DRUG CO. fom et Straight Whiskey, Oct. 29.—Open House at School 90 proof, A S B A Street Rec. q u a r t...... sO U Tuesday, October 30, Also Republican card party. Odd Hermit Qln, fifth ...... 83o Fellows hall. 6 P. M. on Also Democratic rally wdth Gov- Flelsrhmann Gin, fifth ...... $1.35

ernor Cross as prinripal speaker, Wine, five years old . . ,69e bottle MENL: Baked ham, baked H. S. Hall. Vln Fidel, Barherra, Malva.ia, beans, potato and eabhage sabifls, FILMS Oct. 31-Nov. 1— Harvest festival DEVBI.OPED AND Chianti and Alleonl Wine*, rolls, squash pie and coffet-. at Emanuel Lutheran church. $1.45 gallon.

Nov. 3.—British night, entertain- PRINTED Entertainment ment and dance at Orange hall, 24-HOIIK SERVICE Beer...... $1.80 a case

8 P. M. sponsored by Mona-Ypres Poat, Brit- ish War Veterans. Film Deposit Hox At SALE of Fruits, Vegetables, Coming Events. Nov. „4—Confirmed reunion st Store Entrance. Jellies, Preserves, Christmas Cards. Emanuel Lutheran church. W e Are An Agent For Nov. 4 .-Conflrmand reunion at

Supper and Program, 35c. C. A. KEMP'S


Setback Tonight


b Starting Her Third Season 0( Turkeys As First Prizes. Refreshments. FOR SALE In 2000 dries and towns Old Company’s Lehigh HOME MODEL T FORD PARTS CURRENT EVENT Admission 35c. Anthracite is recognized as the standard Anthradte LECTURES Also Cork Gasketa; Radiator COKi

AnU-Freese, 1-gol. can. $2.00; Coal and the yards of the dealers who sell it are AT THE Y. M. C. A. Essolube Motor OH, lOe a gal. In First Lecture This Sroson: ASHES REMOVED your oivn can; Beacon Motor OH, $ 1 3 - 0 0 per ton regarded as “coRinuDity ciuters of hiiting satisfictiin.'’ short Tuesday, Oct. 30, At 8 P. M. I8r q t o r'8 qts. XSc. WEEKLY-25C. . Coke Sold For Cash Only. In this community we scU Old Company’s Lehigh. Subject: “Russia”. Year Bound Sorvloe. ANY

Colonial Esso Station W e arc proud of it. Every customer is satisfied. All and Austin Chambers Dial 6260 Uomer Main and BlsseU Street* L. T. WOOD CO. PHONE 4496 know they are securing the fuel that saves dollars

every W inter. All know that our fuel requires far PUIN Public Card Party less attention at any time. All are pleased with our

MONDAY, OCT. 29, service. W e feel that we give something more than NOTICE 8P M RADIO HARLEY JACOBS ordinary coal and ordinary service.

ODD F^LLDWS GARMENT Is again handling Phelps Range Our delivery . . . Ge^n and careful is an outward HALL and Fuel OH through ’The Re- ANSON T. McCOOK liable OH Company. REPUBLICAN CANDIDATE FOR CONGRESS expression of the satisfaction we enjoy in filling the Auspices Republican Town Range Oil • • - T'/ic per gallon Committee and WILL SPEAK OVER STATION WDRC bins of our ndghbors with Old Company’s Lehigh, hap- Young Republican Club. Fuel O il 6 Vi 6 per gallon SUNDAY, OCTOBER 2STH the fuel that makes economy pracrical without Tivot and Progressive Bridge PHONE 8986 7:15-7:30 P. M. and Setback. inconvqiience or discomfort.


Admission 35 cents. MRS. ADA N. We Are Prepared to U R WELCOME! MERRIFIELD WHO EVER HEARD OF IT! Assist You in Securing a Teacher of FVetted

Instruments Throngh Ut# oonrtos^ of Olbsoa NATIONAL HOUSING Fine Winter Ino., we offer, for a limited Ume 'POTATOES free mandoline bonjoe aal

Guaraiiteed. 65c bushel. guitars wltb cost of irssnns ACT LOAN and Supply For partlcuiaro see BIra. Mer- Call rtfleld her stodio, Mondays and WALTER B. PERRETT Tuesdays ______Phone 7255|^ You With Necessaiy 865 Main Htroo* PhOM 784* This Is A Regrular BALANCED BEER!

That^ tile Perfect Glass of Beer . . . drawn at tlie oome preo. aim that exiota Inside the keg . , . never leas than SO pounds. $1.00 Cleaning: Valuel Materials to Repair or

ATLANTIC Sitch a perfect glosa Is cool aiM clear, with a creamy collar, fresh an when It left tha brawery. Make Sure You Ask For and Get Your RANGE OIL STUDENTS Modernize Your Property You’ve Miaoed the Perfect Gfaua of Beer . . Unless Now la tbs propsr tima to Bank Deposit Coupons. rent or buy a good Stondonl You’ve Tried or Portabis Ballantine or Schlitz Beer

G. E. Willis & Son, Inc. Coal, Lumber, Mason’s Supplies, Paint. '

THE CENTER TAVERN 2 Main Street IVL 5125 Formeriy Oeatar Bps 7P East Castor Street JOLLY. Manager. CLEANERS & DYERS ECaNBMICAl lEfEHimE AITIIACITE FREE PEANUTS SATURDAY NIGHT! state Theater Building Manchester